Table of Contents


Part I: Introduction to Reporting Services

1. Introduction to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

What Is SSRS?

SSRS for End Users

Overview of Features

Enterprise Report Examples

SSRS in the Report Development Life Cycle

Authoring Stage of the Reporting Life Cycle

Managing Stage of the Reporting Life Cycle

Delivery Stage of the Reporting Life Cycle

Editions of Reporting Services

How Is SSRS Licensed?


2. Reporting Services Capabilities: Presentation, Navigation, and Programmability

Report Layouts

Tabular Report Layout

Free-Form Report Layout

Matrix Report Layout

Report Presentation (Rendering) Formats

Report Items, Visual Effects, and Charting

Report Navigation

Ad Hoc Reports NEW in 2005

Reporting Services Data Access Features



3. Reporting Services Architecture

Report Server Web and Windows Service

Programmatic Interfaces

Report Processor

Command-Line Utilities

Reporting Services Extensions

Data-Processing Extensions

Delivery Extensions

Rendering Extensions

Security Extensions

Report Server Databases

Scheduling and Delivery Processor

Report Builder NEW in 2005

Report Model Designer NEW in 2005

Report Designer

Report Manager

SQL Server Management Studio NEW in 2005

Reporting Services Configuration Tool NEW in 2005

RSPrintClient Control NEW in 2005

WMI Provider

Performance Monitoring Objects


4. Reporting Services Deployment Scenarios

High-Availability Deployment Considerations

Internet Deployment Considerations

Internet Deployment Option 1: Enable Report Server for Anonymous Access

Internet Deployment Option 2: Deploy Report Server with Windows Authentication

Internet Deployment Option 3: Use the Programmatic Approach

Enabling a Report Manager for Internet Access

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Key Features of SSRS by SQL Server 2005 Editions



5. Installing Reporting Services


Part II: Report Authoring from Basic to Advanced

6. Report Designer

Two Main Report Designers from Microsoft

Visual Studio Haves Versus Have Nots

Solution, Project, File Hierarchy

Generating Reports with Visual Studio

Layout Screen


7. Report Definition Language

Language: A Way to Communicate

Use of XML

Declarative Programming

Report Elements

Report Element

Report Parameters


Report Items

Data Regions


8. Expressions

What Is an Expression?

Expression Syntax

Adding Expressions







Using Functions

Visual Basic Runtime Functions

Aggregate Functions

Other Functions

Using Expressions to Change Report Item Properties and Behavior

Example: Placing Emphasis on Certain Values


9. Accessing Data

Data-Processing Extensions

Types of Data Sources

Report-Specific Data Source

Shared Data Source

Data Source Expressions

Connection Strings

Querying Data

Graphical Query Designer

Generic Query Designer

Command Type

Queries and Data Parameters

Querying XML NEW IN 2005


Fields and XML


Adding a Data Source


10. Report Parameters

Setting Up Parameters

Parameter Properties

Data-Driven Parameters

Parameters and Data Sources

Expressions with Parameters

Dynamic SQL with Parameters

Parameter Dependencies


11. Working with Report Items

Data Regions, Containers, and Independent Report Items

Report Designer’s Toolbox

Line Report Item

Rectangle Report Item

Image Report Item

Textbox Report Item

Table Report Item

List Report Item

Practical Application of Report Items

Matrix Report Item

Chart Report Item

Chart Data (Value)

Chart Series Groups

Chart Category Groups

Chart’s RDL

Practical Application of Chart and Matrix

Report Body Versus Page Header/Footer


12. Grouping, Sorting, and Aggregating Data, Working with Scope

Grouping Data on a Report

Sorting, Including Interactive User Sorting

Interactive SortingNEW in 2005

Data Source Sorting

Data Region and Group Sorting

Scope of an Aggregate Function

Level and InScope Functions


13. Advanced Report Formatting

Formatting-Related Report Item Properties

Formatting Numeric and Date/Time Values

Standard Numeric Format Strings

Custom Numeric Format Strings

Standard Date/Time Format Strings

Custom Date/Time Formatting

Creating Alternating Colors for the Lines on a Report

Paging Report

PageHeight and PageWidth

InteractiveHeight and InteractiveWidth

PageBreakAtEnd and PageBreakAtStart


14. Report Navigation

Hyperlink (Jump to URL) Navigation

BookmarkLink (Jump to Bookmark) Navigation

Document Map

Drillthrough (Jump to Report) Navigation

Hiding Items and Toggle Items

Practical Application of Action Items



15. Working with Multidimensional Data Sources

Analysis Services Concepts

Data-Mining Concepts

Creating a Data Mining Model (DMM)


More In-Depth OLAP Concepts

Creating Data-Mining Reports


16. Ad Hoc Reporting New in 2005

Issues Facing Ad Hoc Reporting

Client-side Reporting with SSRS

Report Models and the Model Designer

Report Model Projects

Model File Content

Features of Report Builder

Building Reports with Report Builder


Part III: Reporting Services Administration and Operations

17. Managing Reports, Data Sources, and Models

Deployment Options in Visual Studio


Report Folder Location

Overwriting Data Sources

Target Folder for Data SourceNEW in 1005

Building and Deploying Reports

Deployment Through Report Manager

Creating a New Folder

Setting Up a Data Source

Uploading a Report

Changing the Report ManData Source

Deploying Reports Through SQL Server Management Studio

Creating a New Folder

Setting Up a Data Source

Uploading a Report File

Changing Report Properties

Basic Properties

Moving Reports

Linked Reports

Setting Report History and Snapshots

My Reports

Enabling My Reports

Disabling My Reports


18. Securing Report Server Items

Reporting Services Security Model

What Can Be Secured?

How Role Assignments Work

Relationships Between Roles, Tasks, and Users

Overview of Built-In Roles

Assigning Built-In Roles

Defining Custom Roles

Creating/Modifying a Custom Role


19. Subscribing to Reports

Overview of Subscriptions

Parts of Subscriptions

Uses of Subscriptions

Standard Versus Data-Driven Subscriptions

Delivery Options

Subscription Processing

Overview of Delivery Extensions


Delivering to a File Share

Creating a Simple Subscription

Creating a Data-Driven Subscription

Managing Subscriptions

My Subscriptions

Monitoring Subscriptions

Deleting/Inactivating Subscriptions


20. Report Execution and Processing

Managing Schedules

Types of Schedules

Creating/Modifying Schedules

Report Execution and Processing

Report Execution Timeouts

Running Processes

Large Reports

Report Execution History

What Is the Execution Log?

How to Report Off the Execution Log

Creating the RSExecutionLog Database

Overview of the Sample Reports


21. Deploying and Configuring SSRS

Overview of Deployment Scenarios

Advantages/Disadvantages of the Standard Model

Advantages/Disadvantages of the Scale-Out Model

Requirements for a Standard Deployment

Requirements for a Scale-Out Deployment

Overview of Report Server Initialization

Steps to Set Up SSRS in a Scale-Out Configuration

Configuring SSRS

Configurable Components

Configuration Files

Key Management

Backing Up the Symmetric Key

Restoring the Symmetric Key

Changing the Symmetric Key

Deleting the Symmetric Key


Part IV: Developing for Reporting Services

22. Implementing Custom Embedded Functions

Adding Embedded Code

Debugging Embedded Code


23. How to Create and Call a Custom Assembly from a Report

Strong-Named Custom Assemblies

.NET Security Primer for a SSRS Administrator

Assemblies That Require Other Than Execute Permissions

Debugging Custom Assemblies


24. How to Integrate URL Access

How to Integrate URL Access in an Application


25. How to Use Reporting Services Web Services

Report Management Web Service New in 2005 (ReportService2005.asmx)

How to Script Reporting Services (Using the RS Utility)

Working with Report Parameters

Security When Calling a Web Service

Some of the Commonly Used Methods with Short Code Snippets


26. Writing Custom Reporting Services Extensions

Common Considerations for Custom Reporting Services Extensions: Implementation, Deployment, and Security

Delivery Extension

Interactions Between User, SSRS, and a Delivery Extension


27. Report Rendering Controls and SharePoint Services Web Parts

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ReportViewer Web and Windows Controls New in 2005

Microsoft SharePoint Web Parts


28. Custom Report Definition Language (RDL) Generators and Customizing Report Definition


Part V: Appendices

A. References and Additional Reading

B. Glossary



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