Chapter 8. Working with Marketing

A powerful feature that sets Microsoft Dynamics CRM ahead of its competitors is its ability to build, manage, track, and report on the effectiveness of marketing efforts. When thinking about marketing, consider how you currently market. Do you want to send the same sales literature to potential customers that you would send to existing customers? Probably not. When you’re creating a marketing campaign, you need to consider your audience.

The marketing functionality of Dynamics CRM 2016 has not been improved and enhanced since Dynamics CRM 2013. If you are familiar with the marketing functionality in previous versions of CRM, you won’t find any new features here, but you will find an updated user interface and other enhancements. If you are a new user of Dynamics CRM 2016, this chapter will help you understand the basic marketing features.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM refers to any kind of targeted marketing effort as a campaign, and it differentiates between a quick campaigns and campaigns, as explained later in this chapter.

Marketing efforts designed to appeal to existing customers usually include incentives to buy more, reestablish buying after a lapse, or purchase in other ways. Marketing efforts designed to appeal to potential customers are usually very different and tend to focus on asking them to start purchasing.

Many books and companies specialize in marketing to potential and existing customers. We’re by no means attempting to explain the best way for your organization to handle its marketing. Instead, this chapter explains in depth the marketing features Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides so that when you want to market your organization, products, or personnel, you have a solid understanding of how Microsoft Dynamics CRM can do help.

This chapter reviews the items specific to marketing found in the Marketing section, such as marketing lists, campaigns, sales literature, and quick campaigns, in addition to other areas in the application that touch on marketing.

Image For information about the other aspects of the Marketing tab, such as Lead or Product entities, SEE CHAPTER 7, “Working with Sales.” For information about Account and Contact entities, SEE CHAPTER 6, “Working with Customers.”


This chapter does not cover Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM) or its related integration components. Instead, consider this chapter a standalone option on marketing. For more information about Dynamics Marketing, refer to Chapter 9, “Microsoft Dynamics Marketing.”

Marketing Lists

Marketing lists are great tools for managing marketing efforts. You can use a marketing list to create a list of members—either existing customers (Account or Contact entities) or potential customers (Lead entities)—who will receive the marketing material. There is no way to prepare a single marketing list for both existing and potential customers; instead, you should consider creating two or more marketing lists.

After you’ve creating marketing lists, you can directly market to their members via a mail merge, a quick campaign, or a campaign.


After you have created a marketing list, you cannot change its base entity assignment (for example, from an Account entity marketing list to a Lead entity marketing list). Instead, you must create a new marketing list if you need to use a different base entity.

To create a new marketing list, navigate to the Marketing tab and then select Marketing Lists > New.

You can create a new marketing list by completing the Name and Member Type (Targeted At field), as shown in Figure 8.1, and saving the list. (Note that the only member types allowed are Account, Contact, and Lead.)


FIGURE 8.1 New marketing list for an Account entity.

Other fields for the marketing list include Source, which can be any free-form value, Currency, Cost, and Locked, which allows you to specify whether new members can be added to the list. In addition, notice in the lower-left corner the status of the marketing list. By default, new marketing lists are Active, but you can easily deactivate them when necessary by selecting Deactivate from the More Actions drop-down menu.


Be sure not to lock a marketing list by selecting the Locked option, as shown in Figure 8.1, before you’ve added members to it. You will be unable to perform any additions or subtractions to the membership if it is locked. (Of course, you can always unlock a marketing list if you need to by opening the marketing list and changing the Locked option.)

Dynamic marketing lists are great because they are updated as new members meet the defined criteria, and they are available by setting the List Type field to either Static or Dynamic. By default, List Type is set to Static, which means that after the list is created, the members are not updated. If Dynamic is selected, the marketing list members are updated whenever the list is used.


You cannot convert dynamic lists to static lists, but you can copy them to static lists. (This option is on the navigation menu of any dynamic list and can be set only when the list is initially created.)

To add members to a marketing list, select Manage Members from the command bar. As with many of the other forms in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, a marketing list must first be saved before you can add members.

When adding members, you have the options shown on Figure 8.2:

Image Add Using Lookup—Use Lookup to add members.

Image Add Using Advanced Find—Use Advanced Find to add members.

Image Remove Using Advanced Find—Use Advanced Find to remove members.

Image Evaluate Using Advanced Find—Use Advanced Find to evaluate members.


FIGURE 8.2 Manage Members dialog.

You can select any one of these options and then change it any time if the list has not been locked. This is helpful when you have specific criteria to query on because you can add, remove, or evaluate members before or after they’ve been added to the marketing list to ensure that you are marketing to the correct members.


You can’t add members to a marketing list multiple times. This is a nice limitation because sometimes you need to use the previous options more than once. For example, you might use Advanced Find to find all members located in a certain geographic area, and then use Lookup to add more members that might or might not be in the geographic area you previously selected. If the new members are already on the marketing list, they will appear only once, ensuring that they don’t receive duplicate marketing material.

Using Lookup to Add Members

When you select Add Using Lookup in the Manage Members dialog, you get the Look Up Records dialog box for the target marketing list entity selected (in this case, Account), as shown in Figure 8.3. You can use this dialog to search and add quickly and easily by selecting active records and adding them to the members list.


FIGURE 8.3 Look Up Records dialog box.

Using Advanced Find to Add Members

When you select Add Using Advanced Find in the Manage Members dialog, you can add complex (or previously saved via an Advanced Find) criteria to ensure that you find only the specific members to whom you want to market.

Figure 8.4 shows how to create a query using Advanced Find to add only Account entities that you own of and that have an address with State equal to California. Note that Advanced Find will have no criteria until you create your query.


FIGURE 8.4 Advanced Find dialog box.

You can easily use the Advanced Find features to adjust this query to include contacts that have not placed an order with you in x number of months, have x number of sales with you over the past x number of months, or meet any similar criteria.

When you’ve prepared your query, click the Find button to view members that match your query logic. In the Advanced Find results (see Figure 8.5), you can select individual members from the results or simply add all members returned by the search to the marketing list by selecting the appropriate radio button on the lower-left side and clicking Add to Marketing List. (The Add to Marketing List button is Remove from Marketing List if you’re using Advanced Find to remove members.)


FIGURE 8.5 Advanced Find results.

Using Advanced Find to Remove Members

Much like using Advanced Find to add members, you can use Advanced Find to remove members. You can create complex query logic via Advanced Find to remove any previously added members that match your entered criteria.

Using Advanced Find to Evaluate Members

Also much like using Advanced Find to add members (as explained previously), you can use Advanced Find to evaluate members. You can use the existing membership list to evaluate and update the existing members with any additional logic regarding whether to keep existing members after you’ve applied the new logic.


When a marketing list has the desired members in it, you can lock it to prevent any further modifications to the membership.

Other Marketing List Features

You can perform several functions on the marketing lists you create. You can use marketing lists on multiple campaigns or quick campaigns. You can merge them provided that the target entity for each is the same (for example, both lists are Account entities, Contact entities, or Lead entities). To do this, you select More Actions > Copy To. You can easily see where and which campaigns or quick campaigns have been used by opening any marketing list and selecting Campaign or Quick Campaign from the navigation bar.


Campaigns are structured events that enable you to create and manage targeted marketing efforts. Campaigns differ from quick campaigns in several ways:

Image Campaigns can work with multiple marketing lists, whereas quick campaigns can only work with single marketing lists.

Image Campaigns can have complex activity distribution, whereas a quick campaign can only have a single activity type.

Image Campaigns can have complex planning and management information, whereas quick campaigns don’t have this capability.

However, both campaigns and quick campaigns can receive campaign responses. A marketing effort can be almost anything—a new product announcement, company exposure at a popular event, or even an effort to convince previous customers to buy products again.

Campaigns allow for the structured creation of tasks related to planning the campaign, activities specific to the campaign, and metrics related to the responses received from a campaign.

This section shows an example of a campaign that involves some simple tasks and activities to illustrate how a campaign might work. Obviously, when creating a campaign for your organization, you want to consider your specific needs related to tasks and activities, but using the example provided here can give you a solid foundation for working with campaigns.


Campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM are designed to define, create, task, and track marketing efforts from beginning to end. They can have multiple tasks and activities associated with them, and they allow for a large amount of structure. Consider using a quick campaign (explained later in this chapter) if your organization won’t benefit from the structure that campaigns provide.

Working with New Campaigns and Campaign Templates

When working with new campaigns, you have two options: Use a new campaign or use a new campaign template. You should use a campaign template when you anticipate needing to use the same campaign and its related tasks and activities again.

When working with campaigns and campaign templates, you can easily manage which one to work with by navigating to Marketing, campaigns and viewing the All Campaigns and Campaign Templates list (see Figure 8.6).


FIGURE 8.6 Campaigns template quick view.

A campaign template differs from a campaign in that it is the framework on which campaigns can be created (typically multiple times) and then used to record campaign responses.

You can copy a campaign templates as a campaign or as a template from the Navigation menu. A campaign template generally doesn’t include any scheduling data because it a reusable template, and that information is generally populated only when an actual campaign is planned.

To create a new campaign, follow these steps:

1. In the Marketing tab, navigate to Campaigns and select New. For this example, create a campaign without using a template and start in the General section. With most entities in CRM, you should manually save the record after you enter the initial data, and then you can work with additional menu options in the navigation bar, as shown in Figure 8.7.


FIGURE 8.7 Creating a new campaign.

2. Enter a descriptive name for the campaign and select the status detail for the campaign from the header. In this case, because you’re creating a new campaign, leave it at the default, Proposed. You can enter a code in the Campaign Code field or have the system assign an automatic campaign code to your campaign by leaving it blank; however, after the campaign has been saved, you cannot edit this field. Select an option for the Campaign Type field to tell others the type of campaign it is.


Although it is not required, entering price information such as estimated revenue, allocated budget, and so on enables you to compare the cost versus revenue generated from the campaign. Use the Offer fields to explain the details of the campaign.

3. Enter the schedule information and description, if desired.

4. Select the Financials section and enter the budget allocated, miscellaneous costs, and estimated revenue (located on the header) for the campaign (see Figure 8.8). The Total Cost field calculates automatically and, if you have no activities yet, equals the miscellaneous costs only. When you add costs to the campaign by adding campaign Activities, costs will automatically be shown here.


FIGURE 8.8 Making selections in the Financials section for a new campaign.


The cost should autocalculate during the automatic save. If it doesn’t, you can manually refresh the form to see the correct calculated total cost.

5. If desired, add or edit information in the Administration and Notes sections. When you have created this basic framework for the campaign, save the campaign.

6. Add any planning tasks you want to associate with the campaign. Planning activities are simply activities with the Regarding field set to the campaign. Select Planning Activities from the navigation bar and then select Add New Activity to create a planning activity (see Figure 8.9).


FIGURE 8.9 Creating planning activities for a new campaign.


Be sure to save the campaign before adding any planning tasks to it.


As with any other activity, after you have created a planning activity, you can assign it to another user or queue. It will appear as an activity in the assigned user’s My Work and will have associated follow-up tasks or activities assigned to the user, if there are any.

For this campaign, you’ll have only one activity. Normally, however, a campaign has several planning activities. If the campaign will be reused, the planning activities likely will be common to the campaign. In that case, it might make sense to copy your campaign to a campaign template from the More Actions drop-down menu when you finish adding the necessary planning tasks.

Adding Campaign Activities

Campaign activities differ from common activities and are specific to a campaign. The following steps show how to add campaign activities to a campaign and manage them:

1. From the navigation menu, select Campaign Activities and then select Add New Campaign Activity. You see a new campaign activity, as shown in Figure 8.10.


FIGURE 8.10 Creating a campaign activity in a new campaign.

2. Make selections in the Channel and Type fields. These are some of the selections to make on this page:

a. The Channel field directly correlates to the distribution of the activity, as explained shortly.

b. The Owner field, by default, is set to the user creating the campaign activity. However, you can change it by clicking the Assign option in the command bar and assigning the campaign activity to another user.

c. To assign an activity to a queue, create it and then select Add to Queue from the command bar.

d. Select any outsource vendors that might be used with this particular task and enter the scheduled start and end dates and any budget allocated.

e. The Anti-Spam field excludes a member from receiving any marketing material by preventing the activity from being distributed to the member for the number of days entered.


You must assign campaign activities to marketing list members by distributing them to the members of the associated marketing lists. Distribution simply means assigning the specified activity to the owner of the member in the marketing list. Before distributing campaign activities, you must set which marketing lists to use as part of the campaign.

3. To add marketing lists, navigate to the Marketing Lists section on the Campaign form and click the + icon. In the Look Up Records dialog that appears (see Figure 8.11), click Add.


FIGURE 8.11 The Look Up Records dialog.


The view shown in the Look Up marketing lists is an associative view and only pulls from marketing lists that are added to the campaign.

4. After you select a marketing list by selecting ‘Select’ and then clicking ‘Add’, you have the option to distribute the campaign activities. For this example, the channel for this campaign activity is set to Email, so you see the New Emails dialog (see Figure 8.12).


FIGURE 8.12 New Emails dialog.


If you select a different channel, you get a different dialog for distributing the campaign activities.

5. Either create the email or use a preexisting template, as shown in Figure 8.13.


FIGURE 8.13 The Select Template dialog for a campaign activity.

6. Once you’ve created the campaign activity and associated a marketing list, assign the campaign activities by selecting Distribute, as shown in Figure 8.14. The activities are then assigned to the designated owners and appear as open activities for each member in the marketing list.


FIGURE 8.14 Distribute Email Messages.

7. Complete the actual cost amount of the campaign activity so the correct information rolls up to the total campaign cost on the Campaign Financials tab.


When you’re working with mail merge campaign activities, be sure that the selected marketing lists are all the same base entity (Contact, Account, or Lead); otherwise, the merge will fail. If you want to create a mail merge campaign for mixed entities, you must create a separate campaign activity for each entity.

Campaign Responses

As the name indicates, campaign responses are responses that an organization receives in response to a campaign. They are very useful in determining the effectiveness of a campaign and can indicate many things, such as geographic trending, responsiveness to campaign particulars such as discounts and other incentives, and how well the target audience is receiving the campaign.

It is important to note that campaign responses are responses received from potential customers in response to a campaign; they are not automated responses sent to your customers as part of your campaign. You can automatically convert campaign activities to campaign responses, or you can manually create them.

You create campaign responses by selecting Campaign Responses from the navigation bar or by navigating to Activities and selecting New Campaign Response. Figure 8.15 shows a newly added and saved campaign response.


FIGURE 8.15 Campaign response.


You can also import records into the system as campaign responses by using the Import Data Wizard. This method is useful when you’re working with a large number of records offline because you can easily manipulate them and then tie them to the campaign as responses when uploaded.

Another way to create a campaign response is via email responses if email tracking has been enabled in System Settings. When an email is sent in response to a campaign, the incoming email can be automatically created as a campaign response.

Convert Campaign Responses

When a campaign response has been entered and saved, you can select Convert Campaign Response from the command bar. The Convert Response dialog appears, as shown in Figure 8.16. This dialog allows you to close the response and select one of the following options:

Image Create a Lead

Image Convert to an Existing Lead

Image Create a Quote, Order, or Opportunity for an Account or Contact

Image Close Response


FIGURE 8.16 Converting a campaign response.

Although the campaign response functionality described here is applicable to campaigns and quick campaigns, the three campaign reports available in the Reports area (Campaign Activity Status, Campaign Comparison, and Campaign Performance) are applicable only to campaigns by default. These reports are powerful and display campaign information in a manner that is easy to understand and useful for determining metrics on campaigns. We recommend reviewing all of them often when building campaigns and when viewing the status of executed campaigns.

Sales Literature

Found in the Marketing area, sales literature is documentation about products that is meant to be used by your salesforce to gain deeper knowledge about your products; it can also be given to customers to drive sales. In addition, sales literature can provide specific instructions on how to use a given product or services and can identify competitors.

To create a new piece of sales literature, select New and then, as shown in Figure 8.17, enter the title of the literature in the Title field and the subject in the Subject field.


FIGURE 8.17 Sales literature.

Image For more information about working with subjects, SEE CHAPTER 17, “Settings.”

Additional optional fields you can set for sales literature include Employee Contact, Type, Expiration Date, and Description.


Although the Expiration Date field has no functionality other than to tell the salesperson when the literature expires, it would be easy to add another custom view to the sales literature interface that shows only current or nonexpired sales literature.

Sales attachments can have as many pieces of documentation as desired. To create a new sales attachment document, select Add a Sales Attachment from the command bar and then click the + icon. Figure 8.18 shows the new Sales Attachment form that appears.


FIGURE 8.18 Creating a sales attachment.

When working with sales literature, you can add products and identify competitors, which helps to provide context around the literature.

Sales literature can be sent directly from CRM. To make this happen, navigate to Sales Literature, select the sales attachments you want to send, and then click the envelope (Send as Email) icon in the command bar. A new CRM email opens, with the sales literature attached, and you can enter the contact information and then send the material.

Quick Campaigns

A quick campaign is a simplified version of a campaign. Unlike a campaign, which can contain many activities, a quick campaign has one activity type. It is easy to create a quick campaign by using a wizard that you can launch from Advanced Find or directly from the Account, Contact, or Lead forms.

The following sections discuss how to create and see the status of quick campaigns.


It is counterintuitive, but quick campaigns cannot be created by selecting Quick Campaigns from the navigation bar; they can only be viewed/managed that way. To create a quick campaign, complete the steps in the following sections.

Creating a Quick Campaign

Creating quick campaigns is as easy as the name implies. To create a quick campaign, follow these steps:

1. Open Advanced Find and select Contact as the base entity. Then to do a targeted quick campaign for all your contacts in the state of California, choose the settings shown in Figure 8.19 and click Results.


FIGURE 8.19 Creating a quick campaign for contacts in California.

2. From the results screen, select one or more records and then select Quick Campaign > For All Records on All Pages (see Figure 8.20). On the Create a Quick Campaign welcome screen that appears, click Next.


FIGURE 8.20 Advanced Find results.

3. Enter the name of the campaign and click Next to continue. On the next screen, shown in Figure 8.21, select the activity type of the quick campaign and who will own the activities. If the Activity Type selection is Email (as shown here), the system can automatically send the emails and close the activities, if selected. Otherwise, the activities will belong to the selected owners as pending and will require action by the owners to be closed out.


FIGURE 8.21 Selecting the activity type.

After you select Email, you’re prompted to enter the email information shown in Figure 8.22. If you had selected another activity, you would be prompted to complete the appropriate fields for that activity. This example shows a simple email, which has the downside of limited customization. If you were to use the Channel option of Letter via Mail Merge, you could personalize the letter fully and include additional data fields.


FIGURE 8.22 Selecting the Email activity type.

4. Click Next to continue and then click Create to create the quick campaign.


To use the Unsubscribe option, select some text in the body of the Email by highlighting it and then click the Unsubscribe button (refer to Figure 8.22). (For example, add and select the following text: To stop receiving our emails, click here.) The selected text is then formatted as a link that users can click to set their preferences to not allow marketing materials.

The wizard completes, and the activity or activities (if you have more than one contact) are created. The activities then wait for the person to complete them unless it was an email (in which case the email goes out directly).

Finding the Status of a Quick Campaign

Although you can’t launch quick campaigns directly by selecting Quick Campaigns from the navigation bar, you can monitor the status of quick campaigns by doing so. Figure 8.23 shows the My Quick Campaigns form, which appears when you make this selection. Inside this form, you can open a quick campaign by double-clicking it to bring up information about its success and failure by looking at the members excluded (and why).


FIGURE 8.23 Checking the status of a quick campaigns.

In the My Quick Campaigns form, you can easily see what the quick campaign was for and who received email messages by selecting Email Messages Created from the form. In addition, you can track any responses to the quick campaign, just as you would for a regular campaign. Finally, you can easily see which contacts received the email and which were excluded and why by examining the details found in each node. (For example, perhaps a contact didn’t have a valid email address.)


In this chapter, you have seen that Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers a full set of marketing options and capabilities. From its powerful campaign-management features to its quick-and-easy quick campaigns, you can easily market to existing and potential clients, report on results, and determine which marketing efforts worked.

Remember that this chapter does not cover Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM) or its related integration components. Instead, consider this chapter as a standalone option on the native marketing functions found within Dynamics CRM.

Image For more information about Dynamics Marketing, SEE CHAPTER 9.

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