Chapter 21. Office Integration

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 has improved and enhanced integration with Microsoft Office, especially with Microsoft Word, Excel, OneNote, and OneDrive for Business. In addition, these integrations extend from the desktop to the web client and also to the mobile client, making the usability and experience more interesting than ever before.

Microsoft Word Integration

One of the great new features added to Dynamics CRM 2016 is the new Microsoft Word integration that is available for most of the entities. Before this feature existed, the only way to create something similar was by using a custom report, usually created in Visual Studio, which required development knowledge. Now any user can easily create a Word document by using the Word templates only, without needing to know any development techniques.

Image For more information about creating custom reports, refer to CHAPTER 16, “Reporting and Dashboards.”

Creating a Word Document Template

In the command bar of almost every entity in the system when you open a record, you can find the Word Templates option under the ... menu. Figure 21.1 shows this option for a contact record. (If you don’t see this option, be sure to select a contact record first before clicking the ... button.)


FIGURE 21.1 Word Templates menu for a contact record.

Because there are no out-of-the-box Word templates for contacts, the first option you see is Create Word Template. Clicking this option starts a wizard to help you create a Word template (see Figure 21.2).


FIGURE 21.2 Create Template from CRM Data dialog.

Using this wizard, you can create either Word or Excel templates. This section focuses on Microsoft Word templates; the following section focuses on Excel templates.

Because you fired this wizard from a contact record, you see the Word Template button selected and the Filter by Entity drop-down set to Contact by default. All you need to do is click the Select Entity button to open the Select Entity dialog, shown in Figure 21.3.


FIGURE 21.3 Select Entity dialog.

In the Select Entity dialog, you must explicitly select the relationships you want to have included in the template. All fields are included by default, with the exception of the lookup fields in the N:1 relationships section. Select the N:1 relationships and click the Download Template button.

When you are asked to download the Word document file to your local computer, as shown in Figure 21.4, click Open. You now see an empty Word document in which you can start writing your correspondence.


FIGURE 21.4 Word document download dialog.

To make sure you have the Developer tab visible in Microsoft Word, click File > Options, as shown in Figure 21.5.


FIGURE 21.5 Options menu.

In the Word Options dialog that appears, click Customize Ribbon on the left and then make sure the check box for Developer is checked on the right (see Figure 21.6). Click OK to close the Word Options dialog.


FIGURE 21.6 Enabling the Developer tab.

Click the Developer tab that now appears on the ribbon and click XML Mapping Pane. The XML Mapping pane opens to the right, and in it you need to select urn:Microsoft-crm from the Custom XML Part drop-down (see Figure 21.7).


FIGURE 21.7 XML Mapping pane.

You now see the entity you selected for the template—in this case Contact—with the all the fields and relationships you selected before.

You choose fields here that you want to insert into the document where you want the CRM data to be replaced. To do this, right-click the field you want to insert and select Insert Content Control > Plain Text (see Figure 21.8).


FIGURE 21.8 Inserting a CRM field.

When you click the text field control, you see the field inserted in the Word document with a square around (see Figure 21.9).


FIGURE 21.9 CRM field inserted.

Uploading the Word Document Template

When you finish editing the document and adding the fields, you can save the document and upload it back to Dynamics CRM by going to ... > Word Templates > Create Word Template as you did before, except that this time you will click the Upload Button instead of the Select Entity button in the Create Template from CRM Data dialog (see Figure 21.10).


FIGURE 21.10 Uploading the Word template.

Drag and drop the file you edited before from Windows Explorer to the Upload Template dialog or use the Browse link to select the file (see Figure 21.11).


FIGURE 21.11 Upload Template dialog.

After you click the Upload button, you see information for the document you just uploaded. You can change the name of the document to something more descriptive name, and you can select the language. All the other fields are read-only, so you cannot change their values (see Figure 21.12).


FIGURE 21.12 Document template information.


You can only select the languages that match the installed languages of your system. If you are using CRM On-Premises, you must install the language pack on the server first and then enable the language. If you are using CRM Online, you just need to enable the language by going to Settings > Administration and clicking the Languages option. For more detailed information about installing languages, refer to the Chapter 17, “Settings.”

Using the Word Document Template

Now you are ready to use the Word document template you created and uploaded earlier. To use the document template, you need to go to the Contacts view (which doesn’t work the same as going to the Contact form) and select the record from the list. (You can select only one record for Word templates.) Then you select ... > Word Templates. Here you see the template you uploaded in the Personal Word Templates group, as shown in Figure 21.13.


FIGURE 21.13 Selecting a Word document template.

The Exporting to Word dialog tells you your template is being generated. This process might take some time, depending on the field and relationships you have on the document (see Figure 21.14). When it is done, you are asked to download the new Word document.


FIGURE 21.14 Generating a Word document template.

When you open the new Word document. you see it populated with the CRM data of the record you selected, as shown in Figure 21.15.


FIGURE 21.15 Word document template output.

Advanced Word Templates

Creating a very basic Word template with a single field is easy. Adding other fields is very similar, but what if you want to show a list of related entities for the 1:N relationships? Suppose you want to create a template for the Account entity, and you want to display a table of the related contacts.

To do this, you need to go to the Account entity, select a record, and then click Word Templates to create a Word template as described earlier in this chapter. When selecting entities, make sure you also select Contact from the 1:N Relationship section, as shown in Figure 21.16.


FIGURE 21.16 Selecting Contact from the 1:N Relationship section.

Now you need to insert a table to show the contacts. To do that, go to the Insert tab and add a table with two rows as many columns as you have fields you want to display. In this example, you can add three columns to display the first name, the last name and the email address (see Figure 21.17).


FIGURE 21.17 Adding a table to show the contacts.

Now enter the column headers for the table. Then select the second row of the table completely and right-click contact_customer_accounts in the XML Mapping pane and select Insert Content Control > Repeating (see Figure 21.18).


FIGURE 21.18 Insert Content Control Repeating for the Contacts table.

Map the first name, last name, and email address from the child nodes under contact_customer_accounts similarly to the way you did it before for the account fields, but make sure you’re adding them inside the row of the table you added (see Figure 21.19).


FIGURE 21.19 Contact table with fields mapped.

To test the solution, save the Word document and upload it as explained earlier in this chapter. Then run it to see the results. You should see something similar to what’s shown in Figure 21.20.


FIGURE 21.20 Testing the Word document template with the contact table.

Using Word templates allows you to easily incorporate advanced graphics and designs. To find design templates online, open Word and search for “invoice,” as shown in Figure 21.21. You get results that include some well-designed documents. You can use them to copy content and paste it to the Word document you downloaded from Dynamics CRM.


FIGURE 21.21 Searching for online templates in Microsoft Word.

Personal and System Templates

There are two types of Word templates: system templates and personal templates.

Personal templates are templates you create, and they are not shared with other users. If you want to have other users use your templates, you must create them as system templates. To do this, you select Settings > Document Templates (see Figure 21.22).


FIGURE 21.22 Creating system templates.

CRM comes with the following out-of-the-box Microsoft Office document templates, ready for you to use and modify as a quick start (see Figure 21.23):


FIGURE 21.23 Word system templates.

Image Account Summary—You can find this template in the Account entity.

Image Campaign Summary—You can find this template in the Campaign entity.

Image Case Summary—You can find this template in the Case entity.

Image Invoice—You can find this template in the Invoice entity.

Image Opportunity Summary—You can find this template in the Opportunity entity.

For the system templates, you can select the roles you want to make the template available to by selecting the template from the list and clicking Enable Security Roles in the command bar. You then select the roles as shown in Figure 21.24. By default, the system document templates are available to all roles.


FIGURE 21.24 Enabling security roles for system templates.

Microsoft Excel Integration

Previous versions of Dynamic CRM had an Export to Excel function that addressed a variety of issues related to working with Dynamics CRM and Excel. While this functionality is still available, there is now a deeper native integration with Excel that provides more functionality than Export to Excel could provide.

Creating an Excel Document Template

Navigating to the command bar for almost any entity in the system shows the Excel template option. Figure 21.25 shows this option for the Opportunity entity.


FIGURE 21.25 Excel Templates menu for the Opportunity entity.

You can see that there is already an Excel template for the Opportunity entity. However, in this case, you should select Create Excel Template (see Figure 21.26) to start a wizard to help you create a Word template.


FIGURE 21.26 Create Template from CRM Data dialog.

From the Create Template from CRM Data dialog, you can either create a Word or Excel template, as you saw earlier in this chapter. At this point, of course, we are focusing on Microsoft Excel templates.

Because you fired this wizard from the Opportunity entity, you see Excel Template selected by default, and you see Filter by Entity set to Opportunity. Unlike for a Word template, for an Excel template, you also need to select the view you want to use. Click Download File to download the template, as shown in Figure 21.27.


FIGURE 21.27 Downloading a file for an Excel template.

Unlike with Word templates, with Excel templates you are not asked to select the relationships because the fields that are included in the template are the ones that are part of the CRM view you selected. However, you can click the Edit Columns link to modify the fields in the Edit Columns dialog (see Figure 21.28).


FIGURE 21.28 Edit Columns dialog.

When the Excel document you downloaded is opened, you see a document with the list of the CRM records that belong to the view criteria you selected (see Figure 21.29).


FIGURE 21.29 Excel document.

One of the cool things you can do now with Excel is add a chart that will become resident to the Excel document even after you upload it; this chart will show updated data the next time it’s used. To do this, select an empty cell and then select Insert > 3-D Column, as shown in Figure 21.30.


FIGURE 21.30 Adding a 3-D chart to the Excel template.

After you insert the chart, right-click the empty space inside the chart and click Select Data, as shown in Figure 21.31.


FIGURE 21.31 Selecting Data.

Now select the values in the Est. Revenue column in the chart data range (see Figure 21.32).


FIGURE 21.32 Adding the Est. Revenue column to the chart data range.

Uploading the Excel Document Template

When you finished editing the Excel file and adding the charts or formulas, you can save the spreadsheet and upload it back to Dynamics CRM by selecting Excel Templates > Create Excel Template to once again open the Create Template from CRM Data dialog (see Figure 21.33). This time, click Upload to upload the document.


FIGURE 21.33 Uploading the Excel template.

Drag and drop the file you edited before from Windows Explorer to the Upload Template dialog or use the Browse link to select the file (see Figure 21.34).


FIGURE 21.34 Upload Template dialog.

After you click the Upload button, you see information for the document you just uploaded. You can change the name of the document to something more descriptive name, and you can select the language. All the other fields are read-only, so you cannot change their values (see Figure 21.35).


FIGURE 21.35 Document template information.

Using the Excel Document Templates

Now you are ready to use the Excel template you created and uploaded earlier. To use the document template, you need to go to the Opportunities list (which doesn’t work the same as if you go to the Opportunity form) and select Excel Templates. There you see the template you uploaded, under Personal Excel Templates (see Figure 21.36).


FIGURE 21.36 Selecting Excel templates.

You have two options here: First, you can open the Excel template in Excel Online, which doesn’t require you to have the Microsoft Excel application installed on the computer or device you are using. The second option requires you to have the Microsoft Excel application installed on your computer or device. Figure 21.37 shows the interface when you select Excel Online.


FIGURE 21.37 Opening the Excel template with Excel Online.

You can work with your Excel document in Excel Online. If you make changes to the Est. Revenue column, the chart changes when you do updates (see Figure 21.38).


FIGURE 21.38 Analyzing data with Excel Online.

When you are done and want to go back to the CRM list of opportunities, you just click the Return to CRM List button on the command bar, and the system alerts you that any changes will be lost, as shown in Figure 21.39. Select your appropriate action, as the data will not be saved otherwise.


FIGURE 21.39 Returning to the CRM list.

System Templates

As with Word, there are two types of Excel templates: personal and system.

Personal templates are the ones you create that only you can see. You created a personal Excel template earlier in this chapter. If you want to have all users use the templates you create, you must create them as system templates. To do this, you must select Settings > Templates.

CRM comes with the following out-of-the-box templates, ready for you to use and modify as a quick start (see Figure 21.40):


FIGURE 21.40 Excel system templates.

Image Campaign Overview—You can find this template it in the Campaign entity.

Image Case SLA Status—You can find this template in the Case entity.

Image Case Summary—You can find this template in the Case entity.

Image Pipeline Management—You can find this template.

Microsoft OneNote Integration

OneNote is a tool that allows users to take notes easily, without having to deal with the constraints and limitations of Microsoft Word or Excel. More users are getting accustomed to using this tool, which can help you easily use screen scraping and embedded notes, audio, videos, and graphics.

Enabling OneNote Integration

To enable CRM integration with Microsoft OneNote, you must go to the Dynamics CRM web interface and select Settings > Document Management, as shown in Figure 21.41.


FIGURE 21.41 Document Management page.

Then you need to enable SharePoint integration by clicking Enable Server-Based SharePoint Integration, which starts the configuration wizard shown in Figure 21.42.

Image To learn more about SharePoint integration, SEE CHAPTER 27, “SharePoint.”


FIGURE 21.42 Enable Server-Based SharePoint Integration dialog.

Click Next to continue and then select where you want to have the SharePoint server located (see Figure 21.43). For Dynamics CRM Online, you need to have an Online subscription. This example shows how to integrate with SharePoint Online, but the integration with On-Premises is very similar.


FIGURE 21.43 SharePoint location.

Click Next and then enter the SharePoint site URL in the dialog shown in Figure 21.44. You must use a site with HTTPS if you are working with CRM Online. Also make sure you add a / character at the end of the URL.


FIGURE 21.44 Specifying the SharePoint site URL.

Click Next to start a validation process, If everything is okay, you see the word Valid in green (see Figure 21.45).


FIGURE 21.45 SharePoint site validation.

Click the Enable button, and when the configuration finishes, you see a congratulations message. Click Finish to close this dialog. When the SharePoint integration is successfully configures, you see the OneNote Integration option in the Settings > Document Management page, as shown in Figure 21.46.


FIGURE 21.46 OneNote Integration option in Document Management.

Click Document Management Settings to complete the SharePoint configuration on the page that appears (see Figure 21.47).


FIGURE 21.47 Selecting Document Management Settings.

Select the entities you want to configure, enter the SharePoint Site URL, and click Next. For this example, you can leave the default entities selected.

Under Select Folder Structure, select Base on Entity and leave it set to Account (see Figure 21.48).


FIGURE 21.48 Folder structure.

After you click Next, if a confirmation dialog appears, alerting you that a document library will be created in the site you entered, click OK. When the process finishes, you see the status, as shown in Figure 21.49. Click Finish to close the dialog.


FIGURE 21.49 Document Management Settings completed.

Now you can click OneNote Integration to start the OneNote integration process. You see a list of the entities that are document enabled, as shown in Figure 21.50.


FIGURE 21.50 OneNote Integration Settings dialog.

Select the entities for which you want to have OneNote integration and click Finish. For this example, leave the default entities—Account, Lead, Opportunity, and Product—selected.

To verify that everything is working fine, go to any account record, and you see the OneNote link near the notes (see Figure 21.51).


FIGURE 21.51 OneNote in an account record.

If you have a custom entity or if you want one of the existing system entities not listed in the OneNote configuration list, you can go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System. Then you can click the entity for which you want to enable OneNote integration and make sure you check the Document Management check box and OneNote Integration check box, as shown in Figure 21.52.


FIGURE 21.52 Enabling a custom entity for OneNote integration.

Using OneNote with Dynamics CRM

When you have the OneNote integration enabled, you can go to any record of the configured entities and click the OneNote link just to the right of Notes. A new Untitled OneNote document is generated when you do this the first time (see Figure 21.53).


FIGURE 21.53 OneNote document in a CRM record.

Clicking the Untitled link opens OneNote in the web browser, and you can now work with this document, which will be associated with the CRM record (see Figure 21.54).


FIGURE 21.54 Editing a OneNote document.

Microsoft OneDrive Integration

OneDrive is a great online repository for files, and it is exclusively designed to store files. In addition to SharePoint, it is another storage option in Dynamics CRM.

There is a free version of OneDrive, and there is a paid version called OneDrive for Business. Dynamics CRM integrates with the paid version, which can be obtained through an Office 365 subscription or as a standalone product. (It is included with the enterprise plans.)

It’s a good idea to use an external repository to store CRM data–related documents for a couple reasons:

Image CRM storage is usually more expensive than external storage such as SharePoint or OneDrive.

Image CRM has a file size limitation (which can be uploaded into the notes section) that is usually lower than the SharePoint and OneDrive limits.

Enabling OneDrive Integration

To enable OneDrive integration, you select Settings > Document Management, as shown in Figure 21.55.


FIGURE 21.55 Document Management page.

Image Click the Enable OneDrive for Business option (see Figure 21.56).


FIGURE 21.56 Enabling OneDrive for Business.

To complete the integration, check the Enable OneDrive for Business check box and click OK.

You now see a new option in the Document Management page: OneDrive for Business Folder Settings (see Figure 21.57).


FIGURE 21.57 OneDrive for Business Folder Settings.

If you click this option, you can specify the CRM folder where the documents will be stored, as shown in Figure 21.58.


FIGURE 21.58 OneDrive for Business Folder Settings dialog.

Make sure to configure the entities for which you want to use OneDrive for Business by clicking Document Management Settings in the Document Management page, selecting the entities as shown in Figure 21.59, and clicking Next.


FIGURE 21.59 OneDrive for Business folder configuration.

Using OneDrive with Dynamics CRM

To use OneDrive for Business, you can go any Dynamics CRM record that is document enabled. In the navigation bar, click the Documents option, as shown in Figure 21.60.


FIGURE 21.60 Documents option for a contact record.

When you are in the document associated view, you can upload a document, and when you click the Upload button, you can select the CRM folder location, which now has the option to select OneDrive, as shown in Figure 21.61.


FIGURE 21.61 OneDrive document location for uploads.

The first time you try to upload a document, you see a dialog asking you to change the folder location if you don’t want to use the default one, CRM (see Figure 21.62).


FIGURE 21.62 OneDrive for Business first-time upload message.

After you click Continue (or change the location), the file is uploaded to your OneDrive folder, as shown in Figure 21.63.


FIGURE 21.63 Document associated view, showing the document location.


You must go to OneDrive and manually share the document with other people if you want to allow them to access it.


With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, documents can easily be opened from any device or computer in Word Online or Excel Online.

Microsoft Delve Integration

Delve is a Microsoft online tool that helps you find documents easily and quickly. It comes with Office 365 enterprise subscriptions.


Delve is based on the Office Graph framework, which is a platform that provides data based on users and their activity.

Enabling Delve Integration

To enable Office Delve, select Settings > Document Management, > Manage Office Graph Integration. The dialog shown in Figure 21.64 appears.


FIGURE 21.64 Enable Office Graph Integration dialog.

Check the Enable Office Graph Integration check box and click Next. When the process is complete, you see the success message shown in Figure 21.65. Click Finish to close the dialog.


FIGURE 21.65 Office Graph integration successfully enabled.

Configuring Delve with Dynamics CRM

Once the Office Graph integration is enabled, there are some extra steps you need to take to configure Delve in Dynamics CRM.

You have to manually create a dashboard by going to the system dashboards (or your personal dashboards, if you want this only for yourself).

When you create a new dashboard, you can select any layout, and then you see the Delve button in the command bar. You can either click that or click the new icon that appears with the tooltip Insert Trending Documents (see Figure 21.66).


FIGURE 21.66 Insert trending documents (Delve) component on a dashboard.

Insert the trending documents component and increase the width and height to fill the complete area of the dashboard, as shown in Figure 21.67. Enter a name for the dashboard and click Save.


FIGURE 21.67 Delve dashboard.

Using Delve with Dynamics CRM

After you have configured the dashboard, you can open it to see Delve in action. If you have never used Delve before, you might see an empty page.

To work with Delve, you need to create a folder in OneDrive and share it with some people. Then you can upload documents that can be shared; they might take a while to appear in Delve. If you manually open Delve and try the search feature, you see lots of results similar to what’s shown in Figure 21.68.


FIGURE 21.68 Office Delve Interface.


This chapter looks at enhancements related to Microsoft Office integrations, starting with Microsoft Word integrations, which now allow you to produce more professional documents with data integrated with Dynamics CRM. This chapter also examines the new Excel templates, which go beyond the Export to Excel functionality that existed before to helping you analyze data more efficiently. This chapter also discusses integrations with Microsoft OneNote, OneDrive for Business, and the new Office Delve to help you find the documents that are relevant to the work you are doing.

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