Chapter 12. Parature

Parature is a cloud-based solution that helps organizations provide customers great service experience, accessible 24/7, through knowledge base management, self-service, and multi-channel engagement. Parature can be used by organizations internally for employee self-service, where employees get quick access to consistent and organized information. The Parature self-service portal increases customer satisfaction through the availability of knowledge base articles accessible 24/7 and consistent engagement across multiple channels. Microsoft acquired Parature in 2014 to boost its Service module capabilities for the Dynamics CRM platform; it is a standalone application that is designed to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


This chapter was written before the roadmap and final integration for Parature and CRM were complete. As a result, this chapter may serve as a reference point for existing (legacy) integrations of Parature, and users should look for updated content on the Pearson website for this book for more up-to-date information on Parature.

To obtain a trial Parature account, go to

Overview of Parature

The Parature product has two main components: Service Desk and Support Center.

Service Desk

An organization’s support team can use Service Desk to configure and customize Support Center. The support team can create knowledge base articles, upload files for download from Support Center, maintain SLAs, handle contact management, and work with other settings. The support team handles ticket routing rules and chat routing rules from Service Desk. Customer support representatives are added through Service Desk and assigned proper privileges to perform their work.

A customer support representative (CSR) who logs on to Parature Service Desk typically sees a system overview, as shown in Figure 12.1.


FIGURE 12.1 Parature system overview.

The page is broken out as follows:

Image Personal resource toolbar—The first black bar at top where you see your name (Default User in Figure 12.1) is the personal resource toolbar. The number after the purple icon shows number of open tickets assigned to you. On the far right of this toolbar, Support opens and lets you access the Parature knowledge base and submit tickets. My Portal opens your customer-facing Support Center. My Settings takes you to the page where you can see the privileges assigned to you. You can see your calendar, events, team calendar, team events, login history, and recent tickets. Log Off ends the Service Desk session and takes you back to the logon page.

Image Module tabs—The gray bar just under the personal resource tool bar displays the modules available in Service Desk. The module links are displayed based on the privileges assigned to the CSR. When you click a specific module, you get access to specific information and tools related to the selected module.

Image Menu row—The menu row shows different action buttons, depending on the module you are viewing. These action buttons let you perform various functions within the module. There are two buttons in the far-right corner, Refresh and Fast Forward, for all modules.

Image Filters/nav frame—The left navigation pane contains links to filter the data within a specific module. When you click one of the filter links, the information is displayed in the main content frame. For example, in Figure 12.2 you can see that in the Customer module, the Registered Customers filter has been applied.


FIGURE 12.2 Registered Customers filter.

Image Main content frame—This is the workspace in Service Desk. When you click module tabs, menu row button, or filters, the corresponding information is displayed in the main content frame. You can view, create, and edit records in this frame. As you can see in Figure 12.2, registered customers’ record are displayed in the main content frame.

Support Center

Customers access Support Center to interact with self-service channels such as the knowledge base, to download files, to access assisted support channels such as chat with CSRs, and to create/view the status of support tickets. By default Support Panel has these three tabs (see Figure 12.3), but you can create your own tabs also:


FIGURE 12.3 Parature Support Center.

Image Home—The home page is the first page end users see when they visit the Support Center. Users can quickly click several links to go to self-service content or submit a ticket.

Image Online Support—This tab lists all the self-service options Parature offers, such as Knowledge Base, Downloads, Glossary, Submit a Ticket, Submit an Email, and Live Chat.

Image My Support—This tab provides one-click access to personal support service for end users. Users can keep track of all communications here. My Support contains a user’s entire support history, including tickets, products, profile, and chats.

Contact Management

In Parature, you store information about your customer or contact in the Customer and Accounts modules. A customer is an individual end user who accesses Support Center, views the knowledge base, downloads files, and submits tickets, whereas an account is a group of customers or large organizations.

Parature provides different configuration options to suit business scenarios in which every customer needs to be associated with an account, some customers need to be associated with an account, or no customers are associated with an account.

The Account module is mostly used for companies and organizations. It is similar to Account entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You can create new accounts in the Account module in Parature and associate them with your customers. To create a new account, follow these steps:

1. In Parature Service Desk, click the Account tab and then click the New Account button (see Figure 12.4).


FIGURE 12.4 Creating a new account in Parature.

2. Fill in the address fields and then select Customer from the Default Customer Role drop-down menu.

3. Provide a name in the Account Name field. This field is the unique identifier for the account.

4. Select Premium from the Service Level Agreement drop-down. The selected SLA is then applied to all the customers associated with this account. Customers associated with an account cannot have a different SLA than their parent account.

5. Click the Fast Forward button to select a parent account for the current record.

6. Click the Save button.

The Account module is designed to help group your customers together and keep their profiles organized. You can create a new account and then associate new customers with it directly from the Account module. Follow these steps to create a new customer and associate it with an account (see Figure 12.5):

1. On the Account tab, click the Account Name field of the account where you want to create and associate a new customer.

2. Click the Customers button.

3. Click the Associate New Customer button.

4. Enter the email address of the customer in Email field.

5. Provide the customer’s first name and last name in the appropriate fields.

6. If you want to associate the customer to an account other than the default specified in the Find Account field, click Remove and user Fast Forward to select another account.


The Service Level Agreement field is disabled because the customer inherits the selected account’s SLA.

7. Select the customer’s status from the Status drop-down.

8. Provide a username for the customer in the Username field.

9. If desired, change the language, date format, and time format for the customer in the Default Locale Settings section.

10. Select the Notify Customer That Their Account Has Been created check box to have Parature send a notification email to the customer’s email address.

11. Click Save.


FIGURE 12.5 Creating a new account in Parature.

You can use the Associate Existing Customer button to associate the existing customer records with the account and the Dis-Associate Customers button to dis-associate customers from the account.


You can associate as many customers with account as you want, but each customer can be associated with only one account. If you do not want to create any account records and you want to directly create customer records only, you can click the Customers tab and create records there in a similar way.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

A service level agreement (SLA) is an agreement between a customer and an organization providing support to that organization. In business-to-consumer scenarios, customers can be individual users, and in that case, an SLA is associated with individual customer records. In business-to-business scenarios, an SLA is associated with account records, and customer records inherit the SLA from their parent account.

SLAs are used to manage customer entitlements. Parature has four default SLAs: Guest, Basic, Premium, and Escalated (see Figure 12.6). You can edit these existing SLAs, and you can also create new SLAs. SLAs help you define the features of Support Center that your customers will have access to once they are associated with the SLA. For example, if you want to give chat feature to Premium customers, you need to remove the permission for this from other SLAs.


FIGURE 12.6 SLA list.

SLAs are helpful in maintaining standards for support. Parature reporting can be used to evaluate CSR performance based on the number of tickets or chat requests handled. SLA timers set goals for a CSR to work toward and give customer-realistic expectations for response and resolution on chat or tickets.

Follow these steps to create a new SLA (see Figure 12.7):


FIGURE 12.7 Creating a new SLA.

1. Go to either the Account or Customer tab and click the SLA button.

2. Click the New SLA button.

3. Provide a name for the SLA, keeping in mind that this name will be displayed to your customers.

4. Click Pick Your Color to select and associate a color with the SLA.

5. Configure SLA timers for tickets submitted under this SLA:

Image Warning Time—Provide the number of business hours that should remain before an SLA resolution or response warning is displayed on the ticket.

Image Response Time—Provide the maximum number of business hours that can pass before a CSR responds to a ticket submitted under this SLA. If there is no response from a CSR in the specified time, a response time violation will be noted.

Image Resolution Time—Provide the maximum number of business hours that can pass before a CSR resolves a ticket submitted under this SLA. If the ticket is not resolved with the specified number of business hours, a resolution time violation is noted.

6. In the Chat SLA Configuration section, set SLA timers for chat requests submitted by customers associated with this SLA:

Image Show Warning—Select the Enabled check box to enable this feature. It shows a warning to a CSR who has grabbed or been assigned to a chat that is idle for the amount of specified time.

Image Show Violation—You can alert CSRs that an SLA violation has occurred if a chat they have grabbed or are assigned to has been idle for a certain number of minutes. A chat response violation is noted for the chat. You can enable/disable this feature by selecting the check box.

Image Escalate Chat—If a chat request is idle for specified number of minutes, it is escalated.

Image Deflect Chat—If a chat request is idle for specified number of minutes, chat deflection rules run automatically.

7. Click the Next button to define the following SLA permissions (see Figure 12.8):


FIGURE 12.8 Define SLA permissions.

Image Knowledgebase Access—This permission gives customers access to the Support Center knowledge base.

Image Allow This Group to View a Reference’s Rating—This permission allows customers to view the average rating of knowledge base content.

Image Allow This Group to Rate References—This permission allows customers to rate knowledge base content.

Image Allow This Group to Write Feedback After Rating—This permission allows customers to write feedback after rating knowledge base content.

Image Allow This Group to Subscribe to References and Receive Notification When Reference Is Updated—This permission allows customers to receive notifications when references are updated.

Image Allow This Group to Use the Troubleshooter—The Service Center Troubleshooter helps customers find answers in the knowledge base before they submit tickets or emails. You can configure which channels (email, ticket) should display Troubleshooter in Service Center.

Image Allow This Group to Use the Glossary—This permission allows the customers to use the Glossary in Service Center.

Image Download Access—This permission allows customers to download files uploaded via the Download module in Service Desk.

Image My Support Access—This permission allows customers to access the My Support page in Service Center if they have created their profile.

Image Ticket Access—This permission allows customers to access the ticketing features of Support Center.

Image Allow This Group to Submit Ticket Request—This permission allows customers to submit tickets using Service Center.

Image Chat Access—This permission grants customers access to the Parature live chat feature of Support Center.

Image Allow This Group to Initiate a Chat Request—This permission allows customers to start a live chat session with available CSRs.

Image Allow This Group to Submit Email Request—This permission allows users to send email to the support team, using Support Center.


The SLA in this example does not allow access to download and chat functionality.

Knowledge Base Management

Knowledge base articles help organizations address a number of issues that customers face while using their products or services. Knowledge base articles provide answers to frequently asked questions, documentation of product features, solutions to common problems related to a product, and so on. Knowledge base articles help organizations reduce the cost for support of their products by cutting down phone calls from customers to their support center. Customers get answers to common problems from knowledge base articles published from Service Desk to Support Center. By default, there is one Glossary folder for publishing knowledge base articles. You can create new folders to categorize your articles. To create a new folder, follow these steps (see Figure 12.9):


FIGURE 12.9 Creating a new folder.

1. In the Knowledgebase tab, select the parent folder (called Webfortis in this case) from the left navigation pane and click the New button in this pane.

2. In the right content frame, provide the folder name and folder description.

3. Change the parent folder by using the Selected Parent Folder drop-down.

4. Keep the Private Folder check box unchecked if you want articles listed under this folder to be published to Support Center. If this check box is checked, articles are not published to Support Center.

5. Click the Save button at bottom to create a new folder.

Follow these steps to publish a knowledge base article:

1. In Service Desk, click the Knowledgebase tab and then click the New Article button.

2. In the Questions field, type the issue or problem you want to address.

3. In the Answer field, use the rich text editor to format the answer to your question.

4. Enter appropriate keywords, separated by spaces or commas, to help customers find knowledge base articles easily (see Figure 12.10).


FIGURE 12.10 Keywords associated with knowledge base articles.

5. In the Properties section, select the folder(s) in which you want your article to be listed. You can select more than one folder by holding down the Ctrl key as you click the folders you want.

6. In Permission, select the check boxed in front of SLA names where you want your article to be accessible.

7. Click the Fast Forward button to select and associate article with a product.

8. Select the check box Exclude Article from Portal Search if you want the article to be excluded from search results in Support Center.

9. In the Advance Options section, select the check box to reset the view count of the article. This option is used when articles are already published.

10. Provide an expiration date for the article so that the article will not be unpublished on or after the provided expiration date. It will then be displayed in the Expired References list in the Knowledgebase module.

11. Select the Notify Subscribers check box so that when article is published, customers can subscribe to the article. If you select this check box, all the customers who have subscribed to the article will receive an email notification when any change is made to the article.

12. Set the External URL to Reference if you want to link the article outside Support Center.

13. Click the Save button at the bottom to save the article in draft status.

14. Go to Drafts folder in left navigation pane, select the article, and click Send for Review at the bottom. The article is now moved to the Review folder.

15. Open the same article in the Review folder from the left navigation pane and click the Publish Article button at the bottom to publish the article. You must have the Administrator role for the knowledge base to publish the article.

For a knowledge base article to be available to customers on Support Center, make sure it is in the public folder, the status is Published, and the proper SLA is set.

When you edit an article, there are several options available on the navigation bar:

Image Alternate Questions—This option allows you to provide answers to similar questions with a single knowledge base article. Creating alternate questions helps you identify the different ways customers might ask the same question while avoiding and also helps you avoid the need to create duplicate articles. When you edit an article, you see the Alternate Questions button at the top.

Image Attachments—You can attach files to an article for customers to download from Support Center. You need to upload a file first in the Download module and then associate the same file with the article by using Attachments button.

Image Subscribers—You can view current subscribers, subscribe more customers, and unsubscribe customers to an article by using the Subscribers button. You can also send email to subscribers from here when there is any update to the knowledge base article.

Image Feedback—Click the Feedback button to see feedback received from customers on the knowledge base article. You can delete the feedback and also reply to customers from here by using the Email Customer(s) button.


The Download module helps you easily manage and upload electronic files via Service Desk that can be made available to customers to download from the Support Center. You can manage your electronic files by using a folder hierarchy that is just like the hierarchy in the Knowledgebase module.

The Download module lets you to do batch uploads your files. Follow these steps to do a batch upload of your files:

1. Click the Download module tab and then click Batch Uploads.

2. Click the Browse button to open file upload control (see Figure 12.11).


FIGURE 12.11 File uploads.

3. Click the Upload Another File link to show another Browse button.

4. You can select maximum of.

5. With up to 10 files selected for the batch upload, click the Upload File(s) button.

EULA (End User License Agreement)

The EULA is a document that shows rights and responsibilities that end users must agree to in exchange for the use of downloadable content. Parature enables you to create a EULA and attach it to files that you allow your customers to download from Support Center. To use this option, click the Download module and then click the EULA button. You need to provide a short title, a title, and a description to create the new EULA. The Short Title field has a maximum length of 128 character, Title is limited to 512 characters, and Description is limited to 30,000 characters.

Parature Video

You can embed Parature video files directly into knowledge base articles to allow customers to view related videos without having to navigate away from the knowledge base article. Customers can then play videos directly from Service Desk or Support Center, using the hosted Parature video player. When you are uploading a video file, select the Parature Video check box, and the upload process converts the file into a Parature video file (see Figure 12.12).


FIGURE 12.12 Parature video options.


The Product module helps you maintain the products owned by your customers and accounts. It consists of catalog, products, and unique assets. CSRs have access to all production information by customer or account. CSRs can create new products and associate them with customers and accounts.

Follow these steps to create a product (see Figure 12.13):


FIGURE 12.13 New product form.

1. In the Product module tab, then click Catalog.

2. Select the product catalog folder where you want to create products. If there is no folder for the product catalog, create one.

3. Click the New button in the left navigation pane and enter the required fields on the right.

4. From the Folder drop-down, select the folder where you want to create the product.

5. Click the Save button at the bottom.

Catalog Folders

You can manage your product inventory by creating a folder hierarchy in the product catalog. The product catalog folder structure can be created, ordered, edited, and deleted just like Knowledgebase module and Download module folder structures. The product catalog folder is for Service Desk use only; it is not published on Service Center.

Follow these steps to create a new product catalog folder:

1. On the Product module tab, then click Catalog.

2. In the left navigation pane, click the New button.

3. Provide the folder name and description.

4. Use the up and down arrows in the Order Folder field to order the folders.

5. Set Folder Privacy drop-down to Private or Public.

6. Click the Save button.

Product Association

You can filter the content delivered to your customers based on product associations. This helps you ensure that content reaches the right customers. You can modify filtering behavior by using configurations. There are four methods for product filtering:

Image If a customer has associated products, show content that is associated with matching products and content that is associated with no products; if a customer has no associated products, show all content.

Image If a customer has associated products, show content that is associated with matching products and content that is associated with no products; if a customer has no associated products, show only content that is not associated with any product.

Image If a customer has associated products, show only content that is associated with matching products; if a customer has no associated products, show nothing.

Image Do not filter any content by product at all.

Associate Products with Customer or Account

Creating relationships between accounts, customers, and their products allows you to provide more personalized customer service. Customers can view articles and downloads related to their specific product. CSRs can also provide better support to customers if they know in advance what products customers use.

Follow these steps to associate a customer with a product (see Figure 12.14):


FIGURE 12.14 Associating a product with a customer.

1. Go to the Customers module tab and select a customer record.

2. Click the Products button in the customer record to see a list of all the existing products associated with the customer.

3. Click the Associate Product button.

4. Click the Fast Forward button and then select the product you want to associate.

5. Provide the other product details and click the Save button.


You can also associate products by using the Fast Forward button next to Related Products for knowledge base articles and Download module content files.


The Chat module helps you manage chat deployments, queues, and routing rules; customize chat settings; and manage CSR chat with customers. Customers do not always need to visit Support Center to initiate a chat request with a CSR. Parature chat deployment provides the option to use chat buttons and chat links to give customers access to live chat from anywhere on the web. Follow these steps to create chat buttons and links:

1. In the Setup module, click Chat > Deployments > Chat Buttons/Links.

2. Click the New Deployment button.

3. Enter the name of the chat deployment in the Name text field.

4. In the Deployment Settings step, click the Edit button. You have two options: Select either existing default images or user custom images. If you select the Use Custom Images option, you need to provide two images—one for when agents are available and one for when agents are offline. Provide alternate text for both images in the appropriate text fields.

5. Click the Save Images button to save your images.

6. In the Set Offline Message field, enter the text you want to display to customers when there is no CSR available for chat.

7. Click the Generate Deployment Code button to generate code for your chat button and chat link (see Figure 12.15).


FIGURE 12.15 Chat configuration.

8. Select the check box Include Pre-Chat Questions to ask questions of customers who request a chat session before they are linked to a CSR.

9. Use the Routing drop-down to select the routing behavior for chat requests from chat buttons and links. It can be either of the following:

Image Use Routing Rules—All chat requests follow the routing rules that have been configured in Service Desk.

Image Direct to Queue—All chat requests are routed directly to specific chat queues. Use the Queue drop-down (which appear when the Direct to Queue option is selected) to select the queue these requests will be routed to.

10. Click the Save button.

Chat Queues

Pairing chat queues with routing rules and pre-chat questions helps ensure that customers are helped as soon as possible by CSRs. In some cases, CSRs may be subject matter experts for a specific product. If a customer’s pre-chat information indicates a need for a subject matter expert, he or she can be linked to an appropriate CSR.

Follow these steps to create a chat queue:

1. Go to the Setup module and select Chat > Queues > Active Queues.

2. Click the New Queue button.

3. Provide a name for the chat queue in Name field.

4. In the Permissions section, select the check box for the role(s) that will have permission to take action on chats routed to this queue. These are the options:

Image All Chat Techs—All CSRs with the Chat Technician Role or higher will be able to see this chat queue and take action on chats routed to it.

Image All Chat Techs View All—All CSRs with the Chat Technician View All Role or higher will be able to see this chat queue and take action on chats routed to it.

Image All Chat Supervisors—All CSRs with the Chat Supervisor Role will be able to see this chat queue and take action on chats routed to it.

5. Optionally, select individual CSRs who will have access to this queue by moving the desired CSRs from the Available CSRs list to the Permitted CSRs list.

6. Click the Save button.

Chat Routing Rules

Chat routing rules route new chat requests to the appropriate CSR or queue based on the business logic mentioned in rules. You can create three types of chat rules:

Image New chat rules—These rules determine where new chat requests are routed. These rules run in order from first to last as soon as a new chat request is submitted by a customer. For example, if you want to have a dedicated queue for premium customers, you can create a chat rule to assign all chats where customer SLA is Premium to the premium chat queue (see Figure 12.16).


FIGURE 12.16 Chat routing rule criteria.

Image Escalation rules—These are special routing rules that apply to chat requests after they have been idle for a certain period of time.

Image Deflection rules—These rules display custom message to customers when no chat representatives are available or when a chat has been idle for a certain period of time. Select the Auto Create Ticket for Chat Request check box to automatically create a ticket using the customer’s responses to pre-chat questions. Tickets will not be created for customers who are not logged on to Support Center.


CSRs can view a tickets summary, create new tickets, attach files to tickets, assign tickets to CSRs, create ticket routing rules, and customize ticket queues from the Ticket module. CSRs can create tickets directly from customer or account record page.

When a ticket is submitted to a ticket queue, only the CSRs assigned to that ticket queue can take action on that ticket. CSRs with the Trouble Ticket (TT) Admin role can only delete a ticket. You can archive resolved tickets to keep ticket queues clean. When you close out a ticket, it is moved from its original queue to the Archived Tickets folder.

E2T (Email to Ticket Conversion)

As Microsoft Dynamics CRM has the email-to-case feature, Parature Service Desk has similar capabilities. E2T allows you to convert emails sent to your main support email address to Parature tickets and submit them to ticket queues. Follow these steps to configure E2T conversion (see Figure 12.17):


FIGURE 12.17 E2T configuration.

1. In the Setup tab, go to Ticket > Email Settings > Email to Ticket.

2. Under Email to Ticket Conversion Settings, select the Enable check box to display your settings.

3. Under Email to Ticket Inbox, provide the POP3 server details for the mailbox for which you want received emails to be converted into Parature tickets.

4. Under Register Email to Ticket Addresses, if you have multiple support email addresses and you want to specify that every email sent to any of these addresses should convert into a Parature ticket, add all those email addresses here.

5. Under Ticket Replies from Email, if you set Ticket Reply to No, you disable customer ticket replies, and all email replies will be converted to new tickets. Select Yes to enable ticket replies from customers and then set the following:

Image Reopen Ticket by Email Reply—You have four options here: You can select to allow reopen tickets of type Only Solved, Only Closed, Both Closed and Solved, or None when a customer sends a reply.

Image Rejection Email Subject and Rejection Email Body—If you opted not to reopen a ticket by email reply, you can edit the rejection email subject and body that will be sent to customers.

Image Email Reply Options—You can configure how to handle email replies from customers:

Image If you select the option Display up to 4000 Characters in History, Attach Message if Necessary, then if email content is over this limit, the first 4,000 characters are added to the ticket comments, and the email message is attached to the ticket.

Image If you select the option Only Attach the Message to the History, the email will be attached to the ticket, and no comments will be added.

Image If you select the option Truncate Reply at ______ Characters and Attach the Message, the email will be attached to the ticket, and the specified number of characters will be truncated from the email message and added to the comments in the ticket.

Image Unknown Sender—You can specify how you can process a reply—as a CSR or a customer—if Parature cannot identify the sender of the reply.

6. Under Ticket Create, set the following:

Image Max Email—How many emails from a single customer should be processed in one day. Specify -1 if you do not want any limit.

Image Max Duplicate Emails—How many emails from the customer that look identical to emails sent by same customer should be processed in one day. Specify -1 to remove any limit.

Image Convert Customer Registration Emails to Tickets—Select this check box if you want to convert customer emails received for registration at Support Center into tickets.

Image Convert Customer Feedback to Tickets—Select this check box if you want to have this option.

Image Original Email Transcript Processing—You can select to attach the email to ticket always or when it is more than 4,000 characters.

7. Under Remove CC Email Addresses, add the email addresses that you want to remove from CC list during the E2T conversion process.

8. Under Blocked Email Addresses, add the email addresses from which you do not want emails to be converted into tickets.

9. Click the Save button.

Figure 12.18 shows the E2T configuration screen for the Remove CC and Blocked Email Addresses option.


FIGURE 12.18 Email to ticket configuration the for Remove and Blocked Email Addresses option.


Parature enables you to capture feedback from customers by using surveys. You can create and preview surveys and then distribute them.


The feature Voice of the Customer that also provides surveys to customers in Dynamics CRM 2016. See Chapter 34, “Voice of the Customer,” for more information related to this feature.

Follow these steps to create a new survey (see Figure 12.19):

1. Click the Survey module tab and then click the New Survey button.

2. Provide a name and description for the survey in the Survey Details section.

3. In the Design Wizards section, either select an existing design for the survey or create your own design by using Design Builder.


FIGURE 12.19 Creating a survey.

4. To copy an existing survey, click the Open Import Tool button and select an existing survey by clicking the Fast Forward button. You have the option to import only the design of the selected survey or append questions of the selected survey to an existing survey or import distributions or all.

5. Click the Preview button to see a preview of the survey in a pop-up window.

6. Click the Continue to Step 2 button to add questions for the survey.

7. Click the New Question button to create new questions and select the types of questions.

8. To change the order of questions, click the Update Order button, and to import existing questions, click the Import Question button.

9. Click the Continue to Step 3 button to configuration the following:

Image Create a response message to be displayed when a survey is submitted.

Image Prevent re-submissions from the same browser.

Image End the survey after a specified date and number of responses.

Figure 12.20 shows the response options available.


FIGURE 12.20 Survey response feedback options.

10. Click the Continue to Step 4 button to start distribution of the survey. You can distribute the survey by using one of these methods: email, web, or phone.

11. For the email distribution method, select the email template and recipients and then launch the survey.

12. Click the Fast Forward button to select the image button template to use for the survey link, pop-up, or image button you use for a chat buttons or chat link.

13. Click the Continue to Step 5 button to go through the survey summary before launch.

14. Click the Preview Survey check box to complete the pre-launch checklist. Click the Launch Survey button to launch the survey. The survey is visible to customers, and you can see responses by clicking the Responses button.

You can edit, delete, or end the launched survey at any point in time. You can edit questions or the design of a launched survey, too. And you can disable survey responses any time and enter your own response. In a business case scenario, you can set up a chat rule which says that when a chat with a customer ends, the system should send an email to the customer with a link to a survey to get feedback on the chat.


Parature, as described in this chapter, is designed to provide rich customer interactions, leveraging a strong feature set. Parature has several important features that are beyond the scope of this book, including the following:

Image Para-connect (the integration component for Dynamics CRM)

Image Portal

Image Advanced customization

Because Parature’s features are being included directly in Dynamics CRM, they will be eliminated from Parature in the near future.

Be sure to check the Pearson website for this book for updated information on Parature as it becomes available.

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