Chapter 9. Microsoft Dynamics Marketing

While Dynamics CRM has basic marketing capabilities that include the ability to segment and send emails (and even track responses), the ability to execute on complex campaigns requires a more sophisticated tool for marketing. This tool is Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM), which is a product specifically oriented toward marketing departments.


MDM is a separate product from Microsoft Dynamics CRM that fully integrates with Dynamics CRM. Users can purchase it through an Office 365 subscription.


MDM is available only with CRM Online, and there are no plans for it to be available for On-Premises installations. However, you can integrate the MDM Online service with your On-Premises deployment of Dynamics CRM.


This chapter covers only the most common usage scenarios related to MDM, as an entire book could be written about MDM.

The current version of MDM (Dynamics Marketing 2016, Update 0.3) is the third generation since Microsoft acquired Marketing Pilot in 2012.

Key Features of MDM

MDM is a robust marketing solution for marketing operations, planning, execution, and analytics across different channels, such as email, social media, SMS, and various other digital options (blogs, Twitter, and so on).


You can get a free one-month trial of the Enterprise version of MDM for 25 users by going to

While the MDM user interface (UI) shares the same look and feel as the Dynamics CRM application, these are actually two different systems and applications, using different databases and entity models behind the scenes.

These are the key features of MDM:

Image Marketing resource management

Image Multichannel campaigns

Image Lead management and scoring

Image Sales and marketing collaboration

Image Social marketing

Image Marketing intelligence

All these features present a mature and enterprise-class system for marketing, and the typical deployment of MDM is to a marketing department, not to a casual user who wants to send occasional emails announcing sales (not that you couldn’t do that).

MDM Setup

After navigating to the Office 365 portal and selecting MDM to add to your subscription (or getting a free trial, as mentioned earlier in this chapter), you need to perform an initial setup and configuration. As part of this initial setup, you need to select a default currency, which will later be used to manage the marketing budgets, and the language (as shown in Figure 9.1). Note that you can change the configurations later, if necessary, by going to Settings > Site Settings, as explained later in this chapter.


FIGURE 9.1 MDM first-time configurations.

You must also agree to the terms of the applicable MDM license or subscription and click the Submit button to start using the application, as shown in Figure 9.2.


FIGURE 9.2 Agreeing to the terms of the MDM agreement.

The welcome screen, which appears next, presents a drop-down list with the following options to help you select your role:

Image Marketing Manager

Image Creative

Image Media Buyer

Image All

After you select a role selection, a video presentation shows how to initially use and navigate the system, and you can opt to not see this welcome screen again in the future by selecting Don’t Show Me This Again. After you view the video or click Skip Intro, you see the home page.


To navigate back to the welcome page, select the gear in the top-right corner of the window and choose Welcome Dialog.

The first time you log in to MDM, you get a series of warnings across the top of the screen:

Image Turn On Full-Text Search

Image Double Opt-in for Emails

Image SMS Marketing Information

Image Standardized KPIs for SMS

The following sections describe how to deal with these messages.

Turn On Full-Text

To turn on the full-text search, click Go to Site Settings in the yellow warning bar. Alternatively, you can navigate to Home > Settings > Site Settings. Figure 9.3 shows where to turn on/off full-text search, in the Contact Options section.


FIGURE 9.3 Use Full-Text Search option.

Check this option and then click Submit at the bottom of the page.


Notice that under Settings > Site Settings you can find all the configurations that were made the first time MDM was configured, and you can change them here as well.

Double Opt-in for Emails

This warning suggests using double verification before setting a contact to receive marketing materials. The reason for this is that usually a contact is created in the system after completing a form on a web page, and in most cases that automatically sets the contact to allow receipt of marketing emails. However, it is recommended that you ask the contact if he or she really wants to receive these emails by sending them another email with a link so they can opt in.

To get rid of the double opt-in emails warning, navigate to Settings > Company Settings to go to the My Company Page, as shown in Figure 9.4.


FIGURE 9.4 My Company page.

Check the Enable for Email Marketing check box next to Double Opt-in and click Submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes. Then click OK on the confirmation alert.


The Double Opt-in setting is a global setting, which means that it will apply to all emails.

SMS Marketing Information

The SMS Marketing Information warning suggests that you review user permissions and privacy information about SMS marketing and relevant contact duplicate detection options. To do so, click the link that appears in this warning’s yellow bar (or navigate to Settings > Site Settings).

As shown in Figure 9.5, when you navigate from the SMS Marketing subtitle, you can click the Review Privacy Information for SMS Marketing link to see instructions on how to configure SMS.


FIGURE 9.5 SMS Marketing section.


SMS requires you to set up a short code for each region and then purchase SMS message credits before you can use SMS Marketing features.

Standardized KPIs for SMS

For the Standardized KPIs for SMS warning, navigate to Settings > Marketing Automation and select whether to view standardized or legacy KPIs, as shown in Figure 9.6.


FIGURE 9.6 Marketing automation settings.

MDM Navigation

From the navigation bar you can access the main functionalities of the MDM application. Selecting Microsoft Dynamics Marketing always takes you home.


Select the Home icon to go to your home page, where you can customize the application by adding widgets.

If you click Add Widgets, you get icons for the following options (see Figure 9.7):

Image Add Charts

Image Add Budget Usage

Image Add Power BI

Image Add Widgets


FIGURE 9.7 Adding widgets.

Adding Charts

Figure 9.8 shows the options available after you select the chart icon on the Add Widget page. When you add a chart, you need to select a data source, which can be any of the following:

Image Expense Item

Image Lead Performance

Image File Usage

Image Email Deliverability

Image Budget Usage

Image Campaign Effectiveness


FIGURE 9.8 Adding a chart.

You can select one of the following type of charts:

Image Pie chart

Image Area chart

Image Bubble chart

Adding Widgets

Selecting the last icon on the Add Widget page allows you to add the following widgets:

Image Approvals

Image Favorite Files

Image My Jobs

Image Job Status

Image My Tasks

Image My Time Slips

Image My opportunities

Image Account Balances

Image My Leads

Image Lead Performance

Image My Scheduled Emails

Image Email Marketing

Figure 9.9 shows the Approvals and Favorite Files widgets added to the home page.


FIGURE 9.9 Approvals and Favorite Files widgets.


From the Add Widget page you can also add Budget Usage and Power BI components to the application to provide analytics and reporting.

Main Areas of the MDM Application

The MDM application is divided in the following areas, which are dependent on the user roles and privileges you are configured to be able see (see the “Settings” section, later in this chapter):

Image Projects

Image Marketing Execution

Image Assets & Media

Image Budgeting

Image Performance

Image Settings

Figure 9.10 shows these main navigation options in the navigation bar, and the following sections provide details.


FIGURE 9.10 Main navigation options.


As shown in Figure 9.10, the Projects area is divided in the following sections and items:

Image Jobs Management

Image Jobs

Image Jobs Request Templates

Image Jobs Request Menu

Image Approvals

Image Approvals

Image Templates

Image Tasks

Image Tasks

Image Notes

Image Notes

Image Emails

Image Emails

Image Templates

Image Reports

Image Approval Workload

Image Tasks Workload

Image Tasks Gantt

Image Jobs % on Time

Image Jobs Actual vs. Est Time

Image Jobs Performance

Image Estimated Time

Image Time Utilization/Realization

Image Time Workload

Image Invoices Time


Jobs track overall projects and are necessary for tasks to be assigned, distributed, and completed. Figure 9.11 shows the new job form.


FIGURE 9.11 New job form.

In addition to using jobs to manage and track projects, you can complete the specifications and related note fields to provide context related to the jobs. In addition, if you add time slips to the job form, you can later aggregate effort on any given project by clicking the clock icon in the top-right corner of the new job form. Figure 9.12 shows the time slip addition form.


FIGURE 9.12 Adding time slips.

Project Templates

You can use project templates when you find that a job is used more than once. After you create a project template, it must be used to create requests.

In essence, project templates create the layout and necessary questions that the requestor then completes in order to make a request.

To create a project template, navigate to Projects > Project Request > Templates and click the + button.

Enter at least the name of the template and save the form. After you save the new template, you can add new requirements by clicking the + button near the requirements.

Complete the required information and click Save to save the requirement.

After you add all the requirements you need, you can click Submit to activate them. Figure 9.13 shows the project template with several requirements. Notice the order that was selected/entered when creating the task; you can adjust this manually if necessary by selecting tasks with the mouse and moving them in the preferred order. (MDM automatically reorders the sequence.)


FIGURE 9.13 Project templates with requirements.

Click Submit to finish your project template configurations.

Project Requests

Not to be confused with job requests, project requests develop projects, and they typically require approval, queuing of permissions, resources, and so on before the requests can become jobs. (Job requests, on the other hand, skip the approval step and create a job immediately.)

When creating a new project request, you are required to enter the name of the request and a type. From the Type drop-down you can select from a list of the active project templates you have in the system, so be sure you have at least one project template created before trying to create a new project request.

When you create a new request, the estimated completion date is automatically calculated based on the estimated duration in days you entered and the project template you selected from the Type drop-down list.

Click Save to create the new project request, and the list of requirements that were predefined in the project template is shown (see Figure 9.14).


FIGURE 9.14 New request requirements.


If you want to select a division, you must create a divisions first by going to the Settings area, as explained later in this chapter. Once the division is selected and saved, this value can’t be changed.


There are two types of approval requests: approval and review. An approval request requires the user to approve or reject an item, whereas a review request is only a request for feedback and doesn’t include or involve any workflow. Figure 9.15 shows the new approval request form.


FIGURE 9.15 New approval request form.

If you have a complex approval process, you can customize the basic workflow by clicking the Workflow button after you have completed the required fields and clicking Save. You then see the screen shown in Figure 9.16.


FIGURE 9.16 Approval request workflow designer.

You can add a reviewer by dragging and dropping the Reviewer component from the right list to the workflow designer area, and then you can switch to the Properties tab to specify the user who will act as a reviewer for this workflow. After you select the user, click Select.

You can use the following library components:

Image Approval

Image Reviewer

Image Group Review

Image Action Type

Image Email

Image Task

Image Scheduler

Image Response

Image Trigger

After configuring the workflow, you must validate it by clicking the Validate button. After it is validated, the workflow can be activated.


All approvers or reviewers must be users of MDM.


An extensive audit log is created during the approval and review process that allows the requestor to view all comments made during the process.

Marketing Execution

The Marketing Execution area is divided in the following sections and items:

Image Campaign Management

Image Campaigns

Image Campaign Templates

Image Programs

Image Marketing Calendar

Image Offers

Image A/B Testing

Image A/B Testing

Image Marketing Database

Image Marketing Companies

Image Marketing Contacts

Image Vendors

Image Vendor Companies

Image Vendor Contacts

Image Clients

Image Client Contacts

Image Client Companies

Image Contracts

Image Marketing Lists

Image Marketing Lists

Image Lead Management

Image Landing Pages

Image Leads

Image Opportunity Metrics

Image Opportunity Forecast

Image Marketing Plans

Image Marketing Plans

Image Internet Marketing

Image Online Visitors

Image Redirecting URLs

Image Websites

Image Event Management

Image Events

Image Lodging

Image Attendance

Image Registrations

Image Sponsorships

Image Staffing

Image Templates

Image Equipment Requests

Image Equipment Availability

Image Equipment Inventory

Image Venues

Image Venue Facilities

Image Travel

Image Social Media

Image Social Media

Image Email Marketing

Image Email Marketing Messages

Image Templates

Image External Content

Image SMS Marketing

Image SMS Marketing Messages

Image Calendar

Image Activities

Image Calendar

Image Results

Image Results

Figure 9.17 shows the Marketing Execution navigation options from the navigation bar.


FIGURE 9.17 Marketing Execution area.


When considering marketing, one of the most important features is campaigns. MDM allows you to see the campaigns you have already created that are running.

To create a new campaign, navigate to the Campaign Templates option. Once there, start a campaign by using one of the existing templates or by creating a new campaign template (see Figure 9.18).


FIGURE 9.18 Campaign templates.

To create a new campaign template, click on the + icon in the command bar.

Each campaign has three navigation options, represented by icons right under the word Create:

Image Summary

Image Automation

Image Dashboard

To complete the summary information, enter a name for your campaign, and the company name is populated with your personal company name; you can change this later, if needed, in the Settings area. Click Save to create your campaign.


To be able to start editing the automation of your campaign, be sure to set start and end dates for the campaign.


You can add automation in order to preconfigure the follow-up related to actions that have occurred. For example, a user might request information from a webpage, and from that you would want to send the user the information and then follow up with additional emails and assign the lead to a sales agent (via a task).

By using the process of automation, marketers can scale their outreach, leveraging the power of technology.

Figure 9.19 shows the automation page for a campaign. Microsoft refers to this area as the Campaign Canvas.


FIGURE 9.19 New campaign automation.

With the automation editor, You can drag and drop tiles to specify what events should happen and when. You drag the activities from the right and drop them on the design area on the left. You can then select an activity you dropped and switch to the Properties tab to configure the activity for the automation, as shown in Figure 9.20.


FIGURE 9.20 Email activity properties.

To delete an activity, just right-click it and select Delete. You can also copy and paste from this context menu.

Dragging an activity and dropping just below an existing activity allows you to add activities in parallel. Figure 9.21 shows campaign automation with parallel activities added.


FIGURE 9.21 Campaign with activities in parallel.

By clicking the multi-selector icon (which looks like a mouse pointer and is at the top of the automation designer), you can select more than one activity at the same time by drawing a square by holding the left button of the mouse as you click activities.

If you have lot of activities, you can use the zoom mode that is near the multi-selection icon to zoom in and out of the canvas, as shown in Figure 9.22.


FIGURE 9.22 Zoom mode.

When you are done configuring campaign automation, you must validate it prior to activating it. You can do this by clicking the Validation button in the top-right corner (see Figure 9.22). Any activity that has errors is shown with a red exclamation point, as shown in Figure 9.23.


FIGURE 9.23 Campaign validation.

To correct these errors, you need to enter data in their required fields. To do that, double-click the tile to see the properties displayed in the right panel. Each activity type has its own specific set of properties.

The Goal tab is where you can set the leads, unit costs, average score, and grade for the campaign (see Figure 9.24).


FIGURE 9.24 Campaign goals.

You can add more goals if necessary by clicking the + button and selecting one of the result types listed and clicking OK. Figure 9.25 shows the result type options available.


FIGURE 9.25 Adding more goals by selecting other result types.

You can create your own custom result types by going to Settings > Result Types.

Campaign Dashboard

When all issues are fixed and a campaign is validated, you can switch to the dashboard (see Figure 9.26) to see detailed information about the campaign performance.


FIGURE 9.26 Campaign dashboard.

As with the home page, you can add widgets on the campaign dashboard to take advantage of additional management features.

Email Marketing

You can use email marketing to send emails using templates. Navigate to Marketing Execution and then select the Email Marketing Messages option. Here you see the email messages that were executed as well as important information about the reaming messages quota limit you can use for the day and the month, as shown in Figure 9.27.


FIGURE 9.27 Email marketing messages.

Image To learn how to enable the sample email templates, SEE the “Templates” section, later in this chapter.

You can create a new email message by clicking the + button, selecting an email template, and entering your company name, as shown in Figure 9.28. Click Submit and then enter a name for your email and select a subscription center.


FIGURE 9.28 New email marketing message.


The subscription center is a mandatory plug-in that ensures that all emails are CAN-SPAM compliant. See the “Settings” section of this chapter for more details.

Either create a new subscription center in the Settings area or use the sample subscription center, as shown in Figure 9.29.


FIGURE 9.29 New email marketing message with a subscription center.

Select the Edit Content icon just above the Status field to enter the design mode, which is shown in Figure 9.30.


FIGURE 9.30 New email marketing message design mode rich text editor.

Depending on the control you select on the design palate, you will see different properties that can be applied in the right panel.

By clicking Validate in the command bar you can see what must be completed to ensure that the email is valid and can be sent. Figure 9.31 shows the result with a poorly formed email.


FIGURE 9.31 Email marketing message validation results.


For every error or warning displayed on the Validation Results page, you can click the Edit button to go to the place on the form where you need to fix the problem.

For example, a common error is not selecting the recipients of the email. Figure 9.32 shows the options for selecting recipients from one of the existing lists.


FIGURE 9.32 Email marketing message recipients.

You can also preview the email message in multiple devices and change the orientation to make sure mobile users can read your messages on any device, as shown in Figure 9.33.


FIGURE 9.33 Email marketing message preview.

If you want to take a look at the generated HTML code of the email, you can click the View HTML button. You then see a read-only view of the generated HTML code, as shown in Figure 9.34.


FIGURE 9.34 Email marketing message HTML view.

When you are done fixing all validation issues, it is recommended that you send a Test Send email to make sure the email looks good before you sent it to the selected recipients. Figure 9.35 shows the Test Send dialog, where you can enter a custom email address manually.


FIGURE 9.35 Email marketing message Test Send dialog.

After you enter an email address in the Test Send dialog, click the + button to add it to the list and then click the Send button.

Examine the email on your devices for form, function, and portability. When you’re satisfied with the results, click the Send button to rerun the validation. When you see the confirmation dialog, click Send again to send the message to all the selected recipients.

After you send emails, you can switch to the summary view to see the result of the email messages (see Figure 9.36). To see the performance charts, you need to expand the details section, which is collapsed by default.


FIGURE 9.36 Email marketing message summary view.

Landing Pages

With MDM you can easily create landing pages without having to use an external website. You go to Marketing Execution > Landing Pages and click the + icon to create a new landing page, as shown in Figure 9.37.


FIGURE 9.37 Creating a new landing page.

Assets & Media

The Assets & Media area is divided in the following sections and items:

Image Components

Image Components

Image Component Adjustments

Image Component Packs

Image Component Requests

Image Main

Image Sub Folder

Image Advertisements

Image Advertisements

Image Files

Image Files

Image File Libraries

Image File Usage

Image Media Planning

Image Media Outlets

Image Rate Cards

Image Media Buying

Image Ad Scheduler


Components are physical marketing items such as brochures and business cards. Figure 9.38 shows the form for adding a component; you can use this form to create and catalog your assets.


FIGURE 9.38 Adding a new component.

The Type drop-down shows a list of component types that you can manage by going to Settings > Categories, as explained later in this chapter.

You can create folders by selecting Settings > Categories > Component Folder Category. You can also create them from the Assets & Media Components list, but instead of creating a new component, you can click the new folder icon as follows:

1. Click the Make Folder icon, as shown in Figure 9.39.


FIGURE 9.39 Make Folder icon.

2. Enter the name of the folder and click Save and then Submit (see Figure 9.40).


FIGURE 9.40 New component folder.

3. Enter the information required to build and host the component folder.


The Budgeting area is divided into the following sections and items:

Image Payments

Image Expenses

Image Purchase Orders

Image Settings

Image Budget Workbooks

Image Reconciliation

Image Expense Reconciliation

Image Closing

Figure 9.41 shows the navigation options for the Budgeting area.


FIGURE 9.41 Budgeting area.


The Budgeting area is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, you can check the online help for MDM for further information.


The Performance area is divided in the following sections and items:

Image Campaign Management

Image Campaign Performance

Image Marketing Results

Image Online Visitors

Image Projects

Image Jobs % on Time

Image Jobs Actual vs. Est Time

Image Jobs Performance

Image Request Metrics

Image Approval Workload

Image Tasks Workload

Image Tasks Gantt

Image Marketing Database

Image Opportunity Metrics

Image Opportunity Forecast

Image Other Reports

Image Other Reports

Figure 9.42 shows the options in the Performance area.


FIGURE 9.42 Performance area.

In the Other Reports section (the last option in the Performance area), there are a variety of reports you can run, email, print, and export to Microsoft Excel or PDF. The following are some of them (see Figure 9.43):

Image Administration

Image Banking

Image Campaigns

Image Clients and Receivables

Image Company and Budgeting

Image Email

Image Estimates

Image Events

Image Jobs

Image Media

Image Programs

Image Results

Image Sales

Image Tasks

Image Time Slips

Image Vendor and Payables


FIGURE 9.43 Other reports.


The Settings area is divided into the following sections and items:

Image Administration

Image Site Settings

Image Users

Image Roles

Image File Options

Image Reports

Image Languages

Image Import Monitor

Image Shipping

Image Integration Options

Image Social Engagement Option

Image Alert Settings

Image Update Options

Image Business Administration

Image Categories

Image Dashboards

Image Marketing Automation

Image Media Buying

Image Budgeting

Image Jobs & Components

Image External Entities

Image My Company

Image Company Settings

Image Channels

Image Departments

Image Divisions

Image Locations

Image Regions

Image Virtual Teams

Image Staff

Image Campaign Management

Image Campaign Templates

Image Email Marketing Plug-ins

Image Marketing Automation

Image Rules and Models

Image Lead Scoring Models

Image Lead Assignment Rules

Image Approval Templates

Image Approvals

Image Cross-Campaign Rules

Image Templates

Image Campaign Templates

Image Email Marketing Templates

Image Event Templates

Image Job Request Templates

Image Approval Templates

Image Email Templates

Figure 9.44 shows the navigation options for the Settings area.


FIGURE 9.44 Settings area.

While there are a number of settings here (all of which are important), the following sections familiarize you with only the most commonly used settings in this area.


As previously mentioned, an entire book could be devoted to the MDM application, and the coverage here is limited to only the most commonly used features and functions.


The Users page shows a list of all users who have an MDM license assigned (see Figure 9.45).


FIGURE 9.45 Users.

An exclamation point next to a user who doesn’t have any role assigned means that a role needs to be assigned; to assign a role, click the name in the User ID column, and the user details screen, shown in Figure 9.46, appears.


FIGURE 9.46 Editing user privileges.

In the user details screen, you can either assign privileges manually or select a predefined role and assign it to the user to configure the user to have the privileges specified for the assigned role.

You can select one of the following predefined roles:

Image Accounting Professional

Image Administrator

Image Agency Marketing Professional

Image Designer

Image Marketing Manager/VP

Image Marketing Professional

Image Media Buyer

Image Salesperson

Image Seller Portal User

There are four types of users:

Image Media Buyer

Image Regular User

Image Web Portal User

Image Public User


Media Buyer and Regular User require both Office 365 and MDM licenses, while Web Portal User requires only an Office 365 license. Public User, which doesn’t require a license, is an external user of the system.

Clicking your name in the top-right corner takes you to your site contact details, as shown in Figure 9.47.


FIGURE 9.47 Site contact details.

On this page you can change the company.


MDM trials come with some sample email templates that you can enable by going to Settings > Templates > Email Marketing Templates. However, you don’t see any emails initially.

To view the sample email templates, click the user icon to view all user templates and then click the eye icon to see inactive templates (see Figure 9.48).


FIGURE 9.48 All users’ inactive sample email marketing templates.

To enable any of these templates, select the template you want to enable and open it. Once it is open, change the status to blank and then click the Save button, as shown in Figure 9.49.


FIGURE 9.49 Activating a sample email marketing template.

Subscription Center

To be able to send marketing email messages, you must select a subscription center. To create a new subscription center, navigate to Settings > Campaign Management > Email Marketing Plug-ins, and the dialog shown in Figure 9.50 appears.


FIGURE 9.50 Email marketing plug-ins.

Click the + icon to create a new plug-in and select Subscription Center from the Type drop-down list. Then click OK to go to the subscription center page, as shown in Figure 9.51.


FIGURE 9.51 Adding a new subscription center.

Sender Address

To be able to send marketing email messages, you must use a valid and active sender address. To create a new sender address, navigate to Settings > Campaign Management > Email Marketing Plug-ins.

Then click the + icon to create a new plug-in and select Sender Address from the Type drop-down list.

Enter a name for your new sender address and complete the required fields, as shown in Figure 9.52. Then click Save and then Submit.


FIGURE 9.52 New sender address.

You can then use the new sender address when editing an email message by using the Info/Horizontal or Info/Vertical options, as shown in Figure 9.53.


FIGURE 9.53 Using the sender address on an email message.

Result Types

You can go to Settings > Result Types to see the complete list of result types, which you use in the Goal tab of the campaign template.

There are predefined result types. In addition, you can create your own result types by clicking the + button and entering the name of the result type you want to create.


Divisions are different from companies; a company can have an unlimited number of divisions. While not required (information can associate to companies directly), divisions are useful for accurately reflecting the structure of your organization.

If you go to Settings > Divisions > My Company, you can see the complete list of divisions. There are no sample divisions records created out of the box, so you need to create your own. You add a new division by entering the name and then clicking Save and then Submit.


You can go to Settings > Categories > Business Administration to see the complete list of categories. Categories in MDM are divided by language and category type, and they serve as the source of many of the drop-downs used by MDM in the different areas. For example, when you create a component, you see a drop-down option from which you can select the type of the component that is returned by the Component Type Category type. Figure 9.54 shows the categories for the 1099 Vendor category type.


FIGURE 9.54 Categories for the 1099 Vendor category type.

To create a new category, select the category type, wait for the list to be updated, and then click the + icon. The dialog shown in Figure 9.55 appears. After filling in the required field, click Save and then click Submit.


FIGURE 9.55 New categories for a component type.


By default, MDM comes in English, but there are 11 other available languages you can install. To install another language, you can download Microsoft Dynamics Marketing 19.2.5056-Language Pack.msi from

After downloading and executing this language pack, you can find the languages in the C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics MarketingLanguagePack folder.

The following languages are available for installation:

Image Danish (Denmark)—Found in the da-DK folder

Image German (Germany)—Found in the de-DE folder

Image English (United States)—Found in the en-US folder

Image Spanish (Spain)—Found in the es-ES folder

Image Finnish (Finland)—Found in the fi-FI folder

Image French (France)—Found in the fr-FR folder

Image Italian (Italy)—Found in the it-IT folder

Image Japanese (Japan)—Found in the ja-JP folder

Image Dutch (Netherlands)—Found in the nl-NL folder

Image Portuguese (Brazil)—Found in the pt-BR folder

Image Russian (Russia)—Found in the ru-RU folder

Image Swedish (Sweden)—Found in the sv-SE folder

To make another language available in MDM, navigate to the MDM web interface and go to Settings > Languages > Administration Group. Then click the Browse button and locate the file for language you want (for example, C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics MarketingLanguagePackes-ESBase.xml for Spanish). Then click the Import button, and you see the new language installed, as shown in Figure 9.56.


FIGURE 9.56 Installing a new language.

Dynamics Marketing/CRM Integration

You can integrate Dynamics Marketing with any version of Dynamics CRM (Online and On-Premises). To do this, you need to install and run an integration component called the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector. You can download this component from the Microsoft Download Center or by going to

There are different versions of the connector, and you need to download and install the one that matches the Dynamics Marketing version you are running. To find your version, you can go to the Dynamics Marketing user interface, click the gear icon, and select About. The About page that appears lists the version number, as shown in Figure 9.57.


FIGURE 9.57 About Microsoft Dynamics Marketing.

Connector Requirements

The Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector supports the following operating systems:

Image Windows 7

Image Windows 8

Image Windows 8.1

Image Windows Server 2008

Image Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2

It supports the following Microsoft Dynamics CRM versions:

Image CRM Online

Image CRM On-Premises (at least CRM 2011 with Rollup Update 12)

Connector Setup

To set up the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the downloaded Microsoft Dynamics Marketing 19.2.5056-CRM Connector.msi file and double-click it. The setup wizard begins, as shown in Figure 9.58. Click Next.


FIGURE 9.58 Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector for Dynamics CRM.

2. To and accept the terms, click Next.

3. Select the location and components you want to set up and click Next.

4. Click Install to complete the setup wizard. The setup takes a few minutes to complete. When it finishes, you have the option to configure the CRM Connector.

5. Go to the Dynamics CRM web interface and import the solution file that is located in the C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics MarketingSolutionsCRMConnector folder.

Image To learn more about how to import solutions in Dynamics CRM, SEE CHAPTER 22, “Customizing Entities.”

CRM Online Configurations

To configure the CRM Connector for CRM Online, you must go to the MDM web application and select Settings > Integration Options > Administrator and then click Enable CRM Connector Services, as shown in Figure 9.59.


FIGURE 9.59 MDM integration options.

After you have enabled the CRM Connector services, a confirmation window prompts you to start the services (see Figure 9.60). Click OK to do so.


FIGURE 9.60 MDM CRM integration confirmation dialog.

The integration is then enabled but it is not running. Navigate to the CRM Endpoint section and click the gear icon to configure the CRM endpoint. Figure 9.61 shows the interface preconfiguration (notice the Not Configured messages).


FIGURE 9.61 MDM CRM Online integration for the CRM endpoint.

Enter the CRM Online URL and the CRM Online credentials with system administrator rights. Then click the Verify button (see Figure 9.62).


FIGURE 9.62 MDM CRM Online integration CRM endpoint configuration.

When the verification is complete, click Submit, and when you are back to the integration configuration page, click Save and then Submit.

Configuring the Azure Service Bus Message Queues

The next thing you need to do is configure the Azure Service Bus message queues. To do this, go to the MDM web interface and select Settings > Administration > Integration Options.

Find the Service Bus section and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner. Figure 9.63 shows the dialog that appears.


FIGURE 9.63 Configuring Azure for the MDM Connector.

Select Managed Queues (Recommended) and click Next. You now need to enter the Dynamics CRM certificate issuer name and upload the certificate, as shown in Figure 9.64.


FIGURE 9.64 Providing credentials for Azure for MDM Connector.

To find the certificate file and issuer name, navigate to Dynamics CRM and go to Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources. As shown in Figure 9.65, you need to look in the Connect This Instance to Dynamics CRM to Azure Service Bus section near the bottom of the page.


FIGURE 9.65 Dynamics CRM Online to Azure Service Bus.

Get the issuer name, which should be similar to, and click the Download Certificate link to download the certificate to your local computer.

Go back to the MDM user interface and enter the certificate issuer name, upload the certificate, and enter the CRM credentials of a user with the System Administrator role in CRM Online, and click OK.

The configuration starts. When it is successful, you see the Service Bus section.


You can always check the status of this integration by clicking the right-pointing arrow under Health Check.

Manually start the initial synchronization by clicking the right-pointing arrow in the Initial Synchronization section. When the confirmation dialog appears, click Yes, as shown in Figure 9.66.


FIGURE 9.66 Initial synchronization confirmation dialog.

The status changes to In Progress, as shown in Figure 9.67.


FIGURE 9.67 In-progress synchronization.

How long the synchronization takes depends on the number of records you have in the CRM Online organization.


For more information about how to configure the Azure Service Bus to manage queues, see

CRM On-Premises Configurations

If you want to integrate Dynamics Marketing with CRM On-Premises, you need to run the configuration manually. To do so, you start the .msi file you downloaded and manually run the configuration wizard located at C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics MarketingCRMConnectorServiceDataIntegrationConfigurationWizardMicrosoft.Dynamics.Marketing.DataIntegration.ConfigurationWizard.exe.

You see the wizard shown in Figure 9.68.


FIGURE 9.68 Dynamics Marketing to CRM On-Premises configuration welcome screen.

Click Next and in the next screen, select Add a New Connector and enter name for the new instance, as shown in Figure 9.69.


FIGURE 9.69 MDM to CRM new instance.

Click Next and enter your password, as shown in Figure 9.70. Notice that you cannot change the username here, so you must be logged in as a user that belongs to your domain.


FIGURE 9.70 MDM to CRM Set Service Account page.

Click Next to continue, and the tool attempts to validate your credentials.

Enter you CRM organization URL (for example, http://crm2016dev/book/) and CRM system administrator credentials, as shown in Figure 9.71.


FIGURE 9.71 MDM to CRM Connect to CRM page.

Click Next, and the tool validates the CRM connection. If there are errors, you cannot continue until you fix them.

Enter the certificate location of the Azure Service Bus (as explained for the Online version earlier in this chapter), as shown in Figure 9.72.


FIGURE 9.72 MDM to CRM Certificates page.


While Dynamics CRM has some basic marketing features, Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (MDM) is a more robust enterprise solution for marketing purposes. MDM, which is licensed separately from Dynamics CRM, is a full solution for marketing professionals who want to run complex campaigns, involving managing budget, tracking expenses, and more.


Due to the specific nature and complexities inherent with marketing (for example, ROI, A/B testing results), MDM is becoming widely used by marketing agencies, and it is recommended for organizations that have these requirements.

This chapter describes how MDM can be integrated with both Online and On-Premises Dynamics CRM, using the CRM Connector.

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