Chapter 30. How to Get Support for Your System

As a vendor, Microsoft is responsible for providing support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It does this in a number of ways, some of which are slightly different for Online users than for On-Premises users:

Image Service pack updates (On-Premises only)

Image Hotfixes (On-Premises only)

Image Hands-on support from Microsoft

Image Referrals to Microsoft partners

This chapter covers all of these, but it is important to know and recognize that Microsoft offers support for anything on your system, provided that the following are all true:

Image You have not placed the system in an unsupported state.

Image The problem is repeatable.

Image The issue is localized to Dynamics CRM and not related to anything having to do with ancillary products or processes.

In the event that any of these conditions have not been met, you might be out of luck with getting support from Microsoft. Let’s look more closely at one of the most common items from the list: unsupported state.

A system is considered to be in an unsupported state when modifications have been made outside the software development kit (SDK) recommendations. The most common example that we’ve seen for this type of issue is an organization using code to do something that you can’t do with the configuration user interface provided by Microsoft and not outlined in the SDK framework; it might be as simple as having code show or hide a field or change some of the formatting (for example, the background color) of a form. Although these changes might seem minimal, they require the development and deployment of JavaScript. Even though the code may run perfectly on the current Dynamics CRM implementation, Microsoft might roll out an update that causes the form user interface to differ slightly, thus resulting in an error in the code that users see. Users may be confused by the new error, and if the original developer of the code is no longer available, users may call Microsoft for help with the strange error message. Microsoft will likely review the system and provide feedback that the code as developed is not supported and that it needs to be removed.


Microsoft will probably not provide help on how to fix the unsupported code; however, you might get lucky.

Other ways that you can potentially put your system into an unsupported state might include the following:

Image Modification to the raw files of CRM, such as the .aspx or .html pages that reside on the server (On-Premises only)

Image Direct SQL interaction (on any level) (On-Premises only)

If either of these problems has happened, you need to restore any of these modifications to their original state if you want to receive official Microsoft support.

Note that it is not illegal to make such modifications (in other words, it doesn’t violate the Microsoft use rights), and sometimes circumstances require these types of changes. If the organization is aware of the risks associated with these changes and has anticipated the limitations on the support available (by having enough knowledge about the product or having retained competent partner assistance), Microsoft support is not critical.


Note that unsupported modifications are not recommended for all organizations and should only be made when/if all recommendations for unsupported code usage are heeded.

Online Support

Microsoft provides four different tiers of support for its Online customers:

Image Basic Subscription

Image Enhanced

Image Professional Direct

Image Premier for (Large Accounts Only)

An organization can select the support model that fits its business and budget when and how it likes.

Basic Subscription Support

Microsoft offers basic support for its online customers at no charge. The support covers most issues with the system (including troubleshooting the Outlook integration piece) and can be used as often as necessary (even on the same issue, if necessary). The specifics are as follows:

Image Cost—Included

Image Community forums—Included

Image Service dashboard—Included

Image Access to self-help—Included

Image Web incident submission—Included

Image Unlimited incidents—Included

Image Hours—Regular business hours

Image Response time—Typically next business day

Image Phone support—Unlimited callback

Image Training material—Self-help materials

Community Forums

You can find the community forums at (see Figure 30.1).


FIGURE 30.1 Microsoft Dynamics CRM community forums.

Technically, the community forums are free to pretty much anyone, and they contain a huge amount of searchable troubleshooting information provided by experts.


The forums are usually monitored by a select group of people referred to as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), who are peers not employed by Microsoft. These MVPs often respond to questions and help users at no cost.

Service Dashboard

The Service Dashboard shows the system’s health and provides real-time feedback to users about whether the system is performing as expected (see Figure 30.2).


FIGURE 30.2 Service Dashboard.

This information is helpful when you encounter issues related to performance and are trying to determine whether the problem is localized (a bad Internet connection, for instance) or something endemic to the system as a whole.

In-Application Help

Help is available from directly within Dynamics CRM: Just click the question mark (?) on any page. Figure 30.3 shows where to click for Help, and Figure 30.4 shows the Help screen.


FIGURE 30.3 Help icon.


FIGURE 30.4 Help interface.


You can customize the Help interface (On-Premises only) to meet specific contextual requirements of your application. This is common in extended (xRM) applications.

Other Support Options

All other support options are via your access to the Office 365 administration interface, as shown in Figure 30.5. Here you can create a web incident and view all incidents.


FIGURE 30.5 Accessing assisted support options.

In addition, you can access the dedicated Microsoft support page, at (see Figure 30.6).


FIGURE 30.6 Microsoft Dynamics CRM support page.

At this site, you can access the following:

Image Self-support options

Image Telephone number for direct support

Image CustomerSource login link

Image Other support options, including downloads and partner referral resources

Enhanced Support

Enhanced support for CRM Online is a new offering that includes everything included with Basic but with the following added to it:

Image The price for this level of support is $5 per seat per month.

Image Response time is increased from next business day to less than 2 hours.

Image Training materials include additional eLearning options.

This level of support is designed primarily for businesses that require a quicker response time than the basic subscription plan delivers.

Professional Direct Support

Professional includes everything in Basic/Subscription and Enhanced options as well as the following:

Image The price for this level of support is $9 per seat per month.

Image There is a minimum purchase of 100 seats.

Image Response time is decreased to less than 1 hour, with priority routing.

Image Support time is decreased from local business hours to 24×7.

Image Training materials can be customized.

Image The organization receives priority and escalation handling.

Image Limited advisory support is provided.

Image A technical account manager (TAM) is assigned to this level of service.

The TAM is a pooled resource, which means your organization will not have a dedicated particular TAM. However, the TAM helps your organization elevate issues quickly and easily.


The ability to customize the training material is a huge benefit to organizations looking to push out a lot of material quickly and easily, as most of the work has been done by Microsoft, and the materials are frequently updated.

This type of support is reserved for organizations that typically run near-critical applications and want to ensure consistency and priority with regard to support options.

Premier Support (for Large Accounts Only)

With Premier support, organizations obtain the highest level of support from Microsoft. The cost varies depending on the organization and the type of agreement it has with Microsoft and includes all previous options in addition to the following:

Image Assigned TAM

Image Full advisory support

Image Onsite services

Image Cost (determined by Microsoft)


Most large organizations have an enterprise agreement (EA), which is a bundled software pricing mechanism. This type of support is typically part of that EA agreement and includes Premier support.

You can find the Premier support and services page at

Finally, partner support (as explained later in this chapter) is always recommended. Here’s why: Although Microsoft says it will include support at no cost, it will not provide any level of support for the following:

Image Configurations

Image Customizations

Image Training

Image Integrations

Image Other enhancements

Therefore, establishing a partner relationship for any of these concerns will provide the necessary support mechanism for these issues.


Even if your organization does not need help with configurations, customizations, training, integrations, or other enhancements, we strongly recommend that you assign a designated partner (which Microsoft calls a partner of record [POR]) to your account. This way, you have someone to go to if a support issue is outside Microsoft’s support model.

Finding a partner is explained in the “Partner Support” section, later in this chapter.

On-Premises Support

On-Premises support differs decidedly from Online support in that it is not free. In fact, when you first purchase CRM On-Premises, you are usually given three support tickets that you can access via the CustomerSource page, as shown in Figure 30.7. To get to this page, from (shown in Figure 30.6), login, and navigate to the support option.


FIGURE 30.7 Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource.

In CustomerSource, you can create, view, and manage support tickets by selecting Support to get the options shown in Figure 30.8.


FIGURE 30.8 Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource support options.

If you have exhausted your support tickets, you can purchase them à la carte for approximately $250, or you can buy a bundle.


Some of the resources, such as access to the forums, can be accessed by On-Premises customers as well, for no charge.

Pros and Cons of Manual Updates

A key difference between Online and On-Premises deployments is the requirement for the organization to manually update their systems with updates and hotfixes from Microsoft. Manual updates present the following pro and con issues for organizations:

Image Pros:

Image Organizations can remediate and test updates before applying them.

Image Organizations are not required to update and can keep a stable version running for years if they prefer.

Image Organizations can run different versions, depending on their requirements.

Image Cons:

Image Updates sometimes cause system instability.

Image Updates can break customizations by removing deprecated functions.

Image Updates can be forgotten and not installed, resulting in potential security and/or functional issues.

Image Updates require a system administrator.


You can access updates from Microsoft at

Figure 30.9 shows an example of the manual update page, with a list of available downloads that you can install.


FIGURE 30.9 Microsoft Dynamics updates and hotfixes (Dynamics 2013 shown).

Considerations When Installing Updates

It is extremely important that organizations understand the implication of installing updates. Some updates cumulative, and some require previous versions, and sometimes they update the system and thus result in new functions.

Most On-Premises deployments are complex and involve the following:

Image SQL Server

Image Active Directory

Image Federation Services (optional)

Image Integration with other applications

Therefore, Microsoft tends to recommend partner support with regard to On-Premises deployments.

Partner Support

Partner support is provided by value-added resellers (VARs) who are well versed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and have broad experience in managing CRM implementations.

To find a partner, follow these steps:

1. Search the Dynamics Marketplace, at

2. Enter your location (in this example, the United States), and you see the marketplace specific to your country.

3. Enter keywords if you’re looking for a particular product or company. Alternatively, look for the Works with Products category and click Microsoft Dynamics to get to the page shown in Figure 30.10.


FIGURE 30.10 Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace.

4. Navigate within the application and refine your search based on CRM version, professional services versus companies, and location. Figure 30.11 shows the results for Webfortis.


FIGURE 30.11 Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace results for Webfortis.

When selecting a partner, it is highly recommended that you consider the following options:

Image The partner’s CRM competency level (Gold, Silver, or none)

Image The number of customers the partner supports

Image The number of certifications the partner has

Image The number of dedicated Dynamics CRM support staff the partner has


Because of the way Microsoft ranks partners within the Dynamics families, it is common for providers of Dynamics ERP (with mixed ERP and CRM practices) to have a fairly high ranking in searches for CRM partners. However, it is rarely the case that they have nearly the number of dedicated CRM staff that they indicate; they usually just lump all their Dynamics staff together (including their ERP staff) to artificially inflate their numbers, but when queried about CRM staff, it rarely is very high. So be sure to inquire about dedicated CRM staff when selecting a mixed ERP/CRM services company.

The top Microsoft Dynamics CRM partners usually have a direct interaction level with Microsoft support and usually include service tickets as part of their service offerings to customers.


Visit for information and benefits of partnering with Avtex, including special offers for readers of this book: Simply enter the promotion code CRM2016BOOK when prompted.


Microsoft support varies depending on the implementation, and although some support is free for some implementations (or in the case of forums, free regardless of the type of implementation), we strongly recommend that you form a partner association, no matter what your Dynamics CRM implementation.

Even if you have the help of this book, the complexities and options associated with a Dynamics CRM implementation can quickly and easily overtake a busy network admin, and even companies that have a dedicated support model for Dynamics CRM sometimes find issues that they are unable to resolve. Partners have “been there and done that” countless times and can often provide full-scale support for any organization.

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