Chapter 32. Adxstudio Portals

In September 2015, Microsoft acquired the hugely successful product Adxstudio Portals. Adxstudio Portals provides the ability for organizations running Dynamics CRM to quickly build secure self-service retail portals. Adxstudio Portals extend Microsoft Dynamics CRM to the web, bringing CRM data to life for external users. The Adxstudio Portals solution provides a seamless customer experience with a responsive solution that is optimized for mobile, desktop, and tablet.


Since Adxstudio Portals was acquired in September 2015, the product has been roadmapped as a natively integrated product, available as part of the core code set of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and it was expected to be available sometime in 2016. This chapter was written based on the last standalone Adxstudio Portals product, which many existing customers will have until they are mainstreamed into the new code set when it is released.

Be sure to check for digital updates to this chapter, as it will drastically change once the new product is released.

What Does Adxstudio Portals Do?

Adxstudio Portals connects to Microsoft Dynamics CRM directly and provides the ability for organizations to manage external websites through Dynamics CRM. Since all the data lives in Dynamics CRM, organizations don’t need a separate database or content management system.

The external websites can provide an array of functionality, such as lead gathering/management, product sales, customer support, and event registration and payment.

Adxstudio Portals works with all modern web browsers, and the code is standards compliant with HTML5 and CSS3 for polished display options and full accessibility, regardless of the end user’s device. (All code is responsive, so no additional effort is necessary for mobile development.)

Adxstudio Portals comes with preconfigured starter solutions that have a variety of product applications, such as forums, blogs, and a product catalog, as shown in Table 32.1. You organization can select the combination of these it wants.


TABLE 32.1 Adxstudio Portals Features

Deployment of Adxstudio Portals

Adxstudio Portals can be deployed in two ways:

Image Hosted

Image On-Premises

Hosted requires a monthly subscription fee, and the code lives on Adxstudio Portals servers, which prevents or limits code changes. In addition, there is limited capability to write JavaScript on web forms and entity forms during configuration.

With On-Premises, the code is available for full modification and can be deployed either on an On-Premises server or as a cloud option (that you own).


On-Premises in this case is similar to On-Premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM—which is to say that it doesn’t need to live on your servers if you don’t want it to. You can easily deploy it to a cloud-based environment, just as you can deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM to a cloud-based (that is, hosted) environment if you wish. However, you are responsible for all updates and hosting infrastructure.

Either deployment option allows for portal design, branding, and the building of custom or dynamic templates.

Adxstudio Portals Installer

The last release of Adxstudio Portals prior to the Microsoft acquisition is version 7.0, and it comes with Adxstudio Portals installer. You can also download the installer from

The Adxstudio Portals installer allows you to manage Adxstudio Portals components and data in CRM.

When Dynamics CRM Online and hosted Adxstudio Portals are integrated, the Adxstudio Portals installer solution is automatically imported into your Dynamics CRM Online organization. When using Dynamics CRM On-Premises, you need to import the Adxstudio Portals installer solution manually.

To manually install the solution, log in to Dynamics CRM as a user who has the System Administrator security role and navigate to Settings > Solutions. Click Adxstudio Portals Installer at the top of the solutions grid to open up Adxstudio Portals installer solution’s configuration page, as shown in Figure 32.1. You can view components that have already been installed, and you can install new components as necessary.


FIGURE 32.1 Adxstudio Portals installer configuration page.

Starter Portals

There are a few starter portals included with Adxstudio Portals that can help you understand Adxstudio Portals. These out-of-the-box options have predefined configurations and components. The following are a few of the starter portals included:

Image Community Portal

Image Retail

Image Partner Pipeline Portal

Image Government Portal

Image Bilingual Company Portal

Image Intranet Portal

Image Conference Portal

You can use these portals as is or you can modify them to better you’re your needs. For example, if you are planning to build a portal for an online shopping website, you can start with the Retail portal, which provides basic features like a shopping cart, product reviews, a product catalog, and a store locator. You can then expand and customize it to meet your particular requirements.

Adxstudio Portals Configuration

You can use Adxstudio Portals to display Dynamics CRM data and forms—without writing a single line of code.

In the following sections, you will configure Adxstudio Portals using Dynamics CRM 2016 Online and cloud-hosted Adxstudio Portals, with the Customer Portal installed as a starter portal. You will see how to manage Dynamics CRM data and forms, views, and security, as well as how to do complex multi-step wizard forms using web forms.

Entity Forms

Entity forms in Adxstudio Portals are used to display CRM forms that allow end users to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations against CRM entities. Entity forms are created in CRM and then placed into web pages in Adxstudio Portals and can be used in scenarios such as lead generation or profile management. You can use out-of-the-box CRM entity forms or create new forms to use for Adxstudio Portals, and you can show CRM subgrids and notes on the portal web page if desired.


In the scenario explained here, there is no coding required to create entity forms with Adxstudio Portals. Rather, you can create point-and-click configurations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Entity forms use the CrmEntityFormView control, which renders the entity form on a web page. This control supports the following features:

Image CRM field types (except Party List)

Image CRM field validation rules

Image Multiple-column layouts

Image Web resources (HTML and images only)

Image CRM label language translations

Image Subgrids (configuration with metadata)

Image Notes

Image Lookup-related records filtering

Image Lookup default view


Headers and footer on forms are not currently supported in CRM and Adxstudio Portals. In addition, IFRAMES and CRM form scripting are not supported.


If a form contains an IFRAME or any other feature that is currently not supported, this will not prevent the form from rendering in the portal. Rather, those features are simply not present. As a result, you should be sure to thoroughly test your forms for the desired end result.

A common deployment scenario is the creation of a Contact Us form. Users submit their details on the form, and this leads to the creation of a lead record in CRM (either the native Lead entity or a custom entity).

The following example shows a simple example of how to create a form in Adxstudio Portals. Follow these steps to create a Contact Us form:

1. Log on to Dynamics CRM as a user who has the System Administrator security role.

2. Go to Settings > Customization > Customize the System and expand the Lead entity.

Image For more information about customizing the system, refer to CHAPTER 22, “Customizing Entities.”

3. Click Forms and create a new main form named Contact Us Web Form, as shown in Figure 32.2. This example shows a few out-of-the-box fields added to the form, such as First Name, Last Name, and Address Fields.


FIGURE 32.2 Adxstudio Portals new Contact Us Web Form in design mode.

4. Save the form and publish all changes.

5. Go to Portals > Entity Forms to create a new entity form.

6. Click New and provide the following details for attributes on the new form (as shown in Figure 32.3):

Image Name—Contact Us

Image Entity Name—Lead

Image Form Name—Contact Us Web Form

Image Mode—Insert

Image Enable Entity Permissions—True


FIGURE 32.3 Adxstudio Portals new Contact Us Web Form.


Step 6 and Figure 32.3 show a number of attributes and their settings. Here’s what you need to know about these attributes:

Image Entity Name—The name of the entity whose form you want to show on Adxstudio Portals.

Image Form Name—The name of the form on the entity that is to be rendered.

Image Tab Name—An optional field. If a form has more than one tab and you want to render just one of them, select the tab. Otherwise, leave this field blank to render the whole form.

Image Mode—Mode has three options:

Image Insert—The form should insert a new record upon submission.

Image Edit—The form should edit an existing record.

Image ReadOnly—The form should display an existing record’s noneditable form.

Image Enable Entity Permissions—Enable record-level security. (Entity Permissions are explained in detail later on in the chapter.)

7. Navigate to Adxstudio Portals and click the Sign In button in the top-right corner (see Figure 32.4). Log in with the administrator username and password.


FIGURE 32.4 Login page for Adxstudio Portals.


All starter portals have the following three default contact records created:

Image System Administrator—Username administrator

Image Portal Customer—Username customer

Image Portal Contact—Username partner

The password for all of these is pass@word1.

8. Once you’re logged in, select the Content menu link in the navigation bar.

9. From the floating menu in the top-right corner (see Figure 32.5), click New > Child Page.


FIGURE 32.5 Select new child page from the floating menu.

10. In the new page that opens, enter Contact Us as the name of the page and select the Contact Us entity form from the Name drop-down (see Figure 32.6). Click Save to continue.


FIGURE 32.6 Creating a new child page dialog form.

11. Once the form is saved, open it. Notice that there are required fields on the page (as shown in Figure 32.7). These are the same fields that are required in Dynamics CRM. Enter the data in the fields and click Submit.


FIGURE 32.7 Previewing the Contact Us page.

12. Navigate back to Dynamics CRM and go to Sales > Leads, and you should see the newly created lead record (see Figure 32.8).


FIGURE 32.8 New portal record created in CRM.

Entity Permissions

Entity permissions are used for record-level security and to secure entity lists, entity forms, and web forms in Adxstudio Portals. You need to select the entity, scope, and privileges (Create, Read, Write, Delete, Append, and Append To) and provide a name to create entity permissions. All of these are the same as for users in Dynamics CRM. In Adxstudio Portals you create entity permissions and add them to web roles.

Consider the following about entity permissions:

Image Entity permissions can be added to any entity in CRM.

Image Entity permissions are respected by Search and Liquid templates in Adxstudio Portals.

Image You can add entity permissions to web roles, which allows you to define roles in your organization that correspond to privileges and record access defined in entity permissions.

Image You can add one or more entity permissions to a web role, and a contact can have one or more web roles.

Table 32.2 lists the entity permission attributes.


TABLE 32.2 Entity Permission Attributes

The next example shows how the user can update his or her contact records. To allow this to happen, the entity permissions need to be adjusted, using these steps:

1. Go to Portal > Entity Permissions in Dynamics CRM and click New.

2. Provide the following details (as shown in Figure 32.9).


FIGURE 32.9 New Contact Permissions form

Image Name—Contact Permissions

Image Entity Name—Contact

Image Scope—Contact

Image Contact Relationship—contact_customer_contacts

Image Privileges—Read, Write, Create, Delete, Append, and Append To.

Click Save.

3. Scroll down and click the + sign on the Web Roles subgrid. Select the Authenticated Users (as shown in Figure 32.10).


FIGURE 32.10 New Contact Permissions form.

The permissions for the Contact entity have been created and assigned to the Authenticated Users web role. All the contact records that have this role will be able to perform assigned privileges on their related contact records.

To view these permissions, you will create an entity list of contact records. However, prior to doing this, let’s dig a little deeper into entity lists.

Entity Lists

Entity lists display the data from Dynamics CRM views on web pages in Adxstudio Portals. Developers do not need to write any code to show CRM data in Adxstudio Portals because they can use a grid and entity lists.


Views in Dynamics CRM are stored in the SavedQuery entity, which stores queries in FetchXML format and the formatting of columns in LayoutXML.


You can configure the entity list to show a search box that looks and performs just like the Quick Search box in Dynamics CRM. Features of the search include:

Image The view remains the same and does not change to quick view.

Image It supports sorting and pagination features.

Image You can specify the page for details view to open an individual record.

Image Each record contains a link in first column of the grid to open that record in a model window.

Image You can have multiple views available, and you can select one of them to render data in a grid on a web page.

Image A drop-down similar to those in Dynamics CRM is rendered, and the user can select the view from there.

Image If you enable entity permissions for the entity view, you can add other actions, such as Delete, Download, Create, Run Workflow, and other actions provided by the selected entity.

In the next example, you will work with an entity list that shows the child contact records of the parent record. The user will be able to create, view, update, activate, and deactivate child contacts from the portal. To do this, three forms are necessary—to allow for the creation, viewing, and update operations.

Create the following three entity forms, following the steps shown earlier in this chapter for creating entity forms, only this time use the following configurations:

Contact Create form:

Image Name—Contact Create

Image Entity Name—Contact

Image Form Name—Profile Web Form

Image Mode—Insert

Image Enable Entity Permissions—True

Figure 32.11 shows the completed form.


FIGURE 32.11 New Contact Create form.

Contact Edit form:

Image Name—Contact Edit

Image Entity Name—Contact

Image Form Name—Profile Web Form

Image Mode—Edit

Image Record Source Type—Query String

Image Record ID Query String Parameter Name—id

Image Enable Entity Permissions—True

Figure 32.12 shows the completed form.


FIGURE 32.12 New Contact Edit form.

Contact Read Only form:

Image Name—Contact Read Only

Image Entity Name—Contact

Image Form Name—Profile Web Form

Image Mode—ReadOnly

Image Record Source Type—Query String

Image Record ID Query String Parameter Name—id

Image Enable Entity Permissions—True

Figure 32.13 shows the completed form.


FIGURE 32.13 New Contact Read Only form.

Follow these steps to create an entity list and use the entity forms you just created:

1. Go to Portal > Entity Lists to create a new entity list.

2. Click the New button and provide the following details on the new form:

Image Name—Contacts

Image Entity Name—contact

3. Click Save, and the View Configuration section is enabled. (If you’re unable to save, select a view first.) Click the +View link to add a drop-down that contains the names of all the available system views in the system. Select the view you want to display to Adxstudio Portals users—and note that you can add more than one view. For this example, add the two views Active Contacts and Inactive Contacts.

4. Keep Page Size 10 as the default, but note that you can modify this as necessary.

5. Keep the default value id in the ID Query String Parameter Name field, as shown in Figure 32.14.


FIGURE 32.14 New contacts entity list.

6. Select the check box Enable Entity Permissions.

7. Select the check box Enabled under Search. You can provide Placeholder Text like Search Contacts.

8. Save the record and then go to the Options tab. When entity permissions are enabled, the Configuration section is enabled; however, if entity permissions are not enabled, the configuration section is disabled.

9. In the Configuration section, click the +Download link under Views to enable the Download button to download records from Adxstudio Portals.

10. Click the +Create link to add a drop-down for the entity form that lists all the entity forms for the Contact entity. Select Contact Create from the drop-down list.

11. Click the +Details link in Items and then select Contact Read Only form for entity form from the drop down list, as shown in Figure 32.15.


FIGURE 32.15 New contacts configuration.

12. Click the +Edit link in Items and then select the Contact Edit form for the entity form from the drop-down list.

13. Click the +Delete link in Items to add a Delete link under the Actions menu to delete the respective contact record.

14. Click the +Activate and +Deactivate links and select Yes for Confirmation Required? for both. This allows portal users to activate and deactivate contact records.

15. Click the +Column link under Override Column Attributes. This feature allows you to override the column name and width in views. Select the Full Name field from the drop-down, set Display Name to Employee Name, and set Width to 150, as shown in Figure 32.16.


FIGURE 32.16 Entity list options configuration.

16. Save the entity list record.

Now that the entity list record is configured, navigate to the Adxstudio Portals and select Content Page. Select New Child Page and set Name to Contacts, set Page Template to Full Page, and select Contact from the Entity List drop-down, as shown in Figure 32.17. Click Save.


FIGURE 32.17 Adxstudio Portals contacts configuration.

If you view the page, you can see all child contacts that the logged-on user has in Dynamics CRM. If you select the last column icon, you see all actions available, such as Edit, Delete, Activate, and Deactivate, as previously configured in the entity list. In addition, there are options for Create and Download in the top grid, next to the Search text box (see Figure 32.18).


FIGURE 32.18 Adxstudio Portals page for contacts.

Selecting View Details in the contacts form opens a modal pop-up with a read-only view of data, as shown in Figure 32.19.


FIGURE 32.19 Adxstudio Portals read-only contacts details.

Selecting Edit in the contacts form opens an editable modal pop-up form, as shown in Figure 32.20.


FIGURE 32.20 Adxstudio Portals editable contacts details.

Entity lists are fairly versatile and can be used to show records in a variety of views, including maps. When using the map view, you need to enable map view and then provide latitude and longitude field mapping from the selected entity. The map view uses Bing Maps to render records as pinpoints on a map, and records that do not have any latitude or longitude values don’t show up on the map.

Another popular control is the entity list calendar, which allows rendering of a record as a single event on a calendar. The records that have date fields populated on them are displayed on the calendar. You need to enable calendar view on the entity list record for that entity and provide field mapping for the Start Date field name and End Date field name.

Web Forms

Web forms help in extending the functionality of entity forms by allowing the usage of a single form or multistep wizard with conditional branching logic. Consider the following about web forms:

Image A web form has one or more steps where you can have entity forms or custom web pages.

Image You can use web forms in user registrations, surveys, and complex data entry processes.

Image Web forms that include the CrmEntityFormView ASP.NET control render the CRM form in Adxstudio Portals.

Image Additional configuration options are available in CRM that provide more flexibility in designing forms and changing attributes, styles, and so on.

When a user interacts with the multistep wizard built using web forms, he or she can move from one form to another by using the Next and Previous buttons. The activity is tracked using web sessions. To enable this, you need to set the Start New Session option to Yes on the Load property on the web form record. Opening the web form record in CRM and going to the related web sessions through the navigation shows those records. If there is any change in web form steps later on, it is recommended that you delete all old web session records.

Each multistep web form has more than one step defined, and each web form step has two main properties—Type and Next Step. In Next Step, you select what would be next web form step record. If your web form step is the last step in the multistep wizard, this field is blank.

For the Type attribute, you have the following options:

Image Condition—This type allows you to evaluate a condition expression. The user inputs some data on web form, and then a condition expression specified in CRM is evaluated. The next web form step to be shown is based on evaluation of the condition expression. For example, in a multistep survey form, you might ask a different set of questions based on the gender of the user. To do this, the Condition type of the web form would have gender=Male as the Condition attribute. Thereafter, you would set the Next Step web form as well as the Next Step if Condition Fails web form. The Next Step web form step is displayed if the condition is true; otherwise, the web form step from the Next Step if Condition Fails attribute is shown.


Both the Adxstudio Portals and online help provide a wealth of information about how to set and write condition expressions in greater depth.

Image Load Form—This is the option to set which CRM form you want to show on a web form step.

Image Load Tab—You can specify what tab from what form in CRM you want to display.

Image Load User Control—You can create your own custom user controls in .NET and specify the path of the control in your .NET project here.


The Load User Control option is applicable only in On-Premises deployments of Adxstudio Portals.

Image Redirect—You can specify some other page in Adxstudio Portals or some external web application or website URL here.

Follow these steps to create a simple three-step survey using web forms:

1. Create an entity named Survey and add three tabs in the form. Add some fields on the form with data types like Multiple Lines of Text, Option Set, and Single Line of Text, as shown in Figure 32.21.


FIGURE 32.21 New survey form.

The first four fields in Figure 32.21 use the same global option set. By using them and the web form metadata, you can create a multiple choice matrix.

2. Go to Portals > Web Forms and click the New button to create a new web form. Provide the following details on the form and save it (as shown in Figure 32.22):

Image Name—Web Survey

Image Authentication Required—Yes

Image Start New Session on Load—No

Image Multiple Records Per User Permitted—Yes


FIGURE 32.22 New Web Survey form.

3. Set Start Step to Lookup and click the +New button to open a new web step form. Provide the following details on the form and save it (as shown in Figure 32.23).

Image Name—Step 1

Image Web Form—Web Survey

Image Type—Load Tab

Image Target Entity Logical Name—wf_Survey

Image Mode—Insert

Image Form Name—Survey Web Form

Image Tab Name—tab_1


FIGURE 32.23 New Survey Web Form steps.

4. When Step 1 is saved, go to Metadata and create the associated attribute metadata records.

5. Click the +New button for Web Form Metadata and provide the following details (as shown in Figure 32.24):

Image Web Form Step—Step 1

Image Type—Attribute

Image Attribute Logical Name—wf_cost

Image Style—Multiple Choice Matrix

Image Group Name—Rating

Provide similar details for the other three attributes that have the same global option set. Make sure the group name is same for rest of the three attribute metadata records.


FIGURE 32.24 Web form metadata information.

6. Create attribute metadata for the Location attribute and set the Control Style to Option Set as a Vertical Radio Button List. This changes the options set to radio button vertical list in Adxstudio Portals.

7. Go back to the Step 1 form and select Lookup Next Step and click the +New button to create a new web form step with the following details (as shown in Figure 32.25):

Image Name—Step 2

Image Web Form—Web Survey

Image Type—Load Tab

Image Target Entity Logical Name—wf_survey

Image Move Previous Permitted—Yes

Image Mode—Edit

Image Form Name—Survey Web Form

Image Tab Name—tab_2

Image Source Type—Result from previous step.


FIGURE 32.25 New survey web form, Step 2.

8. Similarly, create another web form step named Step 3 for the third tab on the form. The Next Step lookup field should be blank here.

9. Log in to Adxstudio Portals with administrator credentials and add a new page. Set Name to Survey, set Page Template to Full Page, and select Web Survey from the Web Forms drop-down, as shown in Figure 32.26. Click the Save button at the bottom.


FIGURE 32.26 New survey page in Adxstudio Portals.

When you view the page, you see that the first four attributes have the same option set as a multiple-choice matrix and the Location attribute is shown as a vertical radio button list (see Figure 32.27).


FIGURE 32.27 Configured customer portal.

Test the page by entering some data and clicking the Next button. A new record is created in Dynamics CRM, as the Step 1 mode was configured for Insert. The data submitted in the next two steps is updated (not inserted) on the same record.


Adxstudio Portals provides a lot of options to display Dynamics CRM forms and views, manage data security, and perform other actions using configuration only. As shown, it is fairly easy for non-developers or functional consultants to configure Adxstudio Portals, and with the coming integration with Dynamics CRM, the expectation is that this easy-to-use configuration will continue to improve.

At press time, Adxstudio Portals had data centers in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. It is expected to eventually be available in other data centers where Dynamics CRM Online is hosted.

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