Chapter 34. Voice of the Customer

Voice of the Customer is a feature newly introduced to Dynamics CRM that allows users to make surveys. It allows for direct interaction and feedback with customers.

Voice of the Customer allows CRM users to easily create surveys that can be filled out by either anonymous users or named customers. The results obtained can then be analyzed in CRM. This solution uses Azure behind the scenes to allow external users and anonymous users to see and complete surveys.


While the Voice of the Customer solution heavily leverages Azure, CRM customers don’t need to buy a Windows Azure subscription and pay per use of this service. Dynamics CRM connects to the Windows Azure Service Bus to get the responses by pulling on a configurable interval.

With Voice of the Customer you can using surveys anonymously via Twitter or Facebook, or you can publish results via iFrame on your organization’s website. When using specific (or non-anonymous) surveys, Voice of the Customer creates specific links that are tied to the CRM GUID for a contact and can be sent directly to individuals.


To increase survey response rates, consider the following:

Image It should come from a named contact at your organization (ideally one the respondents know).

Image Add an image, perhaps even of the contact/user.

Image Brand the survey appropriately by including your organization’s logo, look and feel, and so on.

Voice of the Customer Deployment

At press time, Voice of the Customer was available only in CRM Online, and it isn’t enabled by default. To install it, navigate to the Office 365 portal by logging in to and clicking CRM under Admin group in the left navigation panel (see Figure 34.1).


FIGURE 34.1 Office 365 portal interface.

As shown in Figure 34.2, you see a list of the CRM Online instances and a link to see the solutions that are installed. Click the pencil icon next to solutions for the selected instance.


FIGURE 34.2 CRM Online Administration Center window.

Now you see a list of preferred solutions you can install (see Figure 34.3). Depending on the license, you may see different solutions than are shown here. Select Voice of the Customer and click Install.


FIGURE 34.3 Selecting the Voice of the Customer solution.

The installation may take some minutes to complete. When the solution is installed, you can see it by going to the Dynamics CRM web interface and selecting Settings > Solutions > Customization, as shown in Figure 34.4.


FIGURE 34.4 Installed Voice of the Customer solution.

After the solution is installed, you need agree to the terms and conditions and then click the Enable Voice of the Customer button, as shown in Figure 34.5.


FIGURE 34.5 Enabling the Voice of the Customer solution.

Once the solution is enabled, you see the options Trigger Response Processing and Open Configuration Entity, as shown in Figure 34.6.


FIGURE 34.6 Voice of the Customer solution options.

You also see a new menu option in the site map, as shown in Figure 34.7.


FIGURE 34.7 Voice of the Customer Main menu.

Voice of the Customer Configuration

You access Voice of the Customer by opening the solution and clicking the Modify Detailed Configurations Relating to the Voice of the Customer Solution link on the configuration page shown in Figure 34.6. Figure 34.8 shows the configuration form that appears.


FIGURE 34.8 Voice of the Customer Configuration page.

From here you can make the necessary configuration changes.

Voice of the Customer Customization

Voice of the Customer has several customization options that allow you to tailor the solution to meet a variety of needs.

These three main entities related to the Voice of the Customer solution are the most heavily used:

Image Survey

Image Survey Response

Image Response Outcomes


To create a new survey, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Voice of the Customer > Surveys in the navigation bar. You can then see any active surveys you have in the system, as shown in Figure 34.9.


FIGURE 34.9 Surveys view.

2. Click +New to create a new survey. A new blank survey opens, as shown in Figure 34.10.


FIGURE 34.10 New Survey page.

3. Enter the name of the survey in the Name field, which is the only required field that’s not prepopulated, and then click Save.

The survey entity has three different forms, each with a unique purpose:

Image Survey

Image Designer

Image Dashboard

As shown in Figure 34.11, you can use the form selector to switch to the Survey Designer, which is shown in Figure 34.12.


FIGURE 34.11 Form selector.


FIGURE 34.12 Survey Designer.

Survey Designer

In the Survey Designer, you can modify a survey’s layout and set the survey parts, which can be any of the following:


The survey designer is actually implemented in Azure as a web role, and the survey is stored to Azure Blob Storage.

Image Short answer—This type of question requires a single line of text for an answer.

Image Long answer—This type of question requires multiple lines of text for an answer.

Image Rating—This type of question requires a rating as an answer. You can change the images to be stars, smiles, or flags. For the star type you can change the number of items from 0 to 12.

Image Single response—This type of question requires a single response from a predefined list of answers.

Image Multiple responses—This type of question requires multiple responses from a predefined list of answers.

Image Date—This type of question requires a date answer, showing a calendar control to the user.

Image Descriptive text—This is a description or instructions rather than a question that requires an answer. It is displayed as fixed text and does not allow user input.

Image Numerical response—This type of question requires a number as an answer. This type of questions blocks the letter keys so users can only enter numbers here. You can allow decimals or whole numbers by setting the Number Type field. You can also set minimum and maximum numbers for validation.

Image Ranking—This type of question requires multiple responses from a predefined list of answers and allows the user to order the selected responses.

Image Net Promoter Score—This type of question asks for scores, such as “How likely is it that you would recommend [us/this product/this service] to a friend or colleague?” and present a slider control with steps from 0 to 10, where 0 means “not at all” and 10 means “extremely.” This type of question is good for managing scoring.

Image Customer Effort Score—This type of question asks for scores, such as “How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?” and present a slider control with steps from 1 to 5, where 1 means “very low” and 5 means “very high.” This type of question is good for managing scoring.

Image CSAT—This type of question asks for scores, such as “How would you rate your overall satisfaction with [us/this product/this service]?” and present a slider control with steps from 1 to 5, where 1 means “very dissatisfied” and 5 means “very satisfied.” This type of question is good for managing scoring.

Image Smiles rating—This type of question asks for scores, such as “Select the face that best describes your relationship with [Organization/ Product]?” and present images showing different type of emotions, like satisfied, very satisfied, bored, and annoyed. This type of question is good for managing scoring.

Image List of rating—This is a list of questions that require ratings using stars, sad to happy smiles, neutral to happy smiles, or flags (red, yellow, green).

Image Single rating in columns—This type of question requires a matrix of radio buttons to answer questions row by row, with only one option selected per row.

Image Multiple ratings in columns—This type of question requires a matrix of check boxes to answer questions row by row, with the possibility to select one more than one check box per row.

Image Fixed sum—This is a list of questions that require numbers as answers and shows a total of the responses entered. It also provides validation to ensure that the sum of the numbers entered matches the total expected.

Image Upload file—This type of question allows the user to upload/attach a file to the response. It validates the file type allowed as well as the maximum upload file size.

By default, a survey has three pages:

Image Welcome

Image Page 1

Image Complete

While you can add questions to any of these three pages, the submit button is located before the last page, which by default is Page 1, so if you add questions on the last page (Complete), the user won’t be able to submit the answers. Also, you cannot remove either the first page (Welcome) or the last page (Complete) as at least two pages are necessary for each survey. You can add new pages between the Welcome page and the Complete page, and you can change the order of the pages—but only the ones that are between the Welcome and Complete pages; you cannot change the placement of the Welcome and Complete pages.

To add a new page, click the page icon on the bottom-left corner, under the page list (see Figure 34.13).


FIGURE 34.13 Page action.

To remove a new page, select the page you want to remove and then click the trash icon at the bottom-right, under the page list. The trash icon is not available for the Welcome and Complete pages.

When you create a new page, you are presented with the New Page form, as shown in Figure 34.14.


FIGURE 34.14 New Page form.

The Advanced tab is collapsed by default, but you can expand it if you want to change the page type and order (see Figure 34.15). This is useful if you deleted the Welcome or Complete pages by mistake and want to create a replacement for that page.


FIGURE 34.15 New Page form Advanced tab.

After you enter the name of the Page on the New Page form and click Save & Close, you end up in the Survey Designer, as shown in Figure 34.16.


FIGURE 34.16 Changing the page title in the Survey Designer.

If you want to change the name of the page, you select the page and then mouse over the page title.


Be careful not to click the delete icon here because the Welcome and Complete pages are required for the survey.

There are two ways to edit both pages and questions:

Image Quick edit—Quick edit allows you to make inline changes such as changing the name of the page or the question without leaving the Survey Designer. Figure 34.17 shows the icon for the quick edit option.


FIGURE 34.17 Quick edit icon.

Image Form edit—If you want to change a more complicated attribute of the page or the question, you then have to click the default edit icon, which is shown in Figure 34.18.


FIGURE 34.18 Form edit icon.

If you change the name of the page with quick edit, you see two icons to the left, for saving your changes and for discarding them, as shown in Figure 34.19.


FIGURE 34.19 Changing the page name using quick edit.

The pages have sections. There is one section by default on each page, but you can add more sections if you want. Inside the sections you can add questions.


The question form has a rich text editor that you cannot use with the quick edit option. With this editor, however, you can use a different font and size than the defaults, as shown in Figure 34.20.


FIGURE 34.20 Question form.

You can also use pipes (User, Product, Service, Customer, Location, Date Time, Other 1, and Other 2), which are found in the rich text control toolbar and are useful when you’re sending a survey to a contact using the snippets.

From here you can also set whether you want the question to be required, enter a tooltip, and map the response to a known field like First Name or Last Name (which is useful if you created a lead in the survey options so you know what response should be mapped to the Lead field).

The question form has a Validation tab where you can add validations such as the max length of the text entered or use a regular expression, which is useful if you are asking the user to enter a valid email address or URL (see Figure 34.21).


FIGURE 34.21 Validation tab.

Response Actions

You can find the response actions when you edit a page or question by clicking the drop-down arrow at the end of the navigation bar, as shown in Figure 34.22.


FIGURE 34.22 Response actions menu option.

You can add new or existing response options here. To create a new response action, click Add New Response Action (see Figure 34.23).


FIGURE 34.23 Response Action Associated View page.

The response actions are intended to be used in conjunction with the response conditions when you use a response routing, as discussed later in this chapter, in the “Response Routing” section.

You need to select one of two scopes, client or server. Depending on the scope, you may have to set different type of fields.


After you save a response action, you cannot change the scope.

These actions are available for the client scope:

Image Show

Image Hide

Image Skip To

Image End Survey

Image Chain Survey

Image Toggle Visibility

Depending on the action selected, you will see different fields related to the action that you have to complete. For example, the Show action requires you to set the page and section and, optionally, the grid or question.

For the Server scope, you must select one of the following response outcome types:

Image Complaint

Image Low Score

Image Distress

Image Unsubscribe

Image High Score

Image Contact Request

Image Follow Up

Image NPS Increase

Image NPS Decrease

Image Facial Expression Increase

Image Facial Expression Decrease

Survey Appearance

The Form Designer allows you to design pages, sections, and questions. However, if you want to design the general look and feel of the survey, you need to assign a theme and a logo, which you can do on the Survey Runtime tab of the New Survey page (see Figure 34.24).


FIGURE 34.24 Appearance section.

It is highly recommended that you change the default Header Text field because it is prepopulated with default text that is visible on every page. It is also recommended that you upload a logo of your company to make the survey look more professional.

To add a logo, click in the Logo field. If you haven’t yet uploaded a logo, before New to go to the New Image page (see Figure 34.25).


FIGURE 34.25 New Image page.

Enter the name of the logo and click Submit (see Figure 34.26). CRM automatically completes the image title and alternate text with the name you entered before. The custom Icon tab is now expanded, allowing you to upload an image that will be stored in Azure data storage.


FIGURE 34.26 Uploading an image.

Click Browse, select the file from your local hard drive, and click Submit (see Figure 34.26). After you successfully upload the image, you must set the image format in order to see a preview of the image which in the Preview tab, as shown in Figure 34.27.


FIGURE 34.27 Image preview.

Once you have set the header title and the logo, the users will see a survey header like the one shown in Figure 34.28.


FIGURE 34.28 Survey header.

In addition to changing the header text and logo, there are a few other recommended fields to set:

Image Runtime Title—This sets the page title that is displayed in the browser tab name.

Image Redirect Text—This is the text that shows in the event that the user is redirected to another page.

Image Privacy Policy Text—This text appears in the footer of the survey to the left—but only if you set the Privacy Policy URL field.

Image Survey Email Text—This text appears in the footer near the Privacy Policy Text—but only if you set the Survey Email field.

Image Redirect URL—This is the URL to which the page should be redirected.

Image Privacy Policy URL—This is the URL you want the users to navigate to when they click the privacy policy text you set in the Privacy Policy Text field. If you leave the Privacy Policy Text field blank, you cannot set the Privacy Policy URL field, so make sure you also set that field when setting this field.

Image Survey Email—Enter the email address of the person you want to be contacted. Remember to set the Survey Email Text field as well when you use this field. Leaving the Survey Email Text field blank shows “Contact survey owner” text by default in the email.

You can also change the labels of the Next, Previous, and Submit buttons if you like.

Survey Preview

You can preview a survey before publishing it by clicking the Preview button on the ribbon. (If you don’t see it, be sure your pop-up blocker is not enabled because the preview opens in a new window.)

Before letting users fill out the survey, you need to publish it by clicking the Publish button on the ribbon. After the survey is published, you can test it by clicking the Test button.

Using the Surveys

To make filling out your survey quick and easy for users, provide an anonymous link. You can find the Anonymous Link field in the survey form under the Invitations and Actions tab (see 34.29). This link is generated after you publish the survey.

However, to get more details about who responded to a survey, you can use one of the following snippets found on the command bar:

Image Copy Snippet

Image Copy Face Snippet

Image Copy Rating Snippet

Image Copy NPS Snippet

To find these snippets, click the ... in the navigation bar (refer to Figure 34.29). Clicking any of them copies it to the Windows Clipboard, and you can then paste it into an email activity created in Dynamics CRM. This code is then rendered differently for each recipient of the email, with an URL containing information that can later be used to link the response with the contact who completed the survey.


FIGURE 34.29 Setting an anonymous link.

Using Piped Data

You can use piped data to show customer data, such as first name, in the Welcome screen or to prepopulate the answers with customer data. To use piped data in the Welcome page, follow these steps:

1. Create a new survey.

2. Enter a name for the survey and click Save.

3. Switch to the Survey Designer (see Figure 34.30).


FIGURE 34.30 Survey Designer.

4. Click the edit button on the Welcome section area by clicking on the pencil, to go to the section form and make edits.

5. As shown in Figure 34.31, enter Welcome in the text box under the General section and use the (Pipe) drop-down to select Customer. The text _CUSTOMER_PIPED_DATA_ is appended to Welcome, as shown in Figure 34.32


FIGURE 34.31 General question form.


FIGURE 34.32 Welcome Text with Piped data.

6. Click Save and go back to your survey.

7. Publish the survey by clicking Publish.

When distributing the survey, you need to concatenate the piped data with the code snippet generated from the Copy Snippet actions.

To see the piped data on the Welcome page, after you publish the survey, click Copy Snippet, as shown in Figure 34.33.


FIGURE 34.33 Copy Snippet.

CRM copies something like the following to the Windows Clipboard:



The GUID changes depending on the survey you have, and it identifies the survey ID.

You need to add the piped data between the end of the GUID and before [Survey-Snippet-End]. For example, if you want to send an email to the customer Jim, you need to add the customer parameter with the value Jim, as shown here:


The easiest way to test this is to go to a contact/lead or an account and send a direct email and copy the snippet into the body of the email, as shown in Figure 34.34.


FIGURE 34.34 Email with snippet before save.

You can now click Save to generate the link the user has to click to complete the survey, as shown in Figure 34.35.


FIGURE 34.35 Email with link generated after save.

When the customer Jim clicks this link, he sees a Welcome page with his name on it, as shown in Figure 34.36.


FIGURE 34.36 Welcome page with piped data.

The idea is to create email templates for surveys, so you can make the names dynamic, based on the selected record, when using the code snippet (see Figure 34.37).


FIGURE 34.37 Using piped data in an email template.

You can then use email templates on workflows or you can go to the contacts list, select the contacts you want to send the survey to, and click Send Direct Email to select the email template.

As mentioned earlier, you can use piped data to prepopulate an answer to a question. This can be useful if you have a question that asks for the customer name but you want to let the customer see his name prepopulated and allow him to change it if he wants. For this configuration, you need to edit the question in the question form and expand the Advanced tab. You can then see the piped option set in the Pre-populate with Pipe field, as shown in Figure 34.38.


FIGURE 34.38 Pre-populate with Pipe field.

To test this change, make sure you publish the survey and use the same email template. The customer will see the question prepopulated as shown in Figure 34.39.


FIGURE 34.39 Prepopulating with a pipe in action.

Table 34.1 shows the piped variables available and how to use them in your email templates.


TABLE 34.1 Piped Variables

Response Routing

Linking response conditions to various response actions via routing is necessary if you want to show or hide a question based on the response to a previous answer. For example, if you have a question with a single response, asking the customer if he is satisfied with your service, depending on the answer, you might want to find out why he is not satisfied. Or if he is satisfied, you might want to learn what he would like even more.

For the example shown in Figure 34.40, there are three questions:

Image Are you satisfied? (single response, yes/no)

Image Why are you not satisfied? (long answer)

Image What do you like most? (long answer)


FIGURE 34.40 Questions for a response routing.

Because the last two questions depend on the response to the first question, you need to create a response routing. You can click the drop-down arrow to the right of Survey to access the Response Routings option (see Figure 34.41).


FIGURE 34.41 Response Routings option.

Click the Response Routings option, enter a name for the new response routing, such as satisfied customer, and click Save (see Figure 34.42).


FIGURE 34.42 Satisfied customer response routing.

After you save the new response routing, you can click the + on the Conditions tab to create a new condition. In this case, you select the Are you satisfied? question and the Yes answer; leave Operator set to Selected (see Figure 34.43). Click Save & Close.


FIGURE 34.43 Condition form for a satisfied customer.

Now in the response routing form you need to create a new action, so click the + on the Actions tab and click on New.

Select Client in the Scope field and enter a name for the response action (such as “show What do you like most? Question”). In the Client tab select the survey you are working on, set Action to Show, set Page to Page 1, and set Section to Page 1. Also set the question you want to show (see Figure 34.44).


FIGURE 34.44 Response action.

You need to create another response routing for the “not satisfied” condition and response action much the same way you did for the “satisfied” condition.

Image To see the different types of actions you can take here, refer to the “Response Actions” section, earlier in this chapter.

Survey Dashboard

The Survey Dashboard shows analytic information about a survey, as shown in Figure 34.45. (Be sure to switch the form type in the survey record to Dashboard.)


FIGURE 34.45 Survey Dashboard.

The dashboard shows four charts:

Image Survey Invites Sent by Survey

Image Total Response Count by Survey

Image Average Satisfaction Rating by Survey

Image Score as Percentage All Routes by Survey


The last two charts work best with questions that use ratings or scoring.

Survey Responses

The Active Survey Responses page is where you can see all the completed surveys and the responses to the questions. You can see if the survey was completed by an existing contact or by an anonymous user. Figure 34.46 shows the Active Survey Responses page.


FIGURE 34.46 Survey responses.


Answers do not show until the user has completed the survey. They remain in Azure until CRM pulls the completed surveys based on the interval configured in the Voice of the Customer configurations. By default, this interval is three minutes, to get up to 20 responses per request.

Response Outcomes

You can see the response outcomes for your surveys by navigating to Settings > Voice of the Customer > Response Outcomes.

You can run any of these predefined reports:

Image Net Promoter Score

Image Question Summary

Image Survey Export

Image Survey Summary

The Voice of the Customer solution also come with five custom roles that help users administer or design surveys:

Image Survey Administrator

Image Survey Designer

Image Survey Feedback Publisher

Image Survey Service

Image Survey User

Voice of the Customer Troubleshooting

When you need to troubleshoot Voice of the Customer, you can find detailed information under the survey logs, which you find by navigating to Settings > Voice of the Customer > Logs (see Figure 34.47). By looking at the logs, you can find errors not easily discovered during the survey design phase.


FIGURE 34.47 Voice of the Customer logs.

Responses are processed and retrieved in CRM every 15 minutes. If you don’t see them in CRM after that amount of time, you can retrigger the response processing by selecting Settings > Solutions > Voice of the Customer and going to the Configuration section.


This chapter explains how to install and configure Voice of the Customer, a great survey solution that allows customers to give feedback in a way that integrates with Dynamics CRM. This chapter discusses how to create surveys and change the design basics, how to create response routings to make survey more intelligent, and how to review responses and the analytics provided for the surveys. If you have a CRM Online deployment, Voice of the Customer is a solution you cannot miss.


What’s happening behind the scenes with Voice of the Customer is that survey definitions are sent to Azure and stored in Azure storage via an Azure SQL database. Responses are temporarily stored in the Azure Service Bus and then sent to Dynamics CRM and then deleted from Azure. The following Azure components are used for Voice of the Customer:

Image Azure Cloud Services

Image Azure Key Vault

Image Azure SQL database

Image Azure Blob Storage (survey definitions and partially completed surveys)

Image Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) (images, CSS, etc.)

Image Azure AD

Image Azure Service Bus

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