How to do it...

  1. Open your AL project folder in Visual Studio Code.
  2. In Visual Studio Code's Explorer pane, right-click and create a new file named Customers With Television Shows Filter In the Editor tab, create a new codeunit object, and then add the following code:
codeunit 50103 "Customers With Shows Filter"
Codeunit::TextManagement, 'OnAfterMakeTextFilter',
'', true, true)]
local procedure OnAfterMakeTextFilter(var Position: Integer;
var TextFilterText: Text)
Customer: Record Customer;
CustomerTelevisionShows: Record "Customer Television Show";
CustWithShowsTokenTxt: Label 'CUSTWITHSHOWS';
MaxCount: Integer;
if StrPos(UpperCase(CustWithShowsTokenTxt),
UpperCase(TextFilterText)) = 0 then

MaxCount := 2000;
TextFilterText := '';

if Customer.FindSet() then begin
CustomerTelevisionShows.SetRange("Customer No.",
if not CustomerTelevisionShows.IsEmpty() then begin
MaxCount -= 1;

if TextFilterText <> '' then
TextFilterText += '|';

TextFilterText += Customer."No.";
until (Customer.Next() = 0) or (MaxCount <= 0);
  1. Now, let's test it! Press F5 to build and publish your application. Navigate to the Customers list page and click the  icon to show the filter pane. Enter a filter value of %CustWithShows into the No. field and press Tab. Note the value that you enter is not case-sensitive:

The list should get filtered down to only show the customers that have television shows defined. If your list is empty, then release the filter, enter some television shows for a customer or two, and try the filter again.

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