
Both personally and professionally, I have people who warrant thanks for assisting me in all my endeavors. First and foremost, my wife, Jennette, who keeps the coffee coming when I need it, but knows when it’s time to get me out of the office and remember “real life.” Our son, Lucas, is also a big help in reminding me of what is most important.

I also want to thank those I work with, including Galen Gruman and Ted Samson at InfoWorld, Stonna Edelman and Laurie Wells at Realtime, Doug Barney and Lee Pender at Redmond magazine, and Amy Eisenberg, Sheila Molnar, and Brian Winstead at Windows IT Pro magazine.

Others I work with in the technical field and conference circuit who have been good friends and co-workers include David Solomon, Alan Wright, Greg Shields, Don Jones, Mark Minasi, Rhonda Layfield, Derek Melber, James Conrad, and last but not least, Jeremy Moskowitz.

I also want to thank Alienware, and especially Kathryn Diana, for assisting me with a multitude of Alienware systems over the past few years, for both conference and writing engagements.

Thanks also to Tim Duggan, my business partner and friend. And thanks to our sales manager, John. And thanks to our dear friends at FlightSafety—Ram Singh, Marty Vitkovsky, and Moe Hoskins—who have been early adapters of our ClipTraining Library as well as enthusiastic supporters.

And I certainly want to thank my acquisitions editor, Loretta Yates, and all the persons who assisted with the creation of this book, including Jovana San Nicolas-Shirley, Kevin Howard, Keith Cline, and Todd Meister.

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