Blockchain and Bitcoin Mining Architectures

This chapter begins with a brief introduction to the concepts associated with blockchain, a public, cryptographically secured ledger recording a sequence of transactions. We continue with an overview of the process of bitcoin mining, which appends transactions to the bitcoin blockchain and rewards those who complete this task with payment in the form of bitcoin. Bitcoin processing requires high-performance computing hardware, which is presented in terms of a current-generation bitcoin mining computer architecture. The chapter concludes with a brief introduction to some cryptocurrency alternatives to bitcoin.

After completing this chapter, you will understand the concepts of blockchain and how this technology is used. You will have learned the steps in the bitcoin mining process and will understand the key features of bitcoin mining computer architectures and the attributes of some currently popular cryptocurrencies.

The following topics will be presented in this chapter:

  • Introduction to blockchain and bitcoin
  • The bitcoin mining process
  • Bitcoin mining computer architectures
  • Alternative types of cryptocurrency

Technical requirements

The files for this chapter, including answers to the exercises, are available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Modern-Computer-Architecture-and-Organization-Second-Edition.

Introduction to blockchain and bitcoin

The concept of bitcoin first became public in a paper by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. The author’s name appears to have been a pseudonym and the identity of the author (or authors) of the paper is not publicly known. The paper laid out the mathematical and cryptographic underpinning of a system for performing decentralized financial transactions.

In a centralized financial system, the operation of the system relies on entities such as governments and banks to monitor and control system activities and to regulate what users of the system are allowed to do.

The bitcoin concept has no centralized regulator and relies entirely on networked peers to competitively interact in a manner that maintains stable system operation. Anyone can join the network as a peer and immediately gain all the privileges available to network participants.

One important feature of the bitcoin design is that it is not necessary for individuals using the currency to trust that everyone interacting with the bitcoin ecosystem will act in an honest or honorable manner. If honest cooperating peers control the majority of the computing power available to the bitcoin network, users can be confident in the trustworthiness of the system.

Of course, this assurance of trustworthiness relies on an assumption that the only viable path for attackers to compromise the bitcoin ledger or the transactions it contains is via compromising the consensus-generated integrity of the system. If a software flaw in the bitcoin code exposes a vulnerability that attackers can exploit, or if an encryption algorithm the system relies upon is found to be weak, there may be other ways the system could be compromised.

Bitcoin stores transaction information in the bitcoin blockchain, a distributed ledger containing cryptographically secure records of all transactions that have occurred with bitcoin since its inception. Each network peer can request and receive a complete copy of the blockchain at any time. As part of the startup process for a newly joined network peer, the new system must download and validate all blockchain transactions, beginning with the very first bitcoin transaction that took place and continuing to the end of the blockchain and the most recently added block. This is a mandatory step to ensure the new peer has validated all transactions up to the current state of the blockchain.

Bitcoin users rely on software applications called digital wallets to hold their funds. A digital wallet tracks the balance of bitcoin held by its owner and facilitates transfers to and from other bitcoin users.

The wallet stores the secret key used by the owner to access bitcoin funds that belong to the owner. If a hacker gains access to a bitcoin wallet secret key, the hacker can transfer the funds held in the wallet anywhere they wish.

When a bitcoin user initiates a transaction to transfer some quantity of bitcoin funds to or from another user, an entry must be added to the blockchain and then verified by peers on the network, in addition to being approved by the transaction sender.

Although the blockchain itself is publicly available, the information contained within it does not identify the sender and receiver involved in a particular transaction in any way other than by exposing a digital key that is associated with a particular user’s digital wallet. This number does not connect to the user’s identity other than by means such as the use of the same identifier to transact with another person who happens to know the wallet owner’s identity. To avoid this reduction in anonymity, a user can create a different wallet identifier for each new transaction, if desired. This partial anonymity is the reason cybercriminals prefer to use bitcoin for purposes such as ransomware payments.

To convert a quantity of bitcoin to or from a more traditional form of currency, such as US dollars, a financial institution authorized to operate in that currency can perform the transaction for a fee. Alternatively, a user can transfer a quantity of bitcoin to another user in exchange for a mutually agreeable quantity of cash.

Each bitcoin transaction incurs a small (but optional) fee, which is paid to the first bitcoin miner that successfully performs the work required to append a collection of transactions from different users, including the user’s transaction, to the blockchain ledger. Network nodes that perform these computations are called bitcoin mining systems and the people who own and operate the computer systems performing this work are called bitcoin miners. The voluntary inclusion of a fee with each transaction increases the likelihood that miners will include the transaction in the next block, thereby clearing it more quickly.

Adding a block to the blockchain is an intentionally computation-intensive task. Mining nodes compete to be the first to successfully perform the computation required to append a block to the blockchain. The first peer to demonstrate a correct solution for a new block is awarded a fee associated with the block as well as receiving all fees offered for transactions contained within the block. We will discuss bitcoin mining in more detail later in this chapter.

As the name implies, the blockchain is a chain of blocks. Each block contains cryptographically secure descriptions of multiple bitcoin transactions between users of the network.

Beginning with the first block placed at the start of the chain when it was created, each later block contains a link to the immediately previous block on the chain. Cryptographic techniques are used to ensure all the blocks and the transactions within them remain unmodified and that the block-to-block links have not been tampered with.

Figure 15.1 presents a simplified representation of the end of the blockchain after a new block, identified as Block X, has been appended to the chain. Each block contains cryptographically secure references to the details of each transaction contained within it.

Figure 15.1: Simplified view of the blockchain

Each block is numbered, indicating its sequence in the chain. At the time of this writing, there are over 700,000 blocks in the chain. A new block is created approximately every 10 minutes containing transactions that had been initiated during the preceding minutes and gathered to form the block’s transaction list. This means it typically takes at least 10 minutes for a transaction to “clear,” using the analogy of depositing a check into a bank account. The number of transactions included in each block varies over time depending on the number of transactions initiated by users.

Data within each block is cryptographically hashed along with the hash of the previous block in the chain. Miners then compete to identify a 32-bit value that can be placed within the block (called a nonce) that will produce a block hash value that is numerically equal to or below a hash target value provided by the bitcoin network software. The process of adding blocks to the chain involves first finding a nonce that satisfies the network hash target, then publishing the new block to the network, and finally receiving confirmation from multiple peer nodes that the new block is indeed valid.

The bitcoin hash target varies over time with the goal of maintaining the stability of transaction processing. This means the amount of work a miner must do to earn a return varies over time and depends on factors such as the amount of mining processing power currently active on the network.

As a peer-to-peer network, newly mined blocks must be validated by network peers to confirm each new block contains a nonce that produces a block hash below the target value and that the information contained in the block is otherwise correct. Once a consensus has been reached among peers that the block is valid and that it was the winner in terms of being the first block with a valid nonce, the block is appended to the blockchain.

The blockchain architecture has proven to be robust in the presence of security threats. Attempts to insert invalid blocks into the blockchain are easily detected by hash verification, and any invalid blocks are discarded.

By design, only 21 million bitcoins can ever be created. To date, over 18 million are in circulation, leaving less than 3 million still to be mined. It is estimated it will take over 120 years to exhaust the remaining unmined bitcoin.

The bitcoin core software takes several steps to maintain the stability of the network and to achieve the goal of limiting the total number of bitcoins to 21 million:

  • The algorithm tries to maintain a block creation interval of one block every 10 minutes by varying the network hash target. If each block took exactly 10 minutes to mine, there would be 2,016 blocks mined in every two-week interval (which is equal to 6 blocks per hour times 24 hours/day times 14 days in 2 weeks). Since the mining time per block varies with the processing power available to the network, at intervals of every 2,016 blocks, the bitcoin core software updates the hash target to a calculated value that would have caused the previous 2,016 blocks to take 2 weeks of mining time. This hash target is then used for mining the next 2,016 blocks.
  • On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block of the bitcoin blockchain. This block, numbered block 0 in the chain, is referred to as the bitcoin genesis block. The block reward was 50 bitcoins for the miner. The same reward was provided to the miners of the first 210,000 blocks. The block reward was then cut in half, to 25 bitcoins for the next 210,000 blocks. The reward drops by half after each subsequent set of 210,000 blocks. If each block took exactly 10 minutes to mine, it would take 4 years to mine 210,000 blocks. In 2021, the block reward is 6.25 bitcoins, having fallen from 12.5 bitcoins on May 11, 2020. This halving process ensures the total number of bitcoins will be limited to 21,000,000.


Bitcoin uses a blockchain to maintain a cryptographically secure ledger of bitcoin transactions, but this is not the only application of blockchain technology. Blockchain provides a more general capability that can be used in any application where it is necessary to securely track a series of transactions over time. For example, a library could use a blockchain to record book lending and return events over time.

In the very early days of bitcoin mining (May 2010), miner Laszlo Hanyecz famously purchased two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins. This appears to have been the first use of bitcoin to purchase physical goods. This event has come to be seen as a key moment in the development of bitcoin and its use of a blockchain-based distributed ledger. 10,000 bitcoins would be worth about $500 million at the time of writing.

It is estimated that 4 million bitcoins have been permanently lost by their owners. Bitcoin can be lost if the owner loses the secret key to the wallet containing the bitcoin, for example, by deleting all copies of the key or by disposing of the only hard drive containing the key. Bitcoin that has been lost still belongs to its owner, but no one can recover and use it.

We will next examine the secure hash algorithm that gives bitcoin its cryptographic protections and forms the core of the bitcoin mining process.

The SHA-256 hash algorithm

The fundamental operation underlying the computations used in bitcoin mining and by many other cryptocurrencies is a secure hash. Bitcoin uses SHA-256 as its secure hash algorithm. SHA-256 is a published standard cryptographic hash algorithm that has been codified by the US Government in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 180-4.

SHA-256 works on data blocks that are a multiple of 512 bits in length. The algorithm defines a procedure for appending padding bits to the data to reach the required length.

The output of an SHA-256 computation is a 256-bit hash value, which is most commonly represented as 64 hexadecimal characters. The most important features of the relationship between the input data block and the output of the SHA-256 hash of that block are:

  • The hash output is always 256 bits independent of the size of the input data block. The input data can be less than or much more than 256 bits in length.
  • Computing the SHA-256 hash of a particular data block always produces the same result.
  • Changing any part of the data block, even a single bit, will generally result in a completely different SHA-256 hash compared to the hash of the original data block.
  • While it is theoretically possible to make changes to a data block in a manner that results in the same SHA-256 block hash as the unmodified original version, it is practically impossible to create two different data blocks that produce the same SHA-256 hash result.

A hash collision occurs when two different data blocks produce the same hash result. In the realm of cryptographic hash functions, the possibility of collisions presents a security threat. An effective and secure cryptographic hash algorithm must ensure that the likelihood of hash collisions remains extremely low. For SHA-256, we can consider the likelihood of a hash collision to be astronomically low.

The reason it is so difficult to identify two different data blocks that produce the same SHA-256 hash is the amount of work required to identify the contents of the second block such that its hash matches the hash of the first block. A straightforward approach for identifying a second data block that produces the same hash as the first block is to use a brute force procedure.

A brute force algorithm to search for a data block matching a given (target) hash value can treat the second data block as a series of bits we interpret as a very long integer, perhaps 256 bits in length. This is an example of the steps to search for a data block that produces the given hash using brute force:

  1. Input the target hash to be matched.
  2. Set the data block to all zero bits.
  3. Compute the SHA-256 hash of the data block.
  4. Does the block’s hash match the target hash? If yes, exit and display the matching data block. If no, continue with step 5.
  5. Increment the integer contained in the data block.
  6. Go to step 3.

While the brute force hash collision search algorithm described here is simple and will eventually find a matching hash (if one exists), it is unrealistic to expect it will ever return a useful result for the SHA-256 hash of a large enough (256 bits or more) data block.

Our brute force search algorithm must execute the loop (from steps 3 through 6) 2256 times to have a near certain chance of producing a hash collision. How long would that take? The answer involves all the computing power on Earth (now and in the future) and all the years remaining until the Sun burns out, and, very likely, still not being anywhere close to finding a data block with a matching hash value.

In other words, given the current state of computing capabilities and reasonable predictions about the future growth in those capabilities, SHA-256 is very likely safe against hash collision vulnerabilities for some time to come, unless, of course, someone identifies an exploitable vulnerability in the SHA-256 algorithm. This is always a risk in the realm of cryptographic algorithms.

We will next look at the steps involved in computing the SHA-256 hash of a data block.

Computing SHA-256

SHA-256 works on a data block that can have any length from 1 to 264-1 bits. The data block, also called a message, is treated as a linear string of bits in this discussion.

The message is first padded to a length that is a multiple of 512 bits using the following procedure. Message padding is performed even if the original message length happens to be a multiple of 512 bits.

  1. Append a 1 bit to the message
  2. Append the minimum number of zero bits to the message such that the length of the message in bits is 64 less than a multiple of 512
  3. Append a 64-bit unsigned integer to the message containing the length in bits of the original message

The building blocks of the SHA-256 algorithms are simple logical and mathematical operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, integer addition, right shift, right rotate, and concatenation of bits. These operations are performed on 32-bit words. When performing addition, the processor’s carry flag is ignored.

The SHA-256 algorithm defines several more complex operations that mix the simple building blocks in the previous paragraph with predefined constants to scramble the data content of the input block and produce a random-appearing 256-bit value as the hashed output.

The SHA-256 algorithm processes each 512-bit section of input data sequentially. After padding the message, the 512 bits within each section are separated into 64 words of 32 bits each. The processing of each section is essentially a scrambling procedure that repeatedly mixes the bits in the words together in a series of logical operations. The algorithm executes a 64-pass loop performing a series of intensive Boolean and mathematical operations on the data words in each section.

To summarize, computing an SHA-256 hash for even a small data block requires a substantial sequence of computation. By design, there are no shortcuts that would allow skipping any of the computational steps.

As an example of SHA-256 input and output, a data block consisting of just the ASCII characters abc will, after padding and executing the computational manipulations of SHA-256, produce the following 64 hexadecimal digits as the hash output:


In the next section, we will discuss some of the key attributes of the source code that runs the bitcoin network. This code is referred to as bitcoin core.

Bitcoin core software

Anyone with a computer and access to the internet can set up a bitcoin node. To gain full access to the capabilities offered by the bitcoin network, a computer owner needs to set up a full node. A bitcoin full node performs the operations required to validate transactions and blocks. This process involves accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating each transaction and block, and forwarding the blocks and the validation results to other full nodes.

The bitcoin code is open source and can be downloaded from https://bitcoincore.org/en/download/. The code runs on Windows, macOS X, and Linux computer systems that satisfy nominal memory and disk space requirements and have a broadband internet connection. It is possible to build the bitcoin executable applications from source code or download and install the executable files directly.

Once the bitcoin software is installed and running, the application will download the entire bitcoin blockchain from peer nodes, beginning with the genesis block through the most recently added blocks. The full blockchain consists of over 400 GB of data as of 2021. It is possible to have the bitcoin application delete early blocks after they have been analyzed to avoid consuming excessive disk space. The initial download and analysis of the early blocks is essential to validate the entire history of the blockchain and to ensure the current state of recent blocks is valid and accurate.

If you choose to restrict the disk usage by the bitcoin software to a limited amount, such as 2 GB, your node will have to request copies of earlier blocks from other peers when attempting to validate transactions that draw funds from transactions located in those earlier blocks. Each time the code receives data from an (untrusted) network peer, it will perform hash verification and digital signature verification to ensure all elements within the data are valid and trustworthy.

A full node can also act as a client node. A client node allows a bitcoin user to initiate bitcoin transactions with other users and to respond to transactions initiated by other users. Most bitcoin users operate a client node, which might be an app running on a smartphone.

Next, we will look in more depth at the processing requirements of bitcoin mining and learn how the price of electricity determines whether a miner can make a profit.

The bitcoin mining process

The computational complexity of the SHA-256 algorithm relates directly to the feasibility of bitcoin mining as a profitable endeavor. The only way to determine the SHA-256 hash of a particular data block is to perform all the steps of the SHA-256 algorithm over all the bits in the block.

A key feature of the bitcoin mining process is that it is intentionally very difficult to find a valid nonce that produces a block hash below the current target network hash target. In fact, it is likely to take an enormous number of guesses of different nonce values before a target-satisfying value is found. Due to the lack of any predictable relationship between the block data content and the SHA-256 hash of that block, there is no more efficient method to determine a suitable nonce value than simply hashing the data block repeatedly with varying nonces until a hash turns up that satisfies the target criteria.

The process of identifying a nonce value that satisfies the target hash requirement is called proof of work. To perform the proof of work required for bitcoin mining, the miner must provide suitable hardware and electrical power, and allow time for the algorithm to run.

It is straightforward for a modern PC to try all possible values for the 32-bit nonce within a few seconds. Unfortunately for miners, this computation rarely identifies a hash satisfying the network hash target. After exhausting all possible 32-bit values for the nonce, the miner must modify the tentative block it is working with before it can begin trying all possible nonce values on the new block content. There are a few ways that miners can cause the contents of a tentative block to change in a manner accepted by the bitcoin network:

  • Alter the timestamp within the block: Although each block in the chain contains a timestamp that represents the time it was created, the timestamp itself is not used for any critical purpose such as determining the order in which blocks were created. If the miner exhausts all possible values for the nonce without success, it is possible to update the timestamp in the block header and again attempt all possible values for the nonce. Changing the timestamp, in effect, increases the size of the nonce search space. Small modifications to the timestamp are tolerable but large changes are not allowed.
  • Update the block with new transactions: It is likely that transactions continued to occur on the bitcoin network while a previous unsuccessful round of searching for a satisfactory nonce value was in progress. By requesting a new tentative block containing recently added transactions, the miner has increased the size of the nonce search space.
  • Modify data in the transaction header: The first transaction in a block’s transaction list is special in that it represents the payment to the miner for adding a block to the blockchain. It is possible for the miner to insert additional data into this transaction. When used for the purpose of increasing the nonce search space, this added data is referred to as extraNonce. The usual procedure for using extraNonce is to test the block hashes for all possible values for the nonce, then, treating extraNonce as an integer, increment extraNonce and try all possible values of nonce again.

The processes of incrementing the nonce and performing other manipulations to increase the effective nonce search space generally do not consume a large proportion of bitcoin mining processor time. The vast majority of the work involved in the search process occurs during the repeated execution of the SHA-256 hash algorithm as different nonce values are tried in an attempt to find a block hash that is equal to or lower than the network hash target.

In the early days of bitcoin mining (around 2010), a miner could use a personal computer with reasonably good performance specifications to earn a few dollars a day from mining. At the time, the difficulty defined by the network hash target was low enough that standard PC hardware could locate nonce values satisfying the hash target with a reasonable likelihood of success.

As more miners joined the network and the performance specifications of their computing hardware improved, the total amount of computing power working to complete the proof of work to add each block to the chain continued to grow.

The bitcoin hash target adjustment algorithm modifies the network hash target after every 2,016 blocks to maintain an average of one newly added block every 10 minutes. This meant that as the total bitcoin network computing power continued to grow, any individual miner, even one using a very powerful GPU, would have very little chance of being the first to find a solution for any block. A miner would very likely receive no return at all, even after mining for years.

To enable individuals to continue to participate in bitcoin mining with at least some return on their efforts, the concept of bitcoin mining pools arose. This is the topic of the next section.

Bitcoin mining pools

A bitcoin mining pool is a group of miners who combine their computing power to increase the chances of receiving block rewards after successfully completing the proof of work for blocks added to the bitcoin blockchain. In joining a mining pool, a miner agrees to contribute computing power to the pool and receive a share of the rewards from mining by the pool members.

In essence, the members of the mining pool split up the large problem of completing the proof of work into a set of smaller problems and pass those problems to the individual pool members to work on. If one of the pool members correctly solves the proof of work, the pool adds the block to the chain and splits the reward among the members.

The organizers of a mining pool must set up a data center to manage the pool’s interactions with its miner members and with the bitcoin network. This requires computing hardware and staff members to set up operations and manage the system on a day-to-day basis. Bitcoin mining pool operators charge a fee, typically 1-3% of the mining returns, for this service.

Joining a bitcoin mining pool allows a miner to receive some (typically small) regular returns in exchange for providing computing power to the pool. The more computing power (in terms of the number of SHA-256 hashes evaluated over time) a miner contributes, the greater will be the miner’s reward when the pool succeeds at adding a block to the chain.

The likelihood of a particular bitcoin mining pool’s success within a given period can be quantified in terms of the hashrate of the mining pool relative to the hashrate of the entire bitcoin network. The bitcoin hashrate is the number of SHA-256 hashes executing per second, where each hash operation is an attempt to complete a block proof of work.

During 2021, the estimated total bitcoin network hashrate varied between about 80 million and 180 million terahashes per second. One terahash is one trillion hashes, or hashes. Another term for one million terahashes is exahash, equivalent to hashes. Using this unit makes conversation a bit easier when describing the 2021 hashrate, which varies between 80 and 180 exahashes per second. This range of hashrates can also be expressed as 80-180 EH/s.

The fraction of the total network hashrate controlled by a mining pool determines the frequency at which the pool can expect to mine blocks. As we’ve seen, a new block is mined on average every 10 minutes. The following equation shows how often a mining pool can expect to succeed at mining a block based on its share of the total network hashrate:

Equation 15.1

In Equation 15.1, TB represents the average time between blocks mined by the pool in minutes, HP represents the hashrate of the pool, and HN represents the total network hashrate.

This equation is valid because the process of performing the block proof of work is essentially statistical in nature, where every processing element on the network is performing a series of guesses and each guess made by each participant has the same very small but equal chance of being successful.

Using this formula, if a pool controls 0.1% (or one one-thousandth) of the total network hashrate, the pool will mine a new block on average every 10,000 minutes, which is about once a week. At the current bitcoin price of $45,000 and block reward of 6.25 bitcoins per block, the block reward will be $281,250 plus any transaction fees offered by bitcoin users.


Transaction fees are voluntary payments offered by bitcoin users as an incentive to prioritize their transactions for placement into blocks during mining. Each time a user initiates a new bitcoin transaction, the user has the option to allocate a portion of the transaction funds toward the transaction fee.

Miners can select which transactions they include in each block they work on, which means they generally prefer transactions offering higher fees. During times of high transaction rates, offering a low transaction fee can result in a transaction waiting for a longer time before it gets added to the blockchain.

Eventually, as the number of coins remaining to be mined dwindles toward zero, transaction fees will become the only remaining incentive for miners to continue processing transactions and working on adding blocks to the chain. The weekly median (meaning half were lower and half were higher) bitcoin transaction fee has varied from $0.27 to $26.96 during 2021.

After successfully submitting a new block to the chain, the mining pool manager must divide the block reward among the pool participants. To keep track of the proportion of proof of work that was performed by each miner in the pool, the pool management software sets a hash target for its miners that is substantially higher (easier to satisfy) than the network hash target. This means members of the pool will return many hash solutions to the pool manager that satisfy the pool’s target level but don’t satisfy the network target. By tracking how many of these pool target-satisfying hashes each miner returns, the pool manager can determine how much hashing was performed by each pool participant. The block reward is then distributed among the pool members in proportion to their contribution to the overall hashing effort.

At a typical network hashrate for 2021 of 140 EH/s, the pool would need to run 140,000 terahashes per second, or 140,000 TH/s, to control 0.1% of the network hashrate. This certainly sounds like a lot of hashes. To get some idea of the computational power required to generate this hashrate, let’s first consider the use of standard PC processors for performing the hashing operation. We’ll look at this in terms of a solo miner who is not participating in a mining pool.

Mining with a CPU

If you don’t want to pay the fee required of members of a bitcoin mining pool, you may decide to do mining by yourself using one or more computing devices you own or control. This is called solo mining. We can estimate the proceeds from solo mining based on the hashing capability of the hardware dedicated for this purpose.

One of the top-performing CPUs currently available is the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X. The 3970X has 32 cores and 64 simultaneous threads with a CPU clock frequency that ranges from 3.7 to 4.5 GHz. The large number of simultaneous threads enables parallel computation of hashes for several nonce values. Based on benchmark tests, the 3970X can compute about 19,900 bitcoin hashes per second.

Consider a PC containing one AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X processor. We can insert the hashrate of this processor into Equation 15.1 and estimate the interval between successfully mined blocks. We will assume a nominal 2021 network hashrate of 140 EH/s. The result of this computation is shown in Equation 15.2:

Equation 15.2

From this equation, we see the average interval between successfully mined blocks on a single 3970X is minutes, which is about 133 billion years. Obviously, this is not a viable configuration for someone trying to get any return whatsoever from bitcoin mining.

Soon after bitcoin was first introduced, a version of mining code was released as open source that took advantage of the parallel processing capability of GPU hardware. We’ll look at that next.

Mining with a GPU

The core computation of bitcoin mining is the SHA-256 hash algorithm.

The task of testing a very large number of nonce values is ideal for a parallel processing computer architecture because each test is independent of all the others. Because of this inherent parallelism, it was natural for the bitcoin mining software to migrate into the GPU context. When running on a GPU, mining code takes full advantage of the large number of processing elements to execute the bitcoin hash algorithm at a much higher hashrate than a CPU with even a large number of cores can approach.

A high-end GPU is capable of a much higher SHA-256 hashrate than a microprocessor. During the early years of bitcoin, high-end GPUs were used for bitcoin mining by many miners. Up until around 2014, miners could profitably exploit the increasing computational power of GPUs to perform around 1 gigahashes per second, or 1 GH/s, which is equal to hashes per second.

If we plug this hashrate into Equation 15.1, we find the average interval between block successes in 2021 shown below:

Equation 15.3

The result of this computation is an average of minutes, which is over 2.6 million years between blocks. While this time interval between block successes is much better than using a powerful CPU alone, it is still not something any reasonable individual miner would attempt in 2021.

The use of GPUs for bitcoin mining became unprofitable as specialized ASIC-based devices were brought to market for the sole purpose of performing mining at far higher hashrates than general-purpose processors or GPUs could offer. The computing systems that employ these ASICs are the subject of the next section.

Bitcoin mining computer architectures

The SHA-256 algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps that consists of simple Boolean operations performed repetitively on 32-bit data items. The algorithm does not require very much memory when operating on a small block (bitcoin block headers are always 80 bytes). This type of problem is ideal for performance optimization using a digital hardware design dedicated to this application.

The input to the mining algorithm is a candidate block header. The bitcoin block header contains the following data items:

  • Bitcoin version number (4 bytes): This field identifies the version of the bitcoin core software. The miner selects a version number that is compatible with the miner’s bitcoin software.
  • Previous block hash (32 bytes): The hash of the previous block in the blockchain. This value is retrieved from the bitcoin network as the hash of the current latest block in the blockchain.
  • Merkle root (32 bytes): This hash value protects all the transactions in the candidate block. The term Merkle root describes a tree-like data structure that begins with hashes of individual bitcoin transactions and combines those hashes in a way that permits efficient and secure verification of the integrity of each individual transaction in the tree.
  • Time (4 bytes): The timestamp of the block in seconds since January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A valid block timestamp must lie within a three-hour window around the current time as determined by the bitcoin network. This window of validity permits some adjustment of the block time to increase the hash search space. Because of this flexibility, the timestamps of blocks on the blockchain cannot be assumed to represent the exact time of block creation.
  • Bits (4 bytes): This field defines the network hash target difficulty. This is a floating-point value with a 24-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponent in a unique bitcoin-specified format. This value is supplied by the bitcoin network.
  • Nonce (4 bytes): A field the miner varies while attempting to generate varying hashes.

These fields combine to form the 80-byte header for a candidate block. After setting all six parameters to valid values, the miner computes the hash of the header and compares it to the network hash target. If the computed hash value is equal to or less than the network hash target defined in the bits field of the header, the block is valid, and the miner can submit it to the network for verification and addition to the blockchain.


The bitcoin block hash algorithm actually performs SHA-256 twice to compute the hash of the block header. It first computes the hash of the 80-byte block header, and then computes the hash of the hash computed in the first step.

This computation can be expressed in the form SHA-256(SHA-256(header)).

Following almost every guess of a nonce value, the hash output does not result in a valid block. The miner then varies the nonce and, perhaps, the timestamp (within limits) and other parts of the block repeatedly while attempting to compute a hash that results in a valid block. Most of the work in this process involves repetition of the steps in the SHA-256 algorithm.

A first step in developing specialized hardware designs for bitcoin mining brings in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This is the subject of the next section.

Mining with FPGAs

FPGAs, introduced in Chapter 2, Digital Logic, provide a means to create a hardware circuit optimized for a particular task by connecting a collection of generic digital components such as logic gates, flip-flops, and registers to a circuit. Using a hardware description language, a developer can define the logical execution sequence of the SHA-256 algorithm and the HDL compiler will translate this specification into a circuit design that can be downloaded into an FPGA chip.

To be useful for bitcoin mining, it is necessary to include some additional logic in the design to manage the input of data to be hashed and then collect output from the hash algorithm.

In a naïve implementation, the mining software might provide input to the FPGA algorithm that consists of a proposed block header, including the current nonce guess. After the FPGA receives its input data, it performs the SHA-256 hash algorithm and returns the hash to the mining software as its output.

Figure 15.2 shows how this simple mining approach could be implemented:

Figure 15.2: Simple FPGA mining configuration

The sequence of operations for this mining configuration consists of the following steps:

  1. The mining host (this could be a standard PC or a server system) requests and receives a candidate block from the bitcoin network to work on.
  2. The mining host transfers the candidate block header (including the current nonce guess) to the mining FPGA for hashing.
  3. The FPGA performs the hash operation and returns the hash value to the mining host.
  4. The mining host evaluates the hash. If it satisfies the network difficulty, the host forwards the block to the bitcoin network for inclusion in the blockchain.

While this approach executes all the steps required for bitcoin mining using a high-speed FPGA, the configuration described here is unlikely to provide a sufficient hashrate to interest any serious miner. This is because the overhead needed for transferring data to and from the FPGA for every hash evaluation is likely to drastically degrade the average hashrate.

An improved design would have the FPGA perform the hash operation over a span of nonce values and only stop hashing when it completes the entire span without success, or it finds a satisfactory hash value. The range of nonce values to be tested could be coded into the FPGA firmware, and the range could extend to all 232 possible nonce values. This configuration resembles the configuration of Figure 15.2 and would allow the FPGA to operate at very close to its maximum achievable hashrate over time.

Various FPGA designs have been developed that perform bitcoin hashing using an approach like the one described here. The maximum hashrate for a design varies drastically depending on the capabilities of the FPGA chip used to execute the algorithm. Hashrates up to several hundred million hashes per second (MH/s) have been achieved with FPGA implementations of SHA-256. An FPGA executing hashes at a rate of 500 MH/s can test all 232 nonce values in less than 10 seconds.

In 2014, a per-chip FPGA hashrate of several hundred MH/s did not seem very impressive compared to GPUs that could perform up to 1 GH/s. However, there are other factors affecting the economics of bitcoin mining. A standard FPGA might cost a few dollars in comparison to the several hundred-dollar price tag of a high-performance GPU. In addition, an FPGA typically consumes only a small fraction of the power consumed by a GPU. As we’ll see later, the power consumption of a mining system is a key factor in determining whether a bitcoin miner makes money or loses money.

While the idea of designing a bitcoin mining computer containing several FPGAs might seem like a winning approach in comparison to CPU and GPU mining, the use of ASIC devices instead of FPGAs results in even higher performance and can cost less if the devices can be sold in sufficient quantities. ASIC mining is the subject of the next section.

Mining with ASICs

An Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is a custom-designed chip that implements a specified function or set of functions. In comparison to general-purpose CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs, the key distinguishing features of ASIC devices are:

  • An ASIC contains only the circuitry it needs to perform its intended function. There is no additional circuitry taking up die space and consuming power. This allows an individual ASIC die to be smaller and consume less power than a general-purpose FPGA circuit. This makes the ASIC less expensive to produce and less expensive to operate, if produced in a large enough quantity.
  • Producing the first copy of an ASIC device is very expensive. A tremendous amount of engineering and production line development are required to prepare a circuit design and construct the first batch of chips. If a serious error is found in the design after production has started, revising the design to fix the problem is also very expensive.
  • Once the production line has been set up and the resulting circuits are shown to work properly, producing the chip in high volumes is very inexpensive in terms of cost-per-chip.

As interest from miners and investors grew in the years following the introduction of bitcoin, the economics of mining hardware grew to provide a level of demand that made the cost and effort to produce mining ASIC devices worthwhile.

Bitmain (https://www.bitmain.com/) is the largest producer of bitcoin mining hardware, which includes ASIC mining chips as well as complete mining computer systems based on these chips. In addition to developing mining hardware, Bitmain mines for its own benefit and runs at least two mining pools: BTC.com (https://pool.btc.com/) and AntPool (https://v3.antpool.com/home).

Bitmain has developed several bitcoin mining ASICs, beginning with the BM1380, which was released in November 2011. This chip could perform up to 2.8 GH/s at its highest operating voltage of 1.10 V.

Bitmain also produced the Antminer S1 mining computer, which contained 64 of the BM1380 chips. This system could perform 180 GH/s while consuming 360 W of electrical power.

This is a much better hashrate than could be achieved with even several GPUs or with 64 FPGA chips. Let’s see how long the average block-to-block solution time is for an Antminer S1:

Equation 15.4

The average time between block successes for the Antminer S1 is minutes, about 14,800 years. This is much better than a fast GPU, but still is not a reasonable configuration for a solo miner in 2021.

Following the BM1380, Bitmain released a series of upgraded mining ASICs named BM1382 (April 2014), BM1384 (September 2014), BM1385 (August 2015), and BM1387 (May 2017). Bitmain has publicly released less detail about newer ASIC versions that followed these. The general trend in each new iteration of the ASIC is to increase the hashrate and decrease power consumption per computed hash.

In 2021, one of the fastest available Bitmain miners is the Antminer S19 Pro, with a hashrate of 110 TH/s. The S19 Pro consumes 3,250 Watts and sells for around $15,000. This system contains three hashing boards, each containing 114 BM1398 chips.

All 114 chips on each board are connected in series, which is referred to as a daisy chain configuration. The S19 Pro has a control board, containing a processor and firmware that communicates with and controls the operation of each of the hash boards and the hash chips on it. The communication protocol used with the chips is a serial data format that is identical to that used by standard serial ports on computers and other digital devices.

The control board sends commands through the serial interface to the first BM1398 ASIC in the daisy chain and this device passes the same command along to the next BM1398 in the chain, and so on.

Each BM1398 has a set of hardware address lines that give it a unique identity on the daisy chain. The ASIC uses these address lines to determine the portion of the nonce search space assigned to it.

Each BM1398 can place messages on the bus, which pass through the daisy chain and are received by the control board. The primary message type generated by a hashing chip is a notification that it has identified a nonce that satisfies the hash target requirement.

Figure 15.3 shows the high-level configuration of the components in the Antminer S19 Pro:

Figure 15.3: Antminer S19 Pro hardware configuration

At the 110 TH/s hashrate, Equation 15.5 provides the average block solution interval for the Antminer S19 Pro:

Equation 15.5

With an average block solution interval of minutes, the Antminer S19 Pro is expected to succeed at adding a block to the blockchain every 24.2 years at a representative 2021 network hashrate. Once again, this is not a useful operating configuration for a solo miner, which is the reason all serious small-time miners join mining pools to produce a reliable, if small, income.

But what if you are not setting up a small-time operation but instead have the means to operate at an industrial scale? Let’s say you purchase 1,000 Antminer S19 Pro machines and install them in a computer-grade facility with appropriate power conditioning, air conditioning, humidity control, and air filtering. This will provide the average block solution interval shown in Equation 15.6:

Equation 15.6

This operating configuration reduces the average block solution interval to minutes, which is about 8.8 days. This is starting to seem like a more feasible operating configuration for a miner interested in receiving a somewhat regular return on the investment in the mining system.

And what an investment it is, at $15 million for the 1,000 Antminer S19 Pro systems alone (if we ignore the possibility of a quantity discount). The next section will examine the economics of bitcoin mining in terms of initial investment, ongoing expenses, and expected return.

Bitcoin mining economics

In addition to network connectivity, successful bitcoin mining at industrial scale requires four main components:

  • A suitable facility
  • Mining hardware
  • Electrical power
  • Time

Our discussion to this point has focused on the processing requirements to solve the hash puzzle required to validate a bitcoin block so that it can be added to the blockchain. As bitcoin mining hardware has become more specialized and powerful, the total quantity of electrical power consumed by mining operations has steadily grown. In fact, worldwide bitcoin mining consumes more electrical power on average than Argentina, according to a February 2021 analysis by Cambridge University.

The Antminer S19 Pro discussed in the previous section consumes 3,250 Watts, which equates to 78 kilowatt-hours per day. Depending on the price of electricity in the area where the mining operation is located, the cost of electricity may erase most or all the profit that would otherwise accrue from successfully solving block hashes.

The trend in bitcoin mining hardware has been to increase the hashing power of each new generation of mining system while simultaneously reducing the amount of electrical power required to compute each hash.

This has led to specifications for mining systems that quantify the power consumed per hash operation. One Joule (abbreviated J) is equal to one Watt of power over a period of one second. In other words, 1 W = 1 J/s. The Antminer S19 Pro power efficiency is 3,250 J/s divided by 110 TH/s, which works out to 29.5 J/Th. The Antminer S19 Pro is, besides providing a very high 110 TH/s hashrate, one of the most power-efficient bitcoin mining systems available.

Despite the trend toward increased hash efficiency, the total electrical power consumption by the bitcoin network continues to grow. The massive consumption of electrical power by the network is seen by some as wasteful and as a contribution to environmental and climate concerns.

In addition to a desire to reduce the negative impact of high energy consumption by bitcoin processing, small-scale miners have been unhappy at being crowded out of the ability to mine bitcoin for a reasonable profit by large-scale industrial mining operations located in countries around the world.

Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency in use—far from it. There are over 10,000 different cryptocurrencies in active use in 2021. Several have grown in popularity and overall market value to become somewhat competitive with bitcoin. Several of these currencies have specific design features to combat the perceived negative trends associated with bitcoin. We discuss a few of these alternative cryptocurrencies in the next section.

Alternative types of cryptocurrency

Bitcoin mining began as a profitable diversion for computer enthusiasts that made use of spare computing cycles on their processors. As the use of expensive, noisy, power-hungry mining systems has grown to an industrial scale, the ability to make even a minimal profit with a homemade bitcoin mining system has disappeared.

This is one reason behind the development of numerous cryptocurrencies as alternatives to bitcoin, which are commonly referred to as altcoins. Some altcoins are designed to make it more difficult and more expensive to design an ASIC to solve the challenge required to mine the coin. Some are designed to avoid the compute-intensive proof of work that forms the basis of bitcoin. By avoiding intentionally compute-intensive operations, these coins substantially reduce the amount of electrical energy required to mine and transact with the coin.

For any cryptocurrency to become widely accepted and used, new users must be confident that any funds they entrust to the currency will retain value over time and that negative outcomes such as finding one’s digital wallet has been emptied by a thief are unlikely to occur. These are tough standards for a new cryptocurrency to satisfy. Even so, several altcoins based on blockchain technology have reached a level of widespread acceptance and use. Some of the premier altcoins in 2021 and their key features are listed here:

  • Ethereum: Ethereum is a decentralized software platform like bitcoin. The Ethereum platform provides support for smart contracts and distributed applications, which can be used to perform functions such as transferring payments from buyer to seller. Smart contracts are programs stored on the Ethereum blockchain that execute when predefined conditions have been met. Smart contracts are intended to facilitate the execution of legal agreements in an open and verifiable manner. The Ethereum cryptocurrency is called Ether, which is used to pay for the computing resources and transactions on the Ethereum network. Rather than using the computationally expensive proof of work concept employed by bitcoin, Ethereum uses a process called proof of stake. Proof of stake is based on the number of Ether coins a miner holds, and this stake enables the miner to validate transactions on the network.
  • Litecoin: Litecoin was launched in 2011 as a fork of bitcoin and has much in common with bitcoin. Litecoin was designed with a focus on the rapid approval of transactions even when high transaction volumes are taking place. The block time for Litecoin was reduced to 150 seconds in comparison to the bitcoin block time of 10 minutes. Up to 84 million Litecoins can be created, greater than the total number of bitcoins.
  • Dogecoin: The Dogecoin cryptocurrency was created in 2013, apparently as a joke, intended as a statement on the ongoing speculation in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Dogecoin features a photo of a Shiba Inu dog as its logo. In May 2021, the market capitalization of Dogecoin was $85 billion. Dogecoin is a fork from the Litecoin code base and differs from many other cryptocurrencies in having no fixed limit on its currency supply. Instead, it has a stable “inflation rate” of 5 million new Dogecoins created per year. The block time for Dogecoin is 60 seconds.
  • Bitcoin Cash: Bitcoin Cash is a fork of bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash was created following a disagreement between factions of bitcoin supporters regarding a proposed upgrade that would permit larger block sizes for collections of transactions. A larger block size permits more transactions to be included in a single block on the blockchain, which means the time users must wait for a transaction to complete can be shorter. Bitcoin Cash transaction fees also tend to be lower. As with the other altcoins listed here, Bitcoin Cash uses a separate blockchain from the bitcoin blockchain.

These are just a few of the more prominent altcoins in current use. Despite the thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies in existence, bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency in terms of usage and the value of transactions. In November 2021, the market capitalization of bitcoin was over $1 trillion.


This chapter began with a brief introduction to the concepts associated with the blockchain, a public, cryptographically secured ledger recording a sequence of financial transactions. The discussion continued with an overview of the process of bitcoin mining, which appends transactions to the blockchain sequence and rewards those who complete this task with payment in the form of bitcoin. Bitcoin processing requires high-performance computing hardware, which is often specifically designed for this task. The chapter concluded with a description of the features of these hardware architectures.

Having completed this chapter, you understand what the bitcoin blockchain is and how it is used. You learned the steps in the bitcoin mining process and understand the key features of dedicated bitcoin mining computer architectures.

The next chapter will discuss the capabilities of self-navigating vehicle processing architectures, including the types of sensors and data a self-driving vehicle receives as input while driving and the types of processing required for vehicle control in real-world driving situations.


  1. Visit the blockchain explorer at https://bitaps.com and locate the list of last blocks on that page. Click on a block number and you will be presented with a display containing the hexadecimal listing of the block header along with its SHA-256 hash. Copy both items and write a program to determine if the hash provided is the correct hash of the header. Remember to perform SHA-256 twice to compute the header hash.
  2. Set up a full bitcoin peer node and connect it to the bitcoin network. Download the bitcoin core software from https://bitcoin.org/en/download. It is best to have a fast internet connection and at least 200 GB of free disk space.

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