
Answers to Exercises

Chapter 1: Introducing Computer Architecture

Exercise 1

Using your favorite programming language, develop a simulation of a single-digit decimal adder that operates in the same manner as in Babbage’s Analytical Engine. First, prompt the user for two digits in the range 0-9: the addend and the accumulator. Display the addend, the accumulator, and the carry, which is initially zero. Perform a series of cycles as follows:

  1. If the addend is zero, display the values of the addend, accumulator, and carry and terminate the program
  2. Decrement the addend by one and increment the accumulator by one
  3. If the accumulator incremented from nine to zero, increment the carry
  4. Go back to step 1

Test your code with these sums: 0+0, 0+1, 1+0, 1+2, 5+5, 9+1, and 9+9.


The Python file contains the adder code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 1 Ex 1."""
import sys
# Perform one step of the Analytical Engine addition
# operation. a and b are the digits being added, c is the
# carry
def increment_adder(a, b, c):
    a = a - 1        # Decrement addend
    b = (b + 1) % 10 # Increment accum, wrap to 0 if necessary
    if b == 0:       # If accumulator is 0, increment carry
        c = c + 1
    return a, b, c
# Add two decimal digits passed on the command line.
# The sum is returned as digit2 and the carry is 0 or 1.
def add_digits(digit1, digit2):
    carry = 0
    while digit1 > 0:
        [digit1, digit2, carry] = increment_adder(
        digit1, digit2, carry)
    return digit2, carry

The file contains the test code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Tests for answer to 
chapter 1 exercise 1."""
import unittest
import Ex__1_single_digit_adder
class TestSingleDigitAdder(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_1(self):
        0, 0), (0, 0))
    def test_2(self):
        0, 1), (1, 0))
    def test_3(self):
        1, 0), (1, 0))
    def test_4(self):
        1, 2), (3, 0))
    def test_5(self):
        5, 5), (0, 1))
    def test_6(self):
        9, 1), (0, 1))
    def test_7(self):
        9, 9), (8, 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':

To execute the tests, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the following command:

This is the output of a test run:
Ran 7 tests in 0.001s

Exercise 2

Create arrays of 40 decimal digits each for the addend, accumulator, and carry. Prompt the user for two decimal integers of up to 40 digits each. Perform the addition digit by digit using the cycles described in Exercise 1, and collect the carry output from each digit position in the carry array. After the cycles are complete, insert carries and, where necessary, ripple them across digits to complete the addition operation. Display the results after each cycle and at the end. Test with the same sums as in Exercise 1 and test 99+1, 999999+1, 49+50, and 50+50.


The Python file contains the adder code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 1 Ex 2."""
import sys
import Ex__1_single_digit_adder
# Add two decimal numbers of up to 40 digits and return the
# sum. Input and output numeric values are represented as
# strings.
def add_40_digits(str1, str2):
    max_digits = 40
    # Convert str1 into a 40 decimal digit value
    num1 = [0]*max_digits
    for i, c in enumerate(reversed(str1)):
        num1[i] = int(c) - int('0')
    # Convert str2 into a 40 decimal digit value
    num2 = [0]*max_digits
    for i, c in enumerate(reversed(str2)):
        num2[i] = int(c) - int('0')
    # Sum the digits at each position and record the
    # carry for each position
    sum = [0]*max_digits
    carry = [0]*max_digits
    for i in range(max_digits):
        (sum[i], carry[i]) = Ex__1_single_digit_adder. 
        add_digits(num1[i], num2[i])
    # Ripple the carry values across the digits
    for i in range(max_digits-1):
        if (carry[i] == 1):
            sum[i+1] = (sum[i+1] + 1) % 10
            if (sum[i+1] == 0):
                carry[i+1] = 1
    # Convert the result into a string with leading zeros
    # removed
    sum_str = "".join(map(str, sum))
    sum_str = sum_str.lstrip('0') or '0'
    return sum_str

The file contains the test code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Tests for answer to
 chapter 1 exercise 2."""
import unittest
import Ex__2_40_digit_adder
class Test40DigitAdder(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_1(self):
        "0", "0"), "0")
    def test_2(self):
        "0", "1"), "1")
    def test_3(self):
        "1", "0"), "1")
    def test_4(self):
        "1", "2"), "3")
    def test_5(self):
        "5", "5"), "10")
    def test_6(self):
        "9", "1"), "10")
    def test_7(self):
        "9", "9"), "18")
    def test_8(self):
        "99", "1"), "100")
    def test_9(self):
        "999999", "1"), "1000000")
    def test_10(self):
        "49", "50"), "99")
    def test_11(self):
        "50", "50"), "100")
if __name__ == '__main__':

To execute the tests, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the following command:


This is the output of a test run:

Ran 11 tests in 0.002s

Exercise 3

Modify the programs of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 to implement the subtraction of 40-digit decimal values. Perform borrowing as required. Test with 0-0, 1-0, 1000000-1, and 0-1. What is the result for 0-1?


The Ex__3_ Python file contains the single-digit subtractor code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 1 Ex 3 
(single digit subtractor)."""
import sys
# Perform one step of the Analytical Engine subtraction
# operation. a and b are the digits being subtracted (a - b),
# c is the carry: 0 = borrow, 1 = not borrow
def decrement_subtractor(a, b, c):
    a = (a - 1) % 10 # Decrement left operand, to 9 if wrapped
    b = b - 1        # Decrement accumulator
    if a == 9:       # If accum reached 9, decrement carry
        c = c - 1
    return a, b, c
# Subtract two decimal digits. The difference is returned as
# digit1 and the carry output is 0 (borrow) or 1 (not borrow).
def subtract_digits(digit1, digit2):
    carry = 1
    while digit2 > 0:
        [digit1, digit2, carry] = decrement_subtractor(
        digit1, digit2, carry)
    return digit1, carry

The Ex__3_test_ file contains the test code for the single-digit subtractor:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Tests for answer 
to chapter 1 exercise 3 (tests for single digit 
import unittest
import Ex__3_single_digit_subtractor
class TestSingleDigitSubtractor(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_1(self):
        subtract_digits(0, 0), (0, 1))
    def test_2(self):
        subtract_digits(0, 1), (9, 0))
    def test_3(self):
        subtract_digits(1, 0), (1, 1))
    def test_4(self):
        subtract_digits(1, 2), (9, 0))
    def test_5(self):
        subtract_digits(5, 5), (0, 1))
    def test_6(self):
        subtract_digits(9, 1), (8, 1))
    def test_7(self):
        subtract_digits(9, 9), (0, 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':

The Python file contains the 40-digit subtractor code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 1 Ex 3."""
import sys
import Ex__3_single_digit_subtractor
# Subtract two decimal numbers of up to 40 digits and
# return the result. Input and output numeric values are
# represented as strings.
def subtract_40_digits(str1, str2):
    max_digits = 40
    # Convert str1 into a 40 decimal digit value
    num1 = [0]*max_digits
    for i, c in enumerate(reversed(str1)):
        num1[i] = int(c) - int('0')
    # Convert str2 into a 40 decimal digit value
    num2 = [0]*max_digits
    for i, c in enumerate(reversed(str2)):
        num2[i] = int(c) - int('0')
    # Subtract the digits at each position and record the
    # carry for each position
    diff = [0]*max_digits
    carry = [0]*max_digits
    for i in range(max_digits):
        (diff[i], carry[i]) = Ex__3_single_digit_subtractor. 
        subtract_digits(num1[i], num2[i])
    # Ripple the carry values across the digits
    for i in range(max_digits-1):
        if (carry[i] == 0):
            diff[i+1] = (diff[i+1] - 1) % 10
            if (diff[i+1] == 9):
                carry[i+1] = 0
    # Convert the result into a string with leading zeros
    # removed
    diff_str = "".join(map(str, diff))
    diff_str = diff_str.lstrip('0') or '0'
    return diff_str

The file contains the test code for the 40-digit subtractor:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Tests for answer to 
chapter 1 exercise 3."""
import unittest
import Ex__3_40_digit_subtractor
class Test40DigitSubtractor(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_1(self):
        subtract_40_digits("0", "0"), "0")
    def test_2(self):
        subtract_40_digits("1", "0"), "1")
    def test_3(self):
        subtract_40_digits("1000000", "1"), "999999")
    def test_4(self):
        subtract_40_digits("0", "1"), 
if __name__ == '__main__':

To execute the tests, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the following commands:


This is the output of a test run of

Ran 7 tests in 0.001s

This is the output of a test run of

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

The result for 0-1 is 9 with a carry of 0.

Exercise 4

6502 assembly language references data in memory locations using an operand value containing the address (without the # character that indicates an immediate value).

For example, the LDA $00 instruction loads the byte at memory address $00 into A. STA $01 stores the byte in A in address $01. Addresses can be any value in the range 0 to $FFFF, assuming memory exists at the address and the address is not already in use for some other purpose. Using your preferred 6502 emulator, write 6502 assembly code to store a 16-bit value in addresses $00-$01, store a second value in addresses $02-$03, and then add the two values and store the result in $04-$05. Be sure to propagate any carry between the 2 bytes. Ignore any carry from the 16-bit result. Test with $0000+$0001, $00FF+$0001, and $1234+$5678.


The 6502 assembly file Ex__4_16_bit_addition.asm contains the 16-bit addition code:

; Ex__4_16_bit_addition.asm
; Try running this code at
; Set up the values to be added
; Remove the appropriate semicolons to select the bytes to add:
; ($0000 + $0001) or ($00FF + $0001) or ($1234 + $5678)
LDA #$00
;LDA #$34
STA $00
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$12
STA $01
LDA #$01
;LDA #$01
;LDA #$78
STA $02
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$56
STA $03
; Add the two 16-bit values
LDA $00
ADC $02
STA $04
LDA $01
ADC $03
STA $05

Try running this code at

Exercise 5

Write 6502 assembly code to subtract two 16-bit values in a manner similar to Exercise 4. Test with $0001-$0000, $0001-$0001, $0100-$00FF, and $0000-$0001. What is the result for $0000-$0001?


The 6502 assembly file Ex__5_16_bit_subtraction.asm contains the 16-bit subtraction code:

; Ex__5_16_bit_subtraction.asm
; Try running this code at
; Set up the values to be subtracted
; Remove the appropriate semicolons to select the bytes to
; subtract:
; ($0001 - $0000) or ($0001 - $0001) or ($0001 - $00FF) or
; ($0000 - $0001)
LDA #$01
;LDA #$01
;LDA #$01
;LDA #$00
STA $00
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
STA $01
LDA #$00
;LDA #$01
;LDA #$01
STA $02
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
STA $03
; Subtract the two 16-bit values
LDA $00
SBC $02
STA $04
LDA $01
SBC $03
STA $05

Try running this code at

The result for $0000-$0001 is $FFFF.

Exercise 6

Write 6502 assembly code to store two 32-bit integers in addresses $00-03 and $04-$07, and then add them, storing the results in $08-$0B. Use a looping construct, including a label and a branch instruction, to iterate over the bytes of the two values to be added. Search the internet for the details of the 6502 decrement and branch instructions and the use of labels in assembly language. Hint: the 6502 zero-page indexed addressing mode works well in this application.


The 6502 assembly file Ex__6_32_bit_addition.asm contains the 32-bit addition code:

; Ex__6_32_bit_addition.asm
; Try running this code at
; Set up the values to be added
; Remove the appropriate semicolons to select the bytes to
; add:
; ($00000001 + $00000001) or ($0000FFFF + $00000001) or
; ($FFFFFFFE + $00000001) or ($FFFFFFFF + $00000001) 
LDA #$01
STA $00
LDA #$00
STA $01
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
STA $02
LDA #$00
;LDA #$00
STA $03
LDA #$01
STA $04
LDA #$00
STA $05
STA $06
STA $07
; Add the two 32-bit values using absolute indexed
; addressing mode
LDX #$00
LDY #$04
LDA $00, X
ADC $04, X
STA $08, X

Try running this code at

Chapter 2: Digital Logic

Exercise 1

Rearrange the circuit in Figure 2.5 to convert the AND gate to a NAND gate. Hint: there is no need to add or remove components.


Relocate the R2 resistor and the output signal connection point as follows:

Diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated

Figure 1: NAND gate circuit

Exercise 2

Create a circuit implementation of an OR gate by modifying the circuit in Figure 2.5. Wires, transistors, and resistors can be added as needed.


The OR gate circuit is as follows:


Description automatically generated

Figure 2: OR gate circuit

Exercise 3

Search the internet for free VHDL development software suites that include a simulator. Get one of these suites, set it up, and build any simple demo projects that come with the suite to ensure it is working properly.


Some freely available VHDL development suites are as follows:

  1. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is available at
  2. Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Lite Edition is available at
  3. The open source GHDL simulator for VHDL is available at
  4. Mentor ModelSim PE Student Edition is available at
  5. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Playground is available at

Vivado Design Suite will be used for the examples in Chapter 2, Digital Logic, and the following chapters, including installing circuit designs in a low-cost FPGA development board. These steps describe the installation and setup process for Windows 10:

  1. Visit and select the web installer for the latest version of Vivado Design Suite for Windows. Be sure to select the full Vivado installer and not an update. During this process, you will need to create a Xilinx account if you do not already have one. Be sure to save your account username and password for later use.
  2. Provide the requested information, download the Windows Self Extracting Web Installer, and run it. You may need to change your Windows app installation settings to allow the installer to run.
  3. You will be asked to log in with your Xilinx account information and accept the license agreements.
  4. Select the tool suite you want to install. The examples in this book use Vivado. Select Vivado and click Next.
  5. Select Vivado HL WebPack (this is the free version). Click Next.
  6. Accept the default design tools, devices, and installation options for Vivado HL Webpack. Click Next.
  7. Accept the default installation directory and other options. Click Next.
  8. On the Installation Summary page, click Install. Downloading and installation will take some time. The time required depends on your internet connection speed. Plan for a few hours.

After the installation completes, follow these steps to build an example project:

  1. You should find an icon on your desktop with a name similar to Vivado 2021.2. Double-click this icon (and not the icon that says Vivado HLS) to start the application.
  2. In the Vivado main window, click Open Example Project.
  3. Click through to the Select Project Template screen and select CPU (HDL).
  4. Click through and accept the defaults on the following screens and click Finish to create the project.
  5. On the Project Manager page, you’ll find the Sources panel. Expand the tree listing and double-click some of the files to open them in the editor. Most of the files in this design are in the Verilog hardware design language.
  6. Click Run Synthesis in the Project Manager panel. The Design Runs panel will update the status as synthesis proceeds. This may take several minutes.
  7. After synthesis completes, a dialog will appear offering to run the implementation. Click Cancel.
  8. Click Run Simulation in the Vivado main dialog Project Manager section, and then select Run behavioral simulation. Again, this may take several minutes.
  9. After the simulation completes, you will see a timing diagram in the Simulation window showing the simulated CPU signals using the input data provided by the simulation source files.
  10. This completes the exercise. You may close Vivado.

Exercise 4

Using your VHDL toolset, implement the 4-bit adder using the code listings presented in Chapter 2, Digital Logic.


Follow these steps to implement the 4-bit adder:

  1. Double-click the Vivado 2021.2 (or similar) icon to start Vivado.
  2. Click Create Project in the Vivado main dialog.
  3. Click through and accept the default project name and location.
  4. Select RTL Project, the default project type.
  5. On the Default Part page, select the Boards tab. Type Arty in the search field, select Arty A7-35, and then click Next. If Arty does not appear after searching, click Update Board Repositories and then search again.
  6. Click Finish to create the project.
  7. Click Add Sources in the Project Manager panel, select Add or create design sources, add Ex__4_adder4.vhdl and Ex__4_fulladder.vhdl, and then click Finish.
  8. Expand the tree in the Design Sources window in the Project Manager dialog and locate the two files you added. Double-click each of them and expand the source code window to view the code.
  9. Click Run Synthesis in the Project Manager panel. Leave the options in the Launch Runs dialog at their defaults and click OK. The Design Runs panel will update the status as synthesis proceeds.
  10. Wait for the synthesis to complete and then select View Reports in the Synthesis Completed dialog. Double-click some of the reports produced during the synthesis process. Only the reports that have an icon with a green dot are present.
  11. This completes the exercise. You may close Vivado.

Exercise 5

Add test driver code (search the internet for VHDL testbench to find examples) to your 4-bit adder to drive it through a limited set of input sets and verify that the outputs are correct.


Follow these steps to test the 4-bit adder project created in Exercise 4:

  1. Double-click the Vivado 2021.2 (or similar) icon to start Vivado.
  2. Click Open Project in the Vivado main dialog and open the project you created in Exercise 4. You will need to select the project filename ending in .xpr.
  3. Click Add Sources in the Project Manager panel, select Add or create simulation sources, add Ex__5_adder4_testbench.vhdl, and then click Finish.
  4. Expand the tree in the Simulation Sources window in the Project Manager dialog and locate the file you added. Double-click the file and expand the source code window to view the code. Observe the six test cases present in the code.
  5. Click Run Simulation in the Vivado main dialog Project Manager section, and then select Run behavioral simulation.
  6. Wait for the simulation to complete, then expand the windows with the timing diagram (probably labeled Untitled 1).
  7. Use the magnifying glass icons and the window’s horizontal scroll bar to view the six test cases in the first 60 nanoseconds (ns) of execution. Determine whether the sum and carry for each addition operation are correct. You can drag the yellow marker to update the information in the Value column.
  8. This completes the exercise. You may close Vivado.

The VHDL file Ex__5_adder4_testbench.vhdl contains the testbench code:

library IEEE;
  use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
end entity ADDER4_TESTBENCH;
  component ADDER4 is
    port (
      A4        : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      B4        : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      SUM4      : out   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      C_OUT4    : out   std_logic
  end component;
  signal a     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal b     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal s     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal c_out : std_logic;
    port map (
      A4     => a,
      B4     => b,
      SUM4   => s,
      C_OUT4 => c_out
  TEST : process
    a <= "0000";
    b <= "0000";
    wait for 10 ns;
    a <= "0110";
    b <= "1100";
    wait for 10 ns;
    a <= "1111";
    b <= "1100";
    wait for 10 ns;
    a <= "0110";
    b <= "0111";
    wait for 10 ns;
    a <= "0110";
    b <= "1110";
    wait for 10 ns;
    a <= "1111";
    b <= "1111";
  end process TEST;
end architecture BEHAVIORAL;

Exercise 6

Expand the test driver code and verify that the 4-bit adder produces correct results for all possible combinations of inputs.


Follow these steps to test the 4-bit adder project created in Exercise 4:

  1. Double-click the Vivado 2021.2 (or similar) icon to start Vivado.
  2. Click Open Project in the Vivado main dialog and open the project you created in Exercise 4 and modified in Exercise 5. You will need to select the project filename ending in .xpr.
  3. We’re going to replace the test driver code from Exercise 5 with a different test driver. Expand the tree in the Simulation Sources window in the Project Manager dialog and locate the module you added in Exercise 5 (ADDER4_TESTBENCH). Right-click the module name, select Remove File from Project, and then click OK to confirm the removal.
  4. Click Add Sources in the Project Manager panel, select Add or create simulation sources, add Ex__6_adder4_fulltestbench.vhdl, and then click Finish.
  5. Expand the tree in the Simulation Sources window in the Project Manager dialog and locate the file you added. Double-click the file and expand the source code window to view the code. Observe the loop with 256 test cases in the code.
  6. Click Run Simulation in the Vivado main dialog Project Manager section, and then select Run behavioral simulation.
  7. Wait for the simulation to complete, and then expand the windows with the timing diagram (probably labeled Untitled 1).
  8. Use the magnifying glass icons and the window horizontal scroll bar to view the test cases. Uh-oh! The run stops after 1,000 ns, which isn’t enough time for all of the tests to execute.
  9. Right-click Simulation in the Project Manager panel, and then select Simulation Settings....
  10. Click the Simulation tab and change the value for xsim.simulate.runtime to 3000ns. Click OK.
  11. Click the X on the Simulation window to close the simulation.
  12. Re-run the simulation.
  13. After expanding and scaling the timing diagram, you will be able to see all 256 test cases. See if the error signal has a value of 1 anywhere along the trace. This would indicate that the adder’s output did not match the expected output.
  14. This completes the exercise. You may close Vivado.

The VHDL file Ex__6_adder4_fulltestbench.vhdl contains the testbench code:

library IEEE;
  use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
end entity ADDER4_TESTBENCH;
  component ADDER4 is
    port (
      A4        : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      B4        : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      SUM4      : out   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      C_OUT4    : out   std_logic
  end component;
  signal a             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal b             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal s             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal c_out         : std_logic;
  signal expected_sum5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
  signal expected_sum4 : unsigned(3 downto 0);
  signal expected_c    : std_logic;
  signal error         : std_logic;
    port map (
      A4     => a,
      B4     => b,
      SUM4   => s,
      C_OUT4 => c_out
  TEST : process
    -- Test all combinations of two 4-bit addends (256 total tests)
    for a_val in 0 to 15 loop
      for b_val in 0 to 15 loop
        -- Set the inputs to the ADDER4 component
        a <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(a_val, a'length));
        b <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(b_val, b'length));
        wait for 1 ns;
        -- Compute the 5-bit sum of the two 4-bit values
        expected_sum5 <= unsigned('0' & a) + unsigned('0' & b);
        wait for 1 ns;
        -- Break the sum into a 4-bit output and a carry bit
        expected_sum4 <= expected_sum5(3 downto 0);
        expected_c    <= expected_sum5(4);
        wait for 1 ns;
        -- The 'error' signal will only go to 1 if an error occurs
        if ((unsigned(s) = unsigned(expected_sum4)) and
            (c_out = expected_c)) then
          error <= '0';
          error <= '1';
        end if;
        -- Each pass through the inner loop takes 10 ns
        wait for 7 ns;
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end process TEST;
end architecture BEHAVIORAL;

Chapter 3: Processor Elements

Exercise 1

Consider the addition of two signed 8-bit numbers (that is, numbers in the range -128 to +127) where one operand is positive and the other is negative. Is there any pair of 8-bit numbers of different signs that, when added together, will exceed the range -128 to +127? This would constitute a signed overflow. Note: we’re only looking at addition here because, as we’ve seen, subtraction in the 6502 architecture is the same as addition with the right operand’s bits inverted.


The range of the positive (or non-negative) numbers is 0 to 127. The range of negative numbers is -128 to -1. It is only necessary to consider the extremes of each of these ranges to cover all possibilities:



0 + -128


127 + -128


0 + -1


127 + -1


In the preceding table, we can see that there is no pair of 8-bit numbers of different signs that, when added together, exceeds the range -128 to +127.

Exercise 2

If the answer to Exercise 1 is no, this implies the only way to create a signed overflow is to add two numbers of the same sign. If an overflow occurs, what can you say about the result of performing XOR between the most significant bit of each operand with the most significant bit of the result? In other words, what will be the result of the expressions left(7) XOR result(7) and right(7) XOR result(7)? In these expressions, (7) indicates bit 7, the most significant bit.


Bit 7 is the sign bit. Since overflow can only occur when both operands are of the same sign, left(7) must equal right(7) when an overflow occurs.

When overflow occurs, the sign of the result differs from the sign of the two operands. This means result(7) differs from bit 7 of both of the operands.

Therefore, left(7) XOR result(7) = 1 and right(7) XOR result(7) = 1 whenever overflow occurs.

Exercise 3

Review the VHDL listing in the Arithmetic Logic Unit section in Chapter 3, Processor Elements, and determine whether the logic for setting or clearing the V flag is correct for addition and subtraction operations. Check the results of adding 126+1, 127+1, -127+(-1), and -128+(-1).


The listing of the VHDL implementation of a portion of a 6502-like Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in Chapter 3, Processor Elements, implements the computation of the overflow flag with the following code:

    if (((LEFT(7) XOR result8(7)) = '1') AND
        ((right_op(7) XOR result8(7)) = '1')) then -- V flag
      V_OUT <= '1';
      V_OUT <= '0';
    end if;

The following table shows the results of this code for the four test cases in the question:




































The logic for setting or clearing the V flag is correct for these test cases.

Exercise 4

When transferring blocks of data over an error-prone transmission medium, it is common to use a checksum to determine whether any data bits were lost or corrupted during transmission. The checksum is typically appended to the transferred data record. One checksum algorithm uses these steps:

  1. Add all of the bytes in the data record together, retaining only the lowest 8 bits of the sum
  2. The checksum is the two’s complement of the 8-bit sum
  3. Append the checksum byte to the data record

After receiving a data block with the appended checksum, the processor can determine whether the checksum is valid by simply adding all of the bytes in the record, including the checksum, together. The checksum is valid if the lowest 8 bits of the sum are zero. Implement this checksum algorithm using 6502 assembly language. The data bytes begin at the memory location store in addresses $10-$11 and the number of bytes (including the checksum byte) is provided as an input in the X register. Set the A register to 1 if the checksum is valid, and to 0 if it is invalid.


The Ex__4_checksum_alg.asm file contains the following checksum code:

; Ex__4_checksum_alg.asm
; Try running this code at
; Set up the array of bytes to be checksummed
LDA #$01
STA $00
LDA #$72
STA $01
LDA #$93
STA $02
LDA #$F4
STA $03
LDA #$06 ; This is the checksum byte
STA $04
; Store the address of the data array in $10-$11
LDA #$00
STA $10
STA $11
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #5
; Entering the checksum algorithm
; Move X to Y
; Compute the checksum
LDA #$00
ADC ($10), Y
CMP #$00
; The sum is zero: Checksum is correct
LDA #1
; The sum is nonzero: Checksum is incorrect
LDA #0
; A contains 1 if checksum is correct, 0 if it is incorrect

Exercise 5

Make the checksum validation code from Exercise 4 into a labeled subroutine that can be called with a JSR instruction and that ends with an RTS instruction.


The Ex__5_checksum_subroutine.asm file implements the checksum algorithm as a subroutine:

; Ex__5_checksum_subroutine.asm
; Try running this code at
; Set up the array of bytes to be checksummed
LDA #$01
STA $00
LDA #$72
STA $01
LDA #$93
STA $02
LDA #$F4
STA $03
LDA #$06 ; This is the checksum byte
STA $04
; Store the address of the data array in $10-$11
LDA #$00
STA $10
STA $11
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #5
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
; Halt execution
; ==============================================
; Compute the checksum
; Move X to Y
LDA #$00
ADC ($10), Y
CMP #$00
; The sum is zero: Checksum is correct
LDA #1
; The sum is nonzero: Checksum is incorrect
LDA #0
; A contains 1 if checksum is correct, 0 if it is incorrect

Exercise 6

Write and execute a set of tests to verify the correct operation of the checksum testing subroutine you implemented in Exercise 4 and Exercise 5. What is the shortest block of data your code can perform checksum validation upon? What is the longest block?


The Ex__6_checksum_tests.asm file implements the following checksum test code:

; Ex__6_checksum_tests.asm
; Try running this code at
; After tests complete, A=$AA if success, A=$EE if error detected
; Store the address of the data array in $10-$11
LDA #$00
STA $10
STA $11
; ==============================================
; Test 1: 1 byte; Checksum: 00 Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$00
STA $00
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #1
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Test 2: 1 byte; Checksum: 01 Checksum should pass? No
LDA #$01
STA $00
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #1
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$00
; ==============================================
; Test 3: 2 bytes: 00 Checksum: 00 Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$00
STA $00
STA $01
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #2
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Test 4: 2 bytes: 00 Checksum: 01 Checksum should pass? No
LDA #$00
STA $00
LDA #$01
STA $01
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #2
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$00
; ==============================================
; Test 5: 2 bytes: 01 Checksum: 00 Checksum should pass? No
LDA #$01
STA $00
LDA #$00
STA $01
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #1
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$00
; ==============================================
; Test 6: 3 bytes: 00 00 Checksum: 00 Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$00
STA $00
STA $01
STA $02
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #3
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Test 7: 3 bytes: 00 00 Checksum: 00 Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$00
STA $00
STA $01
STA $02
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #3
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Test 8: 3 bytes: 00 00 Checksum: 01 Checksum should pass? No
LDA #$00
STA $00
LDA #$00
STA $01
LDA #$01
STA $02
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #3
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$00
; ==============================================
; Test 9: 3 bytes: 00 01 Checksum: FF Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$00
STA $00
LDA #$01
STA $01
STA $02
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #3
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Test 10: 5 bytes: 01 72 93 F4 Checksum: 06 Checksum should pass? Yes
LDA #$01
STA $00
LDA #$72
STA $01
LDA #$93
STA $02
LDA #$F4
STA $03
LDA #$06 ; This is the checksum byte
STA $04
; Store the number of bytes in X
LDX #5
; Call the checksum calculation subroutine
CMP #$01
; ==============================================
; Error occurred; Halt execution with $EE in A
; ==============================================
; All tests passed; Halt execution with $AA in A
; ==============================================
; Compute the checksum
; Move X to Y
LDA #$00
ADC ($10), Y
CMP #$00
; The sum is zero: Checksum is correct
LDA #1
; The sum is nonzero: Checksum is incorrect
LDA #0
; A contains 1 if checksum is correct, 0 if it is incorrect

The checksum routine works for byte sequences with lengths from 1 to 255 bytes.

Chapter 4: Computer System Components

Exercise 1

Create a circuit implementation of a NAND gate using two CMOS transistor pairs. Unlike NPN transistor gate circuits, no resistors are required for this circuit.


The diagram for this circuit is as follows:

Diagram, engineering drawing

Description automatically generated

Figure 3: NAND gate circuit

Exercise 2

A 16-gigabit DRAM integrated circuit has two bank group selection inputs, two bank selection inputs, and 17 row address inputs. How many bits are in each row of a bank in this device?


The DRAM circuit contains 16 gigabits = 16 × 230 bits.

The number of address bits is 2 bank group bits + 2 bank bits + 17 row address bits = 21 bits.

The row dimension of each bank is therefore (16 × 230) ÷ 221 = 8,192 bits.

Chapter 5: Hardware-Software Interface

Exercise 1

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS or UEFI settings. Examine each of the menus available in this environment. Does your computer have a BIOS or does it use UEFI? Does your motherboard support overclocking? When you are finished, be sure to select the option to quit without saving changes unless you are absolutely certain you want to make changes.


In Windows, you can enter the BIOS/UEFI settings by changing the startup options while Windows is running. To access these settings, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Windows search box, type startup and select Change advanced startup options.
  2. Select the Restart now button under Advanced startup.
  3. When prompted to Choose an option, select Troubleshoot.
  4. On the Troubleshoot screen, select Advanced options.
  5. On the Advanced options screen, select UEFI Firmware Settings.
  6. On the UEFI Firmware Settings screen, click the Restart button.
  7. The system will restart and display the UEFI configuration main screen. Use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to move between the screens.

The following is in response to the questions in this exercise for a specific computer system (an Asus ZenBook UX303LA laptop, in this example):

  1. Although the messages displayed in the menus use the term “BIOS” frequently, mentions of “EFI applications” and its age indicate it is actually UEFI.
  2. No overclocking options are available.

After you’ve finished examining the UEFI information, exit without saving any changes by following these steps:

  1. Move to the Save & Exit page.
  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select Discard Changes and Exit.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Select Yes and press Enter on the Exit Without Saving dialog.
  5. The system will reboot.

Exercise 2

Run the appropriate command on your computer to display the currently running processes. What is the process ID (PID) of the process you are using to run this command?


In Windows, open a Command Prompt window (type command in the Windows search box to locate the application) and then type the tasklist command as follows:

Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
=================== ===== ============ ======== ============
System Idle Process 0 Services 0 8 K
System 4 Services 0 9,840 K
Registry 120 Services 0 85,324 K
smss.exe 544 Services 0 640 K
csrss.exe 768 Services 0 4,348 K
wininit.exe 852 Services 0 4,912 K
services.exe 932 Services 0 8,768 K
lsass.exe 324 Services 0 18,160 K
svchost.exe 1044 Services 0 2,308 K
svchost.exe 1068 Services 0 27,364 K
svchost.exe 12184 Services 0 8,544 K
cmd.exe 16008 Console 3 3,996 K
conhost.exe 21712 Console 3 18,448 K
tasklist.exe 15488 Console 3 10,096 K

The current process is the one running the tasklist.exe application. The PID of this process is 15488.

Chapter 6: Specialized Computing Domains

Exercise 1

Rate monotonic scheduling (RMS) is an algorithm for assigning thread priorities in preemptive, hard, real-time applications in which threads execute periodically. RMS assigns the highest priority to the thread with the shortest execution period, the next-highest priority to the thread with the next-shortest execution period, and so on. An RMS system is schedulable, meaning all tasks are guaranteed to meet their deadlines (assuming no inter-thread interactions or other activities such as interrupts, resulting in processing delays) if the following condition is met:

This formula represents the maximum fraction of available processing time that can be consumed by n threads. In this formula, Ci is the maximum execution time required for thread i, and Ti is the execution period of thread i.

Is the following system composed of three threads schedulable?


Execution Time(Ci), ms

Execution period(Ti), ms

Thread 1



Thread 2



Thread 3




First, evaluate the left side of the RMS formula using the data from the table:

Then, evaluate the right side of the RMS formula:

Because 0.82 is not less than or equal to 0.7798, this set of tasks is not schedulable in RMS.

Exercise 2

A commonly used form of the one-dimensional discrete cosine transform (DCT) is as follows:

In this formula, k, the index of the DCT coefficient, runs from 0 to N-1.

Write a program to compute the DCT of the sequence:

The cosine terms in the formula depend only on the indexes n and k and do not depend on the input data sequence x. This means the cosine terms can be computed one time and stored as constants for later use. Using this as a preparatory step, the computation of each DCT coefficient reduces to a sequence of MAC operations.

This formula represents the unoptimized form of the DCT computation, requiring N2 iterations of the MAC operation to compute all N DCT coefficients.


The Python file contains the DCT code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to chapter 6 exercise 2."""
# Output produced by this program:
# Index       0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
# x        0.5000  0.2000  0.7000 -0.6000  0.4000 -0.2000  1.0000 -0.3000
# DCT(x)   1.7000  0.4244  0.6374  0.4941 -1.2021  0.5732 -0.4936  2.3296
import math
# Input vector
x = [0.5, 0.2, 0.7, -0.6, 0.4, -0.2, 1.0, -0.3]
# Compute the DCT coefficients
dct_coef = [[i for i in range(len(x))] for j in range(len(x))]
for n in range(len(x)):
    for k in range(len(x)):
        dct_coef[n][k] = math.cos((math.pi/len(x))*(n + 1/2)*k)
# Compute the DCT
x_dct = [i for i in range(len(x))]
for k in range(len(x)):
    x_dct[k] = 0;
    for n in range(len(x)):
        x_dct[k] += x[n]*dct_coef[n][k]
# Print the results
print('Index', end='')
for i in range(len(x)):
    print("%8d" % i, end='')
x      ', end='')
for i in range(len(x)):
    print("%8.4f" % x[i], end='')
DCT(x) ', end='')
for i in range(len(x)):
    print("%8.4f" % x_dct[i], end='')

To run the code, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the following command:


This is the output produced by the program:

Index       0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
x        0.5000  0.2000  0.7000 -0.6000  0.4000 -0.2000  1.0000 -0.3000
DCT(x)   1.7000  0.4244  0.6374  0.4941 -1.2021  0.5732 -0.4936  2.3296

Exercise 3

The hyperbolic tangent is often used as an activation function in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The hyperbolic tangent function is:

Given a neuron with inputs from three preceding neurons as depicted in Figure 6.4, compute the neuron’s output with the hyperbolic tangent as the activation function F(x) using the following neuron outputs and path weights:


Neuron output












The Python file contains the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 6 Ex 3."""
# Output produced by this program:
# Neuron output = -0.099668
import math
# Neuron signal and weight vectors
neuron = [0.6, -0.3,  0.5]
weight = [0.4,  0.8, -0.2]
sum = 0
for i in range(len(neuron)):
    sum = sum + neuron[i] * weight[i]
output = math.tanh(sum)
# Print the results
print('Neuron output = %8.6f' % output)

To run the code, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the following command:


This is the output produced by the program:

Neuron output = -0.099668

Chapter 7: Processor and Memory Architectures

Exercise 1

A 16-bit embedded processor has separate memory regions for code and data. Code is stored in flash memory and modifiable data is stored in RAM. Some data values, such as constants and initial values for RAM data items, are stored in the same flash memory region as the program instructions. RAM and ROM reside in the same address space. Which of the processor architectures discussed in Chapter 7, Processor and Memory Architectures, best describes this processor?


Because the code and data are located in the same address space, this is a von Neumann architecture.

The fact that the code and some data items are stored in ROM and other data items reside in RAM is not relevant to determining the architecture category.

Exercise 2

The processor described in Exercise 1 has memory security features that prevent executed code from modifying program instruction memory. The processor uses physical addresses to access instructions and data. Does this processor contain an MMU?


While the protection of memory regions is a feature of MMUs, the presence of memory protection alone does not mean an MMU is in use. This processor does not contain an MMU.

MMUs generally perform virtual-to-physical address translation, which does not occur in the processor described here.

Exercise 3

The order of accessing sequential elements in a large data structure can have a measurable impact on processing speed due to factors such as the reuse of TLB entries. Accessing distant array elements in sequence (that is, elements that are not in the same page frame as previously accessed elements) requires frequent soft faults as new TLB entries are loaded and old TLB entries are discarded.

Write a program that creates a two-dimensional array of numbers with a large size, such as 10,000 rows by 10,000 columns. Iterate through the array in column-major order, assigning each element the sum of the row and column indices. Column-major means the column index increments fastest. In other words, the column index increments in the inner loop. Measure precisely how long this procedure takes. Note, you may need to take steps to ensure your programming language does not optimize away the entire calculation if the results from the array are not used later. It may suffice to print one of the array values after the timing is complete, or you may need to do something like sum all the array elements and print that result.

Repeat the process, including the timing, exactly as explained before, except change the inner loop to iterate over the row index and the outer loop to iterate over the column index, making the access sequence row-major.

Since general-purpose computers perform many other tasks while running your code, you may need to perform both procedures a number of times to get a statistically valid result. You might start by running the experiment 10 times and averaging the times for column-major and row-major array access.

Are you able to determine a consistently superior array access method? Which order is fastest on your system using the language you selected? Note that the difference between the column-major and row-major access order may not be dramatic — it might be just a few percent.


The file contains the following Python implementation of a solution to this exercise:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to chapter 7 exercise 3."""
# Typical output from a run of this script:
# Average row-major time   : 16.68 sec
# Average column-major time: 15.94 sec
# Average time difference  : 0.74 sec
# Winner is column-major indexing; It is faster by 4.42%
import time
dim = 10000
matrix = [[0] * dim] * dim
num_passes = 10
row_major_time = 0
col_major_time = 0
for k in range(num_passes):
    print('Pass %d of %d:' % (k+1, num_passes))
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            matrix[i][j] = i + j
    t1 = time.time()
    total_time = t1 - t0
    col_major_time = col_major_time + total_time
    print('  Column-major time to fill array: %.2f sec' %
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            matrix[j][i] = i + j
    t1 = time.time()
    total_time = t1 - t0
    row_major_time = row_major_time + total_time
    print('  Row-major time to fill array: %.2f sec' %
row_major_average = row_major_time / num_passes
col_major_average = col_major_time / num_passes
if (row_major_average < col_major_average):
    winner = 'row'
    pct_better = 100 * (col_major_average -
        row_major_average) / col_major_average
    winner = 'column'
    pct_better = 100 * (row_major_average -
        col_major_average) / row_major_average
print('Average row-major time   : %.2f sec' % row_major_average)
print('Average column-major time: %.2f sec' % col_major_average)
print('Average time difference  : %.2f sec' % (
    (row_major_time-col_major_time) / num_passes))
print(('Winner is ' + winner +
    '-major indexing; It is faster by %.2f%%') % pct_better)

This program takes a few minutes to run on a Windows PC.

This is the typical output from running this program:

Average row-major time   : 16.68 sec
Average column-major time: 15.94 sec
Average time difference  : 0.74 sec
Winner is column-major indexing; It is faster by 4.42%

Chapter 8: Performance-Enhancing Techniques

Exercise 1

Consider a direct-mapped L1-I cache of 32 KB. Each cache line consists of 64 bytes and the system address space is 4 GB. How many bits are in the cache tag? Which bit numbers (bit 0 is the least significant bit) are they within the address word?


The cache contains 32,768 bytes with 64 bytes in each line. There are 32,768 ÷ 64 = 512 sets in the cache. 512 = 29. The set number is thus 9 bits in length.

Each cache line contains 64 (26) bytes, which means the lower 6 bits of each address represent the byte offset within the cache line.

A 4 GB address space requires 32-bit addresses. Subtracting the 9 bits in the set number and the 6 bits in the byte offset from the 32-bit address results in 32 – (9 + 6) = 17 bits in the cache tag.

The cache tag lies in the 17 most significant bits of the address, so the range of these bits within a 32-bit address runs from bit 15 to bit 31.

Exercise 2

Consider an 8-way set-associative L2 instruction and data cache of 256 KB, with 64 bytes in each cache line. How many sets are in this cache?


The number of lines in the cache is 262,144 ÷ 64 = 4,096.

Each set contains 8 lines.

The number of sets = 4,096 lines ÷ 8 lines per set = 512 sets.

Exercise 3

A processor has a 4-stage pipeline with maximum delays of 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.3 nanoseconds in stages 1-4, respectively. If the first stage is replaced with two stages that have maximum delays of 0.5 and 0.3 nanoseconds, respectively, how much will the processor clock speed increase in percentage terms?


The maximum clock speed is determined by the slowest pipeline stage. The slowest stage of the 4-stage pipeline takes 0.8 ns. The maximum clock frequency is:

1 ÷ (0.8 × 10-9) = 1.25 GHz

The 5-stage pipeline has a slowest stage of 0.6 ns. The maximum clock frequency is:

1 ÷ (0.6 × 10-9) = 1.667 GHz

The clock frequency increase resulting from the addition of the pipeline stage is:

100 × (1.667 × 109 - 1.25 × 109) ÷ (1.25 × 109) = 33.3%

Chapter 9: Specialized Processor Extensions

Exercise 1

Using a programming language that allows access to the byte representation of floating-point data types (such as C or C++), write a function that accepts a 32-bit single-precision variable as input. Extract the sign, exponent, and mantissa from the bytes of the floating-point variable and display them. Remove the bias term from the exponent before displaying its value and display the mantissa as a decimal number. Test the program with the values 0, -0, 1, -1, 6.674e-11, 1.0e38, 1.0e39, 1.0e-38, and 1.0e-39. The numeric values listed here containing e are using the C/C++ text representation of floating-point numbers. For example, 6.674e-11 means 6.674 x 10-11.


The Ex__1_float_format.cpp C++ file contains the code for this exercise:

// Ex__1_float_format.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
void print_float(float f)
    const auto bytes = static_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(&f));
    printf(" Float | %9g | ", f);
    for (int i = sizeof(float) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        printf("%02X", bytes[i]);
    printf(" | ");
    const auto sign = bytes[3] >> 7;
    const auto exponent = ((static_cast<uint16_t>(bytes[3] & 0x7F) 
                                           << 8) | bytes[2]) >> 7;
    auto exp_unbiased = exponent - 127;
    uint32_t mantissa = 0;
    for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        mantissa = (mantissa << 8) | bytes[2 - i];
        mantissa &= 0x7FFFFF; // Clear upper bit
    double mantissa_dec;
    if (exponent == 0) // This is zero or a subnormal number
        mantissa_dec = mantissa / static_cast<double>(0x800000);
        mantissa_dec = 1.0 + mantissa /static_cast<double>(0x800000);
    printf(" %d | %4d | %lf
", sign, exp_unbiased, mantissa_dec);
int main(void)
    printf(" Type | Number | Bytes | Sign | Exponent | Mantissa
    printf(" -------|-----------|------------------|------|----------
    print_float(-0); // Minus sign is ignored
    //print_float(1.0e39f); // Compile-time error
return 0;

This is the output of the program:

Type  | Number   | Bytes    | Sign | Exponent | Mantissa
Float | 0        | 00000000 | 0    | -126     | 0.000000
Float | 0        | 00000000 | 0    | -126     | 0.000000
Float | 1        | 3F800000 | 0    | 0        | 1.000000
Float | -1       | BF800000 | 1    | 0        | 1.000000
Float | 6.674e-11| 2E92C348 | 0    | -34      | 1.146585
Float | 1e+38    | 7E967699 | 0    | 126      | 1.175494
Float | 1e-38    | 006CE3EE | 0    | -126     | 0.850706
Float | 1e-39    | 000AE398 | 0    | -126     | 0.085071

These are some notes about the results:

  1. Zero in IEEE 754 can have a positive or negative sign. The zero passed to the print_float function in the second row of the table is preceded by a minus sign, but the sign is ignored during the conversion to a floating point.
  2. The value 1.0e39f is not shown because using it causes a compile-time error: the floating constant is out of range.
  3. Zero is represented as a mantissa of zero and a biased exponent of zero.
  4. The last two rows contain numbers that cannot be represented with an implicit leading 1 bit because the exponent would underflow. These numbers are called subnormals and contain the special biased exponent of 0. Subnormals have reduced precision because not all bits of the mantissa contain meaningful digits.
  5. Numerically, subnormal floats actually use a biased exponent of 1, which translates to an unbiased exponent of -126.

Exercise 2

Modify the program from Exercise 1 to also accept a double-precision, floating-point variable and print the sign, exponent (with the bias removed), and mantissa from the variable. Test with the same input values as in Exercise 1, and also with the values 1.0e308, 1.0e309, 1.0e-308, and 1.0e-309.


The Ex__2_double_format.cpp C++ file contains the code for this exercise:

// Ex__2_double_format.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
void print_float(float f)
    const auto bytes = static_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(&f));
    printf(" Float | %9g | ", f);
    for (int i = sizeof(float) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        printf("%02X", bytes[i]);
    printf(" | ");
    const auto sign = bytes[3] >> 7;
    const auto exponent = ((static_cast<uint16_t>(bytes[3] & 0x7F) << 8) | bytes[2]) >> 7;
    auto exp_unbiased = exponent - 127;
    uint32_t mantissa = 0;
    for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        mantissa = (mantissa << 8) | bytes[2 - i];
    mantissa &= 0x7FFFFF; // Clear upper bit
    double mantissa_dec;
    if (exponent == 0) // This is zero or a subnormal number
        mantissa_dec = mantissa / static_cast<double>(0x800000);
        mantissa_dec = 1.0 + mantissa /static_cast<double>(0x800000);
    printf(" %d | %4d | %lf
", sign, exp_unbiased, mantissa_dec);
void print_double(double d)
    const auto bytes = static_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(&d));
    printf(" Double | %9g | ", d);
    for (int i = sizeof(double) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    printf("%02X", bytes[i]);
    printf(" | ");
    const auto sign = bytes[7] >> 7;
    const auto exponent = ((static_cast<uint16_t>(bytes[7] & 0x7F) << 8) | bytes[6]) >> 4;
    auto exp_unbiased = exponent - 1023;
    uint64_t mantissa = 0;
    for (auto i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        mantissa = (mantissa << 8) | bytes[6 - i];
    mantissa &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // Save the low 52 bits
    double mantissa_dec;
    if (exponent == 0) // This is zero or a subnormal number
        mantissa_dec = mantissa /static_cast<double>(0x10000000000000);
        mantissa_dec = 1.0 + mantissa /static_cast<double>(0x10000000000000);
    printf(" %d | %5d | %lf
", sign, exp_unbiased, mantissa_dec);
int main(void)
    printf(" Type | Number | Bytes | Sign | Exponent | Mantissa
    printf(" -------|-----------|------------------|------|----------|---------
    print_float(-0); // The minus sign is ignored
    //print_float(1.0e39f); // Compile-time error
    print_double(-0); // The minus sign is ignored
    //print_double(1.0e309); // Compile-time error
    return 0;

This is the output of the program:

Type   | Number    | Bytes            | Sign | Exponent | Mantissa
Float  | 0         | 00000000         | 0    | -126     | 0.000000
Float  | 0         | 00000000         | 0    | -126     | 0.000000
Float  | 1         | 3F800000         | 0    | 0        | 1.000000
Float  | -1        | BF800000         | 1    | 0        | 1.000000
Float  | 6.674e-11 | 2E92C348         | 0    | -34      | 1.146585
Float  | 1e+38     | 7E967699         | 0    | 126      | 1.175494
Float  | 1e-38     | 006CE3EE         | 0    | -126     | 0.850706
Float  | 1e-39     | 000AE398         | 0    | -126     | 0.085071
Double | 0         | 0000000000000000 | 0    | -1022    | 0.000000
Double | 0         | 0000000000000000 | 0    | -1022    | 0.000000
Double | 1         | 3FF0000000000000 | 0    | 0        | 1.000000
Double | -1        | BFF0000000000000 | 1    | 0        | 1.000000
Double | 6.674e-11 | 3DD25868F4DEAE16 | 0    | -34      | 1.146584
Double | 1e+38     | 47D2CED32A16A1B1 | 0    | 126      | 1.175494
Double | 1e+39     | 48078287F49C4A1D | 0    | 129      | 1.469368
Double | 1e-38     | 380B38FB9DAA78E4 | 0    | -127     | 1.701412
Double | 1e-39     | 37D5C72FB1552D83 | 0    | -130     | 1.361129
Double | 1e+308    | 7FE1CCF385EBC8A0 | 0    | 1023     | 1.112537
Double | 1e-308    | 000730D67819E8D2 | 0    | -1022    | 0.449423
Double | 1e-309    | 0000B8157268FDAF | 0    | -1022    | 0.044942

These are some notes about the results:

  1. Zero in IEEE 754 can have a positive or negative sign. The zero passed to the print_double function in the second row of the table containing the Double type is preceded by a minus sign, but the sign is ignored during the conversion to a floating-point value.
  2. The value 1.0e309 is not shown because using it causes a compile-time error: the floating constant is out of range.
  3. Zero is represented as a mantissa of zero and a biased exponent of zero.
  4. The last two rows contain numbers that cannot be represented by an implicit leading 1 bit because the exponent would underflow. These numbers are called subnormals and contain the special biased exponent of 0. Subnormals have reduced precision because not all bits of the mantissa contain meaningful digits.
  5. Numerically, subnormal doubles actually use a biased exponent of 1, which translates to an unbiased exponent of -1,022.

Exercise 3

Search the internet for information about the NXP Semiconductors i.MX RT1060 processor family. Download the product family datasheet and answer the following questions about these processors.


Introductory information about the i.MX RT1060 processor family is available at

The complete i.MX RT1060 reference manual is available only after you create an account at

While logged in to your account, search for i.MX RT1060 Processor Reference Manual to locate the reference manual and download it. The filename is IMXRT1060RM.pdf.

Exercise 4

Do the i.MX RT1060 processors support the concept of supervisor-mode instruction execution? Explain your answer.


Performing a search for supervisor in the i.MX RT1060 processor reference manual produces a few hits. However, all of these uses refer to access restrictions related to a particular subsystem, such as the FlexCAN module.

Supervisor mode in the i.MX RT1060 processor does not operate at the instruction execution level, so these processors do not implement supervisor mode instruction execution as described in Chapter 9, Specialized Processor Extensions.

Exercise 5

Do the i.MX RT1060 processors support the concept of paged virtual memory? Explain your answer.


The i.MX RT1060 processors use physical memory addressing with up to 16 memory protection regions. These processors do not support the concept of paged virtual memory.

Exercise 6

Do the i.MX RT1060 processors support floating-point operations in hardware? Explain your answer.


Section 1.3, Features, in the reference manual lists the following capability: Single-precision and double-precision FPU (Floating Point Unit).

The ARM Cortex-M7 Processor Technical Reference Manual, available at, states that the FPU provides “floating-point computation functionality that is compliant with the ANSI/IEEE Std 754-2008, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, referred to as the IEEE 754 standard.”

The i.MX RT1060 processors support floating-point operations in hardware.

Exercise 7

What power management features do the i.MX RT1060 processors support?


Section 12.4 of the reference manual describes the processor power management subsystem. Some of the key features are as follows:

  1. Separate power domains for the processor, memory, and the remainder of the system
  2. Integrated secondary power supplies that independently support powering a variety of subsystems
  3. Voltage and clock frequency control enabling dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)
  4. Temperature sensors
  5. Voltage sensors

Exercise 8

What security features do the i.MX RT1060 processors support?


Chapter 6, Specialized Computing Domains, in the reference manual describes the system security components. Some of the key features are as follows:

  1. Secure boot, enforcing digital signature verification of an encrypted code image
  2. On-chip, one-time programmable ROM for storing security-related information
  3. Hardware cryptographic coprocessor supporting the AES-128, SHA-1, and SHA-256 encryption algorithms
  4. True random number generator for creating secure cryptographic keys
  5. JTAG debug controller with password-enabled secure debug capability
  6. Memory interface supporting on-the-fly decryption of encrypted ROM instruction data

Chapter 10: Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets

Exercise 1

Install the free Visual Studio Community edition, available at, on a Windows PC. After installation is complete, open the Visual Studio IDE and select Get Tools and Features… under the Tools menu. Install the Desktop development with C++ workload:

  1. In the Windows search box in the taskbar, begin typing Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022. When the app appears in the search menu, select it to open Command Prompt.
  2. Create a file named hello_x86.asm with the content shown in the source listing in the x86 assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  3. Build the program using the command shown in the x86 assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets, and run it. Verify that the output Hello, Computer Architect! appears on the screen.


Install Visual Studio Community as described in the question and then install the Desktop development with C++ workload within Visual Studio Community:

  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__1_hello_x86.asm file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .model FLAT,C
    .stack 400h
    includelib libcmt.lib
    includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
    extern printf:near
    extern exit:near
    public main
    main proc
        ; Print the message
        push    offset message
        call    printf
        ; Exit the program with status 0
        push    0
        call    exit
    main endp
    message db "Hello, Computer Architect!",0
  2. Open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and change to the directory containing your source file.
  3. Build the executable with this command:
    ml /Fl /Zi /Zd Ex__1_hello_x86.asm
  4. This is the output produced by the program:
    Hello, Computer Architect!

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.31.31104.0     02/21/22 07:39:20
Ex__1_hello_x86.asm              Page 1 - 1
        .model FLAT,C
        .stack 400h
 00000000     .code
        includelib libcmt.lib
        includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
        extern printf:near
        extern exit:near
        public main
 00000000     main proc
            ; Print the message
 00000000  68 00000000 R      push    offset message
 00000005  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; Exit the program with status 0
 0000000A  6A 00        push    0
 0000000C  E8 00000000 E      call    exit
 00000011     main endp
 00000000     .data
 00000000 48 65 6C 6C 6F  message db "Hello, Computer Architect!",0
          2C 20 43 6F 6D
          70 75 74 65 72
          20 41 72 63 68
          69 74 65 63 74
          21 00
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.31.31104.0      02/21/22 07:39:20
Ex__1_hello_x86.asm              Symbols 2 - 1
Segments and Groups:
           N a m e                 Size     Length   Align   Combine Class
FLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  GROUP
STACK  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   00000400 DWord   Stack  'STACK'  
_DATA  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   0000001B DWord   Public 'DATA'  
_TEXT  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   00000011 DWord   Public 'CODE'  
Procedures, parameters, and locals:
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
main . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P Near   00000000 _TEXT Length= 00000011
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
@CodeSize  . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000000h   
@DataSize  . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000000h   
@Interface . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000001h   
@Model . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000007h   
@code  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     _TEXT
@data  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@fardata?  . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@fardata . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@stack . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L Near   00000000 FLAT  External C
message  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte     00000000 _DATA 
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L Near   00000000 FLAT  External C
     0 Warnings
     0 Errors

Exercise 2

Write an x86 assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number: [(129 – 66) × (445 + 136)] ÷ 3. As part of this program, create a callable function to print 1 byte as 2 hex digits.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__2_expr_x86.asm file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .model FLAT,C
    .stack 400h
    includelib libcmt.lib
    includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
    extern printf:near
    extern exit:near
    public main
    main proc
        ; Print the leading output string
        push    offset msg1
        call    printf
        ; Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
        mov     eax, 129
        sub     eax, 66
        mov     ebx, 445
        add     ebx, 136
        mul     bx
        mov     bx, 3
        div     bx
        ; Print the most significant byte
        push    eax
        mov     bl, ah
        call    print_byte
        ; Print the least significant byte
        pop     ebx
        call    print_byte
        ; Print the trailing output string    
        push    offset msg2
        call    printf
        push    0
        call    exit
    main endp
    ; Pass the byte to be printed in ebx
    print_byte proc
        ; x86 function prologue
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        ; Use the C library printf function
        and     ebx, 0ffh
        push    ebx
        push    offset fmt_str
        call    printf
        ; x86 function epilogue    
        mov     esp, ebp
        pop     ebp
    print_byte endp
    fmt_str db "%02X", 0
    msg1    db "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = ", 0
    msg2    db "h", 9
  2. Open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and change to the directory containing your source file.
  3. Build the executable with this command:
    ml /Fl /Zi /Zd Ex__1_hello_x86.asm
  4. This is the output produced by the program:
    [(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.23.28107.0     01/26/20 20:45:09
Ex__2_expr_x86.asm               Page 1 - 1
        .model FLAT,C
        .stack 400h
 00000000     .code
        includelib libcmt.lib
        includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
        extern printf:near
        extern exit:near
        public main
 00000000     main proc
            ; Print the leading output string
 00000000  68 00000005 R      push    offset msg1
 00000005  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
 0000000A  B8 00000081        mov     eax, 129
 0000000F  83 E8 42       sub     eax, 66
 00000012  BB 000001BD        mov     ebx, 445
 00000017  81 C3 00000088     add     ebx, 136
 0000001D  66| F7 E3        mul     bx
 00000020  66| BB 0003        mov     bx, 3
 00000024  66| F7 F3        div     bx
            ; Print the most significant byte
 00000027  50         push    eax
 00000028  8A DC        mov     bl, ah
 0000002A  E8 00000017        call    print_byte
            ; Print the least significant byte
 0000002F  5B         pop     ebx
 00000030  E8 00000011        call    print_byte
            ; Print the trailing output string    
 00000035  68 00000027 R      push    offset msg2
 0000003A  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
 0000003F  6A 00        push    0
 00000041  E8 00000000 E      call    exit
 00000046     main endp
        ; Pass the byte to be printed in ebx
 00000046     print_byte proc
            ; x86 function prologue
 00000046  55         push    ebp
 00000047  8B EC        mov     ebp, esp
            ; Use the C library printf function
 00000049  81 E3 000000FF     and     ebx, 0ffh
 0000004F  53         push    ebx
 00000050  68 00000000 R      push    offset fmt_str
 00000055  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; x86 function epilogue    
 0000005A  8B E5        mov     esp, ebp
 0000005C  5D         pop     ebp
 0000005D  C3         ret
 0000005E     print_byte endp
 00000000     .data
 00000000 25 30 32 58 00  fmt_str db "%02X", 0
 00000005 5B 28 31 32 39  msg1    db "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = ", 0
     20 2D 20 36 36
     29 20 2A 20 28
     34 34 35 20 2B
     20 31 33 36 29
     5D 20 2F 20 33
     20 3D 20 00
 00000027 68 09     msg2    db "h", 9
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.23.28107.0     01/26/20 20:45:09
Ex__2_expr_x86.asm               Symbols 2 - 1
Segments and Groups:
                N a m e                 Size     Length   Align   Combine Class
FLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  GROUP
STACK  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   00000400 DWord   Stack   'STACK'  
_DATA  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   00000029 DWord   Public  'DATA'  
_TEXT  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32 Bit   0000005E DWord   Public  'CODE'  
Procedures, parameters, and locals:
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
main . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P Near   00000000 _TEXT Length= 00000046
print_byte . . . . . . . . . . .  P Near   00000046 _TEXT Length= 00000018
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
@CodeSize  . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000000h   
@DataSize  . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000000h   
@Interface . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000001h   
@Model . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Number   00000007h   
@code  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     _TEXT
@data  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@fardata?  . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@fardata . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
@stack . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Text     FLAT
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L Near   00000000 FLAT  External C
fmt_str  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte     00000000 _DATA 
msg1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte     00000005 _DATA 
msg2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte     00000027 _DATA 
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L Near   00000000 FLAT  External C
     0 Warnings
     0 Errors

Exercise 3

In the Windows search box in the taskbar, begin typing x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022. When the app appears in the search menu, select it to open Command Prompt:

  1. Create a file named hello_x64.asm with the content shown in the source listing in the x64 assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  2. Build the program using the command shown in the x64 assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets and run it. Verify that the output Hello, Computer Architect! appears on the screen.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__3_hello_x64.asm file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    includelib libcmt.lib
    includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
    extern printf:near
    extern exit:near
    public main
    main proc
        ; Reserve stack space
        sub     rsp, 40
        ; Print the message
        lea     rcx, message
        call    printf
        ; Exit the program with status 0
        xor     rcx, rcx
        call    exit
    main endp
    message db "Hello, Computer Architect!",0
  2. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 and change to the directory containing your source file.
  3. Build the executable with this command:
    ml64 /Fl /Zi /Zd Ex__3_hello_x64.asm
  4. This is the output produced by the program:
    Hello, Computer Architect!

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0   02/21/22 07:47:41
Ex__3_hello_x64.asm              Page 1 - 1
 00000000     .code
        includelib libcmt.lib
        includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
        extern printf:near
        extern exit:near
        public main
 00000000     main proc
            ; Reserve stack space
 00000000  48/ 83 EC 28       sub     rsp, 40
            ; Print the message
 00000004  48/ 8D 0D        lea     rcx, message
     00000000 R
 0000000B  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; Exit the program with status 0
 00000010  48/ 33 C9        xor     rcx, rcx
 00000013  E8 00000000 E      call    exit
 00000018     main endp
 00000000     .data
 00000000 48 65 6C 6C 6F  message db "Hello, Computer Ar-chitect!",0
     2C 20 43 6F 6D
     70 75 74 65 72
     20 41 72 63 68
     69 74 65 63 74
     21 00
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0   02/21/22 07:47:41
Ex__3_hello_x64.asm              Symbols 2 - 1
Procedures, parameters, and locals:
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
main . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P    00000000 _TEXT Length= 00000018 Public
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L      00000000 _TEXT External
message  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte   00000000 _DATA 
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L      00000000 _TEXT External
     0 Warnings
     0 Errors

Exercise 4

Write an x64 assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number: [(12966) × (445 + 136)] ÷ 3. As part of this program, create a callable function to print 1 byte as 2 hex digits.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__4_expr_x64.asm file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    includelib libcmt.lib
    includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
    extern printf:near
    extern exit:near
    public main
    main proc
        ; Reserve stack space
        sub     rsp, 40
        ; Print the leading output string
        lea     rcx, msg1
        call    printf
        ; Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
        mov     eax, 129
        sub     eax, 66
        mov     ebx, 445
        add     ebx, 136
        mul     bx
        mov     bx, 3
        div     bx
        ; Print the most significant byte
        push    rax
        mov     bl, ah
        and     ebx, 0ffh
        call    print_byte
        ; Print the least significant byte
        pop     rbx
        and     ebx, 0ffh
        call    print_byte
        ; Print the trailing output string    
        lea     rcx, msg2
        call    printf
        ; Exit the program with status 0
        xor     rcx, rcx
        call    exit
    main endp
    ; Pass the byte to be printed in ebx
    print_byte proc
        ; x64 function prologue
        sub     rsp, 40
        ; Use the C library printf function
        mov     rdx, rbx
        lea     rcx, fmt_str
        call    printf
        ; x64 function epilogue    
        add     rsp, 40
    print_byte endp
    fmt_str db "%02X", 0
    msg1    db "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = ", 0
    msg2    db "h", 9
  2. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 and change to the directory containing your source file.
  3. Build the executable with this command:
    ml64 /Fl /Zi /Zd Ex__3_hello_x64.asm
  4. This is the output produced by the program:
    [(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0   02/21/22 07:49:37
Ex__4_expr_x64.asm               Page 1 - 1
 00000000     .code
        includelib libcmt.lib
        includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
        extern printf:near
        extern exit:near
        public main
 00000000     main proc
            ; Reserve stack space
 00000000  48/ 83 EC 28       sub     rsp, 40
            ; Print the leading output string
 00000004  48/ 8D 0D          lea     rcx, msg1
     00000005 R
 0000000B  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
 00000010  B8 00000081        mov     eax, 129
 00000015  83 E8 42           sub     eax, 66
 00000018  BB 000001BD        mov     ebx, 445
 0000001D  81 C3 00000088     add     ebx, 136
 00000023  66| F7 E3          mul     bx
 00000026  66| BB 0003        mov     bx, 3
 0000002A  66| F7 F3          div     bx
            ; Print the most significant byte
 0000002D  50                 push    rax
 0000002E  8A DC              mov     bl, ah
 00000030  81 E3 000000FF     and     ebx, 0ffh
 00000036  E8 00000020        call    print_byte
            ; Print the least significant byte
 0000003B  5B                 pop     rbx
 0000003C  81 E3 000000FF     and     ebx, 0ffh
 00000042  E8 00000014        call    print_byte
            ; Print the trailing output string    
 00000047  48/ 8D 0D          lea     rcx, msg2
     00000027 R
 0000004E  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; Exit the program with status 0
 00000053  48/ 33 C9          xor     rcx, rcx
 00000056  E8 00000000 E      call    exit
 0000005B     main endp
        ; Pass the byte to be printed in ebx
 0000005B     print_byte proc
            ; x64 function prologue
 0000005B  48/ 83 EC 28       sub     rsp, 40
            ; Use the C library printf function
 0000005F  48/ 8B D3          mov     rdx, rbx
 00000062  48/ 8D 0D          lea     rcx, fmt_str
     00000000 R
 00000069  E8 00000000 E      call    printf
            ; x64 function epilogue    
 0000006E  48/ 83 C4 28       add     rsp, 40
 00000072  C3                 ret
 00000073                     print_byte endp
 00000000                    .data
 00000000 25 30 32 58 00  fmt_str db "%02X", 0
 00000005 5B 28 31 32 39  msg1    db "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = ", 0
     20 2D 20 36 36
     29 20 2A 20 28
     34 34 35 20 2B
     20 31 33 36 29
     5D 20 2F 20 33
     20 3D 20 00
 00000027 68 09               msg2    db "h", 9
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0   02/21/22 07:49:37
Ex__4_expr_x64.asm               Symbols 2 - 1
Procedures, parameters, and locals:
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
main . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P    00000000 _TEXT Length= 0000005B
print_byte . . . . . . . . . . .  P    0000005B _TEXT Length= 00000018
                N a m e                 Type     Value    Attr
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L      00000000 _TEXT External
fmt_str  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte   00000000 _DATA 
msg1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte   00000005 _DATA 
msg2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Byte   00000027 _DATA 
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L      00000000 _TEXT External
     0 Warnings
     0 Errors

Exercise 5

Install the free Android Studio IDE, available at After installation is complete, open the Android Studio IDE and select SDK Manager under the Tools menu. Select the SDK Tools tab and check the NDK option, which may be called NDK (Side by side). Complete the installation of the NDK (NDK stands for native development kit):

  1. Locate the following files under the SDK installation directory (the default location is %LOCALAPPDATA%Android) and add their directories to your PATH environment variable: arm-linux-androideabi-as.exe and adb.exe. Hint: the following command works for one specific version of Android Studio (your path may vary):
    set PATH=%PATH%;%LOCALAPPDATA%Android Sdk
    dk23.0.7599858	oolchainsllvmprebuiltwindows-x86_64in;%LOCALAPPDATA%AndroidSdkplatform-tools
  2. Create a file named hello_arm.s with the content shown in the source listing in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  3. Build the program using the commands shown in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  4. Enable Developer Options on an Android phone or tablet. Search the internet for instructions on how to do this.
  5. Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable.
  6. Copy the program executable image to the phone using the commands shown in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets and run the program. Verify that the output Hello, Computer Architect! appears on the host computer screen.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__5_hello_arm.s file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .global _start
    // Print the message to file 1 (stdout) with syscall 4
    mov r0, #1
    ldr r1, =msg
    mov r2, #msg_len
    mov r7, #4
    svc 0
    // Exit the program with syscall 1, returning status 0
    mov r0, #0
    mov r7, #1
    svc 0
    .ascii "Hello, Computer Architect!"
    msg_len = . - msg
  2. Build the executable with these commands:
    arm-linux-androideabi-as -al=Ex__5_hello_arm.lst -o Ex__5_hello_ arm.o Ex__5_hello_arm.s
    arm-linux-androideabi-ld -o Ex__5_hello_arm Ex__5_hello_arm.o
  3. This is the output produced by copying the program to an Android device and running it:
    C:>adb devices
    * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    9826f541374f4b4a68 device
    C:>adb push Ex__5_hello_arm /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
    Ex__5_hello_arm: 1 file pushed. 0.0 MB/s (868 bytes in 0.059s)
    C:>adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
    C:>adb shell /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
    Hello, Computer Architect!

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

ARM GAS  Ex__5_hello_arm.s      page 1
   1                .text
   2                .global _start
   4                _start:
   5                // Print the message to file 1 (stdout) with syscall 4
   6 0000 0100A0E3      mov     r0, #1
   7 0004 14109FE5      ldr     r1, =msg
   8 0008 1A20A0E3      mov     r2, #msg_len
   9 000c 0470A0E3      mov     r7, #4
  10 0010 000000EF      svc     0
  12                // Exit the program with syscall 1, returning status 0
  13 0014 0000A0E3      mov     r0, #0
  14 0018 0170A0E3      mov     r7, #1
  15 001c 000000EF      svc     0
  17                .data
  18                msg:
  19 0000 48656C6C      .ascii      "Hello, Computer Architect!"
  19      6F2C2043 
  19      6F6D7075 
  19      74657220 
  19      41726368 
  20                msg_len = . - msg

Exercise 6

Write a 32-bit ARM assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number: [(129 – 66) × (445 + 136)] ÷ 3. As part of this program, create a callable function to print 1 byte as 2 hex digits.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__6_expr_arm.s file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .global _start
        // Print the leading output string
        ldr     r1, =msg1
        mov     r2, #msg1_len
        bl      print_string
        // Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
        mov     r0, #129
        sub     r0, r0, #66
        ldr     r1, =#445
        add     r1, r1, #136
        mul     r0, r1, r0
        mov     r1, #3
        udiv    r0, r0, r1
        // Print the upper byte of the result
        push    {r0}
        lsr     r0, r0, #8
        bl      print_byte
        // Print the lower byte of the result    
        pop     {r0}
        bl      print_byte
        // Print the trailng output string
        ldr     r1, =msg2
        mov     r2, #msg2_len
        bl      print_string
        // Exit the program with syscall 1, returning status 0
        mov     r0, #0
        mov     r7, #1
        svc     0
    // Print a string; r1=string address, r2=string length
        mov     r0, #1
        mov     r7, #4
        svc     0
        mov     pc, lr
    // Convert the low 4 bits of r0 to an ascii character in r0
        and     r0, #0xF
        cmp     r0, #10
        addpl   r0, r0, #('A' - 10)
        addmi   r0, r0, #'0'
        mov     pc, lr
    // Print a byte in hex    
        push    {lr}
        push    {r0}
        lsr     r0, r0, #4
        bl      nibble2ascii
        ldr     r1, =bytes
        strb    r0, [r1], #1
        pop     {r0}
        bl      nibble2ascii
        strb    r0, [r1]
        ldr     r1, =bytes
        mov     r2, #2
        bl      print_string
        pop     {lr}
        mov     pc, lr
        .ascii  "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = "
    msg1_len = . - msg1
        .ascii  "??"
        .ascii  "h"
    msg2_len = . - msg2
  2. Build the executable with these commands:
    arm-linux-androideabi-as -al=Ex__6_expr_arm.lst -o Ex__6_expr_arm.o Ex__6_expr_arm.s
    arm-linux-androideabi-ld -o Ex__6_expr_arm Ex__6_expr_arm.o
  3. This is the output produced by copying the program to an Android device and running it:
    C:>adb devices
    * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    9826f541374f4b4a68      device
    C:>adb push Ex__6_expr_arm /data/local/tmp/Ex__6_expr_arm
    Ex__6_expr_arm: 1 file pushed. 0.2 MB/s (1188 bytes in 0.007s)
    C:>adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/Ex__6_expr_arm
    C:>adb shell /data/local/tmp/Ex__6_expr_arm
    [(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

ARM GAS  Ex__6_expr_arm.s       page 1
   1                .text
   2                .global _start
   4                _start:
   5                    // Print the leading output string
   6 0000 A8109FE5      ldr     r1, =msg1
   7 0004 2120A0E3      mov     r2, #msg1_len
   8 0008 110000EB      bl      print_string
  10                    // Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
  11 000c 8100A0E3      mov     r0, #129
  12 0010 420040E2      sub     r0, r0, #66
  13 0014 98109FE5      ldr     r1, =#445
  14 0018 881081E2      add     r1, r1, #136
  15 001c 910000E0      mul     r0, r1, r0
  16 0020 0310A0E3      mov     r1, #3
  17 0024 10F130E7      udiv    r0, r0, r1
  19                    // Print the upper byte of the result
  20 0028 04002DE5      push    {r0}
  21 002c 2004A0E1      lsr     r0, r0, #8
  22 0030 100000EB      bl      print_byte
  24                    // Print the lower byte of the result    
  25 0034 04009DE4      pop     {r0}
  26 0038 0E0000EB      bl      print_byte
  28                    // Print the trailng output string
  29 003c 74109FE5      ldr     r1, =msg2
  30 0040 0120A0E3      mov     r2, #msg2_len
  31 0044 020000EB      bl      print_string
  33                    // Exit the program with syscall 1, returning status 0
  34 0048 0000A0E3      mov     r0, #0
  35 004c 0170A0E3      mov     r7, #1
  36 0050 000000EF      svc     0
  38                // Print a string; r1=string address, r2=string length
  39                print_string:
  40 0054 0100A0E3      mov     r0, #1
  41 0058 0470A0E3      mov     r7, #4
  42 005c 000000EF      svc     0
  43 0060 0EF0A0E1      mov     pc, lr
  45                // Convert the low 4 bits of r0 to an ascii character in r0
  46                nibble2ascii:
  47 0064 0F0000E2      and     r0, #0xF
  48 0068 0A0050E3      cmp     r0, #10
  49 006c 37008052      addpl   r0, r0, #('A' - 10)
  50 0070 30008042      addmi   r0, r0, #'0'
  51 0074 0EF0A0E1      mov     pc, lr
  53                // Print a byte in hex    
  54                print_byte:
  55 0078 04E02DE5      push    {lr}
  56 007c 04002DE5      push    {r0}
  57 0080 2002A0E1      lsr     r0, r0, #4
ARM GAS  Ex__6_expr_arm.s       page 2
  58 0084 F6FFFFEB      bl      nibble2ascii
  59 0088 2C109FE5      ldr     r1, =bytes
  60 008c 0100C1E4      strb    r0, [r1], #1
  62 0090 04009DE4      pop     {r0}
  63 0094 F2FFFFEB      bl      nibble2ascii
  64 0098 0000C1E5      strb    r0, [r1]
  66 009c 18109FE5      ldr     r1, =bytes
  67 00a0 0220A0E3      mov     r2, #2
  68 00a4 EAFFFFEB      bl      print_string
  70 00a8 04E09DE4      pop     {lr}
  71 00ac 0EF0A0E1      mov     pc, lr
  73                .data
  74                msg1:
  75 0000 5B283132      .ascii  "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = "
  75      39202D20 
  75      36362920 
  75      2A202834 
  75      3435202B 
  76                msg1_len = . - msg1
  78                bytes:
  79 0021 3F3F          .ascii  "??"
  81                msg2:
  82 0023 68            .ascii  "h"
  83                msg2_len = . - msg2

Exercise 7

Locate the following files under the Android SDK installation directory (the default location is %LOCALAPPDATA%Android) and add their directories to your PATH environment variable: aarch64-linux-android-as.exe and adb.exe. Hint: the following command works for one version of Android Studio (your path may vary):

dk23.0.7599858	oolchainsllvmprebuiltwindows-x86_64in;%LOCALAPPDATA%AndroidSdkplatform-tools
  1. Create a file named hello_arm64.s with the content shown in the source listing in the 64-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  2. Build the program using the commands shown in the 64-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
  3. Enable Developer Options on an Android phone or tablet.
  4. Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable.
  5. Copy the program executable image to the phone using the commands shown in the 64-bit ARM assembly language section of Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets and run the program. Verify that the output Hello, Computer Architect! appears on the host computer screen.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__7_hello_arm64.s file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .global _start
        // Print the message to file 1 (stdout) with syscall 64
        mov     x0, #1
        ldr     x1, =msg
        mov     x2, #msg_len
        mov     x8, #64
        svc     0
        // Exit the program with syscall 93, returning status 0
        mov     x0, #0
        mov     x8, #93
        svc     0
        .ascii      "Hello, Computer Architect!"
    msg_len = . - msg
  2. Build the executable with these commands:
    arm-linux-androideabi-as -al=Ex__6_expr_arm.lst -o Ex__6_expr_arm.o Ex__6_expr_arm.s
    arm-linux-androideabi-ld -o Ex__6_expr_arm Ex__6_expr_arm.o
  3. This is the output produced by copying the program to an Android device and running it:
    C:>adb devices
    * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    9826f541374f4b4a68      device
    C:>adb push Ex__7_hello_arm64 /data/local/tmp/Ex__7_hello_arm64
    Ex__7_hello_arm64: 1 file pushed. 0.0 MB/s (1152 bytes in 0.029s)
    C:>adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/Ex__7_hello_arm64
    C:>adb shell /data/local/tmp/Ex__7_hello_arm64
    Hello, Computer Architect!

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

AARCH64 GAS  Ex__7_hello_arm64.s      page 1
   1                .text
   2                .global _start
   4                _start:
   5                    // Print the message to file 1 (stdout) with syscall 64
   6 0000 200080D2      mov     x0, #1
   7 0004 E1000058      ldr     x1, =msg
   8 0008 420380D2      mov     x2, #msg_len
   9 000c 080880D2      mov     x8, #64
  10 0010 010000D4      svc     0
  12                    // Exit the program with syscall 93, returning status 0
  13 0014 000080D2      mov     x0, #0
  14 0018 A80B80D2      mov     x8, #93
  15 001c 010000D4      svc     0
  17                .data
  18                msg:
  19 0000 48656C6C      .ascii      "Hello, Computer Architect!"
  19      6F2C2043 
  19      6F6D7075 
  19      74657220 
  19      41726368 
  20                msg_len = . - msg

Exercise 8

Write a 64-bit ARM assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number: [(129 – 66) × (445 + 136)] ÷ 3. As part of this program, create a callable function to print 1 byte as 2 hex digits.


  1. Create your assembly language source file. The Ex__8_expr_arm64.s file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .global _start
        // Print the leading output string
        ldr     x1, =msg1
        mov     x2, #msg1_len
        bl      print_string
        // Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
        mov     x0, #129
        sub     x0, x0, #66
        mov     x1, #445
        add     x1, x1, #136
        mul     x0, x1, x0
        mov     x1, #3
        udiv    x0, x0, x1
        // Print the upper byte of the result
        mov     x19, x0
        lsr     x0, x0, #8
        bl      print_byte
        // Print the lower byte of the result    
        mov     x0, x19
        bl      print_byte
        // Print the trailng output string
        ldr     x1, =msg2
        mov     x2, #msg2_len
        bl      print_string
        // Exit the program with syscall 93, returning status 0
        mov     x0, #0
        mov     x8, #93
        svc     0
    // Print a string; x1=string address, x2=string length
        mov     x0, #1
        mov     x8, #64
        svc     0
        ret     x30
    // Convert the low 4 bits of x0 to an ascii character in x0
        and     x0, x0, #0xF
        cmp     x0, #10
        bmi     lt10
        add     x0, x0, #('A' - 10)
        b       done
        add     x0, x0, #'0'
        ret     x30
    // Print a byte in hex    
        mov     x21, x30
        mov     x20, x0
        lsr     x0, x0, #4
        bl      nibble2ascii
        ldr     x1, =bytes
        strb    w0, [x1], #1
        mov     x0, x20
        bl      nibble2ascii
        strb    w0, [x1]
        ldr     x1, =bytes
        mov     x2, #2
        bl      print_string
        mov     x30, x21
        ret     x30
        .ascii  "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = "
    msg1_len = . - msg1
        .ascii  "??"
        .ascii  "h"
    msg2_len = . - msg2
  2. Build the executable with these commands:
    aarch64-linux-android-as -al=Ex__8_expr_arm64.lst -o Ex__8_expr_arm64.o Ex__8_expr_arm64.s
    aarch64-linux-android-ld -o Ex__8_expr_arm64 Ex__8_expr_arm64.o
  3. This is the output produced by copying the program to an Android device and running it:
    C:>adb devices
    * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    9826f541374f4b4a68      device
    C:>adb push Ex__8_expr_arm64 /data/local/tmp/Ex__8_expr_arm64
    Ex__8_expr_arm64: 1 file pushed. 0.1 MB/s (1592 bytes in 0.015s)
    C:>adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/Ex__8_expr_arm64
    C:>adb shell /data/local/tmp/Ex__8_expr_arm64
    [(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h

This is the listing file created by the build procedure:

AARCH64 GAS  Ex__8_expr_arm64.s       page 1
   1                .text
   2                .global _start
   4                _start:
   5                    // Print the leading output string
   6 0000 C1050058      ldr     x1, =msg1
   7 0004 220480D2      mov     x2, #msg1_len
   8 0008 13000094      bl      print_string
  10                    // Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
  11 000c 201080D2      mov     x0, #129
  12 0010 000801D1      sub     x0, x0, #66
  13 0014 A13780D2      mov     x1, #445
  14 0018 21200291      add     x1, x1, #136
  15 001c 207C009B      mul     x0, x1, x0
  16 0020 610080D2      mov     x1, #3
  17 0024 0008C19A      udiv    x0, x0, x1
  19                    // Print the upper byte of the result
  20 0028 F30300AA      mov     x19, x0
  21 002c 00FC48D3      lsr     x0, x0, #8
  22 0030 14000094      bl      print_byte
  24                    // Print the lower byte of the result    
  25 0034 E00313AA      mov     x0, x19
  26 0038 12000094      bl      print_byte
  28                    // Print the trailng output string
  29 003c 21040058      ldr     x1, =msg2
  30 0040 220080D2      mov     x2, #msg2_len
  31 0044 04000094      bl      print_string
  33                    // Exit the program with syscall 93, returning status 0
  34 0048 000080D2      mov     x0, #0
  35 004c A80B80D2      mov     x8, #93
  36 0050 010000D4      svc     0
  38                // Print a string; x1=string address, x2=string length
  39                print_string:
  40 0054 200080D2      mov     x0, #1
  41 0058 080880D2      mov     x8, #64
  42 005c 010000D4      svc     0
  43 0060 C0035FD6      ret     x30
  45                // Convert the low 4 bits of x0 to an ascii character in x0
  46                nibble2ascii:
  47 0064 000C4092      and     x0, x0, #0xF
  48 0068 1F2800F1      cmp     x0, #10
  49 006c 64000054      bmi     lt10
  51 0070 00DC0091      add     x0, x0, #('A' - 10)
  52 0074 02000014      b       done
  54                lt10:
  55 0078 00C00091      add     x0, x0, #'0'
  57                done:
AARCH64 GAS  Ex__8_expr_arm64.s       page 2
  58 007c C0035FD6      ret     x30
  60                // Print a byte in hex    
  61                print_byte:
  62 0080 F5031EAA      mov     x21, x30
  63 0084 F40300AA      mov     x20, x0
  64 0088 00FC44D3      lsr     x0, x0, #4
  65 008c F6FFFF97      bl      nibble2ascii
  66 0090 C1010058      ldr     x1, =bytes
  67 0094 20140038      strb    w0, [x1], #1
  69 0098 E00314AA      mov     x0, x20
  70 009c F2FFFF97      bl      nibble2ascii
  71 00a0 20000039      strb    w0, [x1]
  73 00a4 21010058      ldr     x1, =bytes
  74 00a8 420080D2      mov     x2, #2
  75 00ac EAFFFF97      bl      print_string
  77 00b0 FE0315AA      mov     x30, x21
  78 00b4 C0035FD6      ret     x30
  80                .data
  81                msg1:
  82 0000 5B283132      .ascii  "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = "
  82      39202D20 
  82      36362920 
  82      2A202834 
  82      3435202B 
  83                msg1_len = . - msg1
  85                bytes:
  86 0021 3F3F          .ascii  "??"
  88                msg2:
  89 0023 68            .ascii  "h"
  90                msg2_len = . - msg2

Chapter 11: The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set

Exercise 1

Visit and download Freedom Studio. Freedom Studio is an Eclipse IDE-based development suite with a complete set of tools for building an RISC-V application and running it on a hardware RISC-V processor or in the emulation environment included with Freedom Studio. Follow the instructions in the Freedom Studio User Manual to complete the installation. Start Freedom Studio and create a new Freedom E SDK project. In the project creation dialog, select qemu-sifive-u54 as the target (this is a single-core 64-bit RISC-V processor in the RV64GC configuration). Select the hello example program and click on the Finish button. This will start a build of the example program and the RISC-V emulator. After the build completes, the Edit Configuration dialog box will appear. Click on Debug to start the program in the emulator debug environment. Single-step through the program and verify that the text Hello, World! appears in the console window.


Install Freedom Studio as described. Note that the directory path for your workspace cannot include spaces. Start Freedom Studio:

  1. In the Welcome to SiFive FreedomStudio! Let’s Get Started... dialog, select I want to create a new Freedom E SDK Project.
  2. In the Create a Freedom E SDK Project dialog, select qemu-sifive-u54 as the target.
  3. Select the hello example program.
  4. Click the Finish button.
  5. After the build completes, the Edit Configuration dialog box will appear.
  6. Click Debug to start the program in the emulator debug environment.
  7. Single-step through the program and verify that the text Hello, World! appears in the console window.

Exercise 2

With the project from Exercise 1 still open, locate the hello.c file in the src folder in the Project window. Right-click on the file and rename it to hello.s. Open hello.s in the editor and delete the entire contents. Insert the assembly language program shown in the RISC-V assembly language section in Chapter 11, The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set. Perform a cleaning operation and then rebuild the project (press Ctrl + 9 to initiate the cleaning operation). Select Debug under the Run menu. Once the debugger starts, open Windows to display the hello.s source file, the Disassembly window, and the Registers window. Expand the Registers tree to display the RISC-V processor registers. Single-step through the program and verify that the text Hello, Computer Architect! appears in the console window.


With the project from Exercise 1 still open, locate the hello.c file in the src folder in the Project window and then do the following:

  1. Right-click on the file and rename it to hello.s.
  2. Open hello.s in the editor and delete the entire contents.
  3. Insert the assembly language program shown in the RISC-V assembly language section in Chapter 11, The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set. This is the assembly code, also available in the Ex__2_riscv_assembly.s file:
    .section .text
    .global main
        # Reserve stack space and save the return address
        addi    sp, sp, -16
        sd      ra, 0(sp)
        # Print the message using the C library puts function
    1:  auipc   a0, %pcrel_hi(msg)
        addi    a0, a0, %pcrel_lo(1b)
        jal     ra, puts
        # Restore the return address and sp, and return to caller
        ld      ra, 0(sp)
        addi    sp, sp, 16
        jalr    zero, ra, 0
    .section .rodata
        .asciz "Hello, Computer Architect!
  4. Perform a clean and then rebuild the project (press Ctrl + 9 to initiate the clean operation).
  5. Select Debug under the Run menu.
  6. Once the debugger starts, open Windows to display the hello.s source file, the Disassembly window, and the Registers window.
  7. Expand the Registers tree to display the RISC-V processor registers.
  8. Single-step through the program and verify that the text Hello, Computer Architect! appears in the console window.

Exercise 3

Write an RISC-V assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number:

As part of this program, create a callable function to print 1 byte as 2 hex digits.


Create a new Freedom Studio project using the same steps as in Exercise 1 in Chapter 11, The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set. Locate the hello.c file in the src folder in the Project window:

  1. Right-click on the file and rename it to hello.s.
  2. Create your assembly language source code within the hello.s file. The Ex__3_riscv_expr.s file contains the following example solution to this exercise:
    .section .text
    .global main
        # Reserve stack space and save the return address
        addi    sp, sp, -16
        sd      ra, 0(sp)
        # Print the leading output string
        la      a0, msg1
        jal     ra, puts
        # Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
        addi    a0, zero, 129
        addi    a0, a0, -66
        addi    a1, zero, 445
        add     a1, a1, 136
        mul     a0, a1, a0
        addi    a1, zero, 3
        divu    a0, a0, a1
        # Print the upper byte of the result
        sw      a0, 8(sp)
        srl     a0, a0, 8
        jal     ra, print_byte
        # Print the lower byte of the result
        lw      a0, 8(sp)
        jal     ra, print_byte
        # Print the trailng output string
        la      a0, msg2
        jal     ra, puts
        # Restore the return address and sp
        ld      ra, 0(sp)
        addi    sp, sp, 16
        # Set the exit code to zero and return to caller
        addi    a0, zero, 0
    # Convert the low 4 bits of a0 to an ascii character in a0
        # Reserve stack space and save the return address
        addi    sp, sp, -16
        sd      ra, 0(sp)
        and     a0, a0, 0xF
        sltu    t0, a0, 10
        bne     t0, zero, lt10
        add     a0, a0, ('A' - 10)
        j       done
        add     a0, a0, '0'
        ld      ra, 0(sp)
        addi    sp, sp, 16
    # Print a byte in hex
        # Reserve stack space and save the return address
        addi    sp, sp, -16
        sd      ra, 0(sp)
        addi    t1, a0, 0
        srl     a0, t1, 4
        jal     ra, nibble2ascii
        la      t3, bytes
        sb      a0, 0(t3)
        addi    a0, t1, 0
        jal     nibble2ascii
        sb      a0, 1(t3)
        la      a0, bytes
        jal     ra, puts
        ld      ra, 0(sp)
        addi    sp, sp, 16
    .section .data
        .asciz  "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = "
        .asciz  "??"
        .asciz  "h"
  3. Perform a clean and then rebuild the project (press Ctrl + 9 to initiate the clean operation).
  4. Select Debug under the Run menu.
  5. Once the debugger starts, open Windows to display the hello.s source file, the Disassembly window, and the Registers window.
  6. Expand the Registers tree to display the RISC-V processor registers.
  7. Single-step through the program and verify that the text [(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h appears in the console window.

Chapter 12: Processor Virtualization

Exercise 1

Download and install the current version of VirtualBox. Download, install, and bring up Ubuntu Linux as a VM within VirtualBox.

Connect the guest OS to the internet using a bridged network adapter. Configure and enable clipboard sharing and file sharing between the Ubuntu guest and your host operating system.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Download the VirtualBox 6.1 (or later version) installer from Be sure to select the version appropriate for your host operating system.
  2. Run the VirtualBox installer and accept the default prompts.
  3. Download a VirtualBox image of 64-bit Ubuntu Linux. One source for such an image is If the image is in a compressed format, uncompress it. Use 7-Zip ( if the filename ends with .7z. After unzipping, the VirtualBox disk image filename will have the extension .vdi.
  4. Start VirtualBox Manager and click the New icon. Give the new machine a name, such as Ubuntu, select Linux as the type, and select Ubuntu (64-bit) as the version. Click Next.
  5. In the Memory size dialog, accept the default memory size (or increase it if you prefer).
  6. In the Hard disk dialog, select Use an existing virtual hard disk file. Click the Browse button (it looks like a folder), and then click the Add button in the Hard disk selector dialog. Navigate to the .vdi file you downloaded and select Open. Click Create to finish creating the VM.
  7. Click the Settings icon in VirtualBox. In the General section, on the Advanced tab, select Bidirectional for Shared Clipboard.
  8. Click Network. In the Adapter 1 tab, select Bridged Adapter next to Attached to:.
  9. Create a folder on the Windows disk named share in your Documents folder. Click Shared Folders in the VirtualBox Manager Settings dialog for your Ubuntu VM. Click the icon to add a shared folder (it looks like a folder with a plus on it). Select the share folder you just created on the host computer and click OK.
  10. Click OK in the Settings dialog to close it.
  11. Click the Start icon to start the VM. When the Ubuntu system finishes booting, log in with the password
  12. After login has finished, open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.
  13. In the VM terminal, install software packages with the following commands. Respond to the prompts to complete the installation:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install gcc make perl
    sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-'uname -r' dkms
  14. In the Devices menu of the Ubuntu VM window, select Insert Guest Additions CD Image.... Respond to the prompts to complete the installation. Reboot the VM after installation completes.
  15. Log in to the VM and open a terminal window. In the VM terminal, create a directory named share with the following command:
    mkdir share
  16. Enter the following command in the VM terminal to mount the shared folder:
    sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 share ~/share
  17. Create a file in the shared folder on the Ubuntu system:
    cd ~/share
    touch file1.txt
  18. On the Windows host, verify that file1.txt is now present in your Documentsshare directory.

Exercise 2

Within the Ubuntu operating system you installed in Exercise 1, install VirtualBox and then install and bring up a virtual machine version of FreeDOS. Verify that DOS commands such as echo Hello World! and mem perform properly in the FreeDOS VM. After completing this exercise, you will have implemented an instance of nested virtualization.


  1. With your Ubuntu VM not running, select the Settings icon in the VirtualBox manager for the VM. In the System section, under the Processor tab, check the box for Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V. You must be running VirtualBox 6.1 or later for this feature to be fully supported. Click OK to save the change.
  2. Start your Ubuntu VM. Log in to the VM, open a terminal window, and install VirtualBox in the Ubuntu VM with the following command:
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox 
  3. Install 7-Zip in the Ubuntu VM with this command:
    sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
  4. Download a VirtualBox virtual disk image for FreeDOS from Perform the following steps (assuming the downloaded file is in the ~/snap/firefox/common/Downloads directory, and the FreeDOS image filename is 64-bit.7z):
    mkdir 'VirtualBox VMs'
    cd 'VirtualBox VMs'
    mv ~/snap/firefox/common/Downloads/64bit.7z .
    7z x 64bit.7z
  5. Start VirtualBox with the following command:
    virtualbox &
  6. Create a new VM in the VirtualBox instance running in the Ubuntu VM. Select the following options:
    Name: FreeDOS
    Type: Other
    Version: DOS
    32MB RAM
    Use an existing virtual hard disk file
  7. Select the VDI file in ~/VirtualBox VMs and complete the VM configuration.
  8. Click the Start icon in the VirtualBox manager to start the FreeDOS VM.
  9. After the VM completes booting, execute these commands in the FreeDOS prompt:
    echo Hello World!

    This screenshot shows the output of the mem command:

    A screen shot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated with low confidence

    Figure 4: FreeDOS screenshot

  10. When you are finished using FreeDOS, close the VM with the following command in the FreeDOS prompt:

Exercise 3

Create two separate copies of your Ubuntu guest machine in your host system’s VirtualBox environment. Configure both Ubuntu guests to connect to the VirtualBox internal network. Set up the two machines with compatible IP addresses. Verify that each of the machines can receive a response from the other using the ping command. By completing this exercise, you have configured a virtual network within your virtualized environment.


  1. In your host system VirtualBox, open the Settings dialog for the Ubuntu VM you set up in Exercise 1 and select the Network settings. Set the Attached to: network type to Internal and then click OK.
  2. Right-click on the Ubuntu VM in the VirtualBox manager and select Clone... from the context menu. Click Next in the Clone VM menu. Leave Full clone selected and click Clone. Wait for the cloning process to complete.
  3. Open Command Prompt on your host system and navigate to the installation directory for VirtualBox. On Windows, this command takes you to the following default installation location:
    cd "Program FilesOracleVirtualBox"
  4. Start a DHCP server for the intnet VirtualBox network with this command:
    VBoxManage dhcpserver add --netname intnet --ip --netmask --lowerip --upperip --enable
  5. Start both of the VMs. Based on the DHCP server settings recommended in the previous step, the VMs might be assigned the IP addresses and
  6. Log in to both of the running VMs and open a terminal window in each one. Enter the following command in each terminal to display the system IP address:
    hostname -I
  7. Ping the other machine. For example, if the current machine’s IP address is, enter the following command:

    You should see a response similar to the following. Press Ctrl + C to stop the updates:

    osboxes@osboxes:~$ ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.372 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.268 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.437 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.299 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3054ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.268/0.344/0.437/0.065 ms
  8. Repeat the ping command on the second machine, switching the target to the IP address of the first machine. Verify that the response is similar to the previous result.

Chapter 13: Domain-Specific Computer Architectures

Exercise 1

Draw a block diagram of the computing architecture for a system to measure and report weather data 24 hours a day at 5-minute intervals using SMS text messages. The system is battery-powered and relies on solar cells to recharge the battery during daylight hours. Assume the weather instrumentation consumes minimal average power, only requiring full power momentarily during each measurement cycle.


Based on the performance requirements, a processor capable of entering a very low power state for minutes at a time should be able to operate from a moderately sized battery for days at a time. By only powering weather sensors when necessary to take a measurement, and only powering the cellular transceiver when it is time to transmit data, power usage is minimized.

The following diagram represents one possible configuration for this system:

Figure 5: Initial weather data collection system diagram

Exercise 2

For the system of Exercise 1, identify a suitable, commercially available processor and list the reasons why that processor is a good choice for this application. Some factors to weigh are cost, processing speed, tolerance for harsh environments, power consumption, and integrated features such as RAM and communication interfaces.


Perform the following steps:

  1. An internet search for low-power microprocessor brings up a selection of processors from manufacturers including STM, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Microchip Technology, and several others.
  2. A second search for embedded cellular modem produces a list of cellular modems suitable for this application. Some of these devices are in the form of a system-on-module (SoM), incorporating the RF modem with a programmable processor core in a single module.
  3. The MultiTech Dragonfly Nano SoM ( appears to be suitable for this application. This device is available for US$103.95 and integrates an ARM Cortex-M4 processor for hosting user applications. The Dragonfly Nano provides I/O interfaces, including a serial UART, USB, I2C, SPI, 9 analog inputs, and up to 29 digital I/O pins. The Cortex-M4 contains 1 MB of flash memory and 128 KB of RAM.
  4. The Dragonfly Nano documentation states that when transmitting a small amount of data each day, the device can run for years on two AA-size batteries.
  5. The reasons for selecting the Dragonfly Nano for this application are as follows:
    • Cost: While a price over $US100 is high for a microprocessor board, the integration of the cellular modem directly accomplishes a key system design goal.
    • Low power consumption: Depending on the power requirements for the weather sensors, a small solar panel combined with a small rechargeable battery should easily satisfy system power requirements.
    • Environmental compatibility: The temperature range specification for the SoM is -40° to +85°C (-40° to +185°F), which should support operation anywhere in the world. The relative humidity tolerance range (20% to 90% RH, non-condensing) will require installation in a weatherproof enclosure.
    • Processing power: The SoM contains an STM32L471QG 32-bit ARM processor operating at 80 MHz. This processor provides a great deal of capability, including an FPU and dynamic voltage scaling. It is possible to perform extensive preprocessing (filtering, sensor fault detection, and so on) on sensor measurements prior to the transmission of data. The flash and RAM within the device should be more than adequate for the application.
    • Certified solution: The Dragonfly Nano is certified by the FCC and wireless carriers for use on cellular networks.
    • Development support: Free development tools and online resources are available at
  6. The dashed box in the following diagram indicates the portion of the system implemented by the Dragonfly Nano SoM:

    Figure 6: Final weather data collection system diagram

Chapter 14: Cybersecurity and Confidential Computing Architectures

Exercise 1

Where supported, set up two-factor authentication for all your internet-accessible accounts containing data that you care about. This includes bank accounts, email accounts, social media, code repositories (if you are a software developer), medical services, and anything else you value. Ensure at all stages that you are using only information and software applications from trusted sources.


A comprehensive list of websites and their support (or non-support) for two-factor authentication is available at 2FA Directory ( 2FA is an abbreviation for two-factor authentication.

The most common method for implementing two-factor authentication is for the site to send an SMS text containing a code to the phone number associated with the account after the user enters a valid username and password.

The code is often a 6-digit number that the user must provide to the website to complete the login process. The two factors used for authentication are the user’s knowledge of the account password and the demonstrated access to the phone associated with the account.

Some sites support an app such as the Duo Mobile app ( for two-factor authentication. When accessing a site that uses the app, after entering username and password information, a notification will appear on your phone. With a single tap, you can approve access and finish logging in.

Exercise 2

Create strong passwords for all your internet-accessible accounts containing information of value that cannot be protected by two-factor authentication. A strong password is long (15 characters or more) and includes uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and special characters (for example: ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * +). To keep track of these complicated passwords, install and use a reputable password-safe application. Take care when selecting a password safe and consider its source.


There are many options in terms of securely storing passwords for use on your computer and on other devices. Most web browsers offer password management, as do most antivirus software packages. Standalone password manager applications are available as well. You can start to narrow your choices by performing an internet search for password manager.

When a site asks you to set a password, you can have the password manager generate a long random-looking string of characters as your new password. You won’t need to remember the password because it will be stored securely by the password manager.

When selecting a password management solution, you should consider the need to maintain current passwords on all your devices. When you change the password for a site, you do not want to have to update the new password in several places. A browser-based password manager such as Firefox ( will take care of this for you as long as you have a Firefox account and you have logged in to it on each device.

Exercise 3

Update the operating system and other applications and services (such as Java) on all computers and other devices under your control. This will ensure that the security updates included in those updates start working to protect you soon after they become available. Set up a plan to continue regularly installing updates as they are released to ensure you are protected in the future.


  1. Go into the update settings for each device and see whether any updates are awaiting installation. If they are, install them.
  2. If no updates are waiting, have the device check for updates and install any that are available.
  3. Start each application you use and rely on and have it check for updates. Install any that are available.
  4. If an application has an option to automatically check for updates, ensure it is turned on. You may want to be notified when updates are available but not have them installed automatically.
  5. Set up a repeating reminder in your calendar application to notify you to check for updates for all devices and applications at the shortest interval you believe is reasonable, whether it is weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Don’t wait too long between updates because your systems are vulnerable during the period between the identification of a vulnerability and your installation of the update that fixes it.

Chapter 15: Blockchain and Bitcoin Mining Architectures

Exercise 1

Visit the blockchain explorer at and locate the list of last blocks on that page. Click on a block number and you will be presented with a display containing the hexadecimal listing of the block header along with its SHA-256 hash. Copy both items and write a program to determine if the hash provided is the correct hash of the header. Remember to perform SHA-256 twice to compute the header hash.


The Python file contains the block header hashing code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 15 Ex 1."""
# This is a solution for Bitcoin block 711735
# See
import binascii
import hashlib    
# The block header copied from
header = '00000020505424e0dc22a7fb1598d3a048a31957315f' + 
    '737ec0d00b0000000000000000005f7fbc00ac45edd1f6ca7' + 
    '713f2b048d8a771c95e1afd9140d3a147a063f64a76781ea4' + 
# The hash of the header copied from
header_hash = 
    '00000000000000000000bc01913c2e05a5d38d39a9df0c8ba' + 
# Cut off any extra bytes beyond the 80-byte header
header = header[:160]
# Convert the header to binary
header = binascii.unhexlify(header)
# Compute the header hash (perform SHA-256 twice)
computed_hash = hashlib.sha256(header).digest()
computed_hash = hashlib.sha256(computed_hash).digest()
# Reverse the byte order
computed_hash = computed_hash[::-1]
# Convert the binary header hash to a hexadecimal string
computed_hash = 
# Print the result
print('Header hash:   ' + header_hash)
print('Computed hash: ' + computed_hash)
if header_hash == computed_hash:
    result = 'Hashes match!'
    result = 'Hashes DO NOT match!'

To execute the program, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the command python

This is the output of a test run:

Header hash:   00000000000000000000bc01913c2e05a5d38d39a9df0c8ba4269abe9777f41f
Computed hash: 00000000000000000000bc01913c2e05a5d38d39a9df0c8ba4269abe9777f41f
Hashes match!

Exercise 2

Set up a full bitcoin peer node and connect it to the bitcoin network. Download the bitcoin core software from It is best to have a fast internet connection and at least 200 GB of free disk space.


  1. Download the bitcoin core installer from and run it.
  2. After installation completes, run the bitcoin core application. The application will begin downloading the entire bitcoin blockchain, beginning with the genesis block from 2009 up to the most recently added block. This process will take several hours or days depending on your internet bandwidth.
  3. Although the bitcoin core application will consume about 200 GB of disk space during the initial validation process, it will reduce its storage requirements to a disk space limit you select, which defaults to 2 GB.
  4. After the blockchain has downloaded, the node will transition into operation as a full network peer. You can display the application’s connections to network peers and monitor the addition of freshly created transactions into the pool of transactions awaiting inclusion on a future block to be added to the blockchain.
  5. You can also create a bitcoin wallet within the application and use it to conduct your own bitcoin transactions. If you use this application to store a significant quantity of bitcoin, be certain you are enforcing best security practices for all aspects of the host computer operating system and its applications to ensure you don’t get hacked and have your coins stolen.

Chapter 16: Self-Driving Vehicle Architectures

Exercise 1

If you do not already have Python installed on your computer, visit install the current version. Ensure Python is in your search path by typing python –version at a system command prompt. You should receive a response similar to Python 3.10.3. Install TensorFlow (an open source platform for machine learning) with the command (also at the system command prompt) pip install tensorflow. You may need to use the Run as administrator option when opening the command prompt to get a successful installation. Install Matplotlib (a library for visualizing data) with the command pip install matplotlib.


The Windows batch file Ex__1_install_tensorflow.bat contains the commands to install TensorFlow and Matplotlib:

REM Ex__1_install_tensorflow.bat: Answer to Ch 16 Ex 1.
REM This batch file installs TensorFlow and Matplotlib in Windows.
REM Python must be installed (see
REM The Python installation directory must be in the system path.
python --version
pip install tensorflow
pip install matplotlib

To run the batch file, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, open an Administrator command prompt and execute the command Ex__1_install_tensorflow.bat.

Exercise 2

Create a program using the TensorFlow library that loads the CIFAR-10 dataset and displays a subset of the images along with the label associated with each image. This dataset is a product of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) and contains 60,000 images, each consisting of 32x32 RGB pixels. The images have been randomly separated into a training set containing 50,000 images and a test set of 10,000 images. Each image has been labeled by humans as representing an item in one of 10 categories: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, or truck. For more information on the CIFAR-10 dataset, see the technical report by Alex Krizhevsky at


The Python file contains the code to load the dataset and display a subset of the images:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 16 Ex 2."""
from tensorflow.keras import datasets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def load_dataset():
    (train_images, train_labels), 
        (test_images, test_labels) = 
    # Normalize pixel values to the range 0-1
    train_images = train_images / 255.0
    test_images = test_images / 255.0
    return train_images, train_labels, 
        test_images, test_labels
def plot_samples(train_images, train_labels):
    class_names = ['Airplane', 'Automobile', 'Bird',
                    'Cat', 'Deer','Dog', 'Frog', 
                    'Horse', 'Ship', 'Truck']
    for i in range(60):
        plt.subplot(5,12,i + 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_images, train_labels, 
        test_images, test_labels = load_dataset()
    plot_samples(train_images, train_labels)

To execute the program, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the command:


If you receive an error message stating cudart64_110.dll not found, you can safely ignore the message. This just means you do not have the library installed for running TensorFlow on an Nvidia CUDA GPU. The code will run (more slowly) on your system processor instead.

This is the set of sample images displayed by the code:

Sample CIFAR-10 images

Figure 7: Sample CIFAR dataset images

Exercise 3

Create a program using the TensorFlow library that builds a CNN using the structure shown in Figure 16.1. Use a 3x3 convolution filter in each convolutional layer. Use 32 filters in the first convolutional layer and 64 filters in the other two convolutional layers. Use 64 neurons in the hidden layer. Provide 10 output neurons representing an image’s presence in one of the 10 CIFAR-10 categories.


This is the CNN structure of Figure 16.1:

CNN structure

Figure 8: CNN structure for image classification

The Python file contains the code to create the CNN model:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 16 Ex 3."""
from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models, 
    optimizers, losses
def load_dataset():
    (train_images, train_labels), 
        (test_images, test_labels) = 
    # Normalize pixel values to the range 0-1
    train_images = train_images / 255.0
    test_images = test_images / 255.0
    return train_images, train_labels, 
        test_images, test_labels
def create_model():
    # Each image is 32x32 pixels with 3 RGB color planes
    image_shape = (32, 32, 3)
    # The convolutional filter kernel size is 3x3 pixels
    conv_filter_size = (3, 3)
    # Number of convolutional filters in each layer
    filters_layer1 = 32
    filters_layer2 = 64
    filters_layer3 = 64
    # Perform max pooling over 2x2 pixel regions
    pooling_size = (2, 2)
    # Number of neurons in each of the dense layers
    hidden_neurons = 64
    output_neurons = 10
    model = models.Sequential([
        # First convolutional layer followed by max pooling
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer1, conv_filter_size,
            activation='relu', input_shape=image_shape),
        # Second convolutional layer followed by max pooling
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer2, conv_filter_size,
        # Third convolutional layer followed by flattening
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer3, conv_filter_size,
        # Dense layer followed by the output layer
        layers.Dense(hidden_neurons, activation='relu'),
            from_logits=True), metrics=['accuracy'])
    return model
if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_images, train_labels, test_images, 
        test_labels = load_dataset()
    model = create_model()

To execute the program, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the command python

Note: You can ignore any warning messages about not having a GPU present if your system doesn’t have one. The code will execute on the system processor if a GPU is not configured for use with TensorFlow.

This is the output of a test run:

2021-12-12 19:26:07.938984: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX AVX2
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2021-12-12 19:26:08.282366: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Created device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/
device:GPU:0 with 3617 MB memory:  -> device: 0, name: Quadro P2200, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1
Model: "sequential"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #
 conv2d (Conv2D)             (None, 30, 30, 32)        896
 max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D  (None, 15, 15, 32)       0
 conv2d_1 (Conv2D)           (None, 13, 13, 64)        18496
 max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling  (None, 6, 6, 64)         0
 conv2d_2 (Conv2D)           (None, 4, 4, 64)          36928
 flatten (Flatten)           (None, 1024)              0
 dense (Dense)               (None, 64)                65600
 dense_1 (Dense)             (None, 10)                650
Total params: 122,570
Trainable params: 122,570
Non-trainable params: 0

Exercise 4

Create a program using the TensorFlow library that trains the CNN developed in Exercise 3 and test the resulting model using the CIFAR-10 test images. Determine the percentage of test images that the CNN classifies correctly.


The Python file contains the code to create, train, and test the CNN model:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 16 Ex 4."""
from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models, optimizers, losses
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def load_dataset():
    (train_images, train_labels), 
        (test_images, test_labels) = 
    # Normalize pixel values to the range 0-1
    train_images = train_images / 255.0
    test_images = test_images / 255.0
    return train_images, train_labels, 
           test_images, test_labels
def create_model():
    # Each image is 32x32 pixels with 3 RGB color planes
    image_shape = (32, 32, 3)
    # The convolutional filter kernel size is 3x3 pixels
    conv_filter_size = (3, 3)
    # Number of convolutional filters in each layer
    filters_layer1 = 32
    filters_layer2 = 64
    filters_layer3 = 64
    # Perform max pooling over 2x2 pixel regions
    pooling_size = (2, 2)
    # Number of neurons in each of the dense layers
    hidden_neurons = 64
    output_neurons = 10
    model = models.Sequential([
        # First convolutional layer followed by max pooling
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer1, conv_filter_size,
            activation='relu', input_shape=image_shape),
        # Second convolutional layer followed by max pooling
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer2, conv_filter_size,
        # Third convolutional layer followed by flattening
        layers.Conv2D(filters_layer3, conv_filter_size,
        # Dense layer followed by the output layer
        layers.Dense(hidden_neurons, activation='relu'),
            from_logits=True), metrics=['accuracy'])
    return model
def train_model(train_images, train_labels, 
                test_images, test_labels, model):
    history =, train_labels,
        epochs=10, validation_data=(test_images, test_labels))
    test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(test_images,
        test_labels, verbose=2)
    return history, test_acc
def plot_model_accuracy(history):
    plt.plot(history.history['accuracy'], label='Accuracy')
        label = 'Validation Accuracy')
    plt.ylim([0.5, 1])
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_images, train_labels, test_images, 
        test_labels = load_dataset()
    model = create_model()
    history, test_acc = train_model(train_images, 
        train_labels, test_images, test_labels, model)
    print('| Validation accuracy: {:.2f}% |'.

To execute the program, assuming Python is installed and is in your path, execute the command python

Note: You can ignore any warning messages about not having a GPU present if your system doesn’t have one. The code will execute on the system processor if a GPU is not configured for use with TensorFlow.

Your results should indicate an accuracy of approximately 70%. For such a simple CNN, this is a tremendous improvement over the accuracy of random guessing, which would be 10%.

This is the output of a test run:

2021-12-12 17:55:19.402677: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX AVX2
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2021-12-12 17:55:19.802026: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Created device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 3617 MB memory:  -> device: 0, name: Quadro P2200, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1
Epoch 1/10
2021-12-12 17:55:21.475358: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Loaded cuDNN version 8301
1563/1563 [==============================] - 9s 5ms/step - loss: 1.5032 - accuracy: 0.4521 - val_loss: 1.2326 - val_accuracy: 0.5559
Epoch 2/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 1.1306 - accuracy: 0.5996 - val_loss: 1.0361 - val_accuracy: 0.6318
Epoch 3/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 8s 5ms/step - loss: 0.9704 - accuracy: 0.6589 - val_loss: 1.0053 - val_accuracy: 0.6517
Epoch 4/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 0.8831 - accuracy: 0.6904 - val_loss: 0.8999 - val_accuracy: 0.6883
Epoch 5/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 0.8036 - accuracy: 0.7177 - val_loss: 0.8924 - val_accuracy: 0.6956
Epoch 6/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 0.7514 - accuracy: 0.7374 - val_loss: 0.9180 - val_accuracy: 0.6903
Epoch 7/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 0.7020 - accuracy: 0.7548 - val_loss: 0.8755 - val_accuracy: 0.7074
Epoch 8/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 5ms/step - loss: 0.6599 - accuracy: 0.7694 - val_loss: 0.8505 - val_accuracy: 0.7116
Epoch 9/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 8s 5ms/step - loss: 0.6180 - accuracy: 0.7842 - val_loss: 0.8850 - val_accuracy: 0.7058
Epoch 10/10
1563/1563 [==============================] - 8s 5ms/step - loss: 0.5825 - accuracy: 0.7943 - val_loss: 0.8740 - val_accuracy: 0.7128
313/313 - 1s - loss: 0.8740 - accuracy: 0.7128 - 648ms/epoch - 2ms/step
| Validation accuracy: 71.28% |

This figure displays the classification accuracy of the CNN on the training images (Accuracy) and on the test images (Validation Accuracy) after each of the 10 training epochs:

CNN training accuracy

Figure 10: CNN image classification accuracy

Chapter 17: Future Directions in Computer Architectures

Exercise 1

Install the Qiskit quantum processor software development framework by following the instructions at The instructions suggest installation of the Anaconda ( data science and machine learning toolset. After installing Anaconda, create a Conda virtual environment named qiskitenv to contain your work on quantum code and install Qiskit in this environment with the command pip install qiskit. Be sure to install the optional visualization dependencies with the command pip install qiskit-terra[visualization].


  1. Download the Anaconda installer from Select the current version and the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit variant for your host computer.
  2. Run the Anaconda installer and accept the defaults. Close the installer after it completes.
  3. Start Anaconda from the Windows search box by typing anaconda and clicking on Anaconda Prompt when it appears in the search list. A console window will appear.
  4. In the Anaconda prompt, create and activate a virtual environment named qiskitenv with the following commands. Install any recommended packages:
    conda create -n qiskitenv python=3.8
    conda activate qiskitenv
  5. Install Qiskit and the visualization dependencies with the following commands:
    pip install qiskit
    pip install qiskit-terra[visualization]
  6. This completes the installation.

Exercise 2

Create a free IBM Quantum account at Locate your IBM Quantum Services API token at and install it in your local environment using the instructions at


  1. Visit If you don’t already have an account, click the Create an IBMid account link to get started.
  2. Once you are logged in, locate API token on the screen. Click the button to copy your API token to the clipboard.
  3. Return to the Anaconda prompt for the qiskitenv environment you created in Exercise 1.
  4. Enter the following commands at the Anaconda prompt to set up your API token. You will need to replace MY_TOKEN with the token you copied to the clipboard in step 2:
    import qiskit
    from qiskit import IBMQ

Exercise 3

Work through the example quantum program at This example creates a quantum circuit containing 3 qubits that implements a Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state. The GHZ state exhibits key properties of quantum entanglement. Execute the code in a simulation environment on your computer.


  1. Start an Anaconda prompt console. Type anaconda in the Windows search box and click on Anaconda prompt when it appears in the search list. A console window will appear.
  2. Enter the qiskitenv environment with this command:
    conda activate qiskitenv
  3. Enter the following commands at the Anaconda prompt:
    import numpy as np
    from qiskit import *
  4. Create a quantum circuit containing a 3-qubit GHZ state and add measurements for each qubit:
    circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
    # Add an H gate to qubit 0, creating superposition
    # Add a CX (CNOT) gate. Qubit 0 is control and qubit 1 is target,1)
    # Add a CX (CNOT) gate. Qubit 0 is control and qubit 2 is target,2)
    # Add a measurement to each of the qubits
    meas = QuantumCircuit(3, 3)
    # Combine the two circuits
    qc = circ.compose(meas)
  5. Display the circuit on screen:

    The output of this command should appear as follows:

    >>> qc.draw()
         ┌───┐           ░ ┌─┐
    q_0: ┤ H ├──■────■───░─┤M├──────
         └───┘┌─┴─┐  │   ░ └╥┘┌─┐
    q_1: ─────┤ X ├──┼───░──╫─┤M├───
              └───┘┌─┴─┐ ░  ║ └╥┘┌─┐
    q_2: ──────────┤ X ├─░──╫──╫─┤M├
                   └───┘ ░  ║  ║ └╥┘
    c: 3/═══════════════════╩══╩══╩═
                            0  1  2 
  6. Run the circuit on your computer using the qasm_simulator simulator. The shots parameter provides a count of the number of times the circuit will be executed to collect statistical results:
    backend_sim = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
    job_sim =, backend_sim), shots=1024)
  7. Retrieve and display the count of the number of times each bit pattern resulted from a simulation run:
    result_sim = job_sim.result()
    counts_sim = result_sim.get_counts(qc)
  8. You should see results similar (but not identical) to these:
    >>> counts_sim
    {'111': 506, '000': 518}

Exercise 4

Execute the code from Exercise 3 on an IBM quantum computer.


  1. Repeat steps 1-5 from Exercise 3 to create the quantum circuit.
  2. Import your IBMQ account information and list the available quantum computing providers:
    from qiskit import IBMQ
    provider = IBMQ.get_provider(group='open')
  3. If you visit the IBM Quantum home page at, you will be able to see the length of the job queues for the available quantum computers. Select a system with sufficient qubits for your circuit and a short job queue. This example assumes that you choose the ibmq_bogota computer.
  4. Add your job to the queue and monitor its status with these commands. The shots parameter provides a count of the number of times the circuit will be executed to collect statistical results:
    backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_bogota')
    from import job_monitor
    job_exp = execute(qc, backend=backend, shots=1024)

    After the run completes, you will see the following output line:

    Job Status: job has successfully run
  5. After the job completes, retrieve the results with this command:
    result_exp = job_exp.result()
  6. Retrieve and display the count of the number of times each bit pattern resulted from a quantum computer run:
    counts_exp = result_exp.get_counts(qc)

    Approximately 50% of the time, the output bit string for this circuit should be 000, and the other 50% of the time it should be 111. However, these systems are noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. You should see results similar (but not identical) to these:

    >>> counts_exp
    {'000': 467, '001': 15, '010': 23, '011': 17, '100': 21, '101': 127, '110': 16, '111': 338}

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