

advertising, 45, 102, 121, 1, 66, 117

American Legion, x

Are You Fully Charged? (Rath), 38

Associated Press, 36


assessing current activities, 52–55

avoiding burnout, 3, 128

building a personal brand, 1–2, 7–14, 17, 42–45, 56, 81, 103, 116, 127, 130, 136–37

communicating with readers, 2, 8, 37, 45, 82–83, 92, 95, 127–28

developing a priority list, 42–47

goal statements, 31–32

goals for book, 28–33

identifying audience, 21–24, 134

motivation, 16–17

showcasing expertise, 29, 43, 66–67, 80, 83, 97, 103, 122, 123, 128–30

understanding audience, 19–21, 36, 62, 83, 84, 93, 96, 99


Barnes & Noble, 66, 117

Beech, Mary, 10

Berg, Patty, 37

Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 37

bestsellers, xi, 61, 81, 139

blogs, blogging, x, 3, 43–44, 54

blogging checklist, 82–84

content, 83, 84, 86–87, 128–30

graphics for, 87–88

importance of, 79–80

to-do list for, 57

working with bloggers, 115–19

Bloom, Lisa

Think: Straight Talk for Women, 80

bookstore tours, 66, ix

bookstores, 66

branding, 1–2, 7–14, 81, 103, 116, 127, 130, 136–37

Brite (conference), 10

Burke, Fauzia, ix, 136


CAN-SPAM Act, 74

Cision, 121

Clark, Ron

The End of Molasses Classes, 81, 81

conferences, 123

Constant Contact, 53, 75

cookbooks, 129

Costanzo, Peter, 36

Crown Publishing Group, 37, 38


Daily Beast, The, x

demographics, 24–25

Dragon, Rick, 82

DragonSearch, 82


email lists, 66, 73–77, 135

content, 76

design of, 76

software for, 75–76

timing, 75–76

tracking results, 76, 77

Empire of the Summer Moon (Gwynne), xi

End of Molasses Classes, The (Clark), 81


Facebook, xii, 55, 67, 80, 81, 92, 108, 109, 117, 129, 140

advantages of, 98–99

advertising on, 45

author pages on, 39, 44, 45

building a personal network on, 44–45

Facebook Insights, 101, 102

to-do checklist for, 99–102

Fenn, Donna

Upstarts, 91

fiction, 128, 129

Frantz, Kristen, 37

FSB Associates, ix–xi, 119

G, 115

GetResponse, 77, 88

Godin, Seth, 8

Goodreads, 46, 55, 117

Google, 8, 63, 65, 87, 123

searches, 44, 63, 65, 70–71, 116–17, 139–40

Google Analytics, 68–70

Google Trends, 121

Grafton, Sue, 61

graphics (see images)

Gwynne, S.C.

Empire of the Summer Moon, xi

Rebel Yell, x, xi

H (Help a Reporter Out), 121

hashtags, 106, 120, 129

History News Network, x

Huffington Post, x, 80, 91


iBooks, 66

images, 65, 66, 76, 87–88, 101, 106–7, 122

Indiebound, 66

Instagram, 24, 55, 67, 95, 88


journalists, 103, 121


Kate Spade, 10

keywords, 70–72, 88, 120

Klout, 121


Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary, 36

LibraryThing, 117

LinkedIn, 55, 67, 74, 95–96, 109

building a profile on, 44

to-do checklist for, 96–98

Lloyd, Kate, 37, 58


MailChimp, 53, 75

mailing lists, 3, 53–54

developing an email newsletter, 43, 76

to-do list for, 57, 75–77

tracking results, 76, 77


advertising on social media, 102

developing a plan, 51–58, 135

email blasts, 135

marketing calendars, 85–86

mobile users, 65

niche marketing, 8, 34

MindBodyGreen, 80


New York Times, 61, 62, 81, 115

nonfiction, 128


Pew Research, 25

pictures (see images)

Pinterest, 55, 67, 95, 109

advantages of, 106–7

Follow Me button, 108

to-do checklist for, 107–8

PR Daily, 121

press coverage, 67

publicists and PR firms, x–xi

hiring, 39–40, 111–14

online PR to-do list, 116–19


book promotion, x, 1, 37, 38, 40


Rados, Kate, 38

Rath, Tom

Are You Fully Charged?, 38

StrengthsFinder 2.0, 38

reader profiles, 21–24


connection with authors, 8–9, 37, 61–62, 82, 122–23, 127–28, 135

creating an audience, 1–2, 134–35

developing conversations with, 17–18, 36, 128–31, 135

Reality Mine, 95

Rebel Yell (Gwynne), x, xi

Reddit, 134


soliciting, 116–18

Rostan, Stephanie, 36


Scribner/Simon & Schuster, 37

search engine optimization (SEO), 63, 71–72, 81

SEO consulting firms, 71–72

search engines, 8, 44, 63, 65, 70, 96, 123, 138–40

self-publishing, 111–12

DIY publicity, 114–16

Sherman, Wendy, 38, 88

SMART goals, 30

Snapchat, 55

social media, x–xi, 67

alerts, 137

content, 100–101, 118, 128–31

demographics of, 24–25

developing content for, 56–57

engagement strategies, 3, 122–23

getting website traffic from, 55

researching, 119–23

sharing on, 101

to-do list for, 58

value of, 91–93

Social Mention, 120, 137

social networking, 24–25, 58, 67, 70, 91–95

Squarespace, 63

StrengthsFinder 2.0 (Rath), 38

Super Fans, 3, 66, 73, 74, 77


television, 16, 21, 30, 67, 112, 114, 140

testimonials, 67, 113, 135

Think: Straight Talk for Women in a Dumbed-Down World (Bloom), 80

trade associations, 122

Tumblr, 55, 67

Twazzup, 121

TweetReach, 120

Twitter, 45, 55, 67, 74, 95, 97, 108, 109, 117, 128–29, 140, xii

advantages of, 102–3

to-do checklist for, 104–6

TwitterCounter, 120


Upstarts (Fenn), 91


value propositions, 30–31

video, 46, 122–23

online courses, 58


Washington Independent Review of Books, x

web analytics, 67, 101

bounce rates, 71–72

webinars, 122

websites, 52–53, 122

building and updating, 42–43, 134

design of, 61–62, 63–64

measuring website traffic, 57, 67–70, 83

redirection to website, 65

referrals, 70, 122

sales links, 129

to-do list for, 57

Wendy Sherman Associates, 38, 63

WordPress, 63


Yousafzai, Malala, 127

YouTube, 55, 67

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