Storage design

As compute hardware has become less expensive over the last few years, fewer and fewer workloads are constrained by a lack of processor or memory performance. Instead, most workloads are tuned so that they are constrained on I/O-particularly storage I/O. OpenStack workloads typically separate the operating system storage from the application storage and Cinder and the different object storage projects provide mechanisms for presenting many different kinds of storage with a single interface. This capability allows tenants to choose the storage which matches their application's requirements. In addition to Cinder providing persistence for applications, block storage and object storage also provide storage persistence for instances and allow for instance live migration, backup, and recovery.

Ephemeral storage

Ephemeral storage is the storage that is consumed when a Glance image is copied locally to a compute node to instantiate a virtual instance. Glance images are typically sparse and tend to be less than one gigabyte in size. When instantiated, images provide the root disk for an instance's operating system. These are also sparsely provisioned, but typically grow up to 10, 20, or 40 gigabytes in size. In traditional OpenStack deployments, ephemeral storage is provided by the compute node's internal disks, and when a compute node fails or an instance is terminated, the storage is lost or reclaimed. These days, many organizations will chose to place ephemeral storage on shared storage though.

There are two main reasons to use shared storage for ephemeral instance storage. The first reason is to make those ephemeral instances a little less ephemeral by providing for a live-migration capability for instances. With local-only ephemeral storage, any reboot of a compute node will terminate the instances it is currently hosting. If the instance is backed by shared storage (typically NFS or software-based storage such as Ceph), it can be migrated to another compute node which has access to the same storage without downtime. This allows for cloud operators to put compute nodes in a "maintenance mode" so that they can be patched. When the compute nodes are ready to host workloads again, the instances can be rebalanced across the nodes. Having a live copy of the instance is also useful in the case of a compute node failure. Instances backed by shared storage can be evacuated to healthy compute nodes without losing state.

The second reason that shared storage is attractive for ephemeral storage is that some storage backends allow for deduplication between Glance images and running instances. In a traditional instance life cycle, there isn't a huge need for deduplication between the images and the instances. However, if there is a deduplication capability, it allows for operators to use instance snapshots as backups. Instances can be backed up on a regular basis without consuming an inordinate amount of shared storage. New features in the Kilo and Liberty releases of OpenStack allow for quiescing guest operating systems during snapshot operations to enable this kind of "live backup" capability.

Block storage

Using shared storage for ephemeral storage is one way to achieve a persistence capability for virtual instances, but the more traditional way is to instantiate a Glance image on a Cinder volume. Instances which are backed by Cinder volumes can be live-migrated, live-snapshotted, and evacuated with their state intact. There are Cinder drivers for almost every major storage product on the market these days and it is common to configure multiple backends within a single OpenStack deployment. This allows the OpenStack tenant to chose an appropriate backend for their workload. For example, a database instance might have its operating system reside on relatively inexpensive ephemeral disk, but locate the data on highly performant SAN storage attached by fiber channel. If the instance fails, the root disk is discarded and a new instance attaches itself to the persistent Cinder volume. Cinder volumes are also attractive as root disks for instances which are being migrated from traditional virtualization platforms. The user experience for Cinder-backed instances is very similar to these platforms.

Selection of storage backends for Cinder implementations is a relatively straightforward process. Cloud Architects will want to leverage the relationships and knowledge that an organization's Storage Architects already have. Storage devices are relatively expensive and POCs should be run on existing hardware devices where possible. Cinder drivers for commonplace devices such as NetApp filers and EMC SANs have some interesting features which can be proven out in a lab. Vendors of more exotic hardware devices are typically willing to lend hardware for POCs as well.

Most of the organizations that we've worked with have tested software-based storage as a part of their OpenStack implementations and many have gone on to adopt software-based storage for at least one of their storage tiers. Ceph, in particular, has a tight integration with OpenStack for image, ephemeral, and block storage. Ceph has the advantage of providing deduplication when used in this configuration. This, combined with its usage of commodity hardware, makes it an extremely attractive option from a cost perspective.

Object storage

Swift was one of the first two services in OpenStack and object storage was the original mechanism for persistence within OpenStack (and Amazon) clouds. As OpenStack has been adopted for more and more traditional workloads, object storage has lost a lot of its relevance. In fact, many of the OpenStack deployments that we work on in the Enterprise space don't include object storage in the initial release.

An easy way to take an "if you build it they will come" approach to object storage is to leverage it for storing Glance images. While few of your tenants may come to your OpenStack deployment with applications that can persist their data over an S3-compatible interface, almost all of them can use the snapshot capability in Nova to improve their experience on the platform. Storing Glance images in Swift makes them highly available and provides an opportunity to co-locate them with the compute infrastructure, dramatically improving network performance.

Object storage backend selection is highly dependent on block and ephemeral storage selection. If you are using Ceph for block storage, using Ceph for object storage greatly simplifies administration of the platform. NetApp provides an integration with Swift, and it may be advantageous to choose it instead if using NetApp for block storage. Swift is also the default object storage provider in OpenStack and it makes sense to use it in heterogeneous environments from that perspective. In our experience, object storage backends are not subjected to the same kind of scrutiny as block storage backends in the storage selection process. This may be because many object storage systems are less about performance and more about low-cost options to store frequently read data versus a lot of heavy I/O.

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