Implementing H/A in the lab deployment

In this last section, we'll make the current lab deployment that we deployed in Chapter 2, Architecting the Cloud, highly available by adding a second controller node and configuring cluster software. This example should be simple enough to easily implement in the lab while still allowing you to evaluate the technology.

Provisioning a second controller

In later chapters we'll look at more flexible deployment methodologies that allow fine-grained service placement and automated cluster configuration. In this chapter, we'll just extend the Packstack deployment from Chapter 2, Architecting the Cloud. Packstack isn't designed to deploy multiple controllers, so some manual configuration of services will be required.

To provision the second controller, install the operating system on a new machine in the same way you provisioned the first controller and then copy the Packstack answer file from the first controller. Edit the answer and replace CONFIG_CONTROLLER_HOST, CONFIG_NETWORK_HOSTS, and CONFIG_STORAGE_HOST with the IP address of the new controller.

We won't be reconfiguring the compute nodes or the existing controller, so add the compute nodes and controller that you provisioned in Chapter 2, Architecting the Cloud, to the EXCLUDE_SERVERS parameter in the answer file. We'll leave the MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ services on the first controller, so those values should not be modified.

Run Packstack on the new controller using the same command we used in Chapter 2, Architecting the Cloud:

packstack --answer-file <answer-file>

After Packstack completes, you should be able to log in to the dashboard by going to the IP address of the second host and using the same credentials that you used in Chapter 2, Architecting the Cloud.

Installing the Pacemaker resource manager

Next, we'll install Pacemaker to manage the VIPs that we'll use with HAProxy to make the web services highly available. We assume that the cluster software is already available via yum to the controller nodes.

  1. First, install Pacemaker on both nodes using the following command:
          # yum install -y pcs fence-agents-all
  2. Verify that the software installed correctly by running the following command:
          # rpm -q pcs
  3. Next, add rules to the firewall to allow cluster traffic:
          # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
  4. Set the password for the Pacemaker cluster on each node using the following command:
          # passwd hacluster
  5. Start the Pacemaker cluster manager on each node:
          # systemctl start pcsd.service
          # systemctl enable pcsd.service
  6. Then, authenticate the nodes using the following commands on the first node:
          # pcs cluster auth controller1 controller2
          Username: hacluster
          controller1: Authorized
          controller2: Authorized
  7. Finally, run the following commands on the first node to create the cluster and start it:
          # pcs cluster setup --start --name openstack 
          > controller1 controller2
          Shutting down pacemaker/corosync services...
          Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  pacemaker.service
          Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  corosync.service
          Killing any remaining services...
          Removing all cluster configuration files...
          controller1: Succeeded
          controller2: Succeeded
          Starting cluster on nodes: controller1, controller2...
          controller1: Starting Cluster...
          controller2: Starting Cluster...
  8. For our example cluster, we will disable fencing using the following command:
          # pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
  9. Verify that the cluster started successfully using the following command:
          # pcs status
          Cluster name: openstack
          Last updated: Mon Aug 31 01:51:47 2015
          Last change: Mon Aug 31 01:51:14 2015
          Stack: corosync
          Current DC: controller1 (1) - partition with quorum
          Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
          2 Nodes configured
          0 Resources configured
          Online: [ controller1 controller2 ]


    For more information on setting up Pacemaker, see the excellent Clusters from Scratch documentation at

Installing and configuring HAProxy

We'll be using HAProxy to load-balance our control plane services in this lab deployment. Some deployments may also implement Keepalived and run HAProxy in an Active/Active configuration. For this deployment, we'll run HAProxy Active/Passive and manage it as a resource along with our VIP in Pacemaker.

To start, install HAProxy on both nodes using the following command:

# yum -y install haproxy

Verify installation with the following command:

# rpm -q haproxy

Next, we will create a configuration file for HAProxy which load-balances the API services installed on the two controllers. Use the following example as a template, replacing the IP addresses in the example with the IP addresses of the two controllers and the IP address of the VIP that you'll be using to load-balance the API services.


Some deployments may chose to create a VIP for each service. This allows multiple HAProxy nodes to answer HTTP sessions for different services. In this example, we'll only use a single VIP since HAProxy is in Active/Passive configuration.

The following example /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, will load-balance Horizon in our environment:

  group  haproxy 
  maxconn  40000 
  pidfile  /var/run/ 
  user  haproxy 
  log local2 warning 
  mode  tcp 
  option  tcplog 
  option  redispatch 
  retries  3 
  timeout  connect 10s 
  timeout  client 60s 
  timeout  server 60s 
  timeout  check 10s 
listen horizon 
  mode http 
  cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache 
  option tcplog 
  timeout client 180s 
  server controller1 cookie controller1 check inter 1s 
  server controller2 cookie controller2 check inter 1s 

In this example, controller1 has an IP address of and controller2 has an IP address of The VIP that we've chosen to use is Copy this file, replacing the IP addresses with the addresses in your lab, to /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg on each of the controllers.

In order for Horizon to respond to requests on the VIP, we'll need to add the VIP as a ServerAlias in the Apache virtual host configuration. This is found at /etc/httpd/conf.d/15-horizon_vhost.conf in our lab installation. Look for the following line:


Add an additional ServerAlias line with the VIP on both controllers:


You'll also need to tell Apache not to listen on the VIP so that HAProxy can bind to the address. To do this, modify /etc/httpd/conf/ports.conf and specify the IP address of the controller in addition to the port numbers. The following is an example:


In this example, is the address of the first controller. Substitute the appropriate IP address for each machine.

Restart Apache to pick up the new alias:

# systemctl restart httpd.service

Next, add the VIP and the HAProxy service to the Pacemaker cluster as resources. These commands should only be run on the first node:

# pcs resource create VirtualIP IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 
# pcs resource create HAProxy systemd:haproxy

Co-locate the HAProxy service with the VirtualIP to ensure that the two run together:

# pcs constraint colocation add VirtualIP with HAProxy score=INFINITY

Verify that the resources have been started:

# pcs status
Full list of resources:
VirtualIP(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):Started controller1
HAProxy(systemd:haproxy):Started controller1

At this point, you should be able to access Horizon using the VIP you specified. Traffic will flow from your client to HAProxy on the VIP to Apache on one of the two nodes.

Additional API service configuration

Now that we have a working cluster and HAProxy configuration, the final configuration step is to move each of the OpenStack API endpoints behind the load balancer. There are three steps in this process, which are as follows:

  1. Update the HAProxy configuration to include the service.
  2. Move the endpoint in the Keystone service catalog to the VIP.
  3. Reconfigure services to point to the VIP instead of the IP of the first controller.

In the following example, we will move the Keystone service behind the load balancer. This process can be followed for each of the API services.

First, add a section to the HAProxy configuration file for the authorization and admin endpoints of Keystone:

listen keystone-admin 
  mode tcp 
  option tcplog 
  server controller1 check inter 1s 
  server controller2 check inter 1s 
listen keystone-public 
  mode tcp 
  option tcplog 
  server controller1 check inter 1s 
  server controller2 check inter 1s 

Make sure to update the configuration on both of the controllers. Restart the haproxy service on the active node:

# systemctl restart haproxy.service

You can determine the active node with the output from pcs status. Check to make sure that HAProxy is now listening on ports 5000 and 35357 using the following commands:

# curl
# curl

Both should output some JSON describing the status of the Keystone service.

Next, update the endpoint for the identity service in the Keystone service catalog by creating a new endpoint and deleting the old one:

# . ./keystonerc_admin
# openstack endpoint list
| ID                               | Region    | Service Name | Service Type |
| 14f32353dd7d497d9816bf0302279d23 | RegionOne | keystone     | identity     |
 # openstack endpoint create 
--region RegionOne keystone
| Field        | Value                            |
| adminurl     |     |
| id           | c590765ca1a847db8b79aa5f40cd2110 |
# openstack endpoint delete 14f32353dd7d497d9816bf0302279d23

Last, update the auth_uri and identity_uri parameters in each of the OpenStack services to point to the new IP address. The following configuration files will need to be edited:

  • /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
  • /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
  • /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
  • /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  • /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini
  • /etc/nova/nova.conf
  • /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

After editing each of the files, restart the OpenStack services on all of the nodes in the lab deployment using the following command:

# openstack-service restart

The OpenStack services will now be using the Keystone API endpoint provided by the VIP and the service will be highly available. The architecture used in this cluster is relatively simple, but it provides an example of both Active/Active and Active/Passive service configurations.

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