Using configuration management for deployment

The first tool required to begin deploying our platform-like code is to introduce a configuration management system. While it is certainly possible to automate the deployment of OpenStack using shell scripts (we've seen it done), using a declarative configuration management tool makes it much more simple for your team to track changes between iterations. Also, an OpenStack configuration can contain hundreds of variables that need to be set across several configuration files on dozens of hosts. For example, our lab deployment of Kilo has 137 parameters set in the composition layer. Managing this level of complexity with shell scripts introduces another unnecessary level of complexity.

Every OpenStack user survey for the past couple of years has asked the community how they typically deploy OpenStack. While a wide variety of methods are represented in the results, the clear leader has been Puppet for some time now. A new initiative in the community has grown up around Ansible in the last year and its use has increased dramatically. A few prominent OpenStack users also use Chef for deployment. Our recommendation is to use the tool that your organization has the most experience with. Some of the groups that we've worked with already had large implementations of Puppet, some of them had expertise in Chef, and some prefer to use Ansible. We've also worked on projects which leveraged Salt. A new trend that is emerging is to use a combination of tools. You might have Ansible or Salt initiate Puppet runs on your hosts, for example. Puppet is most frequently used and we'll use it in the examples in this chapter.

Using the community modules

Each of the configuration management systems referenced earlier has a set of modules for deploying OpenStack that are written and maintained by the OpenStack community. For example, consider the following table:

Orchestration tool's OpenStack modules


Puppet modules

Ansible playbooks

Chef cookbooks

Regardless of the technology used, the overall approach is the same.

A deployment starts with the creation of what we'll refer to as the composition layer. This is a Puppet module (or Ansible playbook or Chef cookbook) which defines the roles that we want the systems in our deployment to take in terms of the community modules. For example, we might define a compute role as a class which would include the nova::compute class. The controller role would include the keystone, glance, nova::api, and other classes. We may also pull in other Puppet modules to configure system services such as NTP or to install monitoring agents.

Assigning roles

Once we've declared our roles in the composition layer, we need a mechanism via which we apply them to systems. The tool that we've been using up to this point (Packstack) does this over SSH - it generates a set of puppet manifests which include the community modules and then it applies them to the systems in our lab one by one. It supports two roles: the controller role and the compute role. Our lab deployment currently has controller and compute nodes, but we'll also be defining database nodes which can run the database and messaging services.

Many of the organizations that we've worked with have used Cobbler (, Foreman (, Puppet Enterprise (, or some other tool to assign roles to systems. These tools are referred to as External Node Classifiers (ENC) for Puppet. With an ENC it's easy to separate the configuration parameters, such as IP addresses or passwords, from the configuration itself in the system. These tools can also provide reporting on Puppet runs and management functionality.

In this chapter, we'll set up a simple Puppet master which will manage the configuration of the hosts in our environment. We'll store configuration data in our composition layer, acknowledging that it's not a best practice.


There is one customer we've worked with who preferred to store configuration data in the composition layer. Their reasoning was that inputting the configuration data was the most common place for a typo or other mistake that would wreck an automated deployment. Since they were tracking the data in version control, it was easier to track these manual errors. The process that they came up with was to fork a branch for each environment that they deployed and then pull configuration changes down to the branches from the master as they needed to update them. Forking typically happens when developers take a copy of source code from a project such as OpenStack and start adding their own changes. Since the main source code for a project is called the trunk, when a developer changes a part of the code, it is said that the developer has created a branch.

We'll assign the roles we've defined to the hosts on the Puppet master and when hosts check in with the master, they'll be given the configuration which matches their role. Hosts check in periodically after the first run and will pull updates to the configuration as we make them available on the master.

Choosing a starting point

Each of the official OpenStack Puppet, Chef, and Ansible projects listed earlier provide example composition layers which will do a simple all-in-one deployment. The Puppet all-in-one deployment manifest is available at It provides three scenarios, which can be used as a starting point. Different OpenStack vendors may also have references which make good starting points. Some organizations we've worked with have hired consulting firms to write their initial composition layer and then teach them how to iterate on it.

Since we already have a working deployment using Packstack, we'll use that as a basis for our composition layer. As we add features to our deployment, we'll copy in pieces from the manifests generated by Packstack as a starting point. We'll also add some new Puppet code to extend the deployment beyond what's possible with Packstack.

Test infrastructure

Regardless of the configuration management system that your organization decides to use to deploy and configure the OpenStack software, it is critical that the deployment process is driven by the test infrastructure. It has been our experience that manually administrated environments always result in inconsistency, regardless of the skill of the operator performing the deployment. Automated deployments cannot happen in a vacuum; however, for them to be successful they need to provide immediate feedback to the developer and operator so that they can decide whether or not the deployment was successful. We've been through a lot of manual deployments and manual acceptance tests of OpenStack and the cycles can take days or weeks to complete.

Types of testing

There are several stages of testing that are applied to the changes in the composition layer before they're applied to the environment. At each stage, the deployment is stopped if the tests fail. We refer to this set of stages as the deployment pipeline. Changes are committed to version control on one end of the pipeline and the configuration is realized in the infrastructure on the other end.

The following table lists the items which are tested at each stage in the pipeline:


Test focus


Before the change enters the pipeline, it is tested to ensure that there are no syntax errors or style issues.

Deployment testing

At this stage, each of the systems in the test cluster attempts to apply the configuration update. Success is indicated by whether or not the change is applied without errors. Some deployments will initiate a second application to test for idempotency.

Integration testing

Once the test cluster has successfully applied the configuration, a unit test suite is run against the OpenStack APIs, verifying the functionality of the configuration.

Performance testing

A series of tests are run against the test cluster to ensure that the change did not adversely affect performance.

Acceptance testing

At this stage in the pipeline, any manual testing is performed. The change is then promoted to the next environment.

Canary testing

A subset of the production environment is updated with the change and automated and the acceptance testing is repeated with the production database and hypervisors.


The entire production environment is updated with the change.

Many organizations will want to include a code review in the deployment process. This is typically done after all automated testing is complete so that the results are available to the reviewer. Tools such as Gerrit ( are available to orchestrate build pipelines which have code review requirements. Many organizations will prefer to perform canary testing and production releases manually - these should still be automated processes which are initiated (and rolled back) at the discretion of operators.

Writing the tests

OpenStack is entirely driven by the REST API and it is possible to write tests for the platform in any language which has a HTTP client implementation. There are software development kits available at for most of the popular languages. That said, most organizations tend to write their tests in Python (the language OpenStack is written in). There are two schools of thought on this. The first is that it is easier to attract OpenStack talent who know Python and the skill is transferable between testing and development. Also, there is an upstream Python project called Tempest, which many organizations use as a framework for running their own tests. The second school of thought is that organizations should test the platform using the same interface that end users of the platform will use. For example, if your intention is for the infrastructure to be provisioned from a Cloud Management Platform or a PaaS using the Ruby Fog library (, then your tests should be written using the Fog library.

Either way, Tempest is almost always used in some part of the testing process for OpenStack deployments. If nothing else, all public clouds which advertise themselves as OpenStack clouds must pass a minimum set of Tempest tests to achieve certification with the Foundation.

Running the tests

As we mentioned earlier, the test infrastructure should drive the changes through the pipeline, capturing the results of each test run and promoting changes when the runs are successful. Any of the many CI tools used for software development can be used for this purpose. What we typically recommend is to leverage the CI tools and software repositories that your organization is already using. If your organization isn't doing CI in your software development group, good choices that we've seen used successfully before are Jenkins (, Atlassian's Bamboo (, or Buildbot ( The OpenStack Foundation's CI is built around Jenkins and that's the tool that we'll use in this chapter to build our pipeline.

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