1. Troubleshooting and Tuning LOB Segment Performance

The large object (LOB) datatype allows us to hold and manipulate unstructured and semistructured data such as documents, graphic images, video clips, sound files, and XML files. The DBMS_LOB package was designed to manipulate LOB datatypes. Starting in Oracle Database 12c, LOBs can store large amounts of data with a maximum size of 128 TB depending on the database block size; a single table can have one or more columns of LOB datatypes, such as binary large object (BLOB), character large object (CLOB), national character large object (NCLOB), and BFILE. This chapter describes some of the problems that can happen when you have LOB segments in your environment and how to mitigate these problems.

Introduction to the LOB Datatype

When creating and designing your database’s LOB objects, remember to carefully review the Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer’s Guide (Oracle, 2016) especially Chapter 14, “Performance Guidelines.” This guide updates you on latest recommendations for creating your LOBs depending on what types of data will reside within these table columns.

It’s important to remember that whenever a LOB column is created in a table, two different segments are actually created: one LOBSEGMENT and one LOBINDEX. The LOBINDEX is the one that points to the LOB “chunks” that are stored in the corresponding LOBSEGMENT. In some cases, LOBs may be stored “inline”—that is, inside the table segment—but inline storage is usually used for LOB data that is fairly small (less than about 4000 bytes) or is NULL. In those cases, LOB values are stored directly inside the table segment.

Now let’s discuss what causes the database to generate a high-watermark (HW) enqueue event. When a session wants to access a database resource, the lock that coordinates the access to this resource is an enqueue. When an enqueue event happens, it means that a session is waiting for another session to free up this resource. The event always appears with the name of the enqueue in the format enq: <enqueue_type >– <details>; each enqueue type will have different details. The P1, P2, and P3 columns of dynamic views V$SESSION and V$SESSION_WAIT are also helpful in giving us more details about where the waiting session is currently held up and what is causing the lock. Those values can assume different meanings depending on the enqueue, as shown in the corresponding P1TEXT, P2TEXT, and P3TEXT columns. Listing 1.1 illustrates just a few of Oracle Database 12c’s more than 600 enqueue events.

Listing 1.1 Enqueue Events

  distinct name
  name like '%enq%'
order by 1;

enq: AB - ABMR process initialized
enq: AB - ABMR process start/stop
enq: AC - acquiring partition id
enq: AD - allocate AU
enq: AD - deallocate AU
enq: AD - relocate AU
enq: AE – lock

The HW enqueue is responsible for serializing the allocation of space beyond the high-watermark of a segment. The recommended action to handle an unexpected HW enqueue is to manually allocate more extents for the LOB’s segments; however, in later sections we also discuss proactive methods to help avoid unexpected HW enqueues by following recommended best practices for LOB configuration.

Fixing a LOB Problem: A Real-World Example

In this real-world example, the database of an e-commerce company is completely hung. The following steps will quickly identify and fix this issue:

1. Create an automatic workload repository (AWR) report to determine if the enq: HW event is one of the top five wait events. Log in to your database as SYSDBA and run the following command. When prompted, choose the two most recent AWR snapshot IDs to analyze just the last two snapshots:

$> ?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql

2. Review the top five wait events listed in the report:

Event                          Waits        Time (s)    (ms)   Time   Wait Class
------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
enq:HW contention                   249,725       3,289     13   90.0 User I/O direct
path write                          168,486         103      1    2.8 User I/O DB CPU
PX qref latch                     6,392,581          40      0    1.1 Other
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats              18           1     51     .0 Other

3. If the event is constantly occurring in the database, just run the following query to identify the sessions encountering the HW contention:

SELECT sid, event
  FROM gv$session_wait
 WHERE event LIKE '%contention%';

SID         EVENT
------     ---------------------
9426        enq: HW - contention
13050       enq: HW - contention

4. Run the following query to isolate the object that is experiencing HW enqueue contention:

  FROM gv$lock
 WHERE type = 'HW';

---------- ----------
        19        195

5. Using the datafile number (19) and block ID (195) obtained from the prior query, discover the object being locked by this event via the following query:

    file_id = 19
    195 between block_id
    block_id + blocks - 1;

------------ ------------------- -------------------------
ORABPEL      LOBSEGMENT          SYS_LOB0000181226C00029$$

6. Next, isolate the table name that references this LOB segment using the following query:


OWNER          TABLE_NAME                SEGMENT_NAME
-------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

7. Now that you have isolated exactly which LOB segment is causing the HW enqueue, it’s time to alleviate the root cause of this problem by manually adding a new extent to the segment. It’s important to know if the object resides on a tablespace whose extents are either AUTO ALLOCATEd or of UNIFORM size. If its extents are defined as UNIFORM, then you simply need to add a new extent of the same size; otherwise, you would add a new extent sized the same as the biggest extent for this segment:

a.  Determine the biggest extent size of this object:

  FROM dba_extents
 WHERE segment_name = 'SYS_LOB0000181226C00029$$'
 AND owner = 'ORABPEL';


b.  Add some extents to this LOB segment:

ALTER TABLE orabpel.insert_site_order_bi_tbl
  MODIFY LOB ('SYS_LOB0000055018C00004$$')

Congratulations! With this simple action, you have just saved your company millions of dollars in orders that would be seriously delayed or even lost from customer activity on its e-commerce website.

Another Real-World Example: HW Resolution

If your database is a repository for applications such as Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), Oracle Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), and Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS), it is likely that you will eventually encounter problems regarding LOB segments. For example, we recently ran into an issue with OTM related to the I_TRANSMISSION table when we applied 150,000,000 INSERTs and DELETEs plus 500,000,000 UPDATEs against this table’s XML_BLOB column in a single month. Following are the steps used to verify and repair this problem quickly:


You can also use the following approach with the previous enq: HW example. This example simply shows an alternative for detecting and solving the issue.

1. Run an AWR report and check the Top 5 Timed Events section. If you are indeed encountering problems with LOB segments, you will see something like the following report:

Top 5 Timed Events
                                                      Wait    Total  Call Wait
Event                          Waits        Time (s)  (ms)    Time % Class
------------------------------ ------------ --------- ------- ------ -------------
db file sequential read           2,580,474    35,544   14      77.4 User I/O
SQL*Net more data from client       659,140     5,513    8 **   12.0 Network
CPU time                                        4,540  9.9
enq: HW - contention                 88,910     2,890   33 *     6.3 Configuration
log file sync                       777,146     1,688    2       3.7 Commit

2. In the same AWR report, check the Top Enqueue Activity section for output that’s similar to what follows:

Enqueue Activity Snaps: 1234-1235
-> only enqueues with waits are shown
-> Enqueue stats gathered prior to 10g should not be compared with 10g data
-> ordered by Wait Time desc, Waits desc

                              Gets     Gets              Wait       Avg Wait
Enq Type             Reg      Succ     Failed   Waits    Time (s)   Time (ms)
-------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ---------  -----------
High Water Mark       93,860   93,862        0   88,226   2,961        33.56 *
(row lock contention)    272      272        0      209     570     2,729.44 **
(index contention)     4,564    4,564        0    4,144      34         8.16
TX-Transaction       793,989  794,042        0       97       0         4.08

3. Verify the Wait Events section of the AWR report; you will likely see something like this:

-> s -second
-> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)

                                                    % Time   Total Wait   Avg        Waits
Event                               Waits           -outs    Time (s)     Wait (ms)  /txn
----------------------------        --------------  -------  -----------  ---------  -----
db file sequential read                  2,580,474    .0          35,544        14     3.3
SQL*Net more data from client  **          659,140    .0           5,513         8     0.9
enq: HW - contention                        88,910    .0           2,890        33*    0.1
log file sync                              777,146    .0           1,688         2     1.0
read by other session                      103,140    .0             929         9     0.1
SQL*Net break/reset to client              114,782    .0             813         7     0.1
enq: TX - row lock contention ***              380  43.4***          557      1466*    0.0
log file parallel write                    552,663    .0             394         1     0.7
latch: cache buffers chains                 55,203    .0             382         7     0.1

4. Now that you have gathered all this information, find the object that is experiencing this wait event of enq: HW. Run the following query to isolate the objects that are encountering any enq: HW contention between the AWR snapshot interval chosen in your AWR report:

FROM dba_hist_active_sess_history
WHERE snap_id BETWEEN 1072 AND 1076
AND time_waited > 0
AND current_obj# <> -1
ORDER BY time_waited, event, sql_id;

5. Capture the values for current_obj# from the previous query and supply that value to the following query:

FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_id = [current_obj# of query above];

The following alternative query shows crucial information when you need to isolate the object name, object type, and (most important) the SQL identifier corresponding to the statements that are suffering from enq: HW contention:

SQL> col object_name format a30
SQL> col program format a30
SQL> col event format a30
 from v$active_session_history a, dba_objects o
 where a.current_obj# = o.object_id
 and a.event like 'enq%HW%';

CUR_     OBJ_NAME         OWN   OBJECT_   CUR_      SESS     SQL_ID         EVENT
OBJ#                            TYPE      BLOCK#
-------  ---------------  ----  --------  --------  -------  ---------      ------
235738   MLOG$_ENI_OLTP_  ENI   TABLE     100747    WAITING  0ghshjjvf86bg  enq: HW -
         ITEM_STAR                                                          contention
612464   HIST_PEDIDOS     B2W   TABLE     394731    WAITING  9phv0npccjqa2  enq: HW -

6. Before adding extents to this object, it is advisable to check the object’s extent sizes:

SELECT COUNT(*), bytes/1024/1024 "MB"
  FROM dba_extents
 WHERE segment_name = 'HIST_PEDIDOS' AND owner='B2W'
 GROUP BY bytes;

---------- ----------
   1969801     131072

7. Now that you know the largest extent size for the object, you simply add several new extents for it. Use SQL to construct the necessary MODIFY PARTITION commands based on a partition that is already known:

  'alter table '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' modify partition '||partition_name||' lob ('||column_name ||') (allocate extent (size 131072));'
  FROM dba_lob_partitions
 WHERE table_name = 'HIST_PEDIDOS'
   AND partition_name like '%2014%';

In our experience, after enough new extents are added—we recommend adding at least 20!—the enq: HW contention will simply disappear from the database’s wait events and applications will start running faster again.

While adding extents manually is a good way to relieve this contention temporarily, it should be noted that it’s not a permanent solution. Because the enq: HW enqueue occurs when we want to extend the high-watermark of the LOB faster than the foreground process can acquire and format the new LOB chunks, we are simply doing the work proactively for the foreground processes by allocating the new extents manually. However, depending on how much space we need to grow for the incoming workload, 30 or even 50 extents will give the application some time to fulfill that space before it begins to encounter the HW enqueue again. So depending on the situation and expected size and duration of the application workload, allocating extents manually will only temporarily fix the issue.

Also, it’s important to note that, as is the case with almost all data definition languages (DDLs), manually allocating an extent does require the database to obtain an exclusive lock on the segment; therefore, depending on the level of concurrency, you won’t be able to work around it unless there is sufficient downtime. Thus, it’s a good idea to capture these query results into an alert script that would monitor these events in your database and raise a corresponding alert should this situation arise.

BASICFILE LOB Issues: Toward a More Perfect Fix

Here are some other possible solutions to permanently increase the throughput of LOB chunks allocated to the LOB segment:

Image Move the LOB segment to a tablespace with a larger UNIFORM extent size. This has proved to be the most effective method because large UNIFORM extents provide more chunks per HW operation.

Image Increase the LOB chunk size. First, determine the average size of LOB data via procedure DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH, and then set the LOB’s chunk size to between 120 and 150 percent of the average size of the LOB data.

Image Increase the size of chunk size reclamation by setting event 44951 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 1024. Once a LOB hits its high-watermark, it will try to reclaim space inside the segment first by purging old images of LOB data based on the setting for PCTVERSION or RETENTION parameters. Setting this event increases how many chunks Oracle will try to reclaim in a single operation, thus making it more effective when enqueue HW waits are encountered. This strategy is complementary with the proper sizing of the LOB’s chunk size, as previously described.

Image Make sure that Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM) has been activated for the tablespace in which the LOB resides. This is a prerequisite for SECUREFILE LOBs as well.

Finally, it’s important to note that even in Oracle Database Release there was a nasty bug that could corrupt the segment header (thus making the whole segment corrupt) when a manual ALLOCATE EXTENT operation was interrupted, especially for LOB segments. See My Oracle Support (MOS) Note 1229669.1, “Segment header corruption if extent allocation operation is interrupted,” for complete information.


Oracle Database 11g’s new SECUREFILE option for storing LOB datatypes offers better options for managing LOB datatypes, including LOB deduplication, encryption, and compression. It’s therefore strongly recommended that you migrate your BASICFILE LOBs to SECUREFILE LOBs if your database is being upgraded from Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g; by doing so, you are likely to improve LOB performance and manageability while simultaneously overcoming several of the problems we discussed in the previous section. However, your database’s transition to SECUREFILE LOBs will not necessarily be seamless, as the following scenarios demonstrate.

One issue you may encounter will be readily obvious when an application first inserts data into this new LOB that has been migrated to a SECUREFILE format. If you have an or database, you could have some serious problems when inserting data into this LOB field regardless of whether it’s in BASICFILE or SECUREFILE format. (Note that this particular bug has been repaired in

It’s also important to recognize how a LOB’s storage parameters affect its performance; here is a brief summary of the most crucial ones:

Image CHUNK specifies the smallest unit of LOBSEGMENT and is always a multiple of the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter. So if your database’s DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 16 KB and you insert 2 KB worth of data into a LOB column, 14 KB is simply wasted space. Because the maximum chunk size is 32 KB, it’s important to specify CHUNK so that space isn’t being wasted unnecessarily.

Image The CACHE directive tells Oracle to retain LOB data in the database buffer cache, whereas the NOCACHE setting never brings LOB data into the buffer cache. The end result is that Oracle will use direct read/writes for NOCACHEd data (indicated by the direct path read/write wait event) and perform reads/writes from the database buffer cache for CACHEd data (indicated by the db file sequential read wait event). Also note that for LOB data that will only be read and never written, a third option—CACHE READS—brings LOB data into the buffer cache only during reads, not during writes.

Image The LOGGING option enables the logging of changed LOB data to the online redo logs. If you want to improve performance for data manipulation language (DML) executed against your LOB data and know that your application’s recovery requirements don’t require logging of changed LOB data, consider setting the LOB to NOLOGGING. Note that if you specify NOLOGGING for an in-line LOB, any changes to its data will still be logged in the online redo logs.

LOB New and Old Type Differences

To illustrate the difference between these two LOB formats, let’s create two tables, one with a BASICFILE LOB and the other with a SECUREFILE LOB:

1. Create table test1 so that it contains a BASICFILE LOB column. Remember that if you are performing these tests in Oracle Database 12c, you must specify the parameter BASICFILE to use this type of storage because, starting in that release, the default option during LOB creation is now SECUREFILE:

CREATE TABLE test1 (col1 CLOB,col2 number)
tablespace TS_GG_DATA;

When a table containing a LOB segment is created, it creates two different segment types: LOBSEGMENT and LOBINDEX. As its name suggests, LOBINDEX is an index used to access the pages or “chunks” of its corresponding LOBSEGMENT. The following query illustrates:

SYS@ORCL AS SYSDBA> SELECT COUNT(*), segment_name, segment_type
FROM dba_extents
WHERE segment_name = 'TEST1'
GROUP BY segment_name, segment_type;

---------- -------------- ------------
        24 TEST1          TABLE

2. Create the test2 table using the SECUREFILE LOB option:

CREATE TABLE test2 (col1 CLOB,col2 number)
tablespace TS_GG_DATA;

3. Run the following query to validate the tables and their corresponding LOB datatypes using the DBA_LOBS view:

set lines 200
col column_name for a30
FROM dba_lobs
WHERE table_name like 'TEST%';

TABLE_NAME                   COLUMN_NAME           SEGMENT_NAME              SECURE
---------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- ------
TEST1                        COL                   SYS_LOB0000088862C00001$$ YES
TEST2                        COL1                  SYS_LOB0000088867C00001$$ NO

4. Using a simple loop in an anonymous Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) block, run the following test to concatenate a value to create different values to insert 1 million rows into both types of LOB segments. Of course, be sure that there is sufficient space in the LOB segments’ tablespaces and corresponding Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk group before attempting this test:


-- Load TEST1
   FOR v_Count_1 IN 1..1000000 LOOP
     INSERT INTO TEST1(col1) VALUES ('testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_1);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:03:00.40

-- Load TEST2

   FOR v_Count_1 IN 1..1000000 LOOP
     INSERT INTO TEST2(col1) VALUES ('testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_1);

22:00:55   2  22:00:55   3  22:00:55   4  22:00:55   5  22:00:55   6  22:00:55   7

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:09:11.61

As these tests prove, inserting into a SECUREFILE LOB is over three times more efficient (180 s vs. 551 s) than when inserting the same data into a SECUREFILE LOB on an Oracle 11g Release 2 database.

5. Run the following, and you’ll see that there is no significant difference in performance for update statements between BASICFILE and SECUREFILE LOBs:

   FOR v_Count_2 IN 1..1000 LOOP
     update TEST2 set col1 = 'testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_2 where rownum <100;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:03.93

   FOR v_Count_2 IN 1..1000 LOOP
     update TEST1 set col1 = 'testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_2 where rownum <100;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:03.62

6. However, it is important to remember that after data in a LOB segment has been updated and/or deleted, it’s possible that the LOB could become seriously fragmented. It’s therefore advisable to shrink the LOB using the following command:

-- For Oracle Database 10.2 and above:
ALTER TABLE <table name>
    MODIFY LOB (<lob column name>) (SHRINK SPACE [CASCADE]);

-- For Oracle Database 10.1 and below:
ALTER TABLE <table name>
    MOVE LOB (<lob column name>) STORE AS (TABLESPACE <tablespace name>);


Migrating a BASICFILE LOB to a SECUREFILE LOB can be done using one simple command, as follows:


Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:23.54

However, one disadvantage of this simple migration strategy is that the LOB will be inaccessible for any DML activity while the migration completes. Another way to migrate a BASICFILE to a SECUREFILE LOB in ONLINE mode is to use the DBMS_REDEFINITION package, as our next example shows:

1. If the user account that’s going to be used for the LOB migration doesn’t have SYSDBA privileges, run the following to grant specific privileges to that account so that it can perform the migration:

-- Create the migrating user (if it doesn't yet exist)...
grant dba to tt identified by tt123;

-- ... or grant the existing user account the necessary specific privileges
-- so it can use DBMS_REDEFINITION
grant execute on dbms_redefinition to tt;
grant alter any table to tt;
grant drop any table to tt;
grant lock any table to tt;
grant create any table to tt;
grant select any table to tt;
grant create session to tt;

2. Create the tables for this example. This includes the table that will be converted (test3) as well as the table that will be used in the migration (test4) that’s known as the interim table:

col2 CLOB
); 23:03:10   2  23:03:10   3  23:03:10   4

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.11

3. Insert some example data into test3 for demonstration purposes:

   FOR v_Count_2 IN 1..10000 LOOP
     INSERT INTO TEST3(col1,col2) VALUES (v_count_2,'testInsertColLOBTest3'||v_count_2);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:01.82

4. Create the interim table (test4), which will act as a staging table that will store data being inserted, deleted, or updated while the online migration proceeds:

col2 CLOB

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05

5. Start the redefinition of table test3 using the START_REDEF_TABLE procedure of package DBMS_REDEFINITION:

23:07:09 TT@ORCL > DECLARE
   col_mapping VARCHAR2(1000);
   col_mapping := 'col1 col1, '|| 'col2 col2';
   DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE('tt', 'test3', 'test4', col_mapping);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.97

6. To insure that all of the constraints are copied from the original table to the interim table, invoke the COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS procedure of DBMS_REDEFINITION as follows:

23:07:42 TT@ORCL > DECLARE
   error_count pls_integer := 0;
  uname=> 'tt',
  orig_table=> 'test3',
  int_table=>  'test4',
  copy_triggers=> TRUE,
  copy_constraints=> TRUE,
  copy_privileges=> TRUE,
  copy_statistics=> FALSE,
  num_errors=> error_count);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('errors := ' || TO_CHAR(error_count));

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:05.89

7. Finish the redefinition of table test3 to table test4 using the FINISH_REDEF_TABLE procedure of DBMS_REDEFINITION:

23:08:10 TT@ORCL > EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE('tt', 'test3', 'test4');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:02.52

8. Verify that the column in table test3 that was originally a BASICFILE LOB is now a SECUREFILE LOB via the following query against DBA_LOBS:

23:18:33 TT@ORCL > select owner,table_name,column_name,securefile
                   from dba_lobs where table_name='TEST3';

OWNER       TABLE_NAME             COLUMN_NAME            SEC
----------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------
TT          TEST3                  COL2                   YES

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
23:18:53 TT@ORCL >

Another way to perform an online, high-availability migration between BASICFILE and SECUREFILE LOBs is to use CTAS (create table as select) in conjunction with Oracle GoldenGate on the same source and target databases to replicate data. This makes it possible to sync up the original and new tables’ contents after the CTAS operation that transforms the tables is completed. Once the migration is complete, there will be only a brief window of application downtime while original and new tables are renamed.

The Impact of PCTFREE on LOBs

Setting an appropriate value for the PCTFREE parameter is critical to avoiding wasted space while creating tables with in-line LOB columns. PCTFREE specifies the minimum percentage of free space in a block that the Oracle database reserves when updating existing rows in a table, so it’s mainly designed to inhibit unnecessary row migration when a row piece no longer fits within a block after the row piece is updated and grows in length.

The default value for PCTFREE is 10 percent, but it’s not unusual to see it set to a higher value to prevent row migration. For example, if a table’s PCTFREE value has been set to 30, Oracle will ensure that 30 percent of the block is reserved for row-length growth after the rows have been updated. When a new row piece is inserted into this block and 70 percent of the space has been used, then the block is marked as full and the next row will be inserted into another block with sufficient free space.

However, a larger-than-normal value for PCTFREE can also mean that huge amounts of free space can be inadvertently wasted when a table contains in-line LOB columns. Our next example demonstrates just how much space can be saved in this situation:

1. Create a simple table with a LOB column and PCTFREE equal to 40 percent, insert 100,000 rows into this new table, and then verify the row count and gather optimizer statistics:

SYS@ORCL AS SYSDBA> create table tt.test_pctfree (col1 clob) PCTFREE 40;

Table created.

   FOR v_Count_2 IN 1..100000 LOOP
     INSERT INTO tt.test_pctfree
           VALUES ('testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_2);

SYS@ORCL AS SYSDBA> select count(*) from tt.test_pctfree;



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2. Check the number of blocks and the average size of each block on this table:


---------- ---------- ----------
      1504       3362         40

3. Truncate the table and change its PCTFREE of example table to 0 (zero):

SYS@ORCL AS SYSDBA> truncate table tt.test_pctfree;

Table truncated.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.07

SYS@ORCL AS SYSDBA> alter table tt.test_pctfree pctfree 0;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

4. Insert the same quantity of rows again and regather statistics:

   FOR v_Count_2 IN 1..100000 LOOP
     INSERT INTO tt.test_pctfree VALUES ('testInsertColLOBTest2'||v_count_2);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:14.13


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.22

5. Verify the new values of blocks and average space that each block consumes:

  2    3    4    5    6    7    8
---------- ---------- ----------
       874        303          0

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

As this demonstration shows, the number of blocks consumed is much lower: 874 for a PCTFREE of 0 percent versus 1,504 when PCTFREE is 40 percent, or an improvement of about 41 percent. Using a high value for PCTREE in tables with LOB columns can represent a huge waste of space, and this is why some LOB tablespaces become incredibly huge, which tends to make their reorganization difficult. If a table that contains LOBs has not yet been partitioned, there’s an excellent chance that an Oracle DBA could be held hostage to this table’s space demands because it may become nearly impossible to find a sufficient window of time to recreate the table, even when using DBMS_REDEFINITION.

It is important to emphasize that reducing wasted space within a table with LOBs applies just to inline LOBs. As this example showed, the data inserted was quite small, and most of it was stored within the table itself; for this reason, it was significantly affected by the PCTFREE value of the table. For out-of-line LOBs, however, the table’s PCTFREE setting is not a factor because LOB space is allocated and maintained in units of chunks (which are several blocks long) and not on a block-by-block basis as with a table segment.

While LOB datatypes (BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and BFILE) do not use the PCTFREE storage parameter or free lists to manage free space, the same strategy to manage LOB space growth can be applied to chunk size when dealing with out-of-line LOBs. Chunk size should therefore be set to a larger value than the average size of LOB data if updates are expected to increase their size; otherwise, LOB data migration might occur, and application performance may be significantly degraded, because each LOB retrieval will be forced to retrieve twice as many LOB chunks.

One final but crucial caveat to remember is that the chunk size also impacts the size of the redo generated during DML against LOB data. A redo record must be generated for the entire chunk, so the size of the chunk has a direct impact on how much redo will be generated, and there will be a definite corresponding impact on DML performance. It’s therefore important to be sure to set chunk size no larger than necessary.

Overcoming Poor INSERT Performance

If your application code should encounter unexpectedly poor performance during INSERTs after migrating from BASICFILE to SECUREFILE LOBs in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, be aware that there is a rather pernicious bug in release that is documented in MOS Note 1323933.1, “Securefiles performance appears slower than basicfile LOB.”

To verify that this bug is really what is causing poor INSERT performance (as well as provide a quick workaround for this problem), use the following command to change the _kdli_sio_fileopen parameter to an appropriate value at the session level before continuing to perform INSERTs against the table that contains one or more SECUREFILE LOB columns:

SQL> alter session set "_kdli_sio_fileopen"='nodsync';

The MOS note strongly suggests applying an appropriate patch for your database version to fix the problem permanently. Finally, note that as of release, this bug has been repaired.


From this chapter, you have learned that the more tables with LOB columns you have, the more likely you are to encounter problems regarding LOB performance and maintenance. The recommendation you must always follow is that whenever creating a new table with LOB columns, try to use the best storage parameters that fit exactly the behavior of its corresponding table:

Image For tables that will never be updated, be sure to set PCTFREE to a value of zero (0).

Image If you do not really need to use LOB storage, consider using VARCHAR or RAW instead.

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