

Access structures, 296

ACS (adaptive cursor sharing)

bind-awareness monitoring, 6173

demonstration, 5861

and SPM. See SPM (SQL plan management), adaptive cursor sharing.

working algorithm, 5257

ACS (adaptive cursor sharing), bind sensitiveness with

equality predicate histograms, 5556

partition keys, 5657

range predicate, 5255

ACS (adaptive cursor sharing), bind-aware cursors

creating, examples, 6673

description, 7376

performance issue, example, 7681

Active Data Guard, 279

Active Session History (ASH). See ASH (Active Session History).

Actuator arms, 388

Adams, Steve, 370

ADD_FILE command, 317, 319

ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor), finding buffer busy wait event information, 41

Administrative tasks, utilities and commands, 283

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 160162, 326, 410

ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository), 276277

Advanced Index Compression, 162

Advanced Row Compression, 160

Alert logs, 277

ALL_ROWS parameter, 117122



ALTER INDEX <index name> VISIBLE command, 441


Alter table operation, 142144, 147152

ALTER TABLESPACE <tablespace_name> FLASHBACK OFF command, 179

AMM (Automatic Memory Management), 281

Antivirus software, 281

ASH (Active Session History)

buffer busy wait event information, 4344

finding latch contention, 373375

waiting sessions, 4546

ASM (Automatic Storage Management), disk groups on Exadata, 416418

ATTACH parameter, 319

Automatic Data Optimization (ADO), 160162, 326, 410

Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM), 41, 277

Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR), 276277

Automatic Maintenance Tasks (AUTOTASK) framework, 290291

Automatic Memory Management (AMM), 281

Automatic Storage Management (ASM), disk groups on Exadata, 416418

AUTOTASK (Automatic Maintenance Tasks) framework, 290291

Autotuning retention values, disabling, 21

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository). See also Performance tuning.

basic reports, 198

buffer pool advisory, 239240

buffer pool statistics, 237240

buffer waits statistics, 247248

description, 197198

disk spills, 264266

dynamic memory components, 260262

enqueue statistics, 248250

excessive disk spills, 246

finding buffer busy wait event information, 4143

initialization parameter changes, verifying, 266

instance recovery statistics, 239

Java pool advisory, 245246, 247

library cache activity, 257260

OOS (out-of-space) errors, 251

overloaded buffer cache, 239

resource limits, 266

segment access, 255257

SGA target advisory, 245246

shared pool statistics, 244245

STO (snapshot too old), 251

stream pool size, 264266

streams components, 264266

streams pool advisory, 245246

tablespace I/O statistics, 235237

time model statistics, 211212

timing, 266

undo segment statistics, 250251

what to look for, 199

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), header section

buffer hit percentage, 202

buffer nowait percentage, 202

instance CPU, 207

instance efficiencies, 202203

latch hit percentage, 203

library hit percentage, 202

load average, 206207

load profile, 201202

log file stress, 206

memory sort percentage, 202203

memory statistics, 207208

non-parse CPU percentage, 203

overview, 199201

redo nowait percentage, 202

shared pool memory statistics, 203

soft parse percentage, 203

wait events, 203206

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), instance activity statistics

absolute values, 232233

consistent gets, 224

dirty blocks, 224

enqueue, 224

execution count, 225

free buffer, 225

GC (global cache), 225

index fetch by key, 226

index scan, 226

index scans kdiixs1, 226

leaf nodes, 226

open cursors, 226

overview, 221224

parses, 226

physical reads and writes, 226

recursive calls, 229

redo related, 229

session cursor, 229230

sorts, 230

summed dirty queue length, 230

table fetch, 230231

thread activity, 233

transaction rollback, 231

undo change vector, 231232

user I/O wait time, 232

work area, 232

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), latch statistics

latch activity, 253

miss sources, 254255

no latch available, 253254

overview, 251253

parent and child latches, 255

Pct Get Misses, 253

Pct NoWait Misses, 253

sleep breakdown, 253254

sleep summary, 255

spin count, 254

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), OS statistics

background wait events, 214215

foreground wait events, 213214

overview, 212213

service related statistics, 216217

wait event histograms, 215216

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), PGA statistics

aggregate summary, 241242

aggregate target histogram, 242243

aggregate target statistics, 242

cache hit percentages, 241242

memory advisor, 243244

OOBs (out-of-band-sorts), 243

overview, 240241

rolled up usage data, 241242

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), process memory

overview, 262263

process memory summary, 264

SGA breakdown difference, 264

SGA memory summary, 264

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), RAC-specific pages

cluster interconnects, 210

global cache and enqueue services, 209210, 268273

global cache load statistics, 209

global cache transfer statistics, 271272

global CR served statistics, 271

global current served statistics, 271

global enqueue statistics, 271

hot blocks, 271

RAC statistics (CPU), 208

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), SQL sections

buffer gets, total, 218219

cluster wait time, 220221

CPU time, total, 218

disk reads, total, 219

elapsed time, total, 217218

executions, total, 219

overview, 217218

parse calls, 219220

recursive calls, 218

recursive CPU usage, 218

unsafe bind variables, 220

version count, 220

awrddrpi.sql script, 198

awrddrpt.sql script, 198

awrgdrpt.sql script, 198

awrgrpt.sql script, 198

awrrpti.sql script, 198

awrrpt.sql script, 198

awrsqrpti.sql script, 198

awrsqrpt.sql script, 198


Background wait event statistics, 214215

Backup and recovery. See also RMAN (Recovery Manager).

backup optimization and tuning, 187188

BCT (block change tracking), 170, 178

best practices, 170172

Data Guard configuration, 172

DRA (Data Recovery Advisor), 193194

Exadata solutions, 171

excluding tablespaces, 179

Flashback Database features enabling/disabling, 179

FRA (fast recovery area), 179

guaranteed restore points, 179

most recently detected failures, 193

recovery factors, 174

recovery strategies, 192193

rewinding in Oracle Flashback technology, 178179

RPO (recovery point objective), 174

RTO (recovery time objective), 174

TSPITR (tablespace point-in-time recovery), 179

for VLABs and XLABs, 170172

Backup and recovery, backup strategies

binary compression, 176177

compressed backups, 176177

cumulative incremental backups, 177

decompression, 177

differential incremental backups, 177

disk-based backup, 179, 189

full backups, 176

incremental backups, 176178

IUIC (incrementally updatable image copies), 180186

key elements, 175176

null block compression, 176

RFF (recover forward forever), 180186

unused block compression, 176


BACKUP OPTIMIZATION setting, 188, 192

_backup_disk_bufcnt parameter, 189

_backup_disk_bufsz parameter, 189

_backup_file_bufcnt parameter, 189

_backup_file_bufsz parameter, 189

Balanced tree (B-tree) indexes, 422425, 432

BASICFILE LOBs. See also LOB (large object) data type.

issues, 8



example, 1214

poor INSERT performance, 17

BCT (block change tracking)

definition, 170

enabling, 178

BFILE data type, managing free space, 16

Bigfile tablespaces, 156157

Binary compression, 176177

Binary large object (BLOB), managing free space, 16

Bind variable technique, 376378

Bind variables

identifying, 451

SPM (SQL plan management), 86

Bind-awareness monitoring, 6173

Bitmap indexes, 425426

Bitmap join indexes, 431

BLOB (binary large object), managing free space, 16

Block-checking parameters, configuring, 279

Blocks, SSD, 392

blocksize designation parameter, 237238

Books and publications

“ASMM vs. AMM and LINUX HugePages Support,” 281

“HugePages and Oracle 11g Automatic Memory Management (AMM) on Linux,” 281

Oracle Database 12c Reference Guide, 36

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer’s Guide, 1

Oracle Exadata Expert’s Handbook, 414

Oracle Tuning Guide and Concepts Manual, 199

Oracle8i Internal Services, 370371

Bottlenecks. See Performance bottlenecks.

Branch pages, 422

B-tree (balanced tree) indexes, 422425, 432

BUCKET_ID, COUNT relationship, 6266

Buffer busy wait events

buffer busy, 36

finding waiting sessions, 4546

fixes for, 4950

gc buffer busy, 36

gc buffer busy acquire, 36

gc buffer busy release, 36

isolating issues, 4549

key tools. See ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor); ASH (Active Session History); AWR (Automatic Workload Repository); ORAchk utility.

overview, 3536

performance bottlenecks, isolating, 4749

read by other session, 36

types of, 36

Buffer busy wait events, finding event information with

ADDM, 41

ASH, 4344

AWR, 4143

buffer busy waits, 239

Buffer gets, analyzing, 218219

Buffer hit percentage, analyzing, 202

Buffer nowait percentage, analyzing, 202

Buffer pool

advisory, 239240

statistics, 237240

waits statistics, 247248


Cache buffers lru chain latch, 382

CACHE directive, 9

Cache hit percentages, 241242

Caching, 9

CBC (cache buffer chain) latches, 379381

C_DDL column

in a column group extension, 140142

default value changes, 142144

and indexes, 145147

in a virtual column, 139140

Cells, 391392

Child latches, 255

CHM (Cluster Health Monitor), 278

CHUNK parameter, 9

Chunk size, specifying, 9

CLOB (character large object), managing free space, 16

Cloning databases, 330

Cluster interconnects analyzing, 210

Cluster wait time, analyzing, 220221

Clustering factors, indexes, 435436

Clusterware componentry status, checking, 283284

Columns, with default values, adding to tables. See DDL (data definition language) optimization.

COMPARE method, 451

Composite indexes, 430

Compressed backups, 176177

Compressed indexes, 431


data, 159160

managing LOB data types, 8

SSDs (solid-state drives), 410

table, 160

Compression, VLDBs and XLDBs

Advanced Index Compression, 162

Advanced Row Compression, 160

data compression, 159160

HCC (Hybrid Columnar Compressions), 160

Oracle Advanced Compression, 160

table compression, 160

Concatenated indexes, 430

CONCURRENT global preference, 169

Configuration information, displaying, 287288

Consistent gets, instance activity statistics, 224

CONTENT parameter, 306


hanging databases, 2224

interinstance, 441

latches and mutexes. See Latches and mutexes, contention.

sequences and indexes, 442

CONTINUE_CLIENT command, 319


Copying. See also Data Pump; Migration.

cloning databases, 330

duplicate schema objects, 305

entire databases, 305

objects between databases, 304305

from Oracle Database 9i or older, 305

schemas between databases, 304305

table metadata only, 306

tables between databases, 305

tablespaces, 306

CPT (cross-platform transport), 331, 344345

CPU management, 281

CPU time, analyzing, 218

CPU_COUNT parameter, 281

Cross-platform transportable tablespaces (XTTS), 331, 340343

crsctl check commands, 283

crsctl get commands, 284285

crsctl query commands, 284

crsctl status commands, 284286

CRSCTL (Oracle Clusterware Control) utility, 283

Cumulative incremental backups, 177

CURSOR_SHARING parameter, 377


Data, excluding from export, 321

Data block corruption, protecting against, 279

Data block size, optimal, 155156

Data compression, 159160. See also Compression.

Data definition language (DDL) optimization. See DDL (data definition language) optimization.

Data dictionary object block corruption, 3031

Data Guard, physical standby database, 333

Data Guard backup and recovery configuration, 172

Data partitioning, 158159

Data Pump. See also Copying; Exporting; Importing; Migration.

changing object properties, 313317

copying objects, 304305

database directory location, specifying, 306

database links, saving and restoring, 307

database links and synonyms, exporting, 307308

default storage parameters, 314

excluding BLOB data, 321

exiting, 319

Export/Import utilities, 345

FTE (full transportable export/import), 346, 347350

importing partitioned tables as nonpartitioned, 313

importing table partitions as individual tables, 313

improving performance, 320321

invoking, 303

job name, getting, 319

job status, displaying, 319

log file, specifying, 306

masking database, 314

modes, 305306

monitoring and altering resources, 319

overview, 303304

public and private objects, 306309

renaming tables, 314

return to logging mode, 319

scrambling sensitive data, 314

with SQL*Plus (PL/SQL API), 317319

upgrading databases, 321322

Data Pump, dump files

adding, 319

resizing, 319

scrambling sensitive data, 314

specifying, 306

verifying content of, 308309

Data Pump, tablespaces

consolidating, 315317

names, specifying, 306, 314

resizing, 314

Data Recovery Advisor (DRA), 193194

Data warehouse templates, 154155

Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), 155

Database directory location, specifying, 306

Database Flash Cache (DBFC). See DBFC (Database Flash Cache).

Database links

exporting, 307

saving and restoring, 307

and synonyms, exporting, 307308

Database writer (DBWR) process, 398


cloning, 330

hanging. See Hung databases.

masking sensitive data, 314

upgrading, 321322

very large. See VLDBs (very large databases); XLDBs (extremely large databases).

Databases, transferring data

to another database. See Cloning databases; Data Pump.

from a file. See Importing.

to a file. See Exporting.


I/O stress, 237

limiting the number of, 156157

DATA_PUMP_DIR parameter, 306



DBA_DB_LINKS view, 308

DBA_SYNONYMS view, 308

DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter, 279

DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM parameter, 279

DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant), 155

DB_CACHE_ADVICE parameter, 382

db_cache_size parameter, 261

DBFC (Database Flash Cache)

caching segments, 399400

configuring, 398399

creating, 399

DBWR process, 398

deferred writing of changed blocks, 396

FLASH_CACHE clause, 399400

free buffer waits, 396398

lazy writes, 396

monitoring, 398399

overview, 396

performance statistics, 400402

writing to the flash cache, 398


DB_FLASH_CACHE_FILE parameter, 398399

DB_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE parameter, 398399

DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT parameter, 279

DBMS DEFINITION package, 1214

DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER utility, 339, 344, 349

DBMS_SHARED_POOL parameter, 379

DBMS_SQLDIAG package, 300


DBMS_UNDO_ADV package, 21

DBMS_UNDO_ADVISOR procedure, 21


dbms_xplan package, 88

DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter, 179


DBWR (database writer) process, 398

DBWR_IO_SLAVE parameter, 188

DDL (data definition language) optimization

alter table operation, 142144, 147152

C_DDL column and indexes, 145147

C_DDL column in a column group extension, 140142

C_DDL column in a virtual column, 139140

C_DDL default value changes, 142144

inaccurate cardinality estimates, resolving, 139140

for NUll columns, 147152

overview, 133136

table cardinality estimation, 137138

DEBUG parameter, 188

Decompression, 177

Deduplication, 8

Depth statistics, indexes, 435

DETACH program, 317 script, 278

Differential incremental backups, 177

DIRECTORY parameter, 306

Dirty blocks, instance activity statistics, 224

Disk reads, analyzing, 219

Disk sort, SSDs, 406408

Disk spills, analyzing, 246, 264266

Disk-based backup, 179, 189

DISPATCHERS parameter, 243

Distinct key statistics, indexes, 435

Distributed transactions. See XA (X/Open XA).

DRA (Data Recovery Advisor), 193194

DTP (distributed transaction processing), hanging databases, 2224

Dump files

adding, 319

resizing, 319

scrambling sensitive data, 314

specifying, 306

verifying content of, 308309

DUMPFILE parameter, 306

DUPLICATE DATABASE method, 330, 332333

Dynamic memory components, 260262


Elapsed time, analyzing, 217218

Encryption, 8


definition, 2

instance activity statistics, 224

services, analyzing, 209210

statistics, 248250

Equality predicate histograms, bind sensitiveness with ACS, 5556

Error messages. See specific messages.

ESTIMATE_PERCENT value, getting, 170

EtherChannel, 279

Exachk utility, 280


backup and recovery solutions, 171

SSDs (solid-state drives), 414418

EXCLUDE parameter

exporting public database links and synonyms, 307308

finding valid values, 309310

saving and restoring database links, 307

specifying objects for import/export, 306

Execution count, instance activity statistics, 225

Executions, analyzing, 219

EXIT_CLIENT command, 319

Expdp, common parameters, 306

Exp/imp tools, 305

EXPLAIN PLAN FOR command, 451

Explain plans, comparing original and new, 294

Exporting. See also Copying; Data Pump; Importing.

database links and synonyms, 307

file size, predicting, 305

help for, 306

from a higher version to a lower one, 322

legacy exp/imp tools, 305

from Oracle Database 9i or older, 305

subsets of table data, 310313

EXtended Architecture (XA), hanging databases, 2224

Extended cursor sharing. See ACS (adaptive cursor sharing).

Extents. adding to LOBs, 7

EXTRACT processes, 329

Extremely large databases (XLDBs). See XLDBs (extremely large databases).


Failover, configuring, 280

Fast recovery area (FRA), 179

FILESIZE command, 319

FILESPERSET setting, 192

Filtering data, during migration, 329

FIRST_ROWS parameter, 117122

Flash SSD latency, 389390

Flash technology. See SSDs (solid-state drives).

Flashback Database features enabling/disabling, 179

Flashback options, 280

Flashback technology, rewinding databases, 178179

FLASHBACK_SCAN parameter, 347

FLASH_CACHE clause, 399400

Forced-plan sharing issues, 86

Foreground wait event statistics, 213214

Forensics. See AWR (Automatic Workload Repository).

FRA (fast recovery area), 179

Free buffer, instance activity statistics, 225

Free buffer waits, 396398

free buffer waits statistics, 238

Free global transaction table entry wait event, 460462

Free lists, 393

Free space, minimum percentage, setting, 1417

Full backups, 176

FULL parameter, 305306

Full table scans, SSDs, 404406


Garbage collection, SSDs, 393394


GC (global cache)

analyzing, 209210

enqueue services, analyzing, 268273

instance activity statistics, 225

load statistics, analyzing, 209

times (immediate), analyzing, 272

transfer (immediate), analyzing, 272

transfer statistics, analyzing, 271272

transfer times, analyzing, 272

GC buffer busy acquire events, 36

GC buffer busy events, 36

GC buffer busy release events, 36

Ghost transactions, 457462

Global cache (gc). See GC (global cache).

Global Cache Fusion, 275

Global CR served statistics, analyzing, 271

Global current served statistics, analyzing, 271

Global enqueue statistics, analyzing, 271

Global index hash partitioning, 441

Global partitioned indexes, 427428

Global transactions. See XA (X/Open XA).

GTTs (global temporary tablespace groups)

automatic statistics gathering, 358359

description, 356

separate temporary tablespaces, 356

UNDO activation, 357358


HANGANALYZE procedure, 2728

Hanganalyze utility, 2728

Hanging transactions, 460462

Hard parsing, 376, 378

Hash operations, SSDs, 406408

Hash-partitioned indexes, 432

HCC (Hybrid Columnar Compressions), 160

Health Check script, 447

Heat Map feature, 160162


exporting, 306

migration methods, 351352

MOS (My Oracle Support) resources, 278279

HELP parameter, 306

High-watermark (HW) enqueue events, 2, 47


Hints, forcing an index, 437

Histograms, wait events, 215216

Hot blocks, analyzing, 271

HugePages and Oracle 11g Automatic Memory Management (AMM) on Linux, 281

Hung databases

example, 24

gathering information about, 2728

hanganalyze utility, 2728

Hung databases, caused by

contention, 2224

DTP (distributed transaction processing), 2224

rollback segments, 24

XA (eXtended Architecture), 2224

HW (high-watermark) enqueue events, 2, 47

Hybrid Columnar Compressions (HCC), 160


IDA (In-Database Archiving), 326

ILM (Information Lifecycle Management), 326

Impdp, common parameters, 306

Importing. See also Copying; Data Pump; Exporting; Migration.

default storage parameters, 314

legacy exp/imp tools, 305

from Oracle Database 9i or older, 305

partitioned tables as nonpartitioned, 313

resizing tablespaces, 314

table partitions as individual tables, 313

IMU (in-memory undo) latch, 383

INCLUDE parameter

exporting public database links and synonyms, 307308

finding valid values, 309310

saving and restoring database links, 307

specifying objects for import/export, 306

Incremental backups, 176178

Incremental statistics synopsis, 166168

Incrementally updatable image copies (IUIC), 180186

In-Database Archiving (IDA), 326

Index fetch by key, 226

Index partitioning, local vs. global, 159

Index scan, 226

Index scans kdiixs1, 226

Indexed reads, SSDs, 403


bitmap, 425426

bitmap join, 431

branch pages, 422

B-tree (balanced tree), 422425, 432

composite, 430

compressed, 431

concatenated, 430

creating, 298

global partitioned, 427428

hash partitioned, 432

IOTs (index-organized tables), 430

leaf pages, 422

local partitioned, 427428

making invisible, 439441, 443

multiple on identical columns, 431432

nonunique, 432

parallel operation, 320

parallelism, 425

partial, 429

partition pruning, 427

partitioned, 427429

range partitioned, 432

referencing multiple rows simultaneously, 426

reverse key, 430

root pages, 422

skip-scan operations, 430

unique, 432

Indexes, performance issues

average data blocks per key, 435

average leaf blocks per key, 435

choosing the wrong index type, 437

clustering factor statistics, 435

deleting index entries in a block, 438439

depth statistics, 435

distinct key statistics, 435

ever-increasing values, 441

forcing an index via a hint, 437

global index hash partitioning, 441

hiding unselective indexes, 439441

index overuse, 439

index statistics, 432435

interinstance contention, 441

leaf block statistics, 435

low clustering factors, 435436

monotonically increasing indexes, 441

nonselective indexes, 441

OLTP and read-mostly workload contention, 442

operational considerations, 436439

Oracle sequences and index contention, 442

outmoding initialization parameter settings, 437438

in RAC databases, 441442

reverse key, 441

Index-organized tables (IOTs), 430

Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), 326

Initialization parameter changes, verifying, 266

init.ora parameter, 277

In-memory undo (IMU) latch, 383

_in_memory_undo parameter, 383

Input/output. See I/O.

INSERT performance, after migrating BASICFILE LOBs to SECUREFILE LOBs, 17

Instance activity statistics. See AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), instance activity statistics.

Instance CPU, analyzing, 207

Instance efficiencies, analyzing, 202203

Instance recovery statistics, 239

Interconnect devices, analyzing, 273

Interconnect ping latency, analyzing, 272

Interconnect throughput by client, analyzing, 273

Interinstance contention, 441

Interobject parallelism, 168


deferred writing of changed blocks, 396

physical read/write statistics, 227228

timing for writes, 236

writing to the flash cache, 398

I/O stress, tablespaces or datafiles, 237

IOTs (index-organized tables), 430

IUIC (incrementally updatable image copies), 180186


Java pool advisory, 245246, 247

java_pool_size parameter, 261


_kdli_sio_fileopen parameter, 17

KILL_JOB command, 319

Kks stats latch, 383


Large object (LOB) data type. See LOB (large object) data type.

large_pool_size parameter, 261

LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter, 188, 193

Latch gets, 369

Latch hit percentage, analyzing, 203

Latch misses, 369

Latch sleeps, 369

Latch statistics

activity, 253

miss sources, 254255

no latch available, 253254

overview, 251253

parent and child latches, 255

Pct Get Misses, 253

Pct NoWait Misses, 253

sleep breakdown, 253254

sleep summary, 255

spin count, 254

Latch wait list, 369

Latch wait posting algorithm, 372


cache buffer chains latches, 369

definition, 368370

redo allocation latches, 369

Latches and mutexes

hard parsing, 376, 378

soft parsing, 375

Latches and mutexes, architecture

cache buffer chains latches, 369

internals, 370371

latch gets, 369

latch misses, 369, 371, 373

latch sleeps, 369, 371, 373

latch wait list, 369

latches, definition, 368370

mutexes, definition, 370

overview, 367368

redo allocation latches, 369

spin gets, 369370

spin locks, 369

spinning, 370

test and set instruction, 369

Latches and mutexes, contention

drilling into segments and SQLs, 373375

fine tuning latch algorithms, 383385

identifying individual latches, 372373

intractable latch contention, 383385

latch wait posting algorithm, 372

most common cause, 376

overview, 371372

spinning, 383385

Latches and mutexes, contention scenarios

bind variable technique, 376378

cache buffers lru chain latch, 382

CBC (cache buffer chain) latches, 379381

IMU (in-memory undo) latch, 383

kks stats latch, 383

library cache mutex waits, 375378

library cache pin wait, 378

process allocation latch, 382

RC (result cache) latches, 383

redo allocation latch, 382

session allocation latch, 382

shared pool latches, 378379

simulator lru latch, 382

Lazy writes, 396

Leaf block statistics, indexes, 435

Leaf nodes, instance activity statistics, 226

Leaf pages, 422

Lewis, Jonathan, 118

Library cache activity, analyzing, 257260

Library cache mutex waits, 375378

library cache pin wait, 378

Library hit percentage, analyzing, 202

LIST FAILURE command, 193194

LMS (Lock Management Server), 275

LMTTs (locally managed temporary tablespaces), 354

Load average, analyzing, 206207

Load profile, 201202

LOB (large object) data type. See also BASICFILE LOBs.

caching, 9

chunk size, specifying, 9

compression, 8

deduplication, 8

encryption, 8

enqueue, definition, 2

HW (high-watermark) enqueue events, 2

introduction, 12



logging, enabling, 9

minimum percentage of free space, setting, 1417

storage parameters vs. performance, 9

LOB (large object) data type, example problems

adding extents, 7

database hung, 24

HW resolution, 47

increasing throughput, 8



Local partitioned indexes, 427428

Locally managed temporary tablespaces (LMTTs), 354

Lock Management Server (LMS), 275

Locks. See Latches and mutexes.

Log file, specifying, 306

Log file stress, analyzing, 206

LOGFILE parameter, 306

Logging, enabling, 9

LOGGING option, 9

Logical corruption, 25, 2829

Logical corruption, protecting against, 280

Logical standby database, 328


MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture) guidelines, 279280

Masking sensitive data, 314

Materialized views, creating, 298

MAXOPENFILES setting, 192

MAXPIECESIZE setting, 192

Media corruption, 2932


advisor, PGA, 243244

corruption, 2425, 26

dynamic memory components, 260262

managing, 281

process. See Process memory.

resources, optimizing, 157158

SGA, summary, 264

sort percentage, analyzing, 202203

statistics, analyzing, 207208

memory_max_target parameter, 260261

Memory-related parameters, RMAN (Recovery Manager), 189

memory_target parameter, 260261

METADATA_FILTER program, 317

Migration. See also Copying; Data Pump; Exporting; Importing.

across platforms, 333336

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 326

IDA (In-Database Archiving), 326

ILM (Information Lifecycle Management), 326

legacy exp/imp tools, 305

from Oracle Database 9i or older, 305

overview, 324

purpose of, 324

selecting data for, 326

Migration methods

EXTRACT processes, 329

filtering data, 329

help for, 351352

logical standby database, 328

modifying data on the fly, 329

OGG (Oracle Golden Gate), 329

Oracle Streams, 329

physical standby database, 328

REPLICATE processes, 329

transactional capture, 327329

Migration methods, nontransactional migration

CPT (cross-platform transport), 331, 344345

database cloning, 330

DUPLICATE DATABASE method, 330, 332333

overview, 330

physical standby database, 330, 333

summary of methods, 330331

TDB (transportable database), 330, 333336

transferring just what’s needed, 336340

TTS (transportable tablespaces), 331, 336340

verifying database transportability, 336

XTTS (cross-platform transportable tablespaces), 331, 340343

Migration methods, piecemeal migration

Data Pump Export/Import utilities, 345

Data Pump FTE (full transportable export/import), 346, 347350

manual methods, 345346, 351

partition exchange, 346, 350351

partition migration, 350351

programmed methods, 346

resynchronizing tables, 347

summary of methods, 345346

Migration strategies

read-only tolerance, 325

real-time vs. near real-time, 325

reversibility, 325326

window of inopportunity, 325

Missing transactions, 457458

MLC (multi-level cell) SSDs, 391392


ADDM, 41, 277

bind-awareness, 6173

databases in real-time, 278

DBFC, 398399

distributed transactions, 462464

processes, 278

third-party monitoring tools and utilities, 281

Moore, Gordon, 388

Moore’s law, 388

MOS (My Oracle Support) resources, 278279

Mutexes. See Latches and mutexes.

_mutex_spin_count variable, 384

_mutex_wait_scheme variable, 384

_mutex_wait_time variable, 384


NAND flash, 389

Native caches, SSDs, 405406

NCLOB (national character large object), managing free space, 16

NETWORK_LINK parameter, 347

Nikolaev, Andrey, 371, 384

NLS_SORT parameter, 114117

NOLOGGING clause, 425

Non-parse CPU percentage, analyzing, 203

Nonselective indexes, 441

Nontransactional migration. See Migration methods, nontransactional migration.

Nonunique indexes, 432

Null block compression, 176

NULL columns, DDL optimization, 147152


Object properties, changing, 313317

Objects, copying between databases, 304305

OGG (Oracle Golden Gate), 329

OLTP (online transaction processing)

compression. See Advanced Row Compression.

and read-mostly workload contention, 442

read/write workload, SSDs, 403404

OOBs (out-of-band-sorts), 243

OOS (out-of-space) errors, 251

Open cursors, instance activity statistics, 226

OPEN program, 317

Optimizer. See Oracle Optimizer.

Optimizer statistics, gathering for VLDBs and XLDBs

backup and recovery, 170172

gathering statistics concurrently, 168169

getting ESTIMATE_PERCENT value, 170

incremental statistics synopsis, 166168

interobject parallelism, 168

optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines parameter, 87

optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines parameter, 87

ORA-00439 message, 399

ORA-600 message, 2425

ORA-1578 message, 2425

ORA-1591 message, 458460

ORA-01652 message, 356

ORA-4031 message, 378

ORA-7445 message, 2425

ORAchk utility. See also Buffer busy wait events.

description, 276

downloading, 3738

installing, 3738

sample output, 3840

verifying customization, 38

Oracle Advanced Compression, 160

Oracle Clusterware Control (CRSCTL) utility, 283

Oracle Database 12c Reference Guide, 36

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer’s Guide, 1

Oracle Exadata Expert’s Handbook, 414

Oracle Golden Gate (OGG), 329

Oracle Optimizer, interaction with SPM

ALL_ROWS parameter, 117122

CBO plan does not match SQL plan baseline, 99104

CBO plan matches SQL plan baseline, 9699

FIRST_ROWS parameter, 117122

optimizer mode, selecting, 117122

overview, 96

SQL plan is not reproducible, 104108

Oracle products. See specific products.

Oracle Streams, 329

Oracle Tuning Guide and Concepts Manual, 199

ORATOP utility, 278

OS statistics. See AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), OS statistics.

OSWBB (OS Watcher Black Box), 278

Out-of-band-sorts (OOBs), 243

Out-of-space (OOS) errors, 251

Overloaded buffer cache, 239

Overprovisioning, 393


Pages, SSDs, 392

PARALLEL command, 319

PARALLEL parameter, 320321

Parallelism, indexes, 425

Parallelization, 282

Parent latches, 255

Parse calls, analyzing, 219220

Parses, instance activity statistics, 226

Partial indexes, 429

PARTIAL option, 164165

Partition exchange during migration, 346, 350351

Partition keys, bind sensitiveness with ACS, 5657

Partition migration, 350351

Partition pruning, indexes, 427

Partition tables, 298

Partitioned indexes, 427429


RAC environment, 282

SSDs (solid-state drives), 410

tiering data with SSD partitions, 410414

PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express), 395

Pct Get Misses, 253

Pct NoWait Misses, 253

PCTFREE parameter, 1417

PCTSPACE parameter, 314


effects of storage parameters, 9

full table scan, SSDs, 404405

increasing throughput, example, 8

operating system performance metrics, capturing, 278

RAC databases. See Troubleshooting RAC databases.

SSD writes, 392393

Performance bottlenecks

isolating, 4749

solving with SSDs. See SSDs (solid-state drives).

Performance issues

ACS, example, 7681

indexes. See Indexes, performance issues.

SPM, 86

Performance statistics

DBFC (Database Flash Cache), 400402

indexes, 432435

Performance tuning. See also AWR (Automatic Workload Repository).

backup and recovery, 187188

Data Pump, 320321

disk-based backup performance, 189

large databases. See VLDBs (very large databases), performance tuning; XLDBs (extremely large databases), performance tuning.

queries. See SQLT utility.

Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), 395

PGA (program global area), memory resources, 157158

PGA (program global area), statistics

aggregate summary, 241242

aggregate target histogram, 242243

aggregate target statistics, 242

cache hit percentages, 241242

memory advisor, 243244

OOBs (out-of-band-sorts), 243

overview, 240241

rolled up usage data, 241242

pga_aggregate_target parameter, 262263

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter, 240244, 359

_pga_max_size parameter, 243, 262263

PGA_TARGET parameter tuning, 158

Physical corruption, 25

Physical standby database, 328, 330, 333

Piecemeal migration. See Migration methods, piecemeal migration.

Platters, 388

PL/SQL API (SQL*Plus), with Data Pump, 317

Private cluster interconnect, checking, 277

Private objects, 306309

Process allocation latch, 382

Process memory

overview, 262263

SGA breakdown difference, 264

SGA memory summary, 264

summary, 264

Processes, monitoring, 278

ProcWatcher script, 278

Program global area (PGA), 157158

Programmed migration methods, 346

Public objects, 306309


QUERY parameter, 310313

Query response time, stabilizing. See SPM (SQL plan management).


RAC (real application clusters), definition, 275

RAC Configuration Audit Tool, 278

RAC databases

indexes, 441442

RMAN (Recovery Manager), 189191

troubleshooting. See Troubleshooting RAC databases.

tuning. See Troubleshooting RAC databases.

RAC databases, analyzing with AWR

cluster interconnects, 210

global cache and enqueue services, 209210, 268273

global cache load statistics, 209

global cache times (immediate), 272

global cache transfer (immediate), 272

global cache transfer statistics, 271272

global cache transfer times, 272

global CR served statistics, 271

global current served statistics, 271

global enqueue statistics, 271

hot blocks, 271

interconnect devices, 273

interconnect ping latency, 272

interconnect throughput by client, 273

RAC statistics (CPU), 208

RACcheck tool. See ORAchk utility.

RAM, SSDs, 389

Range predicate, bind sensitiveness with ACS, 5255

Range-partitioned indexes, 432

RC (result cache) latches, 383

Reading. See I/O.

Read-only tolerance, migration strategy, 325

Real application clusters (RAC), definition, 275

Real-time vs. near real-time migration strategy, 325

Recover forward forever (RFF), 180186

Recovery. See Backup and recovery.

Recovery catalogs, retaining data in, 191

Recovery Manager (RMAN). See RMAN (Recovery Manager).

Recovery point objective (RPO), 174

Recovery time objective (RTO), 174

Recursive calls, analyzing, 218

Recursive calls, instance activity statistics, 229

Recursive CPU usage, analyzing, 218

Redo allocation latch, 382

Redo nowait percentage, analyzing, 202

Redo-related instance activity statistics, 229

REMAP_DATA parameter, 314

Renaming tables, 314

REPLICAT processes, 329

Reports, SQLT utility, 447451

Reproducing a SQL plan baseline. See SQL plan baseline, reproducing.

Resizing, dump files, 319

RESMGR:CPU Quantum wait events, 281

Resource limits, analyzing, 266

Resource management, 280281, 283, 285287

Restore points, guaranteed, 179

Restructure SQL statement, 293

Result cache (RC) latches, 383

Retention time, specifying, 2021

Retention values, disabling autotuning of, 21

Reverse-key indexes, 430, 441

Reversibility, migration strategy, 325326

RFF (recover forward forever), 180186

RMAN (Recovery Manager). See also Backup and recovery.

cloning databases, 331333

memory-related parameters, 189

migration methods, 330331

overview, 174175

for RAC databases, 189191

retaining data in a recovery catalog, 191

validating backups, 186187


Rollback segments, hanging databases, 24

Root pages, 422

Rotational latency, 388

RPO (recovery point objective), 174

RTO (recovery time objective), 174


SAMPLE parameter, 311313

SATA (serial advanced technology attachment), 395

SATA vs. PCIe SSD, 395

Schemas, copying between databases, 304305

SCHEMAS parameter, 305306

Scrambling sensitive data, 314

SECTION SIZE parameter, 188


example, 1214

poor INSERT performance, 17


Seek time, 388

Segment access statistics, 255257

Sensitive data, scrambling, 314

Sequences and index contention, 442

Serial advanced technology attachment (SATA), 395

servctl config commands, 287288

Server Control (SRVCTL) utility, 283

Service related statistics, 216217

Session allocation latch, 382

Session cursor, instance activity statistics, 229230

SET_GLOBAL_PREFS procedure, 358359

SGA (system global area)

definition, 368

memory allocation, 157158

memory summary, 264

target advisory, 245246

sga_target parameter, 260261

SGA_TARGET parameter tuning, 157158

Shared pool latches, 378379

Shared pool memory statistics, analyzing, 203

Shared pool statistics, 244245


shared_pool_size parameter, 260261

SHARED_SERVERS parameter, 243

Short stroking, 389

Sierra, Carlos, 94, 445

Simulator lru latch, 382

Single-level cell (SLC) SSDs, 391392

Skip-scan operations, 430

SLC (single-level cell) SSDs, 391392

Sleep, definition, 253

Sleep breakdown, 253254

Sleep summary, 255

Snapshot too old (STO), 251

Soft parse percentage, analyzing, 203

Soft parsing, 375

Solid-state drives (SSDs). See SSDs (solid-state drives).

SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter, 243

Sorts, instance activity statistics, 230

Space, minimum percentage of free space, setting, 1417

Spin gets, 369370

Spin locks, 369

_spin_count parameter, 254

_spin_count variable, 384

Spinning, 383385

SPM (SQL plan management). See also SQL plan baseline.

bind variables, 86

demonstration, 8386

forced-plan sharing issues, 86

getting started, 8386

interaction with Oracle Optimizer. See Oracle Optimizer, interaction with SPM.

performance issues, 86

SPM (SQL plan management), adaptive cursor sharing

Oracle 11g Release, 123127

Oracle 12c Release, 128130

overview, 122123

sqcreate.sql script, 446

sqcsilent.sql script, 446447

sqdefparams.sql script, 446447

SQL (structured query language)

analyzing. See AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), SQL sections.

executing queries on a physical standby database, 451

optimizing. See SQL Tuning Advisor.

performance improvement. See SQL Access Advisor; SQL Performance Advisor.

profiles, 293

query response time, stabilizing. See SPM (SQL plan management).

repairing. See SQL Repair Advisor.

source of, identifying, 218

uppercase vs. lowercase, 218

workload analysis. See SQL Access Advisor.

SQL Access Advisor

indexes, creating, 298

materialized views, creating, 298

in OEM 12c, 295298

overview, 295

partition tables, 298

recommending new access structures, 296

from SQL Tuning Sets page, 296

in SQL*Plus, 298299

structures runtime options, 297

verifying access structures, 296

workload source runtime options, 296

SQL Advisors Home, 290

SQL Performance Advisor, 301

SQL plan baseline, creating, 293. See also SPM (SQL plan management).

capturing plans automatically, 8790

loading plans from the cursor cache, 9092

SQL plan baseline, faking, 9296

SQL plan baseline, reproducing

adding trailing columns to the index, 112113

changing the index type, 111112

NLS_SORT parameter, 114117

optimizer mode, selecting, 117122

overview, 108109

renaming the index, 109111

reversing the index, 113114

SQL plan is not reproducible, 104108, 117122

SQL plan management (SPM). See SPM (SQL plan management).

SQL Repair Advisor, 300

SQL Tuning Advisor

on an individual SQL page, 292

invoking, 290

licensing, 291

on OEM 12c, 291294

overview, 290291

on a set of SQL statements, 292

in SQL*Plus, 294295

SQL Tuning Advisor, recommendations for

comparing original and new explain plans, 294

creating a SQL plan baseline, 293

a restructure SQL statement, 293

SQL profiles, 293

stale statistics, 293

SQLFILE parameter, 308309

sqlhc.sql utility, 447

SQL*Plus (PL/SQL API), with Data Pump, 317

SQLT utility

comparing query execution times, 451

creating reports, 447451

creator of, 445

example, 452453

executing queries on a physical standby database, 451

identifying bind variables, 451

identifying the worst executing query, 452

installing, 446447

overview, 445

trace analysis, 451452

SQLT utility, methods





XECUTE, 447, 448451


XTRACT, 447448




SRVCTL (Server Control) utility, 283

SSDs (solid-state drives). See also DBFC (Database Flash Cache).

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 410

ASM disk groups on Exadata, 416418

compression, 410

and Exadata, 414418

partitioning, 410

redo log optimization, 409410

storage tiering, 410414

tiering data with partitions, 410414

SSDs (solid-state drives), options

disk sort, 406408

full table scan performance, 404405

full table scans, 405406

hash operations, 406408

indexed reads, 403

native caches, 405406

OLTP read/write workload, 403404

redo log optimization, 409410

SSDs (solid-state drives), vs. HDDs

actuator arms, 388

blocks, 392

cells, 391392

economics, 390391

endurance, 392393

flash SSD latency, 389390

free lists, 393

garbage collection, 393394

MLC (multi-level cell), 391392

NAND flash, 389

overprovisioning, 393

overview, 388389

pages, 392

platters, 388

RAM, 389

rotational latency, 388

SATA vs. PCIe SSD, 395

seek time, 388

short stroking, 389

SLC (single-level cell), 391392

SSDs in Oracle databases, 395

storage hierarchy, 391392

stripe magnetic disks, 389

TLC (triple-level cell), 391392

transfer time, 388

wear leveling, 393394

write performance, 392393

Stale statistics, 293

Star configuration, 205

START_JOB program, 317

Statistics. See also AWR (Automatic Workload Repository); Optimizer statistics.

buffer pool, 237240

buffer pool waits, 247248

buffer waits, 247248

DBFC performance, 400402

enqueue, 248250

GC instance activity, 225

GC load, 209

GC transfer, 271272

GTTS, automatic gathering, 358359

instance recovery, 239

I/O, analyzing, 207208

memory, 207208

PGA aggregate target, 242

physical read/write, 227228

service related, 216217

shared pool, 244245

shared pool memory, 203

significantly relevant samples, 259

stale, 293

tablespace I/O, 235237

time model, 211212

undo segment statistics, 250251

VLDB and XLDB optimization, gathering, 168169

Statistics, indexes

clustering factor, 435

depth, 435

distinct key, 435

leaf block, 435

Statistics, RAC databases

global cache load, 209

global cache transfer, 271272

global CR served, 271

global current served, 271

global enqueue, 271

RAC statistics (CPU), 208

STATUS command, 319

STO (snapshot too old), 251

STOP_JOB command, 319

Storage tiering, SSDs (solid-state drives), 410414

Stream pool size, analyzing, 264266

Streams components, 264266

Streams pool advisory, 245246

streams_pool_size parameter, 261

STREAMS_POOL_SIZE parameter, 245246

Stripe magnetic disks, 389

Structured query language (SQL). See SQL (structured query language).

Structures runtime options, 297

Subsets of table data, exporting, 310313

Summed dirty queue length, instance activity statistics, 230

Synonyms, exporting, 307

System global area (SGA). See SGA (system global area).

System statistics. See AWR (Automatic Workload Repository).


Table fetch, instance activity statistics, 230231

Table metadata, copying, 306



cardinality estimation, 137138

compression, 160. See also Compression.

copying between databases, 305

exporting subsets of, 310313

importing partitioned as nonpartitioned, 313

importing partitions as individual tables, 313

renaming, 314

resynchronizing after migration, 347

TABLES parameter, 305306

Tablespace point-in-time recovery (TSPITR), 179


copying, 306

corruption, undoing. See Undo tablespace corruption.

excluding from recovery, 179

I/O statistics, 235237

I/O stress, 237

moving, 413414

temporary. See Temporary tablespaces.

Tablespaces, importing/exporting

consolidating, 315317

names, specifying, 306, 314

resizing, 314

TABLESPACES parameter, 306

TDB (transportable database), 330, 333336

TEMPFILE I/O waits, correcting. See also Temporary tablespaces.

inappropriate extent sizing, 364

inappropriate use of GTTs, 364

undersized PGA, 359363

Temporary tablespace groups (TTGs). See TTGs (temporary tablespace groups).

Temporary tablespaces. See also TEMPFILE I/O waits, correcting.

features, 353354

global. See GTTs (global temporary tablespace groups).

LMTTs (locally managed temporary tablespaces), 354, 355

overview, 353359

read-only databases, 354

Test and set instruction, 369

TFA (Transparent File Analyzer), 276

Thread activity, instance activity statistics, 233

Three A’s of troubleshooting, 277

Tiering data with partitions, SSDs (solid-state drives), 410414

Time model statistics, 211212

Timing, analyzing, 266

TLC (triple-level cell) SSDs, 391392

Trace analysis, SQLT utility, 451452

Trace logs, 277, 278

TRACE parameter, 188

Transaction rollback, instance activity statistics, 231

Transactional capture migration, 327329

transactions_per_rollback_segment parameter, 248, 250251

Transfer time, SSDs, 388

Transparent File Analyzer (TFA), 276

Transportable database (TDB), 330, 333336

Transportable tablespaces (TTS), 331, 336340


TRCANLZR method, 451

TRCASPLIT method, 452

TRCAXTR method, 452

TRIM command, 393

Triple-level cell (TLC) SSDs, 391392

Troubleshooting. See also AWR (Automatic Workload Repository).

backup and recovery, 188

DEBUG parameter, 188

TRACE parameter, 188

Troubleshooting RAC databases. See also ASH (Active Session History); AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), RAC-specific pages.

ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor), 277

ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository), 276277

alert logs, 277

CHM (Cluster Health Monitor), 278

monitoring processes, 278

MOS (My Oracle Support) resources, 278279

with OEM 12c, 282283

operating system performance metrics, capturing, 278

ORAchk health-check tool, 276

ORATOP utility, 278

OSWBB (OS Watcher Black Box), 278

private cluster interconnect, 277

ProcWatcher script, 278

RAC Configuration Audit Tool, 278

real-time monitoring, 278

TFA (Transparent File Analyzer), 276

three A’s, 277

trace logs, 277, 278

Troubleshooting RAC databases, best practices

Active Data Guard, 279

AMM (Automatic Memory Management), 281

antivirus software, 281

backup and recovery strategies. See Backup and recovery, backup strategies.

configuring block-checking parameters, 279

configuring failover, 280

CPU management, 281

EtherChannel, 279

Exachk utility, 280

Flashback options, 280

MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture) guidelines, 279280

maintaining current versions, 280

memory management, 281

parallelization, 282

partitioning, 282

periodic health checks, 280

protecting against data block corruption, 279

protecting against logical corruption, 280

resource management, 280281

third-party monitoring tools and utilities, 281

tuning RAC parameters, 281282

undo retention, setting, 280

Troubleshooting RAC databases, utilities and commands

administrative tasks, 283

checking Clusterware componentry status, 283284

configuration information, displaying, 287288

crsctl check commands, 283

crsctl get commands, 284285

crsctl query commands, 284

crsctl status commands, 284286

CRSCTL (Oracle Clusterware Control) utility, 283

resource management, 283, 285287

servctl config commands, 287288

SRVCTL (Server Control) utility, 283

TSPITR (tablespace point-in-time recovery), 179

TTGs (temporary tablespace groups), 158

adding an existing LMTT, 355

creating, 355

description, 158, 355

multiple, 355

TTS (transportable tablespaces), 331, 336340



UNDO activation, 357358

Undo Advisor, 21

Undo block corruption, 3132

Undo change vector, instance activity statistics, 231232

Undo header corruption, 3132

Undo retention, setting, 280

Undo segment statistics, 250251

Undo tablespace corruption

autotuning retention values, disabling, 21

data dictionary object block corruption, 3031

detecting, 2426


logical corruption, 25, 2829

media corruption, 2932

memory corruption, 2425, 26

physical corruption, 25

preventing, 2426

repairing, 2426

retention time, specifying, 2021


Undo Advisor, 21

undo block corruption, 3132

undo header corruption, 3132

_UNDO_AUTOTUNE parameter, 21

UNDO_RETENTION parameter, 2021

UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter, 19

_UNDO_AUTOTUNE parameter, 21

UNDO_RETENTION parameter, 2021

UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter, 19

Unique indexes, 432

Unsafe bind variables, 220

Unselective indexes, hiding, 439441

Unused block compression, 176

Upgrading databases, 321322

User I/O wait time, instance activity statistics, 232







Validating backups, 186187


V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO view, 188

Verifying database transportability, 336

Version control

exporting from a higher version to a lower one, 322

maintaining current versions, 280

Version count, 220

V$LATCH view, 372

VLDBs (very large databases)

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 160162

Advanced Index Compression, 162

Advanced Row Compression, 160

basic configuration, 154162

bigfile tablespaces, 156157

creating, 154155

data compression, 159160

data partitioning, 158159

data warehouse templates, 154155

HCC (Hybrid Columnar Compressions), 160

Heat Map feature, 160162

index partitioning, local vs. global, 159

limiting the number of datafiles, 156157

memory resources, 157158

optimal data block size, 155156

Oracle Advanced Compression, 160

overview, 153154

PGA (program global area), 157158

SGA (system global area), 157158

table compression, 160

temporary tablespace groups, 158

VLDBs (very large databases), gathering optimizer statistics

backup and recovery, 170172

gathering statistics concurrently, 168169

getting ESTIMATE_PERCENT value, 170

incremental statistics synopsis, 166168

interobject parallelism, 168

VLDBs (very large databases), performance tuning

common issues, 162

indexes and data loading, example, 164165

maximizing resource utilization, 165166

parallelism, 165166

suboptimal application coding, example, 162163


V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE view, 157158

V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE view, 157158


Wait event histograms, 215216

Wait events, analyzing, 203206

Wait for other processes, 239

WAIT_FOR_JOB program, 317

Wear leveling, 393394

Window of inopportunity, 325

Work area instance activity statistics, 232

Workload source runtime options, 296

write complete waits, 238239

Writing. See I/O.


XA (eXtended Architecture), hanging databases, 2224

XA (X/Open XA), distributed transaction issues

common issues, 456457

free global transaction table entry wait event, 460462

ghost transactions, 457462

hanging transactions, 460462

information exists, transaction missing, 457458

missing transactions, 457458

monitoring distributed transactions, 462464

ORA-1591 has no corresponding information, 458460

repairing, 456462

transaction hangs after COMMIT or ROLLBACK, 460462

XECUTE method, 447, 448451

XLDBs (extremely large databases)

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 160162

Advanced Index Compression, 162

Advanced Row Compression, 160

basic configuration, 154162

bigfile tablespaces, 156157

creating, 154155

data compression, 159160

data partitioning, 158159

data warehouse templates, 154155

HCC (Hybrid Columnar Compressions), 160

Heat Map feature, 160162

index partitioning, local vs. global, 159

limiting the number of datafiles, 156157

memory resources, 157158

optimal data block size, 155156

Oracle Advanced Compression, 160

overview, 153154

PGA (program global area), 157158

SGA (system global area), 157158

table compression, 160

temporary tablespace groups, 158

XLDBs (extremely large databases), gathering optimizer statistics

backup and recovery, 170172

gathering statistics concurrently, 168169

getting ESTIMATE_PERCENT value, 170

incremental statistics synopsis, 166168

interobject parallelism, 168

XLDBs (extremely large databases), performance tuning

common issues, 162

indexes and data loading, example, 164165

maximizing resource utilization, 165166

parallelism, 165166

suboptimal application coding, example, 162163

XPLAIN method, 451

XTRACT method, 447448

XTRSBY method, 451

XTRSET method, 452

XTRXEC method, 451

XTTS (cross-platform transportable tablespaces), 331, 340343

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