Assessment Test

  1. What is the last value of the Agile Manifesto?

    1. Responding to change over following a plan
    2. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    4. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  2. Is Scrum an Agile methodology?

    1. Yes. One of many
    2. No. Scrum is a Waterfall method.
    3. Yes. Scrum applies to best practices or methods of Agile.
    4. No. Scrum is a framework.
  3. What does MoSCoW stand for?

    1. Must Scrum Consistently Not Waterfall.
    2. More Scrum Coding Willingly.
    3. Must, Should, Could, and Won’t.
    4. MoSCoW is a made-up acronym.
  4. What is the difference between Waterfall/predictive project management and Agile frameworks?

    1. Waterfall is preplanned and so are Agile projects.
    2. Scope is fixed on Agile projects but not on Waterfall projects.
    3. Agile plans are just in time, and Waterfall projects are preplanned.
    4. They both are project management frameworks.
  5. Bill and Juan are discussing their Scrum project and are trying to understand empirical process control. As their Scrum Master, how would you explain it?

    1. Decisions are made based on observation and experimentation rather than on detailed up-front planning.
    2. Decisions are made based on a business case rather than at the last minute.
    3. Decisions are made based on expert judgment.
    4. Decisions are made by senior management.
  6. Scrum can best be described as which of the following?

    1. A methodology
    2. A philosophy
    3. A framework
    4. A method of project management
  7. XP is an acronym that stands for which of the following?

    1. Extra Projects
    2. Extreme Projects
    3. Extreme Programs
    4. Extreme Programming
  8. Which of the following describes the seven forms of waste on an Agile project?

    1. Kanban
    2. Lean
    3. Kaizen
    4. Crystal
  9. During a sprint, which of the following describes the development team meeting to discuss what they worked on the day before, what they worked on today, and what impediments are in their way?

    1. Daily stand-up meetings
    2. Sprint planning
    3. Sprint review
    4. Daily Scrum
  10. What is the difference between a Waterfall project charter and an Agile project charter?

    1. Agile projects don’t use charters.
    2. Waterfall charters are comprehensive, and Agile charters are more flexible.
    3. Waterfall charters are needed for formal authorization to begin, and Agile charters are just a kickoff document.
    4. There isn’t a difference.
  11. In order for all stakeholders to have an idea as to what the finished product increment will be, what must be discussed and agreed upon?

    1. The final product
    2. The schedule
    3. The definition of done
    4. The scope definition
  12. You are the Agile project manager for a brand-new team who is just learning about Agile frameworks. How do you explain your role on the project?

    1. You are a servant leader.
    2. You manage the product backlog.
    3. You create schedules and budgets for senior management.
    4. You have the final say on the definition of done.
  13. Your newly formed team is experiencing some conflict in work styles and can’t seem to agree on a direction. According to Tuckman’s Ladder, what stage is your team currently in?

    1. Forming
    2. Storming
    3. Norming
    4. Mourning
  14. As an Agile project manager, it is important for you to have a variety of interpersonal skills. This will enable you to better lead your team. Which of the following describes your leadership capabilities?

    1. Effective leadership
    2. Adaptive leadership
    3. Agile leadership
    4. Team leadership
  15. A team that is very new to Agile decides that they will have a bit of an initiation phase to determine how to move forward. The phase will not produce an increment, but it is helpful to determine direction. What is this phase referred to?

    1. Iteration Zero
    2. Initiation phase
    3. Iteration one
    4. Kickoff phase
  16. A distinct iteration length or meeting duration can best be described as which of the following?

    1. Schedule
    2. Timebox
    3. Duration estimation
    4. Epics
  17. Why is planning poker an effective way to plan how much work the team will accomplish in a sprint or iteration?

    1. The team decides what to discuss.
    2. Size is easier to estimate than duration.
    3. The Agile project manager can team build.
    4. It allows for bonding on the team level.
  18. Which of the following best describes how the scope of work is represented?

    1. Tasks
    2. Activities
    3. Maps
    4. User stories
  19. Your customer has explained to the team that they want a software program that will help them with their sales data. After you collect requirements and build out the first increment, the customer states that it isn’t anything like what they were picturing and it is going in the wrong direction. What could have happened to cause this?

    1. The gulf of misunderstanding
    2. The project manager didn’t collect the right information.
    3. The customer doesn’t know what they need.
    4. The customer is just being difficult because they don’t understand software design.
  20. In a group discussion with your stakeholders, the team suggests that they give the customer the equivalent of the total budget in fake money to see how they would spend it and on what features. This is referred to as which of the following?

    1. 100-point method
    2. Kano analysis
    3. Monopoly money
    4. Dot voting
  21. You are the product owner working on the backlog, and your team identifies a risk event that could potentially be more expensive than three of the four features being built. How could the product owner address this?

    1. With a risk-adjusted backlog
    2. With a risk register
    3. With a discussion meeting
    4. With a risk response
  22. Carl is working on a string of code he created several weeks ago in order to make it more efficient without changing its behavior. What is Carl doing?

    1. Tech debt
    2. Refactoring
    3. Bug fix
    4. Fixing defects
  23. Right in the middle of a very important project, the entire team’s computers crash due to a virus. This is an example of which of the following?

    1. A special cause
    2. A common cause
    3. A defect
    4. A risk
  24. Bill is explaining to Ling that the best practice is not to take on too much work in an iteration, which creates partially done work. Which of the following is Bill talking about?

    1. Cycle time
    2. Lead time
    3. Limiting work in progress (WIP)
    4. Risk mitigation
  25. Your team has a chart in its team space that depicts risk mitigation efforts. Currently, the chart shows a downward trend. What does this tell the team?

    1. Risk isn’t being managed effectively.
    2. Mitigation efforts are working.
    3. What is in the risk-adjusted backlog.
    4. The team’s velocity
  26. Dennis and Abdul are working with their team members to reduce the time it takes to produce value. The team is examining the current state and working toward a future state in a visual manner. Which of the following will help with that?

    1. Value stream mapping
    2. Continuous improvement
    3. Shu Ha Ri
    4. Retrospective
  27. You are facilitating your team through an exercise called “remember the future.” Which of the following facilitated meetings are you holding?

    1. Lessons learned
    2. Intraspective
    3. Retrospective
    4. Daily Scrum
  28. Your team has just wrapped up a review with the customer, and it is now meeting to discuss how the iteration went. Which of the following timeboxed meetings is your team in?

    1. Intraspective
    2. Lessons learned
    3. Retrospective
    4. Kick down
  29. Your organization runs mostly Waterfall projects, but it sees the value in several Agile best practices. So, the organization adopts those practices and adds them to the project as a hybrid approach. This is referred to as which of the following?

    1. ScrumBan
    2. Enterprise Scrum
    3. Tailoring
    4. Process improvement
  30. The best type of team space tooling includes having the team be set up in what way?

    1. Colocated
    2. Virtual
    3. A combination of colocated and virtual
    4. How the organization decides it should be set up
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