Chapter 8
Agile Execution and Tracking of Iterations


imagesDomain V: Adaptive Plannning

Adaptive Planning—Levels of Planning:

  • Task 1: Plan at multiple levels (strategic, release, iteration, daily) creating appropriate detail by using rolling wave planning and progressive elaboration to balance predictability of outcomes with ability to exploit opportunities.
  • Task 2: Make planning activities visible and transparent by encouraging participation of key stakeholders and publishing planning results in order to increase commitment level and reduce uncertainty.
  • Task 3: As the project unfolds, set and manage stakeholder expectations by making increasingly specific levels of commitments in order to ensure common understanding of the expected deliverables.

imagesAdaptive Planning—Adaptation:

  • Task 4: Adapt the cadence and the planning process based on results of periodic retrospectives about characteristics and/or the size/complexity/criticality of the project deliverables in order to maximize the value.
  • Task 5: Inspect and adapt the project plan to reflect changes in requirements, schedule, budget, and shifting priorities based on team learning, delivery experience, stakeholder feedback, and defects in order to maximize business value delivered.

imagesAdaptive Planning—Agile Sizing and Estimation:

  • Task 6: Size items by using progressive elaboration techniques in order to determine likely project size independent of team velocity and external variables.
  • Task 7: Adjust capacity by incorporating maintenance and operations demands and other factors in order to create or update the range estimate.
  • Task 8: Create initial scope, schedule, and cost range estimates that reflect current high level understanding of the effort necessary to deliver the project in order to develop a starting point for managing the project.
  • Task 9: Refine scope, schedule, and cost range estimates that reflect the latest understanding of the effort necessary to deliver the project in order to manage the project.
  • Task 10: Continuously use data from changes in resource capacity, project size, and velocity metrics in order to evaluate the estimate to complete.

images In this chapter, you will work through the tasks found in Domain V: Adaptive Planning. The tasks directly relate to the team’s ability to plan in an uncertain environment and adapt to the changing scope of work while maintaining focus on providing value.

The tasks in the content outline include creating and refining initial plans in a progressive manner and managing stakeholder expectations. This is all designed to give you a well-rounded idea of how to plan, adjust, and manage changes throughout the project. This includes elements of identifying key performance indicators and avoiding the misunderstandings that can occur in an Agile project while at the same time tracking performance across the project.

Much of project initiation and determining return on investment was covered in Chapter 4, “Agile Initiation and Stakeholder Engagement,” in the form of business case development and focusing on measuring benefits compared to costs. This chapter will address the planning that comes after initiation while keeping an eye on original value determinations.

Return on Investment and Benefit Measurement Methods

In Chapter 4, you reviewed all of the influencing factors that help to create a business case. Those included payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), and net present value (NPV). As organizations determine which projects to charter, a lot rides on the organization’s ability to obtain some type of return on investment (ROI). Even though ROI differs from organization to organization, the financial bottom line is always a concern. In this chapter, you will be fast-forwarding to the execution of a project and how value is both determined and tracked.

You will review many techniques, which can be executed at a variety of stages in the project. Since each iteration in an Agile project is itself like a mini-project, these best practices may be recycled as many times as necessary to determine budgetary constraints and need for changes as well as checking to make sure that you are building the right thing and building the thing right. All projects follow a type of progressive elaboration, or elaborating progressively on current plans as more information becomes available.

You will start with an approach called the earned value technique. The technique itself is a way to review current performance and compare it to what you thought the performance would be. In traditional project management, earned value is something that is used frequently to compare the current baselines to actual performance. If there is a variance that is too great, then a formal change may have to be enacted to put the project back on track in terms of scope, time, and costs.

While earned value may never show up on your PMI-ACP exam, earned value analysis will show up on the PMP exam should you ever want to pursue that as well. If you have already obtained your PMP, then you know that this section in class required you to memorize a lot of formulas in order to accurately answer questions on the PMP exam. Time to breathe a sigh of relief, mathematically challenged people, since you won’t see this on your PMI-ACP exams, at least not yet anyway. There are always updates and changes to these exams as new best practices are realized and older best practices resurface.

So, you may ask, why the heck are we going through this? Because you may have some old-school customers or stakeholders who want this type of information. You may also be tailoring your projects to contain both Waterfall and Agile best practices and may be called upon to run a report with this information. Therefore, it’s a good skill to have in your back pocket just in case.

Earned Value Analysis

The beginnings of earned value occurred in manufacturing, but it was widely embraced in the 1960s by factions of the US government, specifically the Department of Defense (DoD). You can blame the DoD for the next several pages, because I know will! All kidding aside, the technique is designed to look at the three major constraints on a project—scope, time, and cost—and determine if the project is being successfully executed to the original baselines or not. NASA and the US Department of Energy also use earned value analysis to track their budgets and schedule performance based on the scope of work completed.

A fun fact on earned value is that a massive navel military project was cancelled in 1991 by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney because of the results found after an earned value analysis—not satisfactory results, as I’m sure you figured out. There was too much deviation from the plan and too much time and money being spent on the scope of work.

The Project Management Institute incorporated earned value into the first edition of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide®) in 1987, and there it has remained as a way for organizations to review project performance and make decisions.

To this day, I still have PMP students email me and say that they were asked about the technique in job interviews, and I also get my share of email from students freaking out about the math on the exam. So, now that all the hoopla as to why you should know this has been covered, here is what it is and how it pertains to your Agile and Waterfall projects.

First, we’ll start with an overview of schedule control, and then we’ll move to cost. I’ll review all of the formulas after the introduction to the technique in both areas.

Controlling the Schedule

Earned value can be used in both predictive and Waterfall projects, and with Agile projects, it is important to recognize that there are vast differences between the two where schedules are concerned.

Predictive Projects

Predictive, or traditional, projects set baselines that are approved by the powers that be before the execution of project work. This is done to keep performance on the radar during the entire project and also to know when you have veered off your schedule. The baseline is static (unless a formal change updates the baseline at some point) and the work is fluid and is in the process of being executed.

Tracking schedule performance is iterative in nature and decisions will be made once performance has been tracked. Usually performance reporting is done weekly or even biweekly on longer-term projects. The project manager will check the current status of the schedule and ask for real-time updates from the team in order to acquire the data they need to run the analysis.

Typically, you’ll overhear project managers in their current environment saying things like, “So what you are telling me is that it took you four days longer than planned to complete the work?” or my favorite, “Wait, how long did it take?” Either way, the project manager is keeping track of performance and progress. Often, formal changes to the scope of work will create a change in the schedule and cost baselines, and the domino effect of those changes is tracked across time and cost.

Reserves, buffer time, contingency time, padding your schedule, or whatever you want to call it, is tracked as well. This is to make sure that there is additional time somewhere in the schedule to accommodate a massive swerve from the baseline. Usually, there isn’t additional time ever, but contingencies are often added for schedule risk. FYI, padding your schedule is bad; contingency, though, is fine! (They mean the same thing in the real world.)

Once a deviation is reported, it is then up to the project manager to determine if the deviation is outside the tolerance, and if so, then it’s time to make some changes to fix the deviation. Keep in mind that predictive projects tend to be longer than Agile projects and have more of a set scope of work. Therefore, it is preplanned, baselined, and tracked.

It’s rare that the scope of work would change so much from the original and not result in closing out the current project and starting another project from scratch—charter and everything.

Agile Projects

Performance is tracked a bit differently in Agile projects, and much of tracking takes place on information radiators like Kanban boards, velocity tracking, and burn up and burn down charts. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t aspects of schedule control in the form of more distinct status reports, including earned value reporting. The difference is that in Agile projects, there is a bigger focus on checking the current status of work by comparing what has actually been completed and accepted versus the estimates for completion. There is bound to be a variance due to the potential of pull systems like Kanban, where work is pulled into the iteration once other work is completed. This is less likely in a Scrum environment, where work is chosen and not added to in the middle of a sprint.

In all Agile frameworks, reviews and retrospectives are a large part of keeping track of performance and focusing on continuous improvements. Couple that with a consistent reprioritization of the product backlog and a team focus on velocity, and it’s easy to see that the analysis of performance factors happens on a regular basis.

Regardless of the project type, or if the project itself is tailored to conform to your organizational dynamics, you will have a schedule, budget, and scope of work to complete, all of which can be managed using the earned value technique as needed. The difference is that Agile works from iteration to iteration to improve on processes and results and a predictive Waterfall environment uses up-front baselines and formal change control to fix problems across multiple constraints.

Controlling the Budget

Every project has budgets, which were originally created based on a business case and the decision to charter the project. How organizations determine their financial return on investment (ROI) is mostly based on the costs compared to the benefits.

The majority of projects are funded to provide a financial return to the organization after the project ends. This is based on the philosophy of having to spend money to make money. If too much is spent and not enough is gained, then the budget is experiencing sunk costs, meaning that money that has been sunk into the project will never be returned. It happens more than you might think, and in general it isn’t really a strong, singular, influencing factor when making the decision to pull the plug on a troubled project. It’s typically not even up to the project manager to make that decision.

The organization may determine that not throwing good money after bad may be relevant in their industry or with respect to a specific project. Who are we to freak out unless it thinks we should? Throwing good money after bad is not typical or realistic in many cases, and usually once it happens, it is then actually time to freak out.

The goal to keeping an eye on cost performance is effective tracking systems, preventing scope creep, and preventing excessive expenditures for risk events that were unknown/unknown or otherwise known as a surprise! Those unfortunate surprises are typically going to happen while the sponsor is keeping a pirate eye on project costs due to current and excessive project expenditures. Murphy’s Law is a very real thing in project management.

One of the unfortunate results of scope creep, surprise risk events, sunk costs, and unapproved changes is that they skew the original baseline data, create a deviation from the plan versus actuals, and create cost overruns in predictive, preplanned, and pre-baselined projects.

Predictive Projects

Think about the meaning of the word predictive; that is, the ability to know or predict what will happen. Waterfall projects predict based on the current scope of work, much planning, and budgetary constraints, all based on how and what we think will happen on a project. The prediction is documented fully, and a baseline will be created for the core constraints of scope, time, and cost.

Once work is being executed, the actual performance will be compared to the baselines. Each baseline impacts the other. If the scope of work changes, it will affect the budget, schedule, and on it goes.

So how can costs be predicted and controlled? The main baseline items that control the prediction revolve around controlling changes as well. There is a very static procedure for formal change control, and it often includes change control boards (CCBs) whose entire role is to approve or deny changes. I often felt like I was standing in front of the Supreme Court when asking for minor changes and awaiting their response. Typically, that response was no.

To control costs effectively in a predictive or traditional project environment, it is necessary to control those influencing factors that create changes to an authorized (read, “set in stone”) baseline. If changes were necessary, then all change requests need to be assessed for impact on other project factors, a solution created for implementation, an approval obtained from the powers that be, an update issued to affected baselines, and finally, the change needs to be implemented and validated to make sure it actually worked!

If a variance from the baseline is identified, then it’s your job to find out what caused it, isolate it, and understand how it occurred. It’s exhausting really, if I’m being honest. The good thing is that we have software that can keep us updated on variances if we set it up correctly. That software setup will directly reflect your ability to manage scope, time, and cost with an earned value approach.

Agile Projects

Change is a bit more accepted in an Agile environment. Since change is expected and more fluid, then how is it possible to control costs as well? The first thing to realize is that even though change is acceptable without all of the hoopla of formal change control, changes aren’t made willy-nilly. Oh no. There is a very busy product owner who is attempting to balance customer value and organizational return on investment (ROI). There is a sponsor whose job it is to keep on top of project expenditures and, frankly, who typically finds it easier to budget per iteration or quarterly in many cases.

Effective budgeting in an Agile environment and how budgeting is done may be based on the framework you choose to use. If you keep things in the one-month iteration time frame, then budgeting can occur based on the team’s selection of work, their velocity, their salaries, their burn rate, and, of course, something set aside for risk events as a contingency.

Reviewing the planned iteration or using lessons learned from past iterations allows for more effective budgeting. Plus, as the team learns more about the true definition of done, it will be easier to forecast out future costs.

The downside of this type of budgeting is that it often makes the powers that be uncomfortable. Those who aren’t used to hearing a month-by-month prediction may ask for one large number for the entire project budget and that can be difficult to do as well as fiscally dangerous, because the numbers could be wrong when you are trying to predict an unpredictable project.

Of course, there are templates and forecasting processes that organizations use based on typical costs for similar projects. In that regard, it may be easier to budget for the unknown a bit more easily. Regardless of how the budgeting happens in your organizations, there is always somebody who wants the answer to the question, How much is the thing going to cost us?

Earned Value Technique

In order to use earned value analysis effectively, one must first have a budget in mind. In predictive environments, a baseline would be approved for both cost and time. Those baselines are created using a bottom-up estimation, which basically means attaching price tags to all instances of scope, resources, and risk and then aggregating all those price tags together into one big number. That big number gets approved as a baseline, and it is called the budget at completion (BAC).

It’s almost a misnomer to call it that because it sounds like something you discovered after the fact when the project has ended. Actually, it is the total number that gets approved in planning as the budget for the entire project in a Waterfall environment or for the iteration in an Agile environment. It is simply the number that you think the project or iteration is going to cost based on what you know today.

The thing to realize in this type of analysis is that time is money. We have all heard that statement at one time or another. In my experience, I often heard that statement coming from my mother when I was running late for something. If time is money, then when looking over your schedule, you are looking at what it will cost to accomplish the work that is scheduled, or to put together a time-phased budget.

A time-phased budget is where you have work that you need to accomplish within a scheduled time frame, and as you attach resources to the work, so too do you attach the costs of those resources (people, equipment, or materials), and an itemized cost estimate for each activity over time is created. This is what is known as planned value (PV). This will help determine how much money you planned to spend on an activity over its time to completion—in other words, the budgeted cost of work scheduled.

Roll up all those itemized price tags or planned value numbers and you’ll have your budget at completion (BAC). Conversely, if you took an entire budget and parceled it out over work to be accomplished, those would be your planned values (PVs).

As of right now, we are still in the planning phase and have not actually executed any work. We have laid the groundwork for the budget and the schedule, and we’ll assume that it has been approved as a baseline or iteration budget.

Once work begins, so too do the questions of how long it actually took and how much did you actually spend. The money actually spent on the work is called the actual cost (AC).

As your team is doing the work, you will be keeping an eye on that work and determining if they are moving as quickly as you thought they would as well as if they are getting as much accomplished as planned. This is where earned value comes into the mix. Earned value (EV) is the budgeted cost of work completed, meaning what percent has the team completed on project work and what is that work worth based on the original budget. Essentially, you can calculate earned value by taking the percent complete and multiplying it by the budget at completion:

Earned value = % complete × BAC

If I were walking around with a checkbook in my hand to pay people for what they have actually accomplished, I would only pay them based on what the work is worth. This doesn’t mean that they are on time or on budget; it means that I’m looking at the financial value of the work and what they have earned by accomplishing it.

Let’s take a painting project that I had done at my home last year as an example to keep things very simple, mostly because the concept of earned value has a tendency to put the hardiest math whizzes to sleep, and put those who are mathematically challenged in general (raises hand) into a bit of a panic. I’ll remind you again that unless your organization demands this or you are taking the PMP exam, you won’t have questions related to earned value at this point in time.

If that has changed from the writing of this chapter to when you read this book, that’s totally my bad. However, please know that I’m empathetic and sympathetic about it, and I know the difference between the two!

The Formulas

There are two variations of performance tracking, and while both use the same data, the result gives you different information. First there are variances, or the difference between what we thought would happen in planning and what is actually occurring. There are also indexes, or ratings of efficiency on the schedule and budget, still based on what you thought would happen and what is actually happening. Let’s start with variances.

Variances Variances give us information on how far over or under budget or schedule we are compared to the approved baselines. The resulting data is represented by whole or negative numbers. Negative results are bad for the project, positive results are good for the project, and break even means we are right on track.

The formulas for schedule and cost variances include the earned value (EV) compared against planned value (PV) for schedule variance (SV) and earned value (EV) compared against actual cost (AC) for budgetary performance or cost variance (CV).

       Earned value (EV) − planned value (PV) = schedule variance (SV)

       Earned value (EV) − actual cost (AC) = cost variance (CV)

A good rule of thumb at first glance is that if the earned value is less than the planned value, you are behind schedule, and if the earned value is less than the actual cost, you are over budget.

Indexes Indexes measure efficiency of cost and schedule. This information allows for replanning or preventative actions to be taken. The formulas for schedule and cost indexes include the earned value (EV) compared against planned value (PV) for schedule performance and earned value (EV) compared against actual cost (AC) for budgetary performance.

The resulting data is represented by percentages or decimal results. Any result below 1.0 is bad for the project, while any result above 1.0 is good for the project. 1.0 means that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. The same rule of thumb applies here. If the earned value (EV) is less than either the planned value (PV) or the actual cost (AC), then the project is not progressing with the efficiency for which you had planned.

       Earned value (EV) / planned value (PV) = schedule performance index (SPI)

       Earned value (EV) / actual cost (AC) = cost performance index (CPI)

I like to think of 1.0 as 100 percent efficiency in schedule performance. If schedule performance is above 1.0, it means that you are performing above 100 percent efficiency, and if it is below 100 percent, then you are less efficient and therefore behind schedule.

On the cost side of things, I like to think about a 1.0 as one dollar, so if you have a CPI that is less than a 1.0, you are getting less than a dollar’s worth of work done and paying a dollar for that work. Over time, you’ll end up over budget if you aren’t already there. If the CPI is above 1.0, then you are getting more than a dollar’s worth of work done and only paying a dollar for it—more work is accomplished, while less money is spent. You’ll be under budget if things continue the way they are today. If the result is exactly 1.0 for cost or schedule, you are exactly where you are supposed to be—100 percent efficient on your schedule and paying one dollar for one dollar’s worth of work.

When you are running earned value analysis in a software program, you will see that every task or user story has a value, a schedule, and a price tag. When looking at the big picture of the entire project, it would be easy to see just exactly where the project is going sideways and to apply corrective actions where they belong.

The downside is usually that those tasks or stories are attached to other things, and the domino effect of low performance in one area could certainly squeak by and affect other tasks or stories, in essence, guilt by association. That is why we take a lot of the results with however many grains of salt we need, with the realization that performance could change for the better or for the worse. We don’t wait until something magical happens that improves our performance one minute before we take the long walk to the sponsor’s office for a status meeting (as tempting as that sounds, it’s unrealistic unless you are Harry Potter). Instead, we start looking at ways to improve performance and take away lessons learned about our estimating prowess or lack thereof.

Earned value gives you a snapshot in time, comparing planned data with what is actually happening today. That information allows for change, new decisions, and a heads-up of what could follow.

What you do with that information depends on the type of projects on which you work. In a predictive Waterfall environment, you may decide to process a formal change request to adapt the schedule or cost behaviors and wait for approval. Once you have the approval, you implement the change and then validate that it actually worked. You may even choose to do nothing if the tasks don’t really impact your bottom line too much.

In an Agile environment, project performance would be discussed during a retrospective, and the team would determine ways to improve performance in the next iteration. Perhaps the estimates were too optimistic or the velocity wasn’t what was predicted? Maybe your team is taking extra steps that cost time and money, and they can work to streamline their efforts and remove waste from the process going forward?

Continuous improvement on performance is key in Agile projects, which is why I think earned value is a topic to discuss whether exam testable or not. It’s hard to argue with hard data.

Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are ways that most Agile teams track performance. That is not to say there aren’t tailored approaches that include earned value, but it’s more to the point that earned value results could be a key performance indicator. KPI is a bit like ROI, meaning that it is dependent on what the organization or the team determines is valuable information to improve performance. You have reviewed burn down and burn up charts, velocity tracking, story points, and the like for running an Agile project. All of those results plotted out on charts and graphs could be considered information on performance in key indicators.

How much work is the team accomplishing in an iteration or sprint? What is the difference between what they thought they would get accomplished and what was actually presented to the customer in a review? These are questions that will need answers, and much of performance tracking includes real-time work and real-time results.

What are the key performance indicators that show how performance is being managed and how the work is being executed? That is up to your organization, and it is the key data necessary to drive the implementation of improvements.

We know that velocity fluctuates, and we know that scope will change. If everything is so uncertain, then how can you track performance? Many times, there are two types of data to review. The first is team performance, including but not limited to the amount of story points that they select versus what they accomplish. There is always a big focus on continuous improvements and working to improve the value stream or to output more value in less time. It’s part of the culture of Agile teams.

All that focus on team performance is important, but what about the product and its quality? It’s one thing to bust out a new software program in the time frame that we said we would, and it’s quite another situation if that software is buggy, doesn’t work, or doesn’t perform to standards. Then the team performance is really a moot point. I’d rather see that they slowed down a bit and did it right the first time.

As you determine how you and your team will perform, it is important to set some goals and, moreover, to make them smart goals. The mnemonic of SMART was originally referred to in 1981 in a magazine article written by George T. Doran as a way to help organizations make goal setting more explicit and to help zero in on the reason goals don’t get met.

There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives.

George T. Doran, Management Review, AMA FORUM (1981)

Later, the idea of setting smart goals was attributed to Peter Drucker and the philosophy of management by objective, or MBO. Throughout the years, the mnemonic or acronym adapted and adjusted to different verbiage, but the crux of the thought process remains the same. How do you make smart goals and work to attain them?

In Figure 8.1, you can see how the SMART process of setting goals allows for a focus on each item and a way to determine what a goal should look like to make it more likely to be achieved.

Diagram shows description of SMART like having specific, measurable, assignable and achievable, realistic, and time-bound and time-related.


I once read an article that said 92 percent of all New Year’s resolutions end up failing by February. That is why the gyms are filled with people on January 2nd and by February they’re empty, and you can actually hear crickets.

What are the other 8 percent doing differently? They are setting realistic, smart goals. The key to specificity is removing the vagary from the equation. Instead of “I want to lose weight,” which is too vague, it could instead be “I want to lose 10 pounds.” That goal is more specific and it is measurable. How about assignable? Oh, I wish I could assign someone else to lose 10 pounds for me! Instead, we’ll focus on attainable for our goal. Is it attainable? Sure, people do it all the time. Not me, but you know, “people” do it all the time. How about realistic? That is a personal question, thank you very much, but a question nonetheless. Is losing 10 pounds realistic for the way life is rolling right now? If not, the goal will not be met unless my time frame is such that I can work around my crazy life and make it happen. Time-based goal, hmm: 2030?

In all seriousness, when I make goals now for life or for when I’m working with a team of people who need a bit more help to design their career goals, I use SMART goal setting. It’s a very different way of compartmentalizing what you want to achieve. If the stars don’t align across all SMART aspects, then that goal most likely will not be met.

If you have ever watched The Simpsons on television and seen the episode of Homer singing, “I am so smart, SMRT,” then you know if one piece of the equation is missing, it’s not so smart, D’oh!

Key performance indicators tend to be based on both tangible results, like work completed or time and money, and intangible items, like how the team works together, whether they have reached the performing stage, and what the Agile project manager’s day-to-day influence looks like. If you are having to remind your team every single day that stand-up meetings literally mean standing up, then you have your work cut out for you. If you are more of a servant leader, motivator, and coach, then the team performance is up to snuff.

Just as setting SMART goals is an important aspect of improving performance, keeping track of other team performance improvements are crucial to the project’s success as well. What is seen as a key performance indicator may rest solely on the framework you choose to use. Scrum KPIs may be different from XP KPIs. If you are designing software programs, performance indicators may be very different from a team that is implementing a new process or producing something more tangible.

From a business or customer standpoint, the scope, time, and money performance is crucial. From a team perspective, it may be improving best practices from iteration to iteration in how stories are estimated, what the definition of done is, velocity improvements, or actual stories completed versus planned.

As an Agile project manager and servant leader, coaching your team when needed begins with knowing what types of indicators show a high-performing team versus one that needs additional help and possibly a SMART goal-setting session. It’s always best to have the team determine what success factors need tracking and to understand management goals. Those success indicators and goals need to be explicit so that there isn’t any question as to what information will need to be reviewed and reported. The keys to success are performance indicators that are well defined and well reviewed throughout the course of the project.

The Triple Constraints

Most projects have a semblance of balance between competing constraints. The term the triple constraints or the iron triangle describes what was initially a way to document the big constraints of scope, time, and cost. Quality was later added to the mix because it is so closely tied to the scope of work. Now with risk and resources added to the list, the triangle has gotten a bit busy and is now referred to as the competing constraints. Our focus, however, will be on the big constraints of scope, time, and cost.

In a Waterfall project environment, the scope of work is fixed, while time, cost, and quality work around that constraint.

In Figure 8.2you’ll see that in an Agile environment, the triangle is flipped because cost and time are fixed, while scope is flexible and quality is dependent on the scope of work. In some cases, quality is very flexible if the development team knows they will be pushing out bug fixes or software updates in the very near future. The goal is to create a minimally marketable feature that is the simplest thing that works.

Diagram shows competing constraints like waterfall and agile having scope, cost, and time between all three is quality.

FIGURE 8.2 The competing constraints

Determining what the scope of work really is will be the key to meeting requirements and providing value to the user. That scope will be driven by a fixed budget and schedule per iteration.

The Gulf of Misunderstanding

The gulf of misunderstanding sounds very much like the Bermuda Triangle of Agile and in fact is a fairly good description of what can happen when the customer/end user and the team totally miss each other’s point and land in the deep end.

The concept of the gulf of misunderstanding is more often called the gulf of evaluation in a software development environment. The gulf of misunderstanding is a catchier and more apt description, though. Both terms mean that somebody missed the point.

When applied to software development, the gulf of evaluation is the difference between what the end user wants and what is created for them. Because of the misunderstanding, the true results won’t match up to the needs of the end user and are a waste of time and money.

The hard part in a software design project is that the end user may not know what they want, or they may not understand the jargon. GUI sounds like something that sticks to the bottom of your shoe instead of actually meaning graphical user interface. It would be easier if someone just said, “You know those icons on your desktop? Yeah, that helps the computer understand what it is you want it to do without you having to know the language of the computer. So, what icons do you want?”

An end user may not understand the technical jargon and tell the team to “do whatever you want or think is right.” Now you may get some software developers working on something they think is cool but is completely out of scope for what the end user wants or needs. The gulf of misunderstanding strikes again.

Abbott: No. What is on second.

Costello: I’m not asking you who’s on second.

Abbott: Who’s on first.

Costello: I don’t know.

Abbott: He’s on third, we’re not talking about him.

Costello: Now how did I get on third base?

Abbott: Why you mentioned his name.

Costello: If I mentioned the third baseman’s name, who did I say is playing third?

Abbott: No. Who’s playing first.

Costello: What’s on first?

Abbott: What’s on second.

Costello: I don’t know.

Abbott: He’s on third.

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello

A large part of making sure time, effort, and money aren’t wasted on producing items that aren’t wanted, needed, or understood is the concept of prioritization, so there is a firm understanding of what will be created and in what order.

The product owner will communicate as often as possible to help the customer understand and/or help the team create something of value if the product owner is in fact the customer. The team will then work with the product owner and/or customer to prioritize what is most valuable or necessary now. All activities and transparent discussions are utilized to avoid falling into the gulf.

The rest of this chapter is designed around ways to provide value without misunderstandings. Some of the techniques you have reviewed in other chapters. Others are there to help you help yourselves and your customers/end users get what they want without rework due to misunderstandings. Remember, this all goes back to providing value and the organization getting the return on investment they expected for the time and money they allotted. It’s a win/win for everyone.

Dot Voting, or Multi-Voting

If you have a long list of items that need to be sorted in order of importance or in order of occurrence, it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. However, if everyone has a say and that leads to a cumulative agreement, then it may not be so bad. This is where dot voting, or multi-voting, can help your team make decisions in a facilitated, orderly fashion—plus you get to play with stickers!

The concept of a democracy comes from the Greek word meaning rule of the people, or rule of the majority, and in this sense the best practice of voting was born. In an Agile environment, a dotmocracy may be necessary to reach consensus through voting.

Dot voting is a facilitated event in which the team has a set amount of dot stickers to their name. They are then asked to vote on certain options. The individual uses as many dots as they want for a cross section of options, and in general the options with the most dots are priorities.

In some cases, the team will use red and green dot stickers to represent what they agree or disagree with. There is often a lot of discussion around the decisions, but the goal is not to create an environment of groupthink. Groupthink is the opposite of a facilitated decision-making exercise, meaning that the strongest personalities usually influence the rest of the group. Meanwhile, the rest of the group doesn’t want to create conflict or analyze the options thoroughly, so they go along with whatever decision is made or whatever options are presented. The upside to groupthink is that decisions are made quickly and consensus appears to happen. The downside is that relevant information may not be discussed and major features may not be built. Now the stronger personalities get to win because they said so. Dot voting allows each person to have an opinion and openly vote on their opinion. They are then asked to explain the reasoning to the rest of the group as needed for the group to make informed decisions. Groupthink is the easy way out, and many risk events and key features have been missed because of it.

If this is a bigger group event that includes senior management or the customer, different color dots can be used to represent senior management’s votes versus team votes and even customer votes. That way, who voted for what is much clearer.

There is literally no wrong way to do dot voting, and I’ve found that, in some cases, it opens up the lines of communication a bit and allows everyone to have an opinion. When the dust settles and the votes are counted, it just “is what it is,” and everyone agrees to the decisions that were made. In a perfect world, the number of votes something gets describes a clear winner and that is that. However, since the scope of work changes regularly, voting doesn’t happen just once.

Embracing a dotmocracy may occur at every review or during backlog refinement or even in a retrospective when things didn’t go so well. Mostly, the process is about prioritization, discussion, and embracing all ideas. Dot voting is a quick, straightforward way to reach consensus.

Much as with everything we vote on, there are some downsides to dot voting. There could be a sense that even though something has been explained as necessary, others don’t buy in and views aren’t heard. There is also always the possibility that someone isn’t fully caffeinated and that they just stick stickers wherever so that they can get to the break room as quickly as possible.

This is a good lesson for Agile project managers whose job as facilitators rests on how the team engages with each other. With that in mind, it is better to set some ground rules about time to make decisions or time for discussions when holding any kind of voting. You know your team, and you will also know if this type of engagement would be effective in your own environment.

The first time I tried this, there were more stickers on the team members’ backs than on the board due to rowdy team members who thought they were being funny. A week later, I still found dots stuck everywhere. That onus is on me for not setting ground rules and facilitating appropriately. It’s a cautionary tale. Otherwise, have at it! It can be a fun, relaxed way to make decisions as a team and to help get priorities straight.


This section is just a reminder of the prioritization technique of MoSCoW that you covered in Chapter 3, “Key Aspects of Additional Agile Methodologies.” The entire premise of using the acronym is the process to determine what must end up in the result no matter what, what should be in the result, what could be, and what won’t be in the result. Obviously, things change, and in some cases what should be included will rise to the top and become a must-have, and what could be in the result can slide down the ladder to the won’t pile.

The MoSCoW Approach to Focusing on the Business Need

  • MUST have this requirement to meet the business needs.
  • SHOULD have this requirement if possible, but the project success does not rely on it.
  • COULD have this requirement if it does not affect the business needs of the project.
  • WON’T have this requirement, and the stakeholders have agreed that it will not be implemented in a release but may be considered for the future.

Prioritization is a moving target, but by simply asking the right questions during backlog refinement or in selecting work to be done, it is easier to use a categorization schema than to go in a million different directions and not get anything accomplished. The minimally viable product or minimally marketable feature would contain mostly must-haves. The goal is to have end users understand what value is and what items need to be in the increment. Reaching an understanding of the classifications can be difficult, though. Allow me a quick tangent.

In risk management, we often use a high, medium, or low classification for probability and impact. This can be difficult to quantify because if I have stakeholders who are risk takers, they may not look at an identified risk as high probability or impact, whereas someone who is a catastrophic thinker may see red flags everywhere. Who is correct?

It’s important to get everyone on the same page as to what is high, medium, or low. The same concept applies to must, should, and could. In risk management, you are considering the stakeholders’ level of tolerance for certain risk events, and in prioritization methods like MoSCoW, you are seeking an understanding of what is valuable. That can be difficult since what is valuable to one may not be valuable to another. I find it is best to quantify classifications and communicate around them.

Monopoly Money

If I were to hand you a million dollars today, how would you spend it? Would you travel the world? Buy properties? Start a business? Invest it? Buy a very expensive sports car? What is most important to you?

What I might do with a million dollars may be very different from what you would do with the same opportunity. I’m also aware of the curse of the lottery winners who spend all of their money in all the wrong places and end up with nothing in the end. From a business and financial perspective that sounds terrible, and you might think to yourself, I would never do that if I won the lottery; yet it happens all the time.

Organizations spend billions (with a b) every single year on projects that aren’t successful: good money being thrown after bad money. Such projects include customers who are disappointed with the quality of the work or the result that isn’t what they expected, recalls that end up on the news, and projects that are cancelled before they ever get off the ground. It’s the cost of doing business.

This is where a cool little exercise called Monopoly Money makes all the difference in the world. If you have never played the game of Monopoly, which originally was sold by Parker Brothers and now by Hasbro, then here is a quick overview. The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player by buying and selling property. There are also some pesky interruptions to that process, like not being able to pass Go without a payout and the possibility of landing in jail. The bottom line is that to win the game, you have to gain as much money or assets as possible before someone in your family flips the board over in frustration and announces that they are finished with the game. At least that’s how it works in my house anyway.

The interesting thing is that the game was originally created as an educational tool to explain the downsides of the single tax rule or having land concentrations in private monopolies. The game’s patent and sales history is quite fascinating if you are looking for ways to waste time at work, and if you find yourself playing trivial pursuit instead, it may come up in a question.

Rule No.1: Never lose money.

Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.

Warren Buffett

The question of what you would do with a million dollars and how you would spend it is the premise behind Monopoly Money as a prioritization technique. The sponsor or customer is given Monopoly Money in the equivalent of the current project budget and then asked how they would spend it and where. This eye-opening experience for both the sponsor and the team is an excellent way to see what is deemed a priority over another.

We always stick to features during this process because what the team might find as a valuable day-to-day practice, the sponsor sees as having no value and vice versa. I know I’m not throwing money at an earned value report lest someone ask for one, and the sponsor may not see value in our little dotmocracy. Stick to the features. For some reason, when money, fake or otherwise, is in the mix, the seriousness of decision making becomes more prevalent. Fun with stickers is one thing, but with money, oh now we are really getting somewhere!

Just like any other conversationally driven, facilitated event in Agile frameworks, you will walk away with a better understanding of what is valuable to everyone involved. The sponsor will understand how their money may be spent, and the team can now determine of all the valuable items, what stories need to be written and selected to accomplish in the next iteration.

The goal in any project is to provide a quality result in a way that is within budget, within schedule, and within the scope of work. The almighty dollar speaks volumes in this technique, and it quantifies the work for all involved.

100 Points

The 100-point method is like Monopoly Money in the sense that there is an allocation or distribution of something across features and the ability to vote on features. Everyone has 100 points that they can allocate however they want to. Some team members may feel very strongly about one feature and use all of their points to prove a point, but mostly the team will use their points in a way that shows priority. Much of the time my team agrees on the big features and the priority of them, but the features that have less priority to some are higher in priority to others.

Because the team is voting and can use their points, however, like our facilitated voting event, it will often include a rousing discussion by technologically savvy people speaking in code and using sci-fi references to make a point. (I’m usually the one using the sci-fi references.) The rest of the team is discussing the ins and outs of the features and the technology behind the features, and with that stream of consciousness some support items may come to the surface. This happens more times than not due to some supportive features becoming necessary.

If a main feature is a priority but it needs something in a lower priority ranking executed so that it can actually function, then that lower-priority feature has moved up the ranks.

Just as with any other activity to determine priority, priorities change, and, using a technique of 100-points can help the team distribute priority across multiple features in multiple iterations.

Kano Analysis

What defines priority may come down to personal opinions of what is most interesting or exciting about a result. I know that if I have some technology that I love because it does something I really want it to do, I can forgive it crashing a few times or being a bit buggy. That is because something I see as super cool was created: I bought it and I use it. There are some reasons consumers line up around the block for the next big technological thing, even though in most cases it’s just an updated version of the thing they are currently using. “Did you hear the headphone jack is at the bottom now? Somebody please take my money!”

What excites us about software and technology are all the things that can help make our lives easier. In order to do that, there is a fine balance that must be met of whether or not the product works well, or whether or not it has exciting features that I want, or whether it contains any deal breakers that would make me go to the competition. Welcome to software development! Kano analysis is a model of determining distinct categories of needs or wants and quality of product.

The beginnings of Kano analysis were created by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 1980s as a way to classify the preferences of customers. The theory was based on quality. The various category labels may have changed over the years, but the premise remains the same. There are certain things that cause customers to buy and other things that cause them to walk away. That is the beauty of a capitalistic society; everyone has the option to do either based on their needs at the time.

If that is the case, then as an Agile practitioner it’s important to be able to classify features based on very distinct categories.

Delighters or exciters, satisfiers, and dissatisfiers.

Delighters or Exciters These are the features and functions that the customer finds super cool and is excited to begin using.

Oh my. There is a watch that is like a phone, and I can use it to track my sleeping patterns? I must have one right now.

Satisfiers My watch answers phone calls and allows me to receive emails and texts even when my actual phone is somewhere else.

Dissatisfiers My watch keeps telling me to breathe every hour to relax, and frankly I find it annoying and it’s stressing me out.

Here’s the deal with exciters and satisfiers—they change over time. What I find exciting about technology today will be replaced with something else tomorrow.

I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family… well, at least I think it does.

Finding Nemo

The odds of customers finding new shiny things to be excited about on new or updated products on a regular basis is very high. What once was an exciter is now simply a satisfier. We still like it and want it, but we are not jumping up and down about it anymore.

The importance of continual analysis of what is deemed valuable and necessary today also has to be balanced with what the end users find exciting. The goal is to attempt to balance that and add it to the mix if the feature doesn’t take away from the performance of a satisfier.

Kano analysis shows that innovation and exciters become basic needs in the long run. The goal is to make sure that the satisfiers are always included in the product and that they work. If satisfiers don’t work effectively, then dissatisfaction occurs. In Figure 8.3 you can see a very simple example of Kano Analysis which can be used as a discussion piece when determining features.

Graph shows Kano analysis on satisfied versus dissatisfied and fully implemented versus not implemented with plots for delighters and basic needs.

FIGURE 8.3 Kano analysis

Customized Procurement

Procurement is pretty much always necessary on any type of project. Whether it be Waterfall or Agile related, there will always be a need for goods and services, materials, and equipment from an outside source.

Most organizations that run projects have a procurement department, or at the very least a legal team who helps with terms and conditions and negotiates the agreement. It is rare that an Agile project manager or a Waterfall project manager would be doing the actual negotiations and contractually binding their organization to that of another without an attorney present.

The bottom line is that the project manager will understand the scope of work and may be tasked with creating a procurement statement of work (PSOW) that is itemized for the procurement needs. They would then need to understand what constitutes a viable option when bids start coming in. Basically, that involves determining if a bid or proposal goes into the Yes or No pile and understanding the source selection criteria, or in other words, the criteria by which we select our seller.

Many times, in a more traditional Waterfall environment, the project manager would be the one who is responsible for protecting the organization from future costs and litigation (litigation bad; negotiation good!) as well as having the skill sets to weed through a variety of bids, quotes, and proposals to determine which sellers meet the project needs.

Also, traditionally contracts have been very rigid in their terms and conditions. For traditional projects, fixed-price agreements were good for the project because the scope of work is well known and the project can budget the costs easily. Cost-reimbursable contracts, on the other hand, are more flexible for scope changes but a little too flexible on the cost side, so budgeting is more difficult. No matter what, though, when I think of a contract, I think of something that would be very difficult to change or adapt as needed on an Agile project where change and flexibility are necessary.

You can adapt to different flavors of contract types in either category by adding words like incentive fee or fixed fee and adding tons of terms and conditions, but a contract is still a contract, and a breach of contract isn’t acceptable. What to do? Create a change control procedure that is a bit easier to work with but have an attorney present for all changes? That is a lot to ask for in an Agile environment. Because of the need for flexibility on the scope side of things, and to still have some semblance of planning ahead, much more flexible procurement options are available.

As far as the assorted flavors of Agile procurement, there are many more than what you will see here, and some may have different terminology based on your organization. As a high-level overview, here is a list of the types that you could see in your organization or as they pop up in an exam question.

Fixed-Price, Fixed-Scope (and possibly Fixed-Time) Good when requirements are known or stable and very common in both Waterfall and Agile environments. Very simple terms and conditions, and it just “is what it is” for cost, scope, and time as needed.

The Fix and Switch Fixed-price, fixed-scope (and possibly fixed-time) but vague enough that the contract can be altered to meet customer needs. The downside is that it isn’t the easiest contract to get sellers to agree on due to the vagary of the contract itself and because collaboration is needed with the product owner/customer in order to alter scope.

Time and Materials This contract is very common in all project types. Basically, it is designed to pay for the work as it gets accomplished, or for materials/equipment as they are needed and used. Good for flexible scope, and typically has a ceiling price or not to exceed number.

Not-to-Exceed with Fixed-Fee (NTE/FF) This type isn’t so flexible but might be relevant if it is used for an iteration or a point in the project where the specific scope of work is known. There is flexibility to a point, but as soon as the ceiling is hit, it’s done, and the seller will receive a fixed fee as a profit. It will have a definitive ceiling price.

Fixed Price per Function Point or Story Point This type allows for reprioritizing scope and calculations based on velocity and embraces the agility of many project types. Keep in mind that velocity tends to fluctuate in the beginning and then plateau, so costs may be a bit wonky until that happens.

Graduated Fixed Price Finally, this contract type allows for incentives and focuses more on other items in the project that may be more important than money. This agreement may provide for different hourly rates for early, on-time, or late delivery of work in a tiered approach.

Regardless of the types of contracts your organization works with, you may find that the sellers or suppliers are also part of your team or are for sure considered stakeholders. With a lot of the more flexible contract types for Agile projects, both the buyers and the sellers share some of the risk, especially the cost risk. When the scope of work is flexible, it’s more difficult to set requirements in stone. With fluctuations in scope come the inevitable fluctuations in cost. This can be concerning for sponsors or customers because typically time and cost are fixed while scope is flexible. Because budgets may be created per iteration, it can lead to some creative contracting.

Many organizations find it better to work with adaptive contracting across the board. A master service agreement (MSA) may be more realistic for your organization due to its flexibility regarding future changes. Many times, a master-level service agreement allows for acceptance of terms and conditions that will apply in the future as well, regardless of scope changes. Both parties will agree to those terms and conditions on the front end about how decisions will be made in the future. This keeps all necessary negotiation focused on the scope of work changes rather than continuously updating or negotiating on other terms and conditions.

Master service agreements may also include open-ended fields that can be adapted throughout the project. In most cases, a Statement of Work (SOW) is written into the service agreement as well. Along with the scope of work, there are also provisions (as in all contracts) for risk allocation and indemnification.

Risk allocation is setting very specific standards for how risk will be handled during the agreement and who are the responsible parties. Indemnification allows one party legally to exclude the other party from payments or damage in the future. In simpler terms, it would be written in the contract that Party A will not hold Party B accountable for financial losses in the future based on decisions made today regardless of who is at fault—lots of legalese that you don’t need to know about unless you are managing procurement in your organization.

Here are some concluding thoughts on procurement. It is typically the project manager’s role to protect the organization from future litigation and to manage good, working relationships with the sellers, meaning don’t breach contracts, don’t allow them to breach contracts, and engage the sellers as you would any other stakeholders on the project regardless of the framework or methodology you practice.


In this chapter, we covered the execution of work on an Agile project and revisited some of the items that not only can determine return on investment (ROI) by using benefit measurement techniques but can also show whether ROI has been met. We reviewed some of the specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive project performance, and I included an overview of the earned value technique (EVT) used on many project types to track scope, time, and cost completions. This data can also be used to predict project performance should the project move forward with the same performance trends.

Next we reviewed some of the many ways that value is determined both by the customer and the team. Some of these were reviewed at a high level in other chapters, like the MoSCoW technique of determining what must, should, could, and won’t be included in the deliverable or result.

Then we covered other techniques that allow specific ways to help determine value and gauge if the ROI is being met while avoiding the gulf of misunderstanding between customer and team. Techniques like dot voting, Monopoly Money, and 100 points allow for transparent communication and consensus to be reached before anything is produced.

We also reviewed Kano analysis, which is likewise used to determine value for features and items that can create excitement in the end user while maintaining that the satisfiers are met as well.

Finally, we covered some ways that Agile organizations utilize a more flexible procurement approach. This allows an organization to enter into a contractual relationship with sellers while allowing for changes in scope to be added and removed more easily. Having more flexibility in procurement is key to creating and maintaining good relationships with the sellers and to reduce the risk of breach of contract or other alternative dispute resolutions like arbitration, mediation, and litigation.

Exam Essentials

Be able to understand how return on investment (ROI) is determined. Understand why it is important to know how your organization views what is considered to be valuable and how benefit measurement methods extend past a simple business case and creation of the project charter.

Understand the concept of earned value technique (EVT). While you may not be tested on actual formulas and equations, it’s important to understand how project execution can be tracked using schedule and cost variance information as well as indexes of efficiency. This can lead the team to adapting and adjusting their strategy to meet organizational goals.

Be able to understand the different ways to determine value. Having a misunderstanding about what the customer or end users want will lead the team to create an incorrect increment. This causes lost time and money and a significant amount of rework. Avoiding the gulf of misunderstanding is crucial to project success. Dot voting, MoSCoW, Monopoly Money, and 100-point assessments can clarify the requirements and allow for a consensus to be reached.

Understand Kano analysis. You won’t be heavily tested on this concept, but this analysis technique is an excellent way to categorize qualitatively what the end users find exciting in a feature and what is necessary to maintain satisfaction in the result. Conversely, it is also useful to understand what might be a dissatisfier or feature that isn’t valuable to the end user so that additional money and time isn’t wasted producing something that the customer doesn’t want, need, or even like.

Be aware of different ways to utilize procurement contract types. Because the scope of work is more flexible or malleable on Agile projects, it is important to have a procurement process that is as well. You won’t get many questions on the exam about contract types specifically, just the need for scope flexibility and how different agreement types can accommodate that need. Having a good high-level understanding of procurement is also important in your day-to-day procurement endeavors, should your organizations utilize the use of sellers or suppliers.

Review Questions

You can find the answers to the review questions in Appendix B.

  1. Who determines the process to prioritize value in an Agile project?

    1. The customer
    2. The Scrum Master
    3. The product owner
    4. The entire team
  2. Misunderstandings of value, product, and customer needs can best be described as which one of the following?

    1. The gulf of constraints
    2. The gulf of Agile
    3. The gulf of misunderstanding
    4. The gulf value stream
  3. You are coaching your Agile team in different ways to prioritize value. Which one of the following would not be a way to prioritize?

    1. Dot voting
    2. Value stream analysis
    3. MoSCoW
    4. Monopoly Money
  4. During a prioritization exercise with your Agile team, you give each of the stakeholders 100 points. How will they determine priority with those points?

    1. They will put 100 points on the main feature they want.
    2. They will break the 100 points into 25-point increments for their top four values.
    3. They will put the points they want next to the options that they like, and they may place any number of points on any number of the options.
    4. The 100-point method isn’t a prioritization method.
  5. Your customer is describing items they want on the next release of their corporate software program. During discussions of valuable features, they ask if the software can include a new and innovative feature they read their competition may be creating. Your team performs Kano Analysis and determines this feature request falls under the category of:

    1. Satisfier
    2. Exciters
    3. Dissatisfiers
    4. Indifferent
  6. Agile contracts differ from Waterfall projects in which of the following ways?

    1. They are longer term to accommodate iterations.
    2. They can use a fix and switch contract to allow for changes in scope.
    3. They can be adapted at any time.
    4. The can be updated for scope changes that have been approved through change control systems.
  7. Your sponsor has asked you for a review of the scope, time, and cost performance so they can present the information to the shareholders. You have determined that the cost variance is –$3,000 and the schedule variance is $1,000. How is this project progressing?

    1. The project is over budget and behind schedule.
    2. The project is under budget and ahead of schedule.
    3. The project is over budget and ahead of schedule.
    4. There isn’t enough information to determine project progress.
  8. Your organization is using a mix of Waterfall and Agile techniques on its project and is very focused on reaching the return on investment level that it has determined the project should meet. Your sponsor is asking for the cost performance index information. What technique can you use to provide that information?

    1. Earned value technique
    2. Benefit cost measurements
    3. Monopoly Money
    4. Return on investment calculations
  9. The planned value on your current project at this point in the schedule is $10,000, and the earned value is $9,600. What is the schedule variance?

    1. $400.00
    2. 0.96
    3. –($400.00)
    4. 1.04
  10. Your customer has been adamant about a certain feature being a part of the finished increment. You have explained time and again that the feature they are looking for will interfere with the rest of the result and cause it not to work as well. What could be the reason for this confusion?

    1. The gulf of misunderstanding has occurred.
    2. Kano analysis wasn’t performed.
    3. The customer is confusing exciters with satisfiers.
    4. The team isn’t understanding the requirements.
  11. You are being tasked by your organization to create a statement of work that will be utilized in the procurement process. The legal department explains to you that they want to make sure that all terms and conditions are negotiated and agreed to up front. Then, when scope needs to be changed, there is more flexibility in the process. To what type of agreement is the legal department referring?

    1. Fixed-price contract
    2. Cost-reimbursable contract
    3. Time and materials contract
    4. Master service level agreement
  12. Bill is the sponsor on your project and is especially nervous about the budget and meeting the expected ROI. He asks you on a regular basis what things are costing and if you are spending money in the right areas. You suggest to Bill that he come to the team area and explain where he would spend the money if it were his decision and he had the entire project budget to work with. What are you suggesting Bill do?

    1. Use Monopoly Money to create his budget.
    2. Use Monopoly Money to show what he values and where he would spend the money.
    3. He is going to dot vote with the team to determine priority.
    4. Bill will be performing a Kano analysis on the budget.
  13. Your customer is working very closely with your team on prioritization of value for their product. There are certain items that must be in the final product no matter what and others that won’t be included unless different information is presented at a later date. Which of the following prioritization techniques does it look like they used?

    1. Dot voting
    2. Kano analysis
    3. MoSCoW
    4. Monopoly Money
  14. You are delivering a performance report to your sponsor on the project and have put together an earned value report. Your cost performance index is 1.25. What does that information tell your sponsor?

    1. The project is over budget.
    2. The project is under budget.
    3. The project is getting one dollar’s worth of work done and spending $1.25 on that work.
    4. The project is getting 1.25 dollars’ worth of work done and spending one dollar on that work.
  15. Your organization has entered into a contract that can best be described as good for the organization, and the budget requirements are known or stable. What kind of contract did your organization enter into?

    1. The fix and switch
    2. A service level agreement
    3. Fixed price
    4. Time and materials
  16. Your project sponsor is asking for performance information on how your team is working in a new Agile environment, and you explain to them that your team is performing well together, that they have a good grasp on estimation techniques, and that their velocity has stabilized. These are all examples of what type of performance measurement?

    1. Key performance indicators
    2. Performance reporting
    3. Earned value reports
    4. Burn down charts
  17. Brenda is sitting down with you for some one-on-one coaching because she is having trouble setting goals that she can meet. You are working through the goals that she has set and notice that they seem rather vague, and it’s hard to determine what the end result should be. What would you recommend to Brenda?

    1. That she makes her goals more specific
    2. That she should be working with her team on goals and goal planning
    3. That Brenda needs some training on goal setting
    4. That she needs to work a little harder at achieving her goals
  18. The mnemonic acronym SMART applies to which of the following project areas?

    1. Schedule improvement
    2. Cost improvement
    3. Goal setting improvement
    4. Team performance improvement
  19. Jamal is the Agile project manager in charge of a new development project to create an app that can track how many times employees go to websites that are non–work related. Jamal is reporting to the sponsor that they have gone a bit over budget in the last iteration. Which of the following figures would show an over budget project?

    1. 1.6
    2. 1.1
    3. 1.0
    4. .80
  20. Carol is writing down a goal she wants to meet. She starts with a very specific road map of what the result should be. She knows that she can get it done and has tracking mechanisms documented. Carol knows the goal is realistic as well. Which of the following is missing from her goal setting approach?

    1. Specific
    2. Measurable
    3. Attainable
    4. Time-based
  21. If you were going to calculate the schedule performance index for your sponsor, which of the following variables would you need to do that?

    1. Earned value and actual cost
    2. Planned value and earned value
    3. Planned value and actual cost
    4. None of the above
  22. According to Kano analysis, what do exciters typically become once substantial time has passed?

    1. They become demotivators.
    2. They become satisfiers.
    3. The become dissatisfiers.
    4. They remain exciters.
  23. When you’re reviewing constraints on an Agile project, which of the following are considered not as flexible as others?

    1. Scope and quality
    2. Time and quality
    3. Cost and scope
    4. Cost and time
  24. When determining return on investment (ROI) at the beginning of a project, most organizations use which of the following techniques to help build a business case?

    1. Earned value
    2. Net present value
    3. Monopoly Money
    4. Cost performance index
  25. Your team is holding a facilitated event in which the entire team will be given red and green stickers. The team will place red stickers on features that they don’t want or like and green stickers on what they do want and like. This type of team event for decision making could be called which of the following?

    1. A dotmocracy
    2. A key performance indicator
    3. A decision-making meeting
    4. Backlog refinement
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