Chapter 4
Agile Initiation and Stakeholder Engagement


imagesDomain III: Stakeholder Engagement

Understand Stakeholder Needs:

  • Task 1: Identify and engage effective and empowered business stakeholder(s) through periodic reviews in order to ensure that the team is knowledgeable about stakeholders’ interests, needs, and expectations.
  • Task 2: Identify and engage all stakeholders (current and future) by promoting knowledge sharing early and throughout the project to ensure the unimpeded flow of information and value throughout the lifespan of the project.

Ensure Stakeholder Involvement:

  • Task 3: Establish stakeholder relationships by forming a working agreement among key stakeholders in order to promote participation and effective collaboration.
  • Task 4: Maintain proper stakeholder involvement by continually assessing changes in the project and organization in order to ensure that new stakeholders are appropriately engaged.
  • Task 5: Establish collaborative behaviors among the members of the organization by fostering group decision making and conflict resolution in order to improve decision quality and reduce the time required to make decisions.

Manage Stakeholder Expectations:

  • Task 6: Establish a shared vision of the various project increments (products, deliverables, releases, iterations) by developing a high-level vision and supporting objectives in order to align stakeholders’ expectations and build trust.
  • Task 7: Establish and maintain a shared understanding of success criteria, deliverables, and acceptable trade-offs by facilitating awareness among stakeholders in order to align expectations and build trust.
  • Task 8: Provide transparency regarding work status by communicating team progress, work quality, impediments, and risks in order to help the primary stakeholders make informed decisions.
  • Task 9: Provide forecasts at a level of detail that balances the need for certainty and the benefits of adaptability in order to allow stakeholders to plan effectively.

images In this chapter, you will begin working on the tasks found in of the exam content outline, Domain III: Stakeholder Engagement. Because the tasks in this domain directly relate to the initiation or beginning of an Agile project, it is important to understand how to obtain stakeholder buy-in before actual team execution of iterations, as seen in Domain II: Value-Driven Delivery and Domain IV: Team Performance. Understanding different best practices, applying them to pre-project engagement, and working with stakeholders on their vision of the increment is the first step to gaining their buy-in and planning around it. This chapter and the next chapter will cover all of the tasks in Domain III and give you a well-grounded idea of how an Agile project kicks off and how knowledge sharing and communication best practices apply.

Charters and Agile Projects

All projects, both Agile and Waterfall, have a formal way of kicking off and methods for defining initial requirements. Some projects will begin with a Statement of Work (SOW), other projects will begin with a contract agreement, and still others will begin with a project charter. Typically, how this process unfolds depends on your organizational best practices, and those can fluctuate based on the needs of the project and/or the customer. Many times, an SOW or a contract will kick off charter creation, but it isn’t unusual to have just one or the other. There aren’t any set ways in any type of Agile framework of how a project’s kick-off absolutely has to go, but the recommendation is always to have something formally written.

In typical Waterfall projects, a project charter is necessary to give formal authorization to begin project work. The charter will contain information based on a business case to determine the fiscal health of the decision to charter a specific project, a high-level overview of what success looks like, and actual deliverables, milestones, budgetary constraints, and initial risks that have been identified. Finally, and most important, in the Waterfall environment, the project charter gives authorization to begin project work by assigning the project manager formally. In fact, in many scenarios, a Waterfall project cannot begin without a charter, or it is risky to do so.

Chartering will take place in the Waterfall initiation phase of the project, and the project manager may be considered a key expert with good judgment about the scope of work and a key contributor to the charter itself. Once the project manager has their what I call “ticket to ride the roller coaster of project management,” they can begin a cost-benefit analysis to make sure that it is a feasible request both financially and based on the currently defined scope of work. Once that is determined, the project sponsor (check writer) will sign off, and work begins by identifying stakeholders and planning project efforts.

You might notice that there is a lot of initial information in the Waterfall charter that covers the big constraints like scope requirements, cost, and scheduling as well as risks. This doesn’t mean that things won’t change, but at this point the result is pretty much set in stone. Whether you are building a bridge, a skyscraper, a railroad, or a massive datacenter, even though the scope may be too large to determine cost accurately and time definitively, at least you know what the result should be.

After the collection of requirements, the project manager will put together a scope statement with specifics and will get sign-off. This is the point in the Waterfall project where you hand the scope statement to the customer and sponsor and say, “Is this what you meant? Does this look right to you?” This is a key step because that scope statement evolves from the charter, and it will drive the budget, schedule, resources, and procurement, and it is the crux of the result. In essence, “Here is what we will do, and here is what we won’t do.”

We will build you a 12-speed bicycle that is cherry red with leather seat and road tires. We will not add a bell.

This is a crucial step because it helps prevent assumptions and lowers the possibility of scope creep later. Yet again, you can see a vast difference between Waterfall and Agile projects. Waterfall scope is well known, and in Agile projects it simply is not. How then can you use a project charter in Agile? The answer is to keep it simple, keep it flexible, and update it as needed. Chartering sets the stage for what is to come, and it allows everyone to get on the same page for now or at least until the scope changes—as it always does.

Simply put, traditional charters won’t work on Agile projects because they aren’t flexible enough to accommodate the changes that will occur. Does this mean that you shouldn’t use a charter on your Agile projects? Not at all; the best practice is there for a reason. Switching from a Waterfall framework to an Agile one takes some adaptation of best practices and a flip of the script to facilitate a flexible response to changing needs and technologies. It would be impossible to put together a totally static document that describes what success looks like when you don’t even know yourself. I can pretty much guarantee that the customer isn’t exactly sure either at this point.

What Waterfall and Agile charters do have in common is project selection techniques to determine the fiscal output and input of the organization sponsoring the project. It is necessary to engage your stakeholders early and often to determine the jumping-off point of the project and decide to charter. Therefore, some organizations will consider the conversations with the customer and any currently known requirements as well as any additional information they have and determine the fiscal health of chartering that specific project as part of initial project-wide activities. This means that they will get their ducks in a row before they start pulling out the corporate wallet or asking the customer for theirs.

The top three tasks of the exam content outline for stakeholder engagement at the beginning of the project and throughout are as follows:

  1. Identifying and engaging effective and empowered business stakeholder(s) through periodic reviews to ensure that the team is knowledgeable about stakeholders’ interests, needs, and expectations.
  2. Promoting knowledge sharing early and throughout the project with current or future stakeholders to ensure the unimpeded flow of information and value throughout the life span of the project.
  3. Establishing stakeholder relationships by forming a working agreement among key stakeholders in order to promote participation and effective collaboration.

Even though the top three tasks are expected to continue throughout the project, it is important to note that the development of a project charter is setting the stage for a general understanding and agreement.

Waterfall and Agile projects alike have a kick-off point designed to engage current and key stakeholders and form a working agreement of at least the financial aspects and a general understanding and agreement on who, what, where, when, why, and how. Without this type of interaction, the flow of communication is impeded and a working agreement won’t occur. The theme of collaborative communication will continue throughout the iterations of the project because everyone knows the scope will change. By starting out the project on a collaborative footing, it can pave the way for open and transparent communication and consensus building very early in the project. The momentum can then continue throughout.

I’m sure that you noticed that there is a smaller focus on specifics in the Agile project charter and a greater focus on brief explanations of what we know today. There is less scope, and it is more flexible and less informative. That is not to say that Agile charters are a waste of time. As you’ll come to see, there are many pre-project engagement techniques designed to get everyone on the same page, even if that page is brief and changeable.

Since Agile project management focuses on transparent and interactive communication, the goal is to promote knowledge early and often when it is known. The team will answer whatever questions they can in the beginning and ask their own questions for clarification. The result may just be “I need a software program that can manage my team schedule and vacation time.” That is enough information to begin to ask probing questions and to start the process of getting them answered. The end goal is the same, but what goes into the final release may change exponentially throughout the course of the complete set of iterations.

Determining Return on Investment

Let’s face it, organizations are in the business of making money. Yes, they are also about providing goods and services to their customers, but rarely will an organization invest in a project without knowing what the benefits are versus the costs. To charter a project effectively, it is necessary for organizations to trim down from “We should do this!” to “Let’s see what it costs first.” Once costs are identified, it becomes about the benefits. How much will this cost, and what will the organization get in return. What is the return on investment (ROI)? To determine ROI, a business case is usually created.

Much of what you are tested on in the PMI-ACP exam is about providing value to the customer and understanding what they need from the increment you are designing and building. The reason for this is that proving value iteratively is a large part of why Agile project management is more effective than Waterfall types of frameworks in this context. Value is malleable and changeable as the project progresses. Value isn’t set in stone, and it always will change and adapt.

On the money side of things, no organization wants to see funding rise and then drop off or, worse yet, make nothing from the venture at all. The project needs to be flexible to accommodate customer changes, but not too risky on the cost side of things. It makes organizations a bit nervous not to be able to pin down some information on cost versus benefits.

There are many techniques to determine whether an organization will gain their return on investment by determining the cost versus the value of chartering one project over another. Some techniques will determine how fast the money is going out the door, while others will calculate how fast the expenditures will be recouped and what the profit will be.

The best way to begin a project is to determine the cost versus the benefits, and there are many ways to do this. Usually, this determination is one of the roles of a business analyst working with the sponsor or key stakeholders. They do this by having one eye on the prize and one eye on the market.

Development of a business case incorporates a lot of market knowledge, reading of a crystal ball, and forecasting the future. I’m sure that the business analyst in your organization wouldn’t be happy to read that I just called them a crystal ball reader, but the market fluctuates and changes daily. Inflation, varying exchange rates, and market shares should be considered and built into the process. It is a bit of a psychic forecast because anything can change, and change rapidly.

Many of the best practices of project selection involve big scary formulas that you don’t need to know, unless you are a business analyst. For our purposes, let’s focus on an overview of the techniques and why they are important.

The first thing to note is the concept of ROI, or return on investment. ROI is often used as a corporate buzzword; however, ROI is a very serious concept without a whole lot of structure in its definition. My organization’s ROI may be very different from yours. It all depends on what is considered valuable. In that context, ROI is subjective, so other financial analysis must be done to determine prospective ROI. Typically, project selection techniques begin with a payback period and end with net present value, which we will discuss shortly.

Payback Period

Payback period is pretty much what is sounds like—it answers the question of how fast the organization will get back the money spent on the project and begin generating a profit. Certainly, the faster the payback period, the better off the organization will be.

Think about it this way, if you lent your best friend money, would you rather they pay you back sooner or later? If you say later, you are a very good friend! Most of us would want that transaction to go as quickly as possible before things get awkward. Organizations are no different, and there is a reason for that. First, profit is generated faster if the payback period is shorter and, second, because today’s money will more than likely not be worth the same tomorrow. The longer it takes to recoup initial investments, the less the return on the investment.

Payback period is always represented in time, and if you have a choice, you would charter a project that pays you back the fastest. Unfortunately, that isn’t the only variable to consider. Organizations still have that pesky problem of determining the allocation of funds across your project and others in the organization, plus spending money means it isn’t being invested in expansion, new equipment, and other projects. Here is where the crystal ball comes into play. You can forecast out when you will be paid back, but it is also necessary to look at the market and see what it is going on at this point in time in order to determine an accurate and effective forecast. That is where things like internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) come into play.

Internal Rate of Return

If you were given a choice of whether to invest your money with an annual return percentage of 3.5 percent versus a 10.5 percent, which one would you choose? Those of you who play the market might say things like “it depends on the market, I could lose more with risky investments,” or “I like to play the long game and invest wisely.” That makes sense. What if the market or any other external factors weren’t there? Would that change your answer? Probably! You would most likely choose the highest percentage of return and get the biggest bang for your invested buck. That’s a very simple example of the concept of internal rate of return (IRR): internal (meaning no external influences), rate (what percentage), and return (ROI).

If I’m an organization, I’m going to compare my proposed investment in a project to my projected rate of return and determine if it is the right way to go. Just as you would choose the highest return if no external risk were present, an organization will choose the highest return as well—especially if they are trying to decide between chartering similar projects. The highest return wins.

There is a lot more that goes into all of this, of course (remember big scary formulas and business analysts with crystal balls), but the bottom line is that the higher the IRR the better, and this will be a contributing factor in financial decisions. Once the payback period and the IRR are determined, it’s time to take a look at the time value of money.

Net Present Value

What is today’s money worth tomorrow? My grandmother used to be very specific in her disgust at rising prices for things like movies and travel. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I heard this on a regular basis: “When I was your age, movies cost a nickel and we took a train rather than hurtling through the sky in a tin can to the tune of a year’s salary.” The point is that yesterday’s money isn’t worth the same today. There is inflation and an ever-present market that is constantly unpredictable.

What are big organizations to do? They run big scary formulas that let them know as of right now—today—the present value of net return. Therefore, payback period and internal rate of return are important inputs because they will help drive the resulting net present value (NPV).

All organizations have incoming cash flow and outgoing cash flow, and both hold their own values. Outgoing cash flow is a negative value, and incoming is a positive value. If the organization compares the value of an outgoing cash flow to a project (including what they spent initially) and the incoming cash flow over the payback period, they can start to see the benefits versus the costs. If you spend a million dollars one month and only receive $500,000 back over the course of the next six months and have to wait another six months for the other $500,000, it won’t be worth as much. Your million-dollar investment is now worth less.

Granted that financial worth rarely fluctuates that quickly with those numbers, but you catch my drift. As an organization, I would want the highest NPV possible to drive my decision to charter a project. If a company is forecasting that they will break even on the venture, they may determine that it isn’t fiscally healthy to charter that project. Although, I’ve seen organizations charter a break-even project based on an opportunity that may provide more ROI somewhere down the road, or one that has a chance of landing a big customer, or even one for future growth. Some organizations and industries are considered risk takers, and in technology a lot of projects are cutting edge and risky. Sometimes, however, the opportunity is worth the risk.

Most of you would probably agree that if you knew in advance that you were going to lose money on something, you probably wouldn’t do it. Organizations and the market are sometimes favorable in the odds, and so, like playing craps in a casino, an organization will roll the dice and cross their fingers. You see this a lot in the movies, which now cost an arm and a leg to make and frankly to take your family to these days. This is due to the massive amounts of expense invested in the project and the need to make it back quickly. Think of those huge budget movies with high-paid talent and crazy special effects that tank in the theaters. A studio may have taken a quarter of a billion-dollar gamble and only made $30 million back. Ouch! Why would an organization take on a loser project like that? Because they don’t expect to lose.

Most organizations wouldn’t ever consider taking on a loser project if they knew in advance that it would provide zero profit and run way over budget. The problem is that projections can be optimistic, and sometimes the crystal ball is cloudy and not reliable.

There are only a few reasons an organization would take on a financial loser. First, because they flat out have to. Regulation or compliance demands it, and money that will never be seen again must be spent to be compliant. Nonetheless, because they spent the money, the organization continues on its merry way as compliant. Second, organizations may do this because they hope the market will reset or adapt before they lose money in profits. Usually, you see a lot of this before elections. It’s still a gamble, though and any financial advisor with whom you speak will tell you the same: It’s a risk. So how much are you willing to risk? This is where you leave it to the business analysts to determine that amount.

As Agile project managers, you will wait until you get the green light to begin, and then you will go forward with the stakeholder interactions and determine aspects of the project scope. That is where you begin to determine who, what, where, why, and how.

Techniques of Pre-Project Engagement

Getting everyone on the same page at the beginning of a project can be difficult. There is not a lot of information to go on, and it is known that throughout the project the scope will undoubtedly change. How can an Agile team get on the same page with the customer and other stakeholders? Talk to them! It’s important to make sure that the team knows at a high level what the reason is behind the chartering of the project and to generate an understanding of what the customer finds valuable today. There are few ways to do this with limited information, except by what is currently found in the project charter.

The two ways to get the ball rolling on what success looks like today are as follows:

  • Elevator Statements
  • Tweeting

Elevator Statements

If you were riding on an elevator with someone, could you in a short ride explain what it is that your customer wants from a finished product? This sounds easier said than done. The process of compartmentalizing and being concise is a profound way to express the needs of the project and describe what a successful result would look like.

Elevator statements provide a tangible vision of what the work will produce and what the ultimate goal is as the result. I find it is best to articulate a vision statement or elevator statement in the present tense instead of some far-off increment to be developed in the future. Many times, the terms vision statement and elevator statement are used interchangeably, but the product owner is the one who needs to make sure that the ROI is met. Thus, the product owner will often ask for the vision and/or elevator statement to determine the end goal(s). Provided the product owner and the team understand the direction in which they are headed, how they get to that point is less stringently enforced in many frameworks. Whatever term or process is used, the goal is to keep the team focused on the here and now. This allows for conversations and better direction toward the jumping-off point prior to the iteration beginning.

One thing that you’ll notice about Agile frameworks like Scrum, XP, DSDM, FDD, and others is the concept of transparent communication. In a Waterfall mentality, the team is very dependent on the project manager in the very beginning to set the requirements and describe what the project will entail. In Agile projects, the team and product owner are working with the customer to determine the potential results while trying to fully understand them as they are discussed. Even though the product owner/customer will determine what is valuable to them as the iterations progress, it is the team who needs to describe and understand the vision in the beginning. This will be done with input from stakeholders and customers and from discussions, of course, but ultimately if someone asked you to describe your current project in an elevator, you would have to understand it first yourself.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone starting the elevator statement with the customer and ending with the team is a good sandwich approach. It allows us to focus on both sides of the project equation and provides the team with the ability to buy in to their role in the result. This gives the team a good idea of who they are dealing with and why they are the best people to take it on. This builds the beginnings of motivation, better team dynamics, and the ability to reach consensus right out of the gate, or right out of the elevator as it were. The format for the elevator statement is graphically represented in Figure 4.1.

Diagram shows elevator statement format having for, the, is A, that, unlike, and we.

FIGURE 4.1 Elevator statement format



Tweeting takes the elevator statement and trims it way down to about 140 characters or less. This is a very difficult thing to do, and if you hang out on Twitter you know sometimes it takes a few tweets to get your point across. The good thing about Twitter or other social media is that people are used to tweeting now and, therefore, it isn’t outside of the realm of possibility to tweet an overview of your product.

I find it is very helpful when the customer does this for the team. It causes the customer to really think about what the most important aspects of the result are and really narrow it down to its most concise description.

Remember, I use the term customer loosely and as a blanket statement for both internal and external customers. This may represent an internal customer in XP or a product owner in Scrum or an actual customer. To keep things generic across best practices, it’s important to separate from specific frameworks and methodologies.

I know what you are thinking—I mean how could you possibly collect requirements this way? I totally understand! Let me put it to you a bit differently. Have you ever had a laundry list of requirements thrown at you by a customer who seems not even to be sure what it is that they want? If you have, you know that it can be a bit frustrating.

This exercise is for the customer to dig deep and find the most important things and describe the result they are seeking in 140 characters or less. The best part about this exercise is that it forces both the customer and other stakeholders to be very concise in their descriptions, and they really have to think about it in order to do this effectively.

One thing to consider while you are reading this is that you will eventually fill out your application for the PMI-ACP exam. Part of the application piece is describing your project work in about 1,000 characters or less. It takes time to put it all together in a concise manner, but you are describing your project and Agile experience in a very long tweet so that the Project Management Institute (PMI) understands your experience and can validate that your experience aligns with their requirements.

There are a variety of ways to collect requirements, and occasionally I like to revert to my Waterfall experience to design best practices that will work in an Agile environment. This is called project tailoring, and that ability is on deck to be the next important thing in project management best practices, especially with the updates to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Sixth Edition, which focus on tailoring best practices for the benefit of your project, not for your process framework.

I see the value in a lot of best practices in both arenas, one of which is a Waterfall practice of surveys and checklists. I like to use surveys with customers as well as specific interview questions and checklists when explaining process or framework implementation. These are excellent ways to keep me organized personally and not digress into a rabbit hole topic (as you may have noticed I tend to do). At the same time, it keeps the focus on the matter at hand by collecting the right information in real time.

Surveys are helpful when trying to get to the bottom of what the result could be and what the customer sees as a successful completion. These questions can reflect anything from what they see as a successful completion to what the end user is looking for in the increment that you are building. I don’t have a set list of survey questions because each project is unique, but I do have some go-to questions I always ask. I use them as a way to keep the focus on the same issues and information and to reduce my tangent potential.

Prototyping is also an effective way to determine what success looks like. Prototyping usually brings up thoughts of creating an entire result, showing it, and then mass-producing it—like in the old days of automobile mass production. A prototype of a new model of a car would be created, shown, and then mass-produced.

This is simply not fiscally responsible anymore. Not to say that organizations don’t create prototypes—they certainly do, and for some engineering organizations it is worth it to build something correctly once before mass-producing it. In technology, however, we are more focused on finding out what the build should be rather than telling the customer here it is—just what you want! Now that is prototyping type casting! These days, due to 3D printers and computer-developed models, as well as low-tech ways to work through to the solution, it’s easier in an Iteration Zero or through pre-project engagement to collect the right requirements, or at least to begin to do so. Obviously, whether you prototype or not is dependent on the types of products or services that you create.

The Definition of Done

Perhaps one of the biggest and most well-known phrases in an Agile environment is the definition of done. And by done, I mean finished. Think about what a tough question that is in the very beginning when you know that the scope will change and that the customer is mostly focused on the final result as it stands today.

Your team needs to know what done looks like, not just for the finished product or result (we will call the finished product done-done), but at the end of each iteration. Keep in mind that iterations are designed to produce a usable increment at the end of each sprint or iteration, so the definition of done will change and adapt. It’s a moving target. If you and your team don’t know the stakeholders’ definition of done, then it is totally impossible to know when the project is finished or the increment is done-done.

For now, let’s focus on engaging stakeholders in defining what done actually means. This allows your team to focus on the specific and main items needed to produce a working, viable product/service that is considered done-done at a certain point.

There are many ways to engage your stakeholders and get to the bottom of the question of “What does done look like to you?” Wireframes are a good way to begin.


Wireframes are a super easy and cool way to work with stakeholders to define their needs and to help create a mock-up of what will be built before you get into the business of building. I use movies and television shows when I explain wireframes to my customers. I give them an idea of how each scene in the movie is plotted out in advance on paper and, in many cases, is hand-drawn. It is a visual representation of the scene before it is shot. I’m sure that when you look at big blockbuster movie budgets, you can imagine how important it is to plot out the scene in advance. Having a script is great, but that is mostly for the actors to see their lines and when they enter and leave a scene. The storyboards are there for the director so that they can see what they will create on film and use that to plot out the visuals and stunts and to correlate with the actor’s lines. If you consider yourselves the director of the project, then it’s important to see what it is that you are about to create.

A lot of tools used in Agile are surprisingly low tech, and wireframes are considered low-fidelity prototypes or mock-ups of the scene. This allows for a better definition of done because it’s visual, it doesn’t cost anything except for time, and you can work with stakeholders to show what it might look like when it’s finished. Just as in the movies, scenes may be cut or re-created until they are just right.

In Figure 4.2, you’ll see a very basic wireframe. The question you have to ask yourselves is do you understand it? Do you get the gist of how you would mock up the app? At this point, you wouldn’t have all of the information, and the wireframe can be used as a tool to see what the customer wants. If there is open real estate, you can ask what the customer wants in that space and begin building out the vision.

Diagram shows basic wireframe for phone app having logo, login/register, rock, jazz, blues, MP3 files, upload, browse, open real estate, et cetera.

FIGURE 4.2 Basic wireframe for phone app

I find that not being able to draw very well, by making it a bit messy I allow the customer to feel more empowered to grab a pen and show me what they want. Or, they think I draw like a two-year-old. Either way, it gets the conversation flowing. There are several wireframe apps out there now to help, and you can always revert to PowerPoint as needed as a quick and easy way to draw or mock up a wireframe. It’s also much less formal than a kick-off meeting. Wireframes are a way to show what you are thinking visually you are going to build. If not, then certainly crumple it up and throw it away. I call it the Pictionary of Agile.

The description is the tweet, and the wireframe is the picture of the tweet. Now we are getting somewhere!

User Stories

User stories were originally created in the XP framework as a way to determine the definition of done and are now used in just about every single Agile framework.

Not only are user stories an effective way to determine what done looks like, but they are also used to determine how much work could be accomplished in any given sprint or iteration. You’ll see in Domain V : Adaptive Planning how you can estimate amounts of work by utilizing user stories. In this chapter, you’ll see them as a way to engage stakeholders, and as task 6 on the exam content outline for this domain clearly states, “You will need to establish a shared vision of the various project increments (products, deliverables, releases, iterations) by developing a high-level vision and supporting objectives in order to align stakeholders’ expectations and build trust.” User stories help you accomplish that.

Most user stories follow a similar format of: As ____________ I need/want ____________ so that I can ________________________.

This keeps things very simple, and as the title suggests, allows the key stakeholders and customer to work through the why as well as gives the team a better idea of who they are and where they are coming from.

It’s a powerful thing for a customer to say any one of the following:

  • “As a customer and key stakeholder, I need to be able to log in from anywhere in the world so that I get better at client relations and service.”
  • “As an end user, I need an app to keep track of my teenager so that I get updates on her whereabouts and can keep her safe.”
  • “As a decision maker in my organization, I need an app that can access my salespeople’s daily results, regardless of where they are in the world, so that I get the sales updates in a timely manner.”

Even though the above examples could be viewed as vague and nonspecific, they can be better vetted as the user story creation progresses. Remember right now that you are trying to engage your stakeholders—you are attempting to understand their needs and why they want the product, service, or result.

The goal of any user story is to make sure that you can break it down to a specific, individual amount of work (about 1 to 3 days of work) and test it for completion. It’s okay in my book to allow them to start big and work their way down to more specifics. It’s our job as a development team, product owners, and Agile project managers to get the customer to the point where we understand their vision enough to define the specifics to the point where we can execute them.

User stories give us some insight and a way to see stakeholders and end users as people needing something from us rather than some random customer. This will create buy-in on the team side of things, and the client will feel heard and understood.

Ron Jefferies is one of the founders of eXtreme Programming as well as one of the 17 contributors who created the Agile Manifesto. Jeffries also contributed to the idea of a user story by providing Agile with the Three C’s:

  • Card
  • Conversation
  • Confirmation

Jeffries felt that all user stories should be written on a card. This makes a user story tangible and singular, and it also limits the amount of space you have to write it. There can be many user stories in one iteration/project, and each can be as important as the other. It’s up to the product owner to determine which of the cards or user stories are most valuable today. Just like the Kanban card approach or Scrum boards that use Post-it notes to describe user stories or tasks, the first C is used in the same way. The story is written on a card.

The second C is conversation, and it is perhaps the most important. I could write user stories all day long about what I think my customer wants, but unless I have a conversation with them, I’ll never know for sure. I also have a self-directed and self-managed cross-functional team who frankly knows more than I do—people who do the work, know the work, and therefore, are the best people to be creating user stories with the customer and other stakeholders. The communication, engagement, and conversation aspect is the crux of Agile. Without it, you would never build the right thing or build the thing right.

The third C is confirmation. Have we done it correctly? Have we built the right thing? Is it fit for use? Have we tested it to make sure? Can we test it to make sure?

Confirmation is a bit like the validate scope process in Waterfall project management, meaning that the customer needs to sign off on the result and validate its correct completion. You’ll have to have some kind of formal thumbs-up to call it done, and much of that comes from testing early and often to make sure everything is working correctly and meeting the needs of the customer’s definition of valuable.

Reviews with the customer will also provide the opportunity to demo the increment at the end of a sprint or iteration. This allows the customer to confirm that it’s correct or not by utilizing acceptance testing.

User Story Workshops

User story workshops are an excellent way to get everyone working together and communicating. Some of the best explanations I’ve ever gotten from my clients resulted from asking them to tell me a story. The workshops are a collaborative way of gaining valuable insight into what the end user needs and what the requirements are, and it also engages stakeholders by including them in the design process. Much like wireframes, it’s a way to get everyone on the same page. I like the workshop aspect of user story creation because I believe that to truly reach consensus and design a vision, everyone needs to have input and it’s worth spending the time to get it.

You can certainly timebox these workshops from one to two hours as needed, and you can provide facilitation or structure to the event as well. Otherwise, you have a free-for-all that’s free for all. I like to keep it to just one free-for-all and facilitate the rest.

The key to most planning in Agile environments, other than engagement and communication, is determining your workflow and improving it as you go. By collaborating on the needs of the end user with the end user and the team, everyone can begin to see a path to the workflow necessary to achieve it.

Epic and Personas

I think it is important to give day-to-day guidance on how to run a user story workshop. It’s easy for someone who has done it to say, “Oh this is super important, and you should do it.” Just as you are about to say, “Yeah, but how?” they have moved on to a new topic. User stories and workshops designed to create them are important, so I want to give you some tips and tricks on the how, not just the why!

There are a couple things that can help you in a user story workshop and throughout the project, and those are epics and personas. Let’s start with epics.


When I think of the word epic, I think of something that is massive, with many pieces of a whole put together. Sometimes it’s impossible to jump to a small user story about a couple of days’ worth of work just like that. The customer also may have a challenging time narrowing down what they want in a short sentence. In this respect, epics are a good jumping-off point, and then you can begin decomposing down to the user story and finally to the task level. Remember, all of this could adapt and change, but you have to start somewhere and the better that you understand the big picture as the customer sees it, the better you are able to break it down into an actual workflow.

I know that in Waterfall project management, the decomposition of scope is a big deal. If a sponsor says that you are going to be assigned to a year-long technology project to introduce broadband (yes, I’m aging myself) to other areas of the world, that’s a BIG ask! It’s too much information to process in its vastness. I could never in that moment answer the question of how much it will cost, how long it will take, and how many or what resources it would require. It’s too, for lack of a better word, epic. So, we begin to focus on big deliverables and break those down to a level that we can most accurately estimate. We could still be wrong, but it’s easier to zero focus than to determine specifics from a 50-thousand-foot overview.

You’ll find that your customers also start 50 thousand feet up, and they will describe something much larger and with too many moving parts to it. Guess what? That’s okay. I encourage it! The reason I do encourage those thoughts and discussions is that you have to start somewhere and, once everyone has a direction, it’s easier to map it out.

A good epic metaphor or story is useful to help explain the importance of this technique.


Personas are a great way for the team to understand the end users or customers in a way that keeps the focus on their needs while bringing a personal aspect to the users. The key to personas is to make them realistic and goal oriented. The advice from experts is to use someone who isn’t real but who can be related to in a real way. I agree with that if it is in the very beginning of the project and the team doesn’t really know the customer well yet. After that, I believe in the getting-to-know-you process of customer collaboration and communication. I like to make the personas become more realistic and more specific to the customer. It makes everything more real in our world, and it allows me to empathize or even sympathize with their needs.

Whatever way you use personas, it’s best to keep them front and center on visible cards or flip charts so that everyone can see them and use them in correlation with user stories. Keep things goal oriented but personal to the real or fictitious customer and be creative. The better everyone understands the persona, the closer you will get to creating the thing right.

Knowing your audience is a big part of Agile project management, and therefore personas are useful in a workshop environment and in sprint planning meetings. Even if the customer isn’t part of the discussion, or the team has run a couple of them and is getting better at identifying who is the customer, personas can help you walk in the customer’s shoes for a bit.

You can probably tell that epics, personas, and user stories are a large part of collecting requirements to determine the definition of done. The more times that you produce a workable increment at the end of an iteration, the deeper you can get into what the customer wants and needs. That in and of itself is pretty epic.

Figure 4.3 shows the very simple steps to consider when holding a user story workshop. Whether you incorporate all or just the ones that are relevant to your current project is up to you. One of the major trends in Agile is to keep things simple. The process can be as well.

Diagram shows workshop process of user having invite (all relevant stakeholders) leading to explain (how user stories work) which in turn leads to collaborate (write stories).

FIGURE 4.3 User story workshop process

Agile Knowledge Sharing and Communication

Project managers in any framework spend about 90 percent of their time communicating in some way. In an Agile environment, this applies to the team as well. Whether it’s face-to-face communication, osmotic communication, body language, Kanban boards, other types of information radiators, or written communications, the team is in constant communication with each other, the customer/product owner, and the Agile project manager/Scrum Master/coach.

As part of the domain that incorporates stakeholder engagement, the focus in this chapter is on understanding the needs of the customer and determining how the team will go about producing the increment. When we review Domain 4 (IV): Team Performance tasks in a later chapter, you’ll see the trend of open and honest feedback and communication continue specifically to the team environment.

In this chapter, the focus is on engaging the stakeholders to determine what they need. With user stories being such an important aspect of that determination, your focus will be on the communication used to engage stakeholders in the development of user stories.

Part of the how to of user story workshops is to utilize your time wisely, have effective communication, collaborate, and develop the epics and stories effectively. You may have noticed earlier in the chapter that it seemed to be a very simple user story format of “as ____________ I need/want ____________ so that I can…” That format doesn’t provide a whole lot of distinct information, but it’s important to note that whatever format works for you and your team is the format that you should use.

If the product sounds like it could be or is certainly a highly complex result, there may be a variety of options on who is the actual user. If there are many users, how do you account for their needs without reaching a state of analysis-paralysis? An effective way is to focus on what information is needed to lead communication and collaboration to other questions and clarification.

As a customer, I may only know that I need a website that allows me to upload my speaking voice, and people can hire and pay me for voice-overs through the site. Questions, collaboration, and communication can help to drill down to the main points.

  • What kind of uploads are possible and in what format?
  • Can you use any mic or recording device?
  • How will the buyer search for your specific talent?
  • How will they pay you?
  • If by credit card, which ones are accepted?
  • What about PayPal?

You are a user, but so are the people who would want to hire you. The credit card companies are on the periphery as well as any advertisers. How about investors in the web business? How do they check their stats? How do you determine end user needs if you aren’t really sure who the end user is and there are layers upon layers of things to consider? Working with a set system to approach this is very helpful, and I tend to revert to the INVEST process flow to achieve what it is needed.

INVEST for User Stories

Remember back in Chapter 2, “Scum and eXtreme Programming (XP),” you were introduced to the acronym INVEST created by Bill Wake. The INVEST acronym applies to having superior quality in the product backlog, which essentially means that you have effective user stories that can be estimated and produced to spec. INVEST is an effective way to check ourselves and not produce defects or waste in the process flow. Part of our ability to provide that quality is to communicate the needs of the business and the customer effectively.

The INVEST acronym is an excellent way to develop user stories during a workshop to communicate those needs, and even though you were introduced to it before, this is where it really matters—the creation of effective user stories.

It’s also important to balance both what the customer wants and what the organization needs. NPV is present here, and ROI needs to be met. This balancing act is the main reason a workshop or collaboration involves everyone—customer, development team, Agile PM, and other key stakeholders.

The INVEST Acronym

The INVEST acronym stands for the following attributes:

  • Independent
  • Negotiable
  • Valuable
  • Estimable
  • Small
  • Testable

Let’s look at user stories in the context of the INVEST acronym to gain effective insights into what the customer wants and that this is understood by the team.


When writing user stories, you will want to keep them independent from each other. This literally means that each user story isn’t created in order of occurrence—do this, then that, and then that. Remember the puzzle pieces? A gray piece and a black corner piece may fit together when all is said and done, but you aren’t there yet. In my voice-over website example, if you want different upload speeds or sound quality encoding and features for MP3 or other audio file types, then each one of those features gets its own independent story.


Just because there is a user story on a card that is three-dimensional, it doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely going to be done. What is considered valuable is likely to change, and some of the features that are requested now may never make it into the final result.

You may negotiate that the AAC format is unnecessary, and not many people even know what it is unless they are real audiophiles. It may ultimately become a useless feature for which the customer pays. The same goes for the WAV format. That is negotiable because it’s proprietary and only able to be used on a Windows-based computer. Everyone knows what an MP3 is, however, and it plays on all devices. Thus that may be the ultimate solution. Unless there is a contract in place, the user stories are all negotiable.


User stories may be valuable to the user but not to the customer and vice versa. The goal is to provide enough details in the story to the person who will find it valuable and be able to describe the feature and the benefits that are relevant and valuable to the customer and/or users or both, depending on the outcome.

Remember, you are probably dealing mostly with the customer. Clearly the person who wants the voice-over website to be built isn’t going to be the only one on the site. They may charge a subscription fee for other users of the site. The developers of the site may see value in the technical specifics, and the end users may see value in how easily they can pay their subscription fee, upload their audio, and even promote their content.

The backlog is never complete, and it is ever changing in value. You don’t have to have it all figured out in one workshop, and this isn’t the only workshop that you will have throughout the project. This is an important one, though, because you are just beginning to collaborate with the customer and gather requirements so that you can perform backlog grooming with the product owner and estimate how much of the work will be completed in the iteration.

Value-driven delivery is a direct result of knowing what is valuable first. The user stories should be developed to show the value and the benefits as effectively as possible with the information that you have today.


Just as you wouldn’t be able to say how long something would take or how much it would cost if the project concept was too large, you occasionally will find an epic or user story that is too bulky or complex to get an effective read on it. The inability to define complexity may be influenced by the lack of current knowledge that the developers have about the technology they are being asked to create, or the customer may not know what they want in the finished product at this point. That leaves a very epic story that can’t yet be estimated. More information is needed to truly understand the scope and make effective estimates.

Keep in mind that the team will determine how much work they can accomplish based on user stories, and user stories represent the work that needs to be done. Both should align in order to estimate correctly. Typically, I like to get user stories down to a few days’ worth of work, and that is easier said than done. You’ll see this especially if the complexity of the story is hiding vital information or assumptions.

Questioning assumptions is a large part of risk management in any project, and it is an iterative process as well. I see more complex or assumption-riddled types of user stories on teams that are newer to Agile project management. Typically, they haven’t ever planned this way before. Many are used to a Waterfall type of framework where dependencies exist between activities, and assumptions lead to scope creep. Newer Agile teams have a harder time being concise, and they may be harvesting unknowns in their user stories right out of the gate.

If you are experiencing the quandary of how to deal with something that you can’t effectively estimate, it may be necessary to perform an architectural spike to determine how to solve a problem or use a proof-of-concept or prototype during a sprint or iteration.

Spikes can occur throughout the project, but most especially at the beginning if not enough information is available. The spike may be necessary if it is difficult to determine the tech approach, durations, or workflow from the information you currently have. All assumptions amp up the risk factor on the project. Unknowns are difficult to deal with when they become known on a project because they are almost always a costly surprise.


All user stories need to be small enough to reflect about three to five days of work at most. It’s important to keep the user stories small enough that all questions about the story can be easily answered and what needs to accomplished is understood.

If too many questions are asked and can’t be answered without further clarity, it may be because the story is too large or encompasses several different related features. At that point, it would be necessary to collaborate as a team on what the story should represent without any additional noise or misunderstandings. That way the team can determine the size of the work, what the definition of done is, and be able to produce a minimally viable increment during the iteration. Keeping stories small and simple helps maintain focus on the goal and allows the team to execute the work appropriately.


How will you know that a user story has been accomplished? Test it and test it again! Think about it this way: To graduate high school or college, you had to take tests that proved that you knew the information well enough to pass. When you take your PMI-ACP exam, you will be tested on your knowledge of Agile environments. Testing is the proof that something is correct and that it works and meets requirements.

Much of the testing piece in Agile environments is currently or eventually will be automated. In fact, many tests are written in advance knowing that the increment will fail right out of the gate. It is expected.

When the test is passed, it meets requirements. To create the right tests to prove that something is working or completed, it is important to understand what it is that you are trying to develop. Therefore, user story workshops are an integral part of Agile frameworks. What you produce in the workshop will go into the backlog, be groomed by value, and be used by the development team to estimate what they can accomplish in each sprint or iteration.

If you rolled all selected and developed user stories together across iterations, all stories combined should align with the definition of done and the definition of done-done or deployed.

The INVEST acronym is an important one to remember. Not just for your PMI-ACP exam but when you are holding your user story workshops. Figure 4.4 is a simplified version that you can keep close by the next time you host a user story workshop if you are not already familiar with it and/or using it currently.

Diagram shows cycle of INVEST having independent (singular) to negotiable (determine value) to valuable (to customer) to estimable (easily estimated) to small (1 to 3 days of work) finally to testable (can be proven).


The concept of communication and knowledge sharing in a user story workshop environment, as well as other communication opportunities, provides many keys to a successful result. Stories allow us to put ourselves into the shoes of the user or the customer, and it allows the development team to practice empirical process control by utilizing observation, conversation, and experimentation as ways to make decisions.

Originally rooted in the Scrum framework, but applicable in many frameworks, empirical process control keeps things transparent in the communication, allows for ways to inspect or test the increments being developed, and can be adapted as needed. Regardless of how you run your workshops and how you go about getting to the point where you can build out the increment, user stories are one of the key aspects of communication and knowledge sharing.

Most of the time your team and organization will be working directly with a customer who may want you to develop a website, get it up and running, and then fix any bugs with updates later. That’s realistic because you want to produce something workable and usable, or what’s called a minimal marketable feature (MMF). It’s not unusual to have tech debt from past projects to work on throughout your current iterations as well.

You know going into a project that some tech debt may occur in the future, but you can’t depend on a future update to get it right. So you focus on the here and now using communication, collaboration, and knowledge transfer to keep everything above board. You work with the customer to understand exactly who the users are and how to build the thing right and how to build the right thing. Finally, you produce a usable increment that has a minimal (the smallest amount of what is needed and valuable) marketable (you can push it out to the market as is and fix the bugs later) feature (one feature of many until done-done).

Communication and Knowledge Sharing Basics

The concept of communication is a large one to tackle because there are so many ways that humans communicate with others. We have so many ways to communicate these days, and the options aren’t fading—rather they are increasing. We have social media and colocated versus remote/virtual people that need to communicate differently as well as texts, mobile phones, and the Internet. Soon holograms and virtual reality will be a part of organizational day-to-day communication. In Agile, though, a lot of communication is low-tech, high-touch as well including visual communication via information radiators. Body language can influence the final message, and it is a large part of overall communication in a colocated environment.

Albert Mehrabian, professor of psychology at UCLA, performed a study in the 1970s on communication. This study suggests that body language makes up 55 percent overall of a face-to-face message, even if we aren’t fully aware of it. Tone of voice makes up 38 percent of the message, and only 7 percent comprises the words spoken. That’s a pretty powerful reminder that our brains are receiving more visual communication than the words themselves. The brain is said to process visual images 60,000 times faster than spoken words. That is a good part of the reason Agile teams use so many types of information radiators. They are front and center and easy to understand because they are so visual.

What happens when the communication isn’t face-to-face? Tone takes over. If you have ever read and reread your emails before sending them out to someone, that is why you are doing it. What is the message and, more importantly, what is the tone? Perception is 100 percent reality to the person decoding the message. If you don’t really like someone, and you get a message that you perceive to be a bit salty or cranky, you’ll take more offense to it. If your best friend wrote the same exact message, you’d think that they were just having a difficult day and didn’t mean to come off that way.

Communication is considered an aspirational skill, meaning that we all aspire to be better communicators. Some people pursue this more than others. In an Agile environment, the entire framework you use (regardless of method) is dependent on effective, transparent communication. The act of knowledge sharing on an Agile project can be specifically targeted communication with your team or your customer, or it can be very passive like osmotic communication. Because humans use a variety of methods to communicate, and each method is affected by many things, it seems better to address some of the influences on and challenges of effective communication and knowledge sharing one by one.

Osmotic Communication

Osmotic communication is important for many questions on your PMI-ACP exam because it describes one’s ability to pick up information whether you are directly involved in the conversation or not. This is a direct result of team space tooling, or how your team is colocated and seated near each other. You will pick up information just by overhearing it. At that point, you can decide if it is information that you need to retain or let it go because it isn’t applicable to your current situation.

Once the information is retained, this becomes tacit knowledge, which is very different from explicit knowledge that can be looked up in a book or written down. Tacit knowledge is something that is understood but may be difficult to explain to others. I sometimes refer to this as tribal knowledge. It’s something that everyone on the team understands but that would be very difficult to explain accurately to others.

We know more than we can tell.

Michael Polanyi, The Tacit Dimension, University of Chicago Press, 1966.

Communication Channels

There are many different channels of communication in a normal feedback loop. You send a message in some kind of format: verbal, email, and so on. That message must travel through channels and battle either physical noise or the noise of perception from the receiver, who decodes it according to their own perception and response.

If you ever played the game of whisper down the lane or telephone as a child, you know that the more channels there are, the more the message is diluted based on perceptions and how much noise the message travels through. The first kid in line says, “I like your hat, pass it on.” The last kind in line hears, “She doesn’t like your cat.”

It’s important as Agile project managers and team members to practice clear and effective communication. The more channels you have, the greater the chance that your message can go horribly, horribly wrong. This is probably why in most frameworks, the team is kept to a smaller size, therefore reducing the number of communication channels.


Perception is an individual thing. It’s based on our upbringing, how we see the world, and how we think the world sees us. No matter what, it’s 100 percent correct to the individual until proven differently.

There are so many perception problems permeating the world right now, especially on social media. Everybody’s opinion is right and justified to the individual, and every individual’s way of thinking is right in their own minds as well. Everyone else has a problem, and it’s the job of the commenter to prove them wrong.

There have been times on projects when I’ve identified that there is a perception problem. If a customer is expressing something one way and my team is hearing something else from their perception, we will inevitably produce the wrong thing. I think it’s totally realistic to say, “I think we have a perception problem. Please explain from your point of view what you are looking for, then we will express ours and see if we can’t meet in the middle.” It isn’t always going to work, but sometimes the perception elephant in the room needs to be addressed before you can get down to the work at hand.


If the brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than language, then it is important to be as visual as possible. I know that I’m a visual learner—I need to see it and then do it.

So many best practices in an Agile environment are visual. User story cards, wireframes, Kanban boards, process-flow diagrams, and others that you will review as you move forward through this book. The bottom line is that visual communication works better than words. The more visual you are in your processes, the better your team and customer will understand you.

Body Language

Our brain processes micro expressions and picks up signals based on our perception. You can tell when someone is mad, sad, or glad just by looking at them in many cases.

Some people are harder to read than others, and some are more effusive. This is originally why emoticons were created in written communication so that you can see when someone is just kidding or is actually not very happy.

As an Agile project manager, it is important to know your team well enough to be able to gauge how they are feeling above and beyond what they are saying. There are common signals and gestures that relate to certain thoughts and feelings, but even those can be misread based on your perception or knowledge of the individual.


The use of jargon is prevalent today. It could be industry-specific jargon, some of which you are learning in this study guide, or it can be geographical or cultural.

It’s important to keep jargon to a minimum when working with new customers. They may not understand a lot of the technical jargon without explanation. They may not even understand an Agile approach or what a sprint is. I usually start by reviewing the project charter and explaining our framework: how we meet, how we communicate, and our timeboxes for planning meetings and reviews or tests. It’s basically a crash course in Agile without overwhelming the customer.

When you are communicating with people who don’t understand programming or precisely what the process is, it’s important to give examples or metaphors that can help explain it. You may have noticed that a lot of what we do involves communicating and interacting with customers. You can tell by the confused looks on their faces whether your jargon is understood or not. Then you can go on to explain in words they can understand. Be especially diligent in email communication to avoid too much unexplained jargon. Otherwise, it may take many feedback loops to address the confusion.


The practice of mirroring is an important aspect of effective communication. When someone communicates in a similar manner as you do, it’s easy to get along and understand the message. This can occur in a variety of ways. For example, how someone signs off in their email is how I sign off in my response. If they say, “Best Regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Kind Regards,” I do so as well. The only two that I don’t use are “Cheers,” because I am so not cool enough to pull it off (even though I wish I were!) and “Thanks.” I bet a lot of you are thinking what is wrong with “Thanks?” It’s dismissive. Believe me, many people read that as responding with “Whatever” or “Because I said so.”

Dear so and so:

Have that report on my desk by 5 PM EST.


In fact, in a lot of countries in Europe, it’s seen as dismissive and rude to use “Thanks” as a signature. If I get a “Thanks,” I’ll reply with “Thank You” or even “Thanks!” Those are the only two exceptions.

I also attempt to mirror how emails are sent. If they write in bullet points, I’ll answer in bullet points. If they write in paragraphs, I’ll respond in paragraphs. Now obviously this can’t be applicable to every single email. I may need a paragraph before the bullets, but people send emails in the way they want to receive them. I attempt to match that whenever possible.

In a face-to-face dynamic, it’s a bit more difficult because of personalities, body language, position in the organization, and so forth. Nonetheless, there are some phrases that show you are listening and attempting to understand:

If I’m hearing correctly, you are saying XYZ.

Help me understand.

It’s yet another thing that we don’t really think about when we communicate, but every little bit helps.

It’s like passing a stranger who has on your favorite sports team’s logo or the university you attended. You feel an instant connection with them, and you may even give them a nod and a smile. They are mirroring your favorite team, and that creates instant recognition and an instant bond no matter how briefly. The same can be said for mirroring communication.

Emotional Intelligence

Having the ability to understand and sympathize or emphasize with another human being and to understand what they need from you in the moment is a big sign of having emotional intelligence.

If you are aware of your emotions and of someone else’s, and you can determine how they are feeling regarding your interaction with them, you display emotional intelligence. That does not mean being everyone’s best friend or allowing things to slip by that are incorrect because you understand why someone did what they did. It means that you understand why they did what they did, but you can still guide them in a direction to do what needs to be done instead.

As a servant leader, it’s important to practice this skill as much as possible. You can emphasize if you have experienced something similar, and you can sympathize if you intellectually understand something and feel from it. This will help in how you communicate, not just with your team members, but also with significant others, family, and friends.

Trust me when I say those who display emotional intelligence and an understanding of human behavior are far better leaders than those who don’t. More and more organizations these days are looking for those traits in their project managers, more so than their technical skills. It is a large part of understanding and engaging in servant leadership, which is the crux of all project managers running Agile types of projects.


Giving effective feedback isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Many of you may prefer the nonspecific “You did a great job today” type of feedback over the specific “Here’s what you need to work on” conversation.

Providing effective feedback is a communication skill that needs to be practiced. The cool thing about Agile is that so much revolves around open and transparent communication, as well as the team taking the onus upon themselves for successes and challenges because they are self-directed.

When you delve a bit deeper into other domains, you’ll see the value of retrospectives and team collaboration games as windows into feedback and transparent communication. In this domain, the focus is on stakeholder engagement, and some stakeholders or even team members new to Agile frameworks may require some warming up to get to a place where they are comfortable with true feedback. In this case, it is important to explain how things work right from the beginning, and with user story workshops, tweeting, and elevator statements, you are gently guiding them through a highly engaging communication best practice and providing help in the development of the features and needs of the result.

Active Listening

Of course, there isn’t any communication that is effective without active listening. Part of being a good servant leader is not just to hear the words, but rather to understand them.

The hardest part about active listening is not to be thinking of your next response or anything else for that matter. Yes, our brains shift and these days most adults have the attention span of a one-year-old, so it takes practice and work to become proficient in this skill.

No matter how good anyone is at communicating, there is always room for improvement, and in an Agile environment, communication is among the top three most important skills you should have to be the best and most effective servant leader or team member.


This chapter started with pre-project engagement and the creation of an Agile project charter. You saw a comparison of and the differences between a more formal Waterfall project charter and a flexible Agile project charter. No matter what type of framework you use to manage your projects, a charter is a good stepping-off point to begin pre-project engagement.

Next we went through the various techniques or project selection methods of pre-project engagement, including payback period, internal rate of return, and net present value. All of the methods are typically used to determine the fiscal health of a chartering decision as well as determining ROI for the organization. Keep in mind that even though you may not see any questions specific to these methods on the exam, it’s often important in your day-to-day work life to understand the derivation of these numbers.

In the next section, we went through two very specific techniques for pre-project engagement, which are elevator statements and tweeting. Both allow you and the stakeholders to get a better idea of the scope of work for the project and to create concise ways to explain the results. This then leads to understanding the definition of done and developing better user stories utilizing user story workshops. You reviewed epics and personas as well in order to understand better what the customer’s needs are for the increments as well as knowing yourself when it is “done.”

Finally, we went through an overview of knowledge and information sharing for better communication. You’ll notice that this topic will continue throughout the rest of this book.

Exam Essentials

Be able to describe an Agile project charter. Understand why it is important to kick off a project with a good understanding of the who, what, where, when, how, and why. Determining some of the key information during the pre-project engagement process is an excellent best practice.

Understand how to determine ROI. Even though you may not play the role of a business analyst or need to truly understand the ins and outs of project selection techniques, it is important to absorb what happens in the background to determine fiscal health in project chartering decisions.

Be able to explain the importance of elevator statements and tweeting. Having the ability to explain the increment of a project concisely in a short tweet or having the ability to explain what it is you are going to produce to someone in an elevator is a key skill when determining what success should look like. It also allows for better stakeholder engagement and communication as you work together to get to the point where you can build the right thing.

Understand what is the definition of done. Utilizing epics, user stories, and personas allows you and your team to engage with stakeholders effectively and have a true understanding of what it is you are attempting to create. If the concept is too big, or if it can’t be tested, then it’s important to break it down further to the user story level. Personas help you understand the needs of the customer, whether the person represented is fictitious or not.

Be aware of effective communication techniques. Effective communication is a common theme in all aspects of Agile. In this chapter, you reviewed stakeholder engagement tasks to determine the needs of the customer and how to get to the point where your team could start working on the priority user stories and produce a usable, done increment. A lot of those strategies include wireframes, elevator statements, and user story workshops. Also, be aware of things like emotional intelligence, active listening, providing feedback, and mirroring communication. Practicing those aspects of communication will help you be more Agile in your communication as well as make you a better and more effective servant leader.

Review Questions

You can find the answers to the review questions in Appendix B.

  1. You have colocated your team, and during the day the team discusses the things they have learned, what they are working on, and various solutions to issues they confront. Even though not everyone contributes to every conversation, they are picking up the information. This information can be internalized or thrown away depending on the individual’s need for that information. This is known as which one of the following?

    1. Tribal knowledge
    2. Osmotic communication
    3. Tacit knowledge
    4. Team knowledge
  2. Which of the following items can your team use to help visually show what a viable product or service might look like in a type of low-fidelity prototype?

    1. A definition of done
    2. Approval from the product owner to create user stories
    3. A well-planned strategy to accomplish project goals
    4. A wireframe with a breakdown of the product needs
  3. Your organization is working to determine a project to charter officially, and it is looking at various financial information for project selection. Which technique contains the most information necessary to make a final decision?

    1. Project charter
    2. Internal rate of return (IRR)
    3. Net present value (NPV)
    4. Payback period
  4. During a user story workshop, your customer says, “As a customer, I want a web page so that I can do business.” Is this considered an effective user story?

    1. No, because it isn’t specific and therefore not testable.
    2. No, because it doesn’t follow the structure of a user story.
    3. Yes, because it follows the structure of a user story.
    4. Yes, because you will work through the details later.
  5. During a user story workshop, you ask your customer to explain to you the result they are looking for in 140 characters or less. Which of the following are you requesting?

    1. Wireframe
    2. User story
    3. Elevator statement
    4. Tweet
  6. Kelly and Jim are working together on an architectural spike to help determine what process they will use. They have come to you as their Agile manager and expressed some frustration with the process. If you are practicing active listening, what would you be thinking as they expressed themselves?

    1. “Kelly and Jim are upset. I need to help them find a solution.”
    2. “I’ll need to jump in and see if I can help them fix this.”
    3. “Kelly and Jim are upset, and they need my help.”
    4. “Kelly and Jim are really upset. I’d better get other team members involved to get all of the information.”
  7. How can you tell when you have a user story that isn’t going to be effective?

    1. It can be tested.
    2. It is large enough to explain the work.
    3. You can negotiate items in it.
    4. It stands alone as an independent item.
  8. You are a business analyst working to put together a business case utilizing project selection techniques. Project A has a net present value of $555,926 and Project B has a net present value of $787,454. Based on this information alone, which would you choose as the project to charter?

    1. Project A because the NPV is less than Project B.
    2. No decision can be made accurately until ROI is determined.
    3. Project B because the NPV is higher than project A.
    4. No decision can be made until the payback period and internal rate of return are determined.
  9. You are working with your customer and sketching out what their website will be like. This is an example of which one of the following?

    1. Wireframe
    2. User story
    3. Persona
    4. Tweet
  10. You are working with a customer who is used to Waterfall frameworks and formal project charters. They ask you to explain the difference between a Waterfall project charter and an Agile project charter. How do you explain it to them?

    1. “Waterfall project charters are mandatory, and Agile charters are not.”
    2. “Agile project charters are more flexible and describe who and what.”
    3. “Waterfall project charters don’t get to the definition of done like Agile charters.”
    4. “Agile project charters aren’t formal, and Waterfall project charters are formal.”
  11. You are working with your team to develop a persona, and one of your team members says that they were in the same position as your customer once and can understand where they are coming from. Your team member is expressing which of the following?

    1. Emotional intelligence
    2. Empathy
    3. Active listening
    4. Effective user story development
  12. An effective user story follows which of the following formats?

    1. As a(n) ____________ I want ____________ because ____________.
    2. As a(n) ____________ I need ____________ in order to ____________.
    3. As ____________ I need ____________ so that I can ____________.
    4. As a user ____________ I need ____________so that I have ____________.
  13. A user story workshop is important because of which one of the following?

    1. It allows for collaboration and determination of scope while engaging your stakeholders.
    2. It is important since it is a large part of Agile frameworks.
    3. It allows all of the user stories for the project to be created.
    4. It isn’t important, as it is up to the team to decide whether or not they use them.
  14. Payback period is a less effective way to determine ROI on a project because of which of the following reasons?

    1. Payback period only shows the period of time to recoup the money spent, not the net present value.
    2. Payback period isn’t an effective way to determine ROI if it is used with internal rate of return only.
    3. Payback period is only ineffective when combined with net present value.
    4. ROI isn’t determined using payback period.
  15. Your team is working to engage with your stakeholders, who are very interested in what your team thinks the eventual result will be. Your team works with the customer and draws out the web interface they are thinking of developing based on what the customer is describing. Which of the following wouldn’t be involved in this process?

    1. Wireframe
    2. User story workshop
    3. Elevator statements
    4. Project charter creation
  16. You are responding to a key stakeholder via email, and you decide that you will follow their lead and write with bullet points and sign your email in the same way as they do. This is an example of which kind of communication best practice?

    1. Effective email writing
    2. Emotional intelligence
    3. Mirroring
    4. Feedback
  17. If you received a project charter and it fully described the scope of work, milestones, risks, and key stakeholders, as well as budgetary estimates, would that be a good reflection of an Agile project charter?

    1. No. This is closer to that of a Waterfall project charter where the scope of work is well known.
    2. Yes, because the more information you have in the beginning, the better off the project will be in the end.
    3. No, because an Agile project charter isn’t necessary.
    4. Yes, because it helps with the user story workshop.
  18. You are in a meeting with a new customer to agree on requirements and basic starting points of the project. Your customer is going on and on about a long list of things that they want done, but they aren’t really giving you a clear explanation of the project’s end result. How can you encourage your customer to provide a clear, high-level explanation of the project’s result?

    1. Have a kick-off meeting.
    2. Build a project charter.
    3. Have them create a tweet.
    4. Have a detailed planning meeting.
  19. Which of the following items does your team need in order to produce a working, viable product or service?

    1. A definition of done
    2. Approval from the product owner to create user stories
    3. A well-planned strategy to accomplish project goals
    4. A wireframe with a breakdown of the product needs
  20. A persona is based on which one of the following?

    1. Someone who had similar goals on another project
    2. The organization and its culture
    3. A real person or a descriptive placeholder for the customer
    4. A fake placeholder of a future user and what they may or may not want
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