
A&F Wood, xiii, 100, Resources for People with Disabilities, 100

absenteeism, xvii

acceptance, 25, 57

of differences, 37-38

by job applicant, 137-138


of printed materials, 96-97

of work site, 200-202

accommodations, xiii

guidelines on reasonable under ADA, 200-211

achievement, removing barriers, 228-229

action, to address vulnerability, 135-136

adaptive technology, 51-52, 191-200, 224-225, 229

booths at job fairs, 97

for cognitive/neurological impairments, 192-194

for deaf/hard-of-hearing impairments, 194-195

funding options, 213-216

job preparation with, 115-116

for motor impairments, 195-198

responsibility for payment, 211-216

for visual impairment, 198-200

advancement opportunities, 156

affirmative action, 65, 82

reports, 218

age-related macular degeneration, 5-6

Albertson’s, Inc. v. Kirkingburg, 71, 75

Allstate study, 3

Altschul, Peter, 109

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), xiii, 14, 65, 117

Amendments of 2008, 76-79

confidentiality guidelines, 217-220

current interpretations, 67-80

enforcement, 73

and job interviews, 136

reasonable accommodations guidelines under, 200-211

Supreme Court decisions, 68-72

archetypes, 43-44

assertiveness, 138

Associated Blind, Inc., The, 240, 241


about travel, 190

in job interviews, 115

attitudes, changing, 39

audio recordings, 96

authenticity, 150-155, 162

identifying in job candidates, 154-155

awareness, 38-39, 129

awareness training, 31, 34, 109, 222

baby boomers

disabled, 3

and retirement, 4

Baldoni, John, 180

Ways to Walk the Leadership Talk, 182

barriers, removing intentional and unintentional, 185-191

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, 74-75

behavior, self-esteem impact on, 163-169

Bender Consulting Services, 101

Besenyody, Terry, 155

best practices, 111

for recruiting, 108-109

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, 177

blindness, 3, 224-227, 230

see also visually impaired people

blindstorming forum of eSight, 152-153

Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett, 73

Book, Howard E., The EQ Edge, 141

bottom line, xv

Bragdon v. Abbott, 71

bragging, 166

Braille, 96-97

Branden, Nathaniel, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, 163, 166

Brennan, Jacquie, 77

bridge builders, in corporate culture, 45-51, 60

Bruyère, Susanne M., 39

Bryan, Curtis, 224

bulletin boards, 107

bullying, 165

Business Leadership Network (BLN), 91

business startups, xii

Cantos, Olegario “Ollie” D., VII, 151-152

capitalism, outgrowth of success, xv

career goals, affirming, 191

career growth, 226-227

Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities, 106, 102

Carnegie, Dale, 150-151

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, 151

Carolina Fine Snacks, xvii

cataracts, 6

CDs, for print material accessibility, 96

Cheng, Peg, 86

Chevron v. Echazabal, 72

Cleveland v. Policy Management Systems Corp., 71-72

coach, 210

cognitive/neurological impairments, adaptive technology for, 192-194

collaboration, 38

college campuses, recruiting on, 104-109, 119

commitment, 173

communication, 183

in vulnerable situations, 135

community social services, 91

competitiveness, 25

conditional offer of employment, and medical information requests, 218-219

conduct rules enforcement, 206


guidelines under ADA, 217-220, 229-230

of medical information, 220

consumer/advocacy groups, 91

conversations, with person with disability, 95-96

corporate culture

bridge builders in, 45-51, 60

developing, 49-51

for inclusiveness, 46-49

correctable condition, 75

vs. disability, 74

cost of accommodations, 66, 211

sharing, 213-214

courage, 142

creativity, 52

credibility, 172, 176

cross training, 184

customer service, 56

CyberVPM online discussion network, 88

daily practices, 35-36

deaf/hard-of-hearing impairments, adaptive technology for, 194-195

development opportunities, 156

diabetes, 6

differences, acceptance of, 37-38


ADAAA rules for defining, 79

advantages for learning to live with, 26-32

application of term, 68-69

from birth or acquired, 23-25

defining, 73

defining in Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 77

definition testing in court, 74

inclusion in diversity initiative, 8-11

irrelevance of, 42-43

learning about, 58

relationship to skills, 116

society’s misguided approach to, 171-177

disability awareness trainer, choosing, 11-13

disability discrimination lawsuit, preventing, 221-223, 230

disabled veterans, 90, 100

discernment, 138

discrimination, as legal concept, 223

diversity, 1

values in work environment, 36-47

Diversity/Careers, 100

diversity employment sites, 100

diversity initiative, 31, 172

disability inclusion in, 8-11

putting into practice, 33-36, 59

Diversity Staffing Group, 102

DiversityLink, 100

doctor, hired by company, 219


for protection against discrimination lawsuit, 223

of volunteer work, 88

dress codes, 207

dysgraphia, 192

dyslexia, 192, xiii, 10

Easter Seals, 101

“easy mark” situations, question on handling, 133

EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc., 72

elasticity, 60

in workforce, 51-55

emergency evacuation, 201

emotional intelligence, 161

defining, 141

identifying, 137-142

empathy, 27, 184

employees, evaluation schedule, 222

employees with disabilities

adaptive technology funded by, 213

manipulation by, 216-217, 229


adaptive technology costs covered by, 215-216

self-determination importance for, 17-18

term definition, 69-70

unresolved internal issues, 116-117

employment issues, court cases on, 71-72

employment rate, for people with disabilities, xii

empowerment, 185

entitlement, 25

entrepreneurial perspective, 121-123, 160

EQ Edge, The (Stein and Book), 141

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 65, 72, 89

equipment requirements, 66, 207-211

eSight Careers Network, 19-22, 98, 100, 160, 212, 239-242

articles, 243-246

“Blindstorming” forum, 152-153

“Swimming in the Mainstream” forum, 153-154

etiquette, 109

experiential learning, 59

fair treatment, 174

faking it, as small business operators, 124, 126-127

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 205

Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 3

firing, 66

flowchart, 43

foreshadowing, 131

Frost/Nixon (film), 30

Fuller, Robert W., Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank, 128

functions, 43-44

Future of Success, The (Reich), xv

gender bias, 14

GettingHired, 100, 103

glaucoma, 6

Goodwill Industries, 101

Google Research, 9-10

Hammer, Randy, 224-226

handicapped, 64

happenstance, 25

Harris Interactive, 102

Harris, Seth, xiii

Hasse, Jim, 183, 217

health insurance premiums, 66

hearing impairment

adaptive technology for, 194-195

and job interviews, 113

help, response to offer, 161

Hire DisAbility Solutions career site, 100

HireDiversity, 101

HirePotential, 101

hiring practices, 64-65, 222

HIV, 71

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Carnegie), 151

Hoyer, Steny, 69

Hudson Institute, 2

humility, 150

humor, 55, 138-139

hygiene requirements, 207

Idealist, 87

ignorance, response to, 54

inclusion, 31, 190-191

defining, 19-22

determining success of efforts, 55-58, 61

in screening process, 110-113, 119

inclusion/acceptance, benchmarks of, 55

inclusive recruiting, benefits, 1-8

inferiority, feelings of, 139

inspiration as label, 176

integration, of disabled and nondisabled, 129

interdependence, 29, 33, 41-45, 60

International Society of Automation, 181

Internet, 99

job-posting sites, 100

for mentor support, 181

internships, 86

interview, preparing for, 112-113

JAWS, 116, 224-225

jealousy, 47

Job Accommodation Network (JAN), 64, 67, 110, 192

“Job Descriptions” publication, 202

job application process, streamlining, 111-112

job banks, 98-99

job candidates

authenticity attributes in, 154-155

as engaged members of society, 127-131

evaluating from entrepreneurial perspective, 121-123

evaluating volunteer experience, 80-84

focus on abilities, 226

locating, 118

locating on local level, 89-92

locating online, 98-103, 118

questions about helping, 143-145

recruiting on college campuses, 104-109

response to help, 142-145

as small business operators, 123-127

as team members, 145-149

willingness to take risks, 155-160

job coach, 210

job descriptions, 222

job fairs, 92-98, 118

ensuring accessibility, 93-95

follow-up, 97-98

job functions, 175-176

job interviews, 112-113, 119, 137-140, 230

appropriate questions, 65, 117

assumptions in, 115

barriers encountered, 114-117

questions about working in team environment, 148

questions for self-employed, 126-127

topic suggestions, 61, 119-120

job placement/vocational services, 90

job postings

extending reach of, 89

websites for, 100

job preparation, cart-before-the-horse, 115-116

job restructuring, 202-204

JobAccess, 102

Just One Break, 101

Kelly Services, 101

Kendall, Steve, 89

Kennedy, John F., 191

Kenney, Jae, 221

Kosak, Phil, xvii

lack of qualification, xiii

large-print materials, 96, 111

laws on employment for those with disabilities, 14

layoffs, 66

leadership, to help employee growth, 182-185

learning, about disabilities, 58

leave time, 205

“light duty,” 203

Lighthouse International, 100-101, 199-200, 239

LinkedIn, 103

local transportation, 190

macular degeneration, age-related, 5-6

mainstream workforce, 140

“major life activity,” 75, 78

maturity, role in approach to disability, 22-25

Mayse, Barney, 227

medical information

limits to access, 220

requests for, 218-219

mentors, 228

assigning to new employees, 177-182

benefits, 179

choosing, 180

ensuring success, 180-182

Meyer, Katy Jo, 104, 108

Microsoft Corporation, 104-105, 109

mission statement, 34-35

mistakes, ownership of, 174-175

misunderstandings, xi, 41

mobility impairment, job candidates with, 113

monocular, 155

motor impairments, adaptive technology for, 195-198

Muhlenberg College, 192

Muller v. Automobile Club of Southern California, 74

Murphy v. United Parcel Service, 72

Mustafa v. Clark County School District, 74-75

National Business & Disability Council, 102

National Council on Disability, xiii

National Health Interview Survey, 221

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, xi, 124

National Survey of Consumer Attitudes toward Companies that Hire People with Disabilities, 36

networking, 131, 152-153

new employee

mentor assignment to, 177-182

paternalism and, 170-171

New York Layers for the Public Interest, Inc., 64

Nixon, Richard, 30

no-fault attendance policy, 206

North Country, 131

O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 124

older adults

continuing in workforce, 4-5

reaction to visual impairment, 7

Olney, Marjorie, 221

100 percent restriction-free policy, 206

180 Ways to Walk the Leadership Talk (Baldoni), 182

online relationships, 103

open discussion about disability, 37

opportunity, 14

ownership of mistakes, 174-175

parking, 201-202

part-time work, 204

paternalism, 170-177, 227-228

Paterson, David, 191

patience, 184

people with disabilities

benefits of employing, 9

conversations with, 95-96

coworkers’ reaction to, 52-53

job hunting by, 92

manipulation by, 216-217

as market segment, 36

questions about hiring, 63-67

removing barriers, 185-191

treating as children, 14, 138, 171-172, 174

performance, self-esteem impact on, 163-169

performance standards, 40

personal assistance services, 209

personal journey, 32

personal need items, allowing in workplace, 208

personal responsibility, 131-136, 161

photography, 29-30

population trends, 2-4

impact, 6-8

praise, 176

preparations, to avoid vulnerability, 134

President’s Committee on Employment of Disabled Persons, 9

pride, perspective for, 138-139

printed materials, accessibility, 96-97

privacy, respect for, 57-58

private funding sources, 215

problem-solving, 9, 27-30

productivity, 36

promotions, 175

inclusion in, 57

public funding sources, 215

public perception, 110

qualification, lack of, xiii

“qualified individual with a disability,” 69

qualified workers, locating, 2

Raman, T. V., 9-10

Rawls, Jim, 104

reality, 157-158

reasonable accommodations, 70, 75-76, 223, 229

guidelines under ADA, 200-211

limits, 216

and medical information requests, 219

recruiters, 98-99


benefits of inclusive, 1-8

best practices, 108-109

on college campuses, 104-109, 119

questions about hiring employees with disabilities, 63-67

Recruiting Network, 100

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 77

Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 221

Reich, Robert B., The Future of Success, xv


building, 129

online, 103

relevance, of volunteer work, 86

resentment, 37, 48, 217

resiliency, 167-169

resources, 231-238

team members as, 42

respect, 54, 184

for privacy, 57-58

response to help, 161

responses, 130

responsibility, 175

resume, 98

sites for posting, 102


and baby boomers, 4

working after, 3-4

risk tolerance, 28, 32, 33

risks, job candidates’ willingness to take, 155-160, 162

roles, 43-44

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 191

scanning software, 213

School Board of Nassau County v. Arline, 77

screen reader, covering cost, 213

screening process, inclusion, 110-113, 119

Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) system, 192

Seekins, Tom, 124

Seger, Liz, 165, 167, 171

segregation, of persons with disability, 24

self, 157

self-absorption, 161

self-advocacy, 128

self-determination, 31

importance for employers, 17-18

right to, 13-19

supporting for persons with disabilities, 18-19

self-employed people with disabilities, xi-xii, 123-127

self-esteem, 227

impact, 22-25, 163-169

importance, 164

profile, 164-165

in workplace, 165-167

self-identification, 65

self-perception, 48

self-sabotage, 165

self-worth, 142

seniority rights, 72


see older adults

sharing workload of team, 149

Sieving, Paul A., 5, 6

Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, The (Branden), 163


developing, 81, 187-190

relationship to disabilities, 116

Small Business Administration, 215

small business operators, 123-127

faking it as, 124, 126-127

social events, inclusion in, 56

social media sites, 102-103

social responsibility, xv

Social Security Administration, 125

Social Security Disability Insurance, 214

Social Security retirement benefits, age for eligibility, 4

Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank (Fuller), 128

specialization, 43

speech output application, 224

staffing services, 101

state job banks, 98-99

state vocational rehabilitation agencies, 90

Stein, Steven, The EQ Edge, 141

success, 158-159

supervisors, communicating policy change, 35

Sutton v. United Airlines, 72, 75, 77

“Swimming in the Mainstream” forum, 153-154

Taliaferro, Jo, 23

tax incentives, for accommodations payments, 214-215

team-building skills, 45

team members

job candidates as, 145-149

sharing workload, 149

teamwork, 42, 189

terminology, 64

Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act, 209

tokenism, 19-20

tools for work, 188

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams, 72, 78

training, 188-189

in disability awareness, 12

travel, 190

personal attendant care, 209

trends, 30-31

turnover rate, 186

unasked questions, 137

“undue hardship,” 70-71, 223

unemployment rate, for visually impaired people, 170

U.S. Airways, Inc. v. Barnett, 72

U.S. Bureau, American Community Survey, xii

U.S. Business Leadership Network, xiii

U.S. Census Bureau, 3

U.S. Congress, and ADA enforcement, 73

U.S. Constitution, ADA and, 73

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, 8

U.S., lower court decisions, 72-76

U.S. Supreme Court, decisions on ADA, 68-72

University of Montana-affiliated Rural Institute on Disabilities, xi

validation, 173-174, 228

value assertiveness, 132

values statement, 34-35

visually impaired people, 5-6

adaptive technology for, 198-200

conversations with, 95, 96

and humility, 150

job interview for, 112-113

unemployment rate, 170

vocational rehabilitation programs, 215

vocational training, 123

voluntary sharing of information, 65

volunteer experience, 117-118

characteristics of “real,” 86-88

for evaluating job candidate, 80-84

examples, 82-85

valuation, 85-88

VolunteerMatch, 87

vulnerability, 153

as strength, 51-52

in work environment, 132-136

Walgreens, xiii

weakest link, 146-148

websites, application form on, 112

Windmills Attitudinal Training Program, Pick-a-Disability exercise, 12-13

Woolford, Curt, 150

work environment

avoiding paternalism, 170-177

creating welcoming, 39-41

diversity values in, 36-47, 60

modifying policies, 206

survival rules, 53-55

vulnerability in, 132-136

work experience, evaluating, 81

work from home, 207

work scheduled, modified, 204


elasticity in, 51-55

mainstream, 140

Workforce 2000 Study, 2

Workforce Recruitment Program, 102

working-age people, percentage with disability, 1-2

WORKink, 102

Wright v. Universal Maritime Service Corp., 71

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