

Roads More Easily Traveled


An Opportunity—Not a Responsibility


Chapter 1:

Gain a Better Awareness of Disability

Image How Inclusive Recruiting Will Help You Prepare for Coming Changes in the Employment Landscape

Image Why Your Diversity Initiative Needs to Include Disability

Image How to Choose the Right Disability Awareness Trainer for Your Company

Image The Right to Self-Determination for Individuals with a Disability in Today’s Workplace

Image How Individuals with a Disability Define Inclusion

Image The Role of Maturity and Self-Esteem in an Individual’s Approach to Disability

Image How Learning to Live Well with a Disability Can Have an Upside

Chapter 2:

Foster a Company Culture That Is Receptive to Disability

Image Put Your Diversity Values into Practice

Image Create a Work Environment That Values Diversity

Image Workplace Interdependence Makes Disability Irrelevant

Image Bridge Builders Can Be Valuable to Your Corporate Culture

Image Job Seekers with a Disability Can Add Elasticity to Your Workforce

Image How You’ll Know Your Inclusion Efforts Are Working

Chapter 3:

Make Your Recruiting Efforts Disability Inclusive

Image Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Employees with Disabilities

Image What You as an Employer Need to Know About Current Interpretations of the ADA

Image Considering Volunteer Experience May Be Essential in Fully Evaluating a Job Candidate

Image Not All Volunteer Work Is the Same When Evaluating a Job Candidate

Image How to Locate Job Candidates with Disabilities on the Local Level

Image Using Job Fairs to Recruit Candidates with a Disability

Image Locating Job Candidates with Disabilities Online

Image Recruiting Qualified Job Candidates with Disabilities on College Campuses

Image How to Make Your Screening Process Inclusive

Image Four Barriers Job Candidates with a Disability Encounter When They Interview for a Job

Chapter 4:

Identify Job Candidates Who Will Thrive in Your Corporate Culture

Image Job Candidates Who Approach Employment from an Entrepreneurial Perspective

Image Job Seekers Who Are Successfully Operating Small Businesses

Image People Who Have Moved Beyond Self-Absorption to Become Fully Engaged Members of Society

Image Individuals Who Take Personal Responsibility When They Become “Easy Marks” While at Work

Image How to Identify Individuals with Emotional Intelligence

Image Job Candidates Who Can Gracefully Accept and Decline Help

Image Individuals Who Can Carry Their Load as Members of Your Team

Image Job Seekers Who Possess the Authenticity Valued in the Business World

Image Targeting Candidates Who Are Willing to Take Reasonable Risks

Chapter 5:

Approach People Management from a Disability Perspective

Image How Self-Esteem Affects Workplace Performance and Behavior

Image Avoiding Paternalism in the Workplace

Image Assigning a Mentor for Your Newly Hired Employee with a Disability

Image Using Your Leadership to Help an Employee with a Disability Grow in His Job

Image Removing Intentional and Unintentional Barriers to Achievement for Employees with a Disability

Image Adaptive Technology Is Making Major Forms of Disability Irrelevant in the Workplace

Image FAQ: Guidelines on Reasonable Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Under the ADA

Image Accommodations for Adaptive Technology: Who Should Pay for What Under What Circumstances

Image When a Worker with a Disability Tries to Put One Over on You

Image FAQ: Guidelines on Confidentiality for Employees with Disabilities Under the ADA

Image How to Prevent a Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

Image Curtis Bryan and Randy Hammer Make Blindness Irrelevant in Serving Customers

Appendix A:

Comprehensive Resource List for Hiring People with Disabilities

Appendix B:

About eSight Careers Network

Appendix C:

eSight Careers Network Article Links


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