Reading Input

You can read input from the “standard in” using the following statement:

$variable = <STDIN>;

This reads an entire line, up to and including the newline (just like the C fgets function).

Listing 2.3 shows an example.

Listing 2.3.
use strict; 
use warnings; 
my $name;                             # Name of the user 
print "Enter name: "; 
$name = <STDIN>; 
print "Hello $name. How are you?
";  # Send name to STDOUT

The output of this program looks like this:

Enter name: Steve 
Hello Steve 
. How are you?

The problem is that when you read the name, you get “Steve ”, instead of “Steve”. That’s because the statement

$name = <STDIN>;

reads everything you type and puts it in $name—everything! If you type "Steve<Enter>", that’s what gets put in $name. In Perl terms, the variable $name has the value “Steve ”.

But what you really want is “Steve”, so you need to strip off the last character. This problem is so common that Perl has a special function called chomp whose job is to strip newlines off the ends of strings.

Listing 2.4 shows the program revised to make it work properly.

Listing 2.4.
use strict; 
use warnings; 
my $name;         # Name of the user 
print "Enter name: "; 

$name = <STDIN>; 

print "Hello $name. How are you?

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