3D perspective, 124

601 mapping, 3738, 35859, 365, 37071, 376

Accented Edges filter, 188

ActionFX, 151, 29293

Actions, 289, 29097

better, tips, 29697

built-in, 292

creating, 29495

finding, 29294

modifying, 291

options, 297

saving, 295

Web sites, 338

Actions palette, 29091, 296

Add Noise filter, 196

Adjustment layers, 23234

defined, 232

masking, 232

Photo Filter, 23334

power of, 232

See also Layers

Adobe Bridge, 31011

accessing, 310

batch-process, 311

as file browser, 310

Adobe Camera Raw interface, 45

Adobe Certified Experts, 33536

Adobe Certified Training Providers (ACTP), 334

Adobe Exchange, 294

Adobe Lightroom, 45

Adobe Photoshop Album, 46

Adobe Production Studio

bit depths supported, 351

file types supported, 350

graphics import, 352

imported Photoshop features, 35152

Photoshop integration, 34553

video frame export, 352

After Effects

Colorama, 39, 273

exporting text to, 131

frame size, 349

importing Layer Styles into, 15556

motion control photography with, 19

plug-in, 134

square pixel images and, 30


object, 58

paragraph, 110

in restoration, 251

text, 118

Alignment tools, 58, 61

Alpha channels, 13, 9699

best results, 99

creating, 9699, 159

defined, 13

Layer Styles and, 157

perfect, 9697

premultiplied, 9799

straight, 9799

touching up, 225

Amayo, Johnathon, 20

Amundson, Michael H., 16162

Angled Strokes filter, 188

Angle gradients, 272

Animations, posting, 304

Annotation tools, 328

Anti-aliasing, 36

Character palette menu, 109

defined, 13

levels, 109, 117

Apple Aperture, 46

Apple Final Cut Studio

bit depths supported, 358

design with RGB/601 levels, 35859

DVD Studio Pro design, 356

exporting video frames, 361

file types supported, 357

frame size, 35455

graphics import, 360

graphics into motion import, 360

HD graphics, 355

imported Photoshop features, 359

oversized graphics, 356

Photoshop integration, 35461

usage tips, 361

Apple iPhoto, 46

Apple Keynote slides, exporting, 131

Archiving, 328

Art History Brush tool, 170

Artistic filters, 18083

Aspect ratio, 12, 3034

pixel, 3034

in restoration, 252

television, 12

Autodesk Combustion

design with RGB/601 levels, 37071

exporting video frames, 372

file types supported, 370

frame size, 370

graphic import, 372

image modes supported, 370

Photoshop features imported, 371

Photoshop integration, 37073

usage tips, 37273

Auto FX, 177

Automate commands, 289, 297307

Batch, 29798

Create Droplet, 300301

PDF Presentation, 298300

Web Photo Gallery, 3013

Automation, 289311

actions, 289, 29097

commands, 289, 297300

droplets, 289, 300301

scripts, 289, 30710

tools, 289

Average filter, 183

Avid editing systems

bit depths supported, 364

design with RGB/601 levels, 365

exporting video frames, 36869

file types supported, 364

frame size, 36263

HD graphics, 363

oversized graphics, 363

Photoshop features imported, 365

Photoshop features not imported, 36668

Photoshop integration, 36269

usage tips, 369

Background layer, 88


Actions file, 284

custom, creating, 50

gradients, 26971

looping, 287

patterns, 27782

photo sources, 27577

recipes, 28485

softening, 28384

for video, 26985

Backups, 1415

Baseline shift, 108

Bas Relief filter, 204

Batch processing, 29798

Batch Rename command, 311

Bevel and Emboss effect, 14546

Bicubic Sharpening, 45

Bit depth, 13, 7576

8-bit/channel, 28

16-bits/channel, 28

32-bits/channel, 28

Avid editing systems, 364

for color correction, 21718

filters and, 17475

Final Cut Studio support, 358

Production Studio support, 351

understanding, 7576

Blending modes, 6573

across applications, 67

defined, 66

illustrated, 6870

secret of, 6667

shortcuts, 72

Blur filters, 18387

Blur More filter, 184


layers, 126

in restoration, 26162

text, 118

Blur tool, 84, 88, 246


color, 337

design, 337

motion graphics, 337

Photoshop, 336

type, 336

Border command, 8081

Box Blur filter, 184

Brightness adjustment, 230

Broadcast monitors, 11

Broadcast-safe colors, 38, 11011

automation, 225

standard definition concerns, 23031

See also Color(s)

Brush stroke filters, 18889

Built-in styles, 14849

Burn tool, 247

Calculations command, 9293

Canvas size, 12

defined, 46

units of measurement, 4647

Canvas Size command, 4647

Card readers, 3

Certifications, 33536

Chalk & Charcoal filter, 204

Channel Mixer, 227


alpha, 13, 9699

combining, 227

converting into masks, 9094

multiple, converting, 9294

paths and, 9495

single, converting, 9192

Character palette, 1069

Chrome filter, 204

Cineon (.cin or .dpx) file formats, 325

Client approval, 32122

Clipping Mask, 60

Clone Stamp tool, 24243, 279

Clouds filter, 201

CMYK mode, 174

Colorama, 273

Color Balance command, 22223

Color cast, 235

Color correction, 21738

adjustment layers, 23234

approach, 21718

balance, 22223

bit depth selection, 21718

broadcast-safe concerns, 23031

color cast, 235

common problems, fixing, 23435

curves, 22122

exposure, 22627

HD color space, 231

highlights, 23638

levels, 21920

red eye, 23435

saturation, 22325

shadows, 23638

skin tones, 237

Colored Pencil filter, 180

Color Halftone filter, 198

Color Range command, 178


books on, 337

broadcast-safe, 38, 11011, 225

gradient, 270, 271

mode, 174

oversaturated, 39

Pantone, 111

pixel, 21

RGB, 3638

settings, 10

text, 108

type, 11011

Color Settings dialog box, 10

Conferences, 339

Contact Sheet II command, 3046

Conté Crayon filter, 205

Contours, 15152

Contract command, 80

Contrast adjustment, 230

Contrasting, 84

Craquelure filter, 210

Creative Cow, 344

Crop and Straighten command, 253, 3067


with Crop tool, 47

with Power Crop technique, 4849

speeding up, 49

straightening and, 253, 3067

Crop tool, 47

Crosshatch filter, 188

Crystallize filter, 198

Cumulus plug-in, 258

Cursors preferences, 7

Curves dialog box, 22122

Custom filter, 212

Cutout filter, 180

Damaged photos. See Restoration

Dark Strokes filter, 189

Data sets, 135

Defined, 17

Defocusing, 275

De-Interlace filter, 35, 211


books on, 337

production versus, 30

testing during, 31619

Despeckle filter, 196

Diamond gradients, 272

Diesel, Chank, 13638

Difference Clouds filter, 201

Diffuse filter, 207

Diffuse Glow filter, 190

Digital cameras

raw files, 44

working with, 4446

Digital photos

importing, 45

managing, 4546

Displace filter, 19091

Display resolution, 2223

Display size, 23

Distort filters, 19094

Distressed photo effect, 26566

Document presets, 4042

Photoshop 7, 4142

Photoshop CS, 4041

Photoshop CS2, 4041

Photoshop CS3, 40

Dodge tool, 247

Dots per inch (dpi), 24

Droplets, 289

creating, 300301

defined, 300

Drop shadows, 117, 14243

options, 14243

removing, 143

Dry Brush filter, 180

Dust & Scratches filter, 19697



DVD slideshow creation, 312

Echo Fire, 31920

Edit Original command, 158

Effect layers, 177

Emboss effect, 14546

Emboss filter, 208

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files, 13132

Encore DVD, designing for, 349

Equalize command, 229

Erasing, 88

Expand command, 80


Apple Keynote slides, 131

layers, 71

Photoshop text to After Effects, 131

PowerPoint slides, 130

Smart Objects, 71

video frames (Autodesk Combustion), 372

video frames (Avid editing systems), 36869

video frames (Final Cut Studio), 361

video frames (Sony Vegas), 377

Export Layers to Files script, 3078

Exposure command, 22627

External testing, 32021

Extract filter, 8182, 213

Extrude filter, 208

Eyedropper tool, 85

Facet filter, 198

Fade command, 179


filters, 17879

historical sources, 256

Feather command, 81, 87

Feathering, 87

Fibers filter, 201

File formats

alpha channel support, 326

Autodesk Combustion supported, 370

Avid editing systems support, 364

choosing, 32327

Cineon (.cin or .dpx), 325

EPS, 13132

extensions, 324

Final Cut Studio support, 357

Illustrator, 13133

JPEG, 26

OpenEXR (.exr), 32526

Photoshop (.psd), 325

PICT (.pct), 326

PNG (.png), 26, 326

Production Studio support, 350

Sony Vegas supported, 376

Targa (.tga), 326

TIFF (.tif), 327

tips, 32324

video industry, 32527

File Handling preferences, 56


annotating, 328

flattening, 121

placing, 6465


layers, 54

with patterns, 12526

Film Grain filter, 181, 259

Filter Gallery, 177

invoking, 213

stacking order, 177

Filters, 173214

Accented Edges, 188

Add Noise, 196

Angled Strokes, 188

artistic, 18083

Average, 183

Bas Relief, 204

before running, 17475

blending, 17879

blur, 18387

Blur More, 184

Box Blur, 184

brush stroke, 18889

Chalk & Charcoal, 204

Chrome, 204

Clouds, 201

Colored Pencil, 180

Color Halftone, 198

combining, 176

compatibility, 173

Conté Crayon, 205

Craquelure, 210

Crosshatch, 188

Crystallize, 198

Custom, 212

Cutout, 180

Dark Strokes, 189

defined, 17374

defining area affected by, 17778

De-Interlace, 211

Despeckle, 196

Difference Clouds, 201

Diffuse, 207

Diffuse Glow, 190

Displace, 19091

distort, 19094

drawbacks, 175

Dry Brush, 180

Dust & Scratches, 19697

Emboss, 208

Extract, 213

Extrude, 208

Facet, 198

fading, 17879

Fibers, 201

Film Grain, 181

Find Edges, 208

Fragment, 198

Fresco, 181

Gaussian Blur, 184

Glass, 191

Glowing Edges, 208

Grain, 210

Graphic Pen, 205

guide to, 179214

Halftone Pattern, 105

High Pass, 212

Ink Outlines, 189

interfaces, 176

Lens Blur, 184, 26162, 275

Lens Correction, 191

Lens Flare, 202

Lighting Effects, 202

Liquify, 213

Maximum, 212

Median, 197

Mezzotint, 199

Minimum, 212

Mosaic, 199

Mosaic Tiles, 210

Motion Blur, 185

Neon Glow, 181

in new environments, 17576

noise, 19697

Note Paper, 205

NTSC Colors, 211

Ocean Ripple, 192

Offset, 213, 279

Paint Daubs, 181

Palette Knife, 181

Patchwork, 210

Pattern Maker, 213, 28182

Photocopy, 205

Pinch, 192

pixelate, 19899

Plaster, 206

Plastic Wrap, 182

Pointillize, 199

Polar Coordinates, 192

Poster Edges, 182

Radial Blur, 185

recommendations, 17576

Reduce Noise, 197

render, 2012

Reticulation, 206

Ripple, 193

Rough Pastels, 182

running through test, 175

selections, 17778

Shape Blur, 185

sharpen, 203

Shear, 193

sketch, 2046

Smart Blur, 185

Smart Sharpen, 203

Smudge Stick, 182

Solarize, 208

Spatter, 189

Spherize, 193

Sponge, 182

Sprayed Strokes, 189

Stained Glass, 211

Stamp, 206

stylize, 2079

Sumi-e, 189

Surface Blur, 186

texture, 21011

Texturizer, 211

third-party, 214

Tiles, 208

Torn Edges, 206

Trace Contour, 209

Twirl, 193

Underpainting, 183

Unsharp Mask, 255

Vanishing Point, 214

video, 211

Watercolor, 183

Water Paper, 206

Wave, 194

Web sites, 338

Wind, 209

ZigZag, 294

Find Edges filter, 208

FireWire Bridge/DA converter, 2


files, 121

layers, 5960

targeted, 15758

Flexibility, preserving, 327

Flicker, 34950


anti-aliasing benefits, 117

appearance on screen, 1056

family, 106

overload, 18

sans serif, 1045

selecting, 1046

serif, 1045

size, 107

style, 106

weight, 105

See also Text

Foreground elements, 75

Fragment filter, 198

Frame grabs, 38

Frame size, 31

After Effects, 349

Apple Final Cut Studio, 35455

Autodesk Combustion, 370

Avid editing systems, 36263

issues, 317

native, 31

Premiere Pro, 34548

Sony Vegas, 37475

Free Transform command, 113, 123

Fresco filter, 181

Gallery Effects, 194

Garbage in - garbage out (GIGO), 174

Garbage mattes, 94

Gaussian Blur filter, 184

General preferences, 45

Glass bug, 12728

Glass filter, 191

Global Light, 143

Glowing Edges filter, 208

Gradient Editor, 119, 270

Gradient Fill layer, 27273

Gradient Map, 39, 228

defined, 273

modifying, 27374

on photographic backgrounds, 276

Gradient masks, 232

Gradient overlays, 147

Gradients, 26971

accessing, 269

angle, 272

blends, 270

creating, 15253

defined, 54

diamond, 272

editing, 270

linear, 272

noise, 271

radial, 272

reflected, 272

stops, 270

using, 15253

Gradient tool, 27172

Gradient Wipe effect, 286

Grain filter, 210

Graphic Pen filter, 205

Graphics checking software, 31920

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 26

Grow command, 80

Guides, Grid, Slices & Count preferences, 9

Halftone Pattern filter, 105

Hand tool, 87

Hansen, Jayse, 1012

Hardware, 23

Hawk, Larry, 268

Healing Brush tool, 24344

defined, 243

Spot, 244

use steps, 24344

using, 244

High-definition (HD)

color space, 231

graphics, 348, 355, 363, 375

High-end video cards, 318

Highlights, fixing, 23638

High Pass filter, 212

Histogram palette, 218

Historical sources

fading, 256

working with, 241

History Brush tool, 16970

History Log, 168

History Options dialog box, 167

History palette, 163

accessibility, 164

as edit assistant, 164

History Log option, 168

linear mode, 165, 167

nonlinear mode, 167

RAM and, 166

snapshots, 16667

steps list, 165

History states

accessing, 16364

configuring, 163

RAM use, 163

How to Wow with PowerPoint, 128

Hyphenation, 110

Illustrator files, 13133

Image modes, 13

Image Processor

defined, 308

tasks, 308

use steps, 309

Image resolution, 2326

dots per inch (dpi), 24

lines per inch (lpi), 2324

pixels per inch (ppi), 24

print, 25

samples per inch (spi), 24

Web, 26


aging, 215

equalizing, 229

extracting, 7677

group, renaming, 311

inverting, 229

raster, 22

resizing, 4749

selecting, 7677

still, enhancing for video, 239

Web, 27

Image Size command, 27, 46


digital photos, 45

graphics (Final Cut Pro), 360

graphics in motion, 360

graphics (Sony Vegas), 377

Layer Styles, into After Effects, 15556

Layer Styles, into NLE, 15455

Ink Outlines filter, 189

Inner glows, 14445

Inner shadows, 144

Integration, 1

Interface preferences, 5

Interlaced displays, 3436

Invert command, 229

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format, 26

Kerning, 1078

Keyboard shortcuts, 1112

blending modes, 72

defining, 1112

modifying, 1112

new, creating, 12

taken, 12

tools, 15

Keystoning, 254

Language, setting, 109

Lasso tool, 78

Layer Comps, 6264

creating, 6263

defined, 62

updating, 63

using, 6364

Layer Groups, 6162

Layer masks, 8284

converting channels into, 9094

creating, 8384

defined, 82

effective, 83

erasing versus, 88

refining, 84

resolution and, 83

touching up, 225

Layers, 5374

adjustment, 23234

Background, 88

blurring, 126

color-coding, 61

contents, 53

creating, 54

defined, 53

deleting, 54, 55

dragging, 122

duplicating, 54

effect, 177

export issues, 71

fill, 54

flattening, 5960

functioning of, 5562

Gradient Fill, 27273

hidden, 82

linking, 58

locking, 59

mapping, 60

merging, 5960

naming, 57

organization, 5762

un-nesting, 122

working with, 14

Layers palette, 5557

Layer Styles, 14148

accessing, 149

alpha channels and, 157

applying, 142

bevel, 14546

building, 15051

complexity, 156

contours, 15152

creating, with photos, 160

defined, 141

designing with, 148

drop shadow, 14243

duotones with, 154

emboss, 14546

gradient overlay, 147

importing into After Effects, 15556

importing into NLE, 15455

inner glow, 14445

inner shadow, 144

outer glow, 14445

pattern overlay, 147

prebuilt, loading, 14849

satin, 14647

saving, 150

sepia tones and, 154

sharing, 15051

shortcuts, 15657

sizing, 149

stroke, 148

turning into multilayered effect, 157

updating, 158

Web sites, 338

working with, 15659

LCD (least common denominator) test, 3

Leading, 107

Learning opportunities, 33339

Lens Blur filter, 184, 26162, 275

Lens Correction filter, 191

Lens Flare filter, 202

Levels command, 21920

Lighting Effects filter, 202

Linear gradients, 272

Lines per inch (lpi), 2324

Liquify filter, 213


distressed, 12425

lighting from behind, 126

prepping for animation, 12122

standards, 11819

Looping backgrounds, 287

Low-end video cards, 319

Lower thirds

creating, 11921

custom, designing, 11920

using, 135


capture, 39

defined, 36

ranges, 13

Magic Wand tool, 7980

defined, 79

selections, 79

trying out, 80

Use All Layers option, 79

Magnetic Lasso tool, 7879


defined, 75

garbage, 94

painting, 100

touching up, 225

Max, Rachel, 331

Maximum filter, 212

Median filter, 197

Megapixels, 25

Mezzotint filter, 199

Minimum filter, 212

Minus Eyedropper, 85

Mitchell, Greg, 172


broadcast, 11

NTSC, 2, 31621

second, 2

Mosaic filter, 199

Mosaic Tiles filter, 210

Motion Blur filter, 185

Motion-control 3D, 267

Motion-control photography, 19

Motion graphics resources, 337

Motion menus, 171

Mouse, two-button, 3

Move tool, 58

National Television Standards Committee. See NTSC

Neon Glow filter, 181

New dialog box, 3233


importing Layer Styles into, 15455

information, 322

Noise filters, 19697

Non-square pixels, 1314, 32223

Note Paper filter, 205

Notes tool, 328


Colors filter, 211

monitors, 2, 31621

native sizes, 31


aligning, 58

distributing, 58

Ocean Ripple filter, 192

Offset filter, 213, 279

Old photo effect, 264

Oleksy, Kevin, 288

Online color wheel, 40

Opacity, 56

OpenEXR (.exr) file format, 32526

Options bar, 17

Outer glows, 14445

Paint Daubs filter, 181

Palette Knife filter, 181

Palette popping, 17

PAL format, 29

defined, 29

native sizes, 31

PanosFX, 293

Pantone colors, 3, 111

Paragraph palette, 10910

Paragraphs, 10910

alignment, 110

indents, 110

spacing, 110

Patch tool, 245

Patchwork filter, 210


channels and, 9495

creating with Pen tool, 8990

saving selections as, 8890

text on, 11415

Patterned tiles, 27778

Pattern Maker filter, 213, 28182

Pattern overlays, 147

Patterns, 54

creating, 153

creating, from photos, 27982

fill with, 12526

free, 278

sampling/remixing, 282

tiling, 27778

using, 153

PDF Presentation command, 298300

Pen tool, 8990

Performance preferences, 67

Phase Alternate Line. See PAL format

Photocopy filter, 205

Photo Filter adjustment layers, 23334


.psd file format, 325

Autodesk Combustion integration, 37073

Avid editing systems integration, 36269

books on, 336

broadcast monitor with, 11

color settings, 10

Final Cut Studio integration, 35461

preferences, 410

Production Studio integration with, 34554

setting up, 310

Sony Vegas integration, 37477

Web sites, 33738

Photoshop for Video Forum, 344

Photoshop Toolbox, 42

PICT (.pct) file format, 326

Pinch filter, 192

Pixelate filters, 19899

Pixels, 2150

aspect ratio, 29, 3034

color, 21

defined, 21

dimensions, 47

non-square, 1314, 32223

quantity, 22

resource, 29

Pixels per inch (ppi), 24

Place command, 48, 6465

Plaster filter, 206

Plastic Wrap filter, 182

Plug-In Commander, 186

Plug-Ins folder, 18

Plug-Ins preferences, 9

Plus Eyedropper, 85

PNG-24 format, 26

PNG (.png) file format, 26, 326

Pointillize filter, 199

Polar Coordinates filter, 192

Polygonal Lasso tool, 78, 344

Poster Edges filter, 182

Posterization, 230

Power Crop technique, 4748

PowerPoint, 12830

guidelines, 12930

sins, 129

slides, exporting, 130


Cursors, 7

File Handling, 56

General, 45

Guides, Grid, Slices & Count, 9

Interface, 5

Performance, 67

Plug-Ins, 9

resetting, at launch time, 18

setting, 410

Transparency & Gamut, 78

Type, 10

Units & Rulers, 8

Premiere Pro

frame size, 34548

HD graphics, 348

oversized graphics, 349

Photoshop integration, 34553

See also Adobe Production Studio

Pressure-sensitive pens, 3

Print resolution, 25

Production, design versus, 30

Quick Mask mode, 16

for advanced selections, 16

complex selections with, 8688

Quick Selection tool, 80

Radial Blur filter, 185

Radial gradients, 272


History palette and, 166

history states use, 163

maxed-out, 6

recommended, 2

Raster images, 22

Raster information, 103

Raw files, 44

Readability, 112

Red eye, 234

Reduce Noise filter, 197

Refine Edge command, 81

Reflected gradients, 272

Reflections, 123

Render filters, 2012

Replace Color command, 230


commands, 4647

existing images, 4749

with Power Crop, 4748


display, 2223

image, 2326

masking and, 83

print, 25

Web, 26

Restoration, 24166

alignment, 251

aspect ratio, 252

with Blur and Sharpen tools, 246

blurring, 26166

with Clone Stamp tool, 24243, 279

with Crop and Straighten, 253

damage control, 25960

distressed photo, 26566

with Dodge and Burn tools, 247

flicker, 24950

grain, 259

with Healing Brush tool, 24344

hiding elements in, 24647

historical sources, 241, 256

holes, 248

keystoning, 254

modern sources, 242

old photo, 264

with Patch tool, 245

physical blemishes, 24849

ripped edges, 263

scan lines, 25960

shot composition, 251

sky, 25758

with Smudge tool, 24647

soft focus, 255

with Sponge tool, 247

tears, 248

video demonstration, 248

wrinkles, 248

Reticulation filter, 206


601 mapping versus, 3738

Autodesk Combustion and, 37071

Avid editing systems and, 365

Final Cut Studio and, 35859

mode, 174

Sony Vegas and, 376

Y, R-Y, B-Y color versus, 3637

Ripped edges, 263

Ripple filter, 193

Rogers, Frank, 13940

Rough Pastels filter, 182

Rozzell, Liane G., 216

Rubino, Neil, 74

Safe-title area, 11516

Samples per inch (spi), 24

Sans serif, 1045

Satin, 14647

Saturation, 22325

fixing, 223

isolate for adjustment, 22425

oversaturation test, 224

with Sponge tool, 247

Scaling, 108

Scan lines, 25960


recommendations, 2

use recommendations, 4244

Scanning recommendations, 4244

ScopoGigio, 320

Scratch disk, 6, 170

Screened area, 275

Scripts, 289, 30710

creating, 30910

Export Layers to Files, 3078

Image Processor, 3089

loading, 310

Seck, John Mark, 31314


advice, 9495

complex, with Quick Mask mode, 8688

filter, 17778

keyboard commands for, 86

moving, 86

refining, 8081

saving, as paths, 8890

smoothing out, 178

tools, 7780

Selective Color command, 230

Serif, 1045

Shadow/Highlight command, 236


casting, 127

drop, 117, 14243

fixing, 23638

Shape Blur filter, 185

Sharpen filters, 203, 246

Shear filter, 193

Shot composition, 251

Similar command, 80

Sketch filters, 2046

Skills evaluation, 1

Skin tones, 237


clouds, 258

missing, 25758

perfect, 258

Smart Blur filter, 185

Smart Filters, 283

Smart Objects

defined, 64

exporting, 64

options, 65

vector preservation, 23

working with, 6465

SmartQuotes, 10

Smart Sharpen filter, 203

Smooth command, 80

Smudge Stick filter, 182

Smudge tool, 84, 88, 24647

Snapshots, 16667

creating, 166

defined, 166

saving, 167

Soft focus, 255

Solarize filter, 208

Sony Vegas

bit depths supported, 376

design with RGB/601 levels, 376

DV-based projects, 375

exporting video frames, 377

file types supported, 376

frame size, 37475

HD graphics, 375

importing graphics, 377

oversized graphics, 375

Photoshop features imported, 376

Photoshop integration, 37477

usage tips, 377

Spatter filter, 189

Spell-checker, 115

Spherize filter, 193

Sponge filter, 182, 247

Spot Healing Brush tool, 244

Sprayed Strokes filter, 189

Stained Glass filter, 211

Stamp filter, 206

Stephens, Glen, 240

Stroke effect, 148

Styles palette, 150

Stylize filters, 20710

Sumi-e filter, 189

Surface Blur filter, 186

Tablets, 3

Targa (.tga) file format, 326

Taylor, Angie, 5152

Tech support, 18, 34144

with purchase, 341

tips, 34243

types, 341

on Web, 34344


alignment, 118

on a path, 11415

blurring, 118

books on, 336

color, 108, 11011

distressed, 12425

drop shadows, 117

effects, 112

enhancement buttons, 1089

exporting to After Effects, 131

flipping, 115

logos, 11819

modifying, 113

moving, along path, 114

paragraph, 110

on pattern, 11718

point, 110

safe-title area, 11516

selecting without highlight, 105

space, 118

spell-checker, 115

vector, 1036

warped, 114

Text tool, 105


creating, 73

filters, 21011

Texturizer filter, 211

The Plug-in Site, 186

Third-party filters, 214

Threshold command, 229

TIFF (.tif) file format, 327

Tiles, patterned, 27778

Tiles filter, 208

Tinting photos, 238

Toolbox, 1516


Art History Brush, 170

Blur, 84, 88, 246

Burn, 247

Clone Stamp, 24243, 279

Crop, 47

Dodge, 247

Eyedropper, 85

Gradient, 27172

Hand, 87

Healing Brush, 24344

History Brush, 16970

keyboard shortcuts, 15

Lasso, 78

Magic Wand, 7980

Magnetic Lasso, 7879

Move, 58

Notes, 328

Patch, 245

Pen, 8990

Polygonal Lasso, 78

Quick Selection, 80

Sharpen, 246

Smudge, 84, 88, 24647

Spot Healing Brush, 244

Text, 105

usefulness, 16

Tools for Television, 292

Tool Tips, 5

Torn Edges filter, 206

Trace Contour filter, 209

Tracking, 108

Transparency, 56, 75100

adding, 88

opacity versus, 56

Transparent & Gamut preferences, 78

Tutorials/support Web sites, 338

Twirl filter, 193

Type. See Fonts; Text

Type preferences, 10

Underpainting filter, 183

Undos, multiple, 16566

Units & Rulers preferences, 8

Unsharp Mask filter, 255

Vanishing Point filter, 214

Variations command, 230


defined, 103

graphics, 22

type, 1036

VHS testing, 320


alpha channels, 13

anti-aliasing, 13, 36

aspect ratio, 12, 3034

bit depth, 13, 28, 7576

canvas size, 12

filters, 211

graphics, 24

image modes, 13

interlacing, 34

luminance ranges, 13

non-square pixels, 1314, 32223

still image enhancement for, 239

text, 11519

unique requirements, 1214

Web images for, 27

Video cards, 31819

high-end, 318

low-end, 319

Video Preview command, 31618

VideoScope, 320

Warped text, 114

Watercolor filter, 183

Water Paper filter, 206

Wave filter, 194

Web formats, 26

Web images, 27

Web Photo Gallery, 3013

defined, 301

for dynamic keyboards, 302

use steps, 3023

Web resolution, 26

Web sites, Photoshop, 33738

Wind filter, 209

WordArt, 13233

Workspaces, 17

Worldwide Users Group (WWUG), 344

Wrist guards, 3

X-height, 105

ZigZag filter, 294

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