In most applications discussed in Chapter 1, power electronic converters are operated in a controlled manner. The need for doing so is evident in electric drives used in transportation to control speed and position. The same is also true in photovoltaic systems, where we should operate at their maximum power point to derive the maximum power. In wind turbines, the generator speed should be controlled to operate the turbine blades at the maximum value of the turbine coefficient of performance. In DC-DC converters, with or without electrical isolation, the output voltage needs to be regulated at a specified value with a narrow tolerance. In this chapter, the fundamental concepts for feedback control are illustrated by means of regulated DC-DC converters.


As shown in Figure 4.1, almost all DC-DC converters operate with their output voltage regulated to equal their reference value within a specified tolerance band (for example, plus-or-minus 1 percent-sign around its nominal value) in response to disturbances in the input voltage and the output load. This regulation is achieved by pulsed-width-modulating the duty ratio d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis of their switching power-pole. In this chapter, we will design the feedback controller to regulate the output voltages of DC-DC converters.

FIGURE 4.1 Regulated DC power supply.

The feedback controller to regulate the output voltage must be designed with the following objectives in mind: zero steady-state error, fast response to changes in the input voltage and the output load, low overshoot, and low noise susceptibility. We should note that in designing feedback controllers, all transformer-isolated topologies discussed later in Chapter 8 can be replaced by their basic single-switch topologies from which they are derived. The feedback control is described using the voltage-mode control, which is later extended to include the current-mode control.

The steps in designing the feedback controller are described as follows:

  • Linearize the system for small changes around the DC steady-state operating point (bias point). This requires dynamic averaging, discussed in the previous chapter.
  • Design the feedback controller using linear control theory.
  • Confirm and evaluate the system response by simulations for large disturbances.


A feedback control system is shown in Figure 4.2, where the output voltage is measured and compared with a reference value upper V Subscript o Superscript asterisk. The error v Subscript e r r between the two acts on the controller, which produces the control voltage v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. This control voltage acts as the input to the pulse-width modulator to produce a switching signal q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis for the power pole in the DC-DC converter. The average value of this switching signal is d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, as shown in Figure 4.2.

FIGURE 4.2 Feedback control.

To make use of linear control theory, various blocks in the power supply system of Figure 4.2 are linearized around the steady-state DC operating point, assuming small-signal perturbations. Each average quantity (represented by an overbar, i.e. a “−” on top) associated with the power pole of the converter topology can be expressed as the sum of its steady-state DC value (represented by an uppercase letter) and a small-signal perturbation (represented by a “~” on top), for example,

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals upper V Subscript o Baseline plus ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript 0 Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 2nd Column zero width space equals upper D plus ModifyingAbove d With tilde left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 2nd Column zero width space equals upper V Subscript c Baseline plus ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis comma EndLayout (4.1)

where d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis is already an averaged value and v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis does not contain any switching frequency component. Based on the small-signal perturbation quantities in the Laplace domain, the linearized system block diagram is as shown in Figure 4.3, where the perturbation in the reference input to this feedback-controlled system, v overTilde Subscript o Superscript asterisk is zero since the output voltage is being regulated to its reference value. In Figure 4.3, upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis is the transfer function of the pulse-width modulator and upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis is the power stage transfer function. In the feedback path, the transfer function is of the voltage-sensing network, which can be represented by a simple gain k Subscript upper F upper B, usually less than unity. upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesisis the transfer function of the feedback controller that needs to be determined to satisfy the control objectives.

FIGURE 4.3 Small-signal control system representation.

As a review, the Bode plots of transfer functions with poles and zeros are discussed in Appendix 4A at the back of this chapter.

4.2.1 Loop Transfer Function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis

It is the closed-loop response (with the feedback in place) that we need to optimize. Using linear control theory, we can achieve this objective by ensuring certain characteristics of the loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis. In the control block diagram of Figure 4.3, the loop transfer function (from point A to point B) is

upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline period (4.2)

4.2.2 Crossover Frequency f Subscript c of upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis

In order to define a few necessary control terms, we will consider a generic Bode plot of the loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in terms of its magnitude and phase angle, shown in Figure 4.4 as a function of frequency. The frequency at which the gain equals unity (that is StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue equals 0 dB) is defined as the crossover frequency f Subscript c (or omega Subscript c). This crossover frequency is a good indicator of the bandwidth of the closed-loop feedback system, which determines the speed of the dynamic response of the control system to various disturbances.

FIGURE 4.4 Definitions of crossover frequency, gain margin, and phase margin.

4.2.3 Phase and Gain Margins

For the closed-loop feedback system to be stable, at the crossover frequency f Subscript c, the phase delay introduced by the loop transfer function must be less than 180 degree. At f Subscript c, the phase angle angle upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline of the loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis, measured with respect to negative 180 degree, is defined as the phase margin (phi Subscript upper P upper M) as shown in Figure 4.4:

phi Subscript upper P upper M Baseline equals angle upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis StartAbsoluteValue minus left-parenthesis negative 180 degree right-parenthesis equals angle upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline plus 180 degree period (4.3)

Note that angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline is negative, but the phase margin in Equation (4.3) must be positive. Generally, feedback controllers are designed to yield a phase margin of approximately 60 degree, since much smaller values result in high overshoots and long settling times (oscillatory response) and much larger values in a sluggish response.

The gain margin is also defined in Figure 4.4, which shows that the gain margin is the value of the magnitude of the loop transfer function, measured below 0 dB, at the frequency at which the phase angle of the loop transfer function may (not always) cross negative 180 degree. If the phase angle crosses negative 180 degree, the gain margin should generally be in excess of 10 dB in order to keep the system response from becoming oscillatory due to parameter changes and other variations.


To be able to apply linear control theory in the feedback controller design, it is necessary that all the blocks in Figure 4.2 be linearized around their DC steady-state operating point, as shown by transfer functions in Figure 4.3.

4.3.1 Linearizing the Pulse-Width Modulator

In the feedback control, a high-speed PWM integrated circuit such as the UC3824 [1] from Unitrode/Texas Instruments may be used. Functionally, within this PWM IC shown in Figure 4.5a, the control voltage v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis generated by the error amplifier is compared with a ramp signal v Subscript r with a constant amplitude upper V Overscript ˆ zero width space Endscripts Subscript r at a constant switching frequency f Subscript s, as shown in Figure 4.5b. The output switching signal is represented by the switching function q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, which equals 1 if v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis greater-than-or-equal-to v Subscript r and is 0 otherwise. The switch duty ratio in Figure 4.5b is given as

d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis Over ModifyingAbove upper V With ˆ Subscript r Baseline EndFraction period (4.4)

FIGURE 4.5 PWM waveforms.

In terms of a disturbance around the DC steady-state operating point, the control voltage can be expressed as

v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript c Baseline plus v overTilde Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis period (4.5)

Substituting Equation (4.5) into Equation (4.4),

d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction upper V Subscript c Baseline Over ModifyingBelow ModifyingAbove upper V With caret Subscript r Baseline With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper D Endscripts EndFraction plus StartFraction ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis Over ModifyingBelow ModifyingAbove upper V With caret Subscript r Baseline With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript ModifyingAbove d With tilde left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis Endscripts EndFraction period (4.6)

In Equation (4.6), the second term on the right side equals ModifyingAbove d With tilde left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, from which the transfer function of the PWM IC is

upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove d With tilde left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis Over ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over ModifyingAbove upper V With ˆ Subscript r Baseline EndFraction period (4.7)

It is a constant gain transfer function, as shown in Figure 4.5c in the Laplace domain.

Example 4.1

In PWM ICs, there is usually a DC voltage offset in the ramp voltage, and instead of ModifyingAbove upper V With ˆ Subscript r as shown in Figure 4.5b, a typical valley-to-peak value of the ramp signal is defined. In the PWM IC UC3824, this valley-to-peak value is 1.8 V. Calculate the linearized transfer function associated with this PWM-IC.

Solution The DC offset in the ramp signal does not change its small-signal transfer function. Hence, the peak-to-valley voltage can be treated as ModifyingAbove upper V With ˆ Subscript r Using Equation (4.7),

upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over ModifyingAbove upper V With ˆ Subscript r Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over 1.8 EndFraction equals 0.556 period (4.8)

4.3.2 Linearizing the Power Stage of DC-DC Converters in CCM

To design feedback controllers, the power stage of the converters must be linearized around the steady-state DC operating point, assuming a small-signal disturbance. Figure 4.6a shows the average model of the switching power-pole, where the subscript “vp” refers to the voltage port and “cp” to the current port. Each average quantity in Figure 4.6a can be expressed as the sum of its steady-state DC value (represented by an uppercase letter) and a small-signal perturbation (represented by a tilde “∼” on top):

StartLayout 1st Row d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper D plus ModifyingAbove d With tilde left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 2nd Row ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript v p Baseline plus ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 3rd Row ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript c p Baseline plus ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 4th Row ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript v p Baseline plus ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis 5th Row ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript c p Baseline plus ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis period EndLayout (4.9)

FIGURE 4.6 Linearizing the switching power-pole.

Utilizing the voltage and current relationships between the two ports in Figure 4.6a and expressing each variable as in Equation (4.9),

upper V Subscript c p Baseline plus v overTilde Subscript c p Baseline equals left-parenthesis upper D plus d overTilde right-parenthesis left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline plus v overTilde Subscript v p Baseline right-parenthesis comma (4.10a)


upper I Subscript v p Baseline plus i overTilde Subscript v p Baseline equals left-parenthesis upper D plus d overTilde right-parenthesis left-parenthesis upper I Subscript c p Baseline plus i overTilde Subscript c p Baseline right-parenthesis period (4.10b)

Equating the perturbation terms on both sides of the above equations,

ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper D v overTilde Subscript v p Baseline plus upper V Subscript v p Baseline d overTilde plus d overTilde v overTilde Subscript v p Baseline comma (4.11a)
ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper D i overTilde Subscript c p Baseline plus upper I Subscript c p Baseline d overTilde plus d overTilde i overTilde Subscript c p Baseline period (4.11b)

The two equations above are linearized by neglecting the products of small-perturbation terms. The resulting linear equations are

ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper D v overTilde Subscript v p Baseline plus upper V Subscript v p Baseline d overTilde comma (4.12)


i overTilde Subscript v p Baseline equals upper D i overTilde Subscript c p Baseline plus upper I Subscript c p Baseline d overTilde period (4.13)

Equations (4.12) and (4.13) can be represented by means of an ideal transformer shown in Figure 4.6b, which is a linear representation of the power pole for small signals around a steady-state operating point given by D, upper V Subscript v p, and upper I Subscript c p.

The average representations of buck, boost, and buck-boost converters are shown in Figure 4.7a. Replacing the power pole in each of these converters by its small-signals linearized representation, the resulting circuits are shown in Figure 4.7b, where the perturbation v overTilde Subscript i n is zero-based on the assumption of a constant DC input voltage upper V Subscript i n, and the output capacitor ESR is represented by r Note that in boost converters, since the transistor is in the bottom position of the switching power-pole, d in Figure 4.6a needs to be replaced by left-parenthesis 1 minus d right-parenthesis. Substituting d with left-parenthesis upper D plus d overTilde right-parenthesis results in left-parenthesis 1 minus d right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis minus d overTilde. Therefore, upper D in Equations (4.12) and (4.13) needs to be replaced by left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis and d overTilde by left-parenthesis minus d overTilde right-parenthesis.

FIGURE 4.7 Linearizing single-switch converters in CCM.

As fully explained in Appendix 4B, all three circuits for small-signal perturbations in Figure 4.7b have the same form as shown in Figure 4.8. In this equivalent circuit, the effective inductance upper L Subscript e is the same as the actual inductance upper L in the buck converter, since in both states of a buck converter in CCM, upper L and upper C are always connected together. However, in boost and buck-boost converters, these two elements are not always connected, resulting in upper L Subscript e to be upper L slash left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared in Figure 4.8:

upper L Subscript e Baseline equals upper L left-parenthesis Buck right-parenthesis semicolon upper L Subscript e Baseline equals StartFraction upper L Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis boost and buck hyphen boost right-parenthesis period (4.14)

FIGURE 4.8 Small-signal equivalent circuit for buck, boost, and buck-boost converters.

Transfer functions of the three converters in CCM from Appendix 4B are repeated below:

StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over upper L upper C EndFraction StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L upper C EndFraction EndEndFraction left-parenthesis Buck right-parenthesis comma (4.15)
StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus s StartFraction upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C left-parenthesis s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L Subscript e Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction left-parenthesis Boost right-parenthesis period (4.16)
StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus s StartFraction upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper D upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C left-parenthesis s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L Subscript e Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction left-parenthesis Buck hyphen Boost right-parenthesis period (4.17)

In the above power-stage transfer functions in CCM, there are several characteristics worth noting. There are two poles created by the low-pass L-C filter in Figure 4.8, and the capacitor ESR r results in a zero. In boost and buck-boost converters, their transfer functions depend on the steady-state operating value upper D. They also have a right-half-plane zero, whose presence can be explained by the fact that in these converters, increasing the duty ratio for increasing the output, for example, initially has an opposite consequence by isolating the input stage from the output load for a longer time. Using Computer Simulation to Obtain v overTilde Subscript o Baseline slash d overTilde

Transfer functions given by Equations (4.15) through (4.17) provide theoretical insight into the converter operation. However, the Bode plots of the transfer function can be obtained with similar accuracy by means of linearization and AC analysis, using a computer program such as LTspice. The converter circuit is simulated as shown in Figure 4.9 in the example below for a frequency-domain AC analysis, using the switching power-pole average model discussed in Chapter 3 and shown in Figure 4.6a. The duty cycle perturbation d overTilde is represented as an AC source whose frequency is swept over several decades of interest and whose amplitude is kept constant, for example, at 1 V. In such a simulation, LTspice first calculates voltages and currents at the DC steady-state operating point, linearizes the circuit around this DC bias point, and then performs the AC analysis.

FIGURE 4.9 LTspice circuit model for a buck converter.

Example 4.2

A buck converter has the following parameters and is operating in CCM:upper L equals 100 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 697 normal mu normal upper F r equals 0.1 normal upper Omega, d overTilde, upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 30 normal upper V, and upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 36 normal upper W. The duty ratio upper D is adjusted to regulate the output voltage upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper V. Obtain the gain and the phase of the power stage upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis for frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 100 kHz.

Solution The LTspice circuit is shown in Figure 4.9 where the DC voltage source {D}, representing the duty ratio D, establishes the DC operating point. The duty ratio perturbation d overTilde is represented as an AC source whose frequency is swept over several decades of interest, keeping the amplitude constant. (Since the circuit is linearized before the AC analysis, the best choice for the AC source amplitude is 1 V.) The switching power-pole is represented by an ideal transformer, which consists of two dependent sources: a dependent current source and a dependent voltage source. The circuit parameters are specified by means of parameter blocks within LTspice.

The Bode plot of the frequency response is shown in Figure 4.10. It shows that at the crossover frequency f Subscript c Baseline equals 1 kHz selected in the next example, Example 4.3, the power stage has StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals 24.66 dB and angle upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals negative 138 degree. We will make use of these values in Example 4.3.

FIGURE 4.10 The gain and the phase of the power stage upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis.


The feedback controller design is presented by means of a numerical example to regulate the buck converter described earlier in Example 4.2. The controller is designed for the continuous conduction mode (CCM) at full load, which, although not optimum, is stable in DCM.

Example 4.3

Design the feedback controller for the buck converter described in Example 4.2. The PWM IC is as described in Example 4.1. The output voltage-sensing network in the feedback path has a gain k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 0.2. The steady-state error is required to be zero, and the phase margin of the loop transfer function should be 60 degree at as high a crossover frequency as possible.

Solution In deciding on the transfer function upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis of the controller, the control objectives translate into the following simultaneous characteristics of the loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis, from which upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis can be designed:

  1. The crossover frequency f Subscript c of the loop gain is as high as possible to result in a fast response of the closed-loop system.
  2. The phase angle of the loop transfer function has the specified phase margin, typically 60 degree at the crossover frequency, so that the response in the closed-loop system settles quickly without oscillations.
  3. The phase angle of the loop transfer function should not drop below negative 180 degree at frequencies below the crossover frequency.

The Bode plot for the power stage is obtained earlier, as shown in Figure 4.10 of Example 4.2. In this Bode plot, the phase angle drops toward negative 180 degree due to the two poles of the L-C filter shown in the equivalent circuit of Figure 4.8 and confirmed by the transfer function of Equation (4.15). Beyond the L-C filter resonance frequency, the phase angle increases toward negative 90 degree because of the zero introduced by the output capacitor ESR in the transfer function of the power stage. We should not rely on this capacitor ESR, which is not accurately known and can have a large variability.

A simple procedure based on the K-factor approach [2] is presented below, which lends itself to a straightforward step-by-step design. For the reasons given below, the transfer function upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis of the controller is selected to be of the form in Equation (4.18), and its Bode plot is shown in Figure 4.11.

upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction k Subscript c Baseline Over s EndFraction StartFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis squared Over left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4.18)

FIGURE 4.11 Bode plot of GC (s) in Equation (4.18).

To yield a zero steady-state error, upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis contains a pole at the origin, which introduces a negative 90 degree phase shift in the loop transfer function. The phase of the transfer function peaks at the geometric mean StartRoot f Subscript z Baseline f Subscript p Baseline EndRoot of the zero and pole frequencies, as shown in Figure 4.11, where f Subscript z and f Subscript p are chosen such that their geometric mean StartRoot f Subscript z Baseline f Subscript p Baseline EndRoot is equal to the loop crossover frequency f Subscript c.

The crossover frequency f Subscript c of the loop is chosen beyond the L-C resonance frequency of the power stage, where, unfortunately, angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baselinehas a large negative value. The sum of negative 90 degree (due to the pole at the origin in upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis) and angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline is more negative than negative 180 degree. Therefore, to obtain a phase margin of 60 degree requires boosting the phase at f Subscript c, by more than 90 degree, by placing two coincident zeroes at f Subscript z to nullify the effect of the two poles in the power-stage transfer function upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis. Two coincident poles are placed at f Subscript p (>f Subscript z) to roll off the gain rapidly much before the switching frequency. The controller gain StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c is such that the loop gain equals unity at the crossover frequency.

The input specifications in determining the parameters of the controller transfer function in Equation (4.18) are f Subscript c, phi Subscript b o o s t as shown in Figure 4.11, and the controller gainStartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c. A step-by-step procedure for designing upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis is described below.

Step 1: Choose the crossover frequency. Choose f Subscript c to be slightly beyond the L-C resonance frequency 1 zero width space slash zero width space left-parenthesis 2 pi StartRoot upper L upper C EndRoot right-parenthesis, which in this example is approximately 600 Hz. Therefore, we will choose f Subscript c Baseline equals 1 kHz. This ensures that the phase angle of the loop remains greater than negative 180 degree at all frequencies below f Subscript c.

Step 2: Calculate the needed phase boost. The desired phase margin is specified as phi Subscript upper P upper M Baseline equals 60 degree. The required phase boost phi Subscript b o o s t at the crossover frequency is calculated as follows, noting that upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M and k Subscript upper F upper B produce zero phase shift:

angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis StartAbsoluteValue equals angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline plus angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis from Equation 4.2 right-parenthesis comma (4.19)
angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals negative 180 degree plus phi Subscript upper P upper M Baseline left-parenthesis from Equation 4.3 right-parenthesis comma (4.20)
angle upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals negative 90 degree plus phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline left-parenthesis from Figure 4.11 right-parenthesis period (4.21)

Substituting Equations (4.20) and (4.21) into Equation (4.19),

phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals negative 90 degree plus phi Subscript upper P upper M Baseline minus angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline period (4.22)

In Figure 4.10, angle upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f c Baseline asymptotically-equals negative 138 degree, substituting which in Equation (4.22), withphi Subscript upper P upper M Baseline equals 60 degree, yields the required phase boostphi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals 108 degree.

Step 3: Calculate the controller gain at the crossover frequency. From Equation (4.2) at the crossover frequency f Subscript c,

StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline times StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline times StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline times k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 1 period (4.23)

In Figure 4.10, at f Subscript c Baseline equals 1 k upper H z, StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript equals 1 k upper H z Baseline equals 24.66 d upper B equals 17.1. Therefore in Equation (4.23), using the gain of the PWM block calculated in Example 4.1,

StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline times ModifyingBelow 0.556 With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline Endscripts times ModifyingBelow 17.1 With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline Endscripts times ModifyingBelow 0.2 With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline Endscripts equals 1 comma (4.24)


StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals 0.5263 period (4.25)

The controller in Equation (4.18) with two pole-zero pairs is analyzed in Appendix 4C. According to this analysis, the phase angle of upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in Equation (4.18) reaches its maximum at the geometric mean frequency StartRoot f Subscript z Baseline f Subscript p Baseline EndRoot, where the phase boost phi Subscript b o o s t, as shown in Figure 4.11, is measured with respect to negative 90 degree. By proper choice of the controller parameters, the geometric mean frequency is made equal to the crossover frequency f Subscript c. We introduce a factor upper K Subscript b o o s t that indicates the geometric separation between poles and zeroes to yield the necessary phase boost:

upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction f Subscript p Baseline Over f Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot period (4.26)

As shown in Appendix 4C, upper K Subscript b o o s t can be derived in terms of phi Subscript b o o s t as follows:

upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent left-parenthesis 45 degree plus StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 4 EndFraction right-parenthesis period (4.27)

Using the value of upper K Subscript b o o s t into Equation (4.26), and the fact that we will select StartRoot f Subscript z Baseline f Subscript p Baseline EndRoot to equal the chosen crossover frequency f Subscript c, the pole and the zero frequencies in the controller can be calculated as follows:

f Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction f Subscript c Baseline Over upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline EndFraction comma (4.28)
f Subscript p Baseline equals upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline f Subscript c Baseline period (4.29)

From Equations (4.26), (4.28), and (4.29), the controller gain k Subscript c in Equation (4.18) can be calculated at f Subscript c as

k Subscript c Baseline equals StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline StartFraction omega Subscript z Baseline Over upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline EndFraction period (4.30)

Once the parameters in Equation (4.18) are determined, the controller transfer function can be synthesized by a single op-amp circuit shown in Figure 4.12. The choice of upper R 1 in Figure 4.12 is based on how much current can be drawn from the sensor output; other resistances and capacitances are chosen using the relationships derived in Appendix 4C and presented below:

StartLayout 1st Row upper C 2 equals omega Subscript z Baseline slash zero width space left-parenthesis k Subscript c Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline upper R 1 right-parenthesis comma upper C 1 equals upper C 2 left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis comma upper R 2 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript z Baseline upper C 1 right-parenthesis comma 2nd Row upper R 3 equals upper R 1 slash zero width space left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis comma upper C 3 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline upper R 3 right-parenthesis EndLayout (4.31)

FIGURE 4.12 Controller implementation of of−Gc(s), using Equation (4.18), by an op-amp.

In this numerical example with f Subscript c Baseline equals 1 kHz, phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals 108 degree, and StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Baseline equals 0.5263, we can calculate upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals 3.078 in Equation (4.27). Using Equations (4.28) through (4.30), f Subscript z Baseline equals 324.9 Hz, f Subscript p Baseline equals 3078 Hz, and k Subscript c Baseline equals 349.1. For the op-amp implementation, we will select upper R 1 equals 100 k upper Omega. From Equation (4.31), upper C 2 equals 3.0 nF, upper C 1 equals 25.6 nF, upper R 2 equals 19.1 k upper Omega, upper R 3 equals 11.8 k upper Omega, and upper C 3 equals 4.4 nF.

4.4.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a voltage-mode control of buck converter using both LTspice and Workbench is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 4.4

A buck converter is operating in CCM and has the following parameters: upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, ESR r equals 0.28 normal upper Omega, and load resistance upper R equals 8 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.5, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Design a voltage-mode controller to keep the voltage around this operating condition under varying input voltage and load. Assume that in the voltage feedback network, k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 1. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The controller parameters are computed using Workbench script in which Equation (4.19) through Equation (4.30) has been implemented as shown in Figure 4.13. Using a script file to auto-generate parameters helps quickly iterate through multiple design choices.

FIGURE 4.13 Workbench script for computation of controller parameters.

The crossover frequency is chosen at twice the upper L upper C resonance frequency, which comes out to be f Subscript c Baseline equals 1.75 kHz. The phase margin is chosen to be phi Subscript m Baseline equals 60 degree. The controller parameters computed by the script file are: f Subscript z Baseline equals 950.1 Hz, f Subscript p Baseline equals 3.19 kHz, and k Subscript c Baseline equals 408.4.

Using the above parameters, the controller is implemented by an op-amp in LTspice, as shown in Figure 4.14. The waveforms from the simulation of this model for a step-change in the load at 25 ms is shown in Figure 4.15.

FIGURE 4.14 LTspice model.

FIGURE 4.15 LTspice simulation results.

The same model can be implemented using Workbench, as shown in Figure 4.16. The advantage of using Workbench is that the controller can be implemented in the transfer function form as given by Equation (4.18) without having to convert it to an equivalent op-amp-based circuit. The implementation within the controller subsystem in Figure 4.16 is shown in Figure 4.17.

FIGURE 4.16 Workbench model.

FIGURE 4.17 Controller subsystem.

In the model, the output reference voltage is stepped from an initial value of 0 normal upper V to 7.5 normal upper V at time t equals 1 ms. The load is doubled, i.e. the load resistance is halved from upper R equals 8 normal upper Omega to upper R equals 4 normal upper Omega at t equals 5 ms. Finally, at t equals 8 ms the input voltage is stepped up to upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 22.5 normal upper V from the previous value of upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V. Through this, the output voltage is maintained at upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 7.5 normal upper V by the controller as shown in Figure 4.18.

FIGURE 4.18 Output voltage waveform.

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is shown in Figure 4.19. As mentioned earlier, the controller can be implemented directly in transfer function form, as shown in Figure 4.19. Unlike the op-amp-based controller implementation, where any changes to parameters would require changing physical components, the digital implementation shown here is merely a matter of changing the numerical values in the software. This allows for rapid prototyping of various controllers using the same hardware.

FIGURE 4.19 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 4.20. The converter output voltage settles down to the desired reference voltage as seen in Figure 4.20a and remains at the reference voltage for changing load resistance as seen in Figure 4.20b. Figure 4.20c shows the zoomed-in version of the waveforms over a few switching cycles. The step-by-step procedure for recreating the above hardware implementation is presented in [3].

FIGURE 4.20 Workbench hardware results: (a) step change in reference voltage, (b) gradual change in load resistance, and (c) switching cycle waveforms. (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) inductor current, and (4) output voltage. For clarity, see the waveforms in color in the Appendix on the accompanying website.


Current-mode control is often used in practice due to its many desirable features, such as simpler controller design and inherent current limiting. In such a control scheme, an inner control loop inside the outer voltage loop is used, as shown in Figure 4.21, resulting in a peak-current-mode control system. In this control arrangement, another state variable, the inductor current, is utilized as a feedback signal.

FIGURE 4.21 Peak current mode control.

The overall voltage-loop objectives in the current-mode control are the same as in the voltage-mode control discussed earlier. However, the voltage-loop controller here produces the reference value for the current that should flow through the inductor, hence the name current-mode control. There are two types of current-mode control:

  1. Peak-current-mode control
  2. Average-current-mode control.

In switch-mode DC power supplies, peak-current-mode control is invariably used, and therefore we will concentrate on it here. (We will examine the average-current-mode control in connection with the power-factor-correction circuits discussed in the next chapter.)

For the current loop, the outer voltage loop in Figure 4.21 produces the reference value i Subscript upper L Superscript asterisk of the inductor current. This reference current signal is compared with the measured inductor current i Subscript upper L to reset the flip-flop when i Subscript upper L reaches i Subscript upper L Superscript asterisk. As shown in Figures 4.21 and 4.22a, in generating i Subscript upper L Superscript asterisk, the voltage controller output i Subscript c is modified by a signal called the slope compensation, which is necessary to avoid oscillations at the sub-harmonic frequencies of f Subscript s, particularly at the duty ratio d greater-than 0.5. Generally, the slope of this compensation signal is less than one-half of the slope at which the inductor current falls when the transistor in the converter is turned off.

FIGURE 4.22 Peak-current-mode control with slope compensation.

In Figure 4.22a, when the inductor current reaches the reference value, the transistor is turned off and is turned back on at a regular interval upper T Subscript s Baseline left-parenthesis equals 1 slash f Subscript s Baseline right-parenthesis set by the clock. For small perturbations, this current loop acts extremely fast, and it can be assumed ideal with a gain of unity in the small-signal block diagram of Figure 4.22b. The design of the outer voltage loop is described by means of the example below of a buck-boost converter operating in CCM.

Example 4.5

In this example, we will design a peak-current-mode controller for a buck-boost converter [4] that has the following parameters and operating conditions: upper L equals 100 mu upper H, upper C equals 697 normal mu normal upper F, r equals 0.01 normal upper Omega, f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz, upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 30 normal upper V. The output power upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 18 normal upper W in CCM and the duty ratio upper D is adjusted to regulate the output voltage upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper V. The phase margin required for the voltage loop is 60 degree. Assume that in the voltage feedback network, k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 1.

Solution In designing the outer voltage loop in Figure 4.22b, the transfer function needed for the power stage is v overTilde Subscript o Baseline slash i overTilde Subscript upper L. This transfer function in CCM can be obtained theoretically. However, it is much easier to obtain the Bode plot of this transfer function by means of a computer simulation, similar to that used for obtaining the Bode plots of v overTilde Subscript o Baseline slash d overTilde in Example 4.3 for a buck converter. The LTspice simulation diagram is shown in Figure 4.23 for the buck-boost converter, where, as discussed earlier, an ideal transformer is used for the average representation of the switching power-pole in CCM.

FIGURE 4.23 LTspice circuit for the buck-boost converter.

In Figure 4.23, the DC voltage source represents the switch duty ratio upper D and establishes the DC steady state, around which the circuit is linearized. In the AC analysis, the frequency of the AC source, which represents the duty-ratio perturbation d overTilde, is swept over the desired range, and the ratio of ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis and ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis yields the Bode plot of the power stage upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis, as shown in Figure 4.24.

FIGURE 4.24 Bode plot of v overTilde Subscript o Baseline slash i overTilde Subscript upper L

As shown in Figure 4.24, the phase angle of the power-stage transfer function levels off at approximately negative 90 degree at ≃ 1 kHz. The crossover frequency is chosen to be 5 kHz, at which in Figure 4.24, angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline asymptotically-equals minus zero width space 90 degree The power-stage transfer function ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis zero width space slash zero width space ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis of buck-boost converters contains a right-half-plane zero in CCM, and the crossover frequency is chosen well below the frequency of the right-half-plane zero. To achieve the desired phase margin of 60 degree, the controller transfer function is chosen as expressed below:

upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction k Subscript c Baseline Over s EndFraction StartFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis Over left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction period (4.32)

To yield zero steady-state error, it contains a pole at the origin that introduces a negative 90 degree phase angle. The phase-boost required from this pole-zero combination in Equation (4.32), using Equation (4.22) and angle zero width space upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis vertical-bar Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline asymptotically-equals minus zero width space 90 degree, is phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline asymptotically-equals 60 degree. Therefore, unlike the controller transfer function of Equation (4.18) for the voltage-mode control, only a single pole-zero pair is needed to provide a phase boost. In Equation (4.32), the zero and pole frequencies associated with the required phase boost can be derived, as shown in Appendix 4C, where upper K Subscript b o o s t is the same as in Equation (4.26), that is, upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals StartRoot f Subscript p Baseline slash f Subscript z Baseline EndRoot:

upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent left-parenthesis 45 degree plus StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction right-parenthesis comma (4.33)
f Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction f Subscript c Baseline Over upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline EndFraction comma (4.34)
f Subscript p Baseline equals upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline f Subscript c (4.35)
k Subscript c Baseline equals StartFraction omega Subscript z Baseline Over StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline EndFraction period (4.36)

At the crossover frequency, as shown in Figure 4.24, the power stage transfer function has a gain StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals negative 29.33 dB period Therefore, at the crossover frequency, by definition, in Figure 4.22b,,

StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Baseline times StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Baseline equals 1 period (4.37)


StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals 29.33 dB equals 29.27 period (4.38)

Using the equations above for f Subscript c Baseline equals 5 kHz phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline asymptotically-equals 60 degree comma and StartAbsoluteValue upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Subscript f Sub Subscript c Subscript Baseline equals 29.27 comma upper K Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals 3.732 in Equation (4.33). Therefore, the parameters in the controller transfer function of Equation (4.32) are calculated as f Subscript z Baseline equals 1340 Hz comma f Subscript p Baseline equals 18660 Hz comma and k Subscript c Baseline equals 246.4 times 10 cubed period

The transfer function of Equation (4.32) can be realized by an op-amp circuit shown in Figure 4.25. In the expressions derived in Appendix 4C, selecting upper R 1 equals 10 k upper Omega and using the transfer-function parameters calculated above, the component values in the circuit of Figure 4.25 are as follows:

StartLayout 1st Row upper C 2 equals StartFraction omega Subscript z Baseline Over omega Subscript p Baseline upper R 1 k Subscript c Baseline EndFraction equals 30 p normal upper F 2nd Row upper C 1 equals upper C 2 left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis equals 380 p normal upper F 3rd Row zero width space upper R 2 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript z Baseline upper C 1 right-parenthesis equals 315 k upper Omega EndLayout period (4.39)

FIGURE 4.25 Controller implementation of minus upper G Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis using Equation (4.32), by an op-amp.

4.5.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

Example 4.6

A buck-boost converter is operating in CCM and has the following parameters: upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, ESR r equals 0.28 normal upper Omega, and load resistance upper R equals 8 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 8, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Design a peak-current-mode controller to keep the voltage around this operating condition under varying input voltage and load. Assume that in the voltage feedback network, k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 1. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The controller parameters are computed using Workbench script in which Equation (4.32) through Equation (4.38) has been implemented.

The crossover frequency is chosen to be f Subscript c Baseline equals 1 kHz, below the frequency of the ESR zero, which occurs at f Subscript z comma e s r Baseline equals r times upper C equals 1 slash left-parenthesis 0.28 times 490 normal mu times 2 pi right-parenthesis equals 1.16 kHz, to continue the gain roll-off at higher frequencies. The phase margin is chosen to be phi Subscript m Baseline equals 60 degree. The controller parameters computed by the script file are: f Subscript z Baseline equals 718.5 Hz, f Subscript p Baseline equals 1.39 kHz, and k Subscript c Baseline equals 11604.2.

Using the above parameters, the controller is implemented by an op-amp in LTspice, as shown in Figure 4.26. The waveforms from the simulation of this model for a step-change in the load at 15 ms is shown in Figure 4.27.

FIGURE 4.26 LTspice model.

FIGURE 4.27 LTspice simulation results.

The same model can be implemented using Workbench, as shown in Figure 4.28. The voltage controller can be implemented in transfer function form, as given by Equation (4.32), as shown in Figure 4.29a, and the current controller as shown in Figure 4.29b.

FIGURE 4.28 Workbench model.

FIGURE 4.29A Controller subsystem.

FIGURE 4.29B Controller subsystem.

In the model, the output reference voltage is stepped from an initial value of 0 normal upper V to 8 normal upper V at time t equals 1 ms. The load is doubled, i.e. the load resistance is halved from upper R equals 8 normal upper Omega to upper R equals 4 normal upper Omega at t equals 5 ms. Finally, at t equals 8 ms the input voltage is stepped up to upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 22.5 normal upper V from the previous value of upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V. Through this, the output voltage is maintained at upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 7.5 normal upper V by the controller as shown in Figure 4.30.

FIGURE 4.30 Output voltage waveform.

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is shown in Figure 4.19. As mentioned earlier, the controller can be implemented directly in transfer function form, as shown in Figure 4.31.

FIGURE 4.31 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 4.32. The converter output voltage settles down to the desired reference voltage as seen in Figure 4.32a. Figure 4.32b shows the zoomed-in version of the waveforms over a few switching cycles. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [4].

FIGURE 4.32A Workbench hardware results for a step change in reference voltage: (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) inductor current, and (4) output voltage. For clarity, see the waveforms in color in the Appendix on the accompanying website.

FIGURE 4.32B Workbench hardware results—switching cycle waveforms: (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) inductor current, and (4) output voltage.


In Sections 4.4 and 4.5, feedback controllers were designed for CCM operation of the converters. The procedure for designing controllers in DCM is the same, except that the average model of the power stage in LTspice simulations can be simply replaced by its model, which is also valid in DCM, as described in Chapter 3. This is illustrated for a buck-boost converter in the LTspice schematic of Figure 4.33, where the average model of the switching pole is valid for both CCM and DCM modes.

FIGURE 4.33 LTspice circuit for the buck-boost converter in both CCM and DCM modes.

The Bode plot of the power stage upper G Subscript upper P upper S Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in Figure 4.34 shows that in the DCM mode, as compared to the CCM mode, the phase plot appears as if one of the poles in the transfer function cancels out, making it easier to design the feedback controller in this mode.

FIGURE 4.34 The gain and phase of the power stage G subscript P S end subscript left parenthesis S right parenthesis equals v with tilde on top subscript 0 divided by d with tilde on top subscript left parenthesis S right parenthesis end subscript in CCM and DCM.


  1. 1. PWM Controller ICs: Digital power control drivers & powertrain modules product selection | TI.com. https://www.ti.com/power-management/digital-power/digital-power-control-drivers-powertrain-modules/products.html.
  2. 2. H. Dean Venable, “The K-Factor: A New Mathematical Tool for Stability Analysis and Synthesis,” Proceedings of Powercon 10. http://www.venable.biz.
  3. 3. Buck Converter Voltage-mode Control Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/buck-voltage-mode-control.
  4. 4. Buck-Boost Converter Current-mode Control Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/buck-boost-current-mode-control.


  • 4.1 In Example 4.3, plot the gain and the phase of the open-loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis.
  • 4.2 In a voltage mode-controlled DC-DC converter the loop transfer function has the crossover frequency f Subscript c Baseline equals 2 kHz. The power stage transfer function has a phase angle of negative 160 degree at the crossover frequency. Calculate w Subscript z and w Subscript p in the voltage controller transfer function of Equation (4.18), if the required phase margin is 60 degree.
  • 4.3 In the above problem the power stage has a gain equal to 20 at the crossover frequency, k Subscript upper F upper B Baseline equals 0.2, and upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline equals 0.6. Calculate k Subscript c in the voltage controller transfer function of Equation (4.18).
  • 4.4 In Example 4.4, plot the gain and the phase of the open-loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis.
  • 4.5 In a peak-current-mode-controlled DC-DC converter, the loop crossover frequency in the outer voltage loop is 10 kHz. At this crossover frequency, the power stage in Figure 4.22b has the gain of 0.1, and the phase angle of negative 80 degree. Calculate f Subscript z, f Subscript p and k Subscript c in the controller transfer function of Equation (4.32) if the desired phase margin is 60 degree.
  • 4.6 Derive the transfer function ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis slash ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis for a buck converter in CCM.
  • 4.7 Derive the transfer function ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis slash ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis for a boost converter in CCM.
  • 4.8 Derive the transfer function ModifyingAbove v With tilde Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis slash ModifyingAbove i With tilde Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis for a buck-boost converter in CCM.

Simulation Problems

  • 4.9 In a buck converter, various parameters are as follows:upper L equals 100 normal mu normal upper H comma upper C equals 697 normal mu normal upper F and upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 9.0 normal upper Omega. The capacitor ESR is 0.1 normal upper Omega. The input voltage upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 24 normal upper V, the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz, and the output voltage upper V 0 equals 18 normal upper V.
    • Obtain the Bode plots for the transfer function StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis as shown in Figure 4.10 for the values given in this problem.
    • Obtain the gain and the phase of the transfer function StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis at the frequency of 1 kHz, which will be chosen as the crossover of the open-loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in the next problem.
  • 4.10 In the buck converter of Problem 4.9, design the feedback controller using the voltage mode, as shown in Figure 4.13, where k Subscript f b Baseline equals 0.2 and upper G Subscript upper P upper W upper M Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals 0.556. Choose the open-loop crossover frequency to be 1 kHz (or close to it) and the phase margin of 60 degree period
    • This feedback controller is to be simulated using an op-amp, as shown in Figure 4.12. Obtain the output voltage response for a step change in load.
    • Repeat part (a) with a phase margin of 45 degree period Compare the output voltage response with that of a phase margin of 60 degree.
    • Repeat part (a) with a crossover frequency of 2 kHz and compare the response to that in part (a).
  • 4.11 In a buck-boost converter, various parameters are as follows:upper L equals 100 normal mu normal upper H comma upper C equals 697 normal mu normal upper F and upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 200.0 normal upper Omega period The capacitor ESR is 0.01 omega. The input voltage upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 24 normal upper V the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz and the switch duty ratio upper D equals 0.375.
    • Obtain the Bode plots for the transfer function StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over i overTilde Subscript upper L Baseline EndFraction zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis as shown in Figure 4.24 for the values given in this circuit.
    • Obtain the gain and the phase of the transfer function StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over i overTilde Subscript upper L Baseline EndFraction zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in part (a) at the frequency of 5 kHz, which will be chosen as the crossover of the open-loop transfer function upper G Subscript upper L Baseline zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis in the next problem.
  • 4.12 In the buck-boost converter of Problem 4.11, design the feedback controller using the peak-current-mode, as shown in Figure 4.26. Choose the open-loop crossover frequency to be 5 kHz (or close to it) and the phase margin of 60 degree.
    • This feedback controller is to be simulated using an op-amp, as shown in Figure 4.26. Obtain various parameters.
    • Obtain the output voltage and the inductor current response for a step change in load.
  • 4.13 In the buck-boost converter of Problem 4.11, obtain StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction zero width space left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis under CCM and DCM modes of operation and compare the results.


In this section, Bode plots of various transfer functions are presented as a review.

4A.1 A Pole in a Transfer Function

A transfer function with a pole at omega Subscript p is expressed below

upper T left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction comma (4A.1)

whose gain and phase plots in Figure 4A.1 show that the gain beyond the pole frequency of omega Subscript p starts to change at a rate of −20 dB/decade and the phase angle falls to negative 90 degree approximately a decade later.

FIGURE 4A.1 Gain and phase plots of a pole.

4A.2 A Zero in a Transfer Function

The transfer function with a zero at a frequency of omega Subscript z is expressed below:

upper T left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline comma (4A.2)

whose gain and phase plots in Figure 4A.2 show that the gain beyond the frequency of omega Subscript z starts to rise at a rate of 20 dB/decade and the phase angle rises to plus 90 degree approximately a decade later.

FIGURE 4A.2 Gain and phase plots of a zero.

4A.3 A Right-Hand-Plane (RHP) Zero in a Transfer Function

In boost and buck-boost DC-DC converters, transfer functions contain a so-called right-hand plane (RHP) zero, with a transfer function expressed below:

upper T left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals 1 minus StartFraction s Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction comma (4A.3)

whose gain and phase plots in Figure 4A.3 show that the gain beyond the frequency of omega Subscript z starts to rise at a rate of 20 dB/decade while the phase angle drops to negative 90 degree approximately a decade later. This RHP zero presents special challenges in designing feedback controllers in boost and buck-boost converters, as is discussed in this chapter.

FIGURE 4A.3 Gain and phase plots of a right-hand side zero.

4A.4 A Double Pole in a Transfer Function

In DC-DC converter transfer functions, presence of L-C filters introduces a double pole, which can be expressed as below:

upper T left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 plus alpha s plus left-parenthesis StartFraction s Over omega Subscript o Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis squared EndFraction comma (4A.4)

and whose gain and plots in Figure 4A.4 show that the gain beyond the frequency omega Subscript o starts to fall at a rate of 40 dB slash decade and the phase angle falls toward negative 180 degree. These plots depend on the damping coefficient xi equals left-parenthesis alpha slash 2 right-parenthesis omega Subscript o.

FIGURE 4A.4 Gain and phase plots of a double pole.


In this section, we will derive the transfer function v o / d for the three converters operating in CCM

4B.1 Buck Converters

From Figure 4.7, the small-signal diagram for a buck converter is shown in Figure 4B.1. The output stage impedance Zos is defined as the parallel combination of the filter capacitor and the load resistance:

FIGURE 4B.1 Equivalent circuit of average buck converter.

z Subscript o s Baseline equals StartStartFraction upper R left-parenthesis r plus StartFraction 1 Over s upper C EndFraction right-parenthesis OverOver upper R plus left-parenthesis r plus StartFraction 1 Over s upper C EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction equals upper R StartFraction 1 plus s r upper C Over 1 plus s left-parenthesis upper R plus r right-parenthesis upper C EndFraction period (4B.1)

In any practical converter, r << R, and therefore, R + r ≈ R. Making use of this assumption in Equation (4B.1),

upper Z Subscript upper O upper S Baseline minus upper R StartFraction 1 plus s r upper C Over 1 plus s upper R upper C EndFraction period (4B.2)

Defining Z eff as the sum of the filter inductor impedance sL and the output stage impedance Z os ,

StartFraction upper Z Subscript upper O upper S Baseline Over upper Z Subscript e f f Baseline EndFraction equals StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper L upper C left-bracket s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L upper C EndFraction right-bracket EndEndFraction period (4B.3)

Therefore, in Figure 4B.1, by voltage division,

StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline StartFraction z Subscript o s Baseline Over z Subscript e f f Baseline EndFraction equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper L upper C left-bracket s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L upper C EndFraction right-bracket EndEndFraction period (4B.4)

4B.2 Boost Converter

From Figure 4.7, the small-signal diagram of a boost converter is shown in Figure 4B.2a . In this circuit, the DC steady-state operating point values can be calculated as follows:

FIGURE 4B.2 Equivalent circuit of average boost converter.

upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period (4B.5)

Equating the input and the output power,

upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o Baseline equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline period (4B.6)

Substituting (Equation 4B.5) into (Equation 4B.6),

upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper R upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction period (4B.7)

In Figure 4B.2a, the sub-circuit left of the marked terminals can be replaced by its Norton equivalent, as shown in Figure 4B.2b. The sub-circuit left of the transformer in Figure 4B.2b can be transformed to the right, as shown in Figure 4B.2c, where

upper L Subscript e Baseline equals StartFraction upper L Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4B.8)

The two current sources in Figure 4B.2c can be combined and using the Thevenin’s equivalent, the equivalent voltage in Figure 4B.2d is

v Subscript e q Baseline equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus StartFraction s upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis (4B.9)

Using the equivalent voltage in (Equation 4B.9) and applying the voltage division in the circuit of Figure 4B.2d,

StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d overTilde EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus StartFraction s upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C left-bracket s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L Subscript e Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C EndFraction right-bracket EndEndFraction period (4B.10)

4B.3 Buck-Boost Converter

From Figure 4.7, the small-signal diagram of a buck-boost converter is shown in Figure 4B.3a . First, we will calculate the values of the needed quantities at the DC steady-state operating point.

In a buck-boost converter,

upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction comma (4B.11)
v Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline period (4B.12)

Equating the input and the output power,

upper I Subscript i n Baseline upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o (4B.13)

and hence,

upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper R upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction comma (4B.14)
upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over upper R EndFraction StartFraction upper D Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4B.15)

Considering the sub-circuit to the left of the marked terminals in Figure 4B.3a and drawn in Figure 4B.3b,

i 1 equals i 2 comma (4B.16)


i 1 equals upper D i 2 period (4B.17)

(Equations 4B.16) and (4B.17) are valid in general only if i l = i 2 = 0 . Therefore in Figure 4B.3b,

v Subscript o c Baseline equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4B.18)

Shorting the terminals as shown in Figure 4B.3c,

i Subscript s c Baseline equals i 1 minus upper D i 1 equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis i 1 period (4B.19)

In Figure 4B.3c,

i 1 equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis s upper L EndFraction period (4B.20)

Substituting (Equation 4B.20) into (Equation 4B.19),

i Subscript s c Baseline equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over s upper L EndFraction period (4B.21)

From Figures 4B.3b and 4B.3c, and (Equations 4B.18) and (4B.21), the Thevenin impedance to the left of the marked terminals in Figure 4B.3a is

upper Z Subscript upper T h Baseline equals StartFraction v Subscript o c Baseline Over i Subscript s c Baseline EndFraction equals s upper L Subscript e Baseline comma (4B.22)


upper L Subscript e Baseline equals StartFraction upper L Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction comma (4B.23)
v Subscript upper T h Baseline equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4B.24)

With this Thevenin equivalent, the circuit of Figure 4B.3a, can be drawn as shown in Figure 4B.4a.

FIGURE 4B.4A Equivalent circuit of average buck-boost converter (contd.)

The sub-circuit to the left of the marked terminals can be represented by its Norton equivalent, as shown in Figure 4B.4b.

FIGURE 4B.4B Equivalent circuit of average buck-boost converter (contd.)

Combining the current sources and representing the sub-circuit in Figure 4B.4b by its Thevenin equivalent as shown in Figure 4B.4c,

FIGURE 4B.4C Equivalent circuit of average buck-boost converter (contd.)

v Subscript e q Baseline equals d overTilde StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus s upper D StartFraction upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis period (4B.25)


StartFraction v overTilde Subscript o Baseline Over d EndFraction equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus s upper D StartFraction upper L Subscript e Baseline Over upper R EndFraction right-parenthesis StartStartFraction 1 plus s r upper C OverOver upper L Subscript e Baseline upper C left-bracket s squared plus s left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over upper R upper C EndFraction plus StartFraction r Over upper L Subscript e Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper L Subscript e Baseline c EndFraction right-bracket EndEndFraction period (4B.26)


4C.1 Controller Transfer Function with One Pole-Zero Pair

The controller transfer function given below consists of a pole at the origin and a pole-zero pair to provide phase boost:

upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction k Subscript c Baseline Over s EndFraction StartFraction 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline Over 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction period (4C.1a)

To analyze this transfer function, the pole at the origin can be omitted since we know that it introduces a phase of −90°, by defining another transfer function as follows:

upper G prime Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals k Subscript c Baseline StartFraction 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline Over 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction comma (4C.1b)


phi equals angle upper G prime Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartFraction omega Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction period (4C.2)

4C.1.1 Frequency at which fboosl Occurs

The maximum angle f boosl provided by the controller occurs at the geometric mean of the zero and pole frequencies, as shown below. (This geometric mean frequency is made to coincide with w = w c where wc is the cross-over frequency.) To find the frequency at which f boosl occurs, we will set the derivative of the phase angle to zero.


StartFraction d Over d omega EndFraction phi equals StartFraction 1 Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction StartStartFraction 1 OverOver left-parenthesis 1 plus StartFraction omega squared Over omega Subscript z Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction StartStartFraction 1 OverOver left-parenthesis 1 plus StartFraction omega squared Over omega Subscript p Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis EndEndFraction equals 0 comma (4C.3)


StartFraction omega Subscript z Baseline Over left-parenthesis omega squared plus omega Subscript z Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction minus StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over left-parenthesis omega squared plus omega Subscript p Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction equals 0 comma (4C.4)
left-parenthesis omega squared minus omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis omega Subscript z Baseline minus omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis equals 0 period (4C.5)

From (Equation 4C.5),

omega equals StartRoot omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline EndRoot comma (4C.6)

which shows that the phase angle of the controller transfer function reaches its maximum at the geometric-mean frequency.

4C.1.2 Deriving the Zero and Pole Frequencies

Substituting (Equation 4C.6) into (Equation 4C.2),

phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartFraction StartRoot omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline EndRoot Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction minus tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartFraction StartRoot omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline EndRoot Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction comma (4C.7)


phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot minus tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript z Baseline Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction EndRoot period (4C.8)

Note that tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline x equals cotangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over x EndFraction right-parenthesis and tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline y plus cotangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline y equals StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction. Therefore, in (Equation 4C.8),

phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot minus left-parenthesis StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction minus tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot right-parenthesis equals 2 tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot minus StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction period (4C.9)

We will define an intermediate variable, called the K-factor, as

k Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction omega Subscript p Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndRoot period (4C.10)

Solving (Equations 4C.9) and (4C.10),

k Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent left-parenthesis StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction plus StartFraction pi Over 4 EndFraction right-parenthesis comma (4C.11)


k Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent left-parenthesis StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction plus 45 Superscript ring Baseline right-parenthesis period (4C.12)

4C.1.3 Realizing the Controller Transfer Function with a Single Op-Amp

The controller transfer function in (Equation 4C.1) can be realized by a single op-amp circuit as shown below.

In Figure 4C.1, obtaining the input-output relationship and comparing it with the transfer function of (Equation 4C.1),

k Subscript c Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper R 1 left-parenthesis upper C 1 plus upper C 2 right-parenthesis EndFraction omega Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper C 1 upper R 2 EndFraction omega Subscript p Baseline equals StartFraction upper C 1 plus upper C 2 Over upper R 2 upper C 1 upper C 2 EndFraction period (4C.13)

FIGURE 4C.1 Controller implementation of −GC (S), using Eq. 4-C1(A), by an op-amp.

From (Equation 4C.13), in terms of Rj

upper C 2 equals StartFraction omega Subscript upper Z Baseline Over omega Subscript upper P Baseline upper R 1 k Subscript c Baseline EndFraction upper C 1 equals upper C 2 left-parenthesis omega Subscript upper P Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis upper R 2 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript upper Z Baseline upper C 1 right-parenthesis period (4C.14)

4C.2 Controller Transfer Function with Two Pole-Zero Pairs

The controller transfer function given below consists of a pole at the origin and two pole-zero pairs to provide phase boost

upper G Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals StartFraction k Subscript c Baseline Over s EndFraction StartFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis squared Over left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period (4C.15)

To analyze this transfer function, the pole at the origin can be omitted since we know that it introduces a phase of −90°, by defining another transfer function as follows:

upper G Subscript c Superscript quotation-mark Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals k Subscript c Baseline StartFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis squared Over left-parenthesis 1 plus s slash omega Subscript p Baseline right-parenthesis squared EndFraction comma (4C.16)


phi equals angle upper G Subscript c Superscript quotation-mark Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals 2 tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartFraction omega Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction minus 2 tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline StartFraction omega Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction period (4C.17)

A derivation similar to Section 4C.1 shows that the phase peaks at a frequency f c that is the geometric mean of the pole and zero frequencies, similar to that in Section 4C.1:

omega Subscript c Baseline equals StartRoot omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline EndRoot period (4C.18)

Next, we will use the trigonometric identity that

tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline x minus tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline y equals tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis StartFraction x minus y Over 1 plus x y EndFraction right-parenthesis comma (4C.19)

and from Equations (4C.17) and (4C.18), at frequency omega Subscript c, the phase boost is

phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals angle upper G Subscript c Superscript quotation-mark Baseline left-parenthesis s right-parenthesis equals 2 tangent Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis StartStartFraction StartFraction omega Subscript c Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline EndFraction minus StartFraction omega Subscript c Baseline Over omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction OverOver 1 plus StartFraction omega Subscript c Superscript 2 Baseline Over omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline EndFraction EndEndFraction right-parenthesis comma (4C.20)
tangent left-parenthesis StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction right-parenthesis equals StartFraction omega Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline minus omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis Over omega Subscript c Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline plus omega Subscript c Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction comma (4C.21)
tangent left-parenthesis StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction right-parenthesis equals StartFraction omega Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline minus omega Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis Over omega Subscript z Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline plus omega Subscript c Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction comma (4C.22)

and using Equations (4C.20) and (4C.21),

k Subscript b o o s t Baseline equals tangent left-parenthesis 45 Superscript ring Baseline plus StartFraction phi Subscript b o o s t Baseline Over 4 EndFraction right-parenthesis period (4C.23)

The controller transfer function in (Equation 4C.15) can be realized by a single op-amp circuit as shown below.

In Figure 4C.2, obtaining the input-output relationship and comparing it with the transfer function of (Equation 4C.15) in terms of Rj,

FIGURE 4C.2 Controller implementation of −GC(S), using Eq. 4‐C15, by an op‐amp.

StartLayout 1st Row c 2 equals omega Subscript z Baseline slash left-parenthesis k Subscript c Baseline omega Subscript p Baseline upper R 1 right-parenthesis 2nd Row c 1 equals c 2 left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis 3rd Row upper R 2 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript z Baseline c 1 right-parenthesis 4th Row upper R 3 equals upper R 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline slash omega Subscript z Baseline minus 1 right-parenthesis 5th Row upper C 3 equals 1 slash left-parenthesis omega Subscript p Baseline upper R 3 right-parenthesis period EndLayout (4C.24)
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