Chapter 6
Voice Mail and Email Strategies

Even though voice mail and email are so prevalent—even to the point of being abused—they are still a very effective prospecting tool—if used correctly. Unfortunately, this part of a sales rep's arsenal is underdeveloped, and very few sales professionals are being taught the proper way to use these techniques. There are, however, a set of best practices that you will learn in this chapter that will separate you from your competition, and that will get your prospects to take notice of you. Many prospects will even reach back out to you, and the others will be much more receptive to you once you do reach them by phone.

You will find here two strategies that will help you immensely. The first is how to develop and leave an effective voice mail message—complete with what to do and what not to do. The next is how to combine voice mail with an email campaign to reach maximum effectiveness.

Study, adapt, and then use the following techniques, and you will soon have plenty of prospects to speak with and to qualify for your product or service.

Voice Mail: Five Proven Techniques That Get Your Calls Returned

If you are struggling to get your voice mail messages returned, then you are not alone.

Industry statistics show that less than 10 percent of voice mails to new prospects are returned. Because of this, finding the right voice mail message and knowing a few proven techniques, can be the key to not only contacting those hard‐to‐reach sales leads, but also to developing relationships and getting new accounts.

Here are five proven techniques that give you the best chance of getting your voice mail messages returned.

Proven Technique Number One:

Don't even leave a voice message! Sounds strange, doesn't it? The truth is that the best technique to follow when trying to reach a prospect for the first time is to persevere and call five or seven times first before leaving a message. Your goal is to catch your prospect picking up the phone and then have a conversation with him or her rather than leaving multiple unreturned voice mails.

Try calling at different times of the day, and even several times on Friday. Fridays are the most relaxed days, and most people are getting ready for the weekend instead of gearing up for the week. The worst day to leave a voice mail? Monday.

One caveat: for those of you who are worried that when you do finally catch someone who picks up the phone and is upset that you didn't leave a message (yet they saw that you called several times), be prepared with a good script. Something like: “I didn't want to bother you with several voice mail messages, so I decided to just try to catch you live instead. I hope that didn't inconvenience you. Anyway, I am glad we are finally speaking”

Persevering in this way is the best way to actually get someone on the phone, and because most sales reps won't do it, you are going to be way ahead if you do.

Proven Technique Number Two:

You must script out an effective voice mail message in advance. Nothing will get your message deleted faster than the sound of an unprepared and unprofessional message filled with um's and ah's.

As soon as a busy prospect hears that kind of message, especially from someone they do not know (and from a salesperson on top of that!), they automatically reach for the delete button. Don't you?

You should also make sure your scripted voice mail has these three elements:

  1. Put the focus on your prospect—not on your product or service.
  2. Don't ever say, “I'd like to take some time to learn more about you”
  3. Make sure to leave your number slowly, and two times.

As you will see in the following examples, most sales reps leave a message that is all about them—and this never works. Second, sometimes they think that by wanting to “learn more about how you handle” they think that they are putting the prospect first. Wrong. All the prospect is thinking is that they don't want to take their valuable time to educate you so you can sell them something.

And three, the worst technique of all is leaving your phone number so quickly that you force your prospect to replay your message over and over again just to get your phone number. (Like anybody is going to do that.)

Proven Technique Number Three:

Turn a bad VM message into an effective one.

The wrong way to leave a VM (and unfortunately, how most people do it):

This message checks all the “do not do” boxes I have listed in Technique Number Two. It is all about the caller. It wants to take time from the prospect so they can pitch more, and the number was only left once (and usually too fast for the prospect to copy it down).

Here Is the Right VM to Leave

This VM is effective because it is focused on the prospect and what is in it for them (10 to 15 percent savings). The phone number was left two times slowly, but the magic technique was that you gave your prospect a way out! You let them know that they can simply call you back, leave you a message (so they won't have to speak with you or be pitched when they call), and they can remove themselves from being called by you again if they aren't interested. This is good for you, too, as you won't waste your time with uninterested prospects.

One note: if you find the preceding message too long, edit it. Script your VM the way you like it, and then use it consistently. In fact, spend some time now reworking your existing voice mail message so that it conforms to the rules just described.

Proven Technique Number Four:

Combine your voice mails with an email campaign for maximum effectiveness. The number one law in all marketing is repetition. That's why Coca‐Cola still buys millions of dollars of ads every year.

It's the same with getting your prospects to notice you. The most effective way is by using a two‐month‐long campaign that goes like this:

First: Try to reach someone for a couple of days without leaving a VM.

Week One: Leave one VM and follow it up with an email that same day. Then leave a second VM that same week.

Week Two: Send email number 2, then leave a VM at the beginning of the week and on that Friday.

Week Three: Send an email at the beginning of the week and at the end. Leave a VM in between.

Week Four: Send another email on Tuesday, and leave a VM on that Thursday.

Month Two: Send either one email or leave one VM per week for four weeks. (Also: Call in between and don't leave a message.)

Any time between weeks three and four, one of your emails needs to be the “Should I Stay or Should I Go” email. If you have not heard of this email, then your return contact rate is about to go up by 60 percent! It goes like this:

Subject line: [prospect's first name] Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Body of Email:

If you are smiling while reading this, so will your prospect. Again, this is a high percentage email that gets a response about 60 percent of the time. Compare that to your current results.

Proven Technique Number Five: If your VM and email campaigns don't work, then consider going that extra mile. (As a top producer once said, “The extra mile is never crowded.”) Even though a prospect may not be in the market now, we all know that things change. When they do, you want to be top of mind so they are thinking about you when they finally are ready to make a purchase.

The most effective way to do this is by sending actual greeting cards. The easiest way to do that is by using a company I use called Send Out Cards. (You can learn more about them here:

I have been using SOC for years and they have made me a lot of money (hundreds of thousands of dollars, in fact) in sales to prospects I would not have gotten if I hadn't been drip marketing to them regularly. I use SOC for many reasons, including:

  • It's extremely affordable to send a high‐quality card with a real stamp.
  • It's easy and fast—you create the cards in advance and they send them automatically without you having to do anything more!
  • You can build “campaigns” so you can send cards at any interval you choose (and you can build lots of campaigns).
  • Every card is completely customizable—you can choose from 15,000‐plus of their beautiful cards (and include your own message) or you can completely create your own with your own images.

It is highly effective. In fact, did you know that the number one salesperson in the world—according to the Guinness Book of World Records—is a guy named Joe Girard? He was a car salesman, and he sold an average of six new cars every day! How did he do it? He sent a card to every customer and every prospect every month (and one for Christmas)—13 cards in all. Joe was so successful that people had to make appointments with him to buy a car!

The good news is that sending physical greeting cards will work in your business as well.

And can make it easy and effective for you.

So there you have it: the five proven voice mail techniques to get your calls returned.

Follow them and you will be much more successful than you are now. Don't follow them and, well, you already know how that goes.

The Touch‐Point Plan: How to Turn Cold Leads into Warm Leads

Staring at a list of cold names you have to call can be discouraging. Calling those names and leaving voice mails that never get returned is even more discouraging. And finally reaching someone only to be quickly blown off can be downright heartbreaking! Don't you wish there was a way to turn cold names into warm leads?

There is!

It is called a “touch‐point plan,” and it is very effective if you do it right. A touch‐point plan is simply a combination of carefully scripted voice messages and emails used in combination over a period of time. How many messages and over what period of time is variable, and I have seen many studies recommend roughly six phone calls and five emails over a month's time.

I have been successfully using a bit less—five to seven total messages—but I supplement this strategy by making calls in between trying to catch the prospect picking up their phone. If they don't answer, I don't leave a voice mail. Sometimes I opt for a longer campaign—up to two months as mentioned in the earlier section on voice mail.

What type of a touch‐point plan you decide to develop (how many calls and emails) can depend on many factors such as whether it is a business‐to‐business call—and what your target prospect's title is—or whether it is a business‐to‐consumer call and what hours you are calling. You will find what your sweet spot is if you just experiment a bit.

The bottom line, though, is that the more times you reach out to a prospect, the more likely it is they will become familiar with you and your company. Many prospects will respect your professional and persistent attempts to reach them. Because of this, when you finally do reach a prospect, you will have built some recognition and credibility, and your prospect will be more willing to give you a bit of their time.

This is how you turn a cold lead into a warm lead.

I have listed in this section a sample touch‐point plan that involves two voice messages and three emails. I first make about a week of calls without leaving a voice mail (assuming I don't reach the prospect), and then I spread the following touch‐point plan over two weeks.

If I have not gotten a response or reached anyone after the touch‐point plan, I wait a week, and then spend the fourth week calling again without leaving a message. I have had a lot of success with this plan and at the end of the four‐week period, I have generally reached those prospects who are reachable.

Here is a sample touch‐point plan, with generic wording, that you can customize to fit your company and product or service.

Voice Mail 1

Email 1 (to Be Sent Right after You Leave Your First Voice Mail)

Voice Mail 2: (Three to Four Days Later)

Email 2: (Send This Email One to Two Days after Your Second Voice Mail)

(Include an online brochure of your company and services)

Voice Mail 3: (Final VM—Leave Three to Four Days after the Second Email)

Once you have customized and tested the voice mails and emails in this touch‐point plan, you will know whether you need to add another one or two messages. Just test a variation of plans and see what the best results are for you. Don't forget to add in calls the week before and after the plan as well!

The most important part of a successful touch‐point plan is to consistently use one. Most sales reps fail to reach back out to prospects (both inbound and outbound leads), and many just make one attempt and then move on. The way to double or even triple your sales and income is to be detail‐oriented and to persevere until you reach your prospects.

Adopting the approach described here will separate you from 90 percent of the other sales reps in your industry and this will increase your effectiveness exponentially.

Conclusion to Prospecting Techniques and Scripts

As stated earlier, the cold or prospecting call is the most important part of the sales cycle.

This is where you identify real buyers, and where you learn what it will take to close your prospect. By learning and following the strategies and word‐for‐word scripts in this section, you will have an advantage over your competition and can quickly improve both the quality of your prospects and your closing ratios and results. This means more money for you and your family.

But did you notice I said, “learning” and not reading? It is not enough for you to just read the scripts and techniques in this section. You need to study them, adapt them, and then make it a habit to use them over and over again. This is what Dale Carnegie*, in his best‐selling book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, said when he quoted George Bernard Shaw. “Shaw once remarked: ‘If you teach a man anything, he will never learn.’ Shaw was right. Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. So, if you desire to master the principles you are studying in this book, do something about them. Apply these rules at every opportunity. If you don't, you will forget them quickly. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.”

I couldn't have said it better about the techniques, strategies, and scripts in this book. Only by putting these techniques to work for you will you be able to overcome the old ideas and habits you are currently using to get unsatisfactory results. Doing so will take a commitment of both time and energy, but the investment you make now will pay dividends to you for the rest of your career. I can tell you from personal experience that once you elevate your skill set and begin seeing better results, you never go back. Once you become a Top 20 Percent producer, you remain that way—no matter what product or service you end up selling.


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