
Let me be brutally honest. The telephone is, has always been, and will continue to be your most powerful sales tool. Not email. Not social media. The phone!

The brutal and undeniable truth is that inside sales reps who fail to master the phone fail, so it's time to stop looking at the phone like it's your enemy and see it for what it really is: a money‐making machine.

The telephone is more effective than email and social media because when you are actually speaking to another human being, there is a higher probability that you'll set appointments, gather qualifying information, and close deals.

Yet, many salespeople find it awkward to use the phone because they:

  • Don't know what to say or how to say it.
  • Wing it on every call and say stupid, embarrassing things that generate resistance and rejection.
  • Don't have easy‐to‐execute telephone scripts that allow them to focus on their prospect rather than what to say.
  • Don't have effective strategies for dealing with reflex responses, brush‐offs, and objections.

What I find across the board, though, is that most salespeople don't know how to use the phone for sales because they've never been taught.

This problem is exacerbated by the fact that at most companies, there is deficient to nonexistent telephone training. When companies do provide training, it is usually made up of complex, contrived methods developed by people who've never even successfully used the phone for sales. This approach never works in the real world with real prospects.

Sadly, most salespeople are making egregious mistakes on the phone. Through their words and approach, they turn prospects off, get shut down, and create resistance where it didn't exist.

In inside sales, you have mere seconds to get your prospect's attention. When you have a prospect on the phone, message matters. What you say and how you say it is often the difference between winning or losing the deal.

This is where Mike Brooks comes in. Mike isn't a theorist. He's a trench warrior. He's walked in your shoes. Made the same mistakes, lived through the same pain, and dealt with rejection.

He's also been phenomenally successful. Mike's formula for inside sales excellence was developed through trial and error—working with real prospects, in real time, in the real world. It was honed in the trenches, and it works!

In this book, Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word‐for‐Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales, Mike teaches you exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. You'll learn the keys to getting past resistance, dealing with objections, and closing the deal. When you follow Mike's formula, you are guaranteed to improve your performance, boost your income, and attain the success you desire.

Jeb Blount, author of the number‐one bestseller
Fanatical Prospecting and CEO of

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