

ACC. See Anterior cingulate cortex

Accountability drop, 192–193

Acquisition. See Merger and acquisition

Action creator, 71, 182, 184, 185

Active-Reflective Meta Program Table, 112

Agility. See Emotional agility; Tribal agility

Amazement state, 40

American Psychological Association, 149

Amygdala, 7, 136

Anchoring bias, 139, 140

Anchoring outcomes

with behavior change and neuroscience, 80

designing and, 85–90

Resilience Cycle, 77

VAK and, 78, 79, 81–85, 90

Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 24

Appreciation, 150, 151. See also Cultural GAME Plan

etymology of, 127

resistance to consent to, 39–42

Artificial intelligence, 138

Attitude, negative, 193

Auditory data, 11–15

Authenticity, of story, 73

Availability bias, 139, 140

Awareness, emotional, 36–37


Bailey, Rodger, 105

Bandler, Richard, 53

Bandwagon effect, 139

Bateson, Gregory, 5

Behavior. See also Belief; Borderline behavior; Leadership, with bullying behavior

with boundaries, healthy, 185–186

change using neuroscience, 80

negative attitudes and, 193

options with better choices, 81–85

Organismic Rights Decoder, 49–51

SBM Behavior Decoder, 96–97


as generalization, 12

identity and, 12, 47, 80, 84, 106, 128

new, 48, 61, 62, 75, 76, 78

power of, 42, 43, 198, 202

role of, 14, 15, 67, 90, 91

Belong, etymology, 105

Belonging, 186. See also SBM

as human craving, 18–23

with safety and mattering, 95–103, 116–117

Best Places to Work awards, 151


cognitive, 138–141

with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Structures, 138

inclusion and, 136–137

navigation, 134–141

Three-Minute Journal, 138

Board dysfunction. See Family business, board dysfunction and

Borderline behavior

bullying and, 141–149, 181–182

criteria, 141–142

decoder, 145–146

OWOW and, 146–147

quiz, 132, 144–145

types of, 142–143

Borderline personality disorder (BPD), 141–143

Boundaries, behavior and healthy, 185–186

BPD. See Borderline personality disorder

Bradberry, Terry, 36

Brain. See also Bias

ACC, 24

amygdala, 7, 136

cytokines and, 24–25

dopamine, 72, 149, 150

dump, 60–61

mammalian or paleo-mammalian, 7–8

as meaning-making machine, 12, 90

memory and, 14, 82, 85, 136, 139

mind management and, 7–10, 15

myelination and, 164–167, 174

neocortex or neo-mammalian, 8

neurotransmitter and, 149–150

reptilian or protoreptilian, 7, 26

with sensory information process, 11

“triune” system, 7

Breathing, with meditation, 59–60

Buchheit, Carl, 4, 8, 52, 147

Bullying. See also Leadership, with bullying behavior

borderline behavior and, 141–149, 181–182

enabling system with, 182–185

goal of, 181, 186

prevalence of, 179, 180

rehab plan, 182, 185–186

Business, reframing in, 68. See also Family business, board dysfunction and


Cameron-Bandler, Leslie, 105, 106


density in amygdala, 136

log level, 36

Change, 106, 191

desire for, 198

Dyer on, 5

logical levels of, 5–7

with meaning and story, 67–71

neuroscience and behavior, 80

occurrences of, xv–xvi

playbook for, xix–xx

resistance to, xvi, xix

Charvet, Shelle Rose, 106

Cognitive bias, 138–139

Cognitive Bias Navigation, 139–141


misunderstandings, 104

SBM, 95, 97–99, 194

stopped, 193

team, 117–122

Communication and Meeting Types, 91, 202

Competitive crush, 189, 194, 196

Confidence, lack of, 198

Consciousness. See Maneuvers of consciousness


energy of, 35–36, 38, 42

from resistance to, 39–42

Content reframing, 69, 75


reframing, 69, 75

of story, 73–74


ACC, 24

with grooves of meaning, 26

neocortex, 8

Cortisol, 24

Craving. See Human craving

Creation. See also Action creator; Insight creator; Outcome creator

of DS, 90

human experience as self-, 10–13

of meaning made new, 47–48

Critter State, xiii, 4, 16, 22, 136

cytokines and, 24–25

defined, 8

examples of, 46

influencing phrases for, 98–99

mind management and, 7–10, 15

Smart and, 79, 97, 136

Cultural GAME Plan, 133, 149–154

Curiosity, 40, 74, 79, 148

CURVE model, 74

Cytokines, brain and, 24–25


Data, types of, 10–15, 84


Borderline Behavior, 145–146

Distorted Thinking, 66, 70–71

Organismic Rights, 49–51

SBM Behavior, 96–97

Defining Personal Values kit, 202

Desire, 35, 198

Desired State (DS)

through belonging, 21–23

creating, 90

human craving and, 18

Outcome Frame and, 41–42, 91

VAK anchoring and, 85

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 141

Direction, Toward-Away, 106, 107–108

Distorted Thinking Decoder, 66, 70–71

Diversity, 136–138, 203, 207

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Structures, 138, 207

Dopamine, 72, 149, 150

DS. See Desired State

DSM. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Dyer, Wayne, 5, 55, 58


Effective Meeting Process, 91, 186, 187

Efficacy, of story, 74

Einstein, Albert, 159, 165–166, 167


energy of, 36–39

Maneuvers of Consciousness and, 32

navigating, xvi

power over experiences and, 16

shifting, xiv–xv, xvii, 32–33

in story, 72, 76

wheel, 32, 33–34, 36–37

Emotional agility

defined, xix

power equals tools plus, xx–xxi, 26–27

with Resilience Cycle, xix, xx

role of, xvi–xix, xviii

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), xvii

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (Bradberry), 36

Empowerment, xiv, 71, 185

Empowerment Triangle, 71

Enabling system, with bullying behavior

ending, 182–185

tension chart, 183–184

Energetic weight

as art of showing up, 159–164

defined, 173–174

family business and, 206, 207

quiz, 161–162


of consent, 35–36, 38, 42

of emotion, 36–39

Relationship Bubble and, 163–164

Energy Recall, 163–164, 174

Engagement, 149, 150, 152, 195. See also Enroll and engage others

Enroll and engage others. See also Meta Programs

Resilience Cycle, 93

with safety, belonging and mattering, 95–103

Equity. See Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Structures

Exodus, of staff, 189–190, 201

Experience, 10–13, 16. See also Human experience

External soundtrack, 12


Family business, board dysfunction and, 203–207

Feedback, 168–173, 193, 195

Feeling, xvii–xviii. See also Emotion

Four Conservations, 169

Frozen (film), 71


Gates, Bill, 164

Generalization, belief as, 12

General-Specific Meta Program Table, 111

Goleman, Daniel, xvii

Greenfield, Susan, 24

Grinder, John, 53

Grooves of meaning, 26, 48, 59

Growth, 150, 151, 201. See also Cultural GAME Plan

Guilt, 146, 147–148

Gustatory data, 10, 15, 84


Hawkins, David, 36, 39, 48

Hebb, Donald O., 26

Hellinger, Bert, 159

Hermit, BPD and, 142

Hindsight bias, 139

Hiring, Meta Program, 122–124

Hopelessness, 78, 198

Hormone, 149

Horton, Scott, 134

Human craving, 17

Critter State and, 24–25

with giving to and asking others, 97–98

with power, tools and emotional agility, 26–27

safety, belonging and mattering as, 18–23

Human experience

with emotional awareness, 36–37

logical levels of change and, 5–7

mind management and, 7–10, 15

reasons for, 14–15

as self-creation, 10–13

sensory information and, 11

structure of, 80

world map of, 104


Identity, beliefs and, 12, 47, 80, 84, 106, 128

Include, etymology, 105

Inclusion, 136–137, 138, 207

Influencing phrases, 98–99, 118, 120–121

Injustice, sense of, 198

Insight creator, 71, 184, 186

Intended positive outcome (IPO), 52–53, 56–57, 61, 62

Internal soundtrack, 11

Internal trigger, 82

Internal-External Meta Program Table, 113–114

IPO. See Intended positive outcome


Jacobstein, Neil, 138

Jobs, Steve, 133–134



data, 11–15

feeling, xvii–xviii

King, BPD and, 142–143



influencing phrases, 98–99, 118, 120–121

message, 120–122

miscommunication and, 104

Latin America, xiii

Lawson, Christine Ann, 142

Leadership. See Neuroscience of Leadership

Leadership, with bullying behavior

with boundaries set, 185–186

with enabling system dismantled, 182–185

examples of, 179–180

findings, 180–182

tension chart, 183–184

with tension to empowerment shift, 185

Leadership Assessment, 199

Leadership Development Program, 133, 194, 196, 199

Leadership Lunch, 151, 175, 192, 194, 196

Lewin, Myra, 164

Like-me bias, 134–136

Limbic system, 7–8. See also Brain

Log level, 36, 39

Logical levels, of change, 5–7

Loss-aversion (sunk-cost) bias, 139


MacLean, Paul D., 7

Mammalian brain, 7–8

Maneuvers of Consciousness, 32, 39–42

Map, of human experience, 104

Maslow, Abraham, 18, 19

Mattering, 186. See also SBM

as human craving, 18–23

with safety and belonging, 95–103, 116–117

Meaning, grooves of, 26, 48, 59

Meaning, made new

creating, 47–48

Neuro Storytelling and, 71–75

problem, 66

reframing and, 67–71

Resilience Cycle, 65

Meaning-making machine, brain as, 12, 90

Measurement, 150, 151–152. See also Cultural GAME Plan

Meditation. See Mindfulness meditation

Memory, 14, 82, 85, 136, 139. See also Brain

Merger and acquisition, 197–201

Meta Programs, 95

communication and, 103–104

defined, 105

hiring right fit for role, 122–124

primary, 106–117

sales, closing more faster, 125–127

team communication, effective, 117–122

Metacognition, 81

Mind, 106. See also Brain

as better servant than master, 58–59

management, 7–10, 15

memory and, 14, 85, 136

Mindfulness meditation, 58–61

Mirror neurons, 72

Mission, 199

Misunderstandings, communication, 104

Motivation, Sameness-Difference, 107, 114–115

Movement, story, 73

Multitasking, 24

Myelination, brain and, 164–167, 174

Myers, Vernā, 136


Narcissists. See Borderline behavior

Needs, Maslow’s hierarchy of, 19. See also Human craving

Negative evaluation state, 39–40

Neocortex, 8

Neo-mammalian brain, 8

Nepotism, 203, 207

Neural coupling, 72

Neuro Storytelling, 71–75, 194

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), xvii–xviii

Neuroscience, behavior change with, 80

Neuroscience of Influence, 204

Neuroscience of Leadership, 204

Neuroscience of Navigating Change, 191

Neuroscience of Optimal Teams, 191

Neurotransmitter, 149–150

News feed, mindfulness meditation, 60

NLP. See Neuro-linguistic programming

Nordstrom, 72

Normalcy bias, 139


Olfactory data, 10, 15, 84

Optimism bias, 139, 140

Options-Procedures Meta Program Table, 110

Organismic Rights, 47–52, 207

Orientation, Active-Reflective, 107, 111–112

Outcome creator, xiii, 71, 75, 184

Outcome Frame

designing, 85–90

Maneuvers of Consciousness and, 41–42

role of, 91, 187

Outcomes. See Anchoring outcomes; Intended positive outcome

OWOW, borderline behavior and, 146–147

Oxytocin, 149, 150


Paleo-mammalian brain, 7–8

Parts Model, rapport with self and, 47, 53–56

Parts Process, rapport with self and, 56–57

Perception turnaround, 194

Performance, blocked by brain, 26

Persecutor, 71, 120–121, 161, 182–183, 185, 187

Personal life, reframing in, 68–69

Phrases, influencing, 98–99, 118, 120–121

Planning fallacy bias, 139, 140

Power. See also; Tribal power

of belief, 42, 43, 198, 202

empowerment, xiv, 71, 185

over experience and emotions, 16

of story well told, 75

tools plus emotional agility equals, xx–xxi, 26–27

with witch or warlock, 143

Power vs. Force (Hawkins), 36, 61, 164, 169, 209

PR (public relations), 190, 195

Present State (PS)

with energetic weight and showing up, 159–164

human craving and, 17–18

Parts Process and defining, 56

Productivity drop, 192–193

Protoreptilian brain, 7, 26

PS. See Present State

Public relations. See PR


Queen, BPD and, 142–143


borderline behavior, 132, 144–145

energetic weight, 161–162

SBM, 23


Rapport, with self

mindfulness meditation, 58–61

Organismic Rights, 48–52

Parts Model, 47, 53–56

Parts Process and, 56–57

promise, 46–47

Resilience Cycle, 45

Reason, Options-Procedures, 106, 109–110

Recall, Energy, 163–164, 174


in business, 68

content and context, 69, 75

Distorted Thinking Decoder, 66, 70–71

with meaning, making new, 67–71

in personal life, 68–69

Reich, Wilhelm, 48, 62

Reject, etymology of, 34

Relationship Bubble, energy and, 163–164

Reptilian brain, 7, 26

Rescuer, 71, 182, 183, 186, 187

Resilience Cycle, 190, 201

anchoring outcomes, 77

emotional agility with, xix, xx

enroll and engage others, 93

meaning made new, 65

rapport with self increased, 45

resistance released, 31

tribal agility, building, 131

tribal power, expanding, 157

Resist, etymology of, 34


to change, xvi, xix

to consent to appreciation, 39–42

emotion wheel and, 32, 33–34, 36–37

emotional energy and, 36–39

Resilience Cycle and release of, 31

transformed, 35–36

Resources, 61, 164, 169, 209

Smart State and access to, 8

Revenue Inflection Point Chart, 202

Reward, behavior patterns and, 82, 83

Rights. See Organismic Rights

Routine, behavior patterns and, 81, 83


Safety, 186. See also SBM

with belonging and mattering, 95–103, 116–117

as human craving, 18–23

“same as” equal to, 104

Sales, Meta Program, 125–127

Sales, sluggish

actions taken, 191–194

with benefits from actions taken, 194–195

combating, 191–192, 194

findings, 189–190

staff exodus with, 189–190, 201

talent retained for, 192–194

Sales and Marketing Intensive, 191, 196, 205

Sameness-Difference Meta Program Table, 115

SBM (safety, belonging, mattering)

Behavior Decoder, 96–97

communication, 95, 97–99, 194

human craving and, 25

quiz, 23

Smart State and, 27

trigger, 123–124

SBM Index

Cultural GAME Plan and, 152–153

example, 102–103

role of, 95, 128, 195

statements, 100–101

survey questions, 99–100

Scope, General-Specific, 106, 110–111

Self. See Rapport, with self

Self-actualization. See Smart State

Self-creation, human experience as, 10–13

Sensory information process, 11

Serotonin, 150

Seven-Step Feedback Frame, 169–173, 193

Shatz, Carla, 26

Showing up, art of, 159–164

Smart State (self-actualization), xiii, 4, 16, 19

Critter and, 79, 97, 136

defined, 8

mind management and, 7–10, 15

SBM and, 27

Smarter secret, 164–165

SmartTribes Institute (STI), xv, xix, 154, 196

Soundtrack, 11, 12

Source, Internal-External, 107, 113


with engagement boosted, 195

exodus of, 189–190, 201

retention, 192–194

STI. See SmartTribes Institute


authenticity of, 73

changing meaning with, 67–71

context of, 73–74

with emotional impact, 72, 76

from Jobs, 133–134

Neuro Storytelling, 71–75, 194

reframing of, 68–69

Sunk-cost (loss-aversion) bias, 139


Talent, retaining, 192–194. See also Staff

Team communication, 117–122

Tension, to empowerment, 185

Tension Triangle, 71, 182, 183

Thinking, 32, 66, 70–71. See also Brain; Sensory information process

Three-Minute Journal, 138

Tools, emotional agility and, xx–xxi, 26–27

Toward-Away Meta Program Table, 108

Tribal agility

bias navigation and, 134–141

borderline behavior navigation and, 141–149

Cultural GAME Plan and, 149–154

problem and promise, 132

Resilience Cycle and building, 131

result, 133–134

Tribal power

energetic weight and, 159–164

feedback and, 168–173

myelination and, 164–167

problem and promise, 158

Resilience Cycle, 157


with behavior patterns, 81, 83

internal, 82

SBM, 123–124

“Triune” system, brain and, 7

Trusted 10, bias and, 135

Tunnel vision, 203

Twain, Mark, 73


VAK anchoring

behavior patterns and, 81–83

in practice, 78, 79, 84–85

role of, 90

VAKOG (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) data, 15

Values, 73–74, 199, 202

Victim, xiv, 75

rescuer and, 186, 187

Tension Triangle and, 71, 182, 183

thinking, 32

with waif and BPD, 142

Vision, 199, 203

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory data. See VAKOG data

Visual data, 11–15


Waif, BPD and, 142

Warlock, BPD and, 143

Weight. See Energetic weight

Witch, BPD and, 143

Words That Change Minds (Charvet), 106

World map, of human experience, 104

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