
As an expert in behavioral change, I find Power Your Tribe: Create Resilient Teams in Turbulent Times by Christine Comaford to be a fascinating exploration of the importance of managing and navigating our emotions to our personal success and to our success in working together in teams. Though I am certainly not an expert in emotional intelligence the way Christine is, our approaches to change are similar. We both target and isolate areas where change can happen and then tell you how you can make the modifications you need to achieve the results you want for yourselves and your teams.

For example, one of my favorite parts of Power Your Tribe is Christine’s discussion of “resistance.” She writes, “Resistance stabilizes the Present State, which is where the problem is. Learn how to release resistance so you can be more agile and have more choices.” With this eloquently stated premise, Christine then walks us through just exactly how to release resistance so that we will have those choices. She defines the problem (with an example), explores the promise (the outcome of working with this process), and then describes the result of the efforts made in a matter-of-fact, research- and case study–based, easy-to-read account that will change your life and the lives of those around you.

Power Your Tribe is an exceptionally well written book that you will want to take chapter by chapter, line by line, tool by tool and practice both by yourself and with your teams. I highly recommend that you learn all you can from this book, implement that learning in your workplace, and let it take you to and keep you at the heights of emotional agility and success!

Life is good.

—Marshall Goldsmith Thinkers50 #1 Leadership Thinker in the World

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