Chapter 8. Basic Feature Detection

The human brain does a lot of pattern recognition to make sense of raw visual inputs. After the eye focuses on an object, the brain identifies the characteristics of the object—such as its shape, color, or texture—and then compares these to the characteristics of familiar objects to match and recognize the object. In computer vision, that process of deciding what to focus on is called feature detection. A feature in this sense can be formally defined as “one or more measurements of some quantifiable property of an object, computed so that it quantifies some significant characteristics of the object” (Kenneth R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 1996). An easier way to think of it, though, is that a feature is an “interesting” part of an image. What makes it interesting? Consider a photograph of a red ball on a gray sidewalk. The sidewalk itself probably isn’t that interesting. The ball, however, is probably more interesting, because it is significantly different from the rest of the photograph. Similarly, when a computer analyzes the photograph, the gray pixels representing the sidewalk could be treated as background. The pixels that represent the ball probably convey more information, like how big the ball is or where on the sidewalk it lies.

A good vision system should not waste time—or processing power—analyzing the unimportant or uninteresting parts of an image, so feature detection helps determine which pixels to focus on. This chapter focuses on the most basic types of features: Blobs, Lines, Circles, and Corners. Features represent a new way of thinking about the image—rather than using the image as a whole, focus instead on just a few relevant pieces of an image.

Features also examine an image in a way that may be independent of a single image or other elements of the image. If the detection is robust, a feature is something that could be reliably detected across multiple images. For instance, with the red ball, the features of the ball do not really change based on the location of the ball in the image. The feature detection should work whether the ball is rolling or at rest. The shape and color of the ball should be the same in the lower left corner of the image as it would be in the upper right corner. Similarly, some changes in lighting conditions may change the color of the ball, but in many cases the hue will remain constant. This means that how we describe the feature can also determine the situations in which we can detect the feature.

Our detection criteria for the feature determines whether we can:

  • Find the features in different locations of the picture (position invariant)

  • Find the feature if it’s large or small, near or far (scale invariant)

  • Find the feature if it’s rotated at different orientations (rotation invariant)

In this chapter, we examine the different things we can look for with feature detection, starting with the meat and potatoes of feature detection, the Blob.


Blobs, also called objects or connected components, are regions of similar pixels in an image. This could be a group of brownish pixels together, which might represent food in a pet food detector. It could be a group of shiny metal looking pixels, which on a door detector would represent the door knob. A blob could be a group of matte white pixels, which on a medicine bottle detector could represent the cap. Blobs are valuable in machine vision because many things can be described as an area of a certain color or shade in contrast to a background.


The term background in computer vision can mean any part of the image that is not the object of interest. It may not necessarily describe what is closer or more distant to the camera.

After a blob is identified, we can measure a lot of different things:

  • A blob’s area tells us how many pixels are in it.

  • We can measure the dimensions such as width and height.

  • We can find the center, based on the midpoint or the center of mass (also known as the centroid).

  • We can count the number of blobs to find different objects.

  • We can look at the color of blobs.

  • We can look at its angle to see its rotation.

  • We can find how close it is to a circle, square, or rectangle—or compare its shape to another blob.

Finding Blobs

At its most basic, findBlobs() can be used to find objects that are lightly colored in an image. If no parameters are specified, the function tries to automatically detect what is bright and what is dark. The following example looks for pennies, as shown in Figure 8-1:

from SimpleCV import Image

pennies = Image("pennies.png")

binPen = pennies.binarize()  1

blobs = binPen.findBlobs()  2  3

Blobs are most easily detected on a binarized image because that creates contrast between the feature in question and the background. This step is not strictly required on all images, but it makes it easier to detect the blobs.


Since no arguments are being passed to the findBlobs() function, it returns a FeatureSet of the continuous light colored regions in the image. We’ll talk about a FeatureSet in more depth in the next chapter, but the general idea is that it is a list of features about the blobs found. A FeatureSet also has a set of defined methods that are useful when handling features.


Notice that the show() function is being called on blobs and not the Image object. The show() function is one of the methods defined with a FeatureSet. It draws each feature in the FeatureSet on top of the original image and then displays the results. By default, it draws the features in green and the function taks a color and width argument to customize the line. For instance, to draw the blobs in red, you could change the above code to

Left: Original image of pennies; Right: Blobs detected

Figure 8-1. Left: Original image of pennies; Right: Blobs detected

The pennies are now green, as is shown in Figure 8-1. After the blob is found, several other functions provide basic information about the feature, such as its size, location, and orientation, as demonstrated in the next block of code:

from SimpleCV import Image

pennies = Image("pennies.png")

binPen = pennies.binarize()

blobs = binPen.findBlobs()

print "Areas: ", blobs.area()  1

print "Angles: ", blobs.angle()  2

print "Centers: ", blobs.coordinates()  3

The area function returns an array of the area of each feature in pixels. By default, the blobs are sorted by size, so the areas should be ascending in size. The sizes will vary because sometimes it detects the full penny and other times it only detects a portion of the penny.


The angle function returns an array of the angles, as measured in degrees, for each feature. The angle is the measure of rotation of the feature away from the x-axis, which is the 0 point. A positive number indicates a counter-clockwise rotation, and a negative number is a clockwise rotation.


The coordinates function returns a two-dimensional array of the (x, y) coordinates for the center of each feature.

These are just a few of the available FeatureSet functions designed to return various attributes of the features. For information about these functions, see the FeatureSet section of this chapter.

Finding Dark Blobs

The findBlobs() function easily finds lightly colored blobs on a dark background. This is one reason why binarizing an image makes it easier to detect the object of interest. But what if the objects of interest are darkly colored on a light background? In that case, use the invert() function. For instance, the next example demonstrates how to find the chess pieces in Figure 8-2:

Black chess pieces

Figure 8-2. Black chess pieces

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("chessmen.png")

invImg = img.invert() 1

blobs = invImg.findBlobs() 2 3

img.addDrawingLayer(invImg.dl()) 4

The invert() function turns the black chess pieces white and turns the white background to black.


The findBlobs() function can then find the lightly colored blobs as it normally does.


Show the blobs. Note, however, that this function will show the blobs on the inverted image, not the original image.


To make the blobs appear on the original image, take the drawing layer from the inverted image (which is where the blob lines were drawn), and add that layer to the original image.

The result will look like Figure 8-3.

Top: The original image; Center: Blobs drawn on the inverted image; Bottom: Blobs on the original image

Figure 8-3. Top: The original image; Center: Blobs drawn on the inverted image; Bottom: Blobs on the original image

Finding Blobs of a Specific Color

The world does not consist solely of light and dark objects. In many cases, the actual color is more important than the brightness or darkness of the objects. The next example shows how to identify the blue candies in Figure 8-4.

Everyone knows the blue ones are the tastiest

Figure 8-4. Everyone knows the blue ones are the tastiest

To find the blobs that represent the blue candies, we use the color information returned from the colorDistance() function that we first introduced in Chapter 4 and later revisited in Chapter 5. Here’s the example code:

from SimpleCV import Color, Image

img = Image("mandms.png")

blue_distance = img.colorDistance(Color.BLUE).invert()  1

blobs = blue_distance.findBlobs()  2

blobs.draw(color=Color.PUCE, width=3)  3

img.addDrawingLayer(blue_distance.dl()) 4

The colorDistance() function returns an image that shows how far away the colors in the original image are from the passed in Color.BLUE argument. To make this even more accurate, we could find the RGB triplet for the actual blue color on the candy, but this works well enough. Because any colors close to blue are black and colors far away from blue are white, we again use the invert() function to switch the target blue colors to white instead.


We use the new image to find the blobs representing the blue candies. We can also fine-tune what the findBlobs() function discovers by passing in a threshold argument. The threshold can either be an integer or an RGB triplet. When a threshold value is passed in, the function changes any pixels that are darker than the threshold value to white and any pixels above the value to black.


In the previous examples, we have used the FeatureSet show() method instead of these two lines ( That would also work here. We’ve broken this out into the two lines here just to show that they are the equivalent of using the other method. To outline the blue candies in a color not otherwise found in candy, they are drawn in puce, which is a reddish color.


Similar to the previous example, the drawing ends up on the blue_distance image. Copy the drawing layer back to the original image.

The resulting matches for the blue candies will look like Figure 8-5.

Left: the original image; Center: blobs based on the blue distance; Right: The blobs on the original image

Figure 8-5. Left: the original image; Center: blobs based on the blue distance; Right: The blobs on the original image

Sometimes the lighting conditions can make color detection more difficult. To demonstrate the problem, Figure 8-6 is based on the original picture of the candies, but the left part of the image is darkened. The hueDistance() function is a better choice for this type of scenario. For instance, if the photo looked like Figure 8-6, where the right half is darkened, then colorDistance() wouldn't work very well on the right half. The right half of the image is intentionally very dark, but the following example shows how the colors can still be used to find blobs and provide a good example of why hue is more valuable than RGB color in cases where lighting may vary.

The candies with the right side darkened

Figure 8-6. The candies with the right side darkened

To see how this is a problem, first consider using the previous code on this picture:

from SimpleCV import Color, Image

img = Image("mandms-dark.png")

blue_distance = img.colorDistance(Color.BLUE).invert()

blobs = blue_distance.findBlobs()

blobs.draw(color=Color.PUCE, width=3)


The results are shown in Figure 8-7. Notice that only the blue candies on the left are detected.

Finding blue candies with the dark right side

Figure 8-7. Finding blue candies with the dark right side

To resolve this problem use hueDistance() instead of colorDistance(). Because the hue is more robust to changes in light, the darkened right half of the image won’t create a problem.

from SimpleCV import Color, Image

img = Image("mandms-dark.png")

blue_distance = img.hueDistance(Color.BLUE).invert() 1

blobs = blue_distance.findBlobs()

blobs.draw(color=Color.PUCE, width=3)


The one difference in this example is the use of the hueDistance() function. It works like the colorDistance() function, but notice that is produces better results, as indicated in Figure 8-8.

Blobs detected with hueDistance()

Figure 8-8. Blobs detected with hueDistance()

Lines and Circles


A line feature is a straight edge in an image that usually denotes the boundary of an object. It sounds fairly straightforward, but the calculations involved for identifying lines can be a bit complex. The reason is because an edge is really a list of (x, y) coordinates, and any two coordinates could possibly be connected by a straight line. For instance, Figure 8-9 shows four coordinates and two different examples of line segments that might connect those four points. It’s hard to say which one is right—or if either of them are, since there are also other possible solutions. The way this problem is handled behind-the-scenes is by using the Hough transform technique. This technique effectively looks at all of the possible lines for the points and then figures out which lines show up the most often. The more frequent a line is, the more likely the line is an actual feature.

Left: Four coordinates; Center: One possible scenario for lines connecting the points; Right: An alternative scenario

Figure 8-9. Left: Four coordinates; Center: One possible scenario for lines connecting the points; Right: An alternative scenario

To find the line features in an image, use the findLines() function. The function itself utilizes the Hough transform and returns a FeatureSet of the lines found. The functions available with a FeatureSet are the same regardless of the type of feature involved. However, there are FeatureSet functions that may be useful when dealing with lines. These functions include:


Returns the (x, y) coordinates of the starting point of the line(s).


Returns the width of the line, which in this context is the difference between the starting and ending x coordinates of the line.


Returns the height of the line, or the difference between the starting and ending y coordinates of the line.


Returns the length of the line in pixels.

The following code demonstrates how to find and then display the lines in an image. The example looks for lines on a block of wood.

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("block.png")

lines = img.findLines()  1

lines.draw(width=3)  2

The findLines() function returns a FeatureSet of the line features.


This draws the lines in green on the image, with each line having a width of 3 pixels.

The lines found on the image are shown in Figure 8-10.

Example of basic line detection on a block of wood

Figure 8-10. Example of basic line detection on a block of wood

Because this is just a simple block of wood in a well-lit environment, the findLines() function does a reasonable job finding the line features using the default values for its parameters. Many situations may require some tweaking to findLines() to get the desired results. For instance, notice that it found the long lines along the top and bottom of the block, but it did not find the lines along the side.

The findLines() function includes five different tuning parameters to help improve the quality of the results:


This sets how strong the edge should before it is recognized as a line.


Sets what the minimum length of recognized lines should be.


Determines how much of a gap will be tolerated in a line.


This is a threshold parameter that is used with the edge detection step. It sets what the minimum “edge strength” should be.


This is a second parameter for the edge detection which sets the “edge persistence.”

The threshold parameter for findLines() works in much the same way as the threshold parameter does for the findBlobs() function. If no threshold argument is provided, the default value it uses is set to 80. Lower threshold values result in more lines being found by the function; higher values result in fewer lines being found. Using the block of wood picture again, here’s the code using a low threshold value:

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("block.png")

# Set a low threshold
lines = img.findLines(threshold=10)


Figure 8-11 shows what the resulting image would look like—with many more lines detected on the block. Notice that it found one of the side lines, but at the cost of several superfluous lines along the grains of wood.

Line detection at a lower threshold

Figure 8-11. Line detection at a lower threshold


If the threshold value for findLines() is set too high, then no lines will be found.

One way to get rid of small lines is to use the minlinelength parameter to weed out short lines. The length of a line is measured in pixels, and the default value findLines() uses is 30 pixels long. In the example below, the minimum length is boosted, weeding out some lines.

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("block.png")

lines = img.findLines(threshold=10, minlinelength=50)


The result is shown in Figure 8-12. Notice that it eliminated a couple of the extra lines, but it came at a cost of eliminating the the side lines again.

Line detection with an increased minimum length

Figure 8-12. Line detection with an increased minimum length

Changing the line length doesn’t solve the problem. The two ends of the image still are not found. In fact, it could create the opposite problem. Sometimes the algorithm may find very small lines and it needs to know whether those small line segments actually represent one larger continuous line. The findLines() function can ignore small gaps in a line, and recognize it as the larger overall line. By default, the function combines two segments of a line if the gap between them is 10 pixels or less. Use the maxlinegap parameter to fine tune how this works. The following example allows for a larger gap between lines, potentially allowing it to discover a few small lines that constitute the edge.

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("block.png")

lines = img.findLines(threshold=10, maxlinegap=20)


The result restores the right edge line again, but once again, it finds a lot of superfluous lines, as demonstrated in Figure 8-13.

Line detection with a larger allowance for the gap

Figure 8-13. Line detection with a larger allowance for the gap

While setting the minimum line length decreased the number of lines found in the painting, adding in a longer gap then dramatically increased the number of lines. With the bigger gap, the line segments can be combined to meet the line length requirements and more lines are then recognized. The last two parameters, cannyth1 and cannyth2, are thresholds for the Canny edge detector. Roughly speaking, edges are detected by looking for changes in brightness. The first of these threshold parameters controls how much the brightness needs to change to detect an edge. The second parameter controls the threshold for linking together multiple edges. Both of these parameters act the same way as the previous three parameters: smaller values mean more lines will be detected, which could just be adding noise. Conversely, larger values will have less lines detected, but may mean that some valid lines aren’t being returned. With all of these parameters, the trick is to work with the parameters until they are in the range that makes the most sense for the application.

Of course, sometimes it is easier to simply modify the image to reduce the noise rather than fine-tuning the parameters. The following example finds the desired lines on the block:

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image('block.png')

dist = img.colorDistance((150, 90, 50))

bin = dist.binarize(70).morphClose()

lines = bin.findLines(threshold=10, minlinelength=15)


# Move the lines drawn on the binary image back to the main image

By binarizing the image, it eliminated a bunch of the noise that was causing the false-positive lines to appear where they should not. As a result, this draws lines around the block, as shown in Figure 8-14.

Block with lines on all of the edges

Figure 8-14. Block with lines on all of the edges


Circles are the next major feature that the SimpleCV framework can extract. The method to find circular features is called findCircle(), and it works the same way findLines() does. It returns a FeatureSet of the circular features it finds, and it also has parameters to help set its sensitivity. These parameters include:


This is a threshold parameter for the Canny edge detector. The default value is 100. If this is set to a lower number, it will find a greater number of circles. Higher values instead result in fewer circles.


This is the equivalent of the threshold parameter for findLines(). It sets how strong an edge must be before a circle is recognized. The default value for this parameter is 350.


Similar to the maxlinegap parameter for findLines(). It determines how close circles can be before they are treated as the same circle. If left undefined, the system tries to find the best value, based on the image being analyzed.

As with lines, there are FeatureSet functions that are more appropriate when dealing with circles, too. These functions include:


As the name implies, this is the radius of the circle.


The diameter of the circle.


This returns the perimeter of the feature, which in the case of a circle, is its circumference. It may seem strange that this isn’t called circumference, but the term perimeter makes more sense when dealing with a non-circular features. Using perimeter here allows for a standardized naming convention.

To showcase how to use the findCircle() function, we’ll take a look at an image of coffee mugs where one coffee mug also happens to have a ping-pong ball in it. Because there isn’t any beer in the mugs, we’ll assume that someone is very good at the game of beer pong—or perhaps is practicing for a later game? Either way, here’s the example code:

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image("pong.png")

circles = img.findCircle(canny=200,thresh=250,distance=15)  1

circles = circles.sortArea()  2

circles.draw(width=4)  3

circles[0].draw(color=Color.RED, width=4)  4

img_with_circles = img.applyLayers()  5

edges_in_image = img.edges(t2=200)  6

final = img.sideBySide(edges_in_image.sideBySide(img_with_circles)).scale(0.5)  7

Finds the circles in the image. We tested the values for the arguments we’re using here to focus on the circles in which we’re interested.


The sortArea() function is used to sort the circles from the smallest one found to the largest. This lets us identify the circle that is the ping-pong ball, as it will be the smallest circle. It is possible to combine this step with the previous line, too—the result of this would be circles = img.findCircle(canny=200,thresh=250,distance=15).sortArea(). We only separated this into two steps in this example to make it easier to follow.


This draws all of the circles detected in the green default color. The default line width is a little tough to see, so we’re passing in an argument to increase the width of the line to 4 pixels (see Figure 8-15).


This draws a circle in red around the smallest circle, which should be the ping-pong ball.


The draw() function uses a drawing layer for the various circles. This line creates a new image that shows the original image with the drawn circles on top of it.


In order to show the edges that the findCircle() function was working with, we use the edges() function to return an image of the edges found in the image. In order for the edges to be the same, we’re passing in the same threshold value (200) to edges() as we did to findCircle(). For edges(), this threshold parameter is called t2, but it’s the same thing as the canny parameter for findCircles().


This combines the various images into a single image. The final result shows the original image, the image of the found edges, and then the original image with the circles drawn on top of it.

Image showing the detected circles

Figure 8-15. Image showing the detected circles

The next example combines finding both circle and line features by reading the line on a dial. These types of dials can be found in a variety of places, from large equipment to lighting controls around the house. For our example, we’ll use the dial in Figure 8-16 with four different settings. The code first searches for the dial in the images, and then searches for the line on each dial. Then it measures the angle of that line, and prints it on the image of the dial.

An analog dial like those found in older thermostats

Figure 8-16. An analog dial like those found in older thermostats

from SimpleCV import Image

# Load the images of four dials with different settings
img0 = Image("dial1.png")
img1 = Image("dial2.png")
img2 = Image("dial3.png")
img3 = Image("dial4.png")

# Store them in an array of images
images = (img0,img1,img2,img3)

# This stores the dial-only part of the images
dials = []

for img in images:
     circles = img.findCircle().sortArea()  1
     dial = circles[-1].crop()  2

     lines = dial.findLines(threshold=40,cannyth1=270,cannyth2=400)  3
     lines = lines.sortLength()  4

     lineAngle = lines[-1].angle()  5

     if (lines[-1].x < (dial.width / 2)):  6
          if (lines[-1].y < (dial.width / 2)):
                lineAngle = lineAngle - 180
               lineAngle = 180 + lineAngle

     dial = dial.applyLayers()

result = dials[0].sideBySide(dials[1].sideBySide(dials[2].sideBySide(dials[3])))  7

The first step is to find the dial on the image using the findCircle() function. The sortArea() function sorts the circles, and because the dial will be the largest circle, we know that it is circles[-1], the last one in the list.


Calling the crop() function on a feature crops the image to just the area of the circle. This then stores the cropped image in the dial variable.


Now call the findLines() function on the cropped image (stored in dial).


The sortLength() function sorts the list of lines based on their length. Because the dial’s indicator line is most likely the longest line in the image, this will make it easy to identify it in the image.


The angle() function computes the angle of a line. This is the angle between the line and a horizontal axis connected at the leftmost point of the line.


The angles computed in the previous step are correct when the line is on the right side of the dial, but are incorrect for our purposes when on the left side. This is because the angle is calculated from the leftmost point of the line and not the center of the dial. This block of code compensates for this by determining which quadrant the line is in on the left side, and then either adding or subtracting 180 degrees to show the angle as it if were being calculated from the center of the dial instead.


After looping through all of the dials, create a single image with the results side by side, as shown in Figure 8-17.

The results of the analog dial reader

Figure 8-17. The results of the analog dial reader


Roughly speaking, corners are places in an image where two lines meet. Corners are interesting in terms of computer vision because corners, unlike edges, are relatively unique and effective for identifying parts of an image. For instance, when trying to analyze a square, a vertical line could represent either the left or right side of the square. Likewise, detecting a horizontal line can indicate either the top or the bottom. On the other hand, each corner is unique. For example, the upper left corner could not be mistaken for the lower right, and vice versa. This makes corners helpful when trying to uniquely identify certain parts of a feature.

The findCorners() function analyzes an image and returns the locations of all of the corners it can find. Note that a corner does not need to be a right angle at 90 degrees. Two intersecting lines at any angle can constitute a corner. As with findLines() and findCircle(), the findCorners() method returns a FeatureSet of all of the corner features it finds. While a corner’s FeatureSet shares the same functions as any other FeatureSet, there are functions that wouldn’t make much sense in the context of a corner. For example, trying to find the width, length, or area of a corner doesn’t really make much sense. Technically, the functions used to find these things will still work, but what they’ll return are default values and not real data about the corners.

Similar to the findLines() and findCircle() functions, findCorners() also has parameters to help fine-tune the corners that are found in an image. We’ll walk through the available parameters using an image of a bracket as an example.

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image('corners.png')

The little green circles in Figure 8-18 represent the detected corners. Notice that the example finds a lot of corners. By default, it looks for 50, which is obviously picking up a lot of false positives. Based on visual inspection, it appears that there are four main corners. To restrict the number of corners returned, we can use the maxnum parameter.

The corners found on a part

Figure 8-18. The corners found on a part

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image('corners.png')


The findCorners() method sorts all of the corners prior to returning its results, so if it finds more than the maximum number of corners, it returns only the best ones (see Figure 8-19). Alternatively, the minquality parameter sets the minimum quality of a corner before it is shown. This approach filters out the noise without having to hard code a maximum number of corners for an object.

Limiting findCorners() to a maximum of nine corners

Figure 8-19. Limiting findCorners() to a maximum of nine corners

This is getting better, but the algorithm found two corners in the lower left and zero in the upper right. The two in the lower left are really part of the same corner, but the lighting and colors are confusing the algorithm. To prevent nearby corners from being counted as two separate corners, set the mindistance parameter, which sets the minimum number of pixels between two corners.

from SimpleCV import Image

img = Image('corners.png')

img.findCorners.(maxnum=9, mindistance=10).show()

The results of using a minimum distance are shown in Figure 8-20.

The corners when each corner is at least 10 pixels away from one another

Figure 8-20. The corners when each corner is at least 10 pixels away from one another


In this example, we take a photo of some coins and calculate what their total value is. To do this, we find the blobs that represent each coin, and then compare them a table of their diameters to look up each coin’s value. In the example, we presume we have a quarter among the coins to act as a reference object. The photo of the coins is shown in Figure 8-21.

A photo of some change

Figure 8-21. A photo of some change

from SimpleCV import Image, Blob
import numpy as np

img = Image("coins.png")

coins = img.invert().findBlobs(minsize = 500)  1

value = 0.0

# The value of the coins in order of their size
coin_diameter_values = np.array([
     [ 19.05, 0.10],
     [ 21.21, 0.01],
     [ 17.91, 0.05],
     [ 24.26, 0.25]]);  2

# Use a quarter to calibrate (in this example we must have one)
px2mm = coin_diameter_values[3,0] /  max([c.radius()*2 for c in coins])  3

for c in coins:
     diameter_in_mm = c.radius() * 2 * px2mm
     distance = np.abs(diameter_in_mm - coin_diameter_values[:,0])  4
     index = np.where(distance == np.min(distance))[0][0]  5
     value += coin_diameter_values[index, 1]  6

print "The total value of the coins is $", value

We invert the image to make it easy to find the darker blobs that represent the coins, and eliminate small noisy objects by setting a minimum size.


The coin_diameter_values array represents our knowledge about the relative sizes of the coins versus their values. The first entry in the array is for the smallest coin, a dime. The next largest coin is a penny, then a nickel, and finally a quarter. (This could easily be extended to include half dollars or dollar coins, based on their size.)


We get a sense of scale by taking the largest diameter in our FeatureSet and assuming it’s a quarter, similar to the Quarter for Scale example.


This generates a list of distances that our blob radius is from each coin. Notice that it is slicing the diameter column of the value lookup table.


This finds the index of the ideal coin to which the target is closest (minimizing the difference).


Add the value from the diameter/value table to our total value.

When running this code using our example photo, the total value of the coins pictured should be $0.91. In this example, the basic detection was fairly straightforward, but we spent most of the time analyzing the data we gathered from the image. In the following chapter, we’ll delve further into these techniques.

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