Chapter 7. Practical Tools, Tips, and Tricks

This chapter contains material that we, your authors, have encountered during our professional work as well as while working on this book, primarily during experimentation. The material covered here doesn’t necessarily fit in any single chapter; rather, it’s material that deep learning practitioners could find useful on a day-to-day basis across a variety of tasks. In line with the “practical” theme, these questions cover a range of helpful pragmatic guidelines across topics including setting up an environment, training, model interoperability, data collection and labeling, code quality, managing experiments, team collaboration practices, privacy, and further exploration topics.

Due to the fast-changing pace of the AI field, this chapter is a small subset of the “living” document hosted on the book’s Github repository (see at code/chapter-9, where it is constantly evolving. If you have more questions or, even better, answers that might help other readers, feel free to tweet them @PracticalDLBook or submit a pull request.


Q: I came across an interesting and useful Jupyter Notebook on GitHub. Making the code run will require cloning the repository, installing packages, setting up the environment, and more steps. Is there an instant way to run it interactively?

Simply enter the Git repository URL into Binder (, which will turn it into a collection of interactive notebooks. Under the hood, it will search for a dependency file, like requirements.txt or environment.yml in the repository’s root directory. This will be used to build a Docker image, to help run the notebook interactively in your browser.

Q: What is the quickest way to get my deep learning setup running on a fresh Ubuntu machine with NVIDIA GPUs?

Life would be great if pip install tensorflow-gpu would solve everything. However, that’s far from reality. On a freshly installed Ubuntu machine, listing all the installation steps would take at least three pages and more than an hour to follow, including installing NVIDIA GPU drivers, CUDA, cuDNN, Python, TensorFlow, and other packages. And then it requires carefully checking the version interoperability between CUDA, cuDNN and TensorFlow. More often than not, this ends in a broken system. A world of pain to say the least!

Wouldn’t it be great if two lines could solve all of this effortlessly? Ask, and ye shall receive:

$ sudo apt update && sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall && sudo reboot 
$ export LAMBDA_REPO=$(mktemp) 
&& wget -O${LAMBDA_REPO} 
&& sudo dpkg -i ${LAMBDA_REPO} && rm -f ${LAMBDA_REPO} 
&& sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y lambda-stack-cuda 
&& sudo reboot

The first line ensures that all the drivers are updated. The second line is brought to us by the Lambda Labs, a San Francisco–based deep learning hardware and cloud provider. The command sets up the Lambda Stack, which installs TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe, Caffe2, Theano, CUDA, cuDNN, and NVIDIA GPU drivers. Because the company needs to install the same deep learning packages on thousands of machines, it automated the process with a one-line command and then open sourced it so that others can also make use of it.

Q: What is the fastest way to install TensorFlow on a Windows PC?

  1. Install Anaconda Python 3.7.

  2. On the command line, run conda install tensorflow-gpu.

  3. If you do not have GPUs, run conda install tensorflow.

One additional benefit of a CPU-based Conda installation is that it installs Intel MKL optimized TensorFlow, running faster than the version we get by using pip install tensorflow.

Q: I have an AMD GPU. Could I benefit from GPU speedups in TensorFlow on my existing system?

Although the majority of the deep learning world uses NVIDIA GPUs, there is a growing community of people running on AMD hardware with the help of the ROCm stack. Installation using the command line is simple:

  1. sudo apt install rocm-libs miopen-hip cxlactivitylogger

  2. sudo apt install wget python3-pip

  3. pip3 install --user tensorflow-rocm

Q: Forget installation, where can I get preinstalled deep learning containers?

Docker is synonymous with setting up environments. Docker helps run isolated containers that are bundled with tools, libraries, and configuration files. There are several deep learning Docker containers available while selecting your virtual machine (VM) from major cloud providers AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, Alibaba, etc.) that are ready to start working. NVIDIA also freely provides NVIDIA GPU Cloud containers, which are the same high-performance containers used to break training speed records on the MLPerf benchmarks. You can even run these containers on your desktop machine.


Q: I don’t like having to stare at my screen constantly to check whether my training finished. Can I get a notification alert on my phone, instead?

Use Knock Knock, a Python library that, as the name suggests, notifies you when your training ends (or your program crashes) by sending alerts on email, Slack, or even Telegram! Best of all, it requires adding only two lines of code to your training script. No more opening your program a thousand times to check whether the training has finished.

Q: I prefer graphics and visualizations over plain text. Can I get real-time visualizations for my training process?

FastProgress progress bar (originally developed for by Sylvain Gugger) comes to the rescue.

Q: I conduct a lot of experiments iteratively and often lose track of what changed between each experiment as well as the effect of the change. How do I manage my experiments in a more organized manner?

Software development has had the ability to keep a historical log of changes through version control. Machine learning, unfortunately, did not have the same luxury. That’s changing now with tools like Weights and Biases, and They allow you to keep track of multiple runs and to log training curves, hyperparameters, outputs, models, notes, and more with just two lines of code added to your Python script. Best of all, through the power of the cloud, you can conveniently track experiments even if you are away from the machine, and share the results with others.

Q: How do I check whether TensorFlow is using the GPU(s) on my machine?

Use the following handy command:


Q: I have multiple GPUs on my machine. I don’t want my training script to consume all of them. How do I restrict my script to run on only a specific GPU?

Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_ID. Simply prefix the training script command as follows:


Alternatively, write the following lines early on in your training script:

import os

GPU_ID can have values such as 0, 1, 2, and so on. You can see these IDs (along with GPU usage) using the nvidia-smi command. For assigning to multiple GPUs, use a comma-separated list of IDs.

Q: Sometimes it feels like there are too many knobs to adjust when training. Can it be done automatically, instead, to get the best accuracy?

There are many options for automated hyperparameter tuning, including Keras-specific Hyperas and Keras Tuner, and more generic frameworks such as Hyperopt and Bayesian optimization that perform extensive experimentation to maximize our objective (i.e., maximizing accuracy in our case) more intelligently than simple grid searches.

Q: ResNet and MobileNet work well enough for my use case. Is it possible to build a model architecture that can achieve even higher accuracy for my scenario?

Three words: Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Let the algorithm find the best architecture for you. NAS can be accomplished through packages like Auto-Keras and AdaNet.

Q: How do I go about debugging my TensorFlow script?

The answer is in the question: TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg).


Q: I want to quickly know the input and output layers of my model without writing code. How can I accomplish that?

Use Netron. It graphically shows your model, and on clicking any layer, provides details on the architecture.

Q: I need to publish a research paper. Which tool should I use to draw my organic, free-range, gluten-free model architecture?

MS Paint, obviously! No, we’re just kidding. We are fans of NN-SVG as well as PlotNeuralNet for creating high-quality CNN diagrams.

Q: Is there a one-stop shop for all models?

Indeed! Explore,, and for some inspiration.

Q: I’ve finished training my model. How can I make it available for others to use?

You can begin by making the model available for download from GitHub. And then list it on the model zoos mentioned in the previous answer. For even wider adoption, upload it to TensorFlow Hub (

In addition to the model, you should publish a “model card,” which is essentially like a résumé of the model. It’s a short report that details author information, accuracy metrics, and the dataset it was benchmarked on. Additionally, it provides guidance on potential biases and out-of-scope uses.

Q: I have a model previously trained in framework X, but I need to use it in framework Y. Do I need to waste time retraining it in framework Y?

Nope. All you need is the power of the ONNX. For models not in the TensorFlow ecosystem, most major deep learning libraries support saving them in ONNX format, which can then be converted to the TensorFlow format. Microsoft’s MMdnn can help in this conversion.


Q: Could I collect hundreds of images on a topic in a few minutes?

Yes, you can collect hundreds of images in three minutes or less with a Chrome extension called Fatkun Batch Download Image. Simply search for a keyword in your favorite image search engine, filter images by the correct usage rights (e.g., Public Domain), and press the Fatkun extension to download all images. See Chapter 12, where we use it to build a Not Hotdog app.

Bonus tip: to download from a single website, search for a keyword followed by site:website_address. For example, “horse”

Q: Forget the browser. How do I scrape Google for images using the command line?

$ pip install google_images_download
$ googleimagesdownload -k=horse -l=50 -r=labeled-for-reuse

-k, -l, and -r are shorthand for keyword, limit (number of images), and usage_rights, respectively. This is a powerful tool with many options for controlling and filtering what images to download from Google searches. Plus, instead of just loading the thumbnails shown by Google Images, it saves the original images linked by the search engine. For saving more than 100 images, install the selenium library along with chromedriver.

Q: Those were not enough for collecting images. I need more control. What other tools can help me download data in more custom ways beyond the search engine?

With a GUI (no programming needed):

Easy GUI to identify rules for elements to extract

Chrome-based scraping extension, especially for extracting structured output from single websites

Cloud-based scalable scraper, for parallel, large tasks

Python-based programmatic tools:

For more programmable controls on scraping, this is one of the most famous scrapers. Compared to building your own naive scraper to explore websites, it offers throttling rate by domain, proxy, and IP; can handle robots.txt; offers flexibility in browser headers to show to web servers; and takes care of several possible edge cases.


A Python-based tool for scraping Instagram.

Q: I have the images for the target classes, but now need images for the negative (not item/background) class. Any quick ways to build a big dataset of negative classes?

ImageN offers 1,000 images—5 random images for 200 ImageNet categories—which you can use as the negative class. If you need more, download a random sample programmatically from ImageNet.

Q: How can I search for a prebuilt dataset that suits my needs?

Try Google Dataset Search,, and

Q: For datasets like ImageNet, downloading, figuring out the format, and then loading them for training takes far too much time. Is there an easy way to read popular datasets?

TensorFlow Datasets is a growing collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow. It includes ImageNet, COCO (37 GB), and Open Images (565 GB) among others. These datasets are exposed as, along with performant code to feed them in your training pipeline.

Q: Training on the millions of ImageNet images will take a long, long time. Is there a smaller representative dataset I could try training on, to quickly experiment and iterate with?

Try Imagenette. Built by Jeremy Howard from, this 1.4 GB dataset contains only 10 classes instead of 1,000.

Q: What are the largest readily available datasets that I could use for training?

  • Tencent ML Images: 17.7 million images with 11,000 category labels

  • Open Images V4 (from Google): 9 million images in 19.7 K categories

  • BDD100K (from UC Berkeley): Images from 100,000 driving videos, over 1,100 hours

  • YFCC100M (from Yahoo): 99.2 million images

Q: What are some of the readily available large video datasets I could use?

Name Details

6.1 million videos, 3,862 classes, 2.6 billion audio-visual features

3.0 labels/video

1.53 terabytes of randomly sampled videos

Something Something

(from Twenty Billion Neurons)

221,000 videos in 174 action classes

For example, “Pouring water into wine glass but missing so it spills next to it”

Humans performing predefined actions with everyday objects


(from Twenty Billion Neurons)

148,000 videos in 27 classes

For example, “Zooming in with two fingers”

Predefined hand gestures in front of a webcam

Q: Are those the largest labeled datasets ever assembled in the history of time?

Nope! Companies like Facebook and Google curate their own private datasets that are much larger than the public ones we can play with:

  • Facebook: 3.5 billion Instagram images with noisy labels (first reported in 2018)

  • Google – JFT-300M: 300 million images with noisy labels (first reported in 2017)

Sadly, unless you’re an employee at one of these companies, you can’t really access these datasets. Nice recruiting tactic, we must say.

Q: How can I get help annotating data?

There are several companies out there that can assist with labeling different kinds of annotations. A few worth mentioning include SamaSource, Digital Data Divide, and iMerit, which employ people who otherwise have limited opportunities, eventually creating positive socioeconomic change through employment in underprivileged communities.

Q: Is there a versioning tool for datasets, like Git is for code?

Qri and Quilt can help version control our datasets, aiding in reproducibility of experiments.

Q: What if I don’t have access to a large dataset for my unique problem?

Try to develop a synthetic dataset for training! For example, find a realistic 3D model of the object of interest and place it in realistic environments using a 3D framework such as Unity. Adjust the lighting and camera position, zoom, and rotation to take snapshots of this object from many angles, generating an endless supply of training data. Alternatively, companies like AI.Reverie, CVEDIA, Neuromation, Cognata,, and DataGen Tech provide realistic simulations for training needs. One big benefit of synthesized training data is that the labeling process is built into the synthesization process. After all, you would know what you are creating. This automatic labeling can save a lot of money and effort, compared to manual labeling.


Q: How do I develop a more privacy-preserving model without going down the cryptography rabbit hole?

TensorFlow Encrypted might be the solution you’re looking for. It enables development using encrypted data, which is relevant, especially if you are on the cloud. Internally, lots of secure multiparty computation and homomorphic encryptions result in privacy-preserving machine learning.

Q: Can I keep my model under wraps from prying eyes?

Well, unless you are on the cloud, weights are visible and can be reverse engineered. Use the Fritz library for protecting your model’s IP when deployed on smartphones.

Education and Exploration

Q: I want to become an AI expert. Beyond this book, where should I invest my time to learn more?

There are several resources on the internet to learn deep learning in depth. We highly recommend these video lectures from some of the best teachers, covering a variety of application areas from computer vision to natural language processing.

  • (by Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas) features a free 14-video lecture series, taking a more learn-by-doing approach in PyTorch. Along with the course comes an ecosystem of tools and an active community that has led to many breakthroughs in the form of research papers and ready-to-use code (like three lines of code to train a state-of-the-art network using the library).

  • (by Andrew Ng) features a five-course “Deep Learning Specialization.” It’s free of cost (although you could pay a small fee to get a certificate) and will solidify your theoretical foundation further. Dr. Ng’s first Coursera course on machine learning has taught more than two million students, and this series continues the tradition of highly approachable content loved by beginners and experts alike.

  • We would be remiss if we didn’t encourage you to note O’Reilly’s Online Learning platform in this list. Helping more than two million users advance their careers, it contains hundreds of books, videos, live online trainings, and keynotes given by leading thinkers and practitioners at O’Reilly’s AI and data conferences.

Q: Where can I find interesting notebooks to learn from?

Google Seedbank is a collection of interactive machine learning examples. Built on top of Google Colaboratory, these Jupyter notebooks can be run instantly without any installations. Some interesting examples include:

  • Generating audio with GANs

  • Action recognition on video

  • Generating Shakespeare-esque text

  • Audio-style transfer

Q: Where can I learn about the state of the art for a specific topic?

Considering how fast the state of the art moves in AI, SOTAWHAT is a handy command-line tool to search research papers for the latest models, datasets, tasks, and more. For example, to look up the latest results on ImageNet, use sotawhat imagenet on the command line. Additionally, also features repositories for papers, their source code, and released models, along with an interactive visual timeline of benchmarks.

Q: I am reading a paper on Arxiv and I really like it. Do I need to write code from scratch?

Not at all! The ResearchCode Chrome extension makes it easy to find code when browsing or Google Scholar. All it takes is a press of the extension button. You can also look up code without installing the extension on the website.

Q: I don’t want to write any code, but I still want to interactively experiment with a model using my camera. How can I do that?

Runway ML is an easy-to-use yet powerful GUI tool that allows you to download models (from the internet or your own) and use the webcam or other input, such as video files, to see the output interactively. This allows further combining and remixing outputs of models to make new creations. And all of this happens with just a few mouse clicks; hence, it’s attracting a large artist community!

Q: 8-1If I can test without code, can I train without code, too?

We discuss this in detail in Chapter 8 (web-based) and Chapter 12 (desktop-based). To keep it short, tools such as Microsoft’s, Google’s Cloud AutoML Vision, Clarifai, Baidu EZDL, and Apple’s Create ML provide drag-and-drop training capabilities. Some of these tools take as little as a few seconds to do the training.

One Last Question

Q: Tell me a great deep learning prank?

Print and hang poster shown in Figure 7-1 from near the watercooler, and watch people’s reactions.

Satirical poster on the state of AI from
Figure 7-1. Satirical poster on the state of AI from
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