Serverless architecture

Serverless architecture, with certain offerings from different cloud providers, doesn't seem too far. For instance, AWS has an incredible feature named Lambda function. Typically how it works is a bunch of code stays in your S3 environment as a ZIP file. Whenever a specific event is triggered, a new instance is created with predefined parameters. This particular piece of code is copied from a specified location to the new instance, and this code starts running. After finishing its job, the instance will be shut down again. With service discovery pattern, this whole concept becomes very interesting. In this type of environment, services will be coming up and down as per demand. Each new upcoming service will be registering itself and deregistering itself on going down, and it uses discovery protocol to find the service with which it needs to communicate.

The above mentioned architecture doesn't give the whole solution for serverless architecture, for instance it doesn't explain the versioning of services, how to deal with latency time, which new on demand services take to coming up for a new HTTP request and so on. The boot up time of the instance and services will be crucial in this scenario. Evolving of these type of component like Lambda from cloud providers, can lead future to server less components. Developer will be focusing on the development of business component. DevOps work will be lesser in this case.

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