API Gateway and its need

Dynamic websites show a lot on a single page, and there is a lot of information that needs to be shown on the page. The common success order summary page shows the cart detail and customer address. For this, frontend has to fire a different query to the customer detail service and order detail service. This is a very simple example of having multiple services on a single page. As a single microservice has to deal with only one concern, in result of that to show much information on page, there are many API calls on the same page. So, a website or mobile page can be very chatty in terms of displaying data on the same page:

Another problem is that, sometimes, microservice talks on another protocol, then HTTP only, such as thrift call and so on. Outer consumers can't directly deal with microservice in that protocol. As a mobile screen is smaller than a web page, the result of the data required by the mobile or desktop API call is different. A developer would want to give less data to the mobile API or have different versions of the API calls for mobile and desktop. So, you could face a problem such as this: each client is calling different web services and keeping track of their web service and developers have to give backward compatibility because API URLs are embedded in clients like in mobile app.

Here comes the need of the API Gateway. All these problems can be addressed with the API Gateway in place. The API Gateway acts as a proxy between the API consumer and the API servers. To address the first problem in that scenario, there will only be one call, such as /successOrderSummary, to the API Gateway. The API Gateway, on behalf of the consumer, calls the order and user detail, then combines the result and serves to the client. So basically, it acts as a facade or API call, which may internally call many APIs. Following diagram show a way how API Gateway behaves:

The API Gateway solves many purposes, some of them are explained in the following section.

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