Orchestration versus choreography

Think of a team that is working together towards one goal. There can be two situations here. The first one can be when the team has a leader and he is the brain of the team. He knows the capability of the team better, and he coordinates the work of different individuals in the team. When one person in the team finishes the work, the leader tells another person to start the work that was dependent on the first person's work. The second scenario could be when the team is self-motivating, talking to each other (may be via emails, calls, instant chat messages, or any other medium) and capable of working and communicating without any leader. In the first scenario, you have to hire a leader to guide the team, and it is a pain to find a suitable match. Then, you have to give a salary to that person. In the second scenario, you will save all this pain. However, the downside is if you have to change the flow, you have to inform every person and intimate to every new person after completing your task. In the first scenario, the leader can tell you what is happening in the team at any time, but in the second scenario, you have to interact with all team members to know the exact situation.

The first scenario is called orchestration, and the second scenario is called choreography. Now, let's discuss them in detail.

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