

  • ability to be coached
  • ability to coach
  • ACT/SAT scores
    • about
    • correlation values between GPA and
    • hypothetical structural equation model showing possible predictors of
    • regression model showing factors that might predict
  • aggregation
  • amortization
  • analysis
    • correlational
    • data
    • defined
    • descriptive
    • force
    • predictive
    • prescriptive
    • reporting vs.
    • staffing process
    • statistical
    • test and
  • analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • analytic model
  • analytic value chain
  • analytics
    • culture
    • data set for predictive
    • descriptive
    • director of
    • human capital
    • human resource
    • plan, basic
    • predictive
    • prescriptive
    • unit
    • unit development
    • what is it?
  • anecdotal accounts
  • ANOVA. See analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • assessment
    • results
    • vendors
  • attrition
  • attrition rate
  • automated processes
  • average
    • cost per hire for each business unit
    • cost to hire
    • number of days to fill a position
    • salary
    • salary per hire


  • Becker, Gary
  • benchmarked firm
  • benchmarking data
  • benchmarks
    • external
    • for selected metrics
  • benefits package
  • best companies to work for
  • best predictors
  • Beyond HR (Boudreau and Ramstad)
  • bicycles
  • Big Data
  • Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think (Mayer-Schonberger and Cukier)
  • board of directors
  • Bontis, Nick
  • Boudreau, J. W.
  • brand
  • Branham, Leigh
  • business
    • analyst
    • growth
    • impacts
    • intelligence
    • outcome measures
    • outcomes
    • standards
  • butterfly effect


  • C level
  • C level documents
  • campus hires
  • causational data
  • cause-and-effect relationships
  • Center for Talent Reporting
  • CEO. See chief executive officer (CEO)
  • C-group personalities, intermediate
  • champion
  • change initiatives
  • change management
  • Chaos: Making a New Science (Gleick)
  • chaos theory
  • chaotic Lorenz waterwheel
  • chicken-and-egg question
  • chief executive officer (CEO)
  • chief human resources officer (CHRO)
  • CHRO. See chief human resources officer (CHRO)
  • classroom training
  • C-level
    • culture
    • executives
    • peer group
    • people
    • table
    • top of mind
  • clients, internal
  • coaches
  • coaching
    • received, amount of
  • coders
  • Cohen, Dan S.
  • coincidences
  • comma delimited
  • commitment
  • communications
    • program
  • community relations
  • compensation and benefits
    • costs
    • programs
  • competencies
  • competency
    • assessment
    • results
    • speed to
  • competitive advantage
  • Conference Board
  • confidentiality
  • conscious competent
  • conscious incompetent
  • consultants
  • continuous improvement loop
  • cooking up an analytic meal
  • correlation
    • about
    • among variables
    • model showing factors that might predict ACT/SAT score
    • values between GPA and ACT/SAT scores
  • correlational analysis
  • cost to hire
    • about
    • the new resource
  • cost to train new hires
  • Costco
  • cost/job task
  • costs
    • compensation and benefits
  • critical position readiness
  • cross-tab
    • display of a data set
    • format
    • structure
  • Cukier, K.
  • cultural change
  • culture
    • about
    • analytics
  • customer
    • analyzed needs
    • demands
    • loyalty
    • responses
    • retention
    • satisfaction
    • service/relationship management system
  • cycle time in job


  • D’Andrea, Raffaello
  • dashboard
  • dashboard platform
  • data analysis
  • data analysis and report
  • data analysis levels
  • data collection/organization
  • data entry errors
  • data errors in
  • data format
  • data formatting
  • data mining
  • data missing
  • data ownership
  • data quality
  • data request template
  • data set
    • cross-tab display of
    • for predictive analytics
    • vertical display of
  • data sources for executive reports
  • data systems
  • data tracking tool
  • data turned into information
  • database architecture
  • database errors
  • data-based decisions
  • data-driven decisions
  • decision maker
  • decision support
  • delimited data file
  • depreciation
  • descriptive
    • analysis
    • analytics
    • data
    • statistics
  • developmental experiences
  • director of analytics
  • displaying
  • dose–response curve
  • drivers
    • of company, principal
    • external
    • internal
  • Drucker, Peter


  • economic capital (intangible assets)
  • economic data
  • Edison, Thomas
  • effectiveness
    • about
    • measures
  • efficiency
    • about
    • measures
  • egomaniacs
  • e-learning
  • e-mail address
  • emotional undertone
  • employee behaviors
  • employee disengagement
    • preventable reason for
    • seven reasons for
  • employee engagement
    • by group at 90 days and one year
  • employee lay-off
  • employee loyalty
  • employer brand
  • engagement
    • about
    • scores
    • survey rating
    • survey results
    • surveys
  • enlightened questioning
  • enterprise’s capabilities
  • enterprise’s vision
  • evaluating
  • exit interview
  • exit survey
    • about
    • rating
    • results
  • experience predicts performance
  • external
    • benchmarks
    • drivers
    • forces
  • extracurricular activities


  • factors, internal
  • FASB. See Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • feedback, onboarding
  • feedback loop
  • financial
    • analysts
    • capital (cash)
    • data
    • outcomes
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • firing solutions
  • fit with culture
  • fit with the job
  • force analysis
  • forces, external
  • Fortune 100 company
  • Franks, Bill
  • frequency counts


  • Galvin, Bob
  • gatekeeper
  • geographic region
  • Gleick, James
  • Google searches for the term “Big Data”
  • go-to-market models
  • government regulations
  • grade point average (GPA)
  • Grand Unified Theory of Human Capital
  • graphic statistical evidence
  • growth, business


  • headcount
  • The Heart of Change Field Guide (Cohen)
  • Higgins, Jeff
  • high potentials, identification of
  • high-performing personnel
  • hires
    • by business unit
    • by level
    • number of
    • quality of
  • hiring process
  • hours/job task
  • HR. See human resources (HR)
  • HRIS. See human resources information systems (HRIS)
  • HTML
  • human behavior
  • human capital
    • about
    • analytics
    • data
    • income statement
    • index changes from 1992 to 2008
    • management
    • productivity
    • publications
  • Human Capital Analytics Conference
  • Human Capital Management Institute
  • human resources (HR)
    • about
    • analytics
    • department expenses
    • department staff
    • information systems
    • quantitative benchmarking
    • services
    • technology
    • vision and goals
  • human resources information systems (HRIS)
  • hypothetical structural equation model
    • showing possible predictors of ACT/SAT scores


  • IASC. See International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)
  • IBM
  • ICGX advertisement for big data
  • identifying information, unique
  • IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • implement and monitor
  • inferential statistics
  • InfoHRM
  • information, actionable
  • information technology (IT)
    • about
    • departments
  • innovation
  • innovative products
  • Institute for Corporate Productivity
  • intangibles
  • intellectual capital
  • internal
    • clients
    • drivers
    • factors
  • International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)
  • international assignment
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • interpretation
  • interval ratio
  • interviewing
  • investments impact
  • IT. See information technology (IT)


  • job rotation learning path
  • jobs held


  • Kaplan and Norton balanced scorecard
  • Keen, G. W.
  • Kenexa
  • key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • keypunching errors
  • knowledge assets
  • KnowledgeAdvisors
  • Koestenbaum, Peter
  • KPIs. See key performance indicators (KPIs)


  • L = M + O + I
  • labor availability
  • labor market
  • leadership
    • assessment program
    • capability
    • development
    • development program
    • factors
    • gap
    • model
    • programs
    • software packages
    • traits
    • traits and skills
  • learning and development (L&D) manager
  • learning investments impact
  • length of stay
  • Lev, Baruch
  • leverage
  • Lilly, John
  • Lincoln, Abraham
  • liquidity crisis
  • loading line managers
  • logic model
  • logistical progression
  • Lorenz, Edward
  • Lorenz Attractor
  • lost productivity


  • macroeconomics of human behavior
  • Macy’s
  • management team
  • market
    • analysts
    • reputation
    • share
  • mathematical models
  • maturity curve
  • Mayer-Schonberger
  • M.B.A. degree
  • McLuhan, Marshall
  • means
  • metrics
    • definitions of
    • traditional HR
  • metrics, definitions of
  • Minitab
  • misaligned data
  • missing data
  • mission of the company
  • mission-critical skills
  • mobile workforce
  • model
    • analytic
    • go-to-market
    • leadership
    • logic
    • mathematical
    • Nick Bontis
    • prediction
    • training value measurement
  • modeling
    • of business practices, prescriptive
    • statistical
    • structural equation
  • monetize human capital
  • monetized benefit
  • MS Access
  • MS Excel
  • multiple linear regression


  • Neiman Marcus
  • new hires
    • about
    • cost to train
    • performance ratings at 90 days
    • predicted profitability for three
    • retention of
  • newspaper hires
  • Nick Bontis model
  • 9-box ratings
  • not-for-profit organizations
  • number hired and trained
  • number of hires
  • number of open requisitions


  • onboarding feedback
  • on-the-job training
  • open positions
    • by business unit in quarter
    • positions filled per month and
    • time to fill
  • open requisitions
    • number of
  • operating problems
  • operational outputs
  • operations
  • optimization
    • about
    • model with key performance metrics
    • performance
    • process
    • workforce
  • organizational
    • life
    • management
    • performance
  • organizational policy
  • organizational power
  • organizing
  • outcome measures, business
  • outcomes
  • outcomes, business


  • participation
  • paternalism
  • percentage of the goal achieved
  • performance
    • about
    • appraisal system
    • appraisals
    • experience predicts
    • improvement
    • improvement plan
    • key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • management system
    • metrics, optimization model with key
    • optimization
    • organizational
    • rating
    • ratings
    • ratings, quarterly
    • ratings at 90 days
    • ratings at 365 days
    • ratings for new hires at 90 days
    • threshold
  • periodic reports
  • personnel ID number
  • pivot tables
  • Plateau
  • positions filled per month
  • potential status
  • predict future values
  • predicted profitability for three new hires
  • predicting the future
  • prediction model
  • predictions
  • predictive
    • analyses
    • analysis
    • analytics
    • analytics data set for
    • capabilities
  • predictor of profitability
  • predictors, best
  • prescriptive
    • analysis
    • analytics
    • modeling of business practices
  • present-day needs
  • prices
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • prime question
  • problem solving
  • The Process Edge (Keen)
  • process efficiency
  • process management
  • product quality
  • productivity
    • about
    • among groups during year 1
    • estimates
    • measures
    • monthly
  • profitability
    • about
    • predictor of
  • profit-making enterprises
  • profits
  • program management
  • program managers
  • programs, compensation and benefits
  • project management
  • project management capability
  • promotions


  • qualitative vs. qualitative
  • quality
    • of hires
    • of the recruiting process
    • of service from recruiter
  • quality system
  • question, chicken-and-egg


  • R
  • Ramstad, P. M.
  • rating
    • exit survey
  • recipe for maximum analytic value
  • recruiters
  • recruiting cycle
  • recruitment program
  • regression
    • about
    • model showing factors that might predict ACT/SAT scores
    • multiple linear
  • relating
  • relational capital
  • relationships
    • about
    • cause-and-effect
  • report formats
  • reporting design
  • reporting vs. analysis
  • research
  • results
    • assessment
    • interpreting
  • Retain & Grow
  • retention
    • of new hires
    • research
    • support program
  • retention/turnover within 90 or 365 days
  • return on investment (ROI)
  • revenue
    • about
    • generating leadership
    • growth
  • Reynolds, Joshua
  • ROI. See return on investment (ROI)


  • Saba
  • salary
    • associated with positions
    • costs and total cost to hire compared to benchmarks
    • costs to external benchmarks
    • increases
  • sale, making the
  • sales
    • communications
    • improved
    • revenue
  • SAP
  • Saratoga Institute
  • SAS
  • SAT. See Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • satisfaction with learning
  • Schleyer, Carl
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • scorecard
    • about
    • Kaplan and Norton balanced
  • scores, engagement
  • sensitive information
  • service
  • short-term financial goal
  • skill development
  • skill requirements
  • skill-based training
  • Society for Human Resources Management
  • socioeconomic status
  • Socrates
  • software packages
    • leadership
  • special assignments
  • speed to competency
  • speed to productivity
  • sponsor
  • sponsor satisfaction
  • sponsor satisfaction–leader input
  • SPSS. See Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
  • SQL
  • staffing process
  • staffing process analysis
  • stakeholders
  • standard deviation
  • standard protocols
  • standards
    • business
  • statement, attention-getting
  • statistical
    • analysis
    • analysis degree
    • modeling
    • operations
    • test
    • validation techniques
  • Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
  • status changes
  • strategic business plan
  • strategic chain management
  • structural capital
  • structural equation modeling
  • structured data
  • subjective data
  • SuccessFactors
  • survey rating, engagement
  • surveying
  • surveys, engagement
  • systems analysts


  • talent crisis
  • Talent Development Reporting Principles (TDRP)
    • about
    • effectiveness statement
    • efficiency statement
    • framework
    • outcomes statement
  • talent management
  • Talent Management Impact
  • talent-based operating issues
  • tangible assets
  • TDRP. See Talent Development Reporting Principles (TDRP)
  • team building
  • technology tools/apps
  • test score—percentage passing by performance group and month
  • text
  • Thrasymachus
  • three value paths
  • Tilden, V. P.
  • time-to-fill
    • compared to benchmarks
    • metrics
    • open positions
  • top management
  • top-of-mind issue(s)
  • total cost of workforce
  • training attended, amount of
  • training value
  • training value measurement model
  • traits, leadership
  • transformation
  • transformation, system-wide
  • trial and-error process
  • turnaround time, standard
  • turnover
    • at 90 days
    • at 365 days
    • costs
    • by group at two years
    • rates


  • unconscious competent
  • unconscious incompetent
  • unstructured data


  • valuation of organizations
  • VBCs (vision, brand, culture)
  • vendors assessment
  • vertical display of a data set
  • vision
  • VP of human resources


  • Walmart
  • websites
  • workforce
    • optimization
    • planning
    • segmentation
  • work/life balance


  • XML


  • year-to-date actual value
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