MenuSuite Designer

MenuSuites are used to define the menus that are available from the Departments button in the Navigation pane, and which also appear on the Departments page in the NAV Windows client. Items in the MenuSuite can also be found by the user via the Role Tailored Client Search function. The initial MenuSuite Designer screen that comes up when we ask for a new MenuSuite asks what MenuSuites Design Level we are preparing to create. The following screenshot shows all 25 available Design Level values:

When one of those design levels has been used (created as a MenuSuite option), that design level will not appear in this list the next time that New is selected for the MenuSuite Designer. MenuSuites can only exist at the 25 levels shown, and only one instance of each level is supported. Once we have chosen a level to create, NAV shifts to the MenuSuite Designer mode. The following screenshot shows the navigation pane in Designer mode after selection of Create | Dept - Company:

To add, change, or delete menu entries in the Navigation Pane Designer, highlight and right-click on an entry. That will display the following window. The action options visible in this MenuSuite Designer window are dependent on the entry that is highlighted and sometimes on the immediately previous action taken:

Descriptions of each of these menu-maintenance action options are as follows:

  • Create Item... (Insert): This allows the creation of a new menu action entry (Item), utilizing the same window format for creation that is displayed when the entry Properties option is chosen
  • Insert Items...(Shift + Insert): This allows the insertion of a new instance of a menu action entry, choosing from a list of all the existing entries
  • Create Group (Ctrl + Insert): This allows the creation of a new group under which, menu action entries can be organized
  • Delete (Delete): This is to delete either an individual entry or an entire group
  • Rename (F2): This is to rename either an entry or a group
  • Move Up (Ctrl + Shift + Up) and Move Down (Ctrl + Shift + Down): This allows moving an entry or group up or down one position in the menu structure
  • Cut (Ctrl + X), Copy (Ctrl + C), and Paste (Ctrl + V): This provides the normal cut, copy, and paste functions for either entries or groups
  • Properties (Alt + Enter): This displays the applicable property screen

A Group Properties screen only contains Caption and CaptionML along with the Department Page checkmark field and Application Area. The Item Properties screen looks like the following screenshot:

The Object Type field can be any of Report, Codeunit, XMLport, Page, or Query. The Department field can be Lists, Tasks, Reports and Analysis, Documents, History, or Administration, all of which are groups in the Departments menu.

There are several basic differences between the MenuSuite Designer and the other object designers, including a very limited property set. One major difference is the fact that no C/AL code can be embedded within a MenuSuite entry.

To exit the Navigation Pane Designer, press the Esc key with focus on the Navigation Pane or right-click on the Navigation Pane Designer heading and select the Close Navigation Pane Designer option, as shown in the following screenshot:

We will then be asked if we want to save our changes. We should answer Yes, No, or Cancel, depending on what result we want.

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