Chapter 9. Traits

In Java, a class can implement an arbitrary number of interfaces. This model is very useful for declaring that a class implements multiple abstractions. Unfortunately, it has one major drawback. For many interfaces, much of the functionality can be implemented with boilerplate code that will be valid for all classes that use the interface.

Often, an interface has members that are unrelated (“orthogonal”) to the rest of the members in the implementating class. The term mixin is used for such focused and reusable state and behavior. Ideally, we would maintain this behavior independent of any concrete types that use it.

Before version 8, Java provided no built-in mechanism for defining and using such reusable code. Instead, Java programmers must use ad hoc conventions to reuse implementation code for a given interface. In the worst case, the developer just copies and pastes the same code into every class that needs it. A better, but imperfect solution has been to implement a separate class for the behavior, keep an instance of it in the original class, and then delegate method calls to the support class. This approach works, but it adds lots of needless overhead and error-prone boilerplate.

Interfaces in Java 8

Java 8 changes this picture. Interfaces can now define methods, called defender methods or just default methods. A class can still provide its own implementation, but if it doesn’t the defender method is used. So, Java 8 interfaces behave more like Scala’s traits.

However, one difference is that Java 8 interfaces are still limited to defining static fields, whereas Scala traits can define instance-level fields. This means that Java 8 interfaces can’t manage any part of an instance’s state. A class that implements the interface will have to supply fields for state. This also means that the defender methods have no state to access in their implementations, limiting what they can do.

In the discussion that follows, consider how you would implement the traits and classes presented using Java 8 interfaces and classes. What would port over easily to Java 8 and what would not?

Traits as Mixins

To consider the role of traits in modularizing Scala code, let’s begin with the following code for a button in a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, which uses callbacks to notify clients when clicks occur:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/ButtonCallbacks.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui

class ButtonWithCallbacks(val label: String,
    val callbacks: List[() => Unit] = Nil) extends Widget {

  def click(): Unit = {
    callbacks.foreach(f => f())

  protected def updateUI(): Unit = { /* logic to change GUI appearance */ }

object ButtonWithCallbacks {

  def apply(label: String, callback: () => Unit) =
    new ButtonWithCallbacks(label, List(callback))

  def apply(label: String) =
    new ButtonWithCallbacks(label, Nil)

Widget is a “marker” trait we will expand later:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/Widget.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui

abstract class Widget

A list of callback functions of type () => Unit (pure side effects) are called when the button is clicked.

This class has two responsibilities: updating the visual appearance (which we’ve elided) and handling callback behavior, including the management of a list of callbacks and calling them whenever the button is clicked.

We should strive for separation of concerns in our types, as embodied in the Single Responsibility Principle, which says that every type should “do one thing” and not mix multiple responsibilities.

We would like to separate the button-specific logic from the callback logic, such that each part becomes simpler, more modular, easier to test and modify, and more reusable. The callback logic is a good candidate for a mixin.

Let’s use traits to separate the callback handling from the button logic. We’ll generalize our approach a little bit. Callbacks are really a special case of the Observer Design Pattern. So, let’s create two traits that declare and partially implement the Subject and Observer logic from this pattern, then use them to handle callback behavior. To simplify things, we’ll start with a single callback that counts the number of button clicks:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/observer/Observer.scala

trait Observer[-State] {                                             1
  def receiveUpdate(state: State): Unit

trait Subject[State] {                                               2
  private var observers: List[Observer[State]] = Nil                 3

  def addObserver(observer:Observer[State]): Unit =                  4
    observers ::= observer                                           5

  def notifyObservers(state: State): Unit =                          6
    observers foreach (_.receiveUpdate(state))

The trait for clients who want to be notified of state changes. They must implement the receiveUpdate message.


The trait for subjects who will send notifications to observers.


A list of observers to notify. It’s mutable, so it’s not thread-safe!


A method to add observers.


This expression means “prefix observer to observers and assign the result to observers.”


A method to notify observers of state changes.

Often, the most convenient choice for the State type parameter is just the type of the class mixing in Subject. Hence, when the notifyObservers method is called, the instance just passes itself, i.e., this.

Note that because Observer doesn’t define the method it declares nor does it declare any other members, it is exactly equivalent to a pre-Java 8 interface at the byte code level. No abstract keyword is required, because the missing method body makes it clear. However, abstract classes, those with unimplemented method bodies, must be declared with the abstract keyword. For example:

trait PureAbstractTrait {
  def abstractMember(str: String): Int

abstract class AbstractClass {
  def concreteMember(str: String): Int = str.length
  def abstractMember(str: String): Int

Traits with abstract members don’t have to be declared abstract by adding the abstract keyword before the trait keyword. However, classes that are abstract, where one or more member is undefined, must be declared abstract.

To expand on the fifth note, because observers is mutable, the following two expressions are equivalent:

observers ::= observer
observers = observer :: observers

Now, let’s define a simplified Button class:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/Button.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui

class Button(val label: String) extends Widget {

  def click(): Unit = updateUI()

  def updateUI(): Unit = { /* logic to change GUI appearance */ }

Button is considerably simpler. It has only one concern, handling clicks.

Let’s put our Subject trait to use. Here is ObservableButton, which subclasses Button and mixes in Subject:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/ObservableButton.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui

class ObservableButton(name: String)                                 1
    extends Button(name) with Subject[Button] {                      2

  override def click(): Unit = {                                     3                                                    4
    notifyObservers(this)                                            5

A subclass of Button that mixes in observability.


Extends Button and mixes in Subject and uses Button as the Subject type parameter, named State in the declaration of Subject.


In order to notify observers, we have to override the click method. If there were other state-changing methods, all would require overrides.


First, call the parent class click to perform the normal GUI update logic.


Notify the observers, passing this as the State. In this case, there isn’t any state other than the “event” that a button click occurred.

Let’s try it with the following script:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/
import progscala2.traits.ui._

class ButtonCountObserver extends Observer[Button] {
  var count = 0
  def receiveUpdate(state: Button): Unit = count += 1

val button = new ObservableButton("Click Me!")
val bco1   = new ButtonCountObserver
val bco2   = new ButtonCountObserver

button addObserver bco1
button addObserver bco2

(1 to 5) foreach (_ =>

assert(bco1.count == 5)
assert(bco2.count == 5)

The script declares an observer type, ButtonCountObserver, that counts clicks. Then it creates two instances and an ObservableButton, and it registers the two observers with the button. It clicks the button five times and then uses the assert method in Predef to verify the counts for each observer equals five.

Suppose we only need one instance of an ObservableButton. We don’t need to declare a class that mixes in the traits we want. Instead, we can declare a Button and mix in the Subject trait “on the fly”:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui/
import progscala2.traits.ui._

val button = new Button("Click Me!") with Subject[Button] {

  override def click(): Unit = {

class ButtonCountObserver extends Observer[Button] {
  var count = 0
  def receiveUpdate(state: Button): Unit = count += 1

val bco1   = new ButtonCountObserver
val bco2   = new ButtonCountObserver

button addObserver bco1
button addObserver bco2

(1 to 5) foreach (_ =>

assert(bco1.count == 5)
assert(bco2.count == 5)

We declared a Button() with Subject[Button] instance, without declaring a class first. This is similar to instantiating an anonymous class that implements an interface in Java, but Scala provides more flexibility.


When declaring a class that only mixes in traits and doesn’t extend another class, you must use the extends keyword anyway for the first trait listed and the with keyword for the rest of the traits. However, when instantiating a class and mixing in traits with the declaration, use the with keyword with all the traits.

In “Good Object-Oriented Design: A Digression”, I recommended stringent rules for subclassing. Have we broken those “rules”? Let’s look at each one:

An abstract base class or trait is subclassed one level by concrete classes, including case classes

We didn’t use an abstract base class in this case.

Concrete classes are never subclassed, except for two cases: (1) classes that mix in other behaviors in traits

Although Button and ObservableButton, its child, are both concrete, the latter only mixes in traits.

Concrete classes are never subclassed, except for two cases: (2) test-only versions to promote automated unit testing

Not applicable.

When subclassing seems like the right approach, consider partitioning behaviors into traits and mix in those traits instead

We did!!

Never split logical state across parent-child type boundaries

The logical, visible state for buttons or other UI widgets is disjoint from the internal mechanism of state-change notification. So, UI state is still encapsulated in Button, while the state associated with the Observer pattern, i.e., the list of observers, is encapsulated in the State trait.

Stackable Traits

There are several, further refinements we can do to improve the reusability of our code and to make it easier to use more than one trait at a time, i.e., to “stack” traits.

First, “clickability” is not limited to buttons in a GUI. We should abstract that logic, too. We could put it in Widget, the so-far empty parent type of Button, but it’s not necessarily true that all GUI widgets will accept clicks. Instead, let’s introduce another trait, Clickable:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/Clickable.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui2                                        1

trait Clickable {
  def click(): Unit = updateUI()                                     2

  protected def updateUI(): Unit                                     3

Use a new package because we’re reimplementing types in traits.ui.


The public method click is concrete. It delegates to updateUI.


The updateUI method is protected and abstract. Implementing classes provide the appropriate logic.

Although this simple interface doesn’t really need to follow the example of Button, where click delegates to a protected method, it was a useful idiom for separation of a public abstraction from an implementation detail, so we follow it here. It’s a simple example of the Template Method Pattern described in the “Gang of Four” patterns book.

Here is the refactored button, which uses the trait:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/Button.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui2
import progscala2.traits.ui.Widget

class Button(val label: String) extends Widget with Clickable {

  protected def updateUI(): Unit = { /* logic to change GUI appearance */ }

Observation should now be tied to Clickable and not Button, as it was before. When we refactor the code this way, it becomes clear that we don’t really care about observing buttons. We really care about observing events, such as clicks. Here is a trait that focuses solely on observing Clickable:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/ObservableClicks.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui2

trait ObservableClicks extends Clickable with Subject[Clickable] {
  abstract override def click(): Unit = {        1

Note the abstract override keywords, discussed next.

The implementation is very similar to the previous ObservableButton example. The important difference is the abstract keyword. We had override before.

Look closely at this method. It calls, but what is super in this case? At this point, it could only appear to be Clickable, which declares but does not define the click method, or it could be Subject, which doesn’t have a click method. So, super can’t be bound to a real instance, at least not yet. This is why abstract is required here.

In fact, super will be bound when this trait is mixed into a concrete instance that defines the click method, such as Button. The abstract keyword tells the compiler (and the reader) that click is not yet fully implemented, even though has a body.


The abstract keyword is only required on a method in a trait when the method has a body, but it invokes another method in super that doesn’t have a concrete implementation in parents of the trait.

Let’s use this trait with Button and its concrete click method:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/
import progscala2.traits.ui2._

// No override of "click" in Button required.
val button = new Button("Click Me!") with ObservableClicks

class ClickCountObserver extends Observer[Clickable] {
  var count = 0
  def receiveUpdate(state: Clickable): Unit = count += 1

val bco1 = new ClickCountObserver
val bco2 = new ClickCountObserver

button addObserver bco1
button addObserver bco2

(1 to 5) foreach (_ =>

assert(bco1.count == 5, s"bco1.count ${bco1.count} != 5")
assert(bco2.count == 5, s"bco2.count ${bco2.count} != 5")

Note that we can now declare a Button instance and mix in ObservableClicks without having to override the click method. Not only that, even when we don’t want to observe clicks, we can construct GUI objects that support clicking by mixing in Clickable.

This fine-grained composition through mixin traits is quite powerful, but it can be overused:

  • Lots of traits slow down compile times, because the compiler has to do more work to synthesize the output byte code.

  • Library users can find a long list of traits intimidating when looking at code or Scaladocs.

Let’s finish our example by adding a second trait. The JavaBeans Specification has the idea of “vetoable” events, where listeners for changes to a JavaBean can veto the change. Let’s implement something similar with a trait that vetoes more than a set number of clicks. You could imagine implementing something similar to prevent users from accidentally clicking a button more than once that triggers a financial transaction. Here is our VetoableClick trait:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/VetoableClicks.scala
package progscala2.traits.ui2

trait VetoableClicks extends Clickable {                             1
  // Default number of allowed clicks.
  val maxAllowed = 1                                                 2
  private var count = 0

  abstract override def click() = {
    if (count < maxAllowed) {                                        3
      count += 1

Also extends Clickable.


The maximum number of allowed clicks. (A “reset” feature would be useful.)


Once the number of clicks exceeds the allowed value (counting from zero), no further clicks are sent to super.

Note that maxAllowed is declared a val and the comment says it is the “default” value, which implies it can be changed. How can that be if it’s a val? The answer is that we can override the value in a class or trait that mixes in this trait. In this use of both traits, we reset the value to 2:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/
import progscala2.traits.ui2._

// No override of "click" in Button required.
val button =
    new Button("Click Me!") with ObservableClicks with VetoableClicks {
  override val maxAllowed = 2                                   1

class ClickCountObserver extends Observer[Clickable] {          2
  var count = 0
  def receiveUpdate(state: Clickable): Unit = count += 1

val bco1 = new ClickCountObserver
val bco2 = new ClickCountObserver

button addObserver bco1
button addObserver bco2

(1 to 5) foreach (_ =>

assert(bco1.count == 2, s"bco1.count ${bco1.count} != 2")       3
assert(bco2.count == 2, s"bco2.count ${bco2.count} != 2")

Override the value of maxAllowed to 2.


Use the same ClickObserver as before.


Note that the expected count is now 2, even though the actual number of button clicks is 5.

Try this experiment. Switch the order of the traits in the declaration of button to this:

val button = new Button("Click Me!") with VetoableClicks with ObservableClicks

What happens when you run this code now?

The assertions should now fail, claiming that the count observed is actually 5, not the expected 2.

We have three versions of click wrapped like an onion. The question is which version of click gets called first when we mix in VetoableClicks and ObservableClicks? The answer is the declaration order determines the order, from right to left.

Here is pseudocode for the effective call structure for each example:

// new Button("Click Me!") with VetoableClicks with ObservableClicks

def = {
  if (count < maxAllowed) {       // =>
    count += 1
      updateUI()                  // =>

// new Button("Click Me!") with ObservableClicks with VetoableClicks

def = {
  if (count < maxAllowed) {
    count += 1
    {                             // =>
        updateUI()                // =>

In the first case, when ObservableClicks is last in the declaration order, the actual method is still vetoed, but the observers are notified for all clicks. You could interpret this is a bug if observers are expecting notification only when clicks are not vetoed.

In the second case, when VetoableClicks is last in the declaration order, the veto logic wraps all other click methods, so updateUI and notifyObservers are both called only when the click isn’t vetoed.

A algorithm called linearization is used to resolve the priority of traits and classes in the inheritance tree for a concrete class. These two versions of button are straightforward. The traits have priority order from right to left and the body of button, such as the version that overrides maxAllowed, is evaluated last.

We’ll cover the full details of how linearization works for more complex declarations in “Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy”.

Constructing Traits

While the body of a trait functions as its primary constructor, traits don’t support an argument list for the primary constructor, nor can you define auxiliary constructors.

We saw in the last section’s examples that traits can extend other traits. They can also extend classes. However, there is no mechanism for a trait to pass arguments to the parent class constructor, even literal values. Therefore, traits can only extend classes that have a no-argument primary or auxiliary constructor.

However, like classes, the body of a trait is executed every time an instance is created that uses the trait, as demonstrated by the following script:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/

trait T1 {
  println(s"  in T1: x = $x")
  val x=1
  println(s"  in T1: x = $x")

trait T2 {
  println(s"  in T2: y = $y")
  val y="T2"
  println(s"  in T2: y = $y")

class Base12 {
  println(s"  in Base12: b = $b")
  val b="Base12"
  println(s"  in Base12: b = $b")

class C12 extends Base12 with T1 with T2 {
  println(s"  in C12: c = $c")
  val c="C12"
  println(s"  in C12: c = $c")

println(s"Creating C12:")
new C12
println(s"After Creating C12")

Running this script yields the following output:

Creating C12:
  in Base12: b = null
  in Base12: b = Base12
  in T1: x = 0
  in T1: x = 1
  in T2: y = null
  in T2: y = T2
  in C12: c = null
  in C12: c = C12
After Creating C12

Here we have a base class Base12 for C12. It is evaluated first, then the traits T1 and T2 (i.e., left to right in declaration order), and finally the body of C12.

The order of the println statements for T1 and T2 seem to be reversed compared to our Clickable example. Actually, this is consistent. Here we are tracking initialization order, which goes left to right.

When we declared button with traits in the order with VetoableClicks with ObservableClicks, we first defined click as the method It called, which wasn’t resolved yet, at that moment. Then ObservableClicks was evaluated. It overrode with its own version of click, but because it also called, it will invoke Finally, because ObservableClicks extends Clickable, it provides a concrete click that needs to call when it calls

So, while you can’t pass construction parameters to traits, you can initialize fields, as well as methods and types, in the body of the trait. Subsequent traits or classes in the linearization can override these definitions. If a member is left abstract in the trait or abstract parent class where it is declared, a subsequent trait or class must define it. Concrete classes can’t have any abstract members.


Avoid concrete fields in traits that can’t be initialized to suitable default values. Use abstract fields instead, or convert the trait to a class with a constructor. Of course, stateless traits don’t have any issues with initialization.

Class or Trait?

When considering whether a “concept” should be a trait or a class, keep in mind that traits as mixins make the most sense for “adjunct” behavior. If you find that a particular trait is used most often as a parent of other classes, so that the child classes behave as the parent trait, then consider defining the trait as a class instead, to make this logical relationship more clear. (We said behaves as, rather than is a, because the former is the more precise definition of inheritance, based on the Liskov Substitution Principle.)

It’s a general principle of good object-oriented design that an instance should always be in a known valid state, starting from the moment the construction process finishes.

Recap and What’s Next

In this chapter, we learned how to use traits to encapsulate and share cross-cutting concerns between classes. We covered when and how to use traits, how to “stack” multiple traits, and the rules for initializing values within traits.

In the next few chapters, we explore Scala’s object system and class hierarchy, with particular attention to the collections.

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