Chapter 21. Scala Tools and Libraries

This chapter fills in some details about the Scala tools we’ve already used, such as the compiler scalac and the REPL scala. We’ll discuss build tool options and IDE and text editor integration, and look at testing libraries for Scala. Finally, we’ll list some of the popular third-party Scala libraries you might find useful.

Command-Line Tools

Even if you do most of your work with IDEs or the SBT REPL, understanding how the command-line tools work gives you additional flexibility, as well as a fallback should the graphical tools fail you. Most of the time, you’ll configure compiler flags through your SBT build files or IDE settings, and you’ll invoke the REPL through your SBT session, using the console command.

“Installing Scala” described how to install the command-line tools. All of them are located in the SCALA_HOME/bin directory, where SCALA_HOME is the directory where you installed Scala.

You can read more information about the command-line tools at

scalac Command-Line Tool

The scalac command compiles Scala source files and generates JVM class files.

The scalac command is just a shell-script wrapper around the java command, passing it the name of the Scala compiler’s Main object. It adds Scala JAR files to the CLASSPATH and it defines several Scala-related system properties.

You invoke scalac like this:

scalac <options> <source files>

Recall from “A Taste of Scala” that source file names don’t have to match the public class name in the file. In fact, you can define multiple public classes in a file. Similarly, package declarations don’t have to match the directory structure.

However, in order to conform to JVM requirements, a separate class file will be generated for each type with a name that corresponds to the type’s name. Also, the class files will be written to directories corresponding to the package declarations.

Table 21-1 shows the list of the scalac options as reported by scalac -help for the 2.11.2 compiler (edited slightly).

Table 21-1. The scalac command options
Option Description


Pass -Dproperty=value directly to the runtime system.


Pass Java flag directly to the runtime system.


Pass an option to a compiler plug-in.


Print a synopsis of advanced options (Table 21-3 discusses these advanced options).

-bootclasspath path

Override location of bootstrap class files.

-classpath path

Specify where to find user class files.

-d directory or jar

Destination for generated class files.

-dependencyfile file

Specify the file in which dependencies are tracked.


Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used.

-encoding encoding

Specify character encoding used by source files.


Explain type errors in more detail.

-extdirs dirs

Override location of installed compiler extensions.


Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.


Specify level of generated debugging info: none, source, line, vars (default), notailcalls.


Print a synopsis of standard options.

-javabootclasspath path

Override the Java boot classpath.

-javaextdirs path

Override the Java extdirs classpath.


Enable one or more language features: dynamics, postfixOps, reflectiveCalls, implicitConversions, higherKinds, existentials, and experimental.macros (comma-separated list, with no spaces).


Ignore occurrences of the @specialize annotations.


Do not use the boot classpath for the Scala JARs.


Generate no warnings.


Generate faster byte code by applying optimizations to the program.


Print program with all Scala-specific features removed.

-sourcepath path

Specify where to find input source files.


Target platform for object files: jvm-1.5 (deprecated), jvm-1.6 (default), jvm-1.7.

-toolcp path

Add to the runner classpath.


Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.


Uniquely tag all identifiers in debugging output.


Utilize the java.class.path in classpath resolution.


Utilize the manifest in classpath resolution.


Output messages about what the compiler is doing.


Print product version and exit.


A text file containing compiler arguments (options and source files).

Let’s discuss a few of these options.

Use -encoding UTF8 if you use non-ASCII characters in names or the allowed symbols, such as ⇒ (Unicode u21D2) instead of =>.

Use -explaintypes when you need a more complete explanation for a type error.

Starting with Scala 2.10, some more advanced language features have been made optional, so that teams can selectively enable the ones they want to use. This is part of an ongoing effort to address complexity concerns about Scala, while still allowing advanced constructs to be used when desired. Use -feature to emit a warning and the source location for any usage of these features when the corresponding import statement is missing in the source code and the corresponding -language:feature compiler flag wasn’t used.

The list of optional language features is defined by values in the scala.language object. Its Scaladoc page also explains why these features are optional. Table 21-2 lists the features.

Table 21-2. The optional language features
Name Description


Enables the Dynamic trait (see Chapter 19).


Enables postfix operators (e.g., 100 toString).


Enables using structural types (see “Reflecting on Types”).


Enables defining implicit methods and members (see “Implicit Conversions”).


Enables writing higher-kinded types (see “Higher-Kinded Types”).


Enables writing existential types (see “Existential Types”).


Contains newer features that have not yet been tested in production. Macros are the only experimental feature in Scala at this time (see “Macros”).

The advanced -X options (printed by scalac -X and scala -X) control verbose diagnostic output, fine-tune the compiler behavior, control use of experimental extensions and plug-ins, etc. Table 21-3 discusses a few of these options.

Table 21-3. Some of the -X advanced options
Option Description


Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access (see “Overriding fields in traits”).


Generate no assertions or assumptions.


Enable experimental extensions.


Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.


Turn on “future” language features (if any for a particular release).


Enable recommended additional warnings.


Print a message whenever an implicit conversion is inserted.


Show more detail on why some implicits are not applicable.

-Xmain-class path

Specify the class to use for the Main-Class entry in the JAR file’s manifest. Only useful with -d jar option.


Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version v of Scala.

-Xscript object

Treat the source file as a script and wrap it in a main method.


Print a synopsis of private options, which are used by implementers of new language features.

To see an example of the extra warnings provided by -Xlint, consider the following, where we first start the REPL with the -Xlint option:

$ scala -Xlint
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 ...
scala>  def hello = println("hello!")
<console>:7: warning: side-effecting nullary methods are discouraged:
  suggest defining as `def hello()` instead
       def hello = println("hello!")
hello: Unit

Any function that returns Unit can only perform side effects. In this case, we write output. It’s a common convention in Scala code to only use nullary methods, those with no argument list, for functions without side effects. Hence, this warning.

The -Xscript option is useful when you want to compile a script file as if it were a regular Scala source file, usually to eliminate the startup overhead of compiling the script repeatedly.


I recommend routine use of the -deprecation, -unchecked, feature, and -Xlint options. (The -Xlint option may throw too many warnings for some code bases.) They help prevent some bugs and encourage you to eliminate use of obsolete libraries. We use these flags, as well as a few others, in the build.sbt file in the code examples.

The scala Command-Line Tool

The scala command runs the program, if given. Otherwise, it starts the REPL. It is also a shell script, like scalac. You invoke scala like this:

scala <options> [<script|class|object|jar> <arguments>]

The same options accepted by scalac apply here, plus the additional options shown in Table 21-4.

Table 21-4. The additional scala command options
Option Description


What to run, a script, object, jar, or make a guess (default).

-i file

Preload the contents of file before starting the REPL.

-e string

Execute string as if it were entered in the REPL.


Save the compiled script in a JAR file for future use, thereby avoiding the overhead of recompilation.


Don’t run the compilation daemon, fsc, the offline compiler that is otherwise started automatically to avoid the overhead of restarting the compiler each time.

The first nonoption argument is interpreted as the program to run. If nothing is specified, the REPL is started. When specifying a program, any arguments after the program argument will be passed to it in the args array we’ve used previously in various examples.

Unless you specify the -howtorun option, scala will infer the nature of the program. If it is a file of Scala source code, it will be executed as a script. If it is class file with a main routine or a JAR file with a valid Main-Class attribute, it will be executed as a typical Java program.

Use the -i file option in the interactive mode when you want to preload a file before typing commands. Once in the REPL, you can also load a file using the command :load filename. Such a file is useful when you find yourself repeating the same commands when you start a REPL.

When using the REPL, you have several commands at your disposal. Enter :help to see a list of them with brief descriptions. Table 21-5 lists the available commands for Scala 2.11.2, edited slightly.

Table 21-5. Commands available within the Scala REPL
Command Description

:cp path

Add a JAR or directory to the classpath.

:edit id or line

Edit the input history.

:help [command]

Print this summary or command-specific help.

:history [num]

Show the history (optional num is the number of commands to show).

:h? string

Search the history.

:imports [name name …]

Show the import history, identifying sources of names.

:implicits [-v]

Show the implicits in scope (optional -v for more verbose output).

:javap path or class

Disassemble a file or class name.

:line id or line

Place lines at the end of history.

:load path

Interpret lines in a file given by path.

:paste [-raw] [path]

Enter paste mode or paste a file.


Enable power user mode (see the text that follows).


Exit the interpreter (or use Ctrl-D).


Reset execution and replay all previous commands.


Reset the REPL to its initial state, forgetting all session entries.

:save path

Save the session to a file for replaying later.

:sh command line

Run a shell command (result is implicitly ⇒ List[String]).

:settings [+ or -]options

Enable (+)/disable(-) flags, set compiler options.


Disable/enable automatic printing of results.

:type [-v] expr

Display the type of an expression without evaluating it.

:kind [-v] expr

Display the kind of an expression’s type.


Show the suppressed warnings from the most recent line that had any warnings.

The “power user mode” enabled by :power adds additional commands for viewing in-memory data, such as the abstract syntax tree and interpreter properties, and for manipulating the compiler.

Invoking scripts with scala is tedious when you use these scripts frequently. On Windows and Unix-like systems, you can create standalone Scala scripts that don’t require you to use the scala script-file-name invocation.

For Unix-like systems, the following example demonstrates how to make an executable script. Remember that you have to make the permissions executable, e.g., chmod +x secho:

# src/main/scala/progscala2/toolslibs/secho
exec scala "$0" "$@"
print("You entered: ")
args.toList foreach { s => printf("%s ", s) }

Here is how you might use it:

$ secho Hello World
You entered: Hello World

Similarly, here is an example Windows .bat command:

@echo off
call scala %0 %*
goto :eof
print("You entered: ")
args.toList foreach { s => printf("%s ", s) }

Limitations of scala versus scalac

There are some limitations when running a source file with scala versus compiling it with scalac.

A script executed with scala is wrapped in an anonymous object that looks more or less like the following example:

object Script {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new AnyRef {
      // Your script code is inserted here.

Scala objects cannot embed package declarations, which means you can’t declare packages in scripts. This is why the examples in this book that declare packages must be compiled and executed separately.

Conversely, there are valid scripts that can’t be compiled with scalac, unless the -Xscript object option is used, where object will be the name of the compiled object, replacing the word Script in the previous example. In other words, this compiler option creates the same wrapper that the REPL does implicitly.

An object wrapper is required for compilation because function definitions and function invocations outside of types are not allowed. The following example runs fine with scala as a script:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/toolslibs/

case class Message(name: String)

def printMessage(msg: Message) = println(msg)

printMessage(new Message("This works fine with the REPL"))

However, if you try to compile the script with scalac without the -Xscript option, you get the following errors: error: expected class or object definition
def printMessage(msg: Message) = println(msg)
^ error: expected class or object definition
printMessage(new Message("This works fine with the REPL"))
two errors found

Instead, compile it and run it this way:

scalac -Xscript MessagePrinter src/main/scala/progscala2/toolslibs/
scala  -classpath . MessagePrinter

Because the script effectively uses the default package, the generated class files will be in the current directory:


Try running javap -private (discussed in the next section) on each of these files to see the declarations they contain. The -p flag tells it to show all members, including private and protected members (use javap -help to see all the options). Omit the .class, e.g., javap MessagePrinter$$anon$1$Message$.

MessagePrinter and MessagePrinter$ are wrappers generated by scalac to provide the entry point for the script as an “application.” MessagePrinter has the static main method we need.

MessagePrinter$$anon$1 is the generated Java class that wraps the whole script. The printMes⁠sage method in the script is a private method in this class.

MessagePrinter$$anon$1$Message is the Message class.

MessagePrinter$$anon$1$Message$ is the Message companion object.

The scalap and javap Command-Line Tools

Decompilers are useful when you want to understand how Scala constructs are implemented in JVM byte code. They help you understand how Scala names are mangled into JVM-compatible names, when necessary.

The venerable javap comes with the JDK. It outputs declarations as they would appear in Java source code, even for class files that were compiled from Scala code by scalac. Therefore, running javap on these class files is a good way to see how Scala definitions are mapped to valid byte code.

The Scala distribution comes with scalap, which outputs declarations as they would appear in Scala source code. However, the Scala 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 distributions omitted scalap by mistake. You can download the 2.11.1 JAR file here. Just copy it to the lib directory of your installation. Version 2.11.2 includes scalap.

Using MessagePrinter.class from the previous section, run scalap -cp . MessagePrinter. You should get the following output (reformatted to fit the page):

object MessagePrinter extends scala.AnyRef {
  def this() = { /* compiled code */ }
  def main(args : scala.Array[scala.Predef.String]) : scala.Unit = {
    /* compiled code */

Compare this output with the output from javap -cp . MessagePrinter:

Compiled from ""
public final class MessagePrinter {
  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Now we see the declaration of main as we would typically see it in a Java source file.

Both these tools have a -help option that describes the invocation options they support.

As an exercise, try decompiling the class files generated from progscala2/toolslibs/Complex.scala, which implements Complex numbers. It has already been compiled by SBT. Try running scalap and javap on the resulting class files. Note how the declared package name toolslibs is specified. The class file built with Scala 2.11 can be decompiled as follows with javap:

javap -cp target/scala-2.11/classes toolslibs.Complex

How are the + and - method names encoded? What are the names of the “getter” methods for the real and imaginary fields? What Java types are used for these fields? What is the output produced by scalap and javap?

The scaladoc Command-Line Tool

The scaladoc command is analogous to javadoc. It is used to generate documentation from Scala source files, called Scaladocs. The scaladoc parser supports the same @ annotations that javadoc supports, such as @author, @param, etc.

The easiest way to use scaladoc for your project is to run the doc task in SBT.

The fsc Command-Line Tool

The fast scala compiler runs as a daemon process to enable faster invocations of the compiler, mostly by eliminating the startup overhead. It is particularly useful when running scripts repeatedly (for example, when rerunning a test suite until a bug can be reproduced). In fact, fsc is invoked automatically by the scala command. You can also invoke it directly.

Build Tools

Most new projects use SBT as their build tool, so we’ll focus our discussion on it. However, Scala plug-ins have been implemented for several other build tools, including Ant, Maven (mvn), and Gradle.

SBT, the Standard Build Tool for Scala

is a sophisticated tool for building Scala and Java projects. It has lots of configuration options and plug-in capabilities. We’ve been using it all along for the code examples. Let’s look at its features in a bit more detail, including the structure of the actual build file for the code. However, we’ll just scratch the surface (see the SBT documentation and SBT in Action, by Joshua Suereth and Matthew Farwell (Manning) for more details).

By now you’ve installed SBT. If you do JVM-based web development, see also the new sbt-web project, which adds plug-ins for building and managing web assets such as HTML pages and CSS files from template languages.


The fastest way to get started with SBT is to copy and edit an existing build. For example, start with the build files in one of the Activator Templates.

SBT is similar to Maven in the sense that many of the tasks you’ll need to do, like compiling and automated testing, are already built in, along with suitable dependencies between tasks, like compiling before testing. The build files in SBT are used to define project metadata, such as the name and version for releases, define dependencies using the Maven conventions and repositories (but using Ivy as the dependency resolution tool), and perform other customizations. A Scala-based DSL is used as the language.

SBT builds are defined by one or more build files, depending on the sophistication and customization required for your project. For the book’s code examples, the project is relatively simple, although supporting two versions of Scala adds a little complexity.

The main build file is in the root directory of the code examples. It is named build.sbt. There are two additional files in the project subdirectory:, which defines the version of SBT we want to use, and plugins.sbt, which adds SBT plug-ins for generating Eclipse project files. (IntelliJ IDEA can import SBT projects directly.) It’s also common to put build.sbt in the project directory.

Let’s look at a simplified version of our build.sbt, starting with some definitions:

name := "Programming Scala, Second Edition: Code examples"

version := "2.0"

organization := "org.programming-scala"

scalaVersion := "2.11.2"

Definitions like name := "Programming Scala, …" define variables. The DSL currently requires a blank line between each definition, to make it easier to infer the end of the definition. If you forget a blank line, you’ll get an error message that suggests the mistake.

Here are the dependencies defined in the file (many are elided):

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.typesafe.akka"      %% "akka-actor"      % "2.3.4",
  "org.scalatest"          %% "scalatest"       % "2.2.1"  % "test",
  "org.scalacheck"         %% "scalacheck"      % "1.11.5" % "test",

Sometimes a sequence, Seq, is required for a definition, such as the list of dependencies we need, the Akka actor library, version 2.3.4, ScalaTest and ScalaCheck (see “Test-Driven Development in Scala”), as well as many others we’ve elided.

Not shown in this file are definitions of Maven-compatible repositories on the Internet to find these dependencies. SBT already knows a list of standard locations, but you can define custom ones, too. There are examples of repository specifications in the project/plugins.sbt file. See the definition of resolvers.

The rest of this definition of libraryDependencies, of which a few of the actual definitions, are shown here.

Finally, compiler flags are defined for scalac and javac:

scalacOptions = Seq(
  "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-optimise",
  "-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature", "-Xlint", "-Ywarn-infer-any")

javacOptions  ++= Seq("-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:deprecation")

Not used in our file, but useful to know, is the ability to define multiple statements that are executed automatically when the REPL starts console, for example:

initialCommands in console := """

These are analogous to the -i file option for scala discussed earlier. There are two other variants of console. The first is consoleQuick (you can also type console-quick), which does not compile your code first. This is useful when you want to try out something but the code isn’t currently building (or it will take a long time).

The other variant is consoleProject (or console-project), which ignores your code, but loads with the SBT and build definition on the CLASSPATH, along with some useful imports.

The initialCommands in console also apply to consoleQuick, but you can also define a custom value. In contrast, the initialCommands in console are not used for consoleProject, but you can define a custom value:

initialCommands in console := """println("Hello from console")"""
initialCommands in consoleQuick := """println("Hello from consoleQuick")"""
initialCommands in consoleProject := """println("Hello from consoleProject")"""

There are corresponding cleanupCommands, too, which are useful for automated cleanup of resources you might always use, e.g., database sessions.

Other Build Tools

The plug-ins for other build tools all exploit the same incremental compilation available in SBT, so build times should be roughly the same, independent of the build tool.

The Scala distribution’s lib/scala-compiler.jar file includes Ant tasks for scalac, fsc, and scaladoc. They are used very much like the corresponding Java Ant tasks. The build.xml configuration required is described at the Scala Ant Tasks page, which is old but still valid.

A Scala Maven plug-in is available on the GitHub. It does not require Scala to be installed, because it will download Scala for you.

You can also use the integrated Maven support in Eclipse or IntelliJ.

If you prefer Gradle, details on the Gradle plug-in can be found on Gradle.

Integration with IDEs and Text Editors

If you come from a Java background, you are probably a little bit spoiled by the rich features of today’s Java IDEs. Scala IDE plug-ins have come a long way since the first edition of this book and many professional teams now work exclusively with these tools. Scala support is still not as mature as comparable Java support, but all the essential pieces are there. Most of the IDE Scala plug-ins integrate with SBT or Maven for builds, and provide syntax highlighting, some automated refactorings, and a new worksheet feature that is a very nice alternative to the command-line REPL.

If you use Eclipse, see the Scala IDE project for details on installing and using the Scala plug-in into Eclipse. You can also download a complete Eclipse package with the plug-in already configured.

If you prefer Maven over SBT, see this link for details on using Maven for Scala builds within Eclipse.

Working with the Scala plug-in is very similar to working with the Java tooling in Eclipse. You can create Scala projects and files, run SBT builds and tests, and navigate and refactor code, all within the IDE.

The Eclipse plug-in pioneered a feature not found in the venerable Java plug-in, a worksheet that combines the interactivity of the REPL with the convenience of a text editor.

If you have a Scala project open, right-click the top-level project folder to invoke the pop-up menu, then navigate to New → Other. In the “Select a wizard” dialog, open the Scala Wizards folder and select Scala Worksheet. Give it a name and location. The corresponding file will be given the extension .sc. The worksheet opens populated with a default object definition containing a single println statement. You can rename the object and delete the println statement if you want.

Now enter statements as you see fit. Every time you save the file, the contents will be evaluated and the results will be shown on the righthand side of the panel. Make some changes and save again. The worksheet behaves like a “window-oriented” REPL. It’s particularly nice for experimenting with code snippets and APIs, including Java APIs!

If you use IntelliJ IDEA, open the Plugins preferences and search for the Scala plug-in to install. It offers comparable features to the Eclipse plug-in, including its own version of the worksheet feature.

Finally, NetBeans has a Scala plug-in with an Interactive Console feature that is similar to the worksheet feature in Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. See SourceForge for information about the NetBeans plug-in.

Text Editors

While IDEs are popular with Scala developers, you’ll also find that many of them prefer using a text editor, like Emacs, Vim, and SublimeText.

Consult the official documentation and community forums for your favorite editor to find the available plug-ins and configuration options for Scala development. Several editor plug-ins can use the ENSIME plug-in, originally designed for Emacs, which provides some “IDE-like” capabilities, such as navigation and some refactorings.

Test-Driven Development in Scala

Test-driven development (TDD) is an established practice in software development with the goal of driving the design of code through tests. A test for a bit of functionality is written first, then the code that makes the test pass is written afterwards.

However, TDD is more popular among object-oriented programmers. Functional programmers tend to use the REPL to work out types and algorithms, then write the code. This has the disadvantage of not creating a permanent, automated “verifier” suite, like TDD produces, but it’s true that functional code is less likely to break over time if it is pure. As compensation, many functional programmers will write some tests after the code is written, to provide a regression-testing suite.

However you write tests, ScalaTest and Specs2 provide DSLs for various testing styles. ScalaTest in particular lets you pick from a variety of styles by mixing in different traits.

In functional languages with rich type systems, like Scala, specifying the types is also seen as a regression-testing capability, one that’s exercised every time the compiler is invoked. The goal is to define types that eliminate the possibility of invalid states, when possible.

These types should have well-defined properties. Property-based testing or type-based property-based testing is another angle on testing popularized by Haskell’s QuickCheck and now ported to many languages. Conditions for a type are specified that should be true for all instances of the type. Recall our discussion in “Algebraic Data Types”. A property-based testing tool tries the conditions using a representative sample of instances that are automatically generated. It verifies that the conditions are satisfied for all the instances (in some cases, combinations of them). In contrast, with a conventional TDD tool, it would be up to the test writer to generate a representative set of example instances and try all possibilities.

ScalaCheck is a Scala port of QuickCheck. Both ScalaTest and Specs2 can drive ScalaCheck property tests. Also, both can be used with JUnit and TestNG, making it easy to mix Java and Scala testing.


If you work in a Java-only shop and you are interested in trying Scala with minimal risk, consider introducing one or more of these Scala testing tools to test-drive your Java code. It’s a low-risk, if limited way to try Scala.

Similarly, all three tools are now supported by the SBT and the plug-ins for Ant, Maven, and Gradle.

The tests provided with the code examples are written in ScalaTest and ScalaCheck, with some JUnit tests to demonstrate Java-Scala interoperability.


All three tools provide excellent examples of Scala internal DSLs. Study them for ideas when you want to write your own DSLs. Study the implementations to learn tricks of the trade.

Third-Party Libraries

Since the first edition of this book, the number of third-party libraries written in Scala has grown enormously. Some widely used libraries today didn’t exist at that time and some of the libraries that were popular then have waned. This trend will certainly continue, so consider this section to be a snapshot in time. It is also not intended to be comprehensive. Use it as a starting point, then search the Web to see what options exist for your needs.

A good place to start is, which aggregates a variety of powerful libraries for different purposes.

Of course you can use any JVM library written in another language, too. I won’t cover those options.

Let’s start with “full stack” libraries and frameworks for building web-based applications. By “full stack,” I mean everything from backend services to template engines for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Others are more limited in their scope, focusing on specific tasks. Table 21-6 summarizes the most popular, currently available options.

Table 21-6. Libraries for web-based applications
Name URL Description


Typesafe-supported, full-stack framework with Scala and Java APIs. It is also integrated with Akka.


The first, and still-popular, full-stack framework.

Table 21-7 describes libraries that are oriented toward backend services.

Table 21-7. Libraries for services
Name URL Description


Comprehensive, actor-based, distributed computing system. Discussed in “Robust, Scalable Concurrency with Actors”.


An extensible system for building JVM services based on functional abstractions. Developed at Twitter, it is used to construct many of their services.a


A toolkit for servicing HTTP requests that provides a consistent API in front of various backend services.


API for asynchronous HTTP.

a See the Functional Systems report for a recent talk describing Finagle and its design philosophy.

Table 21-8 describes various advanced libraries that explore features of the type system, implement functional programming constructs, etc.

Table 21-8. Advanced libraries
Name URL Description


The library that pioneered Category Theory concepts in Scala. It also provides handy tools for many design problems. Discussed in “Scalaz Validation” and “Category Theory”.


A library that explores generic programming using type classes and dependent types.

These two libraries are listed at typelevel. Other libraries described there also explore advanced language features.

The package provides limited capabilities for I/O and the Java APIs are hard to use. Two third-party projects listed in Table 21-9 seek to fill the gap.

Table 21-9. I/O libraries
Name URL Description

Scala I/O

A full-featured and popular I/O library.

Rapture I/O

A wrapper for with a better API.

Table 21-10 describes miscellaneous libraries for particular design problems.

Table 21-10. Miscellaneous libraries
Name URL Description


A library for command-line parsing.

Typesafe Config

A configuration library (Java API).


Joshua Suereth’s library for automatic resource management.

Typesafe Activator

A tool for managing sample Scala projects. Hosted at

See Table 18-1 in Chapter 18 for a list of libraries for Big Data and mathematics.

Finally, recall from the Preface that we said the Scala 2.11 release has modularized the library to decompose it into smaller JAR files, so library components that are less frequently used are made optional. Table 21-11 describes them. You can find them at the Maven repository.

Table 21-11. Scala 2.11 optional modules
Name Artifact Name Description



XML parsing and construction.

Parser Combinators


Library of combinators for building parsers.



A Swing library.



An asynchronous programming facility for Scala that offers a direct API for working with Futures.



Testing framework for the Scala compiler and library.

Partest Interface


Testing framework for the Scala compiler and library.

For a comprehensive list of current, third-party libraries, see the Awesome Scala list on GitHub. Also, aggregates many Scala libraries.

Recap and What’s Next

This chapter filled in details about the Scala tools you’ll use daily. Next, we’ll look at how Java and Scala code interoperate with each other.

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