Chapter 3. Rounding Out the Basics

Let’s finish our survey of essential “basics” in Scala.

Operator Overloading?

Almost all “operators” are actually methods. Consider this most basic of examples:

1 + 2

That plus sign between the numbers? It’s a method.

First, note that all the types that are special “primitives” in Java are actually regular objects in Scala, meaning they can have methods: Float, Double, Int, Long, Short, Byte, Char, and Boolean.

As we’ve seen, Scala identifiers can have nonalphanumeric characters, with a few exceptions that we’ll go over in a moment.

So, 1 + 2 is the same as 1.+(2), because of the “infix” notation where we can drop the period and parentheses for single-argument methods.1

Similarly, a method with no arguments can be invoked without the period. This is called “postfix” notation. However, use of this postfix convention can sometimes be confusing, so Scala 2.10 made it an optional feature. We set up the SBT build to trigger a warning if we use this feature without explicitly telling the compiler we want to use it. We do that with an import statement. Consider the following REPL session using the scala command (versus SBT console):

$ scala
scala> 1 toString
warning: there were 1 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details
res0: String = 1

Well, that’s not helpful. Let’s restart REPL with the -feature flag to produce a more informative warning:

$ scala -feature
scala> 1.toString  // normal invocation
res0: String = 1

scala> 1 toString  // postfix invocation
<console>:8: warning: postfix operator toString should be enabled
by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
This can ... adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps'
or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps.
See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion
why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
              1 toString
res1: String = 1

scala> import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.language.postfixOps

scala> 1 toString
res2: String = 1

Because I prefer to have this longer warning turned on all the time, I configured the SBT project to use the -feature flag. So running the REPL using the console task in SBT has this compler flag enabled already.

We can resolve the warning in one of two ways. We showed one way, which is to use import scala.language.postfixOps. We can also pass another flag to the compiler to enable the feature globally, -language:postfixOps. I tend to prefer case-by-case import statements, to remind the reader which optional features I’m using (we’ll list all the optional features in “scalac Command-Line Tool”).

Dropping the punctuation, when it isn’t confusing or ambiguous for the compiler, makes the code cleaner and can help create elegant programs that read more naturally.

So, what characters can you use in identifiers? Here is a summary of the rules for identifiers, used for method and type names, variables, etc:


Scala allows all the printable ASCII characters, such as letters, digits, the underscore ( _ ), and the dollar sign ($), with the exceptions of the “parenthetical” characters, (, ), [, ], {, and }, and the “delimiter” characters, `, , ', ", ., ;, and ,. Scala allows the other characters between u0020 and u007F that are not in the sets just shown, such as mathematical symbols, the so-called operator characters like / and <, and some other symbols.

Reserved words can’t be used

As in most languages, you can’t reuse reserved words for identifiers. We listed the reserved words in “Reserved Words”. Recall that some of them are combinations of operator and punctuation characters. For example, a single underscore ( _ ) is a reserved word!

Plain identifiers—combinations of letters, digits, $, _, and operators

A plain identifier can begin with a letter or underscore, followed by more letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs. Unicode-equivalent characters are also allowed. Scala reserves the dollar sign for internal use, so you shouldn’t use it in your own identifiers, although this isn’t prevented by the compiler. After an underscore, you can have either letters and digits, or a sequence of operator characters. The underscore is important. It tells the compiler to treat all the characters up to the next whitespace as part of the identifier. For example, val xyz_++= = 1 assigns the variable xyz_++= the value 1, while the expression val xyz++= = 1 won’t compile because the “identifier” could also be interpreted as xyz ++=, which looks like an attempt to append something to xyz. Similarly, if you have operator characters after the underscore, you can’t mix them with letters and digits. This restriction prevents ambiguous expressions like this: abc_-123. Is that an identifier abc_-123 or an attempt to subtract 123 from abc_?

Plain identifiers—operators

If an identifier begins with an operator character, the rest of the characters must be operator characters.

“Back-quote” literals

An identifier can also be an arbitrary string between two back quote characters, e.g., def `test that addition works` = assert(1 + 1 == 2). (Using this trick for literate test names is the one use of this otherwise-questionable technique you’ll see occasionally in production code.) We also saw back quotes used previously to invoke a method or variable in a Java class when the name is identical to a Scala reserved word, e.g.,‵type‵().

Pattern-matching identifiers

In pattern-matching expressions (recall the actor example in “A Taste of Concurrency”), tokens that begin with a lowercase letter are parsed as variable identifiers, while tokens that begin with an uppercase letter are parsed as constant identifiers (such as class names). This restriction prevents some ambiguities because of the very succinct variable syntax that is used, e.g., no val keyword is present.

Syntactic Sugar

Once you know that all operators are methods, it’s easier to reason about unfamiliar Scala code. You don’t have to worry about special cases when you see new operators. Our actors in “A Taste of Concurrency” sent asynchronous messages to each other with an exclamation point, !, which is actually just an ordinary method.

This flexible method naming gives you the power to write libraries that feel like a natural extension of Scala itself. You can write a new math library with numeric types that accept all the usual mathematical operators. You can write a new concurrent messaging layer that behaves just like actors. The possibilities are constrained by just a few limitations for method names.


Just because you can make up operator symbols doesn’t mean you should. When designing your own APIs, keep in mind that obscure punctuational operators are hard for users to read, learn, and remember. Overuse of them contributes a “line noise” quality of unreadability to your code. So, stick to established conventions for operators and err on the side of readable method names when an operator shortcut isn’t obvious.

Methods with Empty Argument Lists

Along with the infix and postfix invocation options, Scala is flexible about the use of parentheses in methods with no arguments.

If a method takes no parameters, you can define it without parentheses. Callers must invoke the method without parentheses. Conversely, if you add empty parentheses to your definition, callers have the option of adding parentheses or not.

For example, List.size has no parentheses, so you write List(1, 2, 3).size. If you try List(1, 2, 3).size(), you’ll get an error.

However, the length method for java.lang.String does have parentheses in its definition (because Java requires them), but Scala lets you write both "hello".length() and "hello".length. That’s also true for Scala-defined methods with empty parentheses.

It’s because of Java interoperability that the rules are not consistent for the two cases where empty parentheses are part of the definition or not. Scala would prefer that definition and usage remain consistent, but it’s more flexible when the definition has empty parentheses, so that calling Java no-argument methods can be consistent with calling Scala no-argument methods.

A convention in the Scala community is to omit parentheses for no-argument methods that have no side effects, like the size of a collection. When the method performs side effects, parentheses are usually added, offering a small “caution signal” to the reader that mutation might occur, requiring extra care. If you use the option -Xlint when you invoke scala or scalac, it will issue a warning if you define a method with no parentheses that performs side effects (e.g., I/O). I’ve added that flag to our SBT build.

Why bother with optional parentheses in the first place? They make some method call chains read better as expressive, self-explanatory “sentences” of code:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

def isEven(n: Int) = (n % 2) == 0

List(1, 2, 3, 4) filter isEven foreach println

It prints the following output:


Now, if you’re not accustomed to this syntax, it can take a while to understand what’s going on, even though it is quite “clean.” So here is the last line repeated four times with progressively less of the details filled in. The last line is the original:

List(1, 2, 3, 4).filter((i: Int) => isEven(i)).foreach((i: Int) => println(i))
List(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(i => isEven(i)).foreach(i => println(i))
List(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(isEven).foreach(println)
List(1, 2, 3, 4) filter isEven foreach println

The first three versions are more explicit and hence better for the beginning reader to understand. However, once you’re familiar with the fact that filter is a method on collections that takes a single argument, foreach is an implicit loop over a collection, and so forth, the last, “Spartan” implementation is much faster to read and understand. The other two versions have more visual noise that just get in the way, once you’re more experienced. Keep that in mind as you learn to read Scala code.

To be clear, this expression works because each method we used took a single argument. If you tried to use a method in the chain that takes zero or more than one argument, it would confuse the compiler. In those cases, put some or all of the punctuation back in.

Precedence Rules

So, if an expression like 2.0 * 4.0 / 3.0 * 5.0 is actually a series of method calls on Doubles, what are the operator precedence rules? Here they are in order from lowest to highest precedence:

  1. All letters

  2. |

  3. ^

  4. &

  5. < >

  6. = !

  7. :

  8. + -

  9. * / %

  10. All other special characters

Characters on the same line have the same precedence. An exception is = when it’s used for assignment, in which case it has the lowest precedence.

Because * and / have the same precedence, the two lines in the following scala session behave the same:

scala> 2.0 * 4.0 / 3.0 * 5.0
res0: Double = 13.333333333333332

scala> (((2.0 * 4.0) / 3.0) * 5.0)
res1: Double = 13.333333333333332

In a sequence of left-associative method invocations, they simply bind in left-to-right order. Aren’t all methods “left-associative”? No. In Scala, any method with a name that ends with a colon (:) binds to the right, while all other methods bind to the left. For example, you can prepend an element to a List using the :: method, called “cons,” which is short for “constructor,” a term introduced by Lisp:

scala> val list = List('b', 'c', 'd')
list: List[Char] = List(b, c, d)

scala> 'a' :: list
res4: List[Char] = List(a, b, c, d)

The second expression is equivalent to list.::('a').


Any method whose name ends with a : binds to the right, not the left.

Domain-Specific Languages

Domain-specific languages, or DSLs, are languages written for a specific problem domain, with the goal of making it easy to express the concepts in that domain in a concise and intuitive manner. For example, SQL could be considered a DSL, because it is programming language to express an interpretation of the Relational Model.

However, the term DSL is usually reserved for ad hoc languages that are embedded in a host language or parsed with a custom parser. The term embedded means that you write code in the host language using idiomatic conventions that express the DSL. Embedded DSLs are also called internal DSLs, as distinct from external DSLs that require a custom parser.

Internal DSLs allow the developer to leverage the entirety of the host language for edge cases that the DSL does not cover (or from a negative point of view, the DSL can be a “leaky abstraction”). Internal DSLs also save the work of writing lexers, parsers, and the other tools for a custom language.

Scala provides excellent support for both kinds of DSLs. Scala’s flexible rules for identifiers, such as operator names, and the support for infix and postfix method calling syntax, provide building blocks for writing embedded DSLs using normal Scala syntax.

Consider this example of a style of test writing called Behavior-Driven Development using the ScalaTest library. The Specs2 library is similar.

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/scalatest.scX
// Example fragment of a ScalaTest. Doesn't run standalone.

import org.scalatest.{ FunSpec, ShouldMatchers }

class NerdFinderSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {

  describe ("nerd finder") {
    it ("identify nerds from a List") {
      val actors = List("Rick Moranis", "James Dean", "Woody Allen")
      val finder = new NerdFinder(actors)
      finder.findNerds shouldEqual List("Rick Moranis", "Woody Allen")

This is just a taste of the power of Scala for writing DSLs. We’ll see more examples in Chapter 20 and learn how to write our own.

Scala if Statements

Superficially, Scala’s if statement looks like Java’s. The if conditional expression is evaluated. If it’s true, then the corresponding block is evaluated. Otherwise, the next branches are tested and so forth. A simple example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

if (2 + 2 == 5) {
  println("Hello from 1984.")
} else if (2 + 2 == 3) {
    println("Hello from Remedial Math class?")
} else {
  println("Hello from a non-Orwellian future.")

What’s different in Scala is that if statements and almost all other statements in Scala are actually expressions that return values. So, we can assign the result of an if expression, as shown here:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val configFile = new"somefile.txt")

val configFilePath = if (configFile.exists()) {
} else {

The type of the value will be the so-called least upper bound of all the branches, the closest parent type that matches all the potential values from each clause. In this example, the value configFilePath is the result of an if expression that handles the case of a configuration file not existing internally, then returns the absolute path to that file. This value can now be reused throughout an application. Its type will be String.

Because if statements are expressions, the ternary conditional expression that exists in C-derived languages, e.g., predicate ? trueHandler() : falseHandler(), isn’t supported, because it would be redundant.

Scala for Comprehensions

Another familiar control structure that’s particularly feature-rich in Scala is the for loop, called the for comprehension or for expression.

Actually, the term comprehension comes from functional programming. It expresses the idea that we are traversing one or more collections of some kind, “comprehending” what we find, and computing something new from it, often another collection.

for Loops

Let’s start with a basic for expression:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val dogBreeds = List("Doberman", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Dachshund",
                     "Scottish Terrier", "Great Dane", "Portuguese Water Dog")

for (breed <- dogBreeds)

As you might guess, this code says, “For every element in the list dogBreeds, create a temporary variable called breed with the value of that element, then print it.” The output is the following:

Yorkshire Terrier
Scottish Terrier
Great Dane
Portuguese Water Dog

Because this form doesn’t return anything, it only performs side effects. These kinds of for comprehensions are sometimes called for loops, analogous to Java for loops.

Generator Expressions

The expression breed <- dogBreeds is called a generator expression, so named because it’s generating individual values from a collection. The left arrow operator (<-) is used to iterate through a collection, such as a List.

We can also use it with a Range to write a more traditional-looking for loop:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

for (i <- 1 to 10) println(i)

Guards: Filtering Values

What if we want to get more granular? We can add if expressions to filter for just elements we want to keep. These expressions are called guards. To find all terriers in our list of dog breeds, we modify the previous example to the following:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val dogBreeds = List("Doberman", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Dachshund",
                     "Scottish Terrier", "Great Dane", "Portuguese Water Dog")
for (breed <- dogBreeds
  if breed.contains("Terrier")
) println(breed)

Now the output is this:

Yorkshire Terrier
Scottish Terrier

You can have more than one guard:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val dogBreeds = List("Doberman", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Dachshund",
                     "Scottish Terrier", "Great Dane", "Portuguese Water Dog")

for (breed <- dogBreeds
  if breed.contains("Terrier")
  if !breed.startsWith("Yorkshire")
) println(breed)

for (breed <- dogBreeds
  if breed.contains("Terrier") && !breed.startsWith("Yorkshire")
) println(breed)

The second for comprehension combines the two if statements into one. The combined output of both for comprehensions is this:

Scottish Terrier


What if, rather than printing your filtered collection, you needed to hand it off to another part of your program? The yield keyword is your ticket to generating new collections with for expressions.

Also, we’re going to switch to curly braces, which can be used instead of parentheses, in much the same way that method argument lists can be wrapped in curly braces when a block-structure format is more visually appealing:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val dogBreeds = List("Doberman", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Dachshund",
                     "Scottish Terrier", "Great Dane", "Portuguese Water Dog")
val filteredBreeds = for {
  breed <- dogBreeds
  if breed.contains("Terrier") && !breed.startsWith("Yorkshire")
} yield breed

Every time through the for expression, the filtered result is yielded as a value named breed. These results accumulate with every run, and the resulting collection is assigned to the value filteredBreeds. The type of the collection resulting from a for-yield expression is inferred from the type of the collection being iterated over. In this case, filteredBreeds is of type List[String], because it is derived from the original dogBreeds list, which is of type List[String].


An informal convention is to use parentheses when the for comprehension has a single expression and curly braces when multiple expressions are used. Note that older versions of Scala required semicolons between expressions when parentheses were used.

When a for comprehension doesn’t use yield, but performs side effects like printing instead, the comprehension is called a for loop, because this behavior is more like the for loops you know from Java and other languages.

Expanded Scope and Value Definitions

Another useful feature of Scala’s for comprehensions is the ability to define values inside the first part of your for expressions that can be used in the later expressions, as in this example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

val dogBreeds = List("Doberman", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Dachshund",
                     "Scottish Terrier", "Great Dane", "Portuguese Water Dog")
for {
  breed <- dogBreeds
  upcasedBreed = breed.toUpperCase()
} println(upcasedBreed)

Note that upcasedBreed is an immutable value, but the val keyword isn’t required.2 The result is:


If you recall Option, which we discussed as a better alternative to using null, it’s useful to recognize that it is a special kind of collection, limited to zero or one elements. We can “comprehend” it too:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/patternmatching/

val dogBreeds = List(Some("Doberman"), None, Some("Yorkshire Terrier"),
                     Some("Dachshund"), None, Some("Scottish Terrier"),
                     None, Some("Great Dane"), Some("Portuguese Water Dog"))
println("first pass:")
for {
  breedOption <- dogBreeds
  breed <- breedOption
  upcasedBreed = breed.toUpperCase()
} println(upcasedBreed)

println("second pass:")
for {
  Some(breed) <- dogBreeds
  upcasedBreed = breed.toUpperCase()
} println(upcasedBreed)

Imagine that we called some services to return various breed names. The services returned Options, because some of the services couldn’t return anything, so they returned None. In the first expression of the first for comprehension, each element extracted is an Option this time. The next line uses the arrow to extract the value in the option.

But wait! Doesn’t None throw an exception if you try to extract an object from it? Yes, but the comprehension effectively checks for this case and skips the Nones. It’s as if we added an explicit if breedOption != None before the second line.

The second for comprehension makes this even cleaner, using pattern matching. The expression Some(breed) <- dogBreeds only succeeds when the breedOption is a Some and it extracts the breed, all in one step. None elements are not processed further.

When do you use the left arrow (<-) versus the equals sign (=)? You use the arrow when you’re iterating through a collection or other “container,” like an Option, and extracting values. You use the equals sign when you’re assigning a value that doesn’t involve iteration. A limitation is that the first expression in a for comprehension has to be an extraction/iteration using the arrow.

When working with loops in most languages, you can break out of a loop or continue the iterations. Scala doesn’t have either of these statements, but when writing idiomatic Scala code, they are rarely necessary. Use conditional expressions to test if a loop should continue, or make use of recursion. Better yet, filter your collections ahead of time to eliminate complex conditions within your loops.3


Scala for comprehensions do not offer a break or continue feature. Other features make them unnecessary.

Other Looping Constructs

Scala provides several other looping constructs, although they are not widely used, because for comprehensions are so flexible and powerful. Still, sometimes a while loop is just what you need.

Scala while Loops

The while loop executes a block of code as long as a condition is true. For example, the following code prints out a complaint once a day until the next Friday the 13th has arrived:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/
// WARNING: This script runs for a LOOOONG time!
import java.util.Calendar

def isFridayThirteen(cal: Calendar): Boolean = {
  val dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
  val dayOfMonth = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)

  // Scala returns the result of the last expression in a method
  (dayOfWeek == Calendar.FRIDAY) && (dayOfMonth == 13)

while (!isFridayThirteen(Calendar.getInstance())) {
  println("Today isn't Friday the 13th. Lame.")
  // sleep for a day

Scala do-while Loops

Like the while loop, a do-while loop executes some code while a conditional expression is true. That is, the do-while checks to see if the condition is true after running the block. To count up to 10, we could write this:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

var count = 0

do {
  count += 1
} while (count < 10)

Conditional Operators

Scala borrows most of the conditional operators from Java and its predecessors. You’ll find the ones listed in Table 3-1 in if statements, while loops, and everywhere else conditions apply.

Table 3-1. Conditional operators
Operator Operation Description



The values on the left and right of the operator are true. The righthand side is only evaluated if the lefthand side is true.



At least one of the values on the left or right is true. The righthand side is only evaluated if the lefthand side is false.


greater than

The value on the left is greater than the value on the right.


greater than or equals

The value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right.


less than

The value on the left is less than the value on the right.


less than or equals

The value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right.



The value on the left is the same as the value on the right.


not equals

The value on the left is not the same as the value on the right.

Note that && and || are “short-circuiting” operators. They stop evaluating expressions as soon as the answer is known.

Most of the operators behave as they do in Java and other languages. An exception is the behavior of == and its negation, !=. In Java, == compares object references only. It doesn’t perform a logical equality check, i.e., comparing field values. You use the equals method for that purpose. So, if two different objects are of the same type and have the same field values (that is, the same state), == will still return false in Java.

In contrast, Scala uses == for logical equality, but it calls the equals method. A new method, eq, is available when you want to compare references, but not test for logical equality (we’ll discuss the details of object equality in “Equality of Objects”).

Using try, catch, and finally Clauses

Through its use of functional constructs and strong typing, Scala encourages a coding style that lessens the need for exceptions and exception handling. But exceptions are still used, especially where Scala interacts with Java code, where use of exceptions is more prevalent.


Unlike Java, Scala does not have checked exceptions, which are now regarded as an unsuccessful design. Java’s checked exceptions are treated as unchecked by Scala. There is also no throws clause on method declarations. However, there is a @throws annotation that is useful for Java interoperability. See the section “Annotations”.

Scala treats exception handling as just another pattern match, allowing us to implement concise handling of many different kinds of exceptions.

Let’s see this in action in a common application scenario, resource management. We want to open files and process them in some way. In this case, we’ll just count the lines. However, we must handle a few error scenarios. The file might not exist, especially since we’ll ask the user to specify the filenames. Also, something might go wrong while processing the file. (We’ll trigger an arbitrary failure to test what happens.) We need to ensure that we close all open file handles, whether or not we process the files successfully:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/TryCatch.scala
package progscala2.rounding

object TryCatch {
  /** Usage: scala rounding.TryCatch filename1 filename2 ... */
  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    args foreach (arg => countLines(arg))                            1

  import                                             2
  import scala.util.control.NonFatal

  def countLines(fileName: String) = {                               3
    println()  // Add a blank line for legibility
    var source: Option[Source] = None                                4
    try {                                                            5
      source = Some(Source.fromFile(fileName))                       6
      val size = source.get.getLines.size
      println(s"file $fileName has $size lines")
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) => println(s"Non fatal exception! $ex")      7
    } finally {
      for (s <- source) {                                            8
        println(s"Closing $fileName...")

Use foreach to loop through the list of arguments and operate on each. Unit is returned by each pass and by foreach as the final result of the expression.


Import for reading input and scala.util.control.NonFatal for matching on “nonfatal” exceptions.


For each filename, count the lines.


Declare the source to be an Option, so we can tell in the finally clause if we have an actual instance or not.


Start of try clause.


Source.fromFile will throw a if the file doesn’t exist. Otherwise, wrap the returned Source instance in a Some. Calling get on the next line is safe, because if we’re here, we know we have a Some.


Catch nonfatal errors. For example, out of memory would be fatal.


Use a for comprehension to extract the Source instance from the Some and close it. If source is None, then nothing happens!

Note the catch clause. Scala uses pattern matches to pick the exceptions you want to catch. This is more compact and more flexible than Java’s use of separate catch clauses for each exception. In this case, the clause case NonFatal(ex) => … uses scala.util.control.NonFatal to match any exception that isn’t considered fatal.

The finally clause is used to ensure proper resource cleanup in one place. Without it, we would have to repeat the logic at the end of the try clause and the catch clause, to ensure our file handles are closed. Here we use a for comprehension to extract the Source from the option. If the option is actually a None, nothing happens; the block with the close call is not invoked.


This is a widely used idiom; use a for comprehension when you need to test whether an Option is a Some, in which case you do some work, or is a None, in which case you ignore it.

This program is already compiled by sbt and we can run it from the sbt prompt using the run-main task, which lets us pass arguments. I’ve wrapped some lines to fit the page, using a to indicate line continuations, and elided some text:

> run-main progscala2.rounding.TryCatch foo/bar  
[info] Running rounding.TryCatch foo/bar .../rounding/TryCatch.scala

... foo/bar (No such file or directory)

file src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/TryCatch.scala has 30 lines
Closing src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/TryCatch.scala...
[success] ...

The first file doesn’t exist. The second file is the source for the program itself. The API is a convenient way to process a stream of data from a file and other sources. Like many such APIs, it throws an exception if the file doesn’t exist. So, the exception for foo/bar is expected.


When resources need to be cleaned up, whether or not the resource is used successfully, put the cleanup logic in a finally clause.

Pattern matching aside, Scala’s treatment of exception handling is similar to the approaches used in most popular languages. You throw an exception by writing throw new MyBadException(…), as in Java. If your custom exception is a case class, you can omit the new. That’s all there is to it.

Automatic resource management is a common pattern. There is a separate Scala project by Joshua Suereth called ScalaARM for this purpose. Let’s try writing our own.

Call by Name, Call by Value

Here is our implementation of a reusable application resource manager:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/TryCatchArm.scala
package progscala2.rounding
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object manage {
  def apply[R <: { def close():Unit }, T](resource: => R)(f: R => T) = {
    var res: Option[R] = None
    try {
      res = Some(resource)         // Only reference "resource" once!!
      f(res.get)                   // Return the T instance
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        println(s"manage.apply(): Non fatal exception! $ex")
        throw ex
    } finally {
      if (res != None) {
        println(s"Closing resource...")

object TryCatchARM {
  /** Usage: scala rounding.TryCatch filename1 filename2 ... */
  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    val sizes = args map (arg => returnFileLength(arg))
    println("Returned sizes: " + (sizes.mkString(", ")))


  def returnFileLength(fileName: String): Int = {
    println()  // Add a blank line for legibility
    manage(Source.fromFile(fileName)) { source =>
      val size = source.getLines.size
      println(s"file $fileName has $size lines")
      if (size > 200) throw new RuntimeException(s"Big file!")

You can run it like the previous example, substituting TryCatchARM for TryCatch. The output will be similar.

This is a lovely little bit of separation of concerns, but to implement it, we used a few new power tools.

First, we named our object manage rather than Manage. Normally, you follow the convention of using a leading uppercase letter for type names, but in this case we will use manage like a function. We want client code to look like we’re using a built-in operator, similar to a while loop. See how it’s used in countLines. This is another example of Scala’s tools for building little domain-specific languages (DSLs).

That manage.apply method declaration is hairy looking. Let’s deconstruct it. Here is the signature again, spread over several lines and annotated:

def apply[
  R <: { def close():Unit },   1
  T ]                          2
  (resource: => R)             3
  (f: R => T) = {...}          4

Two new things are shown here. R is the type of the resource we’ll manage. The <: means R is a subclass of something else, in this case a structural type with a close():Unit method. What would be more intuitive, especially if you haven’t seen structural types before, would be for all resources to implement a Closable interface that defines a close():Unit method. Then we could say R <: Closable. Instead, structural types let us use reflection and plug in any type that has a close():Unit method (like Source). Reflection has a lot of overhead and structural types are a bit scary, so reflection is another optional feature, like postfix expressions, which we saw earlier. So we add the import statement to tell the compiler we know what we’re doing.


T will be the type returned by the anonymous function passed in to do work with the resource.


It looks like resource is a function with an unusual declaration. Actually, resource is a by-name parameter. For the moment, think of this as a function that we call without parentheses.


Finally we pass a second argument list containing the work to do with the resource, an anonymous function that will take the resource as an argument and return a result of type T.

Recapping point 1, here is how the apply method declaration would look if we could assume that all resources implement a Closable abstraction:

object manage {
  def apply[R <: Closable, T](resource: => R)(f: R => T) = {...}

The line, val res = Some(resource), is the only place resource is evaluated, which is essential. Because resource behaves like a function, it is evaluated every time it’s referenced, just like a function would be evaluated repeatedly. We don’t want to evaluate Source.fromFile(fileName) every time we reference resource, because we would reopen new Source instances each time!

Next, this res value is passed to the work function f.

See how manage is used in TryCatchARM.countLines. It looks like a built-in control structure with one argument list that creates the Source and a second argument list that is a block of code that works with the Source. So, manage looks something like a conventional while statement, for example.

To recap a bit, the first expression that creates the Source is not evaluated immediately, before execution moves to manage. The evaluation of the expression is delayed until the line val res = Some(resource) within manage. This is what the by-name parameter resource gives us. We can write a function manage.apply that accepts as a parameter an arbitrary expression, but we defer evaluation until later.

Scala, like most languages, normally uses call-by-value semantics. If we write manage(Source.fromFile(fileName)) in a call-by-value context, the Source.fromFile method is called and the value it returns is passed to manage.

By deferring evaluation until the line val res = Some(resource) within apply, this line is effectively the following:

val res = Some(Source.fromFile(fileName))

Supporting idioms like this is the reason that Scala offers by-name parameters.

What if we didn’t have by-name parameters? We could use an anonymous function, but it would be a bit uglier.

The call to manage would now look like this:

manage(() => Source.fromFile(fileName)) { source =>

Within apply, our reference to resource would now be an “obvious” function call:

val res = Some(resource())

Okay, that’s not a terrible burden, but call by name enables a syntax for building our own control structures, like our manage utility.

Remember that by-name parameters behave like functions; the expression is evaluated every time it is used. In our ARM example, we only wanted to evaluate it once, but that’s not the general case.

Here is a simple implementation of a while-like loop construct, called continue:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

@annotation.tailrec                                                  1
def continue(conditional: => Boolean)(body: => Unit) {               2
  if (conditional) {                                                 3
    body                                                             4

var count = 0                                                        5
continue(count < 5) {
  println(s"at $count")
  count += 1

Ensure the implementation is tail recursive.


Define a continue function that accepts two argument lists. The first list takes a single, by-name parameter that is the conditional. The second list takes a single, by-name value that is the body to be evaluated for each iteration.


Test the condition.


If still true, evaluate the body, then call the continue recursively.


Try it!

It’s important to note that the by-name parameters are evaluated every time they are referenced. (By the way, this implementation shows how “loop” constructs can be replaced with recursion). So, by-name parameters are in a sense lazy, because evaluation is deferred, but possibly repeated over and over again. Scala also provides lazy values.

lazy val

A related scenario to by-name parameters is the case where you want to evaluate an expression once to initialize a value, not repeatedly, but you want to defer that invocation. There are some common scenarios where this is useful:

  • The expression is expensive (e.g., opening a database connection) and we want to avoid the overhead until the value is actually needed.

  • Improve startup times for modules by deferring work that isn’t needed immediately.

  • Sometimes a field in an object needs to be initialized lazily so that other initializations can happen first. We’ll explore these scenarios when we discuss Scala’s object model in “Overriding fields in traits”.

Here is an example using a lazy val:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

object ExpensiveResource {
  lazy val resource: Int = init()
  def init(): Int = {
    // do something expensive

The lazy keyword indicates that evaluation should be deferred until the value is needed.

So, how is a lazy val different from a method call? In a method call, the body is executed every time the method is invoked. For a lazy val, the initialization “body” is evaluated only once, when the value is used for the first time. This one-time evaluation makes little sense for a mutable field. Therefore, the lazy keyword is not allowed on vars.

So, why not mark object field values lazy all the time, so that creating objects is always faster? Actually, it may not be faster except for truly expensive operations.

Lazy values are implemented with a guard. When client code references a lazy value, the reference is intercepted by the guard to check if initialization is required. This guard step is really only essential the first time the value is referenced, so that the value is initialized first before the access is allowed to proceed. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to eliminate these checks for subsequent calls. So, lazy values incur overhead that “eager” values don’t. Therefore, you should only use them when the guard overhead is outweighed by the expense of initialization or in certain circumstances where careful ordering of initialization dependencies is most easily implemented by making some values lazy (see “Overriding fields in traits”).


Remember our examples involving various dog breeds? In thinking about the types in these programs, we might want a top-level Breed type that keeps track of a number of breeds. Such a type is called an enumerated type, and the values it contains are called enumerations.

While enumerations are a built-in part of many programming languages, Scala takes a different route and implements them as an Enumeration class in its standard library. This means there is no special syntax for enumerations baked into Scala’s grammar, as there is for Java. Instead, you just define an object that extends the Enumeration class and follow its idioms. So, at the byte code level, there is no connection between Scala enumerations and the enum constructs in Java.

Here is an example:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

object Breed extends Enumeration {
  type Breed = Value
  val doberman = Value("Doberman Pinscher")
  val yorkie   = Value("Yorkshire Terrier")
  val scottie  = Value("Scottish Terrier")
  val dane     = Value("Great Dane")
  val portie   = Value("Portuguese Water Dog")
import Breed._

// print a list of breeds and their IDs
println("ID	Breed")
for (breed <- Breed.values) println(s"${}	$breed")

// print a list of Terrier breeds
Just Terriers:")
Breed.values filter (_.toString.endsWith("Terrier")) foreach println

def isTerrier(b: Breed) = b.toString.endsWith("Terrier")

Terriers Again??")
Breed.values filter isTerrier foreach println

It prints the following:

ID      Breed
0       Doberman Pinscher
1       Yorkshire Terrier
2       Scottish Terrier
3       Great Dane
4       Portuguese Water Dog

Just Terriers:
Yorkshire Terrier
Scottish Terrier

Terriers Again??
Yorkshire Terrier
Scottish Terrier

We can see that our Breed enumerated type contains several values of type Value, as in the following example:

val doberman = Value("Doberman Pinscher")

Each declaration is actually calling a method named Value that takes a string argument. We use this method to assign a long-form breed name to each enumeration value, which is what the Value.toString method returned in the output.

The type Breed is an alias that lets us reference Breed instead of Value. The only place we actually use this is the argument to the isTerrier method. If you comment out the type definition, this function won’t compile.

There is no namespace collision between the type and method that both have the name Value. The compiler maintains separate namespaces for values and methods.

There are other overloaded versions of the Value method. We’re using the one that takes a String. Another one takes no arguments, so the string will just be the name of the value, e.g., “doberman.” Another Value method takes an Int ID value, so the default string is used and the integer id is a value we assign explicitly. Finally, the last Value method takes both an Int and String.

Because we’re not calling one of the methods that takes an explicit ID value, the values are incremented and assigned automatically starting at 0, in declaration order. These Value methods return a Value object, and they add the value to the enumeration’s collection of values.

To work with the values as a collection, we call the values method. So, we can easily iterate through the breeds with a for comprehension and filter them by name or see the ids that are automatically assigned if we don’t explicitly specify a number.

You’ll often want to give your enumeration values human-readable names, as we did here. However, sometimes you may not need them. Here’s another enumeration example adapted from the Scaladoc entry for Enumeration:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
  type WeekDay = Value
  val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun = Value
import WeekDay._

def isWorkingDay(d: WeekDay) = ! (d == Sat || d == Sun)

WeekDay.values filter isWorkingDay foreach println

Running this script yields the following output (v2.7):


Note that we imported WeekDay._. This made each enumeration value (Mon, Tues, etc.) in scope. Otherwise, you would have to write WeekDay.Mon, WeekDay.Tues, etc. We can iterate through the values by calling the values method. In this case, we filter the values for “working days” (weekdays).

You don’t actually see enumerations used a lot in Scala code, especially compared to Java code. They are lightweight, but they are also limited to the case where you know in advance the exact set of values to define. Clients can’t add more values.

Instead, case classes are often used when an “enumeration of values” is needed. They are a bit more heavyweight, but they have two advantages. First, they offer greater flexibility to add methods and fields, and to use pattern matching on them. The second advantage is that they aren’t limited to a fixed set of known values. Client code can add more case classes to a base set that your library defines, when useful.

Interpolated Strings

We introduced interpolated strings in “A Taste of Concurrency”. Let’s explore them further.

A String of the form s"foo ${bar}" will have the value of expression bar, converted to a String and inserted in place of ${bar}. If the expression bar returns an instance of a type other than String, a toString method will be invoked, if one exists. It is an error if it can’t be converted to a String.

If bar is just a variable reference, the curly braces can be omitted. For example:

val name = "Buck Trends"
println(s"Hello, $name")

When using interpolated strings, to write a literal dollar sign $, use two of them, $$.

There are two other kinds of interpolated strings. The first kind provides printf formatting and uses the prefix f. The second kind is called “raw” interpolated strings. It doesn’t expand escape characters, like .

Suppose we’re generating financial reports and we want to show floating-point numbers to two decimal places.4 Here’s an example:

val gross   = 100000F
val net     = 64000F
val percent = (net / gross) * 100
println(f"$$${gross}%.2f vs. $$${net}%.2f or ${percent}%.1f%%")

The output of the last line is the following:

$100000.00 vs. $64000.00 or 64.0%

Scala uses Java’s Formatter class for printf formatting. The embedded references to expressions use the same ${…} syntax as before, but printf formatting directives trail them with no spaces.

In this example, we use two dollar signs, $$, to print a literal US dollar sign, and two percent signs, %%, to print a literal percent sign. The expression ${gross}%.2f formats the value of gross as a floating-point number with two digits after the decimal point.

The types of the variables used must match the format expressions, but some implicit conversions are performed. The following attempt to use an Int expression in a Float context is allowed. It just pads with zeros. However, the second expression, which attempts to render a Double as an Int, causes a compilation error:

scala> val i = 200
i: Int = 200

scala> f"${i}%.2f"
res4: String = 200.00

scala> val d = 100.22
d: Double = 100.22

scala> f"${d}%2d"
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Double
 required: Int

As an aside, you can still format strings using printf-style formatting with Java’s static method String.format. It takes as arguments a format string and a variable argument list of values to substitute into the final string. There is a second version of this method where the first argument is the locale.

While Scala uses Java strings, in certain contexts the Scala compiler will wrap a Java String with extra methods defined in scala.collection.immutable.StringLike. One of those extra methods is an instance method called format. You call it on the format string itself, then pass as arguments the values to be incorporated into the string. For example:

scala> val s = "%02d: name = %s".format(5, "Dean Wampler")
s: String = "05: name = Dean Wampler"

In this example, we asked for a two-digit integer, padded with leading zeros.

The final version of the built-in string interpolation capabilities is the “raw” format that doesn’t expand control characters. Consider these two examples:

scala> val name = "Dean Wampler"
name: String = "Dean Wampler"

scala> s"123
res0: String =
Dean Wampler

scala> raw"123
res1: String = 123nDean Wamplern456

Finally, we can actually define our own string interpolators, but we’ll need to learn more about implicits first. See “Build Your Own String Interpolator” for details.

Traits: Interfaces and “Mixins” in Scala

Here we are, about 100 pages in and we haven’t discussed one of the most basic features of any object-oriented language: how abstractions are defined, the equivalent of Java’s interfaces. What about inheritance of classes, too?

I put this off deliberately to emphasize the powerful capabilities that functional programming brings to Scala, but now is a good time to provide an overview of this important topic.

I’ve used vague terms like abstractions before. Some of our examples used abstract classes as “parent” classes already. I didn’t dwell on them, assuming that you’ve seen similar constructs in other languages before.

Java has interfaces, which let you declare, but not define methods, at least you couldn’t define them before Java 8. You can also declare and define static variables and nested types.

Scala replaces interfaces with traits. We’ll explore them in glorious detail in Chapter 9, but for now, think of them of interfaces that also give you the option of defining the methods you declare. Traits can also declare and optionally define instance fields (not just static fields, as in Java interfaces), and you can declare and optionally define type values, like the types we just saw in our enumeration examples.

It turns out that these extensions fix many limitations of Java’s object model, where only classes can define methods and fields. Traits enable true composition of behavior (“mixins”) that simply isn’t possible in Java before Java 8.

Let’s see an example that every enterprise Java developer has faced; mixing in logging. First, let’s start with a service:

// src/main/scala/progscala2/rounding/

class ServiceImportante(name: String) {
  def work(i: Int): Int = {
    println(s"ServiceImportante: Doing important work! $i")
    i + 1

val service1 = new ServiceImportante("uno")
(1 to 3) foreach (i => println(s"Result: ${}"))

We ask the service to do some work and get this output:

ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 1
Result: 2
ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 2
Result: 3
ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 3
Result: 4

Now we want to mix in a standard logging library. For simplicity, we’ll just use println.

Here are two traits, one that defines the abstraction (that has no concrete members) and the other that implements the abstraction for “logging” to standard output:

trait Logging {
  def info   (message: String): Unit
  def warning(message: String): Unit
  def error  (message: String): Unit

trait StdoutLogging extends Logging {
  def info   (message: String) = println(s"INFO:    $message")
  def warning(message: String) = println(s"WARNING: $message")
  def error  (message: String) = println(s"ERROR:   $message")

Note that Logging is exactly like a Java interface. It is even implemented the same way in JVM byte code.

Finally, let’s declare a service that “mixes in” logging:

val service2 = new ServiceImportante("dos") with StdoutLogging {
  override def work(i: Int): Int = {
    info(s"Starting work: i = $i")
    val result =
    info(s"Ending work: i = $i, result = $result")
(1 to 3) foreach (i => println(s"Result: ${}"))
INFO:    Starting work: i = 1
ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 1
INFO:    Ending work: i = 1, result = 2
Result: 2
INFO:    Starting work: i = 2
ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 2
INFO:    Ending work: i = 2, result = 3
Result: 3
INFO:    Starting work: i = 3
ServiceImportante: Doing important work! 3
INFO:    Ending work: i = 3, result = 4
Result: 4

Now we log when we enter and leave work.

To mix in traits, we use the with keyword. We can mix in as many as we want. Some traits might not modify existing behavior at all, and just add new useful, but independent methods.

In this example, we’re actually modifying the behavior of work, in order to inject logging, but we are not changing its “contract” with clients, that is, its external behavior.5

If we needed multiple instances of ServiceImportante with StdoutLogging, we could declare a class:

class LoggedServiceImportante(name: String)
  extends ServiceImportante(name) with StdoutLogging {...}

Note how we pass the name argument to the parent class ServiceImportante. To create instances, new LoggedServiceImportante("tres") works as you would expect it to work.

However, if we need just one instance, we can mix in StdoutLogging as we define the variable.

To use the logging enhancement, we have to override the work method. Scala requires the override keyword when you override a concrete method in a parent class. Note how we access the parent class work method, using, as in Java and many other languages.

There is a lot more to discuss about traits and object composition, as we’ll see.

Recap and What’s Next

We’ve covered a lot of ground in these first chapters. We learned how flexible and concise Scala code can be. In this chapter, we learned some powerful constructs for defining DSLs and for manipulating data, such as for comprehensions. Finally, we learned how to encapsulate values in enumerations and the basic capabilities of traits.

You should now be able to read quite a bit of Scala code, but there’s plenty more about the language to learn. Now we’ll begin a deeper dive into Scala features.

1 Actually, they don’t always behave identically, due to operator precedence rules. Here, 1 + 2 * 3 = 7, while 1.+(2)*3 = 9. The period, when present, binds before the star. Also, when using pre-2.11 versions of Scala, put a space after the 1, because 1. will be interpreted as a Double otherwise!

2 The val keyword was optional in early versions of Scala. It is now deprecated.

3 However, because of demand for it, Scala does provide a scala.util.control.Breaks object that can be used to implement break functionality. I’ve never used it and neither should you.

4 Raw floats and doubles are not typically used in financial applications for representing money, because of the requirement to handle various accounting rules correctly (e.g., rounding). However, we’ll use them for simplicity.

5 That’s not strictly true, in the sense that the extra I/O has changed the code’s interaction with the “world.”

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