
So after successful execution, we will get our own freshly brewed AI generated lyrics to be reviewed and published. Here is one sample of such lyrics. We have modified some of the spellings so that the sentence can make sense:

Yeah, oho once upon a time, on ir intasd

I got monk that wear your good
So heard me down in my clipp

Cure me out brick
Coway got baby, I wanna sheart in faic

I could sink awlrook and heart your all feeling in the firing of to the still hild, gavelly mind, have before you, their lead
Oh, oh shor,s sheld be you und make

Oh, fseh where sufl gone for the runtome
Weaaabe the ligavus I feed themust of hear

Here we can see that model has learned the way it has generated the paragraphs and sentences with appropriate spacings. It still lacks perfection and also doesn't makes sense. 

See Signs of Success:  The first task is to create a model that can learn, then the second one is to improve on that model. This can be obtained by training the model with a larger training dataset and longer training durations.  
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