Chapter 4. Advanced Expressions

"The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose."

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

There is a great skill in creating the right expression to calculate the right answer. Being able to do this in all circumstances relies on having a good knowledge of creating advanced expressions. This is what this chapter aims to teach you. Of course, the best path to mastery in this subject is actually getting out and doing it, but there is a great argument here for regularly practicing with dummy or test datasets.

When presented with a problem that needs to be solved, all the QlikView masters will not necessarily know immediately how to answer it. What they will have though is a very good idea of where to start, that is, what to try and what not to try. This is what I hope to impart to you here. Knowing how to create many advanced expressions will arm you to know where to apply them—and where not to apply them.

This is one area of QlikView that is alien to many people. For some reason, they fear the whole idea of concepts such as Set Analysis and Aggr. However, the reality is that these concepts are actually very simple and supremely logical. Once you get your head around them, you will wonder what all the fuss was about.

The following are the topics we'll cover in this chapter:

  • Reviewing basic concepts
  • Using range functions
  • Understanding Dollar-sign Expansion
  • Using advanced Set Analysis
  • Calculating vertically

Reviewing basic concepts

Before we set off on the journey of advanced expressions, it is a good idea to step back and look at some of the simpler methods of doing things. Set Analysis only arrived in Version 8.5 of QlikView, so those of us who worked with the versions before that will have done things in a few different ways.

Searching in QlikView

Field searching in QlikView is one of the most powerful features. It is a feature that has been added and enhanced over the years. Many users will be familiar with the search icon on a listbox:

Searching in QlikView

Clicking on this icon will open the search box for that field:

Searching in QlikView

When we enter search text, the results are highlighted in the listbox. We can choose to click on any of the results to make a selection, press the Enter key to select all of the matching results, or press Ctrl + Enter to add the matching results to the existing selections.

There are some other ways that we can call up the search box for a listbox. The easiest way is to actually just click on the listbox's caption and just start typing, and the default search type for that listbox will get activated. The other way that you can activate a search is by right-clicking on the listbox and selecting the required search from the menu:

Searching in QlikView

Field searches can also be activated in other sheet objects. Search will be on by default in the multibox but can also be enabled in the table box, current selections box, straight table, and pivot table (using the Dropdown Select option in the Presentation tab). They can be identified from the small black down arrow alongside the field caption:

Searching in QlikView

Clicking on this down arrow will show a captionless listbox. You can select in this listbox just as with a normal listbox. If you start typing, the search box will appear, just as when you click on the caption of a normal listbox. If you right-click on this pop-up listbox, you will get the same options as if you right-click on a normal listbox.

There are several search types that we need to understand; they are discussed in the upcoming sections.

Searching for text

Text-based searches are the most frequently used. There are two main options for text-based search: normal and wildcard. The default setting for the search mode is specified in the Presentation tab under Document Properties:

Searching for text

There is a third option in these properties: Use Previous. What this means is that whatever the user has done last will be the default. The user can override the search type that is presented, so this setting remembers whatever they have done.

Wildcard search

A wildcard search uses one of the two wildcard characters, in whatever combination we desire, to search for text. The characters are as follows:




This wildcard replaces zero or more characters


This wildcard replaces exactly one character

Some example searches are shown in the following table:

Example search

Example results in country


Germany, Gabon, British Guiana, United Kingdom, Argentina


Germany, Gabon


Lebanon, Gabon


Gabon, United Kingdom, Lebanon



Wildcards are extremely flexible, but can be very expensive if used to search a lot of data.

If the default search is not a wildcard, you can start typing the * or ? character and QlikView will automatically switch to a wildcard search.


We should consider that the search will start working immediately when we start typing. There can be a delay with fields that have many values, so we need to be careful about the default search options.

Normal search

A normal search doesn't use wildcards at all. Instead, it tries to match the beginning of words in the data to what the user is typing. This is actually a more natural type of search for users because they will often type the start of what they are looking for and might be confused by wildcard options. If the user types multiple words, separated by a space, all of the words are used to attempt a match.

The following are some example searches:

Example search

Example results in country


Germany, Gabon, British Guiana




Kenya, United Kingdom

un kin

United Kingdom

blah king

United Kingdom

If the default search is wildcard, you can switch to the normal search by simply deleting the wildcard characters and then typing. QlikView will automatically switch to the normal search.

Fuzzy search

Fuzzy search isn't a text comparison. Instead, it applies a phonetic algorithm to the search term and the data and then sorts the listbox based on the search score. Words that are a better phonetic match will be sorted to the top and those that are not a good match will be at the bottom.

Associative search

The associative search option will search for a value across other fields, not including the field that you are searching in. When you select the value in the associative search, it then selects the values in the field that you are searching in that are associated with the value that you have selected. Ok, that sounds like a bit of a mouthful, so I will give an example. When I click on the search button, say, the Country field, I can see a double chevron (>>) button. Clicking on this button activates the associative search, as follows:

Associative search

If I type 2009 into this search box now, it doesn't search in Country; it searches every other field except Country. I can see that it has found a value under Year; if I select this and then press Enter, it will select all of the countries that are associated with the value 2009 in Year.

Let's put this functionality in a little more perspective; to achieve the same result without an associative search, we would need to select 2009 in the Year field, select the possible values from the Country field (there is a right-click option to select possible values), and then clear the Year field. It is a pretty cool search function!

Of course, it is not always logical that an associative search should look in every single field. For example, in the preceding screenshot, we see that the field DI.Year is searched. This is a field in a data island table (for more information on data islands, refer to the Data islands section) and so will not be associated. Also, there are many fields in the dataset, for example, keys and numeric values, that should not be searched. It is possible, in the listbox properties, to select those fields that should be included rather than looking at all fields.

In the General tab of the listbox properties, there is a button called More Search Settings that will open a dialog box to allow us to configure this:

Associative search

Advanced search

The advanced search feature in QlikView is actually incredibly powerful. It allows us to search for values in a field based on the comparison of an expression. It is as if we create a simple straight table with the searched field as the dimension and the expression that we want to calculate, then select those dimensions in the chart that meet whatever criteria we choose.

To open the advanced search dialog, we can right-click on a listbox and select Advanced Search from the menu:

Advanced search

We enter the = sign, which indicates that this is an advanced search, and then the expression that we want to calculate. When we click on the Go button, this expression is evaluated against all the values in the field (in this case, Country), and where it is true, these values are selected.

The really powerful thing about this is that this expression can be as complex as we need it to be. As long as it is valid QlikView syntax, it can be used in an advanced search. All that is needed is that the expression will return a Boolean response: true or false.

Searching numeric fields

All of the text searching options mentioned previously—wildcard, normal, fuzzy, associative, and advanced—also work with numeric fields. Additionally, we can also use a numeric search with numeric fields.

Numeric search

The numeric search option allows us to use combinations of >, <, and = to perform numeric searches. The following are some example combinations:

Example search



This searches for all values that are greater than 99


This searches for all values that are less than 99


This searches for all values that are greater than or equal to 99


This searches for all values that are less than or equal to 99


This searches for all values that are greater than 99 but less than 199


This search for all values that are greater than or equal to 99 but less than or equal to 199

When we type the search expression into the numeric listbox, it will react in a way similar to that of a text-based search:

Numeric search

Automatic interpretation of searches

This is quite clever. When we use a search box, we can do any of the standard searches—normal, wildcard, numeric, fuzzy, and advanced—and QlikView will automatically interpret what type of search it is based on what we type. Consider the following scenarios:

  • If we just type text, without any special characters, QlikView will perform a normal search
  • If we use wildcards, *or ?, then QlikView will perform a wildcard search
  • If we start the search with a ~ sign, then QlikView will perform a fuzzy search
  • If we start the search with an = sign, then QlikView will perform an advanced search
  • If we use a < or > sign, then QlikView will perform a numeric search
  • If we enclose in parentheses and use a pipe symbol, QlikView will expect multiple values

Multiple values search

We can pass multiple values to a search by enclosing them in parentheses and separating the multiple values using a pipe symbol, for example:


Any valid search syntax will be acceptable within the different values. QlikView will automatically interpret the search based on the rules mentioned.


It is worth noting that this syntax can also be used to pass multiple values when using a Select in Field action.

Searching in multiple listboxes

If we select multiple listboxes either by dragging across them or by clicking on them while holding down the Shift key and then start typing, the subsequent search will be performed across all of the selected listboxes:

Searching in multiple listboxes


Note that you cannot use the Enter key here to make a selection. You can only now make a selection by clicking the mouse in one of the listboxes.

Understanding bookmarks

We should know that a bookmark is a saved set of selections. When we save a bookmark, all of the current selections will be stored. It is important to note that this will include any advanced searches, so bookmarks can be used to store advanced logic.

A bookmark can be recalled by the user, but they can also be used to set the parameters for reports and alerts and can be used in Set Analysis.

Saving a bookmark

We can save a bookmark using the menu options or if there is a bookmark object added to the user interface, we can use that to create it. Either way, the Add Bookmark dialog will appear:

Saving a bookmark

The options for the bookmark are as follows:



Make this bookmark a document (server) bookmark

This tells QlikView to store the bookmark in the document for use by all users (or on the server if using a server document, where we also have the option to share with other users).

Share Bookmark with Other Users

This option is for server bookmarks only; we can choose to share them with other server users.

Include Selections in Bookmark

This will normally be a default option—you usually want your selections to be stored in the bookmark! Of course, there are use cases where you might not, such as only storing the layout state or input field values.

Make bookmark apply on top of current selection

By default, this is off and the bookmark's store selections will completely replace whatever current selections we have when the bookmark is recalled. If this option is on, only the fields that have stored values in the bookmark will have their values changed and all other selections will be retained.

Include Layout State

This will retain information about which tab is open and which charts are currently active. When recalled, the same tab and charts should be opened.

Include Scroll Position

If your chart is a tabular chart, the bookmark will retain information about how far you have scrolled down the chart. Worth noting is the fact that this will always be a "best guess" effort as the data will probably change in the meantime.

Include Input Field Values

This will cause any input field values to be stored in the bookmark. This is actually the only way to share input field values between different users.

Info Text

This could be just information that we want to store to remind ourselves about what this bookmark contains. It will be the text displayed if the pop-up option is selected.

Pop-Up Message

If this is selected (and I strongly recommend that it should not be!), every time the bookmark is recalled, Info Tex t will be displayed in a message box. It becomes very annoying after a while.

Managing bookmarks

The More option from the Bookmarks menu (Ctrl + Shift + B) allows us to manage our bookmarks:

Managing bookmarks

Possibly, the most interesting option here is the Export and Import buttons. These allow us to export bookmarks to an XML file and then import them into different documents later.

Using variables in QlikView

Many calculations will rely on a variable. This can be a simple value, such as an exchange rate entered into an input box, a percentage entered using a slider, or a more complex calculation.

SET versus LET

We are probably aware that variables can be entered either in the QlikView script via the Variables tab under Document Properties or using the Variable Overview dialog.

When creating a variable in the script, we do this using either the SET or LET keywords. For example, to create the v1 and v2 variables, use:

SET v1=1+1;
LET v2=1+1;

The SET keyword will assign the text on the right-hand side of the equals sign to the variable. The LET keyword will instead evaluate the text on the right-hand side of the equals sign and then assign the result to the variable. If we load this script in the QlikView debugger, we will see the following result:

SET versus LET

We can see that v1 has been assigned the text " 1+1", whereas for v2, the text has been evaluated and the value of 2 has been assigned to the variable.

We can achieve a similar result when using the Variables tab under Document Properties or using the Variable Overview dialog, to create a variable. When we add a variable, we can either just enter text in the Definition box, in which case just the text is assigned to the variable, or we can begin the definition with an = sign that causes the expression to be evaluated and the result of the calculation gets assigned to the variable, for example, using the Variable Overview to create v3 and v4, you get the following:

SET versus LET

As with v1 and v2, v3 will have the text "1+1" while v4 will evaluate to 2.

There is no difference between using SET in the script and assigning text to a variable in the Variable Overview window. There is, however, a difference between using LET in the script and using = at the start of the variable definition. In the script, the result is calculated once during the script execution and the variable will then have a static value. If we use the = sign at the start of the definition, the variable's value will be recalculated every time there is a new selection made by users.

Using variables to hold common expressions

We will quite often use variables to hold commonly used expressions. That way, if the expression needs to change, then we don't need to hunt down every use of the expression; we can just change the variable.

The best practice here is to define these variables in the script with a SET statement. Quite often, these SET statements are stored in a separate QVS that might be shared with several documents, especially if the expressions in question are for color values that will be used throughout the organization. For example, we can have an external variables file with the following lines:

// Color expressions
SET cCompanyGreen=ARGB(255,20,228,68);
SET cCompanyBlue=ARGB(200,0,32,200);
SET cCompanyAlert=ARGB(255,255,0,0);
SET cCompanyWarning=ARGB(200,255,126,0);

Then, we can load them into our main script using the following:


If one of the colors needs to change, we can simply update the file and the change will be updated in every document that uses it on the next reload.

Using variables with Dollar-sign Expansion

We probably have seen variables being used in scripts and expressions and might have come across the concept of Dollar-sign Expansion. This function, which we will delve into in much more detail, allows us to access variable values in a way that is not quite intuitive for those who are used to common programming languages. To add to the confusion, we don't always need to use Dollar-sign Expansion with variables; we can use them sometimes just like other programming languages!

With Dollar-sign Expansion, we will wrap the variable name in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign, for example:

LET vx=$(vy)*2;

When this is processed, what happens is that the value inside the parentheses is evaluated and placed into the expression to replace the dollar sign. Once all the Dollar-sign Expansions have been completed, the whole expression is evaluated with the expanded values. We can think of it as a two-step process, for example, if vy has a value of 2, LET vx=$(vy)*2; becomes LET vx=2*2;.

This is now evaluated and the result, 4, is placed in vx. If we were looking at this script in the debugger window, we would actually see this two-step process in action. The central bar of the debugger will display the line that is about to be executed. If there are Dollar-sign Expansions, then the line that is displayed is with the values already expanded:

Using variables with Dollar-sign Expansion

In fact, this is one of the situations where we don't have to use Dollar-sign Expansion. If a variable contains just a numeric value, then it is allowable to just call:

LET vx=vy*2;

Limiting calculations

There are quite a few ways of restricting a calculation to something other than the current selections. Before we had Set Analysis, we had to do things differently. It is useful to know about these because there are still circumstances in which they are still good to use.

Sum of If

A Sum of If means that we are performing an aggregation, such as Sum, on the results of an If statement. Consider the following example:

Sum(If(Country='Germany', Sales, 0))

In this case, the Sales value will only be summed if Country is equal to Germany.

On a smaller dataset, you will not see much of an issue with this calculation. However, as the dataset increases in size, we will find that this way of performing calculations is relatively inefficient, not least because the comparison is text-based. Also, we need to consider that if a user selects a set of countries, or any other selection that excludes Germany, then the result will be zero, which might not be what you want to happen.

It isn't a QlikView issue, but just a computer issue; however, any comparison that is done using text values is always going to be more expensive than a comparison using numbers.

Flag arithmetic

One of the ways that we can improve performance of a comparison calculation is to create a numeric flag field in the script. For example, we can do the following in the script:

   If(Country='Germany',1,0) As Germany_Flag,

This will create a (quite efficiently stored) field that contains just 1 or 0. We can use this in an expression like the following:

Sum(If(Germany_Flag=1, Sales, 0))

This expression will perform an order of magnitude better than the equivalent text comparison. However, the following calculation will be even better:

Sum(Germany_Flag * Sales)

As there is no comparison happening here, it is a fairly straightforward mathematical calculation for the system to calculate, and it will be performed even faster than the Sum of If.


As noted in the Creating flags for well-known conditions section of Chapter 1, Performance Tuning and Scalability, the flag arithmetic works better if there are relatively fewer rows in the dimension table than in the fact table. Where there are a large number of rows in the dimension table, Set Analysis with the flag field will perform better.

This type of flag arithmetic is very common, and we will always look to create flags like these in the script to improve the efficiency of calculations in chart expressions. Here are a couple of examples of flags that we will often create in fact or calendar tables:

   -YearToDate(DateField)        As YTD_Flag,
    -YearToDate(DateField,-1)    As LYTD_Flag,

In this case, we are using a QlikView function (YearToDate) that returns a Boolean result. In QlikView, Boolean false is always represented by 0. Any non-zero value is Boolean true; however, QlikView functions will always return -1 for true. Hence, the minus sign prefixed to the function will change the -1 result to a 1.

Calculations using variables

On occasions where we might want some flexibility around what we calculate from what the users select, we might ask those users to change variables, usually using the slider or calendar controls, and then use those variables in the expressions.

For example, if we had two variables called vMinDate and vMaxDate, we can add calendar controls to allow the user to modify them:

Calculations using variables

We can now add an expression to calculate the sales between those two values in the following manner:

Sum(if(DateID>=$(vMinDate) and DateID<=$(vMaxDate), LineValue, 0))

We can also grab the to-date calculation (for example, to calculate a balance) in the following manner:

Sum(if(DateID<=$(vMaxDate), LineValue, 0))

Data islands

Using a variable or set of variables can be quite flexible but sometimes we might want to give users even more options for selections, while still keeping those selections separate from the main data model. In these circumstances, we can create a completely separate data model, which has full QlikView selectability, and then derive the values from this data model that should be used in the calculations for the main data model. When we create separate data models like this, the non-main data model is called a data island. For example, we can load a calendar table in the following manner:

// Load the Date Island
Let vMinDate=Floor(MakeDate(2009,1,1));
Let vMaxDate=Floor(MakeDate(2014,12,31));
Let vDiff=vMaxDate-vMinDate+1;

Qualify *;
   TempDate as DateID,
   Year(TempDate) As Year,
   Month(TempDate) As Month;
   $(vMinDate)+RecNo()-1 As TempDate
Unqualify *;
Set vMinDate="=Min(DI.DateID)";
Set vMaxDate="=Max(DI.DateID)";

The Qualify statement prefixes the name of the table (DI) to each field so that these fields should not be associated to the rest of the data model.

We use the SET statements at the end to add the calculation of minimum and maximum dates to the variables. We can then use those variables in expressions as shown:

Sum(if(DateID>=$(vMinDate) and DateID<=$(vMaxDate), LineValue, 0))

Otherwise, we can use those variables as shown in the following expression:

Sum(if(DateID<=$(vMaxDate), LineValue, 0))

This data island does not need to be just a single table. If it makes sense, it can be a small data model in itself and perhaps two separate calendar tables connected via a link table.

We do have to be careful that a data island does not become a separate data model, with its own facts and dimensions, as this can be against the license agreement when using document licenses.

Set Analysis

After having done any basic QlikView training, we will have had some sort of introduction to Set Analysis. This is one of the most powerful features of QlikView and allows us to create some great solutions. Of course, like any powerful feature, there is room for misuse and abuse.

In this segment, we will revisit some of the basics of Set Analysis and will explore more advanced topics later on in this chapter.

Explaining what we mean by a set

Understanding a little about sets is the key to understanding how QlikView works. We already know about the symbol tables and the logical inference engine. A simple Venn Diagram can help us understand how they hang together.

When we load data into a QlikView document and we have no selections made, we will have access to all the data points for the purpose of performing calculations, as you can see:

Explaining what we mean by a set

In mathematical terms, this is our universe. It contains all of the entities that we might want to consider. If we perform a simple Sum calculation across a field, we will get the total value of all the values in that field.

Now, let's consider what happens when we make a selection in QlikView. For example, if we were to select the value 2013 in the Year field, QlikView would immediately apply the logical inference engine to establish all of the values that are still available, as follows:

Explaining what we mean by a set

Now, when we perform the same Sum calculation, we only get a result based on the values contained within the shaded area.

If we were to make a further selection, for example, if we select both China and Germany in Country, then QlikView will further reduce the dataset upon which calculations are performed, as follows:

Explaining what we mean by a set

Now, the calculation of the Sum expression is only performed on the shaded area where the two ellipses overlap.

That, in a nutshell, is how QlikView works. It is beautifully simple and a great way of working with data from a data discovery point of view. However, we often want to think about other considerations. For example, if the user has selected Germany, what might be the value of everything else that isn't Germany? In the preceding model, we no longer have access to the data about "not Germany" because it has been excluded by selection.

Set identifiers

There are two main SET identifiers in every QlikView document:




This is the universe—the set of all possible values in the document, regardless of any selections


This represents the set of values based on current selections


Note that the $ sign here is completely unrelated to the $ sign used for Dollar-sign Expansion!

With no selections made in the document, {1} and {$} are identical. As selections are made, {1} will not change while {$} will get smaller.

Other identifiers are possible in a QlikView document. All bookmarks will be a set of the values based on the selections contained in the bookmark. Each Alternate State will also be a set of its current selections.

We write a SET identifier into an expression inside the function to which the set will apply, for example:

Sum({1} LineValue)
Sum({$} LineValue)
Sum({BM01} LineValue)
Sum({[My Bookmark]} LineValue)

If the SET identifier is not specified (as with most expressions), then the {$} set is used.

Set modifiers

The real power of Set Analysis comes when we can modify a set using modifiers. Any set, such as {1}, {$}, bookmark, and so on, can be modified. We modify a set by specifying an alternate set of values for a field. The values we specify will override the values selected in this field in this set.

Set modifiers are written inside the SET identifier's curly braces using angle brackets. The syntax will look like the following:

Function({Set_ID<Field1=NewSet1, Field2=NewSet2>} FieldValue)

What can sometimes confuse new users is that NewSet1 in the preceding syntax is often a set of specified values that are written, again, inside curly braces. For example, a set of values for Year can be written as follows:


When this is included in a function, it looks like the following:

Sum({$<Year={2009,2010,2011}>} LineValue)

Otherwise, we can have multiple fields as shown:

Sum({$<Year={2011}, Country={'Germany','China'}>} LineValue)

There are a lot of different brackets here (not to mention that if the field name has a space, then you will need to use square brackets!) and this can lead to confusion.

There is an old developer's trick that can help you when writing out a set expression: always open and close a pair of brackets before entering the content inside them. This way, you always know that you will have a correctly matching pair. I might write one of the previous expressions in the following steps:

Sum({$<Year={2009,2010,2011}>} LineValue)

Now, of course, these set modifiers do not have to be static values. We can introduce Dollar-sign Expansion into the expression to provide more dynamic calculations:

Sum({$<Year={$(vThisYear)}>} LineValue)
Sum({$<Year={$(vLastYear)}>} LineValue)
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