
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


ACK packet 46


reference link 125

Adafruit IO 212

ADC (analog-to-digital converter ) 123

ADC pins 69

air quality monitoring system 211-213

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

about 180, 213, 214

IoT services 214


installing 236, 237

Arduino-based C programming 70

Arduino IDE setup

for ESP32 development board 77, 78

for NodeMCU development board 70-73

ArduinoJSON library 225

AWS account

reference link 216

AWS IoT Core

about 214

reference link 216

AWS IoT Core project

code explanation 223-231

demonstration 231-233

hardware setup 215, 216

setup 216-222

working with 215

AWS IoT Device Defender 214

AWS IoT Device Management 214

AWS IoT Greengrass 214


BearSSL WiFi Classes

reference link 225

BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor

about 122

characteristics 123

broker 5


CCS811 air quality sensor

about 123

modes of operation 124

reference link 125

client 5

connect acknowledgment (CONNACK) packet

about 42, 46, 58

acknowledgment flags 59

fixed header 58

message 46

returnCode 46

return code 59

sessionPresent 46

CONNECT message 43

CONNECT packet

about 42-45, 56, 57

fixed headers 44, 57

flags 44

payload 58

variable header 44, 57

control panel 93

control pins 69

CSR file 218


DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor

about 121, 122

reference link 125

Digital Ocean

reference link 195

setting up 195

Digital to Analog (DAC) converter pins 76

Disconnect-Request packet 63


about 196

MQTT broker, setting up 201-204

MQTT broker, testing 204-207

setting up 196-201

DUP flag 48


Enable pin 69

enterprise cloud platforms

providing, IoT services 213

ESP32-based development board

about 74, 75

Arduino IDE setup 77, 78

GPIO pinout 76, 77

pin configurations 76, 77

technical specifications 75

ESP8266-based NodeMCU development board

about 66

Arduino IDE setup 70-73

GPIO pinout 67, 69

pin configurations 67-69

technical specifications 67


flow 93

FreeRTOS 214


Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

about 180, 195, 213, 214

IoT Core service, components 215


used, for formatting SD card 15

GPIO pinout 67

GPIO pins 69

ground pins 68


hardware requirements and setup, smart home control relay system

5V Hi-Link power supply 154

5V non-latching relay 153

about 151

ESP32 development board 152

ESP32 development board, features 152

miscellaneous components 154, 155

PCB design and circuit 155-158

HiveMQ Cloud

about 180

online MQTT broker, setting up 180-187

reference link 181

HiveMQ WebSocket client

reference link 192

Home Assistant

about 233

advantages 233

on Raspberry Pi 234, 235

reference link 235

home automation system 210, 211

home screen, Node-RED crash course

control panel 93

node palette 93

workspace 93

Honeywell HPM Particle Sensor 211


Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

installing 237-239


I2C communication interface 69

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) communication protocol 123

IF This Then That (IFTTT) 94

Internet of Things (IoT) 78

IoT cloud platforms

about 214

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 214

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 214, 215

IoT services

enterprise cloud platforms, providing 213

IoT system architecture

Application Layer 214

Hardware Layer 213

Middleware Layer 214

Network Layer 214

IoT Weather Station project

BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor 122, 123

CCS811 air quality sensor 123, 124

code explanation 125-134

dashboard setup 136-141

DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor 121, 122

email alerts functionality 141-148

hardware requisites 120

NodeMCU development board 121

Node-RED, starting 134

project flow 136-141

Raspberry Pi setup 134

sensor interfacing 124


LAMP server

Apache, installing 236, 237

MariaDB installation 239, 240

PHP installation and setup 237-239

phpMyAdmin installation 240-243

Raspberry Pi OS, updating 235

least significant bit (LSB) 50

Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Python/Pearl (LAMP) 235

Lua programming language 70



installing 239

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

about 4

components 6

concepts 4

CONNACK packet 58

CONNECT packet 56

features 6, 7

functionality 6

publish/subscribe protocol 4, 5

SUBSCRIBE and SUBACK packets 59

working 4

working, practical demonstration 52


about 35

download link 54

enabling 36, 37

most significant bit (MSB) 50

MQTT broker

access, obtaining 178-180

advantages 178

clients packages 35

enabling 36, 37

installing 35

MQTT client, connecting to 42, 43

setting up 35

setting up, on Droplet 201-204

subscriber/publisher connecting to and sending message through 52-56

testing locally 37, 38

testing, on Droplet 204-207

virtual server 195

MQTT client

about 40, 42

connecting, to broker 42, 43

NodeMCU as 78

MQTT control packets 42

MQTT Control Packet Type 48

MQTT example

broker 5

publisher 5

subscriber 5

MQTT messages 40

MQTT protocol packet structure

about 43

CONNACK packet 46

CONNECT packet 43-45

PUBLISH packet 47

SUBSCRIBE packet 47

MQTT topics

about 41

single-level wildcards 41

multi-level wildcards 41, 42

multiplexed pins 68


node 93


as MQTT client 78

setting up 106

NodeMCU, code explanation

about 106

Arduino codes loop function 110

Arduino code’s setup function 109

callback function, for handling MQTT subscribed topics 107, 108

credentials and variable declarations 106

MQTT reconnect function 108, 109

required libraries importing 106

Wi-Fi setup function 107

NodeMCU development board

about 121

features 121

NodeMCU development board setup

about 78, 79

code explanation 79-85


controlling, from Node-RED dashboard 105

hardware requirements 105

software requirements 105, 106

node package manager (npm) 103

node palette 93


about 87, 88

demonstration 88

installation 88, 89

running, on Raspberry Pi 90

setting up 88

URL 87

Node-RED crash course

about 91

additional feature 94

flow 93

Hello World flow, creating 94-96

home screen 92, 93

LED connected, controlling to Raspberry Pi through Node-RED 97-99

node 93

Node-RED dashboard

about 102-105

reference link 102

used, for controlling NodeMCU LED 105

Node-RED flow

creating to test online MQTT broker 187-191

Node-RED MQTT components

setting up 99

Node-RED MQTT dashboard

setting up 99

Node-RED MQTT nodes

about 100-102

mqtt in node 100

mqtt out node 100

parameters 100


online MQTT broker

about 178-180

Node-RED flow, creating to test 187-191

project demonstration 192-194

setting up, on Hive MQ Cloud 180-187

OS image

flashing, onto SD card 20


Packet Identifier 50

particulate matter 211


installing 240-243

Power over Ethernet (PoE) 9

power pins 68

project enhancement

about 171, 172

development, of mobile application 173

global MQTT broker, adding 174

hardware enhancement 171

project ideas

about 210

air quality monitoring system 211-213

home automation system 210, 211

publisher 5

PUBLISH packet

about 47

components 47

fixed header 48, 62

payload 49-63

variable header 49, 62

publish/subscribe protocol 4

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) pins 69


about 202

URL 203


QoS flag 48

Quality of Service (QoS) 42


Raspberry Pi

about 7

dashboard layout setup 110-112

Node-RED, running 90

project flow 112-115

setting up 24-29, 85, 86, 110

setup 165-171

VNC (Virtual Network Computing), setting up 29-35

Raspberry Pi Imager software

about 20

downloading 20

download link 20

installing 20-23

Raspberry Pi Model 4B

about 8

hardware specifications 9, 10

operating systems 10

Raspberry Pi models 7, 8

RealVNC Server software 30

Remote Frame Buffer (RFB) protocol 30

Reset pin 69

Retain flag 48


SD card

formatting, in Linux systems 15-20

OS image, flashing onto 20

setting up, for Raspberry Pi 12-15

SD Card Formatter software 12

SD Card Formatter software, for macOS

reference link 12

SD Card Formatter software, for Windows

reference link 12

SDIO interface 69

SDS011 sensor 212

SensVN pins 77

SensVP pins 77

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) pins 69, 77

single-level wildcards 41

smart home control relay system

hardware requirements and setup 151

project code, writing on ESP32 board 158-164

solid state relays (SSR) 153

SSH keys

reference link 200

SSH (Secure Shell)

about 29

working 29

SUBACK packet 51, 59

Subscribe Ack packet 60


about 50, 59

fixed header 50, 59

payload 51, 60, 61

variable header 50, 59

subscriber 5


thing 217

ThingSpeak 212

time.h file 225

touch sensor 77


UART channels 76

UART pins 69


Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

about 29, 30, 88

setting up, for Raspberry Pi 30-34

virtual server 179, 195

VNC Viewer

download link 33

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 123


Wake pin 69

WiFiClientSecure.h file 225

wildcards 41

Will Message 44

Wireshark 52

workspace 93


XTAL pins 77

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