GCE-Predefined image

This installation process is very similar to AWS. GCE also benefits from both Redash official image, as well as Bitnami image.

In order to use the official Redash image - you have to add it to your account first.

Use the following command:

gcloud compute images create "redash-5-0-0" --source-uri gs://redash-images/redash.5.0.0.b4754.tar.gz

The output of running the preceding command should be similar to the following:

After validating that the image is created in your account, you can proceed to selecting this image, and creating an instance.

In case you wish to use Bitnami image, it already comes packaged as Virtual Machine - simply search it in the GCE search box, and select the "Redash certified by Bitnami" option.

The estimated cost is not the cost of the Bitnami image, but the cost of the machine, as shown in the following screenshot:

After deciding to Launch the VM, go ahead and choose the machine type:

After your specified machine is up and running, you can find its IP, username, and password in the properties page:

After you have found the IP, username, and password, you can log in and validate that the installation was successful.

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