

Adjusted R squared, 34

Adjusted R2, 67

Alternative hypotheses, 64, 78

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 18, 34, 61

Analysis ToolPak, 27

Autocorrelation, 128

Average consumption, 13

Average error or regression, 26, 34, 35, 120

Average income, 14


Backward elimination, 54

Best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs), 123

Beta-hat-sub-one, 10

Bonferroni correction, 93

Breusch–Godfrey test, 128

Breusch–Pagan test, 127

Bureau of Economic Analysis,
36, 72



association, 86

ceteris paribus, 87–88

direction of causality, 85

role of theory, 84

Ceteris Paribus, 47, 87–88

Chi-square distribution function, 60

Coefficients in regression analysis, 4

Coefficients or slopes, 4

Coefficient of determination, 34, 35, 46, 66–67, 80

Coefficients of simple regression, 71–74

Coefficients, 42–43

Common mistakes, 52, 78

Conditional expected value, 43, 118

Constant error variance, 126

Consumption function, 71–74

Consumption model’s coefficients, 11, 74–77

Consumption, 36, 71

Control variables, 88

Controlling practice, 47

Correlation coefficient (ρ), 68

Cross-sectional analysis, 108


Degrees of freedom (df), 18, 35, 93


curve, 44

schedule, 87

theory, 84

De-trended data, 108

Diminishing marginal productivity, law of, 112−115

Dummies, too many, 91

Dummy variable, 90, 91, 93, 96, 98

Dummy variables

advantages, 92

creating, 94–99

Durbin–Watson test, 128


Economic theory, 44, 47, 54, 59, 71, 72

Elasticity, 5

Endogenous variable, 50, 119

Engel curve, 88

Error, 21, 24−26

Error term or ε, 8, 9, 117, 120

Errors in measurement, 24, 120

Estimated parameters, 12

Estimating Y, 50–52

Estimators, 121

Excel, in multiple regression, 55–58

Exogenous variable, 42, 53

Expected outcome, 42

Expected value, 15, 25

Explained variance, 61


F distribution, 68

F test completion, 65–66

Feasible generalized least square (FGLS), 128


Gauss–Markov theorem, 124

General model, 41

Goodness of fit, 46, 50, 59, 72, 101

adjusted R2, 67

coefficient of determination or R2, 66–67

F statistics, 60–64

F test completion, 65–66

R2 and F, relation, 68–69

R2 and SSR, difference
between, 67

R2 and ρ, relation, 68

testing, 59

two or more independent variables, 64–65

Growth domestic product (GDP), 114


Heteroscedasticity, 126

Homoscedasticity, 126


Income–consumption curve, 88

Independent or exogenous variable, 41

Individual error, 15, 23, 25

Inferential statistics, 59

Inferior good, 84

Intercept, 77


Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 125


Least squared errors, 22

Least squares, method of

output, 18−22

regression procedure, 13−18

squared (individual) errors, minimize, 22−26


Marginal product, 112

Marginal propensity to consume (MPC), 1, 2, 72, 77

Mathematical functions, 7

Mean consumption (µC), 18

Mean of errors, 42

Mean of squared error (MSE), 24, 35, 60, 61, 120

Mean square regression (MSR), 21, 60, 61

Mean square residual, 21

Mean squared (MS) values, 19, 34

Measurement scales, 89

Method of least squares, 11, 15

Minitab software, 53

Misspecification, 53–55

Model, 3

MS regression, 40

MS residual, 40

Multicollinearity, 53, 54

Multiple regression, 42

coefficients, 42–43

common mistakes, 52

estimating Y, 50–52

example, 43–50

general model, 41

misspecification, 53–55

multiple regression in excel, 55–58


Negative income elasticity, 84

Nonlinear statistical analysis, 111

Non-negative consumption, 78

Normality, 125

Null hypothesis, 46, 47, 59, 63, 65, 66, 76, 77, 78, 79, 103


Observations, 34

Omitted variable bias, 53

One independent variable, 12, 62–64

Ordinary least squares (OLS), 13

Output, 18−22


Parameters, 4

Perfect multicollinearity, 92

Point estimate, 121

Price elasticity, 5, 6

Production function, 111


Qualitative data, 89

Qualitative independent variables, 90

Qualitative variables in regression

creating dummy variables, 94–99

dummy variables, advantages, 92

interpretation of, 93

qualitative data, 89

qualitative independent variables, 90

too many dummies, 91

Quantity demanded, 5


R2 and F, relation, 68–69

R2 and SSR, difference between, 67

R2 and ρ, relation, 68

R2. See Coefficient of Determination

Random component, 8

Random error, 8

Random numbers, generate, 31

Rates of change, 113

Real data example, 36–40

Regression, 22, 27−30, 34

Regression analysis, pitfalls, 50, 55

cross-sectional data, multicollinearity in, 108

forming incorrect hypotheses, 101−105

independent variables, 109−110

linearity, 111

multicollinearity, 105−108

Regression assumptions, 124

constant error variance, 126

estimators, 121

heteroscedasticity, 126

need, 117

normality, 125

regression assumptions, 124

serial correlation, 127

Regression coefficients

coefficient of determination, 80

coefficients of simple regression, 71–74

common mistakes, 78

consumption model’s coefficients, 74–77

test of hypothesis, 77–78

Regression concept

regression model, mathematical equation to, 7–9

regression, meaning of, 9−12

variables, relationship between, 1–7

Regression line, 22, 23

Regression model, 2, 7, 8, 25, 36

Regression model, mathematical equation to, 7–9

Regression of consumption on income, 39

Regression output, 21

Regression procedure, 13−18

Regression sum of squares, 20

Regression, meaning of, 9−12

Regression, output and its, 32−36

Residual sum of squares, 18, 21

Role of theory, 84


Sample variance, 19

Scatter plot, 13, 14

Seed value, 31

Serial correlation, 85, 127

Shapiro–Wilk test, 125

Significance F, 47

Simple linear regression, excel

example, 30

generate random numbers, 31

real data example, 36–40

regression, 27−30

regression, output and its, 32−36

Skew and Kurt functions, 125

Slope parameter (β), 6

Smaller variance, 22, 23

Smallest average error, 21

Spurious correlation, 108

Spurious regression, 55

Square of deviation of consumption, 18

Squared (individual) errors, minimize, 22−26

Standard deviation, 120

Standard error, 34, 35, 49

Statistic, 4

Stepwise regression, 54

Subscript K, 41

Sum of all individual errors, 22

Sum of squared deviations of consumption from mean of consumption, 18

Sum of squared errors (SSE), 21, 26

Sum of squared regression, 26

Sum of squared residual, 26

Sum of squares due to regression (SSR), 67

sum of squares of residual, 18

Sum of squares regression, 20

Sum of squares total (SST), 18, 19, 62


t statistics, 63, 65, 72, 76, 79

Test of hypothesis, 77–78

Three dots, 41

Time series analysis, 108

Tolerance level, 109

Total sum of squares, 18, 19

Two or more independent variables, 64–65

Two parameters, 12

Type I error, 46, 59, 81, 93

Type II error, 81, 108, 126

Type III error, 80, 107


Unexplained variance, 61

Unrelated regression analyses, 93


Validity, 24, 120

Variables, relationship between, 1–7

Variance inflation factor (VIF), 109

Variance of regression model, 35

Variance, 26, 61


White test, 127


Zero slope, 63

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