
TO EVERYONE WHO KNOWS, deep down, that work can be better, thank you.

It takes a village to write a book and, in this case, a very engaging virtual village. We could never have written Remote Works without the support, encouragement, and wisdom of so many along the way. We’d like to give a special thanks . . .

To our 34 remote work experts: You made this book happen. We are in awe of you and the work you and your companies do. Whether remote for years or quickly embracing change during the pandemic, you are the people we believe others should look up to when seeking best-in-class examples for working and leading remotely. We’ve learned so much from you and are grateful for your time, energy, and transparency during our interviews. We hope that your stories inspire the next generation of remote workers.

A special shout-out to Steph for finding Tam’s résumé in the slush stack at Automattic; to Akshay for letting Tam turn the tables and have him do the talking for a change; to Ali Brandt for inspiring Tam to take the plunge into self-employment; to Ken for being the nomad family inspiration that Ali’s always admired; to Chase for getting back to us on every one of those super-long email threads; to Andrew for sharing not only remote work tips but movie suggestions as well; to Sara, Darcy, Hilary, Laïla, and Sally for your vibe—our conversations were a breath of fresh air.

To our team at Berrett-Koehler: You’ve been an absolute dream to work with: Neal, for truly enjoyable and energizing collaboration sessions; Jeevan, we know it’s you who makes everything work behind the scenes; Ashley, for pushing edges with our nontraditional approach to a business book cover. We are so happy you get us.

To our agents, Kim Peticolas and Maryann Karinch: Thanks for betting on us and finding us a publishing home.

To Matt Mullenweg: You’ve been such an inspiration to us and to workers around the world challenging the status quo of work. Thank you for putting your vision and ideas into practice at Automattic.

To Laurel Farrer, Tony Jamous, Karen Mangia, and Amy C. Edmondson: Thank you for your kind words and backing. It means a lot to us.

To Dale and Spencer: We never would have met without you and Hackers Paradise Cape Town.

To Marcos and Elisa: For that early introduction on Slack.

To Gabriella: For editing our very first book proposal. (It worked!)

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And given that there are two of us, a few personal shout-outs.

Ali’s Shout-Outs

To Mom and Dad: Thanks for supporting my “weird” nomad dreams early on, even when it meant having me as an adult roommate the first time I quit my job to go backpacking. Thank you for always telling me (and others) how proud you are of me.

To Mike: Thanks for showing me in your short time what it means to live a full life.

To Heather: We are two different sides of the same coin. Thank you for living your mission to make physical workspaces beautiful. I am still waiting for our live debate. I love you for calling me out when I am being too “Ali” but knowing I always have your unconditional support!

To Tracy: My sister in spirit, cousin in reality, friend, and mentor in life. Thank you for your influence, advice, and generosity, and for coming to visit me in so many different places.

Zbig, Bill, Kristina, Mike, and my extended DuckDuckGo teammates: Thank you for letting me be the cheesy manager we all know I really am. You are some of the best coworkers I could have ever asked for!

Finally, JP: Thanks for putting me in the hot seat and challenging me to grow as a person. You knew I had something to share with the world before I did. I laughed when you told me I should write my thoughts down, and yet here we are! Thank you for making me coffee every morning, for having a signature dish to cook when I am feeling stressed, for always knowing how to make me laugh, and for believing in me. I love you.

Tam’s Shout-Outs

To my parents: For your early encouragement of my writing (remember that Xanga blog?) and reading the first draft of Remote Works. Thank you for always being my biggest fans and two of my favorite travel companions!

To Akshay: For your coaching and mentorship. You’ve helped me listen to that still, quiet voice inside.

To Dr. Petty: For advising my college thesis and showing me early on that you can approach business with heart.

To Jess: For your lifelong friendship (despite my many moves) and your limitless hospitality whenever I’m back in San Francisco. Can’t wait to see you soon!

To Mike: Who knew our long phone calls during the pandemic would change our lives? Thank you for encouraging me to write about remote work. (I took your advice!)

To Kirk: Thank you for helping me believe in myself and see the bigger picture in my work. Plus, you make an excellent cup of coffee.

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