Chapter 8. Objects and Classes

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language; this chapter will show you what that really means. Like all modern languages, Ruby supports object-oriented notions like classes, inheiritance, and polymorphism. But Ruby goes further than other languages you may have used. Some languages are strict and some are permissive; Ruby is one of the most permissive languages around.

Strict languages enforce strong typing, usually at compile type: a variable defined as an array can’t be used as another data type. If a method takes an array as an argument, you can’t pass in an array-like object unless that object happens to be a subclass of the array class or can be converted into an array.

Ruby enforces dynamic typing, or duck typing (“if it quacks like a duck, it is a duck”). A strongly typed language enforces its typing everywhere, even when it’s not needed. Ruby enforces its duck typing relative to a particular task. If a variable quacks like a duck, it is one—assuming you wanted to hear it quack. When you want “swims like a duck” instead, duck typing will enforce the swimming, and not the quacking.

Here’s an example. Consider the following three classes, Duck, Goose, and DuckRecording:

	class Duck
	  def quack

	  def swim
	    'Paddle paddle paddle…'

	class Goose
	  def honk
	  def swim
	    'Splash splash splash…'

	class DuckRecording
	  def quack

	  def play

If Ruby was a strongly typed language, a method that told a Duck to quack would fail when given a DuckRecording. The following code is written in the hypothetical language Strongly-Typed Ruby; it won’t work in real Ruby.

	def make_it_quack(Duck duck)

	make_it_quack(                   # => "Quack!"
	# TypeException: object not of type Duck

If you were expecting a Duck, you wouldn’t be able to tell a Goose to swim:

	def make_it_swim(Duck duck)

	make_it_swim(                    # => "Paddle paddle paddle…"
	# TypeException: object not of type Goose

Since real Ruby uses duck typing, you can get a recording to quack or a goose to swim:

	def make_it_quack(duck)
	make_it_quack(                      # => "Quack!"
	make_it_quack(             # => "Quack!"

	def make_it_swim(duck)
	make_it_swim(                       # => "Paddle paddle paddle…"
	make_it_swim(                      # => "Splash splash splash…"

But you can’t make a recording swim or a goose quack:

	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'quack' for #<Goose:0x2bb8a8>
	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'swim' for #<DuckRecording:0x2b97d8>

Over time, strict languages develop workarounds for their strong typing (have you ever done a cast when retrieving something from an Java collection?), and then workarounds for the workarounds (have you ever created a parameterized Java collection using generics?). Ruby just doesn’t bother with any of it. If an object supports the method you’re trying to use, Ruby gets out of its way and lets it work.

Ruby’s permissiveness is more a matter of attitude than a technical advancement. Python lets you reopen a class after its original definition and modify it after the fact, but the language syntax doesn’t make many allowances for it. It’s sort of a dirty little secret of the language. In Ruby, this behavior is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. Some parts of the standard library add functionality to built-in classes when imported, just to make it easier for the programmer to write code. The Facets Core library adds dozens of convenience methods to Ruby’s standard classes. Ruby is proud of this capability, and urges programmers to exploit it if it makes their lives easier.

Strict languages end up needing code generation tools that hide the restrictions and complexities of the language. Ruby has code generation tools built right into the language, saving you work while leaving complete control in your hands (see Chapter 10).

Is this chaotic? It can be. Does it matter? Only when it actually interferes with you getting work done. In this chapter and the next two, we’ll show you how to follow common conventions, and how to impose order on the chaos when you need it. With Ruby you can impose the right kind of order on your objects, tailored for your situation, not a one-size-fits all that makes you jump through hoops most of the time.

These recipes are probably less relevant to the problems you’re trying to solve than the other ones in this book, but they’re not less important. This chapter and the next two provide a general-purpose toolbox for doing the dirty work of actual programming, whatever your underlying purpose or algorithm. These are the chapters you should turn to when you find yourself stymied by the Ruby language itself, or grinding through tedious makework that Ruby’s labor-saving techniques can eliminate. Every other chapter in this book uses the ideas behind these recipes.

8.1. Managing Instance Data


You want to associate a variable with an object. You may also want the variable to be readable or writable from outside the object.


Within the code for the object’s class, define a variable and prefix its name with an at sign ( @). When an object runs the code, a variable by that name will be stored within the object.

An instance of the Frog class defined below might eventually have two instance variables stored within it, @name and @speaks_english:

	class Frog
	  def initialize(name)
	    @name = name

	  def speak
	    # It's a well-known fact that only frogs with long names start out
	    # speaking English.
	    @speaks_english ||= @name.size > 6
	    @speaks_english ? "Hi. I'm #{@name}, the talking frog." : 'Ribbit.'
	end'Leonard').speak       # => "Hi. I'm Leonard, the talking frog."

	lucas ='Lucas')
	lucas.speak                     # => "Ribbit."

If you want to make an instance variable readable from outside the object, call the attr_reader method on its symbol:
	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'name' for #<Frog:0xb7d0327c @speaks_english=true,

	class Frog 
attr_reader :name
	end                      # => "Lucas"

Similarly, to make an instance variable readable and writable from outside the object, call the attr_accessor method on its symbol:

	lucas.speaks_english = false
	# => NoMethodError: undefined method 'speaks_english=' for #<Frog:0xb7d0327c @speaks_
	#    english=false, @name="Lucas">

	class Frog 
attr_accessor :speaks_english
	lucas.speaks_english = true
	lucas.speak                  # => "Hi. I'm Lucas, the talking frog."


Some programming languages have complex rules about when one object can directly access to another object’s instance variables. Ruby has one simple rule: it’s never allowed. To get or set the value of an instance variable from outside the object that owns it, you need to call an explicitly defined getter or setter method.

Basic getter and setter methods look like this:

	class Frog
	  def speaks_english

	  def speaks_english=(value)
	    @speaks_english = value

But it’s boring and error-prone to write that yourself, so Ruby provides built-in decorator methods like Module#attr_reader and Module#attr_accessor. These methods use metaprogramming to generate custom getter and setter methods for your class. Calling attr_reader :speaks_english generates the getter method speaks_english and attaches it to your class. Calling attr_accessor :instance_variable generates both the getter method speaks_english and the setter method speaks_english=.

There’s also an attr_writer decorator method, which only generates a setter method, but you won’t use it very often. It doesn’t usually make sense for an instance variable to be writable from the outside, but not readable. You’ll probably use it only when you plan to write your own custom getter method instead of generating one.

Another slight difference between Ruby and some other programming languages: in Ruby, instance variables (just like other variables) don’t exist until they’re defined. Below, note how the @speaks_english variable isn’t defined until the Frog#speak method gets called:

	michael ="Michael")
	# => #<Frog:0xb7cf14c8 @name="Michael">
	michael.speak                   # => "Hi. I'm Michael, the talking frog."
	# => #<Frog:0xb7cf14c8 @name="Michael", @speaks_english=true>

It’s possible that one Frog object would have the @speaks_english instance variable set while another one would not. If you call a getter method for an instance variable that’s not defined, you’ll get nil. If this behavior is a problem, write an initialize that initializes all your instance variables.

Given the symbol for an instance variable, you can retrieve the value with Object#instance_variable_get, and set it with Object#instance_variable_set.

Because this method ignores encapsulation, you should only use it in within the class itself: say, within a call to Module#define_method.

This use of instance_variable_get violates encapsulation, since we’re calling it from outside the Frog class:

	michael.instance_variable_get("@name")          # => "Michael"
	michael.instance_variable_set("@name", 'Bob')                                    # => "Bob"

This use doesn’t violate encapsulation (though there’s no real need to call define_method here):

	class Frog
	  define_method(:scientific_name) do
	    species = 'vulgaris'
	    species = 'loquacious' if instance_variable_get('@speaks_english')
	    "Rana #{species}"
	michael.scientific_name                        # => "Rana loquacious"

See Also

  • Recipe 10.10, “Avoiding Boilerplate Code with Metaprogramming”

8.2. Managing Class Data


Instead of storing a bit of data along with every instance of a class, you want to store a bit of data along with the class itself.


Instance variables are prefixed by a single at sign; class variables are prefixed by two at signs. This class contains both an instance variable and a class variable:

	class Warning
	  @@translations = { :en => 'Wet Floor',
	                     :es => 'Piso Mojado' }

	  def initialize(language=:en)
	    @language = language

	  def warn
	end                             # => "Wet Floor"                        # => "Piso Mojado"


Class variables store information that’s applicable to the class itself, or applicable to every instance of the class. They’re often used to control, prevent, or react to the instantiation of the class. A class variable in Ruby acts like a static variable in Java.

Here’s an example that uses a class constant and a class variable to control when and how a class can be instantiated:

	class Fate
	  NAMES = ['Klotho', 'Atropos', 'Lachesis'].freeze
	  @@number_instantiated = 0

	  def initialize
	    if @@number_instantiated >= NAMES.size
	      raise ArgumentError, 'Sorry, there are only three Fates.'
	    @name = NAMES[@@number_instantiated]
	    @@number_instantiated += 1
	    puts "I give you… #{@name}!"
	# I give you… Klotho!
	# => #<Fate:0xb7d2c348 @name="Klotho">
	# I give you… Atropos!
	# => #<Fate:0xb7d28400 @name="Atropos">
	# I give you… Lachesis!
	# => #<Fate:0xb7d22168 @name="Lachesis">
	# ArgumentError: Sorry, there are only three Fates.

It’s not considered good form to write setter or getter methods for class variables. You won’t usually need to expose any class-wide information apart from helpful constants, and those you can expose with class constants such as NAMES above.

If you do want to write setter or getter methods for class variables, you can use the following class-level equivalents of Module#attr_reader and Module#attr_writer. They use metaprogramming to define new accessor methods: [1]

	class Module
	  def class_attr_reader(*symbols)
	    symbols.each do |symbol|
	      self.class.send(:define_method, symbol) do

	  def class_attr_writer(*symbols)
	    symbols.each do |symbol|
	      self.class.send(:define_method, "#{symbol}=") do |value|
	        class_variable_set("@@#{symbol}", value)

	  def class_attr_accessor(*symbols)

Here is Module#class_attr_reader being used to give the Fate class an accessor for its class variable:

	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'number_instantiated' for Fate:Class

	class Fate
	  class_attr_reader :number_instantiated
	Fate.number_instantiated        # => 3

You can have both a class variable foo and an instance variable foo, but this will only end up confusing you. For instance, the accessor method foo must retrieve one or the other. If you call attr_accessor :foo and then class_attr_accessor :foo, the class version will silently overwrite the instance version.

As with instance variables, you can bypass encapsulation and use class variables directly with class_variable_get and class_variable_set. Also as with instance variables, you should only do this from inside the class, usually within a define_method call.

See Also

  • If you want to create a singleton, don’t mess around with class variables; instead, use the singleton library from Ruby’s standard library

  • Recipe 8.18, “Implementing Class and Singleton Methods”

  • Recipe 10.10, “Avoiding Boilerplate Code with Metaprogramming”

8.3. Checking Class or Module Membership


You want to see if an object is of the right type for your purposes.


If you plan to call a specific method on the object, just check to see whether the object reponds to that method:

	def send_as_package(obj)
	  if obj.respond_to? :package
	    packaged = obj.package

	    $stderr.puts "Not sure how to package a #{obj.class}."
	    $stderr.puts 'Trying generic packager.'
	    package =

If you really can only accept objects of one specific class, or objects that include one specific module, use the is_a? predicate:

	def multiply_precisely(a, b)
	  if a.is_a? Float or b.is_a? Float

	    raise ArgumentError, "I can't do precise multiplication with floats."
	  a * b

	multiply_precisely(4, 5) # => 20
	multiply_precisely(4.0, 5)
	# ArgumentError: I can't do precise multiplication with floats.


Whenever possible, you should use duck typing (Object#respond_to?) in preference to class typing (Object#is_a?). Duck typing is one of the great strengths of Ruby, but it only works if everyone uses it. If you write a method that only accepts strings, instead of accepting anything that supports to_str, then you’ve broken the duck typing illusion for everyone who uses your code.

Sometimes you can’t use duck typing, though, or sometimes you need to combine it with class typing. Sometimes two different classes define the same method (especially one of the operators) in completely different ways. Duck typing makes it possible to silently do the right thing, but if you know that duck typing would silently do the wrong thing, a little class typing won’t hurt.

Here’s a method that uses duck typing to see whether an operation is supported, and class typing to cut short a possible problem before it occurs:

	def append_to_self(x)
	  unless x.respond_to? :<<
	    raise ArgumentError, "This object doesn't support the left-shift operator."
	  if x.is_a? Numeric
	    raise ArgumentError,
	    "The left-shift operator for this object doesn't do an append."
	  x << x

	append_to_self('abc')                             # => "abcabc"
	append_to_self([1, 2, 3])                         # => [1, 2, 3, […]]

	append_to_self({1 => 2})
	# ArgumentError: This object doesn't support the left-shift operator.

	# ArgumentError: The left-shift operator for this object doesn't do an append.
	5 << 5                                      # => 160
	# That is, 5 * (2 ** 5)

An alternative solution approximates the functionality of Java’s interfaces. You can create a dummy module for a given capability, have all appropriate classes include it, and use is_a? to check for inclusion of the module. This requires that each participating class signal its ability to perform a certain task, but it doesn’t tie you to any particular class hierarchy, and it saves you from calling the wrong method just because it has the right name.

	module ShiftMeansAppend
	  def <<(x)

	class String
	  include ShiftMeansAppend

	class Array
	  include ShiftMeansAppend

	def append_to_self(x)
	  unless x.is_a? ShiftMeansAppend
	    raise ArgumentError, "I can't trust this object's left-shift operator."
	  x << x
	append_to_self 4
	# ArgumentError: I can't trust this object's left-shift operator.

	append_to_self '4'                         # => "44"

See Also

  • Recipe 1.12, “Testing Whether an Object Is String-Like”

8.4. Writing an Inherited Class


You want to create a new class that extends or modifies the behavior of an existing class.


If you’re writing a new method that conceptually belongs in the original class, you can reopen the class and append your method to the class definition. You should only do this if your method is generally useful, and you’re sure it won’t conflict with a method defined by some library you include in the future.

This code adds a scramble method to Ruby’s built-in String class (see Recipe 4.10 for a faster way to sort randomly):

	class String
	    split(//).sort_by { rand }.join

	"I once was a normal string.".scramble
	# => "i arg cn lnws.Ioateosma n r"

If your method isn’t generally useful, or you don’t want to take the risk of modifying a class after its initial creation, create a subclass of the original class. The subclass can override its parent’s methods, or add new ones. This is safer because the original class, and any code that depended on it, is unaffected. This subclass of String adds one new method and overrides one existing one:

	class UnpredictableString < String
	  def scramble
	    split (//).sort_by { rand }.join

	  def inspect
	str ="It was a dark and stormy night.")
	# => " hsar gsIo atr tkd naaniwdt.ym"
	# => "ts dtnwIktsr oydnhgi .mara aa"


All of Ruby’s classes can be subclassed, though a few of them can’t be usefully subclassed (see Recipe 8.18 for information on how to deal with the holdouts).

Ruby programmers use subclassing less frequently than they would in other languages, because it’s often acceptable to simply reopen an existing class (even a built-in class) and attach a new method. We do this throughout this book, adding useful new methods to built-in classes rather than defining them in Kernel, or putting them in subclasses or utility classes. Libraries like Rails and Facets Core do the same.

This improves the organization of your code. But the risk is that a library you include (or a library included by one you include) will define the same method in the same built-in class. Either the library will override your method (breaking your code), or you’ll override its method (breaking its code, which will break your code). There is no general solution to this problem short of adopting naming conventions, or always subclassing and never modifying preexisting classes.

You should certainly subclass if you’re writing a method that isn’t generally useful, or that only applies to certain instances of a class. For instance, here’s a method Array#sum that adds up the elements of an array:

	class Array	
	  def sum(start_at=0)
	    inject(start_at) { |sum, x| sum + x }

This works for arrays that contain only numbers (or that contain only strings), but it

	[79, 14, 2].sum                      # => 95
	['so', 'fa'].sum('')                 # => "sofa"
	[79, 'so'].sum
	# TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum

Maybe you should signal this by putting it in a subclass called NumericArray or SummableArray:

	class NumericArray < Array
	  def sum
	    inject(0) { |sum, x| sum + x }

The NumericArray class doesn’t actually do type checking to make sure it only contains numeric objects, but since it’s a different class, you and other programmers are less likely to use sum where it’s not appropriate.[2]

You should also subclass if you want to override a method’s behavior. In the UnpredictableString example, I overrode the inspect method in my subclass. If I’d just modified String#inspect, the rest of my program would have been thrown into confusion. Rarely is it acceptable to override a method in place: one example would be if you’ve written a drop-in implementation that’s more efficient.

See Also

8.5. Overloading Methods


You want to create two different versions of a method with the same name: two methods that differ in the arguments they take.


A Ruby class can have only one method with a given name. Within that single method, though, you can put logic that branches depending on how many and what kinds of objects were passed in as arguments.

Here’s a Rectangle class that represents a rectangular shape on a grid. You can instantiate a Rectangle in one of two ways: by passing in the coordinates of its top-left and bottom-left corners, or by passing in its top-left corner along with its length and width. There’s only one initialize method, but you can act as though there were two.

	# The Rectangle constructor accepts arguments in either of the following forms:
	#[x_top, y_left], length, width)
	#[x_top, y_left], [x_bottom, y_right])
	class Rectangle
	    case args.size
	    when 2
	      @top_left, @bottom_right = args
	    when 3
	      @top_left, length, width = args
	      @bottom_right = [@top_left[0] + length, @top_left[1] - width]
	      raise ArgumentError, "This method takes either 2 or 3 arguments."

	    # Perform additional type/error checking on @top_left and
	    # @bottom_right…

Here’s the Rectangle constructor in action:

	'[10, 23], [14, 13])
	# => #<Rectangle:0xb7d15828 @bottom_right=[14, 13], @top_left=[10, 23]>[10, 23], 4, 10)
	# => #<Rectangle:0xb7d0da4c @bottom_right=[14, 13], @top_left=[10, 23]>
	# => ArgumentError: This method takes either 2 or 3 arguments.


In strongly typed languages like C++ and Java, you must often create multiple versions of the same method with different arguments. For instance, Java’s StringBuffer class implements over 10 variants of its append method: one that takes a boolean, one that takes a string, and so on.

Ruby’s equivalent of StringBuffer is StringIO, and its equivalent of the append method is StringIO#<<. In Ruby, that method can only be defined once, but it can take an object of any type. There’s no need to write different versions of the method for taking different kinds of object. If you need to do type checking (such as making sure the object has a string representation), you put it in the method body rather than in the method definition.

Ruby’s loose typing eliminates most of the need for method overloading. Its default arguments, variable-length argument lists, and (simulated) keyword arguments eliminate most of the remaining cases. What’s left? Mainly methods that can take two completely different sets of arguments, like the Rectangle constructor given in the Solution.

To handle these, write a method that takes a variable number of arguments, and give it some extra code at the front that figures out which set of arguments was passed. Rectangle#initialize rejects argument lists that are of the wrong length. Additional code could enforce duck typing to make sure that the arguments passed in are of the right type. See Recipe 10.16 for simple ways to do argument validation.

See Also

8.6. Validating and Modifying Attribute Values


You want to let outside code set your objects’ instance variables, but you also want to impose some control over the values your variables are set to. You might want a chance to validate new values before accepting them. Or you might want to accept values in a form convenient to the caller, but transform them into a different form for internal storage.


Define your own setter method for each instance variable you want to control. The setter method for an instance variable quantity would be called quantity=. When a user issues a statement like object.quantity = 10, the method object#quantity= is called with the argument 10.

It’s up to the quantity= method to decide whether the instance variable quantity should actually take the value 10. A setter method is free to raise an ArgumentException if it’s passed an invalid value. It may also modify the provided value, massaging it into the canonical form used by the class. If it can get an acceptable value, its last act should be to modify the instance variable.

I’ll define a class that keeps track of peoples’ first and last names. It uses setter methods to enforce two somewhat parochial rules: everyone must have both a first and a last name, and everyone’s first name must begin with a capital letter:

	class Name

	  # Define default getter methods, but not 
setter methods.
	  attr_reader :first, :last

	  # When someone tries to set a first name, enforce rules about it.
	  def first=(first)
	    if first == nil or first.size == 0
	      raise'Everyone must have a first name.')
	    first = first.dup
	    first[0] = first[0].chr.capitalize
	    @first = first
	  # When someone tries to set a last name, enforce rules about it.
	  def last=(last)
	    if last == nil or last.size == 0
	      raise'Everyone must have a last name.')
	    @last = last

	  def full_name
	    "#{@first} #{@last}"
	  # Delegate to the setter methods instead of setting the instance
	  # variables directly.
	  def initialize(first, last)
	    self.first = first
	    self.last = last

I’ve written the Name class so that the rules are enforced both in the constructor and after the object has been created:

	jacob ='Jacob', 'Berendes')
	jacob.first = 'Mary Sue'
	jacob.full_name                                # => "Mary Sue Berendes"

	john ='john', 'von Neumann')
	john.full_name                                 # => "John von Neumann"
	john.first = 'john'
	john.first                                     # => "John"
	john.first = nil
	# ArgumentError: Everyone must have a first name.'Kero, international football star and performance artist', nil)
	# ArgumentError: Everyone must have a last name.


Ruby never lets one object access another object’s instance variables. All you can do is call methods. Ruby simulates instance variable access by making it easy to define getter and setter methods whose names are based on the names of instance variables. When you access object.my_var, you’re actually calling a method called my_var, which (by default) just happens to return a reference to the instance variable my_var.

Similarly, when you set a new value for object.my_var, you’re actually passing that value into a setter method called my_var=. That method might go ahead and stick your new value into the instance variable my_var. It might accept your value, but silently clean it up, convert it to another format, or otherwise modify it. It might be picky and reject your value altogether by raising an ArgumentError.

When you’re defining a class, you can have Ruby generate a setter method for one of your instance variables by calling Module#atttr_writer or Module#attr_accessor on the symbol for that variable. This saves you from having to write code, but the default setter method lets anyone set the instance variable to any value at all:

	class SimpleContainer
	  attr_accessor :value

	c =

	c.respond_to? "value="                          # => true

	c.value = 10; c.value                           # => 10

	c.value = "some random value"; c.value          # => "some random value"

	c.value = [nil, nil, nil]; c.value              # => [nil, nil, nil]

A lot of the time, this kind of informality is just fine. But sometimes you don’t trust the data coming in through the setter methods. That’s when you can define your own methods to stop bad data before it infects your objects.

Within a class, you have direct access to the instance variables. You can simply assign to an instance variable and the setter method won’t be triggered. If you do want to trigger the setter method, you’ll have to call it explicitly. Note how, in the Name#initialize method above, I call the first= and last= methods instead of assigning to @first and @last. This makes sure the validation code gets run for the initial values of every Name object. I can’t just say first = first, because first is a variable name in that method.

See Also

8.7. Defining a Virtual Attribute


You want to create accessor methods for an attribute that isn’t directly backed by any instance variable: it’s a calculated value derived from one or more different instance variables.


Define accessor methods for the attribute in terms of the instance variables that are actually used. There need not be any relationship between the names of the accessor methods and the names of the instance variables.

The following class exposes four accessor methods: degrees, degrees=, radians, and radians=. But it only stores one instance variable: @radians.

	class Arc
	  attr_accessor :radians

	  def degrees
	    @radians * 180 / Math::PI

	  def degrees=(degrees)
	    @radians = degrees * Math::PI / 180

	arc =
	arc.degrees = 180
	arc.radians                                # => 3.14159265358979
	arc.radians = Math::PI / 2
	arc.degrees                                # => 90.0


Ruby accessor methods usually correspond to the names of the instance variables they access, but this is nothing more than a convention. Outside code has no way of knowing what your instance variables are called, or whether you have any at all, so you can create accessors for virtual attributes with no risk of outside code thinking they’re backed by real instance variables.

See Also

  • Recipe 2.9, “Converting Between Degrees and Radians”

8.8. Delegating Method Calls to Another Object


You’d like to delegate some of an object’s method calls to a different object, or make one object capable of " impersonating” another.


If you want to completely impersonate another object, or delegate most of one object’s calls to another, use the delegate library. It generates custom classes whose instances can impersonate objects of any other class. These custom classes respond to all methods of the class they shadow, but they don’t do any work of their own apart from calling the same method on some instance of the “real” class.

Here’s some code that uses delegate to generate CardinalNumber, a class that acts almost like a Fixnum. CardinalNumber defines the same methods as Fixnum does, and it takes a genuine Fixnum as an argument to its constructor. It stores this object as a member, and when you call any of Fixnum’s methods on a CardinalNumber object, it delegates that method call to the stored Fixnum. The only major exception is the to_s method, which I’ve decided to override.

	require 'delegate'

	# An integer represented as an ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…), as
	# opposed to an ordinal number (1, 2, 3…) Generated by the
	# DelegateClass to have all the methods of the Fixnum class.
	class OrdinalNumber < DelegateClass(Fixnum)
	  def to_s
	    delegate_s = __getobj_ _.to_s
	    check = abs
	    if to_check == 11 or to_check == 12
	      suffix = "th"
	      case check % 10
	        when 1 then suffix = "st"
	        when 2 then suffix = "nd"
	        else suffix = "th"
	    return delegate_s + suffix

	4.to_s # => "4"                    # => "4th"                  # => "102nd"                   # => "11th"                  # => "-21st"                    # => 6 + 6                     # => 11 +  # => 11


The delegate library is useful when you want to extend the behavior of objects you don’t have much control over. Usually these are objects you’re not in charge of instantiating—they’re instantiated by factory methods, or by Ruby itself. With delegate, you can create a class that wraps an already existing object of another class and modifies its behavior. You can do all of this without changing the original class. This is especially useful if the original class has been frozen.

There are a few methods that delegate won’t delegate: most of the ones in Kernel. public_instance_methods. The most important one is is_a?. Code that explicitly checks the type of your object will be able to see that it’s not a real instance of the object it’s impersonating. Using is_a? instead of respond_to? is often bad Ruby practice, but it happens pretty often, so you should be aware of it.

The Forwardable module is a little more precise and a little less discerning: it lets you delegate any of an object’s methods to another object. A class that extends Forwardable can use the def_delegator decorator method, which takes as arguments an object symbol and a method symbol. It defines a new method that delegates to the method of the same name in the given object. There’s also a def_delegators method, which takes multiple method symbols as arguments and defines a delegator method for each one. By calling def_delegator multiple times, you can have a single Forwardable delegate different methods to different subobjects.

Here I’ll use Forwardable to define a simple class that works like an array, but supports none of Array’s methods except the append operator, <<. Note how the << method defined by def_delegator is passed through to modify the underlying array.

	class AppendOnlyArray
	  extend Forwardable
	  def initialize
	    @array = []

	  def_delegator :@array, :<<

	a = AppendOnlyArray
	a << 4
	a << 5
	# => undefined method 'size' for #<AppendOnlyArray:0xb7d23c5c @array=[4, 5]>

AppendOnlyArray is pretty useless, but the same principle makes Forwardable useful if you want to expose only a portion of a class’ interface. For instance, suppose you want to create a data structure that works like a Hash, but only supports random access. You don’t want to support keys, each, or any of the other ways of getting information out of a hash without providing a key.

You could subclass Hash, then redefine or delete all the methods that you don’t want to support. Then you could worry a lot about having missed some of those methods. Or you could define a subclass of Forwardable and define only the methods of Hash that you do want to support.

	class RandomAccessHash
	extend Forwardable
	  def initialize
	    @delegate_to = {}
	  def_delegators :@delegate_to, :[], "[]="

	balances_by_account_number =

	# Load balances from a database or something.
	balances_by_account_number["101240A"] = 412.60
	balances_by_account_number["104918J"] = 10339.94
	balances_by_account_number["108826N"] = 293.01

Random access works if you know the key, but anything else is forbidden:

	balances_by_account_number["104918J"]           # => 10339.94
	balances_by_account_number.each do |number, balance|
	  puts "I now know the balance for account #{number}: it's #{balance}"
	# => 
NoMethodError: undefined method 'each' for #<RandomAccessHash:0xb7d49078>

See Also

  • An alternative to using SimpleDelegator to write delegator methods is to skip out on the methods altogether, and instead implement a method_missing which does the delegating. Recipe 2.13, “Simulating a Subclass of Fixnum,” uses this technique. You might especially find this recipe interesting if you’d like to make arithmetic on CardinalNumber objects yield new CardinalNumber objects instead of Fixnum objects.

8.9. Converting and Coercing Objects to Different Types


You have an object of one type and you want to use it as though it were of another type.


You might not have to do anything at all. Ruby doesn’t enforce type safety unless the programmer has explicitly written it in. If your original class defines the same methods as the class you were thinking of converting it to, you might be able to use your object as is.

If you do have to convert from one class to another, Ruby provides conversion methods for most common paths:

	"4".to_i                                              # => 4
	4.to_s                                                # => "4"                                         # => 1143572140.90932
	{ "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" }.to_a
	# => [["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]]

If all else fails, you might be able to manually create an instance of the new class, and set its instance variables using the old data.


Some programming languages have a “cast” operator that forces the compiler to treat an object of one type like an object of another type. A cast is usually a programmer’s assertion that he knows more about the types of objects than the compiler. Ruby has no cast operator. From Ruby’s perspective, type checking is just an extra hoop you have to jump through. A cast operator would make it easier to jump through that hoop, but Ruby omits the hoop altogether.

Wherever you’re tempted to cast an object to another type, you should be able to just do nothing. If your object can be used as the other type, there’s no problem: if not, then casting it to that type wouldn’t have helped anyway.

Here’s a concrete example. You probably don’t need to convert a hash into an array just so you can pass it into an iteration method that expects an array. If that method only calls each on its argument, it doesn’t really “expect an array:” it expects a reasonable implementation of each. Ruby hashes provide that implementation just as well as arrays.

	def print_each(array)
	  array.each { |x| puts x.inspect }

	hash = { "pickled peppers" => "peck of",
	         "sick sheep"      => "sixth" }
	# ["sick sheep", "sixth"]
	# ["pickled peppers", "peck of"]

	# ["sick sheep", "sixth"]
	# ["pickled peppers", "peck of"]

Ruby does provide methods for converting one data type into another. These methods follow the naming convention to_[other type], and they usually create a brand new object of the new type, but containing the old data. They are generally used when you want to use some method of the new data type, or display or store the data in another format.

In the case of print_each, not converting the hash to an array gives the same results as converting, and the code is shorter and faster when it doesn’t do the conversion. But converting a hash into an array of key-value pairs does let you call methods defined by Array but not by Hash. If what you really want is an array—something ordered, something you can modify with push and pop—there’s no reason not to convert to an array and stop using the hash.

	array = hash.to_a
	# => [["sick sheep", "sixth"], ["pickled peppers", "peck of"]]

	# Print out a tongue-twisting invoice.
	until array.empty?
	  item, quantity = array.pop
	  puts "#{quantity} #{item}"
	# peck of pickled peppers
	# sixth sick sheep

Some methods convert one data type to another as a side effect: for instance, sorting a hash implicitly converts it into an array, since hashes have no notion of ordering.

	# => [["pickled peppers", "peck of"], ["sick sheep", "sixth"]]

Number conversion and coercion

Most of the commonly used conversion methods in stock Ruby are in the number classes. This makes sense because arithmetic operations can give different results depending on the numeric types of the inputs. This is one place where Ruby’s conversion methods are used as a substitute for casting. Here, to_f is used to force Ruby to perform floating-point division instead of integer division:

	3/4                                         # => 0
	3/4.to_f                                    # => 0.75

Integers and floating-point numbers have to_i and to_f methods to convert back and forth between each other. BigDecimal or Rational objects define the same methods; they also define some brand new conversion methods: to_d to convert a number to BigDecimal, and to_r to convert a number to Rational. To convert to or from Rational objects you just have to require 'rational'. To convert to or from BigDecimal objects you must require 'bigdecimal' and also require 'bigdecimal/utils‘.

	require 'rational'
	Rational(1, 3).to_f                         # => 0.333333333333333
	Rational(11, 5).to_i                        # => 2
	2.to_r                                      # => Rational(2, 1)

Here’s a table that shows how to convert between Ruby’s basic numeric types.

Table 8-1. 











to_i(decimal discard)

to_f (new)


to_d.to_r (include bigdecimal/util)




to_d (new)

to_r (include bigdecimal/util)


to_i(dec discard)

to_f (approx)

to_d (include bigdecimal/util)

to_r (identity)

Two cases deserve special mention. You can’t convert a floating-point number directly into rational number, but you can do it through BigDecimal. The result will be imprecise, because floating-point numbers are imprecise.

	require 'bigdecimal'
	require 'bigdecimal/util'

	one_third = 1/3.0          # => 0.333333333333333
	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_r' for 0.333333333333333:Float
	one_third.to_d.to_r        # => Rational(333333333333333, 1000000000000000)

Similarly, the best way to convert an Integer to a BigDecimal is to convert it to a rational number first.

	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_d' for 20:Fixnum
	20.to_r.to_d               # => #<BigDecimal:b7bfd214,'0.2E2',4(48)>

When it needs to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers of different types, Ruby uses a method called coerce. Every numeric type implements a coerce method that takes a single number as its argument. It returns an array of two numbers: the object itself and the argument passed into coerce. Either or both numbers might undergo a conversion, but whatever happens, both the numbers in the return array must be of the same type. The arithmetic operation is performed on these two numbers, coerced into the same type.

This way, the authors of numeric classes don’t have to make their arithmetic operations support operations on objects of different types. If they implement coerce, they know that their arithmetic operations will only be passed in another object of the same type.

This is easiest to see for the Complex class. Below, every input to coerce is transformed into an equivalent complex number so that it can be used in arithmetic operations along with the complex number i:

	require 'complex'
	i = Complex(0, 1)                     # => Complex(0, 1)
	i.coerce(3)                           # => [Complex(3, 0), Complex(0, 1)]
	i.coerce(2.5)                         # => [Complex(2.5, 0), Complex(0, 1)]

This, incidentally, is why 3/4 uses integer division but 3/4.to_f uses floating-point division. 3.coerce(4) returns two integer objects, so the arithmetic methods of Fixnum are used. 3.coerce(4.0) returns two floating-point numbers, so the arithmetic methods of Float are used.

Other conversion methods

All Ruby objects define conversion methods to_s and inspect, which give a string representation of the object. Usually inspect is the more readable of the two formats.

	[1, 2, 3].to_s                                    # => "123"
	[1, 2, 3].inspect                                 # => "[1, 2, 3]"

Here’s a grab bag of other notable conversion methods found within the Ruby standard library. This should give you a picture of what Ruby conversion methods typically do.

  • MatchData#to_a creates an array containing the match groups of a regular expression match.

  • Matrix#to_a converts a mathematical matrix into a nested array.

  • Enumerable#to_a iterates over any enumerable object and collects the results in an array.

  • Net::HTTPHeader#to_hash returns a hash mapping the names of HTTP headers to their values.

  • String#to_f and String#to_i parse strings into numeric objects. Including the bigdecimal/util library will define String#to_d, which parses a string into a BigDecimal object.

  • Including the yaml library will define to_yaml methods for all of Ruby’s built-in classes: Array#to_yaml, String#to_yaml, and so on.

See Also

  • Recipe 1.12, “Testing Whether an Object Is String-Like”

  • Recipe 2.1, “Parsing a Number from a String”

  • Recipe 8.10, “Getting a Human-Readable Printout of Any Object”

8.10. Getting a Human-Readable Printout of Any Object


You want to look at a natural-looking rendition of a given object.


Use Object#inspect. Nearly all the time, this method will give you something more readable than simply printing out the object or converting it into a string.

	a = [1,2,3]
	puts a
	# 1
	# 2
	# 3

	puts a.to_s
	# 123

	puts a.inspect
	# [1, 2, 3]
	puts /foo/
	# (?-mix:foo)
	puts /foo/.inspect
	# /foo/
	f ='foo', 'a')
	puts f
	# #<File:0xb7c31c30>
	puts f.inspect
	# #<File:foo>


Even very complex data structures can be inspected and come out looking just like they would in Ruby code to define that data structure. In some cases, you can even run the output of inspect through eval to recreate the object.

	periodic_table = [{ :symbol => "H", :name => "hydrogen", :weight => 1.007 },
	                  { :symbol => "Rg", :name => "roentgenium", :weight => 272 }]
	puts periodic_table.inspect
	# [{:symbol=>"H", :name=>"hydrogen", :weight=>1.007},
	# {:symbol=>"Rg", :name=>"roentgenium", :weight=>272}]

	# => {:symbol=>"H", :name=>"hydrogen", :weight=>1.007}

By default, an object’s inspect method works the same way as its to_s method.[3] Unless your classes override inspect, inspecting one of your objects will yield a boring and not terribly helpful string, containing only the object’s class name, object_id, and instance variables:

	class Dog
	  def initialize(name, age)
	    @name = name
	    @age = age * 7 #Compensate for dog years

	spot ="Spot", 2.1)
	# => "#<Dog:0xb7c16bec @name="Spot", @age=14.7>"

That’s why you’ll help out your future self by defining useful inspect methods that give relevant information about the objects you’ll be instantiating.

	class Dog
	  def inspect
	    "<A Dog named #{@name} who's #{@age} in dog years.>"
	  def to_s
	# => "<A Dog named Spot who's 14.7 in dog years.>"

Or, if you believe in being able to eval the output of inspect:

	class Dog
	  def inspect
	    %{"#{@name}", #{@age/7})}
	# => ""Spot", 2.1)"
	# => ""Spot", 2.1)"

Just don’t automatically eval the output of inspect, because, as always, that’s dangerous:

	strange_dog_name = %{Spot", 0); puts "Executing arbitrary Ruby…"; puts("}
	spot =, 0)
	puts spot.inspect
	#"Spot", 0); puts "Executing arbitrary Ruby…"; puts("", 0)
	# Executing arbitrary Ruby…
	# 0

8.11. Accepting or Passing a Variable Number of Arguments


You want to write a method that can accept any number of arguments. Or maybe you want to pass the contents of an array as arguments into such a method, rather than passing in the array itself as a single argument.


To accept any number of arguments to your method, prefix the last argument name with an asterisk. When the method is called, all the “extra” arguments will be collected in a list and passed in as that argument:

	def sum(*numbers)
	  puts "I'm about to sum the array #{numbers.inspect}"
	  numbers.inject(0) { |sum, x| sum += x }

	sum(1, 2, 10)
	# I'm about to sum the array [1, 2, 10]
	# => 13

	sum(2, -2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2)
	# I'm about to sum the array [2, -2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2]
	# => 2
	# I'm about to sum the array []
	# => 0

To pass an array of arguments into a method, use the asterisk signifier before the array you want to be turned into “extra” arguments:

	to_sum = []
	1.upto(10) { |x| to_sum << x }
	# I'm about to sum the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
	# => 55

Bad things happen if you forget the asterisk: your entire array is treated as a single “extra” argument:

	# I'm about to sum the array [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]]
	# TypeError: Array can't be coerced into Fixnum


Why make a method take a variable number of arguments, instead of just having it take a single array? It’s basically for the convenience of the user. Consider the Kernel#printf method, which takes one fixed argument (a format string), and then a variable number of inputs to the format string:

	printf('%s | %s', 'left', 'right')
	# left | right

It’s very rare that the caller of printf already has her inputs lying around in an array. Fortunately, Ruby is happy to create the array on the user’s behalf. If the caller does already have an array of inputs, it’s easy to pass the contents of that array as “extra” arguments by sticking the asterisk onto the appropriate variable name:

	inputs = ['left', 'right']
	printf('%s | %s', *inputs)
	# left | right

As you can see, a method can take a fixed number of “normal” arguments and then a variable number of “extra” arguments. When defining such a method, just make sure that the last argument is the one you prefix with the asterisk:

	def format_list(header, footer='', *data)
	  puts header
	  puts (line = '-' * header.size)
	  puts data.join("
	  puts line
	  puts footer
	cozies = 21
	gaskets = 10
	format_list("Yesterday's productivity numbers:", 'Congratulations!',
	            "#{cozies} slime mold cozies", "#{gaskets} Sierpinski gaskets")
	# Yesterday's productivity numbers:
	# --------------------------------
	# 21 slime mold cozies
	# 10 Sierpinski gaskets
	# --------------------------------
	# Congratulations!

You can use the asterisk trick to call methods that don’t take a variable number of arguments. You just need to make sure that the array you’re using has enough elements to provide values for all of the method’s required arguments.

You’ll find this especially useful for constructors that take many arguments. The following code initializes four Range objects from four arrays of constructor arguments:

	 ranges = [[1, 10], [1, 6, true], [25, 100, false], [6, 9]]
	 ranges.collect { |l|*l) }
	 # => [1..10, 1…6, 25..100, 6..9]

8.12. Simulating Keyword Arguments


A function or method can accept many optional arguments. You want to let callers pass in only the arguments they have values for, but Ruby doesn’t support keyword arguments as Python and Lisp do.


Write your function to accept as its final argument a map of symbols to values. Consult the map as necessary to see what arguments were passed in.

	def fun_with_text(text, args={})
	  text = text.upcase if args[:upcase]
	  text = text.downcase if args[:downcase]
	  if args[:find] and args[:replace]
	    text = text.gsub(args[:find], args[:replace])
	  text = text.slice(0, args[:truncate_at]) if args[:truncate_at]
	  return text

Ruby has syntactic sugar that lets you define a hash inside a function call without putting it in curly brackets. This makes the code look more natural:

	fun_with_text("Foobar", {:upcase => true, :truncate_at => 5})
	# => "FOOBA"
	fun_with_text("Foobar", :upcase => true, :truncate_at => 5)
	# => "FOOBA"
	fun_with_text("Foobar", :find => /(o+)/, :replace => '1d', :downcase => true)
	# => "foodbar"


This simple code works well in most cases, but it has a couple of shortcomings compared to “real” keyword arguments. These simulated keyword arguments don’t work like regular arguments because they’re hidden inside a hash. You can’t reject an argument that’s not part of the “signature,” and you can’t force a caller to provide a particular keyword argument.

Each of these problems is easy to work around (for instance, does a required argument really need to be a keyword argument?), but it’s best to define the workaround code in a mixin so you only have to do it once. The following code is based on a KeywordProcessor module by Gavin Sinclair:

	# This mix-in module lets methods match a caller's hash of keyword
	# parameters against a hash the method keeps, mapping keyword
	# arguments to default parameter values.
	# If the caller leaves out a keyword parameter whose default value is
	# :MANDATORY (a constant in this module), then an error is raised.
	# If the caller provides keyword parameters which have no
	# corresponding keyword arguments, an error is raised.
	module KeywordProcessor

	  def process_params(params, defaults)
	    # Reject params not present in defaults.
	    params.keys.each do |key|
	      unless defaults.has_key? key
	        raise ArgumentError, "No such keyword argument: #{key}"
	    result = defaults.dup.update(params)

	    # Ensure mandatory params are given.
	    unfilled = { |k,v| v == MANDATORY }.map { |k,v| k.inspect }
	    unless unfilled.empty?
	      msg = "Mandatory keyword parameter(s) not given: #{unfilled.join(', ')}"
	      raise ArgumentError, msg

	    return result

Here’s KeywordProcessor in action. Note how I set a default other than nil for a keyword argument, by defining it in the default value of args:

	class TextCanvas

	  def render(text, args={}.freeze)
	    args = process_params(args, {:font => 'New Reykjavik Solemn', :size => 36,
	                                 :bold => false, :x => :MANDATORY,
	                                 :y => :MANDATORY }.freeze)
	    # …
	    puts "DEBUG: Found font #{args[:font]} in catalog."
	    # …

	canvas =

	canvas.render('Hello', :x => 4, :y => 100)
	# DEBUG: Found font New Reykjavik Solemn in catalog.

	canvas.render('Hello', :x => 4, :y => 100, :font => 'Lacherlich')
	# DEBUG: Found font Lacherlich in catalog.

	canvas.render('Hello', :font => "Lacherlich")
	# ArgumentError: Mandatory keyword parameter(s) not given: :x, :y

	canvas.render('Hello', :x => 4, :y => 100, :italic => true)
	# ArgumentError: No such keyword argument: italic

Ruby 2.0 will, hopefully, have full support for keyword arguments.

See Also

8.13. Calling a Superclass’s Method


When overriding a class’s method in a subclass, you want to extend or decorate the behavior of the superclass, rather than totally replacing it.


Use the super keyword to call the superclass implementation of the current method.

When you call super with no arguments, the arguments to your method are passed to the superclass method exactly as they were recieved by the subclass. Here’s a Recipe class that defines (among other things) a cook method.

	class Recipe
	  # … The rest of the Recipe implementation goes here.
	  def cook(stove, cooking_time)
	    dish = prepare_ingredients
	    stove << dish
	    return dish

Here’s a subclass of Recipe that tacks some extra behavior onto the recipe. It passes all of its arguments directly into super:

	class RecipeWithExtraGarlic < Recipe
	  def cook(stove, cooking_time)

	    5.times { add_ingredient( }

A subclass implementation can also choose to pass arguments into super. This way, a subclass can accept different arguments from its superclass implementation:

	class BakingRecipe < Recipe
	  def cook(cooking_time, oven_temperature=350)
	    oven =
	    super(oven, cooking_time)


You can call super at any time in the body of a method—before, during, or after calling other code. This is in contrast to languages like Java, where you must call super in the method’s first statement or never call it at all. If you need to, you can even call super multiple times within a single method.

Often you want to create a subclass method that exposes exactly the same interface as its parent. You can use the *args constructor to make the subclass method accept any arguments at all, then call super with no arguments to pass all those arguments (as well as any attached code block) into the superclass implementation. Let the superclass deal with any problems with the arguments.

The String#gsub method exposes a fairly complicated interface, but the String subclass defined here doesn’t need to know anything about it:

	class MyString < String
	  def gsub(*args)
	    return "#{super} -- This string modified by 
MyString#gsub (TM)"
	str ="Here's my string")
	str.gsub("my", "a")
	# => "Here's a string -- This string modified by MyString#gsub (TM)"

	str.gsub(/m| s/) { |match| match.strip.capitalize }
	# => "Here's MyString -- This string modified by MyString#gsub (TM)"

If the subclass method takes arguments but the superclass method takes none, be sure to invoke super with an empty pair of parentheses. Usually you don’t have to do this in Ruby, but super is not a real method call. If you invoke super without parentheses, it will pass all the subclass arguments into the superclass implementation, which won’t be able to handle them.

In the example below, calling just super would result in an ArgumentError: it would pass a numeric argument into String#succ!, which takes no arguments:

	class MyString
	  def succ!(skip=1)
	    skip.times { super() }

	str ='a')
	str.succ!(3)                          # => "d"

Invoking super works for class methods as well as instance methods:

	class MyFile < File
	  def MyFile.ftype(*args)
	    return "The type is #{super}."
	File.ftype("/bin")                    # => "directory"
	MyFile.ftype("/bin")                  # => "The type is directory."

8.14. Creating an Abstract Method


You want to define a method of a class, but leave it for subclasses to fill in the actual implementations.


Define the method normally, but have it do nothing except raise a NotImplementedError:

	class Shape2D
	  def area
	    raise NotImplementedError.
	    new("#{}#area is an 
abstract method.")
	# NotImplementedError: Shape2D#area is an  
abstract method.

A subclass can redefine the method with a concrete implementation:

	class Square < Shape2D
	  def initialize(length)
	    @length = length

	  def area
	    @length ** 2
	end 	                     # => 100


Ruby doesn’t have a built-in notion of an abstract method or class, and though it has many built-in classes that might be considered “abstract,” it doesn’t enforce this abstractness the way C++ and Java do. For instance, you can instantiate an instance of Object or Numeric, even though those classes don’t do anything by themselves.

In general, this is in the spirit of Ruby. But it’s sometimes useful to define a superclass method that every subclass is expected to implement. The NotImplementedError error is the standard way of conveying that a method is not there, whether it’s abstract or just an unimplemented stub.

Unlike other programming languages, Ruby will let you instantiate a class that defines an abstract method. You won’t have any problems until you actually call the abstract method; even then, you can catch the NotImplementedError and recover. If you want, you can make an entire class abstract by making its initialize method raise a NotImplementedError. Then no one will be able to create instances of your class:[4]

	class Shape2D
	  def initialize
	   raise NotImplementedError.
	    new("#{} is an abstract class.")
	# NotImplementedError: Shape2D is an abstract class.

We can do the same thing in less code by defining a decorator method of Class that creates an abstract method by the given name.

	class Class
	    args.each do |method_name|
	      define_method(method_name) do |*args|
	        if method_name == :initialize
	          msg = "#{} is an abstract class."
	          msg = "#{}##{method_name} is an abstract method."


Here’s an abstract class that defines an abstract method move:

	class Animal
	  abstract :initialize, :move
	# NotImplementedError: Animal is an abstract class.

Here’s a concrete subclass that doesn’t bother to define an implementation for the abstract method:

	class Sponge < Animal
	  def initialize
	    @type = :Sponge

	sponge =
	# NotImplementedError: Sponge#move is an abstract method.

Here’s a concrete subclass that implements the abstract method:

	class Cheetah < Animal
	  def initialize
	    @type = :Cheetah

	  def move
	# => "Running!"

Abstract methods declared in a class are, by convention, eventually defined in the subclasses of that class. But Ruby doesn’t enforce this either. An abstract method has a definition; it just happens to be one that always throws an error.

Since Ruby lets you reopen classes and redefine methods later, the definition of a concrete method can happen later in time instead of further down the inheritance tree. The Sponge class defined above didn’t have a move method, but we can add one now:

	class Sponge
	  def move
	    "Floating on ocean currents!"
	# => "Floating on ocean currents!"

You can create an abstract singleton method, but there’s not much point unless you intend to fill it in later. Unlike instance methods, singleton methods aren’t inherited by subclasses. If you were to define abstract, then define it for real as, you would have accomplished little: would still exist separately and would still be abstract.

8.15. Freezing an Object to Prevent Changes


You want to prevent any further changes to the state of an object.


Freeze the object with Object#freeze:

	frozen_string = 'Brrrr!'
	frozen_string.gsub('r', 'a')                     # => "Baaaa!"
	frozen_string.gsub!('r', 'a')
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen string


When an object is frozen, its instance variables are permanently bound to their current values. The values themselves are not frozen: their instance variables can still be modified, to the extent they were modifiable before:

	sequences = [[1,2,3], [1,2,4], [1,4,9]].freeze
	sequences << [2,3,5]
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen array
	sequences[2] << 16                         # => [1, 4, 9, 16]

A frozen object cannot be unfrozen, and if cloned, the clone will also be frozen. Calling Object#dup (as opposed to Object#clone) on a frozen object yields an unfrozen object with the same instance variables.

	frozen_string.clone.frozen?                      # => true
	frozen_string.dup.frozen?                        # => false

Freezing an object does not prevent reassignment of any variables bound to that object.

	frozen_string = 'A new string.'
	frozen_string.frozen?                            # => false

To prevent objects from changing in ways confusing to the user or to the Ruby interpreter, Ruby sometimes copies objects and freezes the copies. When you use a string as a hash key, Ruby actually copies the string, freezes the copy, and uses the copy as the hash key: that way, if the original string changes later on, the hash key isn’t affected.

Constant objects are often frozen as a second line of defense against the object being modified in place. You can freeze an object whenever you need a permanent reference to an object; this is most commonly seen with strings:

	API_KEY = "100f7vo4gg".freeze

	API_KEY[0] = 4
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen string

	API_KEY = "400f7vo4gg"
	# warning: already initialized constant API_KEY

Frozen objects are also useful in multithreaded code. For instance, Ruby’s internal file operations work from a frozen copy of a filename instead of using the filename directly. If another thread modifies the original filename in the middle of an operation that’s supposed to be atomic, there’s no problem: Ruby wasn’t relying on the original filename anyway. You can adopt this copy-and-freeze pattern in multithreaded code to prevent a data structure you’re working on from being changed by another thread.

Another common programmer-level use of this feature is to freeze a class in order to prevent future modifications to it (by yourself, other code running in the same environment, or other people who use your code as a library). This is not quite the same as the final construct in C# and Java, because you can still subclass a frozen class, and override methods in the subclass. Calling freeze only stops the in-place modification of a class. The simplest way to do it is to call freeze as the last statement in the class definition:

	class MyClass
	  def my_method
	    puts "This is the only method allowed in MyClass."

	class MyClass
	  def my_method
	    "I like this implementation of my_method better."
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen class

	class MyClass
	  def my_other_method
	    "Oops, I forgot to implement this method."
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen class

	class MySubclass < MyClass
	  def my_method
	    "This is only one of the methods available in MySubclass."

	  def my_other_method
	    "This is the other one."
	# => "This is only one of the methods available in MySubclass."

See Also

  • Recipe 4.7, “Making Sure a Sorted Array Stays Sorted,” defines a convenience method for making a frozen copy of an object

  • Recipe 5.5, “Using an Array or Other Modifiable Object as a Hash Key”

  • Recipe 8.16, “Making a Copy of an Object”

  • Recipe 8.17, “Declaring Constants”

8.16. Making a Copy of an Object


You want to make a copy of an existing object: a new object that can be modified separately from the original.


Ruby provides two ways of doing this. If you only want to have to remember one way, remember Object#clone:

	s1 = 'foo'                             # => "foo"
	s2 = s1.clone                          # => "foo"
	s1[0] = 'b'
	[s1, s2]                               # => ["boo", "foo"]


Ruby has two object-copy methods: a quick one and a thorough one. The quick one, Object#dup, creates a new instance of an object’s class, then sets all of the new object’s instance variables so that they reference the same objects as the original does. Finally, it makes the new object tainted if the old object was tainted.

The downside of dup is that it creates a new instance of the object’s original class. If you open up a specific object and give it a singleton method, you implicitly create a metaclass, an anonymous subclass of the original class. Calling dup on the object will yield a copy that lacks the singleton methods. The other object-copy method, Object#clone, makes a copy of the metaclass and instantiates the copy, instead of instantiating the object’s original class.

	material = 'cotton'
	class << material
	  def definition
	     puts 'The better half of velour.'
	# The better half of velour.

	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'definition' for "cotton":String

	# The better half of velour.

	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'definition' for "cotton":String

Object#clone is also more strict about propagating Ruby’s internal flags: it will propagate both an object’s “tainted?” flag and its “frozen?” flag. If you want to make an unfrozen copy of a frozen object, you must use Object#dup.

Object#clone and Object#dup both perform shallow copies: they make copies of an object without also copying its instance variables. You’ll end up with two objects whose instance variables point to the same objects. Modifications to one object’s instance variables will be visible in the other object. This can cause problems if you’re not expecting it:

	class StringHolder
	  attr_reader :string
	  def initialize(string)
	    @string = string

	s1 ='string')
	s2 = s1.dup
	s3 = s1.clone

	s1.string[1] = 'p'
	s2.string                              # => "spring"
	s3.string                              # => "spring"

If you want to do a deep copy, an easy (though not particularly quick) way is to serialize the object to a binary string with Marshal, then load a new object from the string:

	class Object
	  def deep_copy

	s1 ='string')
	s2 = s1.deep_copy
	s1.string[1] = 'p'
	s1.string                              # => "spring"
	s2.string                              # => "string"

Note that this will only work on an object that has no singleton methods:

	class << s1
	  def definition
	     puts "We hold strings so you don't have to."
	# TypeError: singleton can't be dumped

When an object is cloned or duplicated, Ruby creates a new instance of its class or superclass, but without calling the initialize method. If you want to define some code to run when an object is cloned or duplicated, define an initialize_copy method. This is a hook method that gives you a chance to modify the copy before Ruby passes it back to whoever called clone or dup. If you want to simulate a deep copy without using Marshal, this is your chance to modify the copy’s instance variables:

	class StringHolder
	  def initialize_copy(from)
	   @string = from.string.dup

	s1 ='string')
	s2 = s1.dup
	s3 = s1.clone
	s1.string[1] = "p"
	s2.string                              # => "string"
	s3.string                              # => "string"

This table summarizes the differences between clone, dup, and the deep-copy technique that uses Marshal.

Table 8-2. 



Deep copy with Marshal

Same instance variables?

New references to the same objects

New references to the same objects

New objects

Same metaclass?




Same singleton methods?




Same frozen state?




Same tainted state?




[5] Marshal can’t serialize an object whose metaclass is different from its original class.

[6] Marshal can’t serialize an object whose metaclass is different from its original class.

See Also

8.17. Declaring Constants


You want to prevent a variable from being assigned a different value after its initial definition.


Declare the variable as a constant. You can’t absolutely prohibit the variable from being assigned a different value, but you can make Ruby generate a warning whenever that happens.

	not_a_constant = 3
	not_a_constant = 10

	# warning: already initialized constant A_CONSTANT


A constant variable is one whose name starts with a capital letter. By tradition, Ruby constant names consist entirely of capital letters, numbers, and underscores. Constants don’t mesh well with Ruby’s philosophy of unlimited changability: there’s no way to absolutely prevent someone from changing your constant. However, they are a useful signal to the programmers who come after you, letting them know not to redefine a constant without a very good reason.

Constants can occur anywhere in code. If they appear within a class or module, you can access them from outside the class or module with the double-colon operator ( ::). The name of the class or module qualifies the name of the constant, preventing confusion with other constants that may have the same name but be defined in different scopes.

	CONST = 4

	module ConstModule
	  CONST = 6

	class ConstHolder
	  CONST = 8

	  def my_const
	    return CONST

	CONST                                  # => 4
	ConstModule::CONST                     # => 6
	ConstHolder::CONST                     # => 8               # => 8

The thing that’s constant about a constant is its reference to an object. If you change the reference to point to a different object, you’ll get a warning. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell Ruby to treat the redeclaration of a constant as an error.

	E = 2.718281828                        # => 2.718281828
	E = 6                                  # warning: already initialized constant E
	E                                      # => 6

However, you can use Module#remove_const as a sneaky way to “undeclare” a constant. You can then declare the constant again, without even triggering a warning. Clearly, this is potent and potentially dangerous stuff:

	# This should make things a lot simpler.
	module Math
	  PI = 3
	Math::PI                               # => 3

If a constant points to a mutable object like an array or a string, the object itself can change without triggering the constant warning. You can prevent this by freezing the object to which the constant points:

	RGB_COLORS = [:red, :green, :blue]     # => [:red, :green, :blue]
	RGB_COLORS << :purple            # => [:red, :green, :blue, :purple]
	RGB_COLORS = [:red, :green, :blue]
	# warning: already initialized constant RGB_GOLORS
	RGB_COLORS                             # => [:red, :green, :blue]

	RGB_COLORS << :purple
	# TypeError: can't modify frozen array

Freezing operates on the object, not the reference. It does nothing to prevent a constant reference from being assigned to another object.

	HOURS_PER_DAY.freeze # This does nothing since Fixnums are already immutable.

	# warning: already initialized constant HOURS_PER_DAY
	HOURS_PER_DAY                            # => 26

See Also

  • Recipe 8.15, “Freezing an Object to Prevent Changes”

8.18. Implementing Class and Singleton Methods


You want to associate a new method with a class (as opposed to the instances of that class), or with a particular object (as opposed to other instances of the same class).


To define a class method, prefix the method name with the class name in the method definition. You can do this inside or outside of the class definition.

The Regexp.is_valid? method, defined below, checks whether a string can be compiled into a regular expression. It doesn’t make sense to call it on an already instantiated Regexp, but it’s clearly related functionality, so it belongs in the Regexp class (assuming you don’t mind adding a method to a core Ruby class).

	class Regexp
	  def Regexp.is_valid?(str)
	      valid = true
	    rescue RegexpError
	      valid = false
	Regexp.is_valid? "The horror!"             # => true
	Regexp.is_valid? "The)horror!"             # => false

Here’s a Fixnum.random method that generates a random number in a specified range:

	def Fixnum.random(min, max)
	  raise ArgumentError, "min > max" if min > max
	  return min + rand(max-min+1)
	Fixnum.random(10, 20)                                  # => 13
	Fixnum.random(-5, 0)                                   # => -5
	Fixnum.random(10, 10)                                  # => 10
	Fixnum.random(20, 10)
	# ArgumentError: min > max

To define a method on one particular other object, prefix the method name with the variable name when you define the method:

	company_name = 'Homegrown Software'
	def company_name.legalese
	  return "#{self} is a registered trademark of ConglomCo International."

	# => "Homegrown Software is a registered trademark of ConglomCo International."
	'Some Other Company'.legalese
	# NoMethodError: undefined method 'legalese' for "Some Other Company":String


In Ruby, a singleton method is a method defined on one specific object, and not available to other instances of the same class. This is kind of analagous to the Singleton pattern, in which all access to a certain class goes through a single instance, but the name is more confusing than helpful.

Class methods are actually a special case of singleton methods. The object on which you define a new method is the Class object itself.

Some common types of class methods are listed here, along with illustrative examples taken from Ruby’s standard library:

  • Methods that instantiate objects, and methods for retrieving an object that implements the Singleton pattern. Examples: Regexp.compile, Date.parse, Dir. open, and Marshal.load (which can instantiate objects of many different types). Ruby’s standard constructor, the new method, is another example.

  • Utility or helper methods that use logic associated with a class, but don’t require an instance of that class to operate. Examples: Regexp.escape, Dir.entries, File.basename.

  • Accessors for class-level or Singleton data structures. Examples: Thread.current, Struct.members, Dir.pwd.

  • Methods that implicitly operate on an object that implements the Singleton pattern. Examples: Dir.chdir, GC.disable and GC.enable, and all the methods of Process.

When you define a singleton method on an object other than a class, it’s usually to redefine an existing method for a particular object, rather than to define a brand new method. This behavior is common in frameworks, such as GUIs, where each individual object has customized behavior. Singleton method definition is a cheap substitute for subclassing when you only need to customize the behavior of a single object:

	class Button
	  #A stub method to be overridden by subclasses or individual Button objects
	  def pushed

	button_a =
	def button_a.pushed
	  puts "You pushed me! I'm offended!"

	button_b =
	def button_b.pushed
	  puts "You pushed me; that's okay."

	# You pushed me! I'm offended!
	# You pushed me; that's okay.

When you define a method on a particular object, Ruby acts behind the scenes to transform the object into an anonymous subclass of its former class. This new class is the one that actually defines the new method or overrides the methods of its superclass.

8.19. Controlling Access by Making Methods Private


You’ve refactored your code (or written it for the first time) and ended up a method that should be marked for internal use only. You want to prevent outside objects from calling such methods.


Use private as a statement before a method definition, and the method will not be callable from outside the class that defined it. This class defines an initializer, a public method, and a private method:

	class SecretNumber
	  def initialize
	    @secret = rand(20)
	  def hint
	    puts "The number is #{"not " if secret <= 10}greater than 10."
	  def secret

	s =
	# NoMethodError:  
private method 'secret' called for
	# #<SecretNumber:0xb7c2e83c @secret=19>

	# The number is greater than 10.

Unlike in many other programming languages, a private method in Ruby is accessible to subclasses of the class that defines it:

	class LessSecretNumber < SecretNumber
	  def hint
	    lower = secret-rand(10)-1
	    upper = secret+rand(10)+1
	    "The number is somewhere between #{lower} and #{upper}."

	ls =
	# => "The number is somewhere between -3 and 16."
	# => "The number is somewhere between -1 and 15."
	# => "The number is somewhere between -2 and 16."


Like many parts of Ruby that look like special language features, Ruby’s privacy keywords are actually methods. In this case, they’re methods of Module. When you call private, protected, or public, the current module (remember that a class is just a special kind of module) changes the rules it applies to newly defined methods from that point on.

Most languages that support method privacy make you put a keyword before every method saying whether it’s public, private, or protected. In Ruby, the special privacy methods act as toggles. When you call the private keyword, all methods you define after that point are declared as private, until the module definition ends or you call a different privacy method. This makes it easy to group methods of the same privacy level—a good, general programming practice:

	class MyClass
	  def public_method1

	  def public_method2


	  def protected_method1

	  def private_method1

	  def private_method2

Private and protected methods work a little differently in Ruby than in most other programming languages. Suppose you have a class called Foo and a subclass SubFoo. In languages like Java, SubFoo has no access to any private methods defined by Foo. As seen in the Solution, Ruby provides no way to hide a class’s methods from its subclasses. In this way, Ruby’s private works like Java’s protected.

Suppose further that you have two instances of the Foo class, A and B. In languages like Java, A and B can call each other’s private methods. In Ruby, you need to use a protected method for that. This is the main difference between private and protected methods in Ruby.

In the example below, I try to add another type of hint to the LessSecretNumber class, one that lets you compare the relative magnitudes of two secret numbers. It doesn’t work because one LessSecretNumber can’t call the private methods of another LessSecretNumber:

	class LessSecretNumber
	  def compare(other)
	    if secret == other.secret
	    comparison = "equal to"
	      comparison = secret > other.secret ? "greater than" : "less than"
	    "This secret number is #{comparison} the secret number you passed in."

	a =
	b =
	# => "The number is somewhere between 17 and 22."
	# => "The number is somewhere between 0 and 12."
	# NoMethodError: private method 'secret' called for
	# #<LessSecretNumber:0xb7bfe13c @secret=6>

But if I make make the secret method protected instead of private, the compare method starts working. You can change the privacy of a method after the fact by passing its symbol into one of the privacy methods:

	class SecretNumber
	  protected :secret
	# => "This secret number is greater than the secret number you passed in."
	# => "This secret number is less than the secret number you passed in."

Instance variables are always private: accessible by subclasses, but not from other objects, even other objects of the same class. If you want to make an instance variable accessible to the outside, you should define a getter method with the same name as the variable. This method can be either protected or public.

You can trick a class into calling a private method from outside by passing the method’s symbol into Object#send (in Ruby 1.8) or Object#funcall (in Ruby 1.9). You’d better have a really good reason for doing this.

	s.send(:secret)                                    # => 19

See Also

  • Recipe 8.2, “Managing Class Data,” has a pretty good reason for using the Object#send trick

[1] In Ruby 1.9, Object#send can’t be used to call private methods. You’ll need to replace the calls to send with calls to Object#funcall.

[2] This isn’t a hard and fast rule. Array#sort won’t work on arrays whose elements can’t be mutually compared, but it would be a big inconvenience to put sort in a subclass of Array or leave it out of the Ruby standard library. You might feel the same way about sum; but then, you’re not the Ruby standard library.

[3] Contrary to what ri Object#inspect says, Object#inspect does not delegate to the Object#to_s method: it just happens to work a lot like Object#to_s. If you only override to_s, inspect won’t be affected.

[4] Of course, unless you freeze the class afterwards, someone else can reopen your class, define an empty initialize, and then create instances of your class.

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