Chapter 17. Testing, Debugging, Optimizing, and Documenting

The recipes in previous chapters focus on writing code to do what you want. This chapter focuses on verifying that your code really works, and on fixing it when it breaks. We start off simple and move to more advanced debugging techniques.

What happens when your program has a bug? The best-case scenario is that you discover the bug before it affects anyone, including other developers. That’s the goal of unit tests (Recipe 17.7). Ruby and the Ruby community promote a philosophy of writing automated tests as (or even before) you write the corresponding functionality. At every stage of development, you know that your program works, and if you make a change that breaks something, you know about it immediately. These tests can replace much boring manual testing and bug hunting.

Suppose a bug slips past your tests, and you only discover it in production. How’s it going to manifest itself? If you’re lucky, you’ll see an exception: a notification from some piece of Ruby code that something is wrong.

Exceptions interrupt the normal flow of execution, and, if not handled, will crash the program. The good news is that they give you a place in the code to start debugging. It’s worse if a bug doesn’t cause an exception, because you’ll only notice its byproducts: corrupt data or even security violations. We show code for handling exceptions (Recipes 17.3 and 17.4) and for creating your own (Recipe 17.2).

Successful debugging means reproducing the bug in an environment where you can poke at it. This may mean dropping from a running program into an irb session (Recipe 17.10), or it may be as simple as adding diagnostic messages that make the program show its work (Recipe 17.1).

Even a program that has no noticeable bugs may run too slowly or use too many resources. Ruby provides two tools for doing performance optimization: a profiler (Recipe 17.12) and a benchmarking suite (Recipe 17.13). It’s easy to create your own analysis tools by writing a trace function that hooks into the Ruby interpreter as it runs. The call graph tracker presented at chapter’s end (Recipe 17.15) exploits this feature.

17.1. Running Code Only in Debug Mode


You want to print out debugging messages or run some sanity-checking code, but only while you’re developing your application;, not when you’re running it in production.


Run the code only if the global variable $DEBUG is true. You can trigger debug mode by passing in the --debug switch to the Ruby interpreter, or you can set the variable $DEBUG to true within your code.

Here’s a Ruby program to divide two random numbers. It contains a trivial bug. It usually runs to completion, but sometimes it crashes. A line of debug code has been added to give some more visibility into the internal workings of the program:

	#!/usr/bin/env ruby
	# divide.rb
	numerator = rand(100)
	denominator = rand(10)
	$stderr.puts "Dividing #{numerator} by #{denominator}" if $DEBUG
	puts numerator / denominator

When run with the --debug flag, the debug message is printed to standard error:

	$ ./divide.rb --debug
	Dividing 64 by 9

	$ ./divide.rb --debug
	Dividing 93 by 2

	$ ./divide.rb --debug
	Dividing 54 by 0
	Exception 'ZeroDivisionError' at divide_buggy.rb:6 - divided by 0
	divide_buggy.rb:6:in '/': divided by 0 (ZeroDivisionError)
	        from divide_buggy.rb:6

Once the bug is fixed, you can go back to running the script normally, and the debug message won’t show up:

	$ ./divide.rb


This is a common technique when a “real” debugger is too much trouble. It’s usually used to send debug messages to standard error, but you can put any code at all within a $DEBUG conditional. For instance, many Ruby libraries have their own “verbose”, " debug level”, or " debug mode” settings: you can choose to set these other variables appropriately only when $DEBUG is true.

	require 'fileutils'
	FileUtils.cp('source', 'destination', $DEBUG)

If your code is running deep within a framework, you may not have immediate access to the standard error stream of the process. You can always have your debug code write to a temporary logfile, and monitor the file.

Use of $DEBUG costs a little speed, but except in tight loops it’s not noticeable. At the cost of a little more speed, you can save yourself some typing by defining convenience methods like this one:

	def pdebug(str)
	  $stderr.puts('DEBUG: ' + str) if $DEBUG

	pdebug "Dividing #{numerator} by #{denominator}"

Once you’ve fixed the bug and you no longer need the debugging code, it’s better to put it into a conditional than to simply remove it. If the problem recurs later, you’ll find yourself adding the debugging code right back in.

Sometimes commenting out the debugging code is better than putting it into a conditional. It’s more difficult to hunt down all the commented-out code, but you can pick and choose which pieces of code to uncomment. With the $DEBUG technique, it’s all or nothing.

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, though. $DEBUG starts out a boolean but it doesn’t have to stay that way: you can make it a numeric “debug level”. Instead of doing something if $DEBUG, you can check whether $DEBUG is greater than a certain number. A very important piece of debug code might be associated with a debug level of 1; a relatively unused piece might have a debug level of 5. Setting $DEBUG to zero would turn off debugging altogether.

Here are some convenience methods that make it easy to use $DEBUG as either a boolean or a numeric value:

	def debug(if_level)  
	  yield if ($DEBUG == true) || ($DEBUG && $DEBUG >= if_level)

	def pdebug(str, if_level=1)  
	  debug(if_level) { $stderr.puts "DEBUG: " + str }

One final note: make sure that you put the --debug switch on the command line before the name of your Ruby script. It’s an argument to the Ruby interpreter, nottoyour script.

See Also

  • Recipe 17.5, “Adding Logging to Your Application,” demonstrates a named system of debug levels; in fact, if your debug messages are mainly diagnostic, you might want to implement them as log messages

17.2. Raising an Exception

Credit: Steve Arneil


An error has occurred and your code can’t keep running. You want to indicate the error and let some other piece of code handle it.


Raise an exception by calling the Kernel#raise method with a description of the error. Calling the raise method interrupts the flow of execution.

The following method raises an exception whenever it’s called. Its second message will never be printed:

	def raise_exception
	  puts 'I am before the raise.'
	  raise 'An error has occurred.'
	  puts 'I am after the raise.'

	# I am before the raise.
	# RuntimeError: An error has occurred


Here’s a method, inverse, that returns the inverse of a number x. It does some basic error checking by raising an exception unless x is a number:

	def inverse(x)
	  raise "Argument is not numeric" unless x.is_a? Numeric
	  1.0 / x

When you pass in a reasonable value of x, all is well:

	inverse(2)                                      # => 0.5

When x is not a number, the method raises an exception:

	inverse('not a number')
	# RuntimeError: Argument is not numeric

An exception is an object, and the Kernel#raise method creates an instance of an exception class. By default, Kernel#raise creates an exception of RuntimeError class, which is a subclass of StandardError. This in turn is a subclass of Exception, the superclass of all exception classes. You can list all the standard exception classes by starting a Ruby session and executing code like this:

	ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |x|
	  puts x if x.ancestors.member? Exception

This variant lists only the better-known exception classes:

	ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) { |x| puts x if =~ /Error$/ }
	# SystemStackError
	# LocalJumpError
	# EOFError
	# IOError
	# RegexpError
	# …

To raise an exception of a specific class, you can pass in the class name as an argument to raise. RuntimeError is kind of generic for the inverse method’s check against x. The problem is there is actually a problem with one of the arguments passed into the method. A more aptly named exception class for that check would be ArgumentError:

	def inverse(x)
	  raise ArgumentError, 'Argument is not numeric' unless x.is_a? Numeric
	  1.0 / x

To be even more specific about an error, you can define your own Exception subclass:

	class NotInvertibleError < StandardError

The implementation of inverse method would then become:

	def inverse(x)
	  raise NotInvertibleError, 'Argument is not numeric' unless x.is_a? Numeric
	  1.0 / x

	inverse('not a number')
	# NotInvertibleError: Argument is not numeric

In some other programming languages, exceptions are “thrown.” In Ruby, they are not thrown but “raised.” Ruby does have a Kernel#throw method, but it has nothing to do with exceptions. See Recipe 7.8 for an example of throw, as opposed to raise.

See Also

17.3. Handling an Exception

Credit: Steve Arneil


You want to handle or recover from a raised exception.


Rescue the exception with a begin/rescue block. The code you put into the rescue clause should handle the exception and allow the program to continue executing.

This code demonstrates the rescue clause:

	def raise_and_rescue
	    puts 'I am before the raise.'
	    raise 'An error has occurred.'
	    puts 'I am after the raise.'
	    puts 'I am rescued!'
	  puts 'I am after the begin block.'

	# I am before the raise.
	# I am rescued!
	# I am after the begin block.

The exception doesn’t stop the program from running to completion, but the code that was interrupted by the exception never gets run. Once the exception is handled, execution continues immediately after the begin block that spawned it.


You can handle an exception with a rescue block if you know how to recover from the exception, if you want to display it in a nonstandard way, or if you know that the exception is not really a problem. You can solve the problem, present it to the end user, or just ignore it and forge ahead.

By default, a rescue clause rescues exceptions of class StandardError or its subclasses. Mentioning a specific class in a rescue statement will make it rescue exceptions of that class and its subclasses.

Here’s a method, do_it, that calls the Kernel#eval method to run some Ruby code passed to it. If the code cannot be run (because it’s not valid Ruby), eval raises an exception—a SyntaxError. This exception is not a subclass of StandardError; it’s a subclass of ScriptError, which is a subclass of Exception.

	def do_it(code)
	  puts "Cannot do it!"

	do_it('puts 1 + 1')
	# 2

	do_it('puts 1 +')
	# SyntaxError: (eval):1:in 'do_it': compile error

That rescue block never gets called because SyntaxError is not a subclass of StandardError. We need to tell our rescue block to rescue us from SyntaxError, or else from one of its superclasses, ScriptError and Exception:

	def do_it(code)
	rescue SyntaxError
	  puts "Cannot do it!"

	do_it('puts 1 +')
	# Cannot do it!

You can stack rescue clauses in a begin/rescue block. Exceptions not handled by one rescue clause will trickle down to the next:

	 # …
	rescue OneTypeOfException
	 # …
	rescue AnotherTypeOfException
	 # …

If you want to interrogate a rescued exception, you can map the Exception object to a variable within the rescue clause. Exception objects have useful methods like message and backtrace:

	  raise 'A test exception.'
	rescue Exception => e
	  puts e.message
	  puts e.backtrace.inspect
	# ["(irb):33:in 'irb_binding'",
	# "/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in 'irb_binding'",
	# ":0"]

You can also use the special variable $! within a rescue block to refer to the most recently raised Exception. If you do a require 'English', you can use the $ERROR_INFO variable, which is easier to remember.

	require 'English'
	  raise 'Another test 
	rescue Exception
	  puts $!.message
	  puts $ERROR_INFO.message
	# Another test exception.
	# Another test exception.

Since $! is a global variable, and might be changed at any time by another thread, it’s safer to map each Exception object you rescue to an object.

See Also

17.4. Rerunning After an Exception

Credit: Steve Arneil


You want to rerun some code that raised an exception, having (hopefully) fixed the problem that caused it in the first place.


Retry the code that failed by executing a retry statement within a rescue clause of a code block. retry reruns the block from the beginning.

Here’s a demonstration of the retry statement. The first time the code block runs, it raises an exception. The exception is rescued, the problem is “fixed,” and the code runs to completion the second time:

	def rescue_and_retry
	  error_fixed = false
	    puts 'I am before the raise in the begin block.'
	    raise 'An error has occurred!' unless error_fixed
	    puts 'I am after the raise in the begin block.'
	    puts 'An exception was thrown! 
		error_fixed = true
	  puts 'I am after the begin block.'
	# I am before the raise in the begin block.
	# An exception was thrown!  
	# I am before the raise in the begin block.
	# I am after the raise in the begin block.
	# I am after the begin block.


Here’s a method, check_connection, that checks if you are connected to the Internet. It will try to connect to a url up to max_tries times. This method uses a retry clause to retry connecting until it successfully completes a connection, or until it runs out of tries:

	require 'open-uri'

	def check_connection(max_tries=2, url='')
	  tries = 0
	    tries += 1
	    puts 'Checking connection…'
	    open(url) { puts 'Connection OK.' }
	  rescue Exception
	    puts 'Connection not OK!'
	    retry unless tries >= max_tries

	# Checking connection…
	# Connection OK.

	check_connection(2, '')
	# Checking connection…
	# Connection not OK!
	# Checking connection…
	# Connection not OK!

See Also

17.5. Adding Logging to Your Application


You want to make your application log events or diagnostic data to a file or stream. You want verbose logging when your application is in development, and more taciturn logging when in production.


Use the logger library in the Ruby standard library. Use its Logger class to send logging data to a file or other output stream.

In most cases, you’ll share a single Logger object throughout your application, as a global variable or module constant:

	require ' 
	$LOG =$stderr)

You can then call the instance methods of Logger to send messages to the log at various levels of severity. From least to most severe, the instance methods are Logger#debug, Logger#info, Logger#warn, Logger#error, and Logger#fatal.

This code uses the application’s logger to print a debugging message, and (at a higher severity) as part of error-handling code.

	def divide(numerator, denominator)
	  $LOG.debug("Numerator: #{numerator}, denominator #{denominator}")
	    result = numerator / denominator
	  rescue Exception => e
	    $LOG.error "Error in division!: #{e}"
	    result = nil
	  return result

	divide(10, 2)
	# D, [2006-03-31T19:35:01.043938 #18088] DEBUG -- : Numerator: 10, denominator 2
	# => 5

	divide(10, 0)
	# D, [2006-03-31T19:35:01.045230 #18088] DEBUG -- : Numerator: 10, denominator 0
	# E, [2006-03-31T19:35:01.045495 #18088] ERROR -- : Error in division!: divided by 0
	# => nil

To change the log level, simply assign the appropriate constant to level:

	$LOG.level = Logger::ERROR

Now our logger will ignore all log messages except those with severity ERROR or FATAL:

	divide(10, 2)
	# => 5

	divide(10, 0)
	# E, [2006-03-31T19:35:01.047861 #18088] ERROR -- : Error in division!: divided by 0
	# => nil


Ruby’s standard logging system works like Java’s oft-imitated Log4J. The Logger object centralizes all the decisions about whether a particular message is important enough to be written to the log. When you write code, you simply assume that all the messages will be logged. At runtime, you can get a more or a less verbose log by changing the log level. A production application usually has a log level of Logger::INFO or Logger::WARN.

The DEBUG log level is useful for step-by-step diagnostics of a complex task. The ERROR level is often used when handling exceptions: if the program can’t solve a problem, it logs the exception rather than crash and expects a human administrator to deal with it. The FATAL level should only be used when the program cannot recover from a problem, and is about to crash or exit.

If your log is being stored in a file, you can have Logger rotate or replace the log file when it get too big, or once a certain amount of time has elapsed:

	# Keep data for the current month only'this_month.log', 'monthly')

	# Keep data for today and the past 20 days.'application.log', 20, 'daily')

	# Start the log over whenever the log exceeds 100 megabytes in size.'application.log', 0, 100 * 1024 * 1024)

If the default log entries are too verbose for you, you have a couple of options. The simplest is to set datetime_format to a more concise date format. This code gets rid of the milliseconds:

	$LOG.datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
	$LOG.error('This is a little shorter.')
	# E, [2006-03-31T19:35:01#17339] ERROR -- : This is a little shorter.

If that’s not enough for you, you can replace the call method that formats a message for the log:

	class Logger
	  class Formatter
	    Format = "%s [%s] %s %s
	    def call(severity, time, progname, msg)
	      Format % [severity, format_datetime(time), progname, msg]

	$LOG.error('This is much shorter.')
	# ERROR [2006-03-31T19:35:01.058646 ] This is much shorter.

See Also

  • The standard library documentation for the logger library

17.6. Creating and Understanding Tracebacks


You are debugging a program, and need to understand the stack traces that come with Ruby exceptions. Or you need to see which path the Ruby interpreter took to get to a certain line of code.


You can call the Kernel#caller method at any time to look at the Ruby interpreter’s current call stack. The call stack is represented as a list of strings.

This Ruby program simulates a company with a top-down management style: one method delegates to another, which calls yet another. The method at the bottom can use caller to look upwards and see the methods that called it:

	 1  #!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	 2  # delegation.rb
	 3  class CEO
	 4    def CEO.new_vision
	 5      Manager.implement_vision
	 6    end
	 7   end
	 9   class Manager
	10     def Manager.implement_vision
	11       Engineer.do_work
	12     end
	13   end
	15   class Engineer
	16     def Engineer.do_work
	17       puts 'How did I get here?'
	18       first = true
	19       caller.each do |c|
	20         puts %{#{(first ? 'I' : ' which')} was called by "#{c}"}
	21         first = false
	22       end
	23     end
	24   end
	26   CEO.new_vision

Running this program illustrates the path the interpreter takes to Engineer.do_work:

	$ ./delegation.rb
	How did I get here?
	I was called by "delegation.rb:11:in 'implement_vision'"
	 which was called by "delegation.rb:5:in 'new_vision'"
	 which was called by "delegation.rb:26"


Each string in a traceback shows which line of Ruby code made some method call. The first bit of the traceback given above shows that Engineer.do_work was called by Manager.implement_vision on line 11 of the program. The second line shows how Manager.implement_vision was called, and so on.

Remember the stack trace displayed when a Ruby script raises an exception? It’s the same one you can get any time by calling Kernel#caller. In fact, if you rescue an exception and assign it to a variable, you can get its traceback as an array of strings— the equivalent of calling caller on the line that triggered the exception:

	def raise_exception
	  raise Exception, 'You wanted me to raise an exception, so…'

	rescue Exception => e
	  puts "Backtrace of the exception:
	# Backtrace of the exception:
	# (irb):2:in 'raise_exception'
	# (irb):5:in 'irb_binding'
	# /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in 'irb_binding'
	# :0

Note the slight differences between a backtrace generated from a Ruby script and one generated during an irb session.

If you’ve used languages like Python, you might long for “real” backtrace objects. About the best you can do is to parse the strings of a Ruby backtrace with a regular expression. The parse_caller method below extracts the files, lines, and method names from a Ruby backtrace. It works in both Ruby programs and irb sessions.

	CALLER_RE = /(.*):([0-9]+)(:in '(.*)')?/
	def parse_caller(l)
	  l.collect do |c|
	    captures = CALLER_RE.match(c)
	    [captures[1], captures[2], captures[4]]

	rescue Exception => e
	  puts "Exception history:"
	  first = true
	  parse_caller(e.backtrace).each do |file, line, method|
	    puts %{ #{first ? "L" : "because l"}ine #{line} in "#{file}"} +
	         %{ called "#{method}" }
	    first = false
	# Exception history:
	#  Line 2 in "(irb)" called "raise_exception"
	#  because line 24 in "(irb)" called "irb_binding"
	#  because line 52 in "/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb" called "irb_binding"
	#  because line 0 in "" called ""

See Also

17.7. Writing Unit Tests

Credit: Steve Arneil


You want to write some unit tests for your software, to guarantee its correctness now and in the future.


Use Test::Unit, the Ruby unit testing framework, from the Ruby standard library.

Consider a simple class for storing the name of a person. The Person class shown below stores a first name, a last name, and an age: a person’s full name is available as a computed value. This code might go into a Ruby script called app/person.rb:

	# app/person.rb
	class Person
	  attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :age

	  def initialize(first_name, last_name, age)
	    raise ArgumentError, "Invalid age: #{age}" unless age > 0
	    @first_name, @last_name, @age = first_name, last_name, age

	  def full_name
	    first_name + ' ' + last_name

Now, let’s write some unit tests for this class. By convention, these would go into the file test/person_test.rb.

First, require the Person class itself and the Test::Unit framework:

	# test/person_test.rb
	require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'app', 'person')
	require 'test/unit'

Next, extend the framework class Test::Unit::TestCase with a class to contain the actual tests. Each test should be written as a method of the test class, and each test method should begin with the prefix test. Each test should make one or more assertions: statements about the code which must be true for the code to be correct. Below are three test methods, each making one assertion:

	class PersonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
	  def test_first_name
	    person ='Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25)
	    assert_equal 'Nathaniel', person.first_name

	  def test_last_name
	    person ='Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25)
	    assert_equal 'Talbott', person.last_name

	  def test_full_name
	    person ='Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25)
	    assert_equal 'Nathaniel Talbott', person.full_name

	  def test_age person ='Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25)
	    assert_equal 25, person.age
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {'Nathaniel', 'Talbott', -4) }
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {'Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 'four') }

This code is somewhat redundant; see below for a way to fix that issue. For now, let’s run our four tests, by running person_test.rb as a script:

	$ ruby test/person_test.rb
	Loaded suite test/person_test
	Finished in 0.008837 seconds.

	4 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Great! All the tests passed.


The PersonTest class defined above works, but it’s got some redundant and inefficient code. Each of the four tests starts by creating a Person object, but they could all share the same Person object. The test_age method needs to create some additional, invalid Person objects to verify the error checking, but there’s no reason why it can’t share the same “normal” Person object as the other three test methods.

Test::Unit makes it possible to refactor shareable code into a method named setup. If a test class has a setup method, it will be called before any of the assertion methods. Conversely, any clean-up code that is required after each test method runs can be placed in a method named teardown.

Here’s a new implementation of PersonTest that uses setup and class constants to remove the duplicate code:

	# person2.rb
	require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'app', 'person')
	require 'test/unit'

	class PersonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
	  FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE = 'Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25

	  def setup
	    @person =, LAST_NAME, AGE)

	  def test_first_name
	    assert_equal FIRST_NAME, @person.first_name

	  def test_last_name
	    assert_equal LAST_NAME, @person.last_name

	  def test_full_name
	    assert_equal FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME, @person.full_name

	  def test_age
	    assert_equal 25, @person.age
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, LAST_NAME, -4) }
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, LAST_NAME, 'four') }

There are lots of assertion methods besides the assert_equal and assert_raise method used in the test classes above: assert_not_equal, assert_nil, and more exotic methods like assert_respond_to. All the assertion methods are defined in the Test::Unit::Assertions module, which is mixed into the Test::Unit::TestCase class.

The simplest assertion method is just plain assert. It causes the test method to fail unless it’s passed a value other than false or nil:

	def test_first_name
	  assert(FIRST_NAME == @person.first_name)

assert is the most basic assertion method. All the other assertion methods can be defined in terms of it:

	def assert_equal(expected, actual)
	  assert(expected == actual)

So, if you can’t decide (or remember) which particular assertion method to use, you can always use assert.

See Also

17.8. Running Unit Tests

Credit: Steve Arneil


You want to run some or all of the unit tests you’ve written.


This solution uses the example test class PersonTest from the previous recipe, Recipe 17.7. In that scenario, this code lives in a file test/person_test.rb, and the code to be tested lives in app/person.rb. Here’s test/person_test.rb again:

	# person_test.rb
	require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'app', 'person')
	require 'test/unit'

	class PersonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
	  FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE = 'Nathaniel', 'Talbott', 25

	  def setup
	    @person =, LAST_NAME, AGE)

	  def test_first_name
	    assert_equal FIRST_NAME, @person.first_name

	  def test_last_name
	    assert_equal LAST_NAME, @person.last_name

	  def test_full_name
	    assert_equal FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME, @person.full_name
	  def test_age
	    assert_equal 25, @person.age
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, LAST_NAME, -4) }
	    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {, LAST_NAME, 'four') }

As seen in the previous recipe, the simplest solution is to run the script that contains the tests as a Ruby script:

	$ ruby test/person_test.rb
	Loaded suite test/person_test
	Finished in 0.008955 seconds.

	4 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

But the person_test.rb script also accepts command-line arguments. You can use the --name option to choose which test methods to run, and the --verbose option to print each test method as it’s run:

	$ ruby test/person_test.rb --verbose --name test_first_name 
	  --name test_last_name
	Loaded suite test/person_test
	test_first_name(PersonTest): .
	test_last_name(PersonTest): .

	Finished in 0.012567 seconds.

	2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors


How do the tests run when person_test.rb doesn’t appear to do anything but define a class? How can person_test.rb accept command-line arguments? We wrote that file, and we didn’t put in any command-line parsing code.

It all happens behind the scenes. When we required the Test::Unit framework, it passed a block into the method method Kernel#at_exit. This block is guaranteed to be called before the Ruby interpreter exits. It looks like this:

	$ tail -5 /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/test/unit.rb
	at_exit do
	  unless $! ||

Once the code in person_test.rb defines its test class, the Ruby interpreter exits: but first, it runs that block, which triggers the AutoRunner test runner. This does the command-line parsing, the execution of the tests in PersonTest, and all the rest of it.

Here are a few more helpful options to a unit test script.

The --name option can be used with a regular expression to choose the test methods to run.

	$ ruby test/person_test.rb --verbose --name '/test_f/'
	Loaded suite test/person_test
	test_first_name(PersonTest): .
	test_full_name(PersonTest): .

	Finished in 0.014891 seconds.

	2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

The Test::Unit framework can be also be loaded alone to run tests in the current directory and its subdirectories. Use the --pattern option with a regular expression to select the test files to run:

	$ ruby -rtest/unit -e0 -- --pattern '/_test/'
	Loaded suite .
	Finished in 0.009329 seconds.

	4 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

To list all the available Test::Unit options, use the --help option:

	$ ruby test/person_test.rb --help

Additional options are available when the Test::Unit framework is run standalone. Again, use the --help option:

	$ ruby -rtest/unit -e0 -- --help

See Also

17.9. Testing Code That Uses External Resources

Credit: John-Mason Shackelford


You want to test code without triggering its real-world side effects. For instance, you want to test a piece of code that makes an expensive network connection, or irreversibly modifies a file.


Sometimes you can set up an alternate data source to use for testing (Rails does this for the application database), but doing that makes your tests slower and imposes a setup burden on other developers. Instead, you can use Jim Weirich’s FlexMock library, available as the flexmock gem.

Here’s some code that performs a destructive operation on a live data source:

	class VersionControlMaintenance

	  DAY_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24

	  def initialize(vcs)
	    @vcs = vcs

	  def purge_old_labels(age_in_days)
	    old_labels = do |label|
	      label['date'] <= - age_in_days * DAY_SECONDS
	    @vcs.label_delete(*old_labels.collect{|label| label['name']})

This code would be difficult to test by conventional means, with the vcs variable pointing to a live version control repository. But with FlexMock, it’s simple to define a mock vcs object that can impersonate a real one.

Here’s a unit test for VersionControlMaintenance#purge_old_labels that uses Flex-Mock, instead of modifying a real version control repository. First, we set up some dummy labels:

	require 'rubygems'
	require ' 
	require 'test/unit'

	class VersionControlMaintenanceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

	  DAY_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24
	                { 'name' => 'L1', 'date' => LONG_AGO },
	                { 'name' => 'L2', 'date' => RECENT }

We use FlexMock to define an object that expects a certain series of method calls:

	def test_purge
	  FlexMock.use("vcs") do |vcs|



Then we pass our mock object into the class we want to test, and call purge_old_labels normally:

	      v =

	      # The mock calls will be automatically varified as we exit the
	      # @FlexMock.use@ block.


FlexMock lets you script the behavior of an object so that it acts like the object you don’t want to actually call. To set up a mock object, call FlexMock.use, passing in a textual label for the mock object, and a code block. Within the code block, call should_receive to tell the mock object to expect a call to a certain method.

You can then call with to specify the arguments the mock object should expect on that method call, and call and_returns to specify the return value. A call to #once indicates that the tested code should call the method only one time, and #ordered indicates that the tested code must call these mock methods in the order in which they are defined.

After the code block is executed, FlexMock verifies that the mock object’s expectations were met. If they weren’t (the methods weren’t called in the right order, or they were called with the wrong arguments), it raises a TestFailedError as any Test::Unit assertion would.

The example above tells Ruby how we expect purge_old_labels to work. It should call the version control system’s connect method, and then label_list. When this happens, the mock object returns some dummy labels. The code being tested is then expected to call label_delete with “L1” as the sole parameter.

This is the crucial point of this test. If purge_old_labels is broken, it might decide to pass both “L1” and “L2” into label_delete (even though “L2” is too recent a label to be deleted). Or it might decide not to call label_delete at all (even though “L1” is an old label that ought to be deleted). Either way, FlexMock will notice that purge_old_labels did not behave as expected, and the test will fail. This works without you having to write any explicit Test::Unit assertions.

FlexMock lives up to its name. Not only can you tell a mock object to expect a given method call is expected once and only once, you have a number of other options, summarized in Tables 17-1 and 17-2.

Table 17-1. From the RDoc



Modifiers allowed?


Declares that the message may be sent zero or more times (default, equivalent to at_least.never)



Declares that the message is only sent once



Declares that the message is only sent twice



Declares that the message is never sent



Declares that the message is sent n times


Table 17-2. From the RDoc




Modifies the immediately following message count declarator to mean that the message must be sent at least that number of times; for instance, at_least.once means that the message is expected at least once but may be sent more than once


Similar to at_least, but puts an upper limit on the number of messages

Both the at_least and at_most modifiers may be specified on the same expectation.

Besides listing a mock method’s expected parameters using with(arglist), you can also use with_any_args (the default) and with_no_args. With should_ignore_missing, you can indicate that it’s okay for the tested code to call methods that you didn’t explicitly define on the mock object. The mock object will respond to the undefnied method, and return nil.

Especially handy is FlexMock's support for specifying return values as a block. This allows us to simulate an exception, or complex behavior on repeated invocations.

	# Simulate an exception in the mocked object.
	mock.should_receive(:connect).and_return{ raise }

	# Simulate a spotty connection: the first attempt fails
	# but when the exception handler retries, we connect.
	i = 0
	  and_return{ i += 1; raise unless i > 1 }

Test-driven development usually produces a design that makes it easy to substitute mock objects for external dependencies. But occasionally, circumstances call for special magic. In such cases Jim Weirich’s class_intercepter.rb is a welcome ally.

The class below instantiates an object which connects to an external data source. We can’t touch this data source when we’re testing the code.

	class ChangeHistoryReport
	  def date_range(label1, label2)
	    vc =
	    dates = [label1, label2].collect do |label|
	    return dates

How can we test this code? We could refactor it—introduce a factory or a dependency injection scheme. Then we could substitute in a mock object (although in this case, we’d simply move the complex operations to another method). But if we are sure we “aren’t going to need it” (as the saying goes) and since we are programming in Ruby and not a less flexible language, we can test the code as is.

As before, we call FlexMock.use to define a mock object:

	require 'class_intercepter'
	require 'test/unit'
	class ChangeHistoryReportTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
	  def test_date_range
	      FlexMock.use('vc') do |vc|
	      # initialize the mock

Here’s the twist: we reach into the ChangeHistoryReport class and tell it to use our mock class whenever it wants to use the VersionControl class:

	ChangeHistoryReport.use_class(:VersionControl, vc) do

Now we can use a ChangeHistoryReport object without worrying that it will operate against any real version control repository. As before, the FlexMock framework takes care of making the actual assertions.

	      c =
	      c.date_range(LABEL1, LABEL2)

See Also

17.10. Using breakpoint to Inspect and Change the State of Your Application


You’re debugging an application, and would like to be able to stop the program at any point and inspect the application’s state (variables, data structures, etc.). You’d also like to be able to modify the application’s state before restarting it.


Use the breakpoint library, available as the ruby-breakpoint gem.

Once you require ' breakpoint', you can call the breakpoint method from anywhere in your application. When the execution hits the breakpoint call, the application turns into an interactive Ruby session.

Here’s a short Ruby program:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# breakpoint_test.rb
	require 'rubygems'
	require 'breakpoint'

	class Foo
	  def initialize(init_value)
	    @instance_var = init_value

	  def bar
	    test_var = @instance_var
	    puts 'About to hit the breakpoint!'
	    puts "test_var: #{test_var}, @instance_var: #{@instance_var}"

	f ='When in the course')

When you run the application, you quickly hit the call to breakpoint in Foo#bar. This drops you into an irb session:

	$ ruby breakpoint_test.rb
	About to hit the breakpoint!
	Executing break point at breakpoint_test.rb:14 in 'bar'

Once you quit the irb session, the program continues on its way:

	test_var: When in the course, @instance_var: When in the course

But there’s a lot you can do within that irb session before you quit. You can look at the array local_variables, which enumerates all variables local to the current method. You can also look at and modify any of the variables that are currently in scope, including instance variables, class variables, and globals:

	$ ruby breakpoint_test.rb
	About to hit the breakpoint!
	Executing break point at breakpoint_test.rb:14 in 'bar'
	=> ["test_var", "_"]
	irb(#<Foo:0xb7452428>):002:0> test_var
	=> "When in the course"
	irb(#<Foo:0xb7452428>):003:0> @instance_var
	=> "When in the course"
	irb(#<Foo:0xb7452428>):004:0> @instance_var = 'of human events'
	=> "of human events"

As before, once you quit the irb session, the program continues running:

	test_var: When in the course, @instance_var: of human events

Because we changed the variable @instance_variable within our breakpoint, the puts in the program reports the new value after we leave the breakpoint session.


There is another way to access a breakpoint. Instead of calling breakpoint directly, you can pass a code block into assert. If the block evaluates to false, assert executes a breakpoint. Let’s say you want to execute a breakpoint only if the instance variable @instance_variable has a certain value. Here’s how:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# breakpoint_test_2.rb
	require 'rubygems'
	require 'breakpoint'

	class Foo
	  def initialize(init_value)
	    @instance_var = init_value

	  def bar
	    test_var = @instance_var
	    puts 'About to hit the 
breakpoint! (maybe)'
	    assert { @instance_var == 'This is another fine mess' }
	    puts "test_var: #{test_var}, @instance_var: #{@instance_var}"
	end'When in the course').bar             # This will NOT cause a breakpoint'This is another fine mess').bar      # This will NOT cause a breakpoint

	$ ruby breakpoint_test_2.rb
	About to hit the breakpoint! (maybe)
	test_var: When in the course, @instance_var: When in the course
	About to hit the breakpoint! (maybe)
	Assert failed at breakpoint_test_2.rb:14 in 'bar'. Executing implicit breakpoint.
	irb(#<Foo:0xb7452450>):001:0> @instance_var
	=> "This is another fine mess"
	irb(#<Foo:0xb7452450>):002:0> quit
	test_var: This is another fine mess, @instance_var: This is another fine mess

By using assert, you can enter an interactive irb session only when the state of your application is worth inspecting.

17.11. Documenting Your Application


You want to create a set of API documentation for your application. You might want to go so far as to keep all your documentation in the same files as your source code.


It’s good programming practice to preface each of your methods, classes, and modules with a comment that lets the reader know what’s going on. Ruby rewards this behavior by making it easy to transform those comments into a set of HTML pages that document your code. This is similar to Java’s JavaDoc, Python’s PyDoc, and Perl’s Pod.

Here’s a simple example. Suppose your application contains only one file, sum.rb, which defines only one method:

	def sum(*terms)
	  terms.inject(0) { |sum, term| sum + term}

To document this application, use Ruby comments to document the method, and also to document the file as a whole:

	# Just a simple file that defines a sum method.

	# Takes any number of numeric terms and returns the sum.
	#   sum(1, 2, 3)                             # => 6
	#   sum(1, -1, 10)                           # => 10
	#   sum(1.5, 0.2, 0.3, 1)                    # => 3.0
	def sum(*terms)
	  terms.inject(0) { |sum, term| sum + term}

Change into the directory containing the sum.rb file, and run the rdoc command.

	$ rdoc
	sum.rb: .
	Generating HTML…

	Files: 1
	Classes: 0
	Modules: 0
	Methods: 1
	Elapsed: 0.101s

The rdoc command creates a doc/ subdirectory beneath the current directory. It parses every Ruby file it can find in or below the current directory, and generates HTML files from the Ruby code and the comments that document it.

The index.html file in the doc/ subdirectory is a frameset that lets users navigate the files of your application. Since the example only uses one file (sum.rb), the most interesting thing about its generated documentation is what RDoc has done with the comments (Figure 17-1).


RDoc parses a set of Ruby files, cross-references them, and generates a web site that captures the class and module structure, and the comments you wrote while you were coding.

Generated RDoc makes for a useful reference to your classes and methods, but it’s not a substitute for handwritten examples or tutorials. Of course, RDoc comments can contain handwritten examples or tutorials. This will help your users and also help you keep your documentation together with your code.

Notice that when I wrote examples for the sum method, I indented them a little from the text above them:

	# Takes any number of numeric terms and returns the sum.
	#   sum(1, 2, 3)                             # => 6
RDoc comments
Figure 17-1. RDoc comments

RDoc picked up on this extra indentation and displayed my examples as Ruby code, in a fixed-width font. This is one of many RDoc conventions for improving the looks of the rendered HTML. As with wiki markup, the goal of the RDoc conventions is to allow text to render nicely as HTML while being easy to read and edit as plain text (Figure 17-2).

	# =A whirlwind tour of SimpleMarkup
	# ==You can mark up text
	# * *Bold* a single word <b>or a section</b>
	# * _Emphasize_ a single word <i>or a section</i>
	# * Use a <tt>fixed-width font</tt> for a section or a +word+
	# * URLs are automatically linked:
	# ==Or create lists
	# Types of lists:
	# * Unordered lists (like this one, and the one above)
	# * Ordered lists
	#   1. Line
	#   2. Square
	#   3. Cube
	# * Definition-style labelled lists (useful for argument lists)
	#   [pos] Coordinates of the center of the circle ([x, y])
	#   [radius] Radius of the circle, in pixels
	# * Table-style labelled lists
	#   Author:: Sophie Aurus
	#   Homepage::
Plain text
Figure 17-2. Plain text

There are also several special RDoc directives that go into comments on the same line as a method, class, or module definition. The most common is :nodoc:, which is used if you want to hide something from RDoc. You can and should put an RDoc-style comment even on a :nodoc: method or class, so that people reading your Ruby code will know what it does.

	# This class and its contents are hidden from RDoc; here's what it does:
	# …
	class HiddenClass # :nodoc:
	  # …

Private methods don’t show up in RDoc generated documentation—that would usually just mean clutter. If you want one particular private method to show up in the documentation (probably for the benefit of people subclassing your class), use the :doc: directive; it’s the opposite of the :nodoc: directive: [1]

	class MyClass

	  def hidden_method

	  def visible_method # :doc:

If a comment mentions another class, method, or source file, RDoc will try to locate and turn it into a hyperlinked cross-reference. To indicate that a method name is a method name and not just a random word, prefix it with a hash symbol or use its fully qualified name (MyClass.class_method or MyClass#instance_method:

	# The SimplePolynomial class represents polynomials in one variable
	# and can perform most common operations on them.
	# See especially #solve and #derivative. For multivariate polynomials,
	# see MultivariatePolynomial (especially
	# MultivariatePolynomial#simplify, which may return a
	# SimplePolynomial), and much of calculus.rb.

Other ways of creating RDoc

The Ruby gem installation process generates a set of RDoc files for every gem it installs. If you package your software as a gem, anyone who installs it will automatically get the RDoc files as well.

You can also create RDoc files programatically from a Ruby program, by creating and scripting RDoc objects. The rdoc command itself is nothing more than Ruby code such as the following, along with some error handling:

	# rdoc.rb
	require 'rdoc/rdoc'

See Also

17.12. Profiling Your Application


You want to find the slowest parts of your application, and speed them up.


Include the Ruby profiler in your application with include 'profile' and the profiler will start tracking and timing every subsequent method call. When the application exits, the profiler will print a report to your program’s standard error stream.

Here’s a program that contains a performance flaw:

	#!/usr/bin/env ruby
	# sequence_counter.rb
	require 'profile'

	total = 0
	# Count the letter sequences containing an a, b, or c.
	('a'..'zz').each do |seq|
	  ['a', 'b', 'c'].each do |i|
	    if seq.index(i)
	      total += 1
	puts "Total: #{total}"

When the program is run, the profiler shows the parts of the program that are most important to optimize:

	$ ruby sequence_counter.rb
	Total: 150
	  %    cumulative   self               self      total
	 time    seconds   seconds    calls   ms/call   ms/call  name
	 54.55      0.30      0.30      702      0.43      0.50  Array#each
	 32.73      0.48      0.18        1    180.00    550.00  Range#each
	  7.27      0.52      0.04     1952      0.02      0.02  String#index
	  3.64      0.54      0.02      702      0.03      0.03  String#succ
	  1.82      0.55      0.01      150      0.07      0.07  Fixnum#+

The program takes about 0.3 seconds to run, and most of that is spent in Array#each. What if we replaced that code with an equivalent regular expression?

	#!/usr/bin/env ruby
	# sequence_counter2.rb
	require 'profile'

	total = 0
	# Count the letter sequences containing an a, b, or c.
	('a'..'zz').each {|seq| total +=1 if seq =~ /[abc]/ }
	puts "Total: #{total}"

Running this program yields a much better result:

	$ ruby sequence_counter2.rb
	Total: 150
	  %    cumulative       self               self      total
	 time    seconds       seconds   calls    ms/call   ms/call   name
	 83.33      0.05          0.05       1      50.00     60.00   Range#each
	 16.67      0.06          0.01     150       0.07      0.07   Fixnum#+
	  0.00      0.06          0.00       1       0.00      0.00   Fixnum#to_s

The new version takes only 0.05 seconds to run, and as near as the profiler can measure, it’s running nearly as fast as an empty iterator over the range 'a'..'zz'.


You might think that regex_counter2.rb has a performance problem of its own. After all, it initializes the regular expression /[abc]/ within a loop, which seems to indicate that it’s being initialized multiple times. The natural instinct of the optimizing programmer is to move that definition outside the loop; surely that would be more efficient.

	re = /[abc]/
	('a'..'zz').each {|seq| total +=1 if seq =~ re }

But it’s not (try it!). The profiler actually shows a decrease in performance when the regular expression is assigned to a variable outside the loop. The Ruby interpreter is doing some optimization behind the scenes, and the code with an “obvious” performance problem beats the more complex “optimized” version.[2] There is a general lesson here: the problem is often not where you think it is, and empirical data always beats guesswork.

Ruby’s profiler is a fairly blunt tool (it’s written in only about 60 lines of Ruby), and to instrument it for anything but a simple command-line application, you’ll need to do some work. It helps if your code has unit tests, because profiler tests require a lot of the same scaffolding as unit tests. You can even build up a library of profiler test scripts to go with your unit tests, although the profiler output is difficult to analyze automatically.

If you know that some particular operation is slow, you can write code that stresstests that operation (the way you might write a unit test), and run only that code with the profiler. To stress-test sequence_counter2.rb, you might change it to operate on a larger range like ('a'..'zzzz'). Big datasets make performance problems more visible.

If you don’t know which operations are slow, pick the most common operations and instrument them on large datasets. If you’re writing an XML library, write a profiler script that loads and parses an enormous file, and one that turns an enormous data structure into XML. If you’ve got no ideas at all, run the profiler on your unit test suite and look for problems. The tests that run slowly may be exercising problematic parts of your program.

The profiler results are ordered with the most time-consuming method calls first. To optimize your code, go from the top of the profiler results and address each call in turn. See why your script led to so many calls of that method, and what you can do about it. Either change the underlying code path so it doesn’t call that method so many times, or optimize the method itself. If the method is one you wrote, you can optimize it by profiling it in isolation.

The timing data given by the profiler isn’t terribly accurate,[3] but it should be good enough to find problem areas. If you want a more reliable estimate of how long some code takes to run, try the benchmark library, or run your script using the Unix time command.

The Ruby profiler sets the interpreter’s trace function (by passing a code block into Kernel#set_trace_func), so if your program uses a trace function of its own, using the profiler will overwrite the old function. This probably won’t affect you, because the trace function is mainly used by profilers and other analysis tools.

See Also

If the profiler says your problem is in a commonly-called method like Array#each, you need to somehow figure out which calls to the method are the problematic ones; see Recipe 17.15, “Who’s Calling That Method? A Call Graph Analyzer”

17.13. Benchmarking Competing Solutions


You want to see which of two solutions to a problem is faster. You might want to compare two different algorithms, or two libraries that do the same thing.


Use the benchmark library to time the tasks you want to run. The method gives you an object that can report on how long it takes for code blocks to run.

Let’s explore whether the member? method is faster on arrays or hashes. First, we create a large array and a large hash with the same data, and define a method that exercises the member? method:

	RANGE = (0..1000)
	array = RANGE.to_a
	hash = RANGE.inject({}) { |h,i| h[i] = true; h }

	def test_member?(data)
	  RANGE.each { |i| data.member? i }

Next, we call to set up a series of timing tests. The first test calls test_member? on the array; the second one calls it on the hash. The results are printed in a tabular form to standard error:

	require 'benchmark' do |timer|'Array') { test_member?(array) }'Hash') { test_member?(hash) }
	#        user      system       total        real
	# Array  0.260000    0.060000    0.320000 (  0.332583)
	# Hash   0.010000    0.000000    0.010000 (  0.001242)

As you’d expect, member? is much faster on a hash.


What do the different times mean? The real time is “wall clock” time: the number of seconds that passed in the real world between the start of the test and its completion. This time is actually not very useful, because it includes time during which the CPU was running some other process. If your system is operating under a heavy load, the Ruby interpreter will get less of the CPU’s attention and the real times won’t reflect the actual performance of your benchmarks. You only need real times when you’re measuring user-visible performance on a running system.

The user time is time actually spent running the Ruby interpreter, and the system time is time spent in system calls spawned by the interpreter. If your test does a lot of I/O, its system time will tend to be large; if it does a lot of processing, its user time will tend to be large. The most useful time is probably total, the sum of the user and system times.

When two operations take almost exactly the same time, you can make the difference more visible by putting a times loop within the code block passed to report. For instance, array lookup and hash lookup are both very fast operations that take too little time to measure. But by timing thousands of lookup operations instead of just one, we can see that hash lookups are a tiny bit slower than array lookups: do |timer|'Array') { 1000.times { RANGE.each { |i| array[i] } } }'Hash') { 1000.times { RANGE.each { |i| hash[i] } } }
	#         user      system       total        real
	# Array   0.950000    0.210000    1.160000 (  1.175042)
	# Hash    1.010000    0.210000    1.220000 (  1.221090)

If you want to measure one operation instead of comparing several operations to each other, use Benchmark#measure. It returns an object that you can interrogate to get the times, or print out to get a listing in the same format as This code demonstrates that I/O-bound code has a larger system time:

	def write_to_file'out', 'w') { |f| f.write('a') }

	puts Benchmark.measure { 10000.times { write_to_file } }
	# 0.120000 0.360000 0.480000 ( 0.500653)

Recall that the real time can be distorted by the CPU doing things other than running your Ruby process. The user and system times can also be distorted by the Ruby interpreter doing things besides running your program. For instance, time spent doing garbage collection is counted by benchmark as time spent running Ruby code.

To get around these problems, use the Benchmark.bmbm method. It runs each of your timing tests twice. The first time is just a rehearsal to get the interpreter into a stable state. Nothing can completely isolate the time spent running benchmarks from other tasks of the Ruby interpreter, but bmbm should be good enough for most purposes.

See Also

  • The standard library documentation for the benchmark library has lots of information about varying the format of benchmark reports

17.14. Running Multiple Analysis Tools at Once


You want to combine two analysis tools, like the Ruby profiler and the Ruby tracer. But when one tool calls set_trace_func, it overwrites the trace function left by the other.


Change set_trace_func so that it keeps an array of trace functions instead of just one. Here’s a library called multitrace.rb that makes it possible:

	# multitrace.rb

	alias :set_single_trace_func :set_trace_func
	def set_trace_func(proc)
	  if (proc == nil)
	    $TRACE_FUNCS << proc

	trace_all = do |event, file, line, symbol, binding, klass|
	  $TRACE_FUNCS.each { |p|, file, line, symbol, binding, klass)}
	set_single_trace_func trace_all

	def unset_trace_func(proc)

Now you can run any number of analysis tools simultaneously. However, when one of the tools stops, they will all stop:

	#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
	# paranoia.rb
	require 'multitrace'
	require 'profile'
	require 'tracer'

	puts "I feel like I'm being watched."

This program’s nervousness is well-justified, since its every move is being tracked by the Ruby tracer and timed by the Ruby profiler:

	$ ruby paranoia.rb
	#0:./multitrace.rb:9:Array:<:     $TRACE_FUNCS << proc
	#0:./multitrace.rb:11:Object:<: end
	#0:paranoia.rb:9::-: puts "I feel like I'm being watched."
	#0:paranoia.rb:9:Kernel:>: puts "I feel like I'm being watched."
	  %       cumulative     self                  self       total
	 time       seconds     seconds     calls     ms/call    ms/call    name
	  0.00         0.00        0.00         1        0.00       0.00    Kernel.require
	  0.00         0.00        0.00         1        0.00       0.00    Fixnum#==
	  0.00         0.00        0.00         1        0.00       0.00    String#scan

Without the include 'multitrace' at the beginning, only the profiler will run: its trace function will override the tracer’s.


This example illustrates yet again how you can benefit by replacing some built-in part of Ruby. The multitrace library creates a drop-in replacement for set_trace_func that lets you run multiple analyzers at once. You probably don’t really want to run the tracer and the analyzer simultaneously, since they’re both monolithic tools. But if you’ve written some smaller, more modular analysis tools, you’re more likely to want to run more than one during a single run of a program.

The standard way of stopping a tracer is to pass nil into set_trace_func. Our new set_trace_func will accept nil, but it has no way of knowing which trace function you want to stop.[4] It has no choice but to remove all of them. Of course, if you’re writing your own trace functions, and you know multitrace will be in place, you don’t need to pass nil into set_trace_func. You can call unset_trace_func to remove one particular trace function, without stopping the rest.

See Also

  • The tracer function created in Recipe 17.15, “Who’s Calling That Method? A Call Graph Analyzer,” is the kind of lightweight analysis tool I’d like to see more of: one that it makes sense to run in conjunction with others

17.15. Who’s Calling That Method? A Call Graph Analyzer

Suppose you’re profiling a program such as the one in Recipe 17.12, and the profiler says that the top culprit is Array#each. That is, your program spends more time iterating over arrays than doing any one other thing:

	 %    cumulative    self               self      total
	time    seconds    seconds   calls    ms/call   ms/call  name
	12.19      2.74       2.74    4930       0.56      0.77  Array#each

This points you in the right direction, but where do you go from here? Most programs are full of calls to Array#each. To optimize your program, you need to know which lines of code are responsible for most of the Array#each calls. Ruby’s profiler can’t give tell you which line of code called a problem method, but it’s easy to write a different profiler that can.

The heart of any Ruby profiler is a Proc object passed into the Kernel#set_trace_func method. This is a hook into the Ruby interpreter itself: if you set a trace function, it’s called every time the Ruby interpreter does something interesting like call a method.

Here’s the start of a CallTracker class. It initializes a hash-based data structure that tracks “interesting” classes and methods. It assumes that we pass a method tally_calls into set_trace_func; we’ll define tally_calls a little later.


	  # Initialize and start the trace.
	  def initialize(show_stack_depth=1)
	    @show_stack_depth = show_stack_depth
	    @to_trace = { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
	    at_exit { stop }

	# Register a class/method combination as being interesting. Subsequent calls
	# to the method will be tallied by tally_calls.
	def register(klass, method_symbol)
	  @to_trace[klass][method_symbol] = {}

	# Tells the Ruby interpreter to call tally_calls whenever it's about to
	# do anything interesting.
	def start
	  set_trace_func method(:tally_calls).to_proc

	# Stops the profiler, and prints a report of the interesting calls made
	# while it was running.
	def stop(out=$stderr)
	  set_trace_func nil

Now let’s define the missing methods tally_calls and report. The Proc object passed into set_trace_func needs to take six arguments, but this analyzer only cares about three of them:


Lets us know what the interpreter is doing. We only care about "call" and "c-call" events, which let us know that the interpreter is calling a Ruby method or a C method.


The Class object that defines the method being called.


The name of the method as a Symbol.

The tally_calls method looks up the class and name of the method being called to see if it’s one of the methods being tracked. If so, it grabs the current call stack with Kernel#caller, and notes where in the execution path the method was called:

	# If the interpreter is about to call a method we find interesting,
	# increment the count for that method.
	def tally_calls(event, file, line, symbol, binding, klass)
	  if @to_trace[klass] and @to_trace[klass][symbol] and
	  (event == 'call' or event =='c-call')
	    stack = caller
	    stack = stack[1..(@show_stack_depth ? @show_stack_depth : stack.size)]
	    @to_trace[klass][symbol][stack] ||= 0
	    @to_trace[klass][symbol][stack] += 1

All that’s left is the method that prints the report. It sorts the results by execution path (as indicated by the stack traces), so the more often a method is called from a certain line of code, the higher in the report that line of code will show up:

	  # Prints a report of the lines of code that called interesting
	  # methods, sorted so that the the most active lines of code show up
	  # first.
	  def report(out=$stderr)
	    first = true
	    @to_trace.each do |klass, symbols|
	      symbols.each do |symbol, calls|
	        total = calls.inject(0) { |sum, ct| sum + ct[1] }
	        padding = total.to_s.size
	        separator = (klass.is_a? Class) ? '#' : '.'
	        plural = (total == 1) ? '' : 's'
	        stack_join = "
" + (' ' * (padding+2))
	        first ? first = false : out.puts
	        out.puts "#{total} call#{plural} to #{klass}#{separator}#{symbol}"
	        (calls.sort_by { |caller, times| -times }).each do |caller, times|
	          out.puts " %#{padding}.d #{caller.join(stack_join)}" % times

Here’s the analyzer in action. It analyses my use of the Rubyful Soup HTML parser (which I was working on optimizing) to see which lines of code are responsible for calling Array#each. It shows three main places to look for optimizations:

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'rubyful_soup'
	tracker =
	tracker.register(Array, :each)'test.html') { |f| })
	# 4930 calls to Array#each
	# 1671 ./rubyful_soup.rb:715:in 'pop_to_tag'
	# 1631 ./rubyful_soup.rb:567:in 'unknown_starttag'
	# 1627 ./rubyful_soup.rb:751:in 'smart_pop'
	#    1 ./rubyful_soup.rb:510:in 'feed'

By default, the CallTracker shows only the single line of code that called the “interesting” method. You can get more of the call stack by passing a larger show_stack_depth into the CallTracker initializer.

See Also

[1] If you want all private methods to show up in the documentation, pass the --all argument to the rdoc command. The rdoc command supports many command-line arguments, giving you control over the rules for generating the documentation and the layout of the results.

[2] Of course, a regular expression is a pretty simple object. If you’ve got a loop that builds a million-element data structure, or reads the same file over and over, the Ruby interpreter can’t help you. Move that sucker out of the loop. If you make this kind of mistake, it’ll show up in the profiler.

[3] Note the timing inconsistencies in the examples above. Somehow the entire original sequence_counter.rb runs in 0.30 seconds, but when you ignore all the Array#each calls, the cumulative time jumps up to 0.48 seconds.

[4] Well, you could do this by taking a snapshot of the call stack every time set_trace_func was called with a Proc object. When set_trace_func was called with nil, you could look at the call stack at that point (see Recipe 17.6), and only remove the Proc object(s) inserted by the same file. For instance, if a nil call comes in from profiler.rb, you could remove only the Proc object(s) inserted by calls coming from profiler.rb. This is probably not worth the trouble.

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