Chapter 15. Web Development: Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is unquestionably Ruby’s killer app. It can take a lot of credit for lifting Ruby from obscurity outside its native Japan. No other programming language can boast a simple web application framework that also has almost all of that language’s developer mindshare.[1] This chapter demonstrates the principles underlying basic Rails usage (in recipes like Recipe 15.6), gives Rails implementations of common web application patterns (Recipes 15.4 and 15.8) and shows how to use standard Ruby tools from within Rails (Recipes 15.22 and 15.23).

Despite its quality and popularity, Rails does not bring anything new to web development. Its foundations are in standard programming patterns like ActiveRecord and Model-View-Controller. It reuses many preexisting Ruby libraries (like Rake and ERb). The power of Rails is in combining these standard techniques with a ruthless dedication to automating menial tasks, and to asserting resonable default behaviors.

If Rails has a secret, it’s the power of naming conventions. The vast majority of web applications are CRUD applications: create, read, update, and delete information from a database. In these types of applications, Rails shines. You start with a database schema and with almost no code, but Rails ties together many pieces with naming conventions and shortcuts. This lets you put meat on your application very quickly.

Because so many settings and names can be sensibly derived from other pieces of information, Rails has much less “paperwork” than other frameworks. Data that’s implicit in the code or the database schema doesn’t need to be specified anywhere else. An essential part of this system is the ActiveSupport system for pluralizing nouns (Recipe 15.7).

Where naming conventions can’t do the job, Rails uses decorator methods to declare relationships between objects. This happens within the Ruby classes affected by those relationships, not in a bloated XML configuration file. The result is a smaller, simpler to understand, and more flexible application.

As mentioned above, Rails is built on top of common Ruby libraries, and many of them are also covered elsewhere in this book. These libraries include ActiveRecord (much of Chapter 13, but especially Recipe 13.11), ActionMailer (Recipe 14.5), ERb (Recipe 1.3), Rake (Chapter 19), and Test::Unit (Recipe 17.7). Some of these predate Rails, and some were written for Rails but can be used outside of it. The opposite is also true: since a Rails application can be used for many purposes, nearly every recipe in this book is useful within a Rails program.

Rails is available as the rails gem, which contains libraries and the rails command-line program. This is the program you run to create a Rails application. When you invoke this program (for instance, with rails mywebapp), Rails generates a directory structure for your web application, complete with a WEBrick testing server and unit testing framework. When you use the script/generate script to jumpstart the creation of your application, Rails will populate this directory structure with more files. The code generated by these scripts is minimal and equivalent to the code generated by most IDEs when starting a project.

The architecture of Rails is the popular Model-View-Controller architecture. This divides the web application into three predictably named parts. We’ll cover them in detail throughout this chapter, but here’s an introductory reference.

The model is a representation of the dataset used by the application. This is usually a set of Ruby classes, subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base, each corresponding to a table in the application database. The first serious model in this chapter shows up in Recipe 15.6. To generate a model for a certain database table, invoke script/generate model with the name of the table, like so:

	$ script/generate model users

This creates a file called app/models/users.rb, which defines a User ActiveRecord class as well as the basic structure to unit test that model. It does not create the actual database table.

The controller is a Ruby class (a subclass of ActionController::Base) whose methods define operations on the model. Each operation is defined as a method of the controller.

To generate a controller, invoke script/generate controller with the name of the controller, and the actions you want to expose:

	$ script/generate controller user add delete login logout

This command creates a file app/controllers/user_controller.rb, which defines a class UserController. The class defines four stub methods: add, delete, login, and logout, each corresponding to an action the end user can perform on the objects of the underlying User model. It also creates the template for functionally unit testing your controller.

The controller shows up in the very first recipe of this chapter (Recipe 15.1).

The view is the user interface for the application. It’s contained in a set of ERb templates, stored in .rhtml files. Most importantly, there is usually one .rhtml file for each action of each controller: this is the web interface for that particular action. The same command that created the UserController class above also created four files in app/views/user/: add.rhtml, delete.rhtml, login.rhtml, and logout.rhtml. As with the UserController class, these start out as stub files; your job is to customize them to present an interface to your application.

Like the controller, the view shows up in the first recipe of this chapter, Recipe 15.1. Recipes like 15.3, 15.5, and 15.14 show how to customize your views.

This division is not arbitrary. If you restrict code that changes the database to the model, it’s easy to unit test that code and audit it for security problems. By moving all of your processing code into the controller, you separate the display of the user interface from its internal workings. The most obvious benefit of this is that you can have a UI designer modify your view templates without making them work around a lot of Ruby code.

The best recipes for learning how Model-View-Controller works are Recipe 15.2, which explores the relationship between the controller and the view; and Recipe 15.16, which combines all three.

Here are some more resources for getting started with Rails:

  • This book’s sister publication, Rails Cookbook by Rob Orsini (O’Reilly), covers Rails problems in more detail, as does Rails Recipes by Chad Fowler (Pragmatic Programmers)

  • Agile Web Development with Rails by Dave Thomas, David Hansson, Leon Breedt, Mike Clark, Thomas Fuchs, and Andrea Schwarz (Pragmatic Programmers) is the standard reference for Rails programmers

  • The Ruby on Rails web site at, especially the RDoc documentation ( and wiki (

15.1. Writing a Simple Rails Application to Show System Status


You would like to get started with Rails by building a very simple application.


This example displays the running processes on a Unix system. If you’re developing on Windows, you can substitute some other command (such as the output of a dir) or just have your application print a static message.

First, make sure you have the rails gem installed.

To create a Rails application, run the rails command and pass in the name of your application. Our application will be called “status”.

	$ rails status
	      create app/controllers
	      create app/helpers
	      create app/models
	      create app/views/layouts
	      create config/environments

A Rails application needs at least two parts: a controller and a view. Our controller will get information about the system, and our view will display it.

You can generate a controller and the corresponding view with the generate script. The following invocation defines a controller and view that implement a single action called index. This will be the main (and only) screen of our application.

	$ cd status
	$ ./script/generate controller status index
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists app/helpers/
	      create app/views/status
	      exists test/functional/
	      create app/controllers/status_controller.rb
	      create test/functional/status_controller_test.rb
	      create app/helpers/status_helper.rb
	      create app/views/status/index.rhtml

The generated controller is in the Ruby source file app/controllers/status_controller.rb. That file defines a class StatusController that implements the index action as an empty method called index. Fill out the index method so that it exposes the objects you want to use in the view:

	class StatusController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    # This variable won't be accessible to the view, since it is local
	    # to this method
	    time =
	    # These variables will be accessible in the view, since they are
	    # instance variables of the StatusController.
	    @time = time
	    @ps = 'ps aux'

The generated view is in app/views/status/index.rhtml. It starts out as a static HTML snippet. Change it to an ERb template that uses the instance variables set in StatusController#index:

	<h1>Processes running at <%= @time %></h1>
	<pre><%= @ps %></pre>

Now our application is complete. To run it, start up the Rails server with the following command:

	$ ./script/server
	=> Booting WEBrick…
	=> Rails application started on
	=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server; call with --help for options

You can see the application by visiting http://localhost:3000/status/.

Of course, you wouldn’t expose this application to the outside world because it might give an attacker information about your system.


The first thing you should notice about a Rails application is that you do not create separate code files for every URL. Rails uses an architecture in which the controller (a Ruby source file) and a view (an ERb template in an .rhtml file) team up to serve a number of actions. Each action handles some of the URLs on your site.

Consider a URL like To serve that URL in your Rails application, you’d create a hello controller and give it an action called world.

	$ ./script/generate controller hello world

Your controller class would have a world method, and your views/hello directory would have a world.rhtml file containing the view.

	class HelloController < ApplicationController
	  def world

Visiting would invoke the HelloController#world method, interpret the world.rhtml template to obtain some HTML output, and serve that output to the client.

The default action for a controller is index, just as the default page in a directory of a static web server is index.html. So visiting is the same as visiting

As mentioned above, a view file is only the main snippet of the final page served by Rails. It’s not a full HTML page, and you should never put <html> or <body> tags inside it (see Recipe 15.3). Since a view file is an ERB template, you should also never call puts or print inside a view. ERB was introduced in Recipe 1.3, but it’s worth exploring here within the context of a Rails application.

To insert the value of a Ruby expression into an ERB template, use the <%= %> directive. Here’s a possible world.rhtml view for our hello action:

	<p>Several increasingly silly ways of displaying "Hello world!":</p>

	<p><%= "Hello world!" %></p>
	<p><%= "Hello" + "world!" %></p>
	<p><%= w = "world"
	             "Hello #{w}!" %></p>
	<p><%= 'H' + ?e.chr + ('l' * 2) %><%=('o word!').gsub('d', 'ld')%></p>

The last example is excessive, but it proves a point. You shouldn’t have to put so much Ruby code in your view template (it should probably go into your controller, or you’ll end up with sloppy PHP-like code), but it’s possible if you need to do it.

The equals sign in the ERb directive means that the output is to be printed. If you want to execute a command without output, omit the equals sign and use the <% %> directive.

	<% hello = "Hello" %>
	<% world = "world!" %>
	<%= hello %> <%= world %>

A view and a controller may be based on nothing more than some data obtained from within Ruby code (like the current time and the output of ps aux). But most real-world views and controllers are based on a model: a set of database tables containing data that the view displays and the controller manipulates. This is the famous “Model-View-Controller” architecture, and it’s by no means unique to Rails.

See Also

  • Recipe 1.3, “Substituting Variables into an Existing String,” has more on ERB

  • Recipe 15.3, “Creating a Layout for Your Header and Footer”

15.2. Passing Data from the Controller to the View


You want to pass data between a controller and its views.


The view is an ERB template that is interpreted within the context of its controller object. A view cannot call any of the controller’s methods, but it can access the controller’s instance variables. To pass data to the view, set an instance variable of the controller.

Here’s a NovelController class, to be put into app/ controllers/novel_controller.rb. You can generate stubs for it by running script/generate controller novel index.

	class NovelController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    @title = 'Shattered View: A Novel on 
	    one_plus_one = 1 + 1
	    increment_counter one_plus_one

	  def helper_method
	    @help_message = "I see you've come to me for help."


	  def increment_counter(by)
	    @counter ||= 0
	    @counter += by

Since this is the Novel controller and the index action, the corresponding view is in app/views/novel/index.rhtml.

	<h1><%= @title %></h1>
	<p>I looked up, but saw only the number <%= @counter %>.</p>
	<p>"What are you doing here?" I asked sharply. "Was it <%=
	@counter.succ %> who sent you?"</p>

The view is interpreted after NovelController#index is run. Here’s what the view can and can’t access:

  • It can access the instance variables @title and @counter, because they’ve been defined on the NovelController object by the time NovelController#index finishes running.

  • It can call instance methods of the instance variables @title and @counter.

  • It cannot access the instance variable @help_message, because that variable is defined by the method helper_method, which never gets called.

  • It cannot access the variable one_plus_one, because that’s not an instance variable: it’s local to the index method.

  • Even though it runs in the context of NovelController, it cannot call any method of NovelController—neither helper_method nor set_another_variable. Nor can it call index again.


The action method of a controller is responsible for creating and storing (in instance variables) all the objects the view will need to do its job. These variables might be as simple as strings, or they might be complex helper classes. Either way, most of your application’s logic should be in the controller. It’s okay to do things in the view like iterate over data structures, but most of the work should happen in the controller or in one of the objects it exposes through an instance variable.

Rails instantiates a new NovelController object for every request. This means you can’t persist data between requests by putting it in controller instance variables. No matter how many times you reload the page, the @counter variable will never be more than two. Every time increment_counter is called, it’s called on a brand new NovelController object.

Like any Ruby class, a Rails controller can define class variables and constants, but they will not be available to the view. Consider a NovelController that looks like this:

	class NovelController < ApplicationController
	  @@numbers = [1, 2, 3]
	  TITLE = 'Revenge of the Counting Numbers'

Neither @@numbers nor TITLE are accessible from within any of this controller’s views. They can only be used by the controller methods.

However, contants defined outside of the context of a controller are accessible to every view. This is useful if you want to declare the web site’s name in one easy-to-change location. The config/environment.rb file is a good place to define these constants:

	# config/environment.rb
	AUTHOR = 'Lucas Carlson'

It is almost always a bad idea to use global variables in object-oriented programming. But Ruby does have them, and a global variable will be available to any view once it’s been defined. They will be universally available whether they were defined within the scope of the action, the controller, or outside of any scope.

	$one = 1
	class NovelController < ApplicationController
	  $two = 2
	  def sequel
	    $three = 3

Here’s a view, sequel.rhtml, that uses those three global variables:

	Here they come, the counting numbers, <%= $one %>, <%= $two %>, <%= $three %>.

15.3. Creating a Layout for Your Header and Footer


You want to create a header and footer for every page on your web application. Certain pages should have special headers and footers, and you may want to dynamically determine which header and footer to use for a given request.


Many web applications let you define header and footer files, and automatically include those files at the top and bottom of every page. Rails inverts this pattern. A single file called contains both the header and footer, and the contents of each particular page are inserted into this file.

To apply a layout to every page in your web application, create a file called app/views/layouts/application.rhtml. It should look something like this:

	    <title>My Website</title>
	    <%= @content_for_layout %>

The key piece of information in any layout file is the directive <%= content_for_layout %>. This is replaced by the content of each individual page.

You can make customized layouts for each controller independently by creating files in the app/views/layouts folder. For example, app/views/layouts/status.rhtml is the layout for the status controller, StatusController. The layout file for PriceController would be price.rhtml.

Customized layouts override the site-wide layout; they don’t add to it.


Just like your main view templates, your layout templates have access to all the instance variables set by the action. Anything you can do in a view, you can do in a layout template. This means you can do things like set the page title dynamically in the action, and then use it in the layout:

	class StatusController < ActionController:Base
	  def index
	    @title = "System Status"

Now the application.rhtml file can access @title like this:

	     <title>My Website - <%= @title %></title>
	     <%= @content_for_ 
layout %>

application.rhtml doesn’t just happen to be the default layout template for a Rails application’s controllers. It happens this way because every controller inherits from ApplicationController. By default, a layout’s name is derived from the name of the controller’s class. So ApplicationController turns into application.rhtml. If you had a controller named MyFunkyController, the default filename for the layout would be app/views/layouts/my_funky.rhtml. If that file didn’t exist, Rails would look for a layout corresponding to the superclass of MyFunkyController, and find it in app/views/layouts/application.rhtml.

To change a controller’s layout file, call its layout method:

	class FooController < ActionController:Base
	  # Force the layout for /foo to be app/views/layouts/bar.rhtml,
	  # not app/view/layouts/foo.rhtml.
	  layout 'bar'

If you’re using the render method in one of your actions (see Recipe 15.5), you can pass in a :layout argument to render and give that action a different layout from the rest of the controller. In this example, most actions of the FooController use bar.rhtml for their layout, but the count action uses count.rhtml:

	class FooController < ActionController:Base
	  layout 'bar'

	  def count
	    @data = [1,2,3]
	    render :layout => 'count'

You can even have an action without a layout. This code gives all of FooController’s actions a layout of bar.html, except for the count action, which has no layout at all: it’s responsible for all of its own HTML.

	class FooController < ActionController:Base
	  layout 'bar', :except => 'count'

If you need to calculate the layout file dynamically, pass a method symbol into the layout method. This tells layout to call a method on each request; the return value of this method defines the layout file. The method can call action_name to determine the action name of the current request.

	class FooController < ActionController:Base
	  layout :figure_out_layout


	  def figure_out_layout
	    if action_name =~ /pretty/
	      'pretty'          # use pretty.rhtml for the layout
standard'        # use standard.rhtml

Finally, layout accepts a lambda function as an argument. This lets you dynamically decide on a layout with less code:

	class FooController < ActionController:Base
	  layout lambda { |controller| controller.logged_in? ? 'user' : 'guest' }

It’s freeing for both the programmer and the designer to use a layout file instead of separate headers and footers: it’s easier to see the whole picture. But if you need to use explicit headers and footers, you can. Create files called app/views/layouts/_ header.rhtml and app/views/layouts/_footer.rhtml. The underscores indicate that they are “partials” (see Recipe 15.14). To use them, set your actions up to use no layout at all, and write the following code in your view files:

	<%= render :partial => 'layouts/header' %>
	… your view's content goes here …
	<%= render :partial => 'layouts/footer' %>

See Also

  • Recipe 15.5, “Displaying Templates with Render”

  • Recipe 15.14, “Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views”

15.4. Redirecting to a Different Location


You want to redirect your user to another of your application’s actions, or to an external URL.


The class ActionController::Base (superclass of ApplicationController) defines a method called redirect_to, which performs an HTTP redirect. To redirect to another site, you can pass it a URL as a string. To redirect to a different action in your application, pass it a hash that specifies the controller, action, and ID.

Here’s a BureaucracyController that shuffles incoming requests to and fro between various actions, finally sending the client to an external site:

	class BureaucracyController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    redirect_to :controller => 'bureaucracy', :action => 'reservation_window'

	  def reservation_window
	    redirect_to :action => 'claim_your_form', :id => 123

	  def claim_your_form
	    redirect_to :action => 'fill_out_your_form', :id => params[:id]

	  def fill_out_your_form
	    redirect_to :action => 'form_processing'

	  def form_processing
	    redirect_to ""

If you run the Rails server and hit http://localhost:3000/bureaucracy/ in your browser, you’ll end up at The Rails server log will show the chain of HTTP requests you made to get there:

	"GET /bureaucracy HTTP/1.1" 302
	"GET /bureaucracy/reservation_window HTTP/1.1" 302
	"GET /bureaucracy/claim_your_form/123 HTTP/1.1" 302
	"GET /bureaucracy/fill_out_your_form/123 HTTP/1.1" 302
	"GET /bureaucracy/form_processing HTTP/1.1" 302

You don’t need to create view templates for all of these actions, because the body of an HTTP redirect isn’t displayed by the web browser.


The redirect_to method uses smart defaults. If you give it a hash that doesn’t specify a controller, it assumes you want to move to another action in the same controller. If you leave out the action, it assumes you are talking about the index action.

From the simple redirects given in the Solution, you might think that calling redirect_to actually stops the action method in place and does an immediate HTTP redirect. This is not true. The action method continues to run until it ends or you call return. The redirect_to method doesn’t do a redirect: it tells Rails to do a redirect once the action method has finished running.

Here’s an illustration of the problem. You might think that the call to redirect_to below prevents the method do_something_dangerous from being called.

	class DangerController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    redirect_to (:action => 'safety') unless params[:i_like_danger]

	  # …

But it doesn’t. The only way to stop an action method from running all the way to the end is to call return.[2] What you really want to do is this:

	class DangerController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    redirect_to (:action => 'safety') 
and return unless params[:i_like_danger]


Notice the and return at the end of redirect_to. It’s very rare that you’ll want to execute code after telling Rails to redirect the user to another page. To avoid problems, make a habit of adding and return at the end of calls to redirect_to or render.

See Also

  • The generated RDoc for the methods ApplicationController::Base#redirect_to and ApplicationController::Base#url_for

15.5. Displaying Templates with Render


Rails’s default mapping of one action method to one view template is not flexible enough for you. You want to customize the template that gets rendered for a particular action by calling Rails’s rendering code directly.


Rendering happens in the ActionController::Base#render method. Rails’s default behavior is to call render after the action method runs, mapping the action to a corresponding view template. The foo action gets mapped to the foo.rhtml template.

You can call render from within an action method to make Rails render a different template. This controller defines two actions, both of which are rendered using the shopping_list.rhtml template:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    @list = ['papaya', 'polio vaccine']
	    render :action => 'shopping_list'

	  def shopping_list
	    @list = ['cotton balls', 'amino acids', 'pie']

By default, render assumes that you are talking about the controller and action that are running when render is called. If you call render with no arguments, Rails will work the same way it usually does. But specifying 'shopping_list' as the view overrides this default, and makes the index action use the shopping_list.rhtml template, just like the shopping_list action does.


Although they use the same template, visiting the index action is not the same as visiting the shopping_list action. They display different lists, because index defines a different list from shopping_list.

Recall from Recipe 15.4 that the redirect method doesn’t perform an immediate HTTP redirect. It tells Rails to do a redirect once the current action method finishes running. Similarly, the render method doesn’t do the rendering immediately. It only tells Rails which template to render when the action is complete.

Consider this example:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    render :action => 'shopping_list'
	    @budget = 87.50

	  def shopping_list
	    @list = ['lizard food', 'baking soda']

You might think that calling index sets @list but not @budget. Actually, the reverse is true. Calling index sets @budget but not @list.

The @budget variable gets set because render does not stop the execution of the current action. Calling render is like sealing a message in an envelope that gets opened by Rails at some point in the future. You’re still free to set instance variables and make other method calls. Once your action method returns, Rails will open the envelope and use the rendering strategy contained within.

The @list variable does not get set because the render call does not call the shopping_list action. It just makes the existing action, index, use the shopping_list.rhtml template instead of the index.rhtml template. There doesn’t even need to be a shopping_list action: there just has to be a template named shopping_list.rhtml.

If you do want to invoke one action from another, you can invoke the action method explicitly. This code will make index set both @budget and @list:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    shopping_list and render :action => 'shopping_list'
	    @budget = 87.50

Another consequence of this “envelope” behavior is that you must never call render twice within a single client request (the same goes for render's cousin redirect_to, which also seals a message in an envelope).

If you write code like the following, Rails will complain. You’re giving it two sealed envelopes, and it doesn’t know which to open:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def plain_and_fancy
	    render :action => 'plain_list'
	    render :action => 'fancy_list'

But the following code is fine, because any given request will only trigger one branch of the if/else clause. Whatever happens, render will only be called once per request.

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def plain_or_fancy
	    if params[:fancy]
	      render :action => 'fancy_list'
	      render :action => 'plain_list'

With redirect_to, if you want to force your action method to stop running, you can put a return statement immediately after your call to render. This code does not set the @budget variable, because execution never gets past the return statement:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    render :action => 'shopping_list' and return
	    @budget = 87.50 # This line won't be run.

See Also

  • Recipe 15.4, “Redirecting to a Different Location”

  • Recipe 15.14, “Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views,” shows examples of calling render within a view template

15.6. Integrating a Database with Your Rails Application


You want your web application to store persistent data in a relational database.


The hardest part is setting things up: creating your database and hooking Rails up to it. Once that’s done, database access is as simple as writing Ruby code.

To tell Rails how to access your database, open your application’s config/database.yml file. Assuming your Rails application is called mywebapp, it should look something like this:

	adapter: mysql
	database: mywebapp_development
	host: localhost
	username: root

	adapter: mysql
	database: mywebapp_test
	host: localhost
	username: root

	adapter: mysql
	database: mywebapp
	host: localhost
	username: root

For now, just make sure the development section contains a valid username and password, and that it mentions the correct adapter name for your type of database (see Chapter 13 for the list).

Now create a database table. As with so much else, Rails does a lot of the database work automatically if you follow its conventions. You can override the conventions if necessary, but for now it’s easiest to go along with them.

The name of the table must be a pluralized noun: for instance, “people”, “tasks”, “items”.

The table must contain an auto-incrementing primary key field called id.

For this example, use a database tool or a CREATE DATABASE SQL command to create a mywebapp_development database (see the chapter introduction for Chapter 13 if you need help doing this). Then create a table in that database called people. Here’s the SQL to create a people table in MySQL; you can adapt it for your database.

	use mywebapp_development;

	CREATE TABLE 'people' (
	'name' VARCHAR(255),
	'email' VARCHAR(255),

Now go to the command line, change into the web application’s root directory, and type ./script/generate model Person. This generates a Ruby class that knows how to manipulate the people table.

	$ ./script/generate model Person
	exists app/models/
	exists test/unit/
	exists test/fixtures/
	create app/models/person.rb
	create test/unit/person_test.rb
	create test/fixtures/people.yml

Notice that your model is named Person, even though the table was named people. If you abide by its conventions, Rails automatically handles these pluralizations for you (see Recipe 15.7 for details).

Your web application now has access to the people table, via the Person class. Again from the command line, run this command:

	$ ./script/runner 'Person.create(:name => "John Doe", 
	:email => "[email protected]")'

That code creates a new entry in the people table. (If you’ve read Recipe 13.11, you’ll recognize this as ActiveRecord code.)

To access this person from your application, create a new controller and a view to go along with it:

	$ ./script/generate controller people list
	exists app/controllers/
	exists app/helpers/
	create app/views/people
	exists test/functional/
	create app/controllers/people_controller.rb
	create test/functional/people_controller_test.rb
	create app/helpers/people_helper.rb
	create app/views/people/list.rhtml

Edit app/view/people/list.rhtml so it looks like this:

	<!-- list.rhtml -->
	<% Person.find(:all).each do |person| %>
	<li>Name: <%= %>, Email: <%= %
	<% end %>

Start the Rails server, visit http://localhost:3000/people/list/, and you’ll see John Doe listed.

The Person model class is accessible from all parts of your Rails application: your controllers, views, helpers, and mailers.


Up until now, the applications created in these recipes have been using only controllers and views.[3] The Person class, and its underlying database table, give us for the first time the Model portion of the Model-View-Controller triangle.

A relational database is usually the best place to store real-world models, but it’s difficult to program a relational database directly. Rails uses the ActiveRecord library to hide the people table behind a Person class. Methods like Person.find let you search the person database table without writing SQL; the results are automatically converted into Person objects. The basics of ActiveRecord are covered in Recipe 13.11.

The Person.find method takes a lot of optional arguments. If you pass it an integer, it will look for the person entry whose unique ID is that integer, and return an appropriate Person object. The :all and :first symbols grab all entries from the table (an array of Person objects), or only the first person that matches. You can limit or order your dataset by specifying :limit or :order; you can even set raw SQL conditions via :conditions.

Here’s how to find the first five entries in the people table that have email addresses. The result will be a list containing five Person objects, ordered by their name fields.

	:limit => 5,
	:order => 'name',
	:conditions => 'email IS NOT NULL')

The three different sections of config/ database.yml specify the three different databases used at different times by your Rails application:

Development database

The database you use when working on the application. Generally filled with test data.

Test database

A scratch database used by the unit testing framework when running tests for your application. Its data is populated automatically by the unit testing framework.

Production database

The database mode to use when your web site is running with live data.

Unless you explicitly setup Rails to run in production or test mode, it defaults to development mode. So to get started, you only need to make sure the development portion of database.yml is set up correctly.

See Also

  • Chapter 13

  • Recipe 13.11, “Using Object Relational Mapping with ActiveRecord”

  • Recipe 13.13, “Building Queries Programmatically”

  • Recipe 13.14, “Validating Data with ActiveRecord”

  • ActiveRecord can’t do everything that SQL can. For complex database operations, you’ll need to use DBI or one of the Ruby bindings to specific kinds of database; these topics too are covered in Recipe 13.15, “Preventing SQL Injection Attacks,” which gives more on the format of the database.yml file

15.7. Understanding Pluralization Rules


You want to understand and customize Rails’s rules for automatically pluralizing nouns.


You can use Rails’ pluralization functionality in any part of your application, but ActiveRecord is the only major part of Rails that does pluralization automatically. ActiveRecord generally expects table names to be pluralized noun phrases and the corresponding model classes to be singular versions of the same noun phrases.

So when you create a model class, you should always use a singular name. Rails automatically pluralizes:

  • The corresponding table name for the model

  • has_many relations

  • has_and_belongs_to_many relations

For example, if you create a LineItem model, the table name automatically becomes line_items. Note also that the table name has been lowercased, and the word break indicated by the original camelcase is now conveyed with an underscore.

If you then create an Order model, the corresponding table needs to be called orders. If you want to describe an order that has many line items, the code would look like this:

	class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
	  has_many :line_items

Like the name of the table it references, the symbol used in the has_many relation is pluralized and underscored. The same goes for the other relationships between tables, like has_and_belongs_to_many.


ActiveRecord pluralizes these names to make your code read more like an English sentence: has_many :line_items can be read “has many line items”. If pluralization confuses you, you can disable it by setting ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names to false. In Rails, the simplest way to do this is to put the following code in config/environment.rb: do |config|
	  config.active_record.pluralize_table_names = false

If your application knows specific words that ActiveRecord does not know how to pluralize, you can define your own pluralization rules by manipulating the Inflector class. Let’s say that the plural of “foo” is “fooze”, and you’ve build an application to manage fooze. In Rails, you can specify this transformation by putting the following code in config/environment.rb:

	Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
	  inflect.plural /^(foo)$/i, '1ze'
	  inflect.singular /^(foo)ze/i, '1'

In this case, it’s simpler to use the irregular method:

	Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
	  inflect.irregular 'foo', 'fooze'

If you have nouns that should never be inflected (usually because they are mass nouns, or because their plural form is the same as their singular form), you can pass them into the uncountable method:

	Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
	  inflect.uncountable ['status', 'furniture', 'fish', 'sheep']

The Inflector class is part of the activesupport gem, and you can use it outside of ActiveRecord or Rails as a general way of pluralizing English words. Here’s a stand

	require 'rubygems'
	require 'active_support/core_ext'

	'blob'.pluralize                                 # => "blobs"
	'child'.pluralize                                # => "children"
	'octopus'.pluralize                              # => "octopi"
	'octopi'.singularize                             # => "octopus"
	'people'.singularize                             # => "person"

	'goose'.pluralize                                # => "gooses"
	Inflector.inflections { |i| i.irregular 'goose', 'geese' }
	'goose'.pluralize                                # => "geese"

	'moose'.pluralize                                # => "mooses"
	Inflector.inflections { |i| i.uncountable 'moose' }
	'moose'.pluralize                                # => "moose"

See Also

  • Recipe 13.11, “Using Object Relational Mapping with ActiveRecord”

15.8. Creating a Login System


You want your application to support a login system based on user accounts. Users will log in with a unique username and password, as in most commercial and community web sites.


Create a users table that contains nonnull username and password fields. The SQL to create this table should look something like this MySQL example:

	use mywebapp_development;
	CREATE TABLE 'users' (
	  'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
	  'password' VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
	  PRIMARY KEY ('id')

Enter the main directory of the application and generate a User model corresponding to this table:

	$ ./script/generate model User
	      exists app/models/
	      exists test/unit/
	      exists test/fixtures/
          create app/models/user.rb
	      create test/unit/user_test.rb
	      create test/fixtures/users.yml

Open the generated file app/models/user.rb and edit it to look like this:

	class User < ActiveRecord::Base
	  validates_uniqueness_of :username
	  validates_confirmation_of :password, :on => :create
	  validates_length_of :password, :within => 5..40

	  # If a user matching the credentials is found, returns the User object.
	  # If no matching user is found, returns nil.
	  def self.authenticate(user_info)

Now you’ve got a User class that represents a user account, and a way of validating a username and password against the one stored in the database.


The simple User model given in the Solution defines a method for doing username/password validation, and some validation rules that impose limitations on the data to be stored in the users table. These validation rules tell User to:

  • Ensure that each username is unique. No two users can have the same username.

  • Ensure that, whenever the password attribute is being set, the password_confirmation attribute has the same value.

  • Ensure that the value of the password attribute is between 5 and 40 characters long.

Now let’s create a controller for this model. It’ll have a login action to display the login page, a process_login action to check the username and password, and a logout action to deauthenticate a logged-in session. So that the user accounts will actually do something, we’ll also add a my_account action:

	$ ./script/generate controller user login process_login logout my_account
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists app/helpers/
	     create app/views/user
	     exists test/functional/
	     create app/controllers/user_controller.rb
	     create test/functional/user_controller_test.rb
	     create app/helpers/user_helper.rb
	     create app/views/user/ 
	     create app/views/user/process_login.rhtml
	     create app/views/user/logout.rhtml

Edit app/controllers/user_controller.rb to define the three actions:

	class UserController < ApplicationController
	  def login
	    @user =
	    @user.username = params[:username]
	  def process_login
	    if user = User.authenticate(params[:user])
	      session[:id] = # Remember the user's id during this session
	      redirect_to session[:return_to] || '/'
	      flash[:error] = 'Invalid login.'
	      redirect_to :action => 'login', :username => params[:user][:username]

	  def logout
	    flash[:message] = 'Logged out.'
	    redirect_to :action => 'login'

	  def my_account

Now for the views. The process_login and logout actions just redirect to other actions, so we only need views for login and my_account. Here’s a view for login:

	<!-- app/views/user/login.rhtml -->
	<% if @flash[:message] %><div><%= @flash[:message] %></div><% end %>
	<% if @flash[:error] %><div><%= @flash[:error] %></div><% end %>

	<%= form_tag :action => 'process_login' %>
	 Username: <%= text_field "user", "username" %>&#x00A;
	  Password: <%= password_field "user", "password" %>&#x00A;
	  <%= submit_tag %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

The @flash instance variable is a hashlike object used to store temporary messages for the user between actions. When the logout action sets flash[:message] and redirects to login, or process_login sets flash[:error] and redirects to login, the results are available to the view of the login action. Then they get cleared out.

Here’s a very simple view for my_account:

	<!-- app/views/user/my_account.rhtml -->
	<h1>Account Info</h1>

	<p>Your username is <%= User.find(session[:id]).username %>

Create an entry in the users table, start the server, and you’ll find that you can log in from http://localhost:3000/user/login , and view your account information from http://localhost:3000/user/my_account.

	$ ./script/runner 'User.create(:username => "johndoe", 
	                               :password => "changeme")'

There’s just one missing piece: you can visit the my_account action even if you’re not logged in. We don’t have a way to close off an action to unauthenticated users. Add the following code to your app/controllers/application.rb file:

	class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
	  before_filter :set_user

	  def set_user
	    @user = User.find(session[:id]) if @user.nil? && session[:id]

	  def login_required
	    return true if @user
	    return false

	  def access_denied
	    session[:return_to] = request.request_uri
	    flash[:error] = 'Oops. You need to login before you can view that page.'
	    redirect_to :controller => 'user', :action => 'login'

This code defines two filters, set_user and login_required, which you can apply to actions or controllers. The set_user filter is run on every action (because we pass it into before_filter in ApplicationController, the superclass of all our controllers). The set_user method sets the instance variable @user if the user is logged in. Now information about the logged-in user (if any) is available throughout your application. Action methods and views can use this instance variable like any other. This is useful even for actions that don’t require login: for instance, your main layout view might display the name of the logged-in user (if any) on every page.

You can prohibit unauthenticated users from using a specific action or controller by passing the symbol for the login_required method into before_filter. Here’s how to protect the my_account action defined in app/controllers/user_controller.rb:

	class UserController < ApplicationController
	  before_filter :login_required, :only => :my_account

Now if you try to use the my_account action without being logged in, you’ll be redirected to the login page.

See Also

15.9. Storing Hashed User Passwords in the Database


The database table defined in Recipe 15.8 stores users’ passwords as plain text. This is a bad idea: if someone compromises the database, she will have all of your users’ passwords. It’s best to store a secure hash of the password instead. That way, you don’t have the password (so no one can steal it), but you can verify that a user knows his password.


Recreate the users table from Recipe 15.8 so that instead of a password field, it has a hashed_password field. Here’s some MySQL code to do that:

	use mywebapp_development;
	CREATE TABLE 'users' (
	  'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
	  'hashed_password' VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,

Open the file app/models/user.rb created in Recipe 15.8, and edit it to look like this:

	require 'sha1'
	class User < ActiveRecord::Base
	  attr_accessor :password
	  attr_protected :hashed_password
	  validates_uniqueness_of :username
	  validates_confirmation_of : 
	    :if => lambda { |user| user.new_record? or not user.password.blank? }
	  validates_length_of :password, :within => 5..40,
	    :if => lambda { |user| user.new_record? or not user.password.blank? }

	  def self.hashed(str)

	  # If a user matching the credentials is found, returns the User object.
	  # If no matching user is found, returns nil.
	  def self.authenticate(user_info)
	    user = find_by_username(user_info[:username])
	    if user && user.hashed_password == hashed(user_info[:password])
	      return user

	  before_save :update_password

	  # Updates the hashed_password if a plain password was provided.
	  def update_password
	    if not password.blank?
	      self.hashed_password = self.class.hashed(password)

Once you do this, your application will work as before (though you’ll have to convert any preexisting user accounts to the new password format). You don’t need to modify any of the controller or view code, because the User.authenticate method works the same way it did before. This is one of the benefits of separating business logic from presentation logic.


There are now three pieces to our user model. The first is the enhanced validation code. The user model now:

  • Provides getters and setters for the password attribute.

  • Makes sure that the hashed_password field in the database can’t be accessed from the outside.

  • Ensures that each user has a unique username.

When a new user is created, or when the password is changed, User ensures:

  • That the value of the password_confirmation attribute is equal to the value of the password attribute.

  • That the password is between 5 and 40 characters long.

The second section of code defines User class methods as before. We add one new class-level method, hashed, which performs the hashing function on a plaintext password. If we want to change hashing mechanisms in the future, we only have to change this method (and migrate any existing passwords).

The third piece of code in the model is a private instance method, update_password, which synchronizes the plaintext password attribute with the hashed version in the database. The call to before_save sets up this method to be called before a User object is saved to the database. This way you can change a user’s password by setting password to its plaintext value, instead of doing the hash yourself.

See Also

15.10. Escaping HTML and JavaScript for Display


You want to display data that might contain HTML or JavaScript without making browsers render it as HTML or interpret the JavaScript. This is especially important when displaying data entered by users.


Pass a string of data into the h() helper function to escape its HTML entities. That is, instead of this:

	<%= @data %>

Write this:

	<%=h @data %>

The h() helper function converts the following characters into their HTML entity equivalents: ampersand (&), double quote ("), left angle bracket (<), and right angle bracket (>).


You won’t find the definition for the h() helper function anywhere in the Rails source code, because it’s a shortcut for ERb’s built-in helper function html_escape().

JavaScript is deployed within HTML tags like <SCRIPT>, so escaping an HTML string will neutralize any JavaScript in the HTML. However, sometimes you need to escape just the JavaScript in a string. Rails adds a helper function called escape_javascript() that you can use. This function doesn’t do much: it just turns line breaks into the string " ", and adds backslashes before single and double quotes. This is handy when you want to use arbitrary data in your own JavaScript code:

	<!-- index.rhtml -->
	<script lang="javascript">
	var text = "<%= escape_javascript @javascript_alert_text %>";

See Also

15.11. Setting and Retrieving Session Information


You want to associate some data with each distinct web client that’s using your application. The data needs to persist across HTTP requests.


You can use cookies (see Recipe 15.12) but it’s usually simpler to put the data in a user’s session. Every visitor to your Rails site is automatically given a session cookie. Rails keys the value of the cookie to a hash of arbitrary data on the server.

Throughout your entire Rails application, in controllers, views, helpers, and mailers, you can access this hash by calling a method called session. The objects stored in this hash are persisted across requests by the same web browser.

This code in a controller tracks the time of a client’s first visit to your web site:

	class IndexController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    session[:first_time] ||=

Within your view, you can write the following code to display the time:[4]

	<!-- index.rhtml -->
	You first visited this site on <%= session[:first_time] %>.

	That was <%= time_ago_in_words session[:first_time] %> ago.


Cookies and sessions are very similar. They both store persistent data about a visitor to your site. They both let you implement stateful operations on top of HTTP, which has no state of its own. The main difference between cookies and sessions is that with cookies, all the data is stored on your visitors’ computers in little cookie files. With sessions, all the data is stored on the web server. The client only keeps a small session cookie, which contains a unique ID that’s tied to the data on the server. No personal data is ever stored on the visitor’s computer.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to use sessions instead of cookies:

  • A cookie can only store four kilobytes of data.

  • A cookie can only store a string value.

  • If you store personal information in a cookie, it can be intercepted unless all of a client’s requests are encrypted with SSL. Even then, cross-site scripting attacks may be able to read the client cookie and retrieve the sensitive information.

On the other hand, cookies are useful when:

  • The information is not sensitive and not very large.

  • You don’t want to store session information about each visitor on your server.

  • You need speed from your application, and not every page needs to access the session data.

Generally, it’s a better idea to use sessions than to store data in cookies.

You can include model objects in your session: this can save a lot of trouble over retrieving the same objects from the database on every request. However, if you are going to do this, it’s a good idea to list in your application controller all the models you’ll be putting into the session. This reduces the risk that Rails won’t be able to deserialize the objects when retrieving them from the session store.

	class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
	  model :user, :ticket, :item, :history

Then you can put ActiveRecord objects into a session:

	class IndexController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    session[:user] ||= User.find(params[:id])

If your site doesn’t need to store any information in sessions, you can disable the feature by adding the following code to your app/controllers/application.rb file:

	class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
	  session :off

As you may have guessed, you can also use the session method to turn sessions off for a single controller:

	class MyController < ApplicationController
	  session :off

You can even bring it down to an action level:

	class MyController < ApplicationController
	  session :off, :only => ['index']
	  def index
	    #This action will not have any 
sessions available to it

The session interface is intended for data that persists over many actions, possibly over the user’s entire visit to the site. If you just need to pass an object (like a status message) to the next action, it’s simpler to use the flash construct described in Recipe 15.8:

	flash[:error] = 'Invalid login.'

By default, Rails sessions are stored on the server via the PStore mechanism. This mechanism uses Marshal to serialize session data to temporary files. This approach works well for small sites, but if your site will be getting a lot of visitors or you need to run your Rails application concurrently on multiple servers, you should explore some of the alternatives.

The three main alternatives are ActiveRecordStore, DRbStore, and MemCacheStore. ActiveRecordStore keeps session information in a database table: you can set up the table by running rake create_sessions_table on the command line. Both DRbStore and MemCacheStore create an in-memory hash that’s accessible over the network, but they use different libraries.

Ruby comes with a standard library called DRb that allows you to share objects (including hashes) over the network. Ruby also has a binding to the Memcached daemon, which has been used to help scale web sites like Slashdot and LiveJournal. Memcached works like a direct store into RAM, and can be distributed automatically over various computers without any special configuration.

To change the session storing mechanism, edit your config/environment.rb file like this: do |config|
	  config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store

See Also

15.12. Setting and Retrieving Cookies


You want to set a cookie from within Rails.


Recall from Recipe 15.11 that all Rails controllers, views, helpers, and mailers have access to a method called sessions that returns a hash of the current client’s session information. Your controllers, helpers, and mailers (but not your views) also have access to a method called cookies, which returns a hash of the current client’s HTTP cookies.

To set a cookie for a user, simply set a key/value pair in that hash. For example, to keep track of how many pages a visitor has looked at, you might set a “visits” cookie:

	class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
	  before_filter :count_visits


	  def count_visits
	    value = (cookies[:visits] || '0').to_i
	    cookies[:visits] = (value + 1).to_s
	    @visits = cookies[:visits]

The call to before_filter tells Rails to run this method before calling any action method. The private declaration makes sure that Rails doesn’t think the count_visits method is itself an action method that the public can view.

Since cookies are not directly available to views, count_visits makes the value of the :visits cookie available as the instance variable @visits. This variable can be accessed from a view:

	<!-- index.rhtml -->
	You've visited this website's pages <%= @visits %> time(s).

HTTP cookie values can only be strings. Rails can automatically convert some values to strings, but it’s safest to store only string values in cookies. If you need to store objects that can’t easily be converted to and from strings, you should probably store them in the session hash instead.


There may be times when you want more control over your cookies. For instance, Rails cookies expire by default when the user closes their browser session. If you want to change the browser expiration time, you can give cookies a hash that contains an :expires key and a time to expire the cookie. The following cookie will expire after one hour:[5]

	cookies[:user_id] = { :value => '123', :expires => + 1.hour}

Here are some other options for a cookie hash passed into cookies.

The domain to which this cookie applies:


The URL path to which this cookie applies (by default, the cookie applies to the entire domain: this means that if you host multiple applications on the same domain, their cookies may conflict):


Whether this cookie is secure (secure cookies are only transmitted over HTTPS connections; the default is false):


Finally, Rails provides a quick and easy way to delete cookies:

	cookies.delete :user_id

Of course, every Ruby hash implements a delete method, but the cookies hash is a little different. It includes special code so that not only does calling delete remove a key-value pair from the cookies hash, it removes the corresponding cookie from the user’s browser.

See Also

  • Recipe 3.5, “Doing Date Arithmetic”

  • Recipe 15.11, “Setting and Retrieving Session Information,” has a discussion of when to use cookies and when to use session

15.13. Extracting Code into Helper Functions


Your views are getting cluttered with Ruby code.


Let’s create a controller with a fairly complex view to see how this can happen:

	$ ./scripts/generate controller list index
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists app/helpers/
	      create app/views/list
	      exists test/functional/
	      create app/controllers/list_controller.rb
	      create test/functional/list_controller_test.rb
	      create app/helpers/list_helper.rb
	      create app/views/list/index.rhtml

Edit app/controllers/list_controller.rb to look like this:

	class ListController < ApplicationController
	  def index
	    @list = [1, "string", :symbol, ['list']]

Edit app/views/list/index.rhtml to contain the following code. It iterates over each element in @list, and prints out its index and the SHA1 hash of its object ID:

	<!-- app/views/list/index.rhtml -->
	<% @list.each_with_index do |item, i| %>
	  <li class="<%= i%2==0 ? 'even' : 'odd' %>"><%= i %>:
	    <%= %></li>
	<% end %>

This is pretty messy, but if you’ve done much web programming it should also look sadly familiar.

To clean up this code, we’re going to move some of it into the helper for the controller. In this case, the controller is called list, so its helper lives in app/helpers/list_helper.rb.

Let’s create a helper function called create_li. Given an object and its position in the list, this function creates an <LI> tag suitable for use in the index view:

	module ListHelper
	  def create_li(item, i)
	    %{<li class="#{ i%2==0 ? 'even' : 'odd' }">#{i}:

The list controller’s views have access to all the functions defined in ListHelper. We can clean up the index view like so:

	<!-- app/ 
views/list/index.rhtml -->
	<% @list.each_with_index do |item, i| %>
	  <%= create_li(item, i) %>
	<% end %>

Your helper functions can do anything you can normally do from within a view, so they are a great way to abstract out the heavy lifting.


The purpose of helper functions is to create more maintainable code, and to enforce a good division of labor between the programmers and the UI designers. Maintainable code is easier for the programmers to work on, and when it’s in helper functions it’s out of the way of the designers, who can tweak the HTML here and there without having to sifting through code.

A good rule of thumb for when to use helpers is to read the code aloud. If it sounds like nonsense to someone familiar with HTML, or it makes up more than a short English sentence, hide it in a helper.

The flip side of this is that you should minimize the amount of HTML generated from within the helpers. That way the UI designers, or other people familiar with HTML, won’t wander your code, wondering where to find the bit of HTML that needs tweaking.

Although helper functions are useful and used very often, Rails also provides partials, another way of extracting code into smaller chunks.

See Also

Recipe 15.14, “Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views,” has more on partials

15.14. Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views


Your view doesn’t contain a lot of Ruby code, but it’s still becoming more complicated than you’d like. You’d like to refactor the view logic into separate, reusable templates.


You can refactor a view template into multiple templates called partials. One template can include another by calling the render method, first seen in Recipe 15.5.

Let’s start with a more complex version of the view shown in Recipe 15.5:

	<!-- app/ 
views/list/shopping_list.rhtml -->
	<h2>My shopping list</h2>

	 <% @list.each do |item| %>
	  <li><%= %>
	   <%= link_to 'Delete', {:action => 'delete', :id =>},
	                  :post => true %>

	<% end %>

	<h2>Add a new item</h2>

	<%= form_tag :action => 'new' %>
	 Item: <%= text_field "product", "name" %>&#x00A;
	 <%= submit_tag "Add new item" %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

Here’s the corresponding controller class, and a dummy ListItem class to serve as the model:

	# app/controllers/list_controller.rb
	class ListController < ActionController::Base
	  def shopping_list
	    @list = [, 'aspirin'),, 'succotash')]

	  # Other actions go here: add, delete, etc.
	  # …
	class ListItem
	  def initialize(id, name)
	    @id, @name = id, name

The view has two parts: the first part lists all the items, and the second part prints a form to add a new item. An obvious first step is to split out the new item form.

We can do this by creating a partial view to print the new item form. To do this, create a new file within app/ views/list/ called _new_item_form.rhtml. The underscore in front of the filename indicates that it is a partial view, not a full-fledged view for an action called new_item_form. Here’s the partial file.

	<!-- app/ 
views/list/_new_item_form.rhtml -->

	<%= form_tag :action => 'new' %>
	Item: <%= text_field "item", "value" %>&#x00A;
	<%= submit_tag "Add new item" %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

To include a partial, call the render method from within a template. Here is the _new_item_form partial integrated into the main view. The view looks exactly the same, but the code is better organized.

	<!-- app/ 
views/list/shopping_list.rhtml -->
	<h2>My shopping list</h2>

	<% @list.each do |item| %>
	 <li><%= %>
	  <%= link_to 'Delete', {:action => 'delete', :id =>},
	                 :post => true %>
	<% end %>
	<%= render :partial => 'new_item_form' %>

Even though the filename starts with an underscore, when you call the partial, you omit the underscore.


Partial views inherit all the instance variables provided by the controller, so they have access to the same instance variables as the parent view. That’s why we didn’t have to change any of the form code for the _new_item_form partial.

We can create a second partial to factor out the code that prints the <LI> tag for each list item. Here’s _list_item.rhtml:

	<!-- app/ 
views/list/_list_item.rhtml -->
	<li><%= %>
	<%= link_to 'Delete', {:action => 'delete', :id =>},
	               :post => true %>

And here’s the revised main view:

	<!-- app/views/list/shopping_list.rhtml -->
	<h2>My shopping list</h2>
	<% @list.each do |item| %>
	  <%= render :partial => 'list_item', :locals => {:list_item => item} %>
	<% end %>

	<%= render :partial => 'new_item_form' %>

Partial views do not inherit local variables from their parent view, so the item variable needs to be passed in to the partial, in a special hash called :locals. It’s accessible in the partial as list_item, because that’s the name it was given in the hash.

This scenario, iterating over an Enumerable and rendering a partial for each element, is very common in web applications, so Rails provides a shortcut. We can simplify our main view even more by passing our array into render (as the :collection parameter) and having it do the iteration for us:

	<!-- app/views/list/shopping_list.rhtml -->
	<h2>My shopping list</h2>

	 <%= render :collection => @list, :partial => 'list_item' %>

	<%= render :partial => 'new_item_form' %>

The partial is rendered once for every element in @list. Each list element is made available as the local variable list_item. In case you haven’t guessed, this name comes from the name of the partial itself: render automatically gives _foo.rhtml a local variable called foo.

list_item_counter is another variable that is set automatically (again, the name mirrors the name of the template). list_item_counter is the current item’s index in the collection undergoing iteration. This variable can be handy if you want alternating list items to show up in different styles:

	<!-- app/views/list/_list_item.rhtml -->
	<li><%= %>
	<% css_class = list_item_counter % 2 == 0 ? 'a' : 'b' %>
	<%= link_to 'Delete', {:action => 'delete', :id =>},
	               {'class' => css_class}, :post => true %>

When there’s no collection present, you can pass a single object into a partial by specifying an :object argument to render. This is simpler than creating a whole hash of :locals just to pass one object. As with :collection, the object will be made available as a local variable whose name is based on the name of the partial.

Here’s an example: we’ll send the shopping list into the new_item_form.rhtml partial, so that the new item form can print a more verbose message. Here’s the change to shopping_list.rhtml:

	<%= render :partial => 'new_item_form', :object => @list %>

Here’s the new version of _new_item_form.rhtml:

	<!-- app/views/list/_new_item_form.rhtml -->
	<h2>Add a new item to the <%= new_item_form.size %> already in this
	<%= form_tag :action => 'new' %>
	Item: <%= text_field "product", "name" %>
	<%= submit_tag "Add new item" %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

See Also

15.15. Adding DHTML Effects with


You want to add fancy effects such as fades to your application, without writing any JavaScript.


Every Rails application comes bundled with some JavaScript libraries that allow you to create Ajax and DHTML effects. You don’t even have to write JavaScript to enable DHTML in your Rails web site.

First edit your main layout template (see Recipe 15.3) to call javascript_include_tag within your <HEAD> tag:

	<!-- app/views/layouts/application.rhtml -->

	    <title>My Web App</title><%= javascript_include_tag "prototype", "effects" %>
	    <%= @content_for_layout %>

Now within your views you can call the visual_effect method to accomplish the DHTML tricks found in the library.

Here’s an example of the “highlight” effect:

	<p id="important">Here is some important text, it will be highlighted
	when the page loads.</p>

	<script type="text/javascript">
	<%= visual_effect(:highlight, "important", :duration => 1.5) %>

Here’s an example of the “fade” effect:

	<p id="deleted">Here is some old text, it will fade away when the page
	<script type="text/javascript">
	<%= visual_effect(:fade, "deleted", :duration => 1.0) %>


The sample code snippets above are triggered when the page loads, because they’re enclosed in <SCRIPT> tags. In a real application, you’ll probably display text effects in response to user actions: deleted items might fade away, or the selection of one item might highlight related items. Here’s an image that gets squished when you click the link below it:

	<img id="to-squish" src="bug.jpg">
	<%=link_to_function("Squish the bug!", visual_effect(:squish, "to-squish"))%>

The JavaScript code generated by the visual_effect method looks a lot like the arguments you passed into the method. For instance, this piece of a Rails view:

	<script type="text/javascript">
	<%= visual_effect(:fade, 'deleted-text', :duration => 1.0) %>

Generates this JavaScript:

	<script type="text/javascript">
	new Effect.Fade("deleted-text", {duration:1.0});

This similarity means that documentation for the library is almost directly applicable to visual_effect. It also means that if you feel more comfortable writing straight JavaScript, your code will still be fairly understandable to someone who knows visual_effect.

The following table lists many of the effects available in Rails 1.0.

Table 15-1. 

JavaScript initialization

Rails initialization

new Effect.Highlight


new Effect.Appear


new Effect.Fade


new Effect.Puff


new Effect.BlindDown


new Effect.BlindUp


new Effect.SwitchOff


new Effect.SlideDown


new Effect.SlideUp


new Effect.DropOut


new Effect.Shake


new Effect.Pulsate


new Effect.Squish


new Effect.Fold


new Effect.Grow


new Effect.Shrink


new Effect.ScrollTo


See Also

15.16. Generating Forms for Manipulating Model Objects


You want to define actions that let a user create or edit objects stored in the database.


Let’s create a simple model, and then build forms for it. Here’s some MySQL code to create a table of key-value pairs:

	use mywebapp_development;
	CREATE TABLE `items` (
	  'id' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
	  'name' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
	  'value' varchar(40) NOT NULL default '[empty]',
	  PRIMARY KEY ('id')

Now, from the command line, create the model class, along with a controller and views:

	$ ./script/generate model Item
	      exists app/models/
	      exists test/unit/
	      exists test/fixtures/
	      create app/models/item.rb
	      create test/unit/item_test.rb
	      create test/fixtures/items.yml
 	      create db/migrate
	      create db/migrate/001_create_items.rb
	$ ./script/generate controller items new create edit
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists app/helpers/
	      create app/views/items
	      exists test/functional/
	      create app/controllers/items_controller.rb
	      create test/functional/items_controller_test.rb
	      create app/helpers/items_helper.rb
	      create app/views/items/new.rhtml
	      create app/views/items/edit.rhtml

The first step is to customize a view. Let’s start with app/views/items/new.rhtml. Edit it to look like this:

	<!-- app/views/items/new.rhtml -->
	<%= form_tag :action => "create" %>
	 Name: <%= text_field "item", "name" %><br />
	 Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %><br />
	 <%= submit_tag %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

All these method calls generate HTML: form_tag opens a <FORM> tag, submit_tag generates a submit button, and so on. You can type out the same HTML by hand and Rails won’t care, but it’s easier to make method calls, and it makes your templates neater.

The text_field call is a little more involved. It creates an <INPUT> tag that shows up in the HTML form as a text entry field. But it also binds the value of that field to one of the members of the @item instance variable. This code creates a text entry field that’s bound to the name member of @item:

	<%= text_field "item", "name" %>

But what’s the @item instance variable? Well, it’s not defined yet, because we’re still using the generated controller. If you try to access the page /items/new page right now, you may get an error complaining about an unexpected nil value. The nil value is the @item variable, which gets used (in text_field calls) without ever being defined.

Let’s customize the ItemsController class so that the new action sets the @item instance variable properly. We’ll also implement the create action so that something actually happens when the user hits the submit button on our generated form.

	class ItemsController < ApplicationController
	  def new
	    @item =
	  def create
	    @item = Item.create(params[:item])
	    redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>

Now if you access the /items/new page, you’ll see what you’d expect: a form with two text entry fields. The “Name” field will be blank, and the “Value” field will contain the default database value of “[empty]”.

Fill out the form and submit, and a new row will be created in the items table. You’ll be redirected to the edit action, which doesn’t exist yet. Let’s create it now. Here’s the controller part (note the similarity between ItemsController#edit and ItemsController#create above):

	class ItemsController < ApplicationController
	  def edit
	    @item = Item.find(params[:id])

	      redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>

In fact, the edit action is so similar to the create action that its form can be almost identical. The only differences are in the arguments to form_tag:

	<!-- app/views/items/edit.rhtml -->

	<%= form_tag :action => "edit", :id => %>
	 Name: <%= text_field "item", "name" %><br />
	 Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %><br />
	 <%= submit_tag %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>


This is probably the most common day-to-day task faced by web developers. It’s so common that Rails comes with a tool called scaffold that generates this kind of code for you. If you’d invoked generate this way instead of with the arguments given above, Rails would have generate code for the actions given in the Solution, plus a few more:

	$ ./script/generate scaffold Items

Starting off with scaffolding doesn’t mean you can get away with not knowing how Rails form generation works, because you’ll definitely want to customize the scaffolding code.

There are two places in our code where magic happens. The first is the text_field call in the view, which is explained in the Solution. It binds a member of an object (, for instance) to an HTML form control. If you view the source of the /items/new page, you will see that the form fields look something like this:

	Name: <input type="text"name="item[name]" value="" /><br />
	Value <input type="text" name="item[value]" value="[empty]" /><br />

These special field names are used by the second piece of magic, located in the calls to Item.create (in new) and Item#update_attributes. In both cases, an Item object is fed a hash of new values for its members. This hash is embedded into the params hash, which contains CGI form values.

The names of the HTML form fields (item[name] and item[value]) translate into a params hash that looks like this:

	  :item => {
	    :name => "Name of the item",
	    :value => "Value of the item"
	  :controller => "items",
	  :action => "create"

So this line of code:


is effectively the same as this line:

	Item.create(:name => "Name of the item", :value => "Value of the item")

The call to Item#update_attributes in the edit action works exactly the same way.

As mentioned above, the views for edit and new are very similar, differing only in the destination of the form. With some minor refactoring, we can remove one of the view files completely.

A call to <%= form_tag %> without any parameters at all sets the form destination to the current URL. Let’s change the new.rhtml file appropriately:

	<!-- app/views/items/new.rhtml --><%= form_tag %>

	Name: <%= text_field "item", "name" %>&#x00A;
	Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %>&#x00A;

	<%= submit_tag %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

Now the new.rhtml view is suitable for use by both new and edit. We just need to change the new action to call the create method (since the form doesn’t go there anymore), and change the edit action to render new.rhtml instead of edit.rhtml (which can be removed):

	class ItemsController < ApplicationController
	  def new
	    @item = Item.newcreate if

	  def edit
	    @item = Item.find(params[:id])

	      redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => and return
	    render :action => 'new'

Remember from Recipe 15.5 that a render call only specifies the template file to be used. The render call in edit won’t actually call the new method, so we don’t need to worry about the new method overwriting our value of @item.

In real life, there would be enough differences in the content surrounding the add and edit forms to a separate view for each action. However, there’s usually enough similarity between the forms themselves that they can be refactored into a single partial view (see Recipe 15.14) which both views share. This is a great example of the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. If there is a single form for both the add and edit views, it’s easier and less error-prone to maintain that form as the database schema changes.

See Also

  • Recipe 15.5, “Displaying Templates with Render”

  • Recipe 15.14, “Refactoring the View into Partial Snippets of Views”

15.17. Creating an Ajax Form


You want to build a web application that’s responsive and easy to use. You don’t want your users to spend lots of time waiting around for the browser to redraw the screen.


You can use JavaScript to make the browser’s XMLHTTPRequest object send data to the server, without dragging the user through the familiar (but slow) page refresh. This technique is called Ajax,[6] and Rails makes it easy to use Ajax without writing or knowing any JavaScript.

Before you can do Ajax in your web application, you must edit your application’s main layout template so that it calls the javascript_include_tag method within its <HEAD> tag. This is the same change made in Recipe 15.15:

	<!-- app/views/layouts/application.rhtml -->

	    <title>My Web App</title><%= javascript_include_tag "prototype", "effects" %>
	    <%= @content_for_layout %>

Let’s change the application from Recipe 15.16 so that the new action is AJAXenabled (if you followed that recipe all the way through, and made the edit action use new.rhtml instead of edit.rhtml, you’ll need to undo that change and make edit use its own view template).

We’ll start with the view template. Edit app/views/items/new.rhtml to look like this:

	<!-- app/views/items/new.rhtml -->
          <div id="show_item"></div>
	         <%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :create },
	         :update => "show_item",
	         :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "show_item") %>

	 Name: <%= text_field "item", "name" %><br />
	 Value: <%= text_field "item", "value" %><br />
	 <%= submit_tag %>
	<%= end_form_tag %>

Those small changes make a standard HTML form into an Ajax form. The main difference is that we call form_remote_tag instead of form_tag. The other differences are the arguments we pass into that method.

The first change is that we put the :action parameter inside a hash passed into the :url option. Ajax forms have more options associated with them than a normal form, so you can’t describe its form action as simply as you can with form_tag.

When the user clicks the submit button, the form values are serialized and sent to the destination action (in this case, create) in the background. The create action processes the form submission as before, and returns a snippet of HTML.

What happens to this HTML? That’s what the :update option is for. It tells Rails to take the result of the form submission, and stick it into the element with the HTML ID of “show_item”. This is why we added that <div id="show_item"> tag to the top of the template: that’s where the response from the server goes.

The last change to the new.rhtml view is the :complete option. This is a callback argument: it lets you specify a string of JavaScript code that will be run once an Ajax request is complete. We use it to highlight the response from the server once it shows up.

That’s the view. We also need to modify the create action in the controller so that when you make an Ajax form submission, the server returns a snippet of HTML. This is the snippet that’s inserted into the “show_item” element on the browser side. If you make a regular (nonAjax) form submission, the server can behave as it does in Recipe 15.16, and send an HTTP redirect.[7] Here’s what the controller class needs to look like:

	class ItemsController < ApplicationController
	  def new
	    @item =
	  def create
	    @item = Item.create(params[:item])if request.xml_http_request?
	      render :action => 'show', :layout => false
	      redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>
	  def edit
	    @item = Item.find(params[:id])

	       redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id =>

This code references a new view, show. It’s the tiny HTML snippet that’s returned by the server, and stuck into the “show_element” tag by the web browser. We need to define it:

	<!-- app/views/items/show.rhtml -->
	Your most recently created item:<br />
	Name: <%= %><br />
	Value: <%= @item.value %><br />

Now when you use http://localhost:3000/items/new to add new items to the database, you won’t be redirected to the edit action. You’ll stay on the new page, and the results of your form submission will be displayed above the form. This makes it easy to create many new items at once.


Recipe 15.16 shows how to submit data to a form in the traditional way: the user clicks a “submit” button, the browser sends a request to the server, the server returns a response page, and the browser renders the response page.

Recently, sites like Gmail and Google Maps have popularized techniques for sending and receiving data without a page refresh. Collectively, these techniques are called Ajax. Ajax is a very useful tool for improving your application’s response time and usability.

An Ajax request is a real HTTP request to one of your application’s actions, and you can deal with it as you would any other request. Most of the time, though, you won’t be returning a full HTML page. You’ll just be returning a snippet of data. The web browser will be sending the Ajax request in the context of a full web page (which you served up earlier) that knows how to handle the response snippet.

You can define JavaScript callbacks at several points throughout the lifecycle of an Ajax request. One callback, :complete, was used above to highlight the snippet after inserting it into the page. This table lists the other callbacks.

Table 15-2. 

Callback name

Callback description


Called when the web browser begins to load the remote document.


Called when the browser has finished loading the remote document.


Called when the user can interact with the remote document, even if it has not finished loading.


Called when the XMLHttpRequest is completed, and the HTTP status code is in the 2XX range.


Called when the XMLHttpRequest is completed, and the HTTP status code is not in the 2XX range.


Called when the XMLHttpRequest is complete. If :successand/or :failure are also present, runs after they do.

15.18. Exposing Web Services on Your Web Site


You want to offer SOAP and XML-RPC web services from your web application.


Rails comes with a built-in web service generator that makes it easy to expose a controller’s actions as web services. You don’t have to spend time writing WSDL files or even really know how SOAP and XML-RPC work.

Here’s a simple example. First, follow the directions in Recipe 15.16 to create a database table named items, and to generate a model for that table. Don’t generate a controller.

Now, run this from the command line:

	./script/generate web_service Item add edit fetch
	      create app/apis/
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists test/functional/
	      create app/apis/item_api.rb
	      create app/controllers/item_controller.rb
	      create test/functional/item_api_test.rb

This creates an item controller that supports three actions: add, edit, and fetch. But instead of web application actions with .rhtml views, these are web service actions that you access with SOAP or XML-RPC.

A Ruby method doesn’t care about the data types of the objects it accepts as arguments, or the data type of its return value. But a SOAP or XML-RPC web service method does care. To expose a Ruby method through a SOAP or XML-RPC interface, we need to define type information for its signature. Open up the file app/apis/item_api.rb and edit it to look like this:

	class ItemApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
	  api_method :add, :expects => [:string, :string], :returns => [:int]
	  api_method :edit, :expects => [:int, :string, :string], :returns => [:bool]
	  api_method :fetch, :expects => [:int], :returns => [Item]

Now we need to implement the actual web service interface. Open app/controllers/item_controller.rb and edit it to look like this:

	class ItemController < ApplicationController
	  wsdl_service_name 'Item'

	  def add(name, value)
	    Item.create(:name => name, :value => value).id

	  def edit(id, name, value)
	    Item.find(id).update_attributes(:name => name, :value => value)

	  def fetch(id)


The item controller now implements SOAP and XML-RPC web services for the items table. This controller can live alongside an items controller that implements a traditional web interface.[8]

The URL to the XML-RPC API is, and the URL to the SOAP API is To test these services, here’s a short Ruby script that calls the web service methods through a SOAP client:

	require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
	wsdl = "http://localhost:3000/item/service.wsdl"
	item_server =

	item_id = item_server.add('foo', 'bar')

	if item_server.edit(item_id, 'John', 'Doe')
	  puts 'Hey, it worked!'
	  puts 'Back to the drawing board…'
	# Hey, it worked!

	item = item_server.fetch(item_id)
	item.class                                    # => SOAP::Mapping::Object                                     # => "John"
	item.value                                    # => "Doe"

Here’s the XML-RPC equivalent:

	require 'xmlrpc/client'
	item_server = XMLRPC::Client.new2('http://localhost:3000/item/api')
	item_id ='Add', 'foo', "bar")
	if'Edit', item_id, 'John', 'Doe')
	  puts 'Hey, it worked!'
	  puts 'Back to the drawing board…'
	# Hey, it worked!

	item ='Fetch', item_id)
	# => {"name"=>"John", "id"=>2, "value"=>"Doe"}
	item.class # => Hash

See Also

15.19. Sending Mail with Rails


You want to send an email from within your Rails application: perhaps a confirmation of an order, or notification that some action has been taken on a user’s behalf.


The first is to generate some mailer infrastructure. Go to the application’s base directory and type this command:

	./script/generate mailer Notification welcome
	      exists app/models/
	      create app/views/notification
	      exists test/unit/
	      create test/fixtures/notification
	      create app/models/notification.rb
	      create test/unit/notification_test.rb
	      create app/views/notification/welcome.rhtml
	      create test/fixtures/notification/welcome

We’re giving the name “Notification” to the mailing center of the application; it’s somewhat analogous to a controller in the web interface. The mailer is set up to generate a single email, called “welcome”: this is analagous to an action with a view template.

Now open app/models/notification.rb and edit it to look like this:

	class Notification < ActionMailer::Base
	  def welcome(user,
	    @subject = 'A Friendly Welcome'
	    @recipients =
	    @from = '[email protected]'
	    @sent_on = sent_at
	    @body = {
	      :user => user,
	      :sent_on => sent_at
	    attachment 'text/plain' do |a|
	      a.body ='rules.txt')

The subject of the email is “A Friendly Welcome”, and it’s sent to the user’s email address from the address "[email protected]“. It’s got an attachment taken from the disk file rules.txt (relative to the root directory of your Rails application).

Although the file notification.rb is within the models/ directory, it acts like a controller in that each of its email messages has an associated view template. The view for the welcome email is in app/views/notification/welcome.rhtml, and it acts almost the same as the view of a normal controller.

The most important difference is that mailer views do not have access to the instance variables of the mailer. To set instance variables for mailers, you pass a hash of those variables to the body method. The keys become instance variable names and the values become their values. In notification.rb, we make two instance variables available to the welcome view, @user and @sent_on. Here’s the view itself:

	<!-- app/views/notification/welcome.rhtml -->

	Hello, <%= %>, and thanks for signing up at <%= @sent_on
	%>. Please print out the attached set of rules and keep them in a
	prominent place; they help keep our community running smoothly. Be
	sure to pay special attention to sections II.4 ("Assignment of
	Intellectual Property Rights") and XIV.21.a ("Dispute Resolution
	Through Ritual Combat").

To send the welcome email from your Rails application, add the following code to either a controller, a model, or an observer:


Here, the user variable can be any object that implements #name and #email, the two methods called in the welcome method and in the template.


You never call the Notification#welcome method directly. In fact, Notification#welcome is not even available, since it’s an instance method, and you never instantiate a Notification object directly. The ActionMailer::Base class defines a method_missing implementation that looks at all calls to undefined class methods. This is why you call deliver_welcome even though you never defined it.

The welcome.rhtml template given above generates plaintext email. To send HTML emails, simply add the following code to Notification#welcome:

	content_type 'text/html'

Now your templates can generate HTML; email clients will recognize the format of the email and render it appropriately.

Sometimes you’ll want more control over the delivery process—for example, when you’re unit-testing your ActionMailer classes. Instead of calling deliver_welcome to send out an email, you can call create_welcome to get the email as a Ruby object. These “create” methods return TMail objects, which you can examine or manipulate as necessary.

If your local web server is incapable of sending email, you can modify environment.rb to contact a remote SMTP server: do |config|
	  config.action_mailer.server_settings = {
	    :address => '',
user_name => 'uname',
	    :password => 'passwd',
	    :authentication => 'cram_md5'

See Also

  • Recipe 10.8, “Responding to Calls to Undefined Methods”

  • Recipe 14.5, “Sending Mail,” has more on ActionMailer and SMTP settings

15.20. Automatically Sending Error Messages to Your Email


You want to receive a descriptive email message every time one of your users encounters an application error.


Any errors that occur while running your application are sent to the ActionController::Base#log_error method. If you’ve set up a mailer (as shown in Recipe 15.19) you can override this method and have it send mail to you. Your code should look something like this:

	class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

	   def log_error(exception)

That code rounds up a wide variety of information about the state of the Rails request at the time of the failure. It captures the exception object, the corresponding backtrace, the session data, the CGI request parameters, and the values of all environment variables.

The overridden log_error calls Notification.deliver_error_messsage, which assumes you’ve created a mailer called “Notification”, and defined the method Notification.error_message. Here’s the implementation:

	class Notification < ActionMailer::Base
	  def error_message(exception, trace, session, params, env, sent_on =
	    @recipients = '[email protected]'
	    @from = '[email protected]'
	    @subject = "Error message: #{env['REQUEST_URI']}"
	    @sent_on = sent_on
	    @body = {
	      :exception => exception,
	      :trace => trace,
	      :session => session,
	      :params => params,
	      :env => env

The template for this email looks like this:

	<!-- app/views/notification/error_message.rhtml -->

	Time: <%= %>
	Message: <%= @exception.message %>
	Location: <%= @env['REQUEST_URI'] %>
	Action: <%= @params.delete('action') %></td></tr>
	Controller: <%= @params.delete('controller') %></td></tr>
	Query: <%= @env['QUERY_STRING'] %></td></tr>
	Method: <%= @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] %></td></tr>
	SSL: <%= @env['SERVER_PORT'].to_i == 443 ? "true" : "false" %>
	Agent: <%= @env['HTTP_ 

	<%= @trace.to_a.join("</p>
<p>") %>

	<% @params.each do |key, val| -%>
	* <%= key %>: <%= val.to_yaml %>
	<% end -%>
	<% @session.each do |key, val| -%>
	* <%= key %>: <%= val.to_yaml %>
	<% end -%>
	<% @env.each do |key, val| -%>
	* <%= key %>: <%= val %>
	<% end -%>


ActionController::Base#log_error gives you the flexibility to handle errors however you like. This is especially useful if your Rails application is hosted on a machine to which you have limited access: you can have errors sent to you, instead of written to a file you might not be able to see. Or you might prefer to record the errors in a database, so that you can look for patterns.

The method ApplicationController#log_error is declared private to avoid confusion. If it weren’t private, all of the controllers would think they had a log_error action defined. Users would be able to visit /<controller>/log_error and get Rails to act strangely.

See Also

15.21. Documenting Your Web Site


You want to document the controllers, models, and helpers of your web application so that the developers responsible for maintaining the application can understand how it works.


As with any other Ruby program, you document a Rails application by adding specially-formatted commands to your code. Here’s how to add documentation to the FooController class and one of its methods:

	# The FooController controller contains miscellaneous functionality
	# rejected from other controllers.
	class FooController < ApplicationController
	  # The set_random action sets the @random_number instance variable
	  # to a random number.
	  def set_random
	    @random_number = rand*rand

The documentation for classes and methods goes before their declaration, not after.

When you’ve finished adding documentation comments to your application, go to your Rails application’s root directory and issue the rake appdoc command:

	$ rake appdoc

This Rake task runs RDoc for your Rails application and generates a directory called doc/app. This directory contains a web site with the aggregate of all your documentation comments, cross-referenced against the source code. Open the doc/app/index.rhtml file in any web browser, and you can browse the generated documentation.


Your RDoc comments can contain markup and special directives: you can describe your arguments in definition lists, and hide a class or method from documentation with the :nodoc: directive. This is covered in Recipe 17.11.

The only difference between Rails applications and other Ruby programs is that Rails comes with a Rakefile that defines an appdoc task. You don’t have to find or write one yourself.

You probably already put inline comments inside your methods, describing the action as it happens. Since the RDoc documentation contains a formatted version of the original source code, these comments will be visible to people going through the RDoc. These comments are formatted as Ruby source code, though, not as RDoc markup.

See Also

15.22. Unit Testing Your Web Site


You want to create a suite of automated tests that test the functionality of your Rails application.


Rails can’t write your test code any more than it can write your views and controllers for you, but it does make it easy to organize and run your automated tests.

When you use the ./script/generate command to create controllers and models, not only do you save time, but you also get a generated framework for unit and functional tests. You can get pretty good test coverage by filling in the framework with tests for the functionality you write.

So far, all the examples in this chapter have run against a Rails application’s development database, so you only needed to make sure that the development section of your config/database.yml file was set up correctly. Unit test code runs on your application’s test database, so now you need to set up your test section as well. Your mywebapp_test database doesn’t have to have any tables in it, but it must exist and be accessible to Rails.

When you generate a model with the generate script, Rails also generates a unit test script for the model in the test directory. It also creates a fixture, a YAML file containing test data to be loaded into the mywebapp_test database. This is the data against which your unit tests will run:

	./script/generate model User
	      exists app/models/
	      exists test/unit/
	      exists test/fixtures/
 	      create app/models/user.rb
	      create test/unit/user_test.rb
	      create test/fixtures/users.yml
	      create db/migrate
	      create db/migrate/001_create_users.rb

When you generate a controller with generate, Rails creates a functional test script for the controller:

	./script/generate users list
	      exists app/controllers/
	      exists app/helpers/
	      create app/views/users
	      exists test/functional/
	      create app/controllers/users_controller.rbcreate test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
	      create app/helpers/users_helper.rb
	      create app/views/users/list.rhtml

As you write code in the model and controller classes, you’ll write corresponding tests in these files.

To run the unit and functional tests, invoke the rake command in your home directory. The default Rake task runs all of your tests. If you run it immediately after generating your test files, it’ll look something like this:

	$ rake
	(in /home/lucas/mywebapp)
	/usr/bin/ruby1.8 "test/unit/user_test.rb"
	Finished in 0.048702 seconds.
	1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
	/usr/bin/ruby1.8 "test/functional/users_controller_test.rb"
	Finished in 0.024615 seconds.

	1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors


All the lessons for writing unit tests in other languages and in other Ruby programs (see Recipe 17.7) apply to Rails. Rails does some accounting for you, and it defines some useful new assertions (see below), but you still have to do the work. The rewards are the same, too: you can modify and refactor your code with confidence, knowing that if something breaks, your tests will break. You’ll hear about the problem immediately and you’ll be able to fix it more quickly.

Let’s see what Rails has generated for us. Here’s a generated test/unit/user_test.rb:

	require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

	class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
	  fixtures :users

	  # Replace this with your real tests.
	  def test_truth
	    assert true

A good start, but test_truth is kind of tautological. Here’s a slightly more realistic test:

	class UserTest
	  def test_first
	    assert_kind_of User, users(:first)

This code fetches the first element from the users table, and asserts that ActiveRecord turns it into a User object. This isn’t testing our User code (we haven’t written any) so much as it’s testing Rails and ActiveRecord, but it shows you the kind of assertion that makes for good unit tests.

But how does users(:first) return anything? The test suite runs against the mywebapp_test database, and we didn’t even put any tables in it, much less sample data.

We didn’t, but Rails did. When you run the test suite, Rails copies the schema of the development database to the test database. Instead of running every test against whatever data happens to exist in the development database, Rails loads special test data from YAML files called fixtures. The fixture files contain whatever database data you need to test: objects that only exist to be deleted by a test, strange relationships between rows in different tables, or anything else you need.

In the example above, the fixture for the users table was loaded by the line fixtures :users. Here’s the generated fixture for the User model, in test/fixtures/users.yml:

	  id: 1
	  id: 2

Before running the unit tests, Rails reads this file, creates two rows in the users table, and defines aliases for them (:first and :another) so you can refer to them in your unit tests. It then defines the users method (like so much else, this method name is based on the name of the model). In test_first, the call to users(:first) retrieves the User object corresponding to :first in the fixture: the object with ID 1.

Here’s another unit test:

	class UserTest
	  def test_another
	    assert_kind_of User, users(:another)
	    assert_equal 2, users(:another).id
	    assert_not_equal users(:first), users(:another)

Rails adds the following Rails-specific assertions to Ruby’s Test::Unit:

  • assert_dom_equal

  • assert_dom_not_equal

  • assert_generates

  • assert_no_tag

  • assert_recognizes

  • assert_redirected_to

  • assert_response

  • assert_routing

  • assert_tag

  • assert_template

  • assert_valid

See Also

15.23. Using breakpoint in Your Web Application


Your Rails application has a bug that you can’t find using log messages. You need a heavy-duty debugging tool that lets you inspect the full state of your application at any given point.


The breakpoint library lets you stop the flow of code and drop into irb, an interactive Ruby session. Within irb you can inspect the variables local to the current scope, modify those variables, and resume execution of the normal flow of code. If you have ever spent hours trying to track down a bug by placing logging messages everywhere, you’ll find that breakpoint gives you a much easier and more straightforward way to debug.

But how can you run an interactive console program from a web application? The answer is to have a console program running beforehand, listening for calls from the Rails server.

The first step is to run ./script/breakpointer on the command line. This command starts a server that listens over the network for breakpoint calls from the Rails server. Keep this program running in a terminal window: this is where the irb session will start up:

	$ ./script/breakpointer
	No connection to breakpoint service at druby://localhost:42531
	Tries to connect will be made every 2 seconds…

To trigger an irb session, you can call the breakpoint method anywhere you like from your Rails application—within a model, controller, or helper method. When execution reaches that point, processing of the incoming client request will stop, and an irb session will start in your terminal. When you quit the session, processing of the request will resume.


Here’s an example. Let’s say you’ve written the following controller, and you’re having trouble modifying the name attribute of an Item object.

	class ItemsController < ApplicationController
	  def update
	    @item = Item.find(params[:id])
	    @item.value = '[default]' = params[:name]
	    render :text => 'Saved'

You can put a breakpoint call in the Item class, like this:

	class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
	  attr_accessor :name, :value

	  def name=(name)

Accessing the URL http://localhost:3000/items/update/123?name=Foo calls Item-Controller#update, which finds Item number 123 and then calls its name= method. The call to name= triggers the breakpoint. Instead of rendering the text “Saved”, the site seems to hang and become unresponsive to requests.

But if you return to the terminal running the breakpointer server, you’ll see that an interactive Ruby session has started. This session allows you to play with all the local variables and methods at the point where the breakpoint was called:

	Executing break point "Item#name=" at item.rb:4 in 'name='
	  => ["name", "value", "_", "__"]
	  irb:002:0> [name, value]
	  => ["Foo", "[default]"]
	 irb:003:0> [@name, @value]
	  => ["Foo", "[default]"]
	  irb:004:0> self
	  => #<Item:0x292fbe8 @name="Foo", @value="[default]">
	  irb:005:0> self.value = "Bar"
	  => "Bar"
	  irb:006:0> save
	 => true
	  irb:006:0> exit
	Server exited. Closing connection…

Once you finish, type exit to terminate the interactive Ruby session. The Rails application continues running at the place it left off, rendering “Saved” as expected.

By default, breakpoints are named for the method in which they appear. You can pass a string into breakpoint to get a more descriptive name. This is especially helpful if one method contains several breakpoints:

	breakpoint "Trying to set Item#name, just called super"

Instead of calling breakpoint directly, you can also call assert, a method which takes a code block. If the block evaluates to false, Ruby calls breakpoint; otherwise, things continue as normal. Using assert lets you set breakpoints that are only called when something goes wrong (called “conditional breakpoints” in traditional debuggers):

	1.upto 10 do |i|
	  assert { Person.find(i) }
	  p = Person.find(i)
	  p.update_attribute(:name, 'Lucas')

If all of the required Person objects are found, the breakpoint is never called, because Person.find always returns true. If one of the Person objects is missing, Ruby calls the breakpoint method and you get an irb session to investigate.

Breakpoint is a powerful tool that can vastly simplify your debugging process. It can be hard to understand the true power of it until you try it yourself, so go through the solution with your own code to toy around with it.

See Also

[1] Python, for instance, has several excellent web application frameworks, but that’s just the problem. It has several, and a powerful community is fractured on the issue of which to use. Ruby has no major web application frameworks apart from Rails. In a sense, Ruby’s former obscurity is what made the dominance of Rails possible.

[2] You could throw an exception, but then your redirect wouldn’t happen: the user would see an exception screen instead.

[3] More precisely, our models have been embedded in our controllers, as ad hoc data structures like hardcoded shopping lists.

[4] The helper function time_ago_in_words( ) calculates how long it’s been since a certain time and returns English text such as “about a minute” or “5 hours” or “2 days”. This is a nice, easy way to give the user a perspective on what a date means.

[5] Rails extends Ruby’s numeric classes to include some very helpful methods (like the hour method shown here). These methods convert the given unit to seconds. For example, + 1.hour is the same as + 3600, since 1.hour returns the number of seconds in an hour. Other helpful methods include minutes, hours, days, months, weeks, and years. Since they all convert to numbers of seconds, you can even add them together like 1.week + 3.days.

[6] This doesn’t quite stand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The origins of the term Ajax are now a part of computing mythology, but it is not an acronym.

[7] This will happen if someone’s using your application with JavaScript turned off.

[8] ‘You can even add your web interface actions to the ItemController class. Then a single controller will implement both the traditional web interface and the web service interface. But you can’t define a web application action with the same name as a web service action, because a controller class can contain only one method with a given name.

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