Warning: Attempt to delete macro variable value failed. Variable
not found.
Cause Solution
The macro variable referenced in a
%SYMDEL statement does not exist.
Add the NOWARN option to the %SYMDEL
statement, for example,
%symdel aa / nowarn;
The macro variable referenced in a
%SYMDEL statement started with an
The %SYMDEL statement requires the macro
variable name without the ampersand.
Warning: Extraneous text on %SYMDEL statement ignored.
Cause Solution
There is text following the forward slash in
the %SYMDEL statement.
Only the NOWARN argument is valid
following the forward slash.
Warning: Extraneous text in second argument to SYMDEL routine
Cause Solution
There is text following the comma that does
not equal the NOWARN argument.
Only the NOWARN argument is valid as the
second argument following the comma.
Warning: The macro value was compiled with the SAS System value.
The current version of the SAS System is value. The macro might
not execute correctly. To avoid this message, recompile the macro
with the value version of the SAS System.
Cause Solution
A macro is being invoked on a release of SAS
other than the release of SAS where it was
Move macro source code to new SAS release
and compile.
The SASMACR catalog has been moved to a
different operating system or release of SAS.
Stored compiled macros cannot be moved
from one operating system to another or from
one SAS release to another. The source code
for the macros contained within the
SASMACR catalog needs to be moved to the
new location and compiled.
Warning: The text expression value contains a recursive reference
to the macro variable value. The macro variable will be assigned
the null value.
434 Appendix 2 SAS Macro Facility Error and Warning Messages
Cause Solution
A macro variable is being set to itself where
the original macro variable did not exist, for
%let a=&a;
If &a did not exist prior to this %LET
statement, then the warning will be generated.
Ensure that the macro variable exists before
setting it back to itself, for example,
%global a;
%let a=&a;
Warning: Extraneous text on %SYSMSTORECLEAR statement ignored.
Cause Solution
There is text following the
Remove the text, nothing should fall between
the %SYSMSTORECLEAR statement and the
Warning: Extraneous argument text on %SYSMACDELETE call ignored:
Cause Solution
There is text following the forward slash that
does not equal the NOWARN argument.
Only the NOWARN argument is valid
following the forward slash.
The macro name in the %SYSMACDELETE
statement begins with a percent sign.
The %SYSMACDELETE statement requires
the macro name without the percent sign.
Warning: The MCOVERAGE option was set, but no MCOVERAGELOC= was
Warning: Generation of coverage data has been suspended and OPTION
NOCOVERAGE has been set. Any fileref used in the MCOVERAGELOC
option has been deassigned. To generate coverage data again, set
Cause Solution
The MCOVERAGE system option has been
set but no location has been specified on the
MCOVERAGELOC= system option.
A valid location must be placed on the
MCOVERAGELOC= system option. The
MCOVERAGE system option must be
specified again.
The MCOVERAGELOC= system option is
pointing to a location that does not exist.
Ensure that the path on the
MCOVERAGELOC= system option exists
and is valid. The MCOVERAGE system
option must be specified again.
Warning: Attempt to delete macro definition for value failed.
Macro definition not found.
SAS Macro Warning Messages 435
Cause Solution
The macro name specified in the
%SYSMACDELETE statement does not
Add the NOWARN argument to the
%SYSMACDELETE statement, for example,
%sysmacdelete abc / nowarn;
Warning: The macro value was compiled with ENCODING=value, this
session is running with ENCODING=value.
Cause Solution
The macro being invoked was compiled on a
system with a different setting of the
ENCODING= system option than the machine
where the macro is being invoked.
Ensure that the ENCODING= system option
is set to the same system as the system where
the macro was compiled.
436 Appendix 2 SAS Macro Facility Error and Warning Messages
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